Page 1: FESTIVAL - II. gimnazija Maribor – II. gimnazija Maribor...reality show z ovcami. Oblačil je Goli otok, ob guslah pel vsebino hrvaške trač revije Gloria, lizal podplate občinstvu


27.-29.november 20




Page 2: FESTIVAL - II. gimnazija Maribor – II. gimnazija Maribor...reality show z ovcami. Oblačil je Goli otok, ob guslah pel vsebino hrvaške trač revije Gloria, lizal podplate občinstvu

Maribor is a theatre town: besides many evidence for it, we add another one: it hosts Drugajanje festival, which, for the seventeenth year in a row, targets everyone, but above all – the young! This year Drugajanje is abandoning the “home stage” – Amfiteater and crossing the river and coming to town, to the centre, also to the streets.This year, the festival is marked by the strong interconnectedness of the network it belongs to, the Festivals in Transition Network (which applies to Drugajanje almost by definition, as it seeks to spin the logic of the theatre festival to suit the young), and by the central theme of urbanity, or the connection between cities and art. This year’s programme seeks intimacy at the intersection of the local and the global – from the great universal stories such as Antigone by Matija Ferlin to the lost story of a certain Margarete, which Janek Turkowski found at a flea market and invited us to immerse ourselves in it. From the performance by Siniša Labrović at the busiest town square to the occupation of the Salon of Applied Arts with Gregor Strniša.We invite you to join us at this intersection of the local and the global in Maribor – we invite you to a meeting with Art.

Alma R. SelimovićProducentka Executive Producer, Bunker, Ljubljana, festival Drugajanje

Maribor je gledališko mesto: ob številnih drugih dokazih za to dodajamo še, da ima Drugajanje – gledališki festival, ki že sedemnajsto leto nagovarja vse, a predvsem: mlade! Letos Drugajanje prestopa z matičnega odra, Amfiteatra, čez reko v mesto, v center, tudi na ulico.Festival letos zaznamujejo močna povezanost mreže, katere del je, mreže Festivals in Transition, festivalov v tranziciji (kar Drugajanje že skoraj po definiciji je, saj skuša logiko gledališkega festivala zavrteti za mlade), in pa teme urbanega oziroma povezanosti mest in umetnosti. Letošnji program tako išče intimno na presečišču lokalnega in globalnega – vse od velikih svetovnih zgodb, kot je Antigona Matije Ferlina, do izgubljene zgodbe neke Margarete, ki jo je na bolšjem trgu našel Janek Turkowski in nas povabil vanjo. Vse od performansa Siniše Labrovića na najbolj obljudenem mestnem trgu do zasedbe Salona s Strnišo.Vabimo vas na to presečišče lokalnega in globalnega v Maribor – vabimo vas na srečanje z Umetnostjo.

27.NOV 2018



Page 3: FESTIVAL - II. gimnazija Maribor – II. gimnazija Maribor...reality show z ovcami. Oblačil je Goli otok, ob guslah pel vsebino hrvaške trač revije Gloria, lizal podplate občinstvu

The world we live in could be called the world of too many contradictions, of the unyielding appetite for more, more and more. We believe in things we have always rejected as unacceptable, we are identifying with people that we used to ignore, we let reality shows dumb us down … We want to be beautiful end eternally young, and we do not consider beauty and youth a state of mind.An unusual introduction to this year’s Drugajanje Festival? Not really. Every time, Drugajanje (by the way, in its last year before coming of age!) brings together performances that provide an alternative view and provoke reflection. They make us step out of our comfort zones and force us (at times provocatively) to look in the mirror. We cannot escape our opinion, and we are no longer part of manipulated crowd. And this is the main purpose of this year’s Drugajanje, which brings performances from the crossroads of the local and the global. This is all the more important since the audience will mainly consist of the young. Not to sound too stereotypical, but they are our future, and with Drugajanje, we are doing our part in helping them become different.Enjoy this year’s Drugajanje and its messages!

Svet, v katerem živimo, bi lahko poimenovali svet prevelikih nasprotij, hlastanja po več in zmeraj več. Verjamemo rečem, ki smo jih vedno zavračali kot nesprejemljive, poistovetimo se z ljudmi, od katerih smo še včeraj odvračali pogled, pustimo se poneumljati z resničnostnimi šovi … Želimo si biti lepi in zmeraj mladi, pri čemer lepote in mladosti ne pojmujemo kot stanja duha. Nenavaden uvod v letošnje Drugajanje? Le na videz. Festival Drugajanje (mimogrede: letos je še zadnjič mladoleten!) vsakič prinaša predstave, ki prinašajo drugačnost in silijo k razmišljanju. Zbudijo nas iz našega stanja udobja in pred nas (včasih tudi provokativno) postavijo ogledalo. Ne moremo ubežati svojemu mnenju in nismo več del zmanipulirane množice. To je tudi glavni namen Drugajanja, ki letos prinaša predstave s presečišča lokalnega in globalnega. In ker bo večina gledalcev mladih, je še toliko pomembnejši. Naj ne zveni preveč stereotipno: mladi so naša prihodnost in z Drugajanjem na svoj način pripomoremo, da bodo drugačni. Veliko užitkov in sporočil z letošnjega Drugajanja!

Ivan LorenčičRavnatelj, II. gimnazija Maribor Headmaster, The Second Gymnasium, Maribor


NOV 2018

Page 4: FESTIVAL - II. gimnazija Maribor – II. gimnazija Maribor...reality show z ovcami. Oblačil je Goli otok, ob guslah pel vsebino hrvaške trač revije Gloria, lizal podplate občinstvu

Narodni dom Maribor

27. 19.00

NOV 2018

Hrvaška Croatia

70 minut minutes

Predstava je v angleščini s slovenskim prevodom. The performance is in English with Slovene translation.

Narodni dom Maribor v okviru Sezone sodobnih uprizoritvenih umetnosti “Nagib na oder” in festivala Drugajanje.Narodni Dom Maribor as part of “Nagib on Stage”, season of contemporary performing arts, and Drugajanje Festival.

Matija Ferlin


Page 5: FESTIVAL - II. gimnazija Maribor – II. gimnazija Maribor...reality show z ovcami. Oblačil je Goli otok, ob guslah pel vsebino hrvaške trač revije Gloria, lizal podplate občinstvu

FESTIVALV predstavi Staging a Play: Antigona koreograf in izvajalec Matija Ferlin nadaljuje premišljevanje koncepta solo predstav in razširjenega koncepta izvedb serije Staging a Play. Z izborom Antigone se je Ferlin odločil za pristop popolne scenske redukcije. Heterogenost likov v drami njihovih dramskih funkcij želi speljati na eno samo izvajalsko telo, pri tem pa ohraniti celovito pripoved in logiko dramskih situacij. S tem, ko Ferlin prevzame vloge vseh protagonistov in njihovih odnosov, izpostavi svoj izvajalski instrument – telo, gib in govor – nizu situacij na robu izvedbenih zmožnosti. Sceno izkorišča kot prostor za iskanje tistega neobstoječega, vsemogočnega, idealnega izvedbenega telesa, ki sočasno gradi in ruši, vzpostavlja in briše. V tem mono performansu režiser in izvajalec Matija Ferlin z iskrenim tveganjem vstopa v dekonstrukcijo konvencij drame in svojega izvajalskega habitusa z željo, da bi ustvaril koreografsko celoto izrazito rahločutne fizikalnosti in jo sopostavil govorjeni besedi.

In his performance, Staging a Play: Antigone, choreographer and performer Matija Ferlin continues with his reflection on the concept of solo performances, and on the expanded concept of his Staging a Play series. By choosing Antigone, Ferlin decides to adopt the approach of complete reduction of the stage. He wants to reduce the character heterogeneity of the play in its functions to a single performing body, while at the same time preserving the entire narrative and logic of dramatic situations. By assuming the roles of all protagonists and their relationships, Ferlin exposes his performing tools - his body, movement, and speech - to a series of situations on the limit of performing possibilities.The author uses stage as a place to search for the nonexistent, all powerful, ideal performing body, which builds and destroys, creates and terminates at the same time. In this mono performance, the director and performer Matija Ferlin enters the deconstruction of the theatre conventions in his performing habitus, with the desire to create a choreographic whole of an extremely delicate physicality in juxtaposition to a spoken word.

Koreografija in izvedba/Choreography and performance: MATIJA FERLINDramaturgija/Dramaturgy: GORAN FERČECScenografija/Set Design: MAURICIO FERLINGlasba/Music: LUKA PRINČIČOblikovanje svetlobe in tehnično vodstvo/Lighting Design and Technical Direction: SAŠA FISTRIĆKostumografija/Costume Design: MATIJA FERLINGrafično oblikovanje/Graphic Design: TINA IVEZIĆ, MATIJA FERLINPrevodi/Translations: URBAN BELINAProdukcija/Production: EMANAT, MATIJA FERLINKoprodukcija/Co-production: MEDITERANSKI PLESNI CENTER, SVETVINČENAT Foto/Photo: NADA ŽGANK

Matija Ferlin



Page 6: FESTIVAL - II. gimnazija Maribor – II. gimnazija Maribor...reality show z ovcami. Oblačil je Goli otok, ob guslah pel vsebino hrvaške trač revije Gloria, lizal podplate občinstvu

Grajski trg



NOV 2018

Hrvaška Croatia

Siniša Labrović



Page 7: FESTIVAL - II. gimnazija Maribor – II. gimnazija Maribor...reality show z ovcami. Oblačil je Goli otok, ob guslah pel vsebino hrvaške trač revije Gloria, lizal podplate občinstvu

FESTIVALSiniša Labrović deluje večinoma na polju body arta, performansa in vizualne umetnosti. V Ljubljani ga najbolj poznamo prav prek akcij in postavitev na področju vizualne umetnosti – trenutno je del razstave Nebeška bitja v MSUM, spomladi pa je imel samostojno razstavo v Galeriji Vžigalica. V svojih delih nagovarja boleče točke družbe, kot so nacionalizem, povampirjenje katoliške cerkve, resničnostni šovi, razumevanje preteklosti, velikokrat tudi medije … V svetu je najbolj odmevala akcija, reality show z ovcami. Oblačil je Goli otok, ob guslah pel vsebino hrvaške trač revije Gloria, lizal podplate občinstvu … Vsa njegova dela imajo zelo jasno ost, a vendar veliko interpretativno odprtost, saj izvede svoje, občinstvu pa prepusti polje interpretacije.V Maribor prihaja s performansom Ribarjenje, ki ima izjemno sugestiven naslov, zato je podrobnejša napoved skoraj odveč. Ribarjenje bo performans v trajanju, tako da ga lahko ujamete kadarkoli v petih urah trajanja.

Siniša Labrović works mainly in the fields of body-art, performance and visual art. In Ljubljana, he is best known for his actions and installations in the field of visual arts – he is currently part of the exhibition Heavenly Beings at the Museum of Contemporary Art, and he recently had an independent exhibition at The Match Gallery. Through his work, he addresses the ambiguous and painful aspects of society, such as nationalism, the vampirization of the Catholic Church, reality shows, the understanding of the past, and also the media degradation … His most notable project globally was, a reality show with sheep. He dressed up the island of Goli otok (Naked Island), sang the text of Gloria magazine to the sound of gusle, licked the feet of the audience … All his projects have a very clear point, but at the same time they are very open to interpretation, as he does his part and leaves the interpretation to the audience.He is coming to Maribor with Fishing, a performance with an extremely suggestive title, which makes a more detailed description almost redundant. Fishing is a durational performance, which means you can catch it any time during the five hours.

Avtor in izvajalec/ Author and performer: SINIŠA LABROVIĆ Foto/Photo: TANJA RADEŽ

Siniša Labrović



Page 8: FESTIVAL - II. gimnazija Maribor – II. gimnazija Maribor...reality show z ovcami. Oblačil je Goli otok, ob guslah pel vsebino hrvaške trač revije Gloria, lizal podplate občinstvu

Narodni dom Maribor

Poljska Poland

55 minut minutes

Predstava je v angleščini. The performance is in English.

Janek Turkowski


NOV 2018


& 29.

NOV 2018



Page 9: FESTIVAL - II. gimnazija Maribor – II. gimnazija Maribor...reality show z ovcami. Oblačil je Goli otok, ob guslah pel vsebino hrvaške trač revije Gloria, lizal podplate občinstvu

FESTIVALJanek Turkowski je poljski gledališki ustvarjalec in kurator; pri ustvarjanju ga zanimata predvsem koncept časa in naracija oziroma izvor pripovedništva.Leta 2008 je na bolšjaku na severu Nemčije odkril 64 kolutov 8 mm filmskega traku; vsi koluti so bili posnetki iste ženske, Margarete Ruhbe. Odpravil se je na umetniško raziskovanje, da bi rekonstruiral življenje osebe, ki jo je našel na posnetkih. Predstava je zmes posnetkov in pripovedi. Predstava je prelep primer, kako intimno preči globalno – Margarete namreč gledamo pred podobami nekdanje komunistične Nemčije. Leta 2018 pa pri predstavi ne moremo spregledati tudi razmisleka o samobeleženju, o neskončnih podobah nas samih, ki jih kopičimo. Bo kdo kdaj iz njih tudi napravil predstavo?

Janek Turkowski is a Polish theatre author and curator. His main creative focus is the concept of time and narration, or the origins of the storytelling.In 2008, he discovered a cardboard box containing 64 reels of 8 mm film at a flea market in the north of Germany; each reel contained images of the same woman, Margarete Ruhbe. He embarked on an artistic journey to reconstruct the life of the woman discovered on the tapes. A mixture of images and narratives, the performance is a wonderful example of the intimate traversing the global, as we are witnessing Margaret against the backdrop of the former Communist Germany. In 2018, it is also hard to ignore the reflection on the selfrecording, on the images that we accumulate of ourselves. Will anyone ever use them to create a performance, too?


Janek Turkowski



Page 10: FESTIVAL - II. gimnazija Maribor – II. gimnazija Maribor...reality show z ovcami. Oblačil je Goli otok, ob guslah pel vsebino hrvaške trač revije Gloria, lizal podplate občinstvu

Salon uporabnih umetnosti

29. 19.00

NOV 2018

Slovenija Slovenia

80 minut minutes

Predstava je v slovenščini. The performance is in Slovene.

Maruša Kink, Gregor Strniša


Page 11: FESTIVAL - II. gimnazija Maribor – II. gimnazija Maribor...reality show z ovcami. Oblačil je Goli otok, ob guslah pel vsebino hrvaške trač revije Gloria, lizal podplate občinstvu

FESTIVALLazar (Hudiču): Duše ni. Si v i d e l dušo? (Gregor Strniša: Žabe)

“Če bi bilo oko živo bitje, bi bilo gledanje njegova duša.” (Aristotel: O duši)

Kaj se zgodi, ko se dva, ki se igrata že vso večnost, ustavita in se drug drugemu –mirno in povsem zares – zazreta v oči? Si priznata, da je samo to tisto, kar res je? Da je vse ostalo ... nič, igra, fantazija? Da je najpomembneje, a tudi absolutno najtežje samo biti ti in tu. In biti skupaj. Si gledati v oči. Zdržati pogled. Da vedno znova izumljata nove svetove in nove načine, da bi lahko, pa čeprav čisto malo, prišla skupaj. Da bi odvrgla maske. Da je najlepše, najstrašnejše in najmogočnejše stati pred drugim človekom tak, kakršen si. Samo ti. In biti skupaj.Kaj je duša? Kje je? A je?Hudič je v podrobnostih.Koncertna predstava, ki je del dveletnega gledališkega raziskovanja Strniševih Žab Maruše Kink.

Lazar (to Devil): There is no soul. Have you s e e n the soul? (Gregor Strniša: The Frogs)

“If the eye were an animal, sight would be its soul.” (Aristoteles: On the Soul)

What happens, when two people who have been playing since forever, stop and look into each other’s eyes – calmly, and for real? When they admit to each other that this is all that really is? That all the rest is … nothing, a game, a fantasy? That the most important thing – and by far the hardest, at the same time – is to simply be yourself, to be here. And to be together. To look into each other’s eyes, and to keep eyes locked on each other. That they are constantly inventing new worlds and new ways to get together, even if just a tiny bit. To drop the masks. That the best, the most frightening, the most powerful feeling is to stand in front of another person the way you are. Only you. And to be together.What is a soul? Where is it? Is it?The devil is in the details.Concert performance is part of the 2-year theatre research of Strniša's Frogs by Maruša Kink.

Pesmi in teksti/ Poems and Texts: GREGOR STRNIŠA IN EKIPA/AND TEAMRežiserka/Director: MARUŠA KINKIgrajo/Performers: MARUŠA MAJER, NIKA ROZMAN, NEJC CIJAN GARLATTI, STANE TOMAZINGlasba v živo/Live Music: THE FROGSTehnična ekipa/Tech Team: IGOR REMETA, DUŠKO PUŠICA, ANDREJ PETROVČIČScenografija/Set Design: TINA BONČAKostumi/Costume Design: TINA BONČAProducentke/Producers: MIJA ŠPILER, MOJCA JUG, TAJŠA PEROVIĆ, ALMA R. SELIMOVIĆProdukcija/Production: BUNKER, LJUBLJANAKoprodukcija/Coproduction: ZAVOD MARGARETA SCHWARZWALD Foto/Photo: TANJA RADEŽ


Page 12: FESTIVAL - II. gimnazija Maribor – II. gimnazija Maribor...reality show z ovcami. Oblačil je Goli otok, ob guslah pel vsebino hrvaške trač revije Gloria, lizal podplate občinstvu

Culture Camp – Theater Playground 2.0

Šola v kulturi – Igrišče za gledališče 2.0

Page 13: FESTIVAL - II. gimnazija Maribor – II. gimnazija Maribor...reality show z ovcami. Oblačil je Goli otok, ob guslah pel vsebino hrvaške trač revije Gloria, lizal podplate občinstvu

FESTIVALIgrišče za gledališče 2.0 je pilotni projekt kulturno-umetnostne vzgoje za mlade, ki poskuša povezati sodobno umetnost in formalno izobraževanje z razvijanjem modelov učenja, v katerih sodelujejo umetniki.Ena izmed aktivnosti v okviru projekta je šola v kulturi – dve bosta spet potekali v okviru Drugajanja. Zamisel za šolo v kulturi izvira iz redefinicije šole v naravi, le da je okolje urbano in ne ruralno in da je tema kultura in ne narava. Intenziven tridnevni program, ki otroke in učitelje iztrga iz običajnega šolskega okolja in jih za tri dni potopi v kulturno dogajanje – tako ustvarjanje kot doživljanje. Šola v kulturi je preplet delavnic, pogovorov, ogledov predstav, koncertov in filmov, obiskov kulturnih institucij; vsi mentorji so profesionalni umetniki. Pomemben element je tudi spoznavanje kulturne krajine mesta, kar pomeni vse od seznanjanja s pomembnimi institucijami, arhitekturnimi presežki do spoznavanja grafitarske krajine posameznih četrti in kulinarične ponudbe.Letošnji šoli v kulturi v Mariboru vodijo Nika Bezeljak, Teja Bitenc in Tajša Perović.

Theater Playground 2.0 is a pilot project of cultural and artistic education for the young, which aims to integrate contemporary art and formal education through the development of learning models involving artists.One of the activities within the project is culture camp – there will be two camps within the festival. The idea of Culture Camp comes from the redefinition of Summer Camp, only in urban instead of rural environment, and with the topic of culture instead of nature. An intensive threeday course that pulls the children and teachers out of the school environment and immerses them into the cultural events – both creating and experiencing.Culture Camp is a mix of workshops, discussions, performances, concerts and films, visits of cultural institutions, with professional artists as mentors. Another important element of the camp is getting to know the cultural landscape of the city, encompassing, which includes learning about everything from important institutions and architectural marvels to graffiti landscapes of individual neighborhoods and culinary offerings.This year’s culture camps as part of the Drugajanje Festival are led by Nika Bezeljak, Teja Bitenc and Tajša Perović.


Page 14: FESTIVAL - II. gimnazija Maribor – II. gimnazija Maribor...reality show z ovcami. Oblačil je Goli otok, ob guslah pel vsebino hrvaške trač revije Gloria, lizal podplate občinstvu



Od leta 2012 je festival Drugajanje vpet v mrežo Festivals in Transition, ta vključuje 13 festivalov, ki si prek projektov – ta, ki poteka zdaj, je Urban Heat – prizadevajo z umetniškimi raziskovanji nagovoriti razmerja med mesti in umetnostjo ter nevidnimi skupnostmi v mestih.Letos celoten festival sestavljajo predstave, ki so del umetniškega programa Urban Heat: urbano na presečišču globalnega in intimnega.

Since 2012, Drugajanje Festival is part of Festivals in Transition, a network of 13 festivals that seek to examine, by means of artistic research through projects such as the current one, Urban Heat, the relations between cities and art and the invisible communities within cities.This year, the whole festival programme consists of the performances that are part of the Urban Heat project: urban at the crossroads of the global and the intimate.

Page 15: FESTIVAL - II. gimnazija Maribor – II. gimnazija Maribor...reality show z ovcami. Oblačil je Goli otok, ob guslah pel vsebino hrvaške trač revije Gloria, lizal podplate občinstvu

FESTIVALTorek, 27. novemberTuesday, November 2719.00 7 p.m. Narodni dom Maribor

Matija Ferlin: Staging a Play: ANTIGONA ANTIGONE

Sreda, 28. novemberWednesday, November 2810.00–15.00 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Grajski trg


Sreda, 28. novemberWednesday, November 2819.00 in 21.00 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. Narodni dom Maribor

Janek Turkowski: MARGARETE

Četrtek, 29. novemberThursday, November 2919.00 7 p.m. Salon uporabnih umetnosti

Maruša Kink, Gregor Strniša: ŽABE FROGS

Četrtek, 29. novemberThursday, November 2917.00 in 19.00 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Narodni dom Maribor

Janek Turkowski: MARGARETE

Vstopnice za Drugajanje so 1 kulturni €, rezervacije in informacije na/ Tickets for the festival are 1 "cultural €", reservations and information at

[email protected] Izjema so vstopnice za predstavo Matije Ferlina – prodaja jih Narodni dom Maribor: 6 EUR, 5 EUR (dijaki, študenti, upokojenci, samozaposleni v kulturi), za brezposelne vstop prost./ Exception: tickets for the Matija Ferlin’s performance – tickets sold by Narodni Dom Maribor: 6 EUR, 5 EUR (pupils, students, pensioners, selfemployed in culture), free of charge (unemployed):

[email protected]


27.-29.november 20


Page 16: FESTIVAL - II. gimnazija Maribor – II. gimnazija Maribor...reality show z ovcami. Oblačil je Goli otok, ob guslah pel vsebino hrvaške trač revije Gloria, lizal podplate občinstvu

Organizatorja Organized by

Informacije Information

Drugajanje so omogočili Drugajanje was made possible by

Izvedbo tega projekta financira Evropska komisija Project is financed by the European Commission.Vsebina publikacije je izključno odgovornost avtorja in v nobenem primeru ne predstavlja stališč Evropske komisije The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the author and in no way represents the positions of the European Commission.

Partnerji Partners

051 269 906, [email protected]


BUNKER, LjubljanaDirektorica Director: Nevenka KoprivšekSlomškova 7, 1000 Ljubljana, tel: 00386 1 231 44 92, [email protected],

II. gimnazija MariborRavnatelj Headmaster: Ivan LorenčičTrg Miloša Zidanška 1, 2000 Maribor, tel: 00386 2 330 44 30, [email protected],

|| Program in izvršna produkcija Programme and executive production: ALMA R. SELIMOVIĆ || Umetniško svetovanje Artistic advisor: MOJCA JUG || Producentki Production: TAJŠA PEROVIĆ, INGA REMETA || Odnosi z javnostmi Public relations: TAMARA BRAČIČ VIDMAR || Tehnični direktor Technical Director: IGOR REMETA || Tehnični koordinator Technical coordinator: JANI KANCLER || Tehnika Technicians: ANDREJ PETROVČIČ, DUŠKO PUŠICA || Urednica kataloga Catalogue editor: ALMA R. SELIMOVIĆ || Izvršni urednik Executive editor: SAŠA MIKIĆ || Lektura Proofreading: IRENA ANDROJNA MENCINGER || Prevod Translation: TADEJ TURNŠEK || Celostna grafična podoba Corporate design: DRUGAOBLIKA || Tisk Printed at: VISUAL MEDIA ||

FESTIVAL november 20



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Page 18: FESTIVAL - II. gimnazija Maribor – II. gimnazija Maribor...reality show z ovcami. Oblačil je Goli otok, ob guslah pel vsebino hrvaške trač revije Gloria, lizal podplate občinstvu

FESTIVAL november 20



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