Page 1: Felton's Early Care and Education Programs · finished NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity

In This IssueIn This IssueSPOTLIGHT: Ombudsman ProgramDirector Benson NadellFelton FactThank You for Your Support on GivingTuesdayFelton's Early Care and EducationProgramsFelton at the Kennedy ForumHoliday Fun

Felton's Early CareFelton's Early Careand Educationand EducationPrograms ServingPrograms Serving

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Spotlight: Spotlight: Felton's LTCFelton's LTCOmbudsman Ombudsman Program DirectorProgram Director

Benson Nadell

Felton Institute's Long Term CareOmbudsman Program DirectorBenson Nadell has been part ofthe Felton family since 1986, andthe holiday season is typically thebusiest time of the year for him. Itis often the time when an adultchild of a parent who has beenhospitalized is looking for optionsand support when that belovedmother or father cannot returnhome.

Ombudsmen are responsible forprotecting the health, safety,welfare and rights of residents atlicensed long-term care facilities.They investigate and report abuseor neglect and work towardresolving problems. Additionally, ifa person in a licensed nursinghome wants to draft advancehealth care directives, one of thewitnesses must be an ombudsman.It's a charge that Benson and histeam take very seriously.

A native New Yorker who

More Children ThanMore Children ThanEver BeforeEver Before

Felton's youngest clients are part of ECE

Felton's Early Care and Education(ECE) Programs in its Children,Youth and Family (CYF) divisionexpanded in July of this year, withthree new San Francisco sites in theBay View/ Hunters Point andVisitation Valley Neighborhoods.

Under Felton's administration, theFelton Learning Center (FLC) serves75 children three to five years old,Sojourner Truth Center (STC)serves 45 children from birth tothree years old, and Martin LutherKing Jr. Center (MLK), serves 54children three to five years old. Thecenters operate year-round Mondaythrough Friday, 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.,with hours varying slightly atdifferent sites.

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communicates with brio and has avoracious literary appetite, Bensonexudes a passion for making thelives of vulnerable, elderly clientsas comfortable and meaningful aspossible, even in the last stages oflife. Benson believes that hischildhood in Brooklyn preparedhim for doing the work that heloves at Felton.

Meeting with Felton colleaguesMarvin Davis and Lissette Garza

"My father was a doctor,specializing in psychiatry andpsychoanalysis. His office was inour three story wood frame house,and so I grew up, early oninteracting with his long term carepatients, and through the decades,with shorter term patients, as hisreimbursement shifted from privatepay to reimbursed services. Hemarried three times, so I have fullsiblings, half-siblings and stepsiblings."

On his way to school, Bensonoften exited through the waitingroom, greeting his father's patientsen route to his beloved studies.From an early age, he read hisfather's magazines including TheNew Yorker, The New Republic,and The Bulletin of the AtomicScientists. In high school, he wrotea research paper on the effects ofatmospheric testing in the foodcycle, focusing on Strontium 90residues in milk.

"A high school teacher inculcatedme with the writings of Walt

"Felton's expansion allows us toserve more families and continue topartner with them to ensure that ouryoungest learners have access tohigh quality early childhoodexperiences that will prepare themsocially, emotionally, andacademically for kindergarten andlifelong success, while supportingfamilies towards self-sufficiency, "says CYF Division Director YohanaQuiroz.

Including Felton's FamilyDevelopmental Center (FDC), thereare a total of 19 classroomsproviding early care and educationto 350 infants, toddlers, andpreschool children. FDC is the onlyfully inclusive program in SanFrancisco and the largestInfant/toddler program.

FDC's Program Supervisor PhyllisHogan has dedicated 35 years toproviding care for Felton's youngestclients in need.

Hear Phyllis share why she iscommitted to Felton's life-transformative work in the videobelow:

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Whitman and Wordsworth. Mystepmother introduced me to suchwritings as the I Ching, KhalilGibran, Kerouac, and to art andmusic. By the age of 11, mycourse was set in terms of values."

Young Benson marched with other"Ban the Bomb" advocates; manyof his friends worked in the CivilRights movement and with voterregistration. Between high schooland matriculating at ColumbiaUniversity, he spent four months inEurope, then worked in a booksupply place, where he had tobecome a teamster to secure hisjob. "That trip to Europe shook meloose. The Earth had more centersof home and with sets of culturalexperience and understandings. Irealized I could not understand myworld and my life with fixedassumptions."

One assumption he had as a youngcollege student at Columbia wasthat he was going to earn a Ph.D.and live an academic life in theIvory Tower. He eventuallycompleted the work for the Ph.D.,however, after marriage anddivorce, he moved to California tobe closer to his ex-wife and twosons. The ensuing years havebeen filled with personalfulfillment with his second wife, hischildren and grandchildren, traveland with the work at Felton that hebegan after first ombudsman job inUkiah, California.

"One of the most appealingaspects of working with Felton isthat there is a life span focus-fromsmall children to the very senior inage, somewhere along thatprojector is a Felton program. It's

Felton's early childhood educatorsare trained in and implement TheCreative Curriculum for Infant,Toddler and Preschool. Thisnationally recognized play-basedcurriculum is designed to helpchildren develop their socialcompetence, positive approach tolearning, and the pre-academicskills needed to succeed aslearners.

"I feel very grateful to the programbecause it has helped my daughterto grow at a rapid speed in waysthat I couldn't have helped her withat home," a mother recently shared.

For more information contact:

Yohana Quiroz CYF Division Director (415) 474-7310 x [email protected]

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never moved away from its socialwelfare mission - it reminds me ofHull House." (Chicago's Hull House,created the same year as FeltonInstitute-1889, was founded byEllen Gates Starr and ProgressiveEra Reformer Jane Addams. Itprovided social and educationalopportunities for the workingclass, including many recentEuropean immigrants.)

He serves or has served onnumerous community panels,including the Long-Term CareCoordinating Council, the ForensicElder Abuse Team, the medicalexaminer's Death Review team, abioethics forum and a panel ondementia care.

Benson's back pack is always fullof books he's devouring. Rightnow, he's reading Our MostTroubling Madness: Case Studiesin Schizophrenia and he recentlyfinished NeuroTribes: The Legacyof Autism and the Future ofNeurodiversity.

Benson's second language learnedwas French and his third wasJapanese, but he is also able tocommunicate with clients whospeak Chinese or Spanish. "I knowa few words in every language," heexplains.

It's all in alignment with BensonNadell's dedication to being thebest advocate he can for those inneed of an excellent ombudsman.

If you'd like to contact Felton'sOmbudsman program, please call(415) 474-7310 or email:[email protected]

Felton in Chicago atFelton in Chicago atThe Kennedy ForumThe Kennedy Forum

Michael Thompson, Dr. Nev Jones,Al Gilbert, Yohana Quiroz, Janine Francolini

On December 6, 2016, FeltonPresident and CEO Al Gilbert,Research and CCOR-PMH DirectorDr. Nev Jones, and Children, Youthand Family Division Director YohanaQuiroz attended the third annualKennedy Forum, a premier gatheringof national and global thought

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Katharine "Kitty" Felton

Felton FactFelton Fact

"Children in our community needshoes!"

Message on one 1907 signMessage on one 1907 sign

"Nobody can expect a family tolive on $10 a week!"

Message on another 1907 signMessage on another 1907 sign

The signs told the story. Aboutone year after the GreatEarthquake and fire of 1906 in SanFrancisco, emergency funds thathad arrived from around the world,dried up. The Associated Charitiesof San Francisco- now FeltonInstitute-suddenly faced caseloads up to thirty times greaterthan those before the catastrophe,and now, without the necessaryfunding.

Fundraising became a forefrontactivity, second only to servingthose in need. Not unlike thosedark days during the "Panic of

leaders who convened to buildcross industry collaborations toimprove the lives of people livingwith mental illness and addiction andto promote behavioral health foreveryone.

Former Congressman and Forumfounder Patrick J. Kennedy andABC's "20/20 " Elizabeth Vargasgave the opening remarks. Dr. Jonesspoke on the panel "AddressingFirst Episode Psychosis-EarlyIntervention for Serious MentalIllness".

In speaking about the work of theKennedy Forum, Patrick Kennedyhas said, "We stand on the doorstepto make momentous progress inadvancing the cause of this newcivil rights struggle started by thework of President Kennedy over 50years ago." Patrick is the nephew ofthe late President John Kennedy andthe son of the late Senator TedKennedy.

The Kennedy Forum and One MindInstitute have established the OneMind Initiative to galvanizetransformation in mental health. Lastmonth, Brandon Staglin from OneMind Institute spoke at Felton'sMental Health Assembly ofAdvocates in Monterey, CA.

Felton staff are pictured with JanineFrancolini, founder and board chair of theFlawless Foundation and Michael Thompson,President and CEO of the National HealthcarePurchaser Coalitions, formerly ofPricewaterhouseCoopers

Holiday FunHoliday Fun

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1907" and Wall Street's "BlackTuesday" of 1929, the need forsupport of the services that beganwith Associated Charitiescontinues.

Not everyone can help in the sameway, but all donations help.

Some people can:

Donate time by volunteering

In programs like Felton'sOmbudsman program describedabove, volunteers play a criticalrole in helping our vulnerableseniors.

Felton's Foster Grandparents areneeded and welcome to supportteachers in our classrooms. ManyFoster Grandparents say they feellike they receive more than theygive. Please watch and learn moreby viewing the following video:

Of course, Felton has many waysto support services that make alife-transformative difference andwe invite you to visit tolearn more about our 46programs.

If you prefer other ways ofsupport, we have listed thembelow.

You may wish to:

Felton's Holiday Party 2016

Felton Institute's Holiday Party,hosted by Felton's Senior Division,succeeded in offering a festival oflights, action and cameras pointingtoward the "Warmth of the Holidays"fashion show, toward the annualraffle, and toward festive food,delicious drinks and merriment forall.

Rachelle Martin with winning ticket

The "Warmth of the Holidays"fashion show brought "models"from several divisions together forfun with a purpose and providedentertainment on an improvised "redcarpet."

M.J. Richardson and Felton Models

The Community Closet project, partof the Senior Full Service Wellness

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Donate financially Donate services Donate materials Donate through plannedgiving (wills or living trusts)

We are working together tocontinue Kitty Felton's legacy andprovide cutting edge services andresearch that leads to healthieroutcomes for all.

We look forward to futurecollaboration.

Thank You for YourThank You for YourSupport on GivingSupport on GivingTuesday andTuesday andThroughout the Year!Throughout the Year!

(SFSW) Program located on 280Turk Street, in the heart of SanFrancisco's Tenderloin district, wasthe beneficiary of the FashionShow.

To stock the fashion show withclothing and accoutrements, thegroup collected coats, scarves,other warm clothes and donationsfor hygiene kits to pass out toSFSW clients during these wintermonths. The $20 hygiene kits formen or women include atoothbrush, tooth paste, shavinggel, washcloth, nail clippers, andmore essential items.

The annual raffle with ticketproceeds benefiting Felton serviceswas the other highlight. Childrenand toddlers were the designatedticket pickers.

Dr. Nev Jones, son Oliver and Liz Dalmacio

The raffle typically inspires whoopsof joy, but an incredible eventelicited more than the normalexcitement.

Margarita Garcia and daughter Amaris

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You have had a chance to readabout our programs in this andevery newsletter, and we are sovery grateful for your incrediblesupport!

Thanks very much to everyonewho generously donated to helpFelton continue to help others onGiving Tuesday last month!

If you haven't had a chance tomake a tax-deductible donation tous this holiday season, even asmall donation helps the elderly,the young, and all who are in needof Felton's services. You can textFELTON to 41444 or click on theDONATE button below.

Thank you again for your support.We appreciate your investment andyour kindness.

Holding her beloved Amaris in herarms as they patiently wait their turnto draw a lucky winner's ticket, youcould see the anticipation inMargarita Garcia's face and it wasalso clear that amiable Amaris wasenjoying the spirited reverie. Asthey stepped up to take their turn,Amaris leaned in toward the bag ofover 3,500 raffle tickets to pickone. She drew her choice from thelot and handed it to the jovialMistress of Ceremonies, DeeRandon.

"And the winner is," Dee pausedbriefly and then yelled, "MargaritaGarcia!"

Little Amaris had run her handthrough 3500+ raffle tickets andchose her mother's ticket! Theplace immediately erupted inlaughter and screams of joy!

It was a bit of holiday magic thatdelighted everyone.

Senior Division Director CathySpensley was very appreciative ofthe team spirit when it came topreparations.

"I would like to extend my profoundthanks to everyone who helpedmake the Felton Holiday Party sucha great success this year! I'm notgoing to be able to name names,because there were so manypeople, but I was very proud of allthe Senior Division staff who cameto assist -- I think we had morepeople from our division attend thisyear than any of the previous years!Many helped with setting up tables,decorating, making appetizers,serving on the buffet line, and

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tearing down at the end of thenight."

"Then there were the wonderfulfolks who came up with the idea ofthe fashion show and made ithappen, as well as all the modelsfrom across Felton. Finally, I want tothank everyone who worked on thefabulous raffle, as well as the staffat Bryant Street for being sowelcoming, accommodating, andhelpful. People seemed to have agood time, and it was definitely aparty that couldn't have happenedwithout all of you. So a sincerethanks to everyone and happyholidays!"

To learn more about Felton'shygiene kit project, contact M.J.Richardson at (415) 474-7310 ext.617.

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