Page 1: Feed management in an intensive shrimp farming system with bioflocs

November | December 2010

Feature title: Feed management in an intensive shrimp farming system with bioflocs

The International magazine for the aquaculture feed industry

International Aquafeed is published five times a year by Perendale Publishers Ltd of the United Kingdom.All data is published in good faith, based on information received, and while every care is taken to prevent inaccuracies, the publishers accept no liability for any errors or omissions or for the consequences of action taken on the basis of information published. ©Copyright 2009 Perendale Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior permission of the copyright owner. Printed by Perendale Publishers Ltd. ISSN: 1464-0058

Page 2: Feed management in an intensive shrimp farming system with bioflocs

Feed management in exten-sive and semi-intensive shrimp farming systems differs a lot with the feed

management, which is practiced for fish farming.

Feeding frequency is limited to four or six times per day.

The feed is spread over the whole pond, which is labor-intensive. There are also some indications that lower feeding frequencies are not affecting growth. The reason is most probably the availability of natural feeds in the pond, which comple-ment the shrimp nutrition in the absence of feed (between feedings).

The lower the feed quality the better it will be to decrease the feeding frequency, because it forces the shrimp to go for natural feed, which has a better quality than the feed.

In the continuous presence of low qual-ity feeds, the shrimp will fill its stomach with this feed with slower growth as a result.

Intensive farming with bioflocs

However, the feeding affects the water quality parameters in the ponds. An oxygen drop is observed after feeding.

A continuous feeding will result in a more continuous water quality and less stress for the shrimp. In intensive farming, the natural produc-tion of the tank is represented by bioflocs.

These bioflocs directly interfere with the water quality. Intensive farming also allows the mechanization of feeding without extra labour.

Trial The influence of

feeding frequency on growth and FCR was observed in the AFT-CreveTec Research station in Venray, Netherlands.

Four different diets with crude protein content of 38 percent and lipid content of eight percent were formulated and pro-duced with a pellet press at two mm.

Shrimp (Litopeneaus vannamei) were imported from Thailand and raised till six grams. They were divided over 20 nets, which resulted in 23 per net. They were weighed individually at start and finish.

Feed management in an intensive shrimp farming system with bioflocs

Table 1: Average growth and FCR

Feeding regime Growth (g/week) FCr

Week 1 continue 1,67 1,46

Week 2 continue 1,74 1,03

Week 3 4 times/day 1,38 2,62

Week 4 4 times/day 1,14 3,75

Week 5 2 times/day 0,83 2,58

Week 6 2 times/day 0,99 4,59

by Eric De Muylder of CreveTec, Belgium and Leon Claessens of Aquaculture Farming Technology, The Netherlands

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Feed Management

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Every week, total weight and number was measured to have average weights. During the first two weeks, the shrimp were fed on a continuous basis. During week three and four, they were fed four times per day. During week five and six, they were fed only two times per day.

The average growth and FCR can be seen in table 1

It is clear that the reduction in feeding frequency affected the growth negatively.

The shrimp were also not able to con-sume all the feeds, which resulted in much higher conversion ratios.

More inforMation:Eric De Muylder CreveTecBelgiumEmail: [email protected]

Leon Claessens Aquaculture Farming TechnologyThe Netherlands Email: [email protected]

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Feed Management

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adv_aqua2011_210x147_aV2.indd 1 17-09-10 15:49

After researching a wide array of cage netting to farm their tilapia in, Trapia

Malaysia Sdn Bhd selected the Aquagrid® Containment System because - it met and exceeded their operational objectives for net strength and resistance to bio-fouling.

Headquartered in Ipoh in the State of Perak, Malaysia, their eco-friendly farm operates in the pristine rainforest-fed, freshwater lakes of Tasik Temenggor of the Perak River system.

Trapia's management sought to protect this unique grow-out environment by searching for

a cage system that would keep their tilapia in and the preda-tors out while ensuring profit-ability and minimising environ-mental impacts. Tilapias have the annoying habit of grazing on cage netting, damaging the fibres of tra-ditional netting but the coating on the Aquagrid® containment system prevents this from hap-pening.

In addition, to escape- and pred-ator-proof netting, Trapia also required netting that was more resistant to bio-fouling and would last longer than traditional mate-rials used for aquaculture, such as nylon.

Aquagrid® netting's semirigid, PVC coated polyester material and special design makes it up to 100 percent stronger than nylon or poly-ester and eliminates the use of anti-fouling products which can leach into the surrounding water.

The Aquagr id® conta in-ment system's LiftUP® Mortality Retrieval System, designed to fit the special conical bottoms of the Aquagrid® cages, collects mortal-ities, unconverted feed and feces and pumps them to the surface for disposal, ensuring the waters Trapia operates in are kept clean and safe for future generations of fish.

Trapia COO Alejandro Tola is very

impressed with the performance of the Aquagrid® cages since their installation in November 2008.

"The nets are very easy to clean by simple brushing and the strength of the material is definitely keeping away and avoiding break-ins from carnivorous species in the lake. The logistics consequences of this are huge," he says.

More inforMation:TenCate Industrial Fabrics365 South Holland DrivePendergrass, Georgia 30567USA Tel: +1 706 6932226Fax: +1 706 6934400Website:

Trapia Malaysia selects TenCate Aquagrid® containment system to ensure profitability while protecting the environment

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ET-202B.indd 1 12/18/09 10:26:40 AM

The highs and lows of wild salmon populations cannot be explained by

one single cause - and the BC Salmon Farmers Association is eager to be part of a larger dis-cussion about what the real issues are.

"We have seen large variations in wild salmon populations as our farm operations remain the same," says Mary Ellen Walling, Executive Director of the BC Salmon Farmers Association.

“For example - there was no significant difference in opera-tions between the poor Sockeye return of 2009 and the trium-phant return in 2010.

"That tells us that more needs to be considered as we talk about

the challenges faced by BC's wild salmon," she says.

The BC Salmon Farmer s Association has been granted s t and ing fo r t he Cohen Commission Inquir y into the decline of Fraser River Sockeye Salmon. Along with groups repre-senting a wide range of interests, they will be participating in the evidentiary hearings beginning October 25, 2010 to share infor-mation about their operations and research, as well as correct erroneous claims.

The message f rom ant i -salmon farm activists during a recent campaign oversimplifies a complex situation. It ignores any effects rising water temperatures, failed plankton blooms, extraordi-

nary algae blooms, logging, mining, development in watershed areas, fisheries and fisheries manage-ment or other issues have on the life-cycle of BC's salmon. All of these items are on the list of things Justice Bruce Cohen will be investigating.

In the meantime, BC's salmon farmers continue to grow a healthy product in a sustain-able way, while leading the way in research and development and working with environmental groups and the community to find answers to industry ques-tions.

"Salmon farming is a highly-reg-ulated industry that is continually improving," adds Ms Walling.

"We believe that our well-

managed businesses can relieve pressure on wild stocks while contributing to local econo-mies."

The BC salmon farming industry, represented by the BCSFA, employs roughly 6,000 people directly and indirectly, contrib-uting US$800-million to the pro-vincial economy. Farmed salmon is the province's largest agricul-tural export.

More inforMation:Mary Ellen Walling Executive DirectorBritish Columbia Salmon Farmers Association #302 - 871 Island HighwayCampbell River, BC V9W 2C2, CanadaTel: +1 250 2861636 x223Fax: +1 250 2861574Email: [email protected]:

BC's salmon farms: Well-managed and sustainable

4B B r a i m e E l e v a t o r C o m p o n e n t s h a v e launched the new 4B

Bulldog belt alignment and rip detection switch.

This electro-mechanical system has been designed to detect dangerous misalignment of the conveyor and also detection of belt tear damage.

The switch will detect horizontal misalignment of belts when contact is made with the roller; the roller arm will be forced to pivot by the belt activating a switch at 15º to trigger an alarm, and 30º to trigger a shut down procedure of the

c o n ve yo r. The sensors are usually i n s t a l l e d in pairs on o p p o s i t e sides of the belt.

A s t e e l f l e x i b l e wire is set below the running conveyor belt approx 20-30mm attached by a rare earth magnet at each end. If the belt is ripped or damaged the wire is pulled away releasing the magnet connection which

in turn will ac t i va te a switch.

T h e B u l l d o g ’ s robust design m a k e s i t suitable for the use in heavy-duty applications

such as quarrying and mining. It is easy to install and doesn’t need calibrating. The Bulldog is com-patible with 4B’s CBS2 belt align-ment monitor and the Watchdog Elite monitoring system. It has been

approved for use in hazardous areas according to ATEX.

4 B B r a i m e E l e v a t o r Components is a leading supplier of level controls, intelligent sensors and safety control systems that prevent costly downtime and minimise the risk of explosion in hazardous areas.

More inforMation:4B Braime Elevator ComponentsHunslet Road, Leeds LS10 1JZUnited KingdomTel: +44 113 2461800Fax: +44 113 2435021Email: [email protected]:

Bulldog – belt alignment & rip detection switch

4 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | november-December 2010 november-December 2010 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | 5

Aqua News


Our readers can find an archive of back issue's on the aquafeed website. We also make individual features available to view and download

Page 3: Feed management in an intensive shrimp farming system with bioflocs


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AP-TEASING_87x267.indd 1 16/08/10 16:44

Bl u e w a v e M a r i n e Ingredients is pleased to announce that i ts

jo int venture operat ion in Manta, Ecuador (with Marine Protein) has received its GMP cer tification from the globally recogn i sed SGS company. Cer tificate EC10/216303 was awarded October 5, 2010 and is valid for three years subject to sat is factor y sur vei l lance audits.

Fel ipe El ias , SGS manager for Latin America says, “The ability to provide exper t eval-uations of food/feed facilities is impor tant to international tr ading companies as they rely on independent audits such as this to assure that remotely sourced ingredients meet critical processing stan-dards.”

“This is an impor tant mile-s t one fo r t h e B l u ewave Ecuador site – as it assures the wor ld that PerfectDigestTM Peptides are made according to sanitar y requirements for both human and animal con-sumption applications” states Mar k Rottmann, COO for Bluewave.

“We recent ly passed the 1000 tonne mark in terms of peptide production, this regis-tration will allow us to fur ther

expand into cr it ical expor t markets.”

One percent inc lus ion of peptides has been shown to play an impor tant role in gut development of young animals and show improved breast meat ratios in poultry.

With the advance of organic and ant ibiot ic- free farming, naturally produced peptides offer alternative ingredients to greatly improve FCR and animal growth.

Additionally, the BSE issue allows fish based peptides to function as a replacement for traditional Plasma Proteins in swine diets (at competit ive pr ices) . In aquaculture , fish peptides have proven to allow reduced inclusions of fishmeal in adult diets and are excellent attractants for shr imp feeds. The science of fish peptides is star ting to reach the growers and producers.

More inforMation:Andrea JiménezBluewave Marine IngredientsAv La Encalada 1388 Office #1101Lima 33PeruTel: +511 437 1555Email: Andrea.Jimenez @Bluewaveperu.comWebsite:

Bluewave PerfectDigestTM Peptides receive GMP


AKVA Group ha s s igned a contract with National Prawn

Company in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for delivery of a pre-grow-out system for production of Yellowtail Kingfish.

The contract value is EUR2.6 million and is part of the Letter

of Intent that was announced in March 2009. The contract will be delivered in the first half of 2011.

More inforMation: Morten NærlandAKVA group ASA , NorwayTel: +47 51 778500Email: [email protected]:

New contract for AKVA Group

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Aqua News

larval and juvenile post -larval stages before reaching the mature or adult phase. The length of the culture period varies but for Pacific white shrimp it can take about 20 days for the larvae to metamorphose to post larvae and approximately another three to four months to reach market size in tropical waters at 25-27°C.

The rate of growth of the shrimp is a function of the frequency of molting and the increase in size at each molt.

However, the frequency of molting decreases as the shrimp increases in weight with the intermolt period increasing in length. In the 20 day larval period, from egg to post-larvae, there can be 16-20 molts, a further 20 molts in the 40 day nursery phase to approximately 2g and an additional eight molts in the final 80 day grow out phase to 20g.

The diet quality during the exponential nursery growth period, from approxi-mately 0.5mg to 2.0g, with high molting frequency, is especially critical as it is dur-ing this period that the final yield potential is laid down.

Lipids, such as phospholipids, triglycer-ides and cholesterol, are a major source of energy in shrimp diets as well as being involved in several essential processes for their growth, molting and reproduction.

Cholesterol is an essential dietary nutri-ent, for members of the crustacean family, as they are incapable of synthesising their own cholesterol from fatty acids unlike other animals.

Cholesterol is an essential component of all animal tissues, it plays a major role in cell membrane structure, is a precursor for sex hormones, for bile acids and for vitamin D.

In crustaceans cholesterol is a precursor for many hormones, including ecdysteroids, which are critical for the initiation of meta-

morphosis and the moulting process (Teshima, 1997).

Cholesterol availability

In their natural habitat shrimps will obtain naturally occurring sterols from algae and zooplankton, how-ever these sources will not be avail-able to shrimp in semi-intensive or intensive cultiva-tion in the required amount.

In commercial diets cholesterol is a natural com-ponent of marine invertebrate meals and oils, for exam-ple from squid, shrimp, clams and crab. However the cholesterol content of these ingredients varies considerably and is present in a less esterified form requiring more energy for its utilisation than it manufactured alternative.

The industry requirement for guaranteed quality characteristics with higher bioavail-

Figure 1: Effect of 3 cholesterol levels on the growth and survival of Litopenaeus vannamei bred in ponds ( Ir A.H.Mogollon and Ir. V.V. Rubin, University of Tumbes, Peru)

30 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | november-December 2010 november-December 2010 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | 31

F: Shrimp farming

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Page 4: Feed management in an intensive shrimp farming system with bioflocs

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New dimension in the production of hygienized feed meal

Chromium - the forgotten mineral that plays an essential

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