
As kids leave, ask them why they made people in boats!

First 10 minutes of the service hour: Engage kids in cooperative play activities to help them connect to other kids Next 5 minutes: Connect Time Next 25 minutes: Large Group Last 25 minutes: Snack and Small Group

Connect before you correct! When it becomes necessary to discipline kids because of their behavior, connect with them on a personal level before you correct them. Building a relationship with a kid is the most important, and effective, part of managing their behavior.

Today we’re hearing about one of Jesus’ most well-known sermons: the Sermon on the Mount! But instead of just focusing on what he said, we’ll focus on what he DID afterward. We’ll see how Jesus met people up close and personal, and gave them the kind of comfort that only God can provide.

Jesus is obsessed with loving others!Matthew 8

Sermon on the MountFebruary 17-18, 2018

GOAL: Connect time is all about engaging kids in a short, interactive game to prepare them for Large Group.

● Clean up! (10 minutes after the service start time, when you get the 5-minute warning from the presenter)

● Line up.● Tell kids that today we’re going to talk about how Jesus loves to comfort us and

make us feel safe and happy. Let’s act out some things that are comfortable, and not comfortable! (If kids don’t understand that word, ask them if they like or don’t like the situation, etc.)

○ Sometimes we get sick. (Pretend to cough and be sick.) Is that comfortable? (No!)

○ But then we feel better, and we go outside to play! (Pretend to run and jump.) Is that comfortable? (Yes!)

○ Sometimes we’re really cold and shivering! (Pretend to shiver and try to warm yourself.) Is that comfortable? (No!)

○ But then we put on a big cozy blanket, and we feel warm! (Pretend to put a blanket on and act happy.) Is that comfortable? (Yes!)

○ Sometimes it’s dark, and we get scared. (Pretend to act scared.) Is that comfortable? (No!)

○ But then we turn the lights on, and we’re not scared anymore. (Pretend to squint at bright light and say, “Yay!”) Is that comfortable? (Yes!)

As you walk into Large Group, encourage kids to put on their listening ears! Remind them that HOPS will be showing us how we should act in Large Group, so we have to listen!

There are several short videos today that help add to the sensory experience of the lesson. Instead of just watching them, and then talking after, use some of them as a teaching “backdrop,” and talk while the video plays!

Here’s a link to God’s Story: The Sermon on the Mount


Main Goal: Review the beginning of God’s story and rescue plan.


● *Click to play intro music.● Say: Hi Friends! Welcome to Kids’ Club. I'm ____________

and I'm really glad you're here today. Before we get started, I want you to meet my friend HOPS.

● Video: HOPS Obey your leaders (fall theme)● Say: (Holding up the Bible.) This is God’s story. Out of all

the stories in the world, this is the most important. Do you know what it’s called? (Let kids respond “the Bible.”) That’s right, the Bible! It’s God’s Rescue plan. It shows us how He rescued us from all the wrong things in the world.

● Say: In the beginning, God made the whole world and everything in it. He created the sun and the moon, the water and the land, the plants and the animals, and people like you and me! Everything was good. Give me a big thumbs up! (Let kids respond. Then change your tone.)

● Say: But THEN, something bad happened. Adam and Eve disobeyed God, and all the wrong things came into the world. Things like sadness and death. Show me your sad face. (Let kids respond.)

● Say: Even though Adam and Eve disobeyed God, God loved them anyway! He planned a great rescue so that Adam and Eve, and you and me, could be close to God again! Do you know who the Rescuer is? (Let kids say: Jesus!)

● Say: Jesus lived in Galilee. Can you say, “Galilee”? (Let kids respond.) Good job! In Galilee, there were trees and hills and a big lake! Let’s all be trees. (Lift hands and sway them around.) Now let’s be hills. (Make arms into a “hill” over your head.) Now pretend to swim! (Pretend to swim; continue talking while playing the following video.)

● Video: Mount of Beatitudes ● Say: Wow, look at this hill! This is where Jesus spoke to

lots of people. He told them they should treat each other with love. Let’s all give ourselves a big hug to show how much Jesus loves us. (Let kids respond.)

● Say: We’re going to watch a video now and see what Jesus did after he spoke on the hill. Pay attention to all the ways he shows LOVE to people!

● Video: God’s Story / Sermon on the Mount● Ask: Did Jesus love people who were sick, scared or sad?

(Let kids respond.) Yep! He made them feel better, because he wanted to show them love.

● Ask: Did Jesus stay up on the mountain, or did he come down? (Let kids respond.) Yep, he walked down! Let’s all stand up and pretend to walk like Jesus. (Let kids walk in place for a few seconds then sit back down.)

● Say: All of a sudden, a sick man came up to Jesus! Let’s all pretend like we’re sick too. (Pretend to cough, etc.)

● Ask: Did Jesus help the sick man? (Let kids respond.) Yes, he did! Jesus touched him and took all his sickness away. Jesus made the man feel happy and safe again; he gave him comfort. Let’s all touch our arms, just like Jesus touched the sick man. (Let kids respond.)

● Say: After that, Jesus walked again. Let’s all pretend to walk with Jesus. (Let kids walk in place for a few seconds then sit back down.) He came to a big city, with lots of people. Maybe it sounded like this!

● Sound: Crowd Talking● Say: In this city, there were even more sick people who

needed to feel better. Did Jesus heal them, and take their sickness away? (Let kids respond.) Yes he did! He loved them so much, that he made all better!


Main Goal: Visualize and experience where Jesus gave the Sermon on the Mount.


Main Goal: Understand how Jesus healed a sick man on the mountain by touching him.


Main Goal: Understand how Jesus healed many more people in the city.

● Ask: Does Jesus love YOU? (Yes!) Does Jesus love ME? (Yes!) Yep, Jesus loves everyone, and he wants us to love everyone too! Do you think we can show love to people? (Yes!) I think we can too!

● Pray (Breaking it into small, repeatable phrases): Dear God. Sometimes we get scared, or sad, or sick. We need you to comfort us, and make us feel better. We love you. Aaaa-men!

● Set up worship: Let’s show Jesus how glad we are that he loves us. Everybody stand up and sing as loud as you can!

● Music Video: Be Strong● Music Video: Robot Rock● Music Video: Jesus Loves Me


Main Goal: Help kids interact through prayer and worship!

Goal: Kids will (1) understand how Jesus brought comfort by healing and calming the storm, and (2) recognize that God wants to comfort us too!

Why? Comfort is more than just feeling good–it’s about being peaceful, safe and free from worry or fear.

Tip: Make sure to tear off the suggested 1-foot length for blue streamers!

REVIEW THE STORY 1. Who did God send to the world to be our rescuer? (Jesus.)2. Did Jesus love some people, or ALL people? (All people!)3. How did Jesus help the sick man? (He touched him and took his sickness away.)4. How did Jesus calm the scary storm? (He told the storm to stop, and it did!)5. How do we feel when Jesus shows love to us? (Happy, good, safe, not scared.)6. Can WE love people too, just like Jesus talked about? (Yes!)

MAKE IT PERSONAL ● Today kids will make a story bag! Give each kid the following:

○ 1 paper bag○ 1 story card (can be handed out during activity, or when kids leave)○ 1 Jesus shaped craft stick○ 1 city image○ 1 band aid○ 1 heart sticker

● Let kids color their Jesus image, and review the story with each item they put in their bag:

○ (Craft stick) This is Jesus! He went up on a big hill, and talked to lots of people.

○ (Heart sticker) He said we should love people ALL the time! Can you love people all the time? (Yes!)

○ (City image) Jesus went into the city, and there were sick people there.○ (Band aid) Jesus healed the sick people, and made them all better! He

showed LOVE to them.○ Jesus loves everyone, and Jesus loves YOU!

Extra time? Have kids do a coloring sheet.

What did Jesus tell us to do?How did Jesus show love?

PreschoolFebruary 17/18, 2018

Large GroupItem Usage Details Provided by

Jesus Storybook Bible1 per large group, site

Connect TimeItem Usage Details Provided by

No supplies needed.

Small GroupItem Usage Details Provided by

Coloring Page - Sermon on the Mount

1 per kid Page 8, 8.5x11 paper, black & white site

Markers1 set per group,


Brown paper bag 1 per kid Sam’s Club, Item #84994 KC National

Story card - Sermon on the Mount

1 per kid 8.5x11 cardstock cut into quarter sheets, color, Page 9


Person Shaped wooden stick

1 per kid Oriental Trading, Item #IN-57/1031 KC National

Heart sticker 1 per kid Oriental Trading, Item #IN-13784321 KC National

City image 1 per kid 8.5x11 cardstock cut into quarter sheets, color, Page 10


Band Aid- any size 1 per kid KC National

How did Jesus show love to people?How can we change the world?

Read more about this week’s story in Matthew 8.

1. Song slide: for when kids enter the room (All that You Need instrumental; mp3 only; can be downloaded on website)

2. Video: HOPS Obey your leaders (fall) (

3. Video: Mount of Beatitudes (1:35-1:50;; no sound)

4. Video: God’s Story / Sermon on the Mount ( 5. Sound: Crowd Talking (0:00-0:10;;

cover with KC logo)6. Music Video: Be Strong ( 7. Music Video: Robot Rock ( 8. Music Video: Jesus Love Me ( 9.


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