  1. 1. FAIRCHILD 2.0 Chris Alllexandre, SVP Worldwide Sales & Applications
  4. 4. 4The Power to Amaze Fairchild promises to delight its customers with amazing products; design expertise; logistics; and service. THE POWER TO AMAZE
  5. 5. 5The Power to Amaze
  6. 6. 6The Power to Amaze EFFICIENT POWER IN ENERGY Fairchilds advanced energy harvesting solutions power the design of next-gen energy systems.
  7. 7. 7The Power to Amaze Fairchild products are powering over 3 billion mobile phones worldwide. SMALLER POWER IN MOBILE
  8. 8. 8The Power to Amaze Fairchild is driving how power is managed in today's energy efficient vehicles. DRIVING POWER IN AUTOMOTIVE
  9. 9. 9The Power to Amaze CLEANER POWER IN APPLIANCE Brushless DC motors will dramatically reduce power consumption in tomorrows consumer appliances.
  10. 10. 10The Power to Amaze Fairchild will power major industrial products with cool efficiency. COOL POWER IN INDUSTRIAL
  11. 11. 11The Power to Amaze A powerful line-up of solutions composed of discretes, ICs, and modules, with a focus on integration enables designers to build systems from Grid-to-Load FAIRCHILDS UNIQUE PRODUCT BREADTH EMPOWERS DESIGNERS
  12. 12. 12The Power to Amaze Energy Savings: Motor control SOLUTIONS ON DISPLAY IN BOOTH 905 Energy Conversion: Smart power stage Low voltage MOSFETs Charger solutions Energy Distribution: Smart meter Power over Ethernet Power Grid Energy Savings: LED lighting
  13. 13. 13The Power to Amaze Fairchild promises to delight its customers with amazing products; design expertise; logistics; and service. THE POWER TO AMAZE
  14. 14. 14The Power to Amaze A NEW DAY IS DAWNING AT FAIRCHILD Tom Truman Cloud Power Solutions, GM
  15. 15. 15The Power to Amaze Datacenters waste 45% of consumed power on average Energy costs account for more than 60% of datacenter operating expense 10% OF GLOBAL ELECTRICITY DEMAND IS CONSUMED BY IT
  16. 16. 16The Power to Amaze Mobile network operators must continuously upgrade capacity and coverage to win subscriber loyalty MOBILE DATA WILL GROW 50% ANNUALLY THROUGH 2018
  17. 17. 17The Power to Amaze Fairchild enables energy efficient servers and storage systems in the exploding data center market SCALABLE POWER IN THE CLOUD
  18. 18. 18The Power to Amaze Fairchild is enabling network operators to improve coverage and services in the exponentially growing wireless data market SCALABLE POWER IN THE NETWORK
  19. 19. 19The Power to Amaze END-TO-END POWER DELIVERY Enabled by Fairchild
  20. 20. 20The Power to Amaze Fairchild promises to delight its customers with amazing products; design expertise; logistics; and service. THE POWER TO AMAZE

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