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Congratulations: Firstly, Congratulations on stepping up and deciding to get professionally trained.

You have decided to shorten your learning curve by using the scripts that come with the The Dual Networking System. A system which is designed to develop your strengths and help you build your business.

The scripts here have all been tried tested and proven to work.

Remember, to get the best out of using these scripts, you need to become a master, and this only happens by putting the time and effort into learning them and making them YOURS…

So put time aside to read through the scripts and start using them in your everyday life.

You will be surprised at how often you will use them.

In the not too distant future, your goal is to be able to prospect someone and not even know yourself that you are doing it. Remember scripts are all about helping you to get to know someone better.

They are there to short cut your learning and help you to help more people.

You will become a Master in the home business arena.

Stay plugged into DualNetworking System. Get on the webinars and follow the training. It is all at your finger tips.

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Your Check List:

1. Join

2. Put time aside to go through getting started training over your first week. It’s simple to do, just login to the DualNetworking Website and click “Getting Started”. You will see 3 grey boxes when you scroll down and each of those is one step in the getting started process.

3. Grab the Dual Networking App:

4. Write your first week goal:_________________________________

5. Join your teams Facebook Groups: ⁃ Fatloss/Wellness:⁃ Business:⁃ Other:

6. Practice and Learn the scripts.

7. Write your names list using the memory jogger.

8. Use Practice Approach Strategy that’s in your script book.

9. Once you have done your first 3 practice approaches use text message strategy to invite to webinar from script book

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Your Scripts: As with all scripts it’s about understanding the “Concept” Not the “Technique”

Please download your App:

Being an entrepreneur means you do whatever you need to do to learn the skills to succeed. One of the most important skills you can learn is “prospecting” or “talking to people”. Many people think there is a “Silver bullet” to this, one magic script that will work all the time, while yes there are certain scripts that do work, nothing works 100% of the time and nothing works for everyone. This is why we are such big advocates of personal development and understanding “The process” not “The technique”.

In this document and throughout your career with us, we will give you scripts that we use to find prospects within each area of our market. The more time you spend practicing the scripts and and understanding the processes the better your results will be.

Remember:You will always learn more from “doing” rather than “not doing”. This means, be active and use the scripts in real life every day. Analyse your results and ask yourself

“What worked, what didn’t and what next to make my results better?”

You are now a professional in this industry, someone who will create an international business and not only transform your life, but help others do exactly the same.

Process: 1. See if they are around or open. 2. Send Text/Facebook Message or if you are with them, give them some information. (use the app) 3. Next: Send Registration Link to webinar or Set appointment to catch up and go through information.

Mindset: 1. Be in a hurry. Don’t get stuck answering questions, always have somewhere else to be until your appointment is set. 2. You don’t need everyone. You’re not desperate for people to join, don’t let them feel like you “need” them. You are the one with the carrot, the thing they need to change their life. 3. How many messages can you send in a day - How many people can you connect with in a day. Don’t limit yourself. Please remember, the purpose of these scripts is to set the appointment. It is not to send them the link. So make sure you finish with setting a time to catch up within 24 hours.

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Your first Facebook Post:

Post a fun/funny image that will grab attention. Ask your upline leader for an example if you need one and then say:

“Would any of my family and friends be interested in being added to a health and wellness group that I love which is targeted for those who wish to lose weight or just get healthy? Either comment or like this post and I will add you.”

Then follow the instructions below “What to do once added to group”

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What to do once added to Facebook group: Hi (Name) I added you to the group I promised, I also tagged you on a couple of posts in there to check out, like testimonies and information.

I didn’t know you were interested in losing some weight, how long have you been thinking about it?

wait until they answer:

oh, yeah I have been thinking about it for a while. I am not sure if you are interested or not, but they are about to start a 12 week fat loss blitz, it looks like fun, I am going to do it and I could use someone to do it with, would you like to look into it with me and if you like it, do it with me?

wait until they answer:

That’s great. They have a questionnaire we need to answer, I did mine already, how about I take you through yours? It helps us know what products you should be on.

When they answer, take them through the questionnaire that you download from

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The Practice Approach Learn The Easiest Way… To Build Your Client Based Within 24 Hours

What is the Feedback & Practice Approach System?

First let us tell you that this would have to be the BEST way we have ever come across for actually getting a new person started and not only a new person but also for starting a new program for yourself if you have been around for a while.

We, as leaders still use this system for new product launches, new system launches and new business launches.

It seems to be a magic formula that works and works very well.

The Practice Approach/Feedback Approach allows you to break down walls and overcome barriers that would normally be in the way.

It also turns skeptical people into people who are genuinely interested in listening to you and giving you a fair chance.

So to say that we are BIG advocates of this approach would be an understatement. In this section you will receive scripts, key phrases and simple strategies to use to help you and your business development.

Please Remember:

This "Practice Approach" is exactly that, it is about you getting practice and being able to analyse what works and what doesn’t.

It is not an undercover operation to sign someone up.

The fact is though, because our products are so unique and so powerful, many of the people you practice on will want the products or will want to join you in business, so be ready, however, make your priority to be PRACTICE.

Imagine that, you are NOT trying to sell the products and/or business but because you are not putting any pressure on the people you are speaking to, they want to get started with you.

It is very exciting when this happens, it doesn't happen every time, however it does happen.

I have used this system/approach so many times to help new people get started and get out of the blocks, they then go onto making money and making money fast. Now it is your turn.

This training is not just for you to know how to use it, it is for you to use with your new team members and show them how to use it. Dual Networking is a system that is designed to help you get your questions answered and give you a step by step process of success

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Learn these Key Words and Phrases:

We recommend you start with the scripts we have made for you, however it is also important for you to know and understand the keywords and phrases we use: "I need your help" “I am looking for a friendly face" "I am very nervous” “I have always respected …” (the way you have been my friend, how good you are in your job, how good you are with people, how good a business person you are…2 find something to say nice about them) "You know how I was….(looking for a way to have my own business at home, get out of debt, have more money, stay home with the kids, be my own boss etc)” "I want to get this right before I start my complete marketing campaign" "I want to impress the person training me" "You will be that friendly face for me won't you?" "Thank you for being my friend and someone I can rely on" "I need you to be TRUTHFUL with your answers, because that allows me to learn. So if you are interested, great, if you are not then tell me, it is OK, I won't be hurt, I just need the practice." "What interests you the most: Weight-loss, Health or making money?" Example Practice Script Hi John have you got a minute? I could really use your help. I am not sure if you remember but I have been looking for a way to have my own business so I can (say your reason) and I have always respected… am looking for a friendly face because I am so nervous and I am actually scared asking you. I need someone to practice on, someone I respect and someone who wont judge me. I am going to be working this with all the energy and focus I have but before I get started I just want to get it right.

So what do you think, could you be that friendly face and someone I can rely on for me? (wait for response)

I may get someone to show me the ropes if they are available, they are my mentor. I have purchased a Franchise Alternative and I really want to impress them. Thank you so much.

So to help me get this right, what interests you the most Weight-loss, Energy, Health or Anti Ageing?

Great so I need to ask you this: “If I send you some information on… When would you be able to listen/look at it?” (Then send them some information using the app and make a time to get back to them)

Great, I will give you a call (time they said they would look at it).

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All Time Favorite Scripts: • Facebook Message:Someone you know well and chat/talk with regularly: “Hi (name), I found this “cool/fun/interesting (whatever is normal for you) group on Facebook about “Fat-loss & Staying Well/Making money using Facebook” (you choose), I am really enjoying it, do you want me to add you to it as well?”Someone you haven’t chatted with for a long time: “I was just on Facebook and you came up on my news feed, long time no chat, how have you been?” (then start conversation and invite them to one of your teams Facebook groups.)

• Sending a link using App: “I was listening to something I really liked on (weight-loss/health/getting more energy/making money using a computer and an app - choose one) and I thought you may like it as well, if I sent it to you would you listen to it?”If they ask what is it about:“It’s on (say the one you chose from above) but just listen to it for yourself and I will give you a call tomorrow to discuss, is that ok?" Finish with "Great I will give you a call or meet you (set a time) because I want to catch up.”

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Webinar Invitation - Text or Facebook Message To People You Know: Business Webinar: Message 1: “Hey (name) you got a minute?”

Message 2: “I have the chance to sit in on a webinar with a group of Marketers who are expanding a new brand and e-commerce platform to China and a bunch of other countries using just a computer and an app. They have done millions of dollars in sales and are showing a small group how to do the same.”

Message 3: “What do you have going at (time and day of webinar)? Want me to reserve you a spot? I know space is tight so I need to know ASAP.”

If they ask what it’s about? “It’s best if you’re interested to come on the webinar, it’s very easy to get on, you just be in front of your computer at (say time) no one can see you. But hey there are limited spots, if you can’t do it or not interested, don’t worry.”

When they say ok: “That’s great, you need to click this link (add link) and register, let me know when you have done it and then how about we talk straight after the webinar.”

Fat Loss/Wellness Webinar:

Message 1: “Hey (name) you got a minute?”

Message 2: “I have the chance to sit in on a webinar about a new product that’s guaranteed to target fat. The results so far look impressive. I was pretty skeptical until I looked into and I have been looking for a way to get rid of a few extra pounds and this looks good. I can only invite a few people, do you want to join me?”

Message 3: “What do you have going at (time and day of webinar)? Do you want me to reserve you a spot? I know space is tight so I need to know ASAP.”

If they ask what it’s about? “It’s best if you’re interested to come on the webinar, it’s very easy to get on, you just be in front of your computer at (say time) no one can see you. But hey there are limited spots, if you can’t do it or not interested, don’t worry.”

When they say ok: “That’s great, you need to click this link (add link) and register, let me know when you have done it and then how about we chat straight after the webinar.”

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Message to a friend on Facebook:

Hi (name) are you there?

I just joined a free Facebook Group that is all about losing fat and gaining energy. I really like it, I am just telling my friends about it, do you know anyone that wants to lose some fat and get some energy?”

If they say me: give a normal relaxed response and ask them would they like you to add them?

When you add them do this:

Post a message/Comment: “Hi (name), this is the group I was telling you about, check out the information, especially the testimonies in the photos section, I have tagged you on some info. I will send you a message”

Then follow instructions below for chat messages

Script for finding someone on Facebook you met offline:

Whatever you are talking to them about business, wellness, fat loss, energy say: “we have a special group on Facebook with a heap of information, it’s invitation only, just write down your facebook address and I will send you a friend request and add you to the group if you like. It’s invitation only and secret, so you wont be able to get in without an invitation lol”

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Business Closing Scripts:

Remember closing is all about “Posture”. Be the one with confidence & passion. Make sure you practice your closing script before you actually do it. The more times you get it right in your practices, the better your results will be.

Main Closing Script:

1. What did you like about what you saw? 2. That’s great, so hypothetically, just play with me now, on a scale of 1 – 10, 1 being

you are not interested at all and 10 being are ready to get started, where would you be?

3. Again, just hypothetical, If you were to get started with us on a part time basis, approximately how much would you need to earn per month to make it worth your time?

4. And still just playing here, how many hours per week realistically could you invest to earn that extra $$$ per month?

5. How many months would you be willing to work (hours) per week to earn ($$$) per month?

6. If I was able to show you how to earn ($$$) per month, working (time) per week with in (how many months/years), would you be ready to get started?

7. Great let’s get your started.

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Fat Loss Close: USA: Show TruHealth Promo Video:

Call back: 1. What did you like about what you saw? 2. Why did you like that? 3. In your questionnaire, you said that you wanted to lose (size) in (how long) and that you were a (number) out of 10 If I was able to show you how to lose (size) in (length) plus give you the support you need to get there, would you be ready to work with me to find an option that would allow you to get started?" 4. Great, Basically we have ... (use the options on the document attached)Basically there are two options

Option 1: “Cleanse & Quick Loss” which includes 2 meals per day, their cleansing product and this amazing product that is called a “thermogenic” it makes the body heat up healthily so that it burns calories that program is $249 per month

Option 2: Normal Fat loss which is all of the same except it replaces 1 meal per day which is $169 per month. I’m doing the Fast Loss for the first month or 2 and then moving to the 1 meal per day.

Which option best suits you?”


Send this video: Call Back: 1. What did you like about what you saw? 2. Why did you like that? 3. In your questionnaire, you said that you wanted to lose (size) in (how long) and that you were a (number) out of 10 If I was able to show you how to lose (size) in (length) plus give you the support you need to get there, would you be ready to work with me to find an option that would allow you to get started?" 4. Great, Basically we have ... (use the options on the document attached)

Great, you can get started with us for a $12.00 registration, and then you can choose the products or pack you would like to buy.

We have 4 Fat-loss options that you can choose from. You will receive these each month, and because of that, a child will be nourished and you will have a 20% credit added to your account:

Basic: 2xOsolean $132 + $10.45 postage Bronze: 2x Osolean & Plus @ $187 + $10.45 postage Silver: a. 2x Osolean, Plus & Gi-Pro @ $222 or b. 2x Osolean, Nutriverus only $210.65 + $10.45 postage Gold: 2x Osolean, Plus, Gi-ProBalance, Nutriverus Only $300.65 + $10.45 postage Which Option best suits you?

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In Conclusion: Hopefully you are seeing that there are many variations to these scripts and how they work. The key is going over them again and again and making them yours.

There is a difference to knowing a script and OWNING a script. When you own it, you not only know what to say, but you know how to say it.

A Little Homework: Print out this script book and start to find the scripts you want to start using. Write them out a few times and practice in front of the mirror and into a recording device.

The more you are able to see and hear yourself, the better you will become at developing the skills necessary to achieve your goals.

Remember, you get to make a choice today. A choice to treat your business with the professionalism it deserves and learn what you need to learn to succeed, or you can stay an amateur and treat it like a hobby. Problem with a hobby is that it will always pay you like a hobby, and usually hobbies don’t pay at all, they normally cost you money.

We pray that you are able to achieve everything that is in your heart to achieve.

To learn more about building your business, make sure you become a member of Dual Networking and attend the Dual Networking Webinars and Seminars.

God Bless you and your family

From the Leadership Team at Dual Networking

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Product Explanation Below you are going to find some scripts that you can use when describing the Mannatech Products. All the explanations work as they are used by some of the top people in the company.

Say things like: “This one product everyone is raving about and is becoming one of our top sellers….”

Ambrotose: “Ambrotose is incredible. It is a product that is required by every cell in your body, ever body on the planet and we are the only supplier. Scientists are calling it the missing link in nutrition. It allows your cells to communicate things like: Feed, support, cleanse & regulate.

These nutrients coat our DNA, they are how the sperm recognises the egg, they are the difference between A, B & O blood types.

They are the most important nutrient in today’s diet and we don’t get them anymore.”

Phytomatrix: “We have the worlds’ first, plant derived, 100% soluble Vitamin & Mineral. Nearly all other vitamin and mineral products have a synthetic component, and the minerals are just ground up rocks. When you take a vitamin & mineral in that form you only absorb 2- 5% and the rest get flushed down the toilet, making it very expensive. Because Phytomatrix comes from plants your body is able to recognise the nutrients and absorb them.

This product is the latest in cutting edge nutritional science and is quickly becoming one of the world’s biggest sellers, everyone wants this product…”

AO: “This is the world’s best Anti Oxidant. It will increase your protection from Free Radical Scavengers by almost 37%, that is HUGE. Imagine increasing your cell protection by 37%, Free Radical Scavengers are the bad guys in your body that attack your cells and are linked to heart disease, cancer, stroke etc.”

PLUS: “Plus works on your endocrine or hormonal system. It helps your body produce DHEA, which is, then converted into whatever hormones your body requires at the time.

It is not a hormone itself and it is not a stimulator of hormones it is a modulator. So your body produces what it needs and does not produce what it does not need.

This is a brilliant product for: that time of the month, change of life, stress, sex drive & mental alertness”

Gi Pro/Balance: “30% of your body’s immune system is in your gut. When you have bad diet, alcohol, drugs, medication, stress etc your “gut Flora” die and need to be replaced. 1 of these tablets are equivalent to 20 bottles of those fermented milk drinks you buy at the shops.

Your Gut is your first line of defence for your immune system and needs to be looked after” Page � of �15 16

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Mannabears: “Mannabears are fantastic. Kids love them and so do adults. They have 10 different fruits and vegetables in them and four are equivalent to having 2 ½ pounds of vine ripened fruit and vegetables. They are great as a snack or healthy reward that your kids will actually like.”

Empact: “Empact increases the oxygen up take in your blood by about 15.5% WHICH IS HUGE. Outperforming those sugar laden drinks sports drinks.

It reduces lactic acid build up and fatigue allowing you to train harder for longer. Empact is the only Low GI sports drink on the market that we know of and is being taken by Olympic athletes from around the world.”

Sport: “Sport aids in the recovery process, so when you have had a hard session exercising or even in the garden it will relieve sore muscles & joints. This is fantastic product used by athletes and even the weekend gardener”

Manna C: “Manna C is fantastic for Hay Fever, Colds, Flu, Allergies. It is a natural Anti Histamine.”

Skin Care - Uth: “The first only Anti Ageing program that uses Glycan technology to rebuild the collagen and elastin in the skin and remove fine lines and wrinkles”.

This skin care range has been labeled the holy grail of skin care.”

Omega 3 with Vitamin D: “This is one of the only omega products in the world that is heavy metal free. Other products may say: tested for heavy metals, but they don’t say, heavy metals removed. Our product has had them removed. The perfect product for brain support, heart health & ageing”

Osolean: “Makes the body burn 3 times more fat than muscle, reduces appetite and helps build lean muscle mass.”

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