Page 1: Feudalism and the Manorial system Read pg. 230-231 and create a pyramid chart of the roles in the feudal system

Feudalism and the

Manorial system• Read pg. 230-231 and create a pyramid chart of the roles in the feudal system.

Page 2: Feudalism and the Manorial system Read pg. 230-231 and create a pyramid chart of the roles in the feudal system

Defining the termsFeudalism

• Political system• Kings grant land to

nobles in return for:– Loyalty– Military assistance– Services

• Nobles grant land to knights for:

(see above)

Manorial system• Economic system• Self-sufficient manors• Nobles own manor,

peasants work.

Page 3: Feudalism and the Manorial system Read pg. 230-231 and create a pyramid chart of the roles in the feudal system





Feudal Hierarchy

Page 4: Feudalism and the Manorial system Read pg. 230-231 and create a pyramid chart of the roles in the feudal system

Time Travel Agency

• You’re hired.• Develop a brochure explaining feudalism and the

manorial system to travelers who wish to visit medieval Europe.

• Your brochure should include the following:– Definitions of terms such as vassal, fief, serf, lord, manor.– Illustrations and graphic organizers to help clarify the system of

feudalism (feudal hierarchy)– Information about the roles individuals play within the systems– Information about chivalry– Information about feudal justice and warfare

Page 5: Feudalism and the Manorial system Read pg. 230-231 and create a pyramid chart of the roles in the feudal system

the roles within the system


Vassal (granted land)


Serf (peasant)


Villein (rented land)

Critical Thinking Activity 22

Page 6: Feudalism and the Manorial system Read pg. 230-231 and create a pyramid chart of the roles in the feudal system

• Get out your Critical Thinking Activity to be graded.

THEN we’re going to do Group presentations, so…

• If you were born January-April, read “Peasant Life” pg. 232

• If you were born May-August, read “The Life of Nobility” pg. 233

• If you were born September-December, read “Chivalry” pg. 233

the roles within the system

Page 7: Feudalism and the Manorial system Read pg. 230-231 and create a pyramid chart of the roles in the feudal system

Chivalry• What are the characteristics of the code of


• In your W.N., respond to the quote:

“Chivalry is dead”

What does that mean? Is it true?

Page 8: Feudalism and the Manorial system Read pg. 230-231 and create a pyramid chart of the roles in the feudal system

Chivalry• What are the characteristics of the code of

chivalry?– Knights had to be brave– Fight fairly– Loyal– Keep his word– Treat conquered foes gallantly– Be courteous to women

Page 9: Feudalism and the Manorial system Read pg. 230-231 and create a pyramid chart of the roles in the feudal system

Time Travel Brochure

• Brochure Due Wednesday– Definitions of terms such as vassal, fief, serf, lord, manor.– Illustrations and graphic organizers to help clarify the system of

feudalism (feudal hierarchy)– Information about the roles individuals play within the systems– Information about chivalry– Information about feudal justice and warfare

• Step 1: Gather information• Step 2: Sketch Layout• Step 3: Import into Computer ( or Microsoft Word “Templates”)

• Step 4: Print – Give time to experiment and leave room for printer errors.

Page 10: Feudalism and the Manorial system Read pg. 230-231 and create a pyramid chart of the roles in the feudal system

• Get a worksheet from the front and get to work on the side titled, “Crime and Punishment.”

BEWARE: If you have a weak stomach, DO

NOT READ part C Just cross it out and move to the

next one.

Feudal Justice & Warfare

Page 11: Feudalism and the Manorial system Read pg. 230-231 and create a pyramid chart of the roles in the feudal system

Feudal WarfareFeudal Warfare

Page 12: Feudalism and the Manorial system Read pg. 230-231 and create a pyramid chart of the roles in the feudal system

Time Travel Brochure

• We’re going to the Computer Lab, so once I take role, we’ll go. Get your stuff ready.

• Get out your information for your time travel brochure (Due Wednesday).

• Sketch an outline of what you would like your brochure to look like, and where you will include the information you need to include.

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