Page 1: FAMILY FARM IDEAL WEDDING SETTINGMatron of honour Jodie Smith and bridesmaid Lisa ten Cate wore soft yellow chiffon one shoulder knee-length dresses and carried bouquets of red tulips

PARKES CHAMPION POST | Wednesday, July 10, 2013 | | 11

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Elisse Madigan and Neil Armstrong were mar-ried at the Armstrong family farm in Alectow.

Guests from Sydney, Melbourne and abroad ar-rived in Parkes for the weekend to help celebrate theunion between Neil and Elisse.

After their engagement, Elisse and Neil thoughtlong and hard about the perfect venue for their wed-ding.

After a few years travelling and living overseas,the pair decided that what better place to be marriedthan the Armstrong farm in Alectown, which hasbeen in the family for generations.

Getting the farm ready for the big day soon be-came a true labour of love.

Neil and Elisse made the trip from Sydney everymonth to clean, garden, paint, cultivate, decorateand speak with the many wonderful people and sup-pliers in the central western district.

Married by celebrant Simon Coomans in the gar-den at the farm, before canapés and photos amongstthe sheep pens.

As the sun disappeared and the night turnedchilly, guests were ushered into the reception ‘shear-ing’ shed for a sit-down meal prepared by EdwenaMitchell and her team from Cudal.

Elisse wore a partially laced ivory gown byHelen English, Sydney.

Her maid of honour, Amanda Norris, and brides-maids Louise Waters, and Sarah York wore one-shouldered berry coloured dresses from WhiteSuede.

Sarah and Amanda are two of Elisse’s oldestfriends from thier years growing up in Oatley, Syd-ney.

Elisse and Louise became good friends whenthey attended university in Wollongong together.

The groom and his best man, Alex Abell, wentto university together and have since travelled to-gether.

The newlyweds now live close to Alex and hiswife, Anna in Sydney.

Neil and his two groomsmen and brothers, Brettand Tony Armstrong all grew up on the farm 'Wan-deen' in Alectown.

Elisse and Neil honeymooned in Argentina forthree weeks.

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Sommer Bishop and Daryn Tanswell were mar-ried in a white Idyllic Chapel in the grounds of theSheraton Resort, Fiji.

Sommer is Daughter of Phillip and Carla Bishop,while Darryn is the son of Janice and the late BarryTanswell, all of Parkes.

The bride wore a strapless ivory lace full lengthgown, complemented by a closed back, peep toeblue sapphire heel, with diamante.

She carried a bouquet of yellow tulips.Matron of honour Jodie Smith and bridesmaid

Lisa ten Cate wore soft yellow chiffon one shoulderknee-length dresses and carried bouquets of redtulips.

The groom and his best man, Richard Rice worewhite linen shirts, tan linen trousers and navy shoes.

Holland Tanswell had Flower girl duties, whilethe reading was performed by Josh Tanswell.

Will Tanswell was ring-bearer and page-boy,Byron Tanswell.

The reception was held in the warm Fijianweather on the Beach front surrounded by palmtrees.

Daryn and Sommer were privileged to have had45 of their dearest friends and family make the tripoverseas with them to share their wedding day.

Along with their four children, Daryn and Som-mer spent 10 days in Fiji.

They will head to Sydney for a two night get-away for their honeymoon.

Beautiful Fijian wedding

Above - The Armstrongbridal party from left,Alex Abell, Louise Wa-ters, Brett Armstrong,Amanda Norris, Elisseand Neil Armstrong,Sarah York, Tony Arm-strong. Elisse and Neilhoneymooned in Ar-gentina for threeweeks sub

Left - Sommer andDaryn Tanswell weremarried in an idyllic Fi-jian beach setting sur-rounded by their fourchildren and 45 oftheir closest familyand friends.The Tanswells stayedin Fiji for a 10 day holi-day after their bigevent. sub


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