
NOVEMBER 2013. VOLUME 43. PAGES 1343-1498

Family Law

• journalCPD 1351• View from the President's chambers: the process of

reform: changing cultures 1394

• 'May I be your Facebook friend?' Life stories and sodalmedia 1399

• Engagingfamilies early: time for a nationalprotocol? 1408

• Care proceedings reform: the future of thepre-proceedings process 1413

• Modern family:parenthood 1421

• Lesbian parents and sperm donors: Re G andRe Z 1426

• International Relocation: Key Findings from the 2012Study 1430

• Children case update: private law 1438

• PracticePlus: Q and A with Will Ricketts, JordanPublishing CEO 1446

• Seclal work assessments: Part 2: the revisedguidance 1449

• Disclosure: privilege, confldentlallty and public interestimmunity: Part I 1454

• Why contact after a flnal order is not always a goodidea 1459

• The FamilyAdvocate's Gateway to best practice forvulnerable witnesses 1463

• Dispute Resolution: How can mediators help thecourts? Working in partnership update 1466

• FLBA News 1476

• Resolution 1478

IDII Family Law


November [2013] Fam Law 1343


Elizabeth Walsh

CASE EDITORSProfessor Gillian Douglas

Professor Rebecca Bailey-HarrisCaroline Bridge






PUBLISHERGreg Woodgate

Family law21 St Thomas Street

Brtstol BS I 6JS, UKtel + 44 (0) 117 923 0600fax + 44 (0) 117 925 0486

email [email protected] W'

2013 Annual subscription rates -UK - [292

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Overseas academie -l269.60

Permanent binding, temporary binders andback numbers' service available from the

subscriptions office.Tel: +44 (0) 1179181492

The Editors welcome contributions,criticisms and suggestions for the inclusion

of previously unreported cases which shouldbe sent te the editorial office. The views

expressed by contributing authors are notnecessarily those of Family Law.

ISSN 0014-7281 (Print)ISSN I742--ó60X (Online)

Citation [20 I3] Fam uw© Jordan Publishing limited 2013

AII tights reserved. Reproduction,transmission or reduction by any process in

whole or in part of this publication isexpressly prohibited without prior consent.

Typesetters: Letterpart limited,Caterham on the Hili, Surrey CR3 5XL

Printers: CPI Antony Rowe,Chippenham and Eastbourne

Contents1345 Comment1346 Newsline1351 journalCPD1357 Case Reports

Ärticles1394 View from the President's chambers: the process of reform:

changing cultures Sir jam es Munby1399 'May I be your Facebook friend?' Life stories and social media

Mrs justice Eleanor King OBE1408 Engaging families early: time for a national protocol?

Bridget Lindley1413 Care proceedings reform: the future of the pre-proceedings

process Professor judith Masson and Or jonathan Oickens1421 Modern family: parenthood Sharon McAvoy LLM1426 Lesbian parents and sperm donors: Re G and Re Z

Natalie Gamble1430 International Relocation: Key Findings from the 2012 Study

Or Rob George and Or Ornella Cominetti1438 Children case update: private law Oouglas Allen

In Practice1446 PracticePlus: Q and A with Will Ricketts, Jordan Publishing CEO1449 Social work assessments: Part 2: the revised guidance

Elizabeth Isaacs QC and Carmel Shepherd1454 Disclosure: privilege, confldentiality and public interest immunity:

Part I David Burrows1459 Why contact after a flnal order is not always a good idea

Or Roger Kennedy1463 The Family Advocate's Gateway to best practice for vulnerable

witnesses Professor Penny Cooper1466 Dispute Resolution: How can mediators help the courts?

Working in partnership update Neil Robinson1476 FLBA News1478 Resolution1480 Newsline Extra1495 Diary1496 Family Law Websites

ErratumThe cover of the October 2013 issue of Family Law erroneouslyreads September. Please be assured that the content is correct andthat 1229-:1342 are in fact the October issue. We apologi,for any mconvenlence caused. , .• -r'- _.. r'-:F~-·_··-:lp: JG

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