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Fifth Avenue Church of Christ115 W. Fifth Ave.

Lancaster, OH 43130740-654-0626

www.myfacc.come-mail – [email protected]

The ChristianMessenger

February 26, 2012

“Love God and Love People

 Brad Seevers

Senior Minister


 David Tingler

 Associate Minister

Glen Shady

Youth Minister


Sunday Services



Worship8:00 a.m.

 2 nd 


10:30 a.m.

 Bible School 


 Evening Worship


Women’s Prayer Breakfast Saturday, March 3rd ~ 9:00 a.m.

Phyllis Bussey will have a devotiontitled “The Farmer’s Wife” 

Special music byLaura and Esther Wersell

A sign-up sheet is on the Women’s

Ministry bulletin board

CIY BELIEVE April 21-22, 2012 ~ Anderson, Indiana 

 The van will leave the church at 1:00p.m. on the 21st and will return around

9:00 pm on the 22nd

See Glen for a registration form thatmust be turned in by March 18 th 

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SPIRITUAL STATISTICS – February 19, 2012

Sunday School 87

1st Morning Worship 88


Morning Worship 80

Total Morning Worship 168

Evening Worship 45

Family Reunion (02/22) 46

Weekly Budget $ 4,633.00

Budget Received $ 5,770.25Valentine Dinner $ 938.00

SERVING SCHEDULE – February 26, 2012

At the Table 1st  Mike Cooper & Dick Shumaker

Serving 1st 

Larry King, Don Taylor,Hank Wellman, Ray Ayers

At the Table 2nd

  Mike Cooper and Tom Puckett

Serving 2nd

  Larry King, Ned Tomlinson,Rod Troutman, Mike Bussey

Pastor of the week Mike Cooper

PM Deacon Larry King


STWorship Dick and Marg Shumaker

2nd Worship Mike and Deb Cooper


1ST Worship Thea Kallenberg and Judy Smith

2nd Worship Dick and Marg Shumaker


Sunday School Laura Wersell & Thea Kallenberg

2nd Worship Samantha Hendricks & Jean Azbell

Sunday School Helper Judy Gardner


1st Worship Sue Tingler

2nd Worship Kim Seevers



Worship David Will

Bible School Carmel Marsh

2nd Worship Tim Huffman

Evening Worship Jim Puckett


  KEENAGERS IN MARCH: We are going tcelebrate the arrival of spring with a trip to thFranklin Park Conservatory, on Tuesday, March 2(the first day of spring). We will enjoy orchids, arblooms and butterflies. The cost of admission antransportation is $9 per person. We will depart at 8:5

AM. Lunch will be at the MCL Cafeteria. A sign-usheet is posted.

WEDNESDAYS: On February 29, we are beginnina series of lessons dealing with “The Inter-TestamenPeriod”. These lessons will summarize events an

circumstances between the writing of the final OlTestament books and the advent of Jesus. This will ba brief study of just a few weeks and will be led bSue Tingler. Why not join us for our 10:00 AM o

6:30 PM session?


The Apostle Peter writes in II Peter 3:15-16 “… jusas our dear brother Paul also wrote you with th

wisdom that God gave him … His letters contain somthings that are hard to understand …” These wordare the springboard for our current Sunday eveninseries on “The Hard Sayings of Paul”. This weekFebruary 26, our topic is “Can We Work Out Ou

Salvation?” This message is based in Philippian2:12-13. On March 4, the theme is “Submitting t

Governments” (Romans 13:1).  I invite you to join ufor these 6:00 PM services each week. (Communiois available.)

GIANT PRINT BIBLES: I still have a few of thGIANT PRINT Bibles. These are soft cover editionof the New International Translation and they sell fo

  just $12.50 each. You may purchase one contacting me or stopping by the church office. If yowant to pay by check, make the check payable to me.

  FINAL THOUGHT: How is it that nearly al

historical events happened next to souvenir shops?

The “Joy in Christ” small group that meets on

Monday afternoons at the Bussey residence will

not meet Monday, February 27th

. We will

resume the following week on March 5th


1:30pm. Anyone is welcome to join us for a fun

discussion of Paul's letter to the Philippians.

Dear Loving Folks,Your special birthday cards andnotes of encouragement are so

deeply appreciated. Your prayersand other acts of kindness, I cherishso much. God’s deepest blessings and

good health be with you always.

~ Sharon Britch

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Vacation Bible SchoolJune 11-15, 2012

SERVING SCHEDULE – March 4, 2012

At the Table 1st  Larry Bussey and Ralph Conrad

Serving 1st 

Tim Huffman, Jerry Baker,Richard Boyer, Dan Brown

At the Table 2nd

  Tom Puckett and Ned Tomlinson

Serving 2nd

  Tim Huffman, Josh Czich,Nick Hinson, George Lambert

Pastor of the week Larry Bussey

PM Deacon Tim Huffman

COMMUNION PREPARATION 1ST Worship Ray and Mary Alice Coats

2nd Worship Linda Daubenmire


1ST Worship Larry and Jane King


Worship Larry and Phyllis Bussey


Sunday School Shirley Marsh and Reta Conrad

2nd Worship Nick and Tracy Hinson

Sunday School Helper Carolyn May


1st Worship Judy Gardner


Worship Julie Stuck 



Worship Dick Shumaker

Bible School Ray Coats

2nd Worship George Lambert

Evening Worship Jim Puckett

  Ron Ogden Sharon Britch Dorothy Herman Jeane Goldfarb

  Liz Reed Anna Lockhart Ed and Norma George George Andrews

  Don Taylor Wanda Dickson Clarence Alexander Joanna Cooper

Our Troops Stacy Byers Jan Foss Brian Kellett

  Jude May Brooke Evans Sharon Shuttleworth Kelly Wakefield 

 Mark Your Calendar ….. 

Sunday, March 4 th

 Blood Pressure Checks

Sunday, March 11thDaylight Saving Time Begins

Carriage Court Service

Thursday, March 15 th

 Central Ohio Men’s Bean Dinner  

at Heath Church of Christ

Ladies’ Bean Supper and Movie Nightat Fifth Avenue

Anyone interested in learning how to run thesound for second service should see ScottBrown. Don't be afraid! There will be a classforming that will explain what all the pretty

knobs and buttons are for. Seriously, the soundboard can be a little intimidating, but once youlearn a few basics you will be amazed at how

simple it can be. This is an area of service thatcan be a tremendous blessing to the

congregation and we are ready to equip you to

serve in this way. Feel free to contact Scott at843-439-2389 with any questions.

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Library Spotlight

“Psalms for Young Children” by Marie-Helene Delval is a “Mommy andMe” book. The biblical Psalms describe the whole range of emotions,from joy and wonder to sadness and regret. This collection of Psalms,paraphrased for young readers, uses simple yet powerful imagery to helpchildren express their feelings.

The Cul-de-Sac Kids book, “The Upside-Down Day” by Beverly Lewis

is written for elementary readers. “It’s school spirit day at Blossom Hill

School, and everyone’s enjoying the fun. Especially Abby Hunter’steacher, Miss Hershey. She does all sorts of wacky things, like wearingher clothes backward. And there’s a new girl at school with a BIG secret.Leslie Groff  – with bright red pigtails  –  dates Abby’s class to guess her secret. In just one school day! Can the Cul-de-sac Kids do it? Or willspunky Leslie outsmart them all?

There are many books missing from the library. Also, please check at home for any booksbelonging to the library and return them if you have finished reading them.

MANAGING HIS MONEY. It’s been a little more than three months now since we

worked our way through a sermon series entitled: “Take God at His Word.” Many of

you also read the book and I hope you found it to be a life-changing resource. Wejust want to say how good it has been to see those of you who have been trusting Godwith this area of your life. We also want to encourage others of you to begin trustingthe Lord with your finances and begin experiencing the joy that so many of us havecome to know because we give. Below you will find suggestions for how you mightpray for this discipline in your life. We hope it is a help to you!

1. Pray to be better managers of the money we keep (Luke 16:10).2. Pray that we will instill within our children God’s principles for giving and

money management (Deut. 6:5-9).

3. Pray that we will not operate out of fear in our giving, but out of trust(Pr. 3:9-10).

4. Pray for a sense of expectancy at what God will do (Eph. 3:20-21).5. Pray that we will experience joyful giving (2 Cor. 9:7).6. Pray that we will see God as our source of income (2 Cor. 9:8).7. Pray that husbands and wives will encourage each other in their giving

(Heb. 13:6).8. Pray that we will hope in God who richly blesses (1 Tim. 6:17).

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Sunday School Classes for All AgesClasses at 9:15 unless noted 

Nursery (Birth through 3 years old)“Jesus Loves Me”  

Room 102Courtney Beiter, Coordinator

Young Children (Ages 4 through 2nd Grade)

“Who is Jesus?”  Room 101Deborah Will, Teacher

Middle Elementary (3rd, 4th, and 5th Grades)“Be Wise and Trust God in His Power”  

Room 106Sheri Puckett, Teacher

Junior and Senior High“Acts of the Apostles”  

Room 301Nick Hinson, Teacher

Young Ladies Class (8:00 a.m.) “Genesis”  

Room 214Cassie Bull, Teacher

Ladies’ Class “Sermon on the Mount:

 Returning God’s Love with Our Life”  

Room 209Beverly Puckett, Teacher

Men’s Class “Biblical Definitions”  

Room 205Tom Puckett, Teacher

Adult Class“  Life, Money, Hope” 

(A Study of Salvation and Purpose)

Fellowship HallBrad Seevers, Teacher

Harmony Adult Class

“God Establishes a Faithful People”  Room 204

Dave Tingler, Teacher

Philothean Adult Class“Parables”  

Room 108Jim Love, Teacher

Adult Class“Apologetics”  

Room 214

Glen Shady, Teacher

WELCOME TO FIFTH AVENUE!  At FACC, we focus on loving God, 

loving people, and turning the worldupside down.

We are happy you chose to worship with us today. We hope you return next 

week and bring your friends with you. If 

you would please take a few minutes to fill out a “Silent Roll Call Card”, located 

on the back of the pew, you can then place it in the offering plate as it is 

passed. Thank you. For more information about our great church,contact our minister, Brad Seevers at 

[email protected]   or call him at 740.550.9882. Have a great week and 

may God bless your life.

Life Groups

“Forgotten God”  

Every Sunday at 6:00 p.m. Led by Brad Seevers

Location:Tim & Marie Huffman's

1900 Lake Road


“Joy In Christ”   A Bible-study on the Book of Philippians 

Every Monday at 1:30 p.m.  Led by Scott Brown

Location:Larry & Phyllis Bussey’s 

150 King Street


“Men’s Fraternity”  What Men Need to Hear

Every Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. Led by Brad Seevers


FACC Fellowship Hall

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Core Values...Values central to the life, mission and vision of Fifth

 Avenue Church of Christ are: 

Christ-Centered Worship We make it a priority every Sunday to celebrate Jesus

through our music. (Romans 11:36-12:1-2). We focus oJesus through grace-based preaching and teaching &

understand the Bible is our authority (2 Timothy 3:16)

Church Health and Biblical Balance 

Church health becomes reality when God's people seekharmony & live consistently. We expect every member

protect the unity of Christ's Church. (Romans 12:16; 1Peter 3:8)

Global Evangelism We are constant to our founding call to worldwide

evangelism, proclaiming to all that Jesus Christ is theSavior, Healer, and Soon-Coming King (Acts 20:27).

 Fellowship and Ministry 

After people begin their journey with Jesus, we will equthem to find a ministry based upon their strengths. Wwant everyone to serve in some capacity. (1 Corinthian

12:12-27) We also want His church to be the livingevidence of His love and power to the world.


We do not want you to "get religion" here at Fifth Aven

Church of Christ in Lancaster. We are all about teachinyou that Jesus seeks a daily relationship with Him throua life of obedience. In other words, we want to see thethings you are taught actually change your lifestyle &

your daily decisions.

Social Conscience 

We place high value on the sanctity of human life, ofBiblical marriage and morality, and we welcome ethni

diversity (Isaiah 56:7; Philippians 2:15-16).



  Exalt God’s Greatness;

  Evangelize God’s Work  

  Equip God’s People 

  Express God’s Love through Jesus Christ 


“To Love God and Love People!”  

How Can I respond today?

At FACC we look to the Bible for guidance on allissues. We believe that God’s Word is clear 

concerning what a person must do to become aChristian.

  Trust that Jesus can bring you to salvation.

  Turn (repent) from the sin in your life.

  Confess your desire to make Jesus the Lord

of your life.  Be baptized (immersed) in water for the

forgiveness of sins and to receive the HolySpirit into your life.

To make this life decision for Christ, we ask that youcome   forward during our commitment song at theconclusion of the Sunday message.  Baptized believers

are welcome to become members at FACC by comingforward on Sunday morning or by seeing our SeniorMinister to discuss this further. We ask that youcomplete a series of  Curious classes to help you better

understand what you are committing to as a member.

“ Two Kinds of Wisdom”   James 3:1-18

 Brad Seevers preaching

Sermon Notes ________________________












 Pastor of the Week – Mike Cooper

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