  • 7/27/2019 Feedback from 2013 delegates - Powerlist Foundation Deloitte Leadership Programme.pdf


    Powerlist Foundation/Deloitte Leadership Programme 20-23 August 2013

    Feedback from Student Delegates

    Respondents to the survey are aged 18-20 and are in their first year atuniversity

    30 out of 50 students responded

    100% of respondents said that they would recommend the leadershipprogramme to others

    1. How useful did you find the Powerlist Foundation Leadership


    Very useful 10%

    Useful - 90%

    It was very motivational and insightful. Learned so much about myself overthe three days.

    I found the programme extremely useful. Not only because of the various

    insights we had the chance of receiving with our mentors and guest

    speakers, but also the social aspect. We had the chance to socialise with

    other strong-minded, forward thinking individuals and I thought that was


    It was amazing! So inspiring. I went in unsure of my potential, but afterspending a week with amazing mentors and peers it really felt like anything

    was possible.

    Brilliant opportunity to talk to industry leaders. -split into small sub-teams

    developed good relationships and focus.

    Not what I expected, but VERY useful

    I had so much insight into my true potential. It was an inspiring week.

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    Powerlist Foundation/Deloitte 2013 Leadership Programme


    I loved it. Met some really amazing, inspirational people. I learnt from them

    and I also learnt a lot about myself

    It created a solid and safe platform for me to critically analyse my leadership

    qualities through observation and discussion with my peers and mentors. It was very useful and informative. I have learnt about many skills, qualities

    and techniques to become a successful leader in the 21st century. It was also

    useful in terms of networking. I met and formed great relationships will many

    other driven and talented young people who encourage me to continue to

    head in the right path and who will be great companions in the future.

    2. How well did the programme meet your expectations of learning aboutleadership?

    A little 3.3%

    Quite well 33.3%

    Completely 63%

    I felt the programme met my expectations of learning about leadership and


    I went in thinking it was going to be yet another careers event, where

    professionals talk at you and you may get help here and there but it would be

    all superficial. But I feel the programme was really tailored to personal

    development enabling delegates to realise the skills and talents they take for

    granted and how to harness them for better futures.

    The programme exceeded my expectations. For some unbeknown reason I

    hadn't anticipated that the programme would be of any use to me. Thankfully,

    I was mistaken.

    It surpassed my expectations more than expected.

    It actually exceeded my expectations

    Focus was placed more on networking I think than leadership. We heard from

    leaders and learnt from personality tests, but it might be a good idea to do a

    leadership game so we can test our new skills out.

    Over and above, I did expect to meet so many black ambitious graduates.

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    Powerlist Foundation/Deloitte 2013 Leadership Programme


    I really liked how the days were structured. Firstly learning about self, then

    team, and putting it all together on the last day. There was also a nice range

    of talks/discussions that touched upon different aspects of the term


    I had a vague idea of what the programme will include such as the skills to be

    a good leader etc. however, it was much better than expected because of the

    people who were invited to present this advise and the way they went about

    doing it. The line-up of influential black people who attended the event was

    unbelievable! I felt so privileged to be seen and heard by them and it was

    such a humble gesture for them to spend their valuable time and offer it to us.

    3. What new skills have you learnt or improved upon?

    Teamwork skills, Communication skills, Leadership skills and public speaking


    I feel my communication and networking skills have improved massively

    because of the programme.

    Public Speaking - the body language expert really made me conscious about

    how I present myself, how relevant my brand is and how that is transferable

    to any area of life. Teamwork - just being enable to understand that people

    learn and operate differently to you made me realise that when working on

    any group projected its important to be conscious of learning styles and

    where people are best placed for certain roles.

    public speaking working in a team

    Entrepreneurship: some important attitudes and pitfalls were highlighted to


    How to interact with other people. Learned that everyone is an individual and

    has their own unique learning and leadership style and I have to take this into

    consideration when interacting with different people

    Primarily how to demonstrate leadership, my confidence and interpersonal


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    Powerlist Foundation/Deloitte 2013 Leadership Programme


    Teamwork Communication Self awareness

    Teamwork skills

    During the week I was able to develop my communication and team working

    skills. Activities such as the learning styles and presentation help developedmy confidence and ability to comfortably interact with others in a networking


    Networking, public speaking and the ability to motivate others.

    Self-branding Communication skills Networking skills

    I know have a better understanding of my strengths and weaknesses as a

    leader. I was able to draw on past experiences and evaluate my performance.

    It was very insightful.

    Communication is a key thing I've learnt, and how to deal with a variety of

    personality types.

    Delegating tasks in a team based on strengths of individuals. -meeting a tight

    deadline. -leadership -contribution to a team

    Networking leadership

    Public speaking and confidence

    I have grown in confidence, and added to my principles of life. I have also

    learnt how to deal with people in the correct manner, and how to present

    myself to those around me.

    confidence networking/ communication too many more to name


    I feel that the programme helped me to develop my communication and

    teamwork skills and made me more self-aware. The leadership programme

    also provided opportunities to improve networking skills.

    My ability to work in a team has improved, I am more attentive to others

    around me and I am so much more eager to share success at any given


    This program allowed me to put a lot of the 'emotional intelligence' skills I've

    read about into practice. Which has therefore increased my confidence in my

    leadership ability, as I feel it will help me manage and work with a wider range

    of individuals more effectively

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    Powerlist Foundation/Deloitte 2013 Leadership Programme


    Adaptability Awareness Equipped

    Adapting leadership style according to the different types of personalities of

    people in a team.

    Empathy is so important. How to learn more effectively.

    Learnt more about how I work and also different possible ways others work.

    Now able to understand and accommodate these different learning styles and


    Types of leadership, understanding oneself

    Presentation and networking skills

    I have improved on my team working skills. I am now aware that people could

    be reflectors, activists, theorist or pragmatists and working to each person's

    strength will be beneficial to the team's success.

    4. What will you do differently as a result of the Powerlist Foundation

    Leadership Programme?

    Get more involved with different projects and societies in my university and be

    more driven in everything I do.

    Learn to be more confident in business situations and believe in my own


    Smart networking!

    The programme changed my way of thinking and made me realise that the

    importance of networking and keep in contact with other people. I've also

    begun thinking of business ideas now, instead of thinking that I should wait

    until I finish university and have worked for a few years.

    I will stop being satisfied with being young and make a proactive approach to

    business. Instead of waiting for professional employment first.

    Treat people with more consideration.

    Work more on myself improvement. Stay in contact with the people I met on

    the programme.

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    Powerlist Foundation/Deloitte 2013 Leadership Programme


    Work in a team with a better understanding of peoples different learning

    styles and personalities. Have more confidence in my ability to be proactive

    and achieve.

    Be more aware of others I can aspire to be leaders. Also identify what type ofpeople I am working with so I can better interact with them

    As a result of the programmes, in terms of leadership I will defiantly be open

    to listening to more ideas and considering other opinions. Furthermore in

    regards to my studies the programme has made me more 'thirsty' for more

    academic success.

    Be opened minded to other career paths.

    I will not hesitate to do things. I think on a wider scale. Made me believe I can

    do anything through hard work and perseverance.

    I'm more aware of myself and my areas of improvements now. I have tried to

    input the advice and tips into my everyday life to make it a habit.

    I have since made so changes to the way I lead teams.

    Dream and go ahead and do. - be confident -empathise with others -think

    about the learning styles when working with people -listen effectively -turn up

    prepared to meetings -think my learning style and how I best achieve

    make a success of my business graduate on my course

    Network and interact better with colleagues

    Treat other people, as well as myself, with more respect. Participate in more

    events. Chase my dreams with more passion.

    Watch how my personality traits affect those around me and my view on

    others. Shake hands better! Keep in contact with those I meet at such events

    always, always be on time don't be afraid to ask questions

    I now believe anything is possible with hard work. I have also learnt to be

    much more comfortable and confident with myself.

    As a result of the Powerlist Foundation Leadership Programme I have learnt

    just how invaluable my network is. That said, I will strive to make more use of

    my network and its collective resources.

    I will make an active effort to contribute positively to those around me.

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    Powerlist Foundation/Deloitte 2013 Leadership Programme


    I've learnt that being indecisive is not a good trait in a leader. All of the

    speakers/mentors in this program talked about making important and difficult

    decisions which ended up contributing to their success. I tend to over think on

    a lot of decisions, I've learnt to be more 'ruthless' and stick to my guns

    Regularly catch up on the latest news about advances in technology so I have

    vague understanding of the developing technological world. Being able to

    adapt and change my style to support those who benefit more from me

    leading in a different manner.

    Strive to "do well, do good" and give back to my community

    Try to lead more frequently and effectively.

    Share success and have a positive "can do" attitude that all the speakers

    seemed to have

    change the way I approach working with teams

    Be more active in life. Seek out more opportunities and not limit myself to one

    role, responsibility.

    I will try and get more involved at my University and make my presence felt


    5. What was the most valuable session/aspect of the programme and why?

    Difficult question to answer can't really pick out a best part but would say the

    two that stuck out with me were the learning styles and the talk by Edwin


    The guest speakers as they are the people who have lived and done it, so

    their advice was truly inspiring and invaluable. Having the mentors was really valuable and just being able to network with

    them and other people's mentors. It helped my confidence in talking to people

    of that stature in their career but also made me realise that these people have

    stories too and that this is just the start of mine. Having someone to look up to

    and guide you through an experience was awesome!

    Hearing from the variety of guest speaking as they were all inspiring and I felt

    that I learnt a number of valuable lessons for all of them.

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    Powerlist Foundation/Deloitte 2013 Leadership Programme


    Task-work provided and avenue to turn the theory and skills we were learning

    and apply them.

    Learning how to Network. I believe it is a vital skill needed for success

    Talk from Chukka Manna Judy's session on body language Presentation ongive me tap Working in groups Personality test and learning style session

    The learning styles session because I understood better why I do things in a

    certain way and my strengths and weaknesses.

    Access to the mentors as I was able to learn how they succeeded

    The most valuable aspect of the programme was the confidence/motivation

    instilled in all the delegates through the speakers. The most valuable session

    was the MBTI/Learning Skills because it allowed us to how we worked best

    and furthermore also allowed us to critique our areas of weakness

    The Speakers. Hearing directly from people who have been through the same

    things as you and advising you on the right paths take greatly interested me.

    The inspirational talks because it made me believe if they can do it, I can do it


    Judi James

    The learning styles sessions, I definitely learnt a lot about myself

    The mentoring and a time the opportunity to ask someone who has already

    gone down the road you aim to walk on questions such as; what do you think

    about prejudice in the workplace? When is the right time to speak up? etc.

    speakers from different industry mentoring sessions the assignment

    Mentorship- fantastic opportunity to personally encounter greatness

    Learning more about you and growing in confidence, as these are two

    aspects which are essential for any good leader.

    Either Judi James' speech or the personality test section (learning styles and


    The talks from are keynote speakers. They had different routes to their

    success. They were also very inspiring.

    On reflection I believe that the Q&A session was the most valuable in that

    those on the panel were not much older than the delegates and had achievedso much. The Q&A session was inspiring and informative and demonstrated

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    Powerlist Foundation/Deloitte 2013 Leadership Programme


    how much can be achieved with the right mind-set and the desire to realize

    your goals.

    The panel session with previous delegates. I think it was really useful to hear

    from people that were in our positions and have achieved so much since. Personally I enjoyed the preparation sessions we had with our groups for the

    presentation. It created a platform where everyone was comfortable enough

    to share their views on all the lessons we had learnt earlier on in the week.

    We were able to discuss with one another on some of the differences in

    opinion/deductions we had. Its always nice to practice presentation skills as


    I believe the talks from the guest speakers, mentors and buddies were themost valuable sessions because although I really appreciate the learning

    styles and all the skills, it is possible to research such information on the

    Internet and then try to apply it. But with the speakers, they provide the

    inspiration and conversation which really motivates a young person to want to

    do more to become a successful leader in the years to come.

    Keynote speakers because they truly inspired me and their words were

    thought provoking. The task, as we had to think about what really makes a great modern leader.

    Learning styles because I learnt a lot and understood others more

    MBTI/learning type. Understanding the way you think and learn is invaluable

    and helps you to maximise your strengths

    The most valuable session was seeing Edwin from Give Me Tap! His work

    encouraged me to seek out more opportunities and help those less fortunate

    while I can.

    Meeting the mentors. Having a professional like Daniel as a mentor is very

    valuable because he has experience in the business environment and I could

    always seek valuable advice from him anytime. I feel just having someone

    that would give you impartial, unbiased advice and a person I can look up to

    is key to be a successful leader.

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    Powerlist Foundation/Deloitte 2013 Leadership Programme


    6. What was the least valuable session/aspect of the programme and why?

    Probably Lunch as I have to say I learnt a Lot from each aspect

    The meet and greet. Due to being set the task question, this meant us having

    to ask the various companies specific questions tailored to our question on

    leadership. In some instances the companies and their representatives

    wouldn't answer these concisely and focus more on their pitches.

    Meet the market. I don't think we used that as efficiently as we could have,

    and at the same time I think the marketers weren't too sure on their role

    either. The networking on the first night, I believe would have been better

    placed on day 2 or 3 when people have grown in confidence/sure of what thepurpose of networking is and how important your networking skills are.

    The meet the market session was strained; large groups of people with set

    questions to ask HR representatives did not impact me in any meaningful


    Everything was good.

    The idea of having a mentor was really useful but every mentor takes a

    different approach. I feel like my mentor could have done a lot more as a


    The speech from the RAF representative, only because I have known interest

    in it

    The least valuable session 'meet the market' this was because a lot of the

    representatives failed to answer our questions in regards to leadership

    attribute. Also in terms of networking, with the markets a lot of the delegate

    had attending other networking opportunity with other companys such as

    SEO and rare, where there was an opportunity to meet the like of Thomas

    Reuters, Linklaters and others

    Learning styles.

    Nothing, I gained a lot from every aspect of the leadership programme

    Meet the Markets. It was extremely useful but had we had the opportunity to

    ask more personal questions about their career paths it would have been

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    Powerlist Foundation/Deloitte 2013 Leadership Programme


    even more so. I think if we had been broken down from our teams to

    individuals this would have given us more insight.

    RAF session wasnt particularly relevant or interesting to me

    Can't think of one

    RAF speech, by a LONG, LONG way. The audience did not respect her at all

    (even though her speech wasn't bad) - felt much more like they were

    recruiting us than talking about leadership

    I think the talk led by Glyn Dean from the RAF was the least valuable session

    for me in that I felt the talk was more focused on marketing the opportunities

    available within the RAF than imparting general leadership advice.

    The 'what type of worker are you' session (activist, pragmatist...) I didn't really

    see how this analysis would work in practice.

    I wouldn't say there was a least valuable session, but the session I gained the

    least out of was the RAF talk. Possibly because I don't see the benefit of

    joining, and largely because the speaker explicitly stated that they don't hire

    graduates in my field (Civil Engineering)

    I hate to label a session as the worst but I would say the RAF talk wasn't

    delivered in the best way. I admit that black people as a whole tend to not

    want to join such organisations but I believe the talk didn't capture the

    delegates attention and didn't really inspire anyone.

    The presentation. Groups were slightly too large

    Some key speakers, in particular Piers Linney. He didn't seem approachable.

    All sessions were very valuable but I gained less from the RAF talk

    7. Which speaker had the most influence on you and why?

    Somewhat useful 3.3%

    Quite useful 33.3%

    Very useful 63.3%

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    Powerlist Foundation/Deloitte 2013 Leadership Programme


    Edwin Bronsi Mensah. His approach to his goals wasn't necessarily planned

    but he kept on working at it and even took a break when he needed too he

    just resonated more with me as a person

    I felt that Ken had the most influence on me. I liked the manner in which hespoke and felt that he gave invaluable advice and tips.

    Senyo - "I speak to be understood, not to be heard"

    Edwin probably as he was closest to our age so it showed that if he can do

    something so great at such a young age, so can I.

    Piers Linney spoke directly to the entrepreneur that I believe I am. I felt

    almost as if he 'ministered' to my current position in life.

    Chukkas. Very motivational speaker and has installed me with further self-



    Ken Olisa because of his emphasis on anyone being able to do well for

    themselves but giving back is a quality that a good leader should have. For

    similar reasons I found Edwin Broni-Mensah inspiring.

    Ken Olisa as he was very inspiring

    Shaun Bailey simply because he was most relatable in terms of background.

    Also his analogy about the differences of being grateful and lucky.

    Piers Linney and Edwin Broni-Mensah as I saw similarities in their stories that

    I could relate to.

    Tundra Bello. He went to a polytechnic university like me and still made it. He

    made me believe in myself even more.

    For me, all the speakers were very helpful. I would have to say that hearing

    from Judi James was the most influential for me because the impact of her

    talk was instant.

    Shaun and Chuku were the most influential due to their down to earth natures

    and variety of experiences in positions of leadership

    Piers Linney. He thinks differently to most people I have ever met before. He

    takes high impact risk be it good or bad. He talked of how he had a well-paid

    job but due to dissatisfaction made a change unlike many others. He is also

    of Caribbean Heritage like me so I felt we had something in common.

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    Powerlist Foundation/Deloitte 2013 Leadership Programme


    Piers Linney because I aspire to the a successful business person

    Piers Linney - most relevant to my intended career

    Judi James, as her psychological principles complimented those that I had

    read before.

    Judi James - her insight into body language was just unpatrolled OR Edwin

    Borni-Mensah - because he showed that it was possible to be a charitable

    businessman. His presentation was just excellent OR even Emma Codd as

    she showed it was possible to have everything, I really saw her as a role


    Chukka MP he seemed very open and honest about his success. His speech

    was also quite motivating.

    Edwin Broni-Mensah influenced me the most in that I felt he was very

    passionate about his work and he illustrates how such a simple idea,

    executed well, can turn into a business idea. Edwin dispelled my perception

    that entrepreneurs always need to have novel products and ideas.

    Senyo during the panel session or Edwin's 'Give me Tap' presentation. Senyo

    because he spoke clearly on many of the issues that are relevant to us now

    as students, and Edwin because he had the conviction to make his dream a


    The buddy panel had the most influence on me I would say. Simply because I

    can relate to them a lot more than most of the speakers, they've been through

    the current system and gave more relevant advice as a percentage of what

    was said

    Edwin! It was a close battle between Piers and Chukka because we see their

    success of the TV and papers and it looks very glamorous and great, but

    Edwin gets my vote because firstly he's pretty young in comparison to the

    others ( no offence) so we feel like we can relate to him as he is more likely to

    have grown up and been in similar situations as us. And to top it up, he's

    presentation was by far in my opinion the best! It had the seriousness and

    importance which we needed to take from it and yet had the hint of funny. But

    more importantly, it was inspiring and I will definitely endeavour to get a give

    me tap bottle!

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    Powerlist Foundation/Deloitte 2013 Leadership Programme


    Ken Olisa. Most of what he spoke about resonated within me and inspired me

    endeavour to be excellent in all I do. In addition, he reminded me that I am set

    up for life and I need to do something more than get a first class degree from


    Piers opened up my eyes to other opportunities outside law.

    Chukka Umunna/ Edwin Broni-Mensah

    Judi James. Taught a lot about self-awareness

    Chukka Umunna. He was the most relatable and seemed the most open and


    Piers Linney because he doesn't see himself as being successful. He is

    always looking for new ventures to improve himself. The concept of

    continuous learning that a leader should always create new avenues to utilize

    skills, talent and improve his brand.

    8. How useful was it having mentors and buddies throughout the


    They pointed us in the right direction every time, with them around we always

    had someone to refer to and they were a huge help during the task session

    and the entire three days

    Having high-profile individuals that you could talk to and learn about their own

    successes/failures was something completely unique. I felt this gave us a

    chance to get more in-depth tips that could help us in life.

    They provided a bridge in age and experiences, softened my scepticism and

    enabled me to receive the programme. Extra Kudos to Senyo and Adelani.

    Having buddies and mentors to support the programme was reassuring. In

    the case of the buddies it was good to have an immediate person to answer

    any questions especially because they had already been through the

    programme and was only a few years ahead in terms of career. The

    perspective of the mentors who were much further into their careers was very

    beneficial also, we was given advice about what we might need for the future

    and their input into the final presentation was valuable.

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    Powerlist Foundation/Deloitte 2013 Leadership Programme


    It would have been nice to have had more time to get to know the buddies.

    Asking questions that we wouldn't normally have the chance to ask was


    Could have been more involved.

    Buddies were essential to the smooth running of the programme for

    information, support, advice etc. Mentors - Our mentor (Daniel Taylor) was

    really excellent throughout the programme - he helped us for the presentation

    - gave us advice and helped us network - so much more... and also for the

    future because he was really enthusiastic to help us. Other mentors I heard

    weren't as good

    Dennis was great, but Piers was not around much but did help when he was.

    The buddies were great examples of people we should be trying to follow.

    The have gone on to do great things and encourage us to want to do the

    same. Our mentors advice and support were invaluable because they have

    already shown their success, they have pretty much become experts in their

    fields and knowledge and understanding they possess helped us all greatly.

    Tunde was fantastic!

    Buddies could have played a bigger part in terms of being a role model during

    the week.

    Mentors were useful. The buddies weren't helpful in a specific way but their

    presence was appreciated

    Daniel Taylor is amazing!

    The buddies were great because they were young like us and we could easily

    relate to them.

    9. What recommendations for improvement do you have for the Powerlist

    Foundation Leadership Programme?

    Probably just the food don't think its change any aspect but something should

    be done to make the RAF talk a bit more engaging

    I feel that the programme could be improved with greater time spent with the

    mentors, focusing on advice for the future rather than on the question of

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    Powerlist Foundation/Deloitte 2013 Leadership Programme


    leadership. Having said that, having the mentors aid us with the task set

    through their knowledge and experiences was extremely helpful.

    More team building or team networking with Powerlist/Powerful Media on the

    very first day rather than with the professionals straight away. Moreprofessional networking at the end of the programme as well. A

    comprehensive pack/information sheet or something telling delegates exactly

    what the programme is beforehand and what to expect - testimonials


    would have been great to have more female speakers with families to see

    how they have been able to maintain a family as well as work hard to be

    leaders in their field

    More tasks and group activities that really help develop what we learnt.

    Maybe less talks and more interactive challenges with delegates, mentors

    and buddies. A challenge where mentors are 100% involved will allow

    delegates to learn about their work styles and perhaps apply this to their own

    work ethic. Talks were still very effective.

    Mentors that are easier to relate with. Better food for the whole day

    It may have been helpful to have a more detailed schedule of the programme

    a week before, just think of a further preparations hat could be made but there

    are no major improvements that come to mind, it was superb.

    Having it the last week of August so more people can attend

    A speaker from the medical or engineering world

    More interactive sessions with the mentors

    More delegates.

    It would be nice to have more of an opportunity to network with mentors,

    buddies and the fellow delegates.

    More times for the presentation, great bonding between groups and mentors

    Keep on striving to make young people aware that they can achieve

    Ensure mentors are fully willing to act as mentors not just in the program but

    also beyond. Also ensure that more companies are invited to the networking


    More food

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    Powerlist Foundation/Deloitte 2013 Leadership Programme


    *Sorry for the essay!* - PRONOUNCIATION of names!!! You cannot

    mispronounce someone like Chukka Umunna's name, (someone who is

    known for correcting people who mispronounce his name) so badly when the

    majority of the room are Nigerian and know how it should be pronounced! -

    Maybe give us a bit of a choice with our mentors (as much as I loved mine)

    another mentor might be able to help me in my field more - No RAF at meet

    the market, way more companies could easily have taken their place -

    Provide cookies at lunch or during the breaks (some of us didn't get to eat

    breakfast!) - Have as much interactivity as possible, Maybe put the learning

    styles/MBTI on different days) we were sitting down for very long periods of

    time. Only have us seated and listening when absolutely necessary. e.g. No

    need to take us through what we're doing in the day step-by step if we have a

    programme - DO NOT ask us to arrive at an ungodly hour such as 7:45

    (which is really difficult for some) and then not start until 8:15! - Have more

    speeches from successful people that ARE NOT entrepreneurs as not

    everyone is that way inclined - make sure everyone has a copy of the newest

    edition of the foundation list - As I said earlier give us (if possible) the chance

    to do a game where we have the opportunity to lead - something fun like

    problem solving - Be clearer about objectives that are being tested on for the

    presentation so that the right team wins! - Provide finger food at the final

    networking as we were starving by that point!

    More students should get the opportunity to experience that kind of


    The programme may benefit from running over a 5-day period for fewer hours

    each day.

    I don't really know how it could be made better. Maybe promoting it more so

    more people are aware.

    I believe there were four students studying Engineering in this programme. I

    would recommend that the Powerlist Foundation look into getting a mentor

    from the Engineering industry. There's a distinct lack of 'black' faces within

    this industry and I felt I couldn't connect as much as I would've liked with

    some of the speakers. If I'm not mistaken I didn't see any engineers in the

    2013 Powerlist Top 100 either.

  • 7/27/2019 Feedback from 2013 delegates - Powerlist Foundation Deloitte Leadership Programme.pdf


    Powerlist Foundation/Deloitte 2013 Leadership Programme


    With the information of what careers people wished to pursue in the future,

    there could be a specialised session which helps people into that field and

    provides them with the tools to be successful in that sector.

    The first day (evening session) was not particularly necessary. The weekkicked off properly on Wednesday.

    More food in breaks please!

    Less focus on the presentation

    Have some speakers from less academic background

    Mentors should be involved in the final presentation.

    10. Please add any further comments here:

    Lovely job done by everyone involved I have nothing to say but positive things

    about the programme. I am just extremely grateful that I got picked

    It was amazing! Powerlist did a really great job and I would recommend this to

    any university student umpteen times!

    Thank you for this amazing opportunity. I am really grateful!

    Thank you

    Edwin Broni-Mensah's speech was literally amazing. The way that it clicked

    so smoothly with his PowerPoint totally changed the meaning of giving a

    speech to me! I have never met such an exceptionally intelligent group of

    people! Every single person that spoke was an amazing public speaker and I

    am really happy with the new friends I have made the whole thing was

    FLAWLESSLY organised. Everything happened on time. Beautifully done and

    thank you so much for the opportunity! I also can't believe how much time,money and energy went into the whole thing, seriously congratulations

    Deloitte were great hosts as well!

    I feel privileged to have been given the opportunity to take part in such a

    fantastic programme and I would really like to be on the other side giving back

    to future delegates in the way the alumni of 2011 supported us.

    Thank you very much for an amazing experience.

    Thank you so much for giving us this opportunity. If there is anything I could

    potentially do for Powerlist in the future, I am always willing!

  • 7/27/2019 Feedback from 2013 delegates - Powerlist Foundation Deloitte Leadership Programme.pdf


    Powerlist Foundation/Deloitte 2013 Leadership Programme

    I would just like to thank both Ken Olisa and Veronica at the Powerlist

    Foundation for giving us this wonderful opportunity. We really appreciate it

    and now one of the other things that motivate me is that I don't want to let you

    down as well as myself.

    Fantastic Good job!

    Fantastic conference

    Source: SurveyMonkey

    Compiled by Jasmine Ennis, Operations Administrator - Powerlist FoundationEmail:[email protected]

    Website: the Powerlist Foundation on Just giving us on Twitter: your success with us on Facebook:

    A Company limited by Guarantee Registered in England Number: 7082850A charity registered in England and Wales:1138699

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