
Fast & fixed teeth for every patient

using basal implants By Dr. Ajay Vikram Singh

No more painful and expensive bone grafting procedures

No more longer healing time and waiting for final prosthesis

No more contraindications such as diabetics, smokers etc.

Immediate loading (fast and fixed) fixed prosthesis in just 48-72hrs

Possible for the patients with extreme bone deficiencies

Longer life- don’t take infection, no peri-implantitis, no crestal bone loss

Load transfer to the strong and resorption free cortical bones

No connection- No future screw loosing problem

Bendable- can be bended to make all implants parallel to seat multiple unit join bridges

Smooth surface implants- resist micro-organisms to colonize on the surface


Dr. Ajay Vikram Singh

© International academy of Implant Dentistry


Fig.1 cross section of the jaw bone (lower front region)

Draw backs with conventional root form implant

1. Requires large amount of bone

2. Require wider bone at crest to accommodate its neck which usually found

lacking in many cases because of bone loss (fig 2 and 3).

3. Mostly require bone augmentation procedures at the time or before the

implant insertion which increase the cost, surgery time, no. of surgeries and

treatment span (fig 2 and 3).

4. Most part of the implant is placed into the poor density spongy bone which

cannot be loaded immediately- may require healing time upto 3-8 months

(fig 2)

5. Because of vital structures such as maxillary sinus and mandibular canals in

the back region of jaws, these implants may require large amount of bone

augmentations (sinus augmentation, block grafting, nerve repositioning),

multiple surgical steps, higher cost and longer healing times (fig 4 and 5).

6. Has a screw connection which may lead to future screw loosening/ screw

breakage problems under the prosthesis.

7. Sensitive to infection- Theses implants have rough surface which is prone to

collect infection once exposed to oral environment or placed at the infected

region. Hence these implants cannot be placed into the infected tooth socket.

8. Being rough surface, these implants are prone to peri-implantitis

9. Crestal bone loss- maximum stress/ load comes on the bone crest which may

cause crestal bone loss.

10. Wide neck diameter and rough surface of these implants require thick, keratinized and

stable/non mobile gums around its neck to avoid the problems such as soft tissue

Fig: 3

Fig: 2

recession, implant threads exposure, plaque collection, crestal bone loss and peri-

implantitis (fig 6 and 7).

11. Higher failure (immediate or long term) rate in the patients with poor oral hygiene

maintenance, smokers, diabetics etc.

12. Because of lower pitch value of threads and rough surface, may cause pressure necrosis

of the bone if tightened at very high torque.

Advantages with BASAL IMPLANTS

BOI (fig: 8) and BCS (fig: 9) basal implants are specifically designed to utilize strong cortical

bone of the jaw. Hence these implants are considered to be the best option for immediate loading

and long lasting satisfaction to the patient.

Fig: 4 Fig: 5

Fig: 6 Fig: 7

BOI (Lateral basal implants):- is inserted from the lateral aspect of

the jaw bone and it require minimum bone height of 3 mm (fig: 8) and

that means:

1. Virtually every patient can be treated without bone grafting.

2. Because bone grafting is avoided, also risk groups, such as

smokers and diabetics, can successfully receive these implants.

3. Wide basal disk of the implant is stabilized into both facial as

well as lingual strong cortices deep into the resorption and

infection resistant zone (well deep from the crest) which

guarantees safe load transmission and osseointegration.

4. Its iso-elastic (flexible) design make it possible to connect its

prosthesis to the firm and healthy natural teeth in selective cases

which avoid the necessity of extraction of healthy teeth and also

save the cost of the treatment.

5. The neck of this implant can be bended to make multiple implant

heads parallel for passive seating of the prosthesis and also to

seat the prosthesis in the most suitable occlusion line.

BCS (Screw Basal Implant): - is inserted like a conventional implant, but it transmits loads

only into the opposing deep cortical bone (fig: 9). that means:

1. Virtually every patient can be treated without bone grafting.

2. Because bone grafting is avoided, also risk groups, such as smokers and diabetics, can

successfully receive these implants.

3. Strictly cortical anchorage of the implant guarantees for safe load transmission and


4. Minimal invasive implant placement (Mostly without any flap and suture)

5. The neck of this implant can be bended to make multiple implant heads parallel for

passive seating of the prosthesis and also to seat the prosthesis in the most suitable

occlusion line.

Advantages of using BASAL IMPLANTS (Courtesy- Dr. Stefan Ihde)

Fig: 8

Fig: 9

Courtesy for slides- Dr. Stefan Ihde (Ihde Dental)

Case 1- A 50 year old female patient came for replacement of her lost bridge for

upper last molars with problem in chewing on that side. Two screw basal implants are

inserted with flapless approach and restored in function within 72 hrs. Patient allowed

chewing any food of her choice from very first day of restoration.

Case-2 Infected and fractured upper back teeth extracted and restored using basal

implants in 3 days.

Case -3 A young girl with mobile, tipped ugly looking front teeth desired for firm

and beutifully looking teeth before his marriege which was scheduled just after 2 months.

Her front teeth extracted and basal implants are inserted immediately into the extraction

sockets and immediately restored using fixed interim prosthesis so that patients walked

out of the office with new set of teeth. The beutifully looking final ceramic caps are

placed over the implants after 6 weeks to delever her the beautiful and confident smile.

Case -4 A 72 year old male patient presented for full mouth rehabilitation for his

totally collepsed bite. Patient was diabetic and expressed desire for minimal invasive

implants insertion and new fixed teeth over the implants within week of time. Consedering his desires, age and diabeties, Basal implants inserted immediately into the

extraction sockets without any incision and sutures and restored within a week of time

using ceramic crowns. Patient enjoiyed the food of his choice just after 5 days he

consulted us for the implants.

Case-5 A 65 year old male patient underwent jaw resection surgery for the removal

of oral tumor about 10 years back. One year after the recovery from the surgery and

radiotherapy he consulted us for the replacement of his lower missing/damaged teeth with

implants so that he can chew the food of his choice. Lower implants are still in proper

function. After almost 8 years, he can with the mobility and broken upper teeth and asked

for the replacement but this time he requested for immediate loading option so that he can

keep chewing food of his choice by avoiding to wear any removable interim prosthesis

for couple of months till the conventional implants get integrated with the bone. This

time we chose the basal implants to fulfill immediate loading desire of the patient. All the

upper teeth extracted and basal implants are placed immediately into the extraction

sockets. The impression for the prosthesis is made on the same day and new ceramic caps

are fixed on the implants just after the 48 hrs. Patient allowed chewing any food of his

choice on the same day.

Case-6 Missing molar replaced using basal implants in just 48 hrs (implant

placement to fixing ceramic crown).

Case-7 full mouth case treated using basal implants and all implants are loaded with

in a week of time.

If you need the similar kind of implant treatment, Pls

contact us at-

Dr. Ajay Dental Clinic & Research Center

Church Road, Agra

Ph: +91-5624010263

Mail: [email protected]


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