

6th May 2011

Provider Appreciation Day is a special day to recognize child care providers, teachersand other educators of young children everywhere. Started in 1996 by a group ofvolunteers in New Jersey, Provider Appreciation Day is appropriately celebrated eachyear on the Friday before Mother's Day. The founding organizers saw the need torecognize the tireless efforts of providers who care for children of working parents.Momentum and support for this event has grown each year and recognitionpresently includes individuals and government organizations throughout NorthAmerica, Europe and Asia.

A national study, The National Economic Impacts of the Child Care Sector, sponsoredby the National Child Care Association, found that there are at least 2.8 millionpeople who earn their money by teaching and caring for young children or byworking in directly related jobs. As the demand for child care continues to increase,who's minding the kids is crucial.

Today's child care professionals are the world's unsung heroes. This profession is oneof the most underpaid occupations in the country; yet research shows that earlychildhood is the most critical developmental period in a child's life. It takes a specialperson to work in this field and the contribution these individuals make to the qualityof children's and families' lives too frequently goes unnoticed. Provider AppreciationDay offers a unique opportunity to recognize and commend the unselfish dedication,commitment and compassion that child care providers demonstrate every day.

Rashunda Clement,

•Program Operations Specialist

Twylah Evans,

•Family Child Care Director

Lela Casillo,

•CYSS Chief

There were 5 providers in attendance

Amanda BurnsLisa SteeleNicole PinkertonIrina KemnitzRuthel Post

1 parent, 3 children and 2 teens helped celebrate

Providers were presented with a Certificate of Appreciation and a Family Child Care Provider pin

Each Provider received a CYSS bag full of goodies for their FCC children and Business

& CYSS Stress kits

There was a small raffle for a

Jamba Juice or

Starbucks gift card of $5.00 each

All 5 providers won.

Raffle co-ordinated by Shoshannah Evans & Javonte Evans

After the awards we enjoyed cake

and conversation.

And more conversation.

The children receiveda book or a flower plant and a balloon as a gift

A hundred years from now no one will remember

How much money you had in the bank

what kind of car you droveor what kind of job you had.But you will be remembered

as someone special because you made a difference

in the life of a child.

Thank You !

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