Page 1: ffiffiffi ELCH TALES ffiWffi · 2018. 5. 27. · a nachine on l,agua---@d then bmled it a6ain in favor ol seltine d autopatch bachine !p. Iinally theJ acied. The Technical Comittee

ffiffiffi ffiWffiELCH TALESf;wrwR E P E A T E RS A N D I E C O A S S O C I A I I O N I N C .


the MagicDragon

a.r d


the nabes ru S,{IXFA, risht? They ihelrslshes knom io ihe Bodal of Directols, ad ibat, loityact6 accold1lely, of couse. Soay, try agaln.


LE L . . - d I A


The lodit of Di&ctors ros S,{xmA, They dectdo what,ihey {ot to ilo, dd tha do lt, I6n't that ihe rav lt ls?Close! , d t s t i t l 10 seeegd, as l fF l s .J .

Or byla$ de c1d on that loInt. vetie to lave a Doad of Dilectors of theorgdlraiion, ed they ee to ru adl-thin6, Iheyrre mlon*ed io do just anoutaythlne they wdt to, ad, ufortuately, no provislon Es nade r,o lequtre tbaithey le leslonsive to ihe *ishes of ihe hdldshi!, l,te took cde of iha!, thou6h,didn't *e? {hen this Sosit rd for offlce, €ch ed aery on€ of us nede lubiicaDoucensts ln favor of 1ldti.e the porers of the Bosd. so thai the n@bershh!9q4 have lh€ say 1n a ] l ns - t *5 o ha t j@ lou l :ne o !e !a on6. Read t te .e , " .ySQUEtall TALES, dd reca11 the o!a.1 stataenis nade !;fore the electlon. {e eve;Ifdtsed retd rev16e the bylars accoldlngty.

{e could, you see, tecause as they stood th." (aa no*), th€y I)en1t the loadto revis€ ihd, iitbout even consxlttng the e@eal hslelship. lut 1t's niehtylIce io be ahle to do as you 1)lese. All that horey to spsd--hole tba ay of uscould eve afford on or om, And re donri d@ have to !e cdeful dd tud€et it;ihe good o1d n@bashlp rll1 almys be 6idili.A tV to fud or {hth6. So eroile

Stdtlng alhosi jmedlaiely, ad Inc!@stn8 to a ncked doeee at, €ch of theSodd neethgs slnce, b€s h€@ the fe€1ine lhat',The ndb*s eiected us io tu theoutfti' rlth the 1ryfted "Th€y donrt knor *ough to do it lisht, a]Ey.,, Thaehave lea a nula of tlD€s, !ecst1y, rho one o! nore lodd ndlds bave DadeLbe stat@@t, phs di6cusshe sone Dajo! lroject, o! dldditue, r,hat rve have

Page 2: ffiffiffi ELCH TALES ffiWffi · 2018. 5. 27. · a nachine on l,agua---@d then bmled it a6ain in favor ol seltine d autopatch bachine !p. Iinally theJ acied. The Technical Comittee



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H A I ? B < > R D R \ W E

Page 3: ffiffiffi ELCH TALES ffiWffi · 2018. 5. 27. · a nachine on l,agua---@d then bmled it a6ain in favor ol seltine d autopatch bachine !p. Iinally theJ acied. The Technical Comittee

the auihorlty. I dolrt tblnn re Bhouldrefer thls to the n6beBhl!,t, t4ost ofthe tine, afie consldelab1€, dil oft@h@i€d itlscus6ion, rerve stitl b€a ,!1eto lefe such natidB to the n*ne!c----at 1ea5i after a fashion.

ftese ieferals g€lea1ly halpen al,the genenl neetingE, ad eo 6on€thlda11ke tht6: Iherets a offhdd, va4;lntloductlon that {e thlnk re shoutil ddsoneihlng o! othe. If the cosi is ne_ttoned at, all, itrs 1, the nost eenehltenst anil then not a.lf fi6ns, ad th-4efole €x!eh6es, de nsttoned, TlroseFe€enr vote on 1t----gen*11y rherh*they de hturreE (voti,e) G not. If ttla6ses thatts erte b1&che to go on ait6pend qbateva {e rdt to--e.fter a.11,didn't the nennelsbi! vote to have dautolatch, o! shat€vef

l,{e iUd a 1lttle bett* on the nost !+cent !ro!osa1----that of exr@dlng thesysr4 on llaeua ro tncllde satel1fi,e@celvels for 1ncleaseit cove.age botb totbe €s t dd the {eBt . , , . . . . .o r i l l d we?ve'd ialked ahoui 1t, a nmb* ot .tlnes.It sedeil like the rext toclcal s! slnce He co!r1dn'! eet th; re!bc;-ndr !EI,€t€ re leed so ladty at, shdDsfo! the p4ce {etil leen told, dit {ouldhave to stend nore uoney trhd ptdneda,ryay, it sesed (dd 6t1ti do€s) tk€thi6 Hoxld !e the iine io do it.

{e eoi togeiber at d decuiive neet_ing. r'Ierd beeh totd by the TechhicalComlttee that r€ had to eei . neH @-chlne jmeiEately, or shut the o1d oneilom, Afte! all, the thstee is r+slonsible fo! tne oldatlon of the na-chine, dit cd ove!fule the !osd, cdtthe? It seoed ihat rerd best acr, f.arthq. So re drattod a lette!, !e11ihathe p1d. It rasnrt the n€st, 1€tte;dd ai least one rEovisior tnclrideilasof itoultfd lega.lity. 3ut it ,as to !esent out. to welyono on rhe rosier (norjust, the fx1l noh*s, *ho re-11v dethe only ones al1ov€d to vote. !v orbylaE). It Ms to be sqr flGr ciass.on ihe Uonday prlo! to the August neet-1ng, so evelyohe woulil have 1t heforethat neeiin€, ad coxld cone to d.lscuss11,, tl they {eteit to. tut 1t @sn'tsent,, In6t@d, it, Bs re-iirafted, adtbe {ho1e lrolDsal hs kel)t a secret, u-111 l,he nlght, of the he€tlng. As the

1a6t ltd of bu6inessi it las slrugldd rhe redrafted letter, not the ohethe loEit Eote, Ms hdded out. CoDlesn*e na11ed io all othe!6 the nex.t, aby,lecause lt, had been lnteniled that tbeleitd be sert out in advace of themeetlns, a cut-off datto?-ii6Et tt msset fd votlng. It ,asnrt chdged afterthe letier Es lehliten ad delaved.

Sone of us had 6me lesereti;s hredd thele, but hecause lhe taslc !1aseded like a good tong-tm lla forgqNmA, ke rat z-1ong elthout laislnsour obje.tlons too stlenuouslv, Tbar

[erve eot the Esxfts no{. A total of201 voies have been recelved, less rhdnalf of the mmbeshi! nailirs 1t6t. oltbat 201, 16J voted in favo!, od ontv38 r*e olposed, ore ihd a thee +.;one rdsi. in favo! of lloceedins. !e.dsald 1r the lette! that {erd act on ,najority of the votes cast, 60 no, ,e

new systd, li8ht?Not so. lhe o!lsi@1 rEolonai of the

idea, ad aciine h€d of the TecluicalComittee, no{ !&!ose6 that we disre-gald the vote. He feels that {e didnrthave a er€at enough percentaee retun onthe t€llot to assue that re co!1d Davlor the systtu. ( eot to aaree ;tijthat evaluatlon, trut what a tine for usto do d about face:)

So {hat .Io we do?Ftrst 1t-86 prolo6ed tbat re eo ahead

dlmy, Then ii Es Folosed that seslsd all l,he noney eonected, includina

-the donations mdo f@ urat, prolosearag]e 6ysi€n, on a ne, reD€te! forSharpE. If you Aave a dohati;n for rhpploposed laeua systeh, eil re dtdrrtslsd it, on tbat,, lut sleni it on sme_thlnA e1se, {o!]dn't you be a bit lltout? E6pecla11y if vou lived in d ;s{here you couldn't eet the Shd!6 racb_ine? 0f coEBe, the 1rolosa1 dldn'i 1n_clude referlne it to the ndhels fo! avote. Afte all, the lodd has the au_thorlty, doe6n't 11, ad the ndlers badalready voted to have a na nachlne attb€ Shals slte, hadr't tbey? Ievehlnd that lt }ould cost ln excess of$1,500 nole th

had been alrhodzed.ve11, {e,de finally ab1€ to aet that

hodlfied, but it Gs c1ose, A6 lt sitsno{, 1t s111 be rcfened to ihe nenleF

Page 4: ffiffiffi ELCH TALES ffiWffi · 2018. 5. 27. · a nachine on l,agua---@d then bmled it a6ain in favor ol seltine d autopatch bachine !p. Iinally theJ acied. The Technical Comittee

shi!, Fith tbe leconnendation that al1donations be retuned,

The lagea !1d is sti1l a good otre,l!1 xhat ro!1d re get for that, 4d ho{nrch roDtd it cost? !e nere told abolt,$6000", Most belleved that this {as forthe cohllete systen. . satefli te receivelsud links and all. Xot so. The receiv-ers, 1inLs, link antennas, anit so on uenore of dhose "bidder1" iten5, to coneu!, and be fuded, laier. No need toscde everJone off rry teuine the to+21cost unlil afier rerre comitted, rieht?

lliced tloto:als? Co.l ho{s, soDe ofus hare tded. lut aU ne eet de "ab-

out"s, "around"s dd "AlqoxiBately"s.

Any nenJactEer, especially seuins eq-uilnenL of that cost, ri11 sladty eivea diiieD qlotatior on request, so iisnot ihat it isn't availalle. 'flrele hasLo be aoth€r reason.

a n a 4 5 O . . . . . .lnother case in point is tbe 450 !e-

peaier on otay. Ii vas in sad shale,I t rd neen in seNice loo lon6, ad i t{asnri neN nhen they starte4. Ie@s 24odhe board lronised !o re!1ace it, buttmled ihai lroject in favo! of eelitnea nachine on l,agua---@d then bmled ita6ain in favor ol seltine d autopatchbachine !p. Iinally theJ acied. TheTechnical Comittee infomed uc thatlhse {as a leceivd dd trdsnitte!stri!, all checked out and torkhe, !ea1soor1, ior about $400, iI ny nenory seFves ne, lierd have to build a nck, na.kethe hanesses, lorer sulp1y and contlolcilclitry, lut tbat Nas leanuLs. so setoueht it, Tben it lecaie too nuch ofa l,Io!]en to build a ?o{er. srp!1y. Blt{e could gei a used (nintl one tuon CE*ith a lack tlrom in---very vely clreaP.B!! it didn't naieltalize. 1 think {ehad io lay for one, dd noi jrst a fetrrucks, 1 don't kno{, lecause the actlngfrcasuer lha dicn't eiae dy ie?otislexcelt for the balance not and then. Eeras hea.I of the T€chnlcal ComitLee, too.

flren lhere sas lhe need lor a ner d-tenna. And ne{ heliax, shile te're at

other, the costs nouted, but iinauy tregot a eeh of a systm on the hi11, oK?

uait one. At, the Au6ust neetins, theTechnlcal Comittee tnfoned us ihat the

t @snitter €s no eood: It took offand oscinated, dd nothins could !edore anout it, so {e }ad to nave a ner,inFoved version. That's {hy that nodelhad to !e talre! out of cmerctal s4-vice in the first place, {e sere told.Did dvone on the Technicaf Comitteeclreck ihis out before we sidted? lsnittbat their job? If o en!1oyee dld thatto hi6 boss, he'd lre oui of a iob nighty

No, {e're not done rith lhe 450 fiascoyet. The sodd !g! jlg! vote to buy thene{ tloflittet. But at the seltenberlodd neetine, {e wde told that !i haitte4 ordered g4g I99g!I9jl. and te, iheBodd of Dileclols, voted to lay fo! 1i!fihere did ii cone fton? Uas tt lecon-ditione.I, or d1d {e Aet aothd piece ofjuk? Far as I co te11, no one lsoG.

Autopatch, Autopach,Who's Got An Autopatch ?

lhd Ron Banett ms 6ti11 Plesidentof the orsahization, it {as ilectded toinstaU d auiolaich systen. Ai oneneetine, rhen Ron {as absent, dd tave,(6Q1, Vice P4siildt, tas plesi.Line, heaske.I for a volute4 to deslgr ddbuild d autolatch. I dtd, since no oneelse did. SoDe specs r*e se! doM fo!ne---!atber i.Iealistic io say the 1east,for it6 easy fo! a co@ittee to sit lackud say "{e'd like thts feaiue" or "re

{ant tbis included," It ele{ to a 19fIconplex udeltaL1ng, I desiered a ctr-cuit" I ttreadloddeit the c?itical lartsdd tested iho. These nere revised{here necessaly. A fu11-6ca1e versionms luilt--it cost ne over $f00 in Ddt6u.1one, Ii ras tested, Agaln, necessa-rJrdlslons ree nEde. 1 flnal ve6ion,rith a fuU ner set of pdts, at corsld-da}1e eYpense (oui of ny locket) ta6tutli" Il {asn't ledect---occasio@Uya tol1 caU could 6et thoush, dd oncein a rhile it roulil fals€ off. The

Fouen {as traced to lhe 36? Lne de-codexs---ibey chatteied, alit this falsedall the fecy cixcuitly tbat had leaadded io Deet ihe @quirments :foi allthe extra, elaborate proldslons ibe con-nlttee had &qui!ed, lotb si€netics ddliationz-1 Apdicaltons Ei€ineers rdecontacted, ad they couldn't cone u!i{ib a solutton, eitha. 3ui tbe itects-ton Es nzde to eo ahead dltay, as 1!

Page 5: ffiffiffi ELCH TALES ffiWffi · 2018. 5. 27. · a nachine on l,agua---@d then bmled it a6ain in favor ol seltine d autopatch bachine !p. Iinally theJ acied. The Technical Comittee

dfitr't haplen frequotly, Md ofrv,!e all agreed +hat thele woutd be a con-trol opelator on at all tlnes who couldovelr1de ay lo11 catrls,

I sot. the releater (aiter over tronorths of trvtne). I lnstalted tb€latch, ad nade tbe necessay adjrstns-ts to nake lhe Hhole thlne {ork as asystenr I ca.fleil people over to see ltdd tly lt out, It rorked. I caUedthe hea.I of the Tecnnical Comlltee totell hin theJ coulit !1ck it up--atoneFith a n$ual of over ?0 paaes that Itdrrepdeit io hel! tbm ssice it. Evenhad fold-out schenatics ad lErts place-nent dlaerhs, Jlst lile domtom.

He sent soheone over to plck it u! oltof nti saEee, I d@onsilared ho{ (ddtha!) lt {orked to lhai leson. tt rastaken to the head of the Technical Conniiiee's loner with cautlons to be cae-ful alrout jmlins in bl1nd1y dd read-justing the 1evels, decoders, and sxch.t nisht or ilo late!, I eor a calf ironhin. It d.idntt xork. Soneore bad beentn it, dd readjusred evEttGe. r {&stied u!, ad couldntt cde over lerson_a11y, so I descdbed to hin over thetelephone hor !o adjust thm lroper1y,ed lointed olt the detailed proceduein the instrlctlon took.

The next hisbt, lt. {as on the ai! ironhis hone. 1he adjusdnent rhat arfectElbe tol1 cal1 lockout lasnlr dshr (it'squite critlcal, so to11 caUs Ao! th_rou€h, aui it rorked. A nmbei .fcaUs {ere nade on it. Iine.

It Es tDled over to aoiher pdsonfor installatlon--a nenber of the Tech-nical Comiitee, but not of SANXfiA,lo od lehold, it ms lronouce.I to be altece of jMk tbai couldrit ro*. A ne,one las to be con6t4cted, by the felG;then {olkine on it. I asked for ninetack. Uftimtely, I dtd Eer 1t, nonthslater. Ii had t{o {ires cut, ri had :6o1der t{idee on lhe bodd shorilne theaudio out.. I have slnce salvaged it fo!

The ne{ autopatch ms bDi1t.. Sone expdse was involved, bu! there Es no ac_cout lns , so I don, t k .os hor nucb, I il{as tnstaUe.l, ad norked like a [email protected] should, Accordtne to th€ SIF! ddthe ?aclfic Telephone Conlany, it usedstolen !e11 Systen decoderc, A6 soon as

*e louil out about th1s, it {as lenovedby tha! person, dd hasntt been seen

3ut the Technlcal Comlttee iet hihconilnue to {ork on it. This tthe, heras golng to build his om decoders adto11 divelter. !e s!fft sone rore none\for !a!ts. In.IdentaUy, or exnert;had also ordered the Eons phone tinecoxple! fion the t.e1e!ho.e conl)ay, ad1t bad been ju!{ed 1n61de, {hlch 1caealnst tbe telelhone conldy tadffs.{e s1111 have that one, and are pa},tneou renr every nonth.

Fina11y, lhat ind:lvldua1 dectded hedldnrt mnt !o tuild the auiolatch atteraU. He wasnlt even a hen!€r of SANDhArendber, dd hadnrt leen lor sone ttne.MoIe nonihs ad moley Hasted.

Io{ anolher le11oN is |uildtng one. lron't, rot. foi sANtF,{, I have eyeryreason to belleve that he is quite cohpetenti ad a serious rorker. I do.'tkhon hin personaUy, but he seehs tohave d excellent retDtation. aut becd'�t spend all his tine on a voluntee!projeci. ]lis foily deseryes soh€ ofh1s tlne. fiis jo! dendds no!e, So {es!i1L donrt have an aulopatch u!. Ind{e speDt nole noneJ. Tbis nonihts Tt,easxrelts 4port 6ho's $190.81t dd lnsue thatrs not :-11 of it. l,te stitlhave to change the couller, Itn to1d,

l4onth6 ago, the Board voted to bxy lhelata Signal altotatch ihairs on the nar-ket, rith lo11 dlwe.ters tuilt in. artsoneone declded that lt ras too exlenslve, so a used one, xlthout the lo11dlverter, {as luthased. \,Je st1l1 hadto buud lhe to11 dlverter--nore de1ay,

Ir 1t {ere lossible io accour for thenoreJ, the aciual cash, {erve .pert onthis lroject, Itd het do11as to donutsihai Nerve s!o! n than it. Foutd havecost. And tbe!€ts t{o years or so ot{ait1n6. l{hat's that sorth?

T H E S E C R E T C L U Bthat spends your money

If you, lhe nennels, {@t to 1et the!oad, ad the Tecbnlcal Comiltee, goon this ray, so be it. The Boddts !is_Aest nd6take, to ny {ay of rhlnkina, isllobablv that re helleve rhat the ie.h-


Continued on lase l1

Page 6: ffiffiffi ELCH TALES ffiWffi · 2018. 5. 27. · a nachine on l,agua---@d then bmled it a6ain in favor ol seltine d autopatch bachine !p. Iinally theJ acied. The Technical Comittee

VH F ANT EN NASThe Vert Ei6h lYequency (V11F) lortton

of the radio spectrm e{tendE fron 30to 300 MHz. The lJlte Hieib llequency(UHI) rdse leaches floh 300 to 3000illlz. loth frequacy ldges de exlren+1y nseful for "shoft." ldee comuications requlldenis. this tncludes !o!nt-to-!oin!, nolt1e, ai!-to-CroDd, @itsendal lulose coMDicallonsr Since aEveleneth at, these flequedcy ]@6es tsconsidaably shorler than in the lS rdeethe size of sinple aiennas 1s nuch tua1-1e!, lecause of the snz-U size of ygFdd rJ}s dtedas, it 1s posslhle to u6enultil)le radiattng elments to loa "d-

raysir rbich lroyide a consid{ab1e "eainrr

in a glven dlrection or directions. C@-e411y, ndy nole t}?es of aiennas deava1lable eit usefln 1n the rIHF ad UHFmee than at !F. Sevenl of ihese ndyt)1)es r'111 !e discusseil here.

{e spoke of "galn" attrituied to US'dd UfiF dtennas---nhere doe6 this exiralorer sone fron? In actuliiy, tbe total!ote! ladiaied is tbe sae, no naite!Rhat {J?e of et,ana 1s used---tut fo.sone ir?e€, it is concentrate.I in a nd-rot bed, bence tbe slgEl 1s sironge!(1! tbe bd) tbd for the sinlle non-directional antema. lhe bee hay benaro{ 1n boib a ve*ica1 an.I horlzonialplde! or only tn one o! the othe!--fo!1n6tdce, sone vrtically polaitzeit dt-en@ @at€ &e erdeed so that neolyaU the !o*e! is ladtaieil in a hodzontaldileciton, rather tha out lnto slEce, sothe effective sl@af stlenstb, ned thesurface of ihe erth nhe& it cd be used

AntenE sain a.I directlvtiy ae extr-dely inlortat in the VHF. dil UHI r@eesfo! sev*a1 leasonsr (1) Assuine the6me dl,enna gain @d llopa€ation !ath,tbe sileneth of ihe ieceived sienal dropsas tuEruency is l!c!€sed, at the late of6 db (Vrfth power) per octave (i.e., asthe frequency is doubleit), o! 20 itb(1/100tb pond) per deca.Ie. (2) xuchnore of the sieral received !y the dten-na is lost in the tldsntssion llne atvllF dd UHF tbd is lost in a t}?ical RFsystm. A loss of 10 to 20 dtr is not u-

emon in a 30 neter leneth of c@rda1cable at 450 llHz---i!at's a loss of u! to99t of {hat is bein6 dellv*ed to it bythe tldsnlttd or received ly the dt-

(l) systen sasltlvlty Is alnost. a-1{ey6fintted by ieceiva nolse rathe tlE lyrolse exienal to the atelrE such asatnoslheric dd M-nade intaference atfiequacles belo{ 30 nHz. (4) cdaally*ider nodnlatlon o! slgnal tandwiilihsaie @ployed i! UIF o! lHF i!d6m1s-sions thd de E€d at HF. Slnce systdnolse powa 1s dlrectly l)Iololtional toh€nd{idth, addli,ional dt6da galn oralertEe is nece66uy to p.esfle a us-ab:Le sisnal-to-noise .Gtlo. (5) Anten-na dlrecilvtiy (Batn) i6 ofte! a v*yzdvat€geoE f€tre at VIIF a.I UIF as an@s of gaining a de8ree of secudtyby lesiriciln8 tbe aout, of lorlr tad-lated in u|dted dlrections. (6) slncevHF-UflI signals tnvel a sthight tljeof-sIght, paih, o!6tnction6 (bu11iilng6,tlees, hi11s, etc,) na' selously dFcrease the sieEl strdsth avaiblne toibe receivirg @ie!E,

Thelefore, to obtain good co@uleat-ion6 reliabillty ovd dlfflcdt VH!-Um.prolE€atlon lEths lequtles ihat consid-*a!le attebtion te elven to the d*1gtof bleh-eain, dllective atma @ys,at 1€st at ore dd ol the coMu!@t1onllnk.

Unlike comuicatlons ln ibe HF tuA€,the sho.ta Evelengtbs ai VHF dit UH! possiEe the 6e of t|{alkie-tal-kie"

irdsceivers ed sinple nobI1e t!ds-nisslon uits. CoMulcatlns rith orrecelvins nlth such devices over distd-ces of nore th@ one o! tro kiloDetdsrequtles itre use of Dqlnw dtetua gaihat ihe tase €iation site or fixed dd ofthe ltnk. Attention nust also !e elvento ob&lntbs olitum cou!1ine (natchlne)betRes the dtma dd t.dshisslonUne and lbtween the trosnlssloh lInedd tbe &ceive or tr@fl1tte! circuiis.{b1le atnoslhdtc dd nd-uade loise us-ually finit the ultinate sen6ttiviiy ofM HF receidng syst,q, a v]{F o! UHF rFceieihg syst@ is ahost afEys linlted

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r c - 22 g

tv recelv€r norse since extenar (a!nos-

oi-.'r") ".i.. ts vlltually non-exlstat;t flequencte6 blsher thd about 100 UHz.Autohobue icl]ltlo! @d other foms ofnd-naile nolse, honeve!, cd often betroublesone at tuequencles tell inio iheUHI balit. The use of ilirectional di4-nas dd bollzontal lolallzatlon (then

lossible) li11 do nuch io euEinate nd-narle !o1se as a soace of interference!n rlan locations. Horlzortaf !o1a-lzatlon, horever, sbould be chosen onlyrhere a dienna helght of n@y @ve-leneths ls posslble slnce groud ref-lectlons tend io cecel horizoniaUy

lolrized €ves at 1o{ ansles. u€e onlyvedlcaUy loladzeil dtennas vlren thedienna nust be lo.ated at a hei€bt of1es6 thd ahort 10 neters above glouttor *he!e oMl-dir€ctiohal laiLtatlo! o!receltlor ls a€sireil. (Vettlcs-1 pold-lzation Is staddd fo! re!€tds idthis very reason, dd of coulse, the u6-er should lse the sae on hl€ !ts.)

The chosce of tran6ntsslon tlne at VHFdil UHI delends ulon nay factols. Cen-eE11y, idn lead has nucb lotet lossthd snal1 .Lideter codiat cable. Io!lhis reaso!, iwin lead is piefered ovdcoax *hen tlansnission line length el-ceeds 10 neters. Ho{ever, tr{! lead 15nuch nole susceptlble to pickins up nE-nade noise thd 1s re1l shielded codialcatle. Also, nost nodea VHI dit UIF

,equtpnelt enploys utaldced h!u! ddoutlut chcuitry r-ttb d inleddce of 50ohns. Such equilneni lequlles elihe!the use of coaxial cabte o! a "talu"

to feed a tnln 1€ad or tro *i!e laldceiltldsnlssion 1in€ dd natch the 1n!eild-ce6. Tte llcku! ol noise by ti{n leadhdsniEslon 1lnes nay be consideDblyteduced by trdstlne the line atong lt8leneth. Also, rh@ tELn leed is use.I,the s!ac1!e betre@ the vircs of theline should lot exceeit 0.05 ravelength.If the sFcing 15 d aplreciable !ut, ofa mvelensth, the 1lne w111 be capableof nitiatile dd rec€ivtng energy asdoes the dlema. This effect r{11 t€ndto alter i,he &t@a railiation latt€nllon thai l;tended. lrthe! leductlonh loca1 nolse plcke nay be gatned !ykeelhe tFln lead aEy fron netal o!-jects such as €utters dd r-lndor fldesin its las6a€e fron the otema to lhetrdsnlttlng or receivlng equipent6.

Page 9: ffiffiffi ELCH TALES ffiWffi · 2018. 5. 27. · a nachine on l,agua---@d then bmled it a6ain in favor ol seltine d autopatch bachine !p. Iinally theJ acied. The Technical Comittee

cfeddce fr@ sucb ouects of islce ther.1!e slEclng 1n the tiln 1€ad 1s 6utflc-

a velt1cal fa<Llaior fo! eaelat covd-age use at VHF or UHI should be Mde or€qudtd Ev€-lerdb long. Ionge! vdt-1ca1 @idna6 AonEally do not havethetr ndlDu Edlailon at rierrt aglesto the lIne of Lhe !a<Ilato., dit tbusde noi, pncilca.l fo! use whe.e the €r-eat6t lossl}1e raidatlor !an11el tothe edth 1s desired. Th16 i6 tne of,sone, lui not all, of ihe com*1a11vavailalle utsas, too, It 1;1Dlorldt that the @tenm !€ decoult€dfrm the co41a.1 tr@elsslon the lnorrle! to preveni ut@ted radlatlon c!:,rents flon llortn8 alone the ouistde ofthe cab1e, ihus iltstoltlDg ih6 dimaIEiien. A s1ewe, eroqd l)1de, orcosierpolse cd !e us€d to perfoh thlsdecoul,llne ta6k. lore or these late!.

I! the vgF and UHF reelon, alulnwtublne ls comonly used for dtpoles adradlatlon eldsts shce theti tength1s so short that, tbe exp@se of lsgerd-laeter conductols is r€1atlvely eall.{lib such conducto4, ihe dtema r.111tue Euch nole tEoadly, a chdactellstlcthat is ofid very d*1E!1e. Tb16 lstEilcul&ly tne Hhd d otana o! s-lay is to !e used ov* e dtlre f!eq-

Ii sbould tc kepi tn Dtrd that riih6uch laee cfosE-secito. railtrtors, th€lesonei ldgth of the Ed.lator 1111 !esonerhat shorte tha itEt, fo! a adiat-o! Dade of ea11 dlaete! *1r€, Tylic-allt, a.adlato! bade ol tul4ng 1s set-doE lonser tha about 9@ ol a hau-'avelength fo! a ilipol€ at frequdcles alov€100 tuz. See Fleue 1.

The qua-Ilty of lnsulailon or dlelect-dc natertal 1s of nuch nore lnpdtsceat V]{! dd UHF the at fxequ*cles betor30 l4Hz. fiany lnsulators xhlch !4foh{e11 ln tbe HF lage !!ove to he etth*Poor or uusatne 1n fabd€t1ng 4tdnasol)detlng ai fr€qu@cles hlehe! ihe ab-out, 100 I'lHz. Oldindy {ood ts a eoodetd!1e, although very &y reilsood, na!-1e, o! f1!, botled i. ldaffi. lB forsevdal hors, cd he used Etth fa1! su-cce6s at, flequencles as htAh a6 about500 MHz ln celtain cUdates rh€le !a.i!-fall ls htniDal. PleceE of Alass willrc* Esonatly re11 u! to flequoncles



EXCLU6IVEgan Diego Di.trlbutorlor

vt{F . Km AtD rourr a{r

Page 10: ffiffiffi ELCH TALES ffiWffi · 2018. 5. 27. · a nachine on l,agua---@d then bmled it a6ain in favor ol seltine d autopatch bachine !p. Iinally theJ acied. The Technical Comittee

of 1 Ctz. Several nodern ?lastlcs thatnay be fotud in use lrDouCbout lhe rorldalso nake excellent ineulators" Ex4!-les of these are! lolv6tlcene'lofyethylele' ed silrofod. rieces oftb:se dasiics in usaEe €hap€s cd befoud :-lnosi ev€4*he!e dd, tiih a 1it-ile iogenuity, can b€ nade to sorL te11a6 insulati.n in the deslgn of ndJ Vll

It is olter lossible io avottl tbe useof in6 alion entirely by chooshg odtenna desien *!th elments. sullorteiiat, 1ot volia€e (hieh c@ent) loinis.An exelle of ihls is ihe Yagl (bem)

lecause l4II dil nore so UHI lrdio E-ves are higlrly atienuleii {hen reytravel tlroueh nost naleria1s, one 6h-ornd llck a location which is as free aB

Fssible of o!6tac1es in the ilireclto!of desired lrolagaiion. Il is, ofcouse, !ossi!1e to na-ke lse of relaystations (repeatels) or carefdfy !1acedreflectors rhen or.€tacles irterfele t'lthlhe use of the ditect !ath, See ltgte

{hen operatine fron deas rbere ihetrdsnisslon IElh is bosded lathe! cl-

osely by reflectlve ohjects such as bu-!1dings, neial toFe!6, eic., the PosslEilit} of nultilEih lloPa€ation i6 lEes-di. {bdevd conditlons de such as toa11or ihe ladlo 6isna16 io irav€1 t oor nole s€rEate paths fton the i!@s-niiting to ihe teceivlng antem, a !h-son4on Lnom as d interfelence lEi-ten ls set up in slace doud the @_ceieing @teMa 4 shoM ln Flgue 3.Thai ls, there n11f be zones rhere iheinconing slAn€-1 is lecelved ve!y. siTons-ly (.onsiluctlve lnterlersce) *Ithdeas of }eak slgnal betr€en (destnci-lve inted@ence). If Nhe strdslh of@ch of ibe two slenals ae the 6de,conllete cdcellaiion r{11 occr in thedesirucitve tni,sfdence zones, dd nos16na1 will be lecelved at all thde.Foltuately ai VIs' @d UHF the inierference !,atiens rhich dise de sna.ll @-olgh to !eh!t noving out of a desinci-tve zone dd lnio a constrcntive zone hibe slace of only a nete! o! so. Ii lse@era1ly inlosslble to Fedict tbe 10-cation of @ interfdence patieh zn€dof iine, so thai oltonizin8 the locaiiobfor ihe dtema is a nu6t for gooit re-sufts. T'bde de lnsteces in comon






Page 11: ffiffiffi ELCH TALES ffiWffi · 2018. 5. 27. · a nachine on l,agua---@d then bmled it a6ain in favor ol seltine d autopatch bachine !p. Iinally theJ acied. The Technical Comittee






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Page 12: ffiffiffi ELCH TALES ffiWffi · 2018. 5. 27. · a nachine on l,agua---@d then bmled it a6ain in favor ol seltine d autopatch bachine !p. Iinally theJ acied. The Technical Comittee

occuance {here ihe seconddv palh isset u! as the ?esx1t of rellectlons lrona novinq object such as d autonobile orat!!1de. In this case, ihe res!1tingintelference paied {ill not lre stationary, blt found to nove last ihe an-t,ema so that the received st€pa1 a!-

!ea!s to fhiter lelN€en good and ?ootleceliion. "l4u1ti!ath" Foblens cd be

!dtic!1d1y severe {her eithe! lhe tF

ansnittlne or rcceivtlg atenna is nov-ing. tivelsity techniqres srch as iheuse ol two sererated dtennas o! c1!cu-ld loldizatton should helP to auev-iate the efrects oi nlliipath irteder-

the u$e of high €ain (hishlY dilec-tive) drennas, both on ihe ir&snitierand receive!, sene to leduce the !os-silrllity of signal loss due to the nul-tilath tntederence I]lolrlen. If tbebems of both tlansnitline and receivingdtennas de lointed at eacb othe! asshoM tn FielEe 4, tt,e direci lath siB-na1 ril1 s]mys tdd to be nuch stxongerthd a sienal tlaveli.g tY aY other

na!h, dd thns imue to severe reduct-ior in streneth by tbe int€rfeiiig si6-na1. losever, nost plactical b@s have

nlno! foles 1l their ladiation pattm,ad it often is the case rhele these1o!e6, operatinB in conjuction r{th areflected sienal, r,l11 a-lter the h€dingol a ne4 rhere ndlnu leceired si6na-16txeneth ln.Iication occus. It t6 forihat reason tha1, lr@s oe of no !6e indilection lindire apllicatiors ulessthe lobes, ad interference latteds,de coefuLly plotted, dd lroyislonsde nade to assre tbat no change t2-kes!1ace, 6uch as a paf,ked ca, for guitesone di6tdce fron the dtenE slie.Ihis is the rcason that directionflndinsinstu-11ations requlre such a gleat a-out of cdeful pldntng, neasuen€ntdd conputatlon before they '.ield nea-ingfnl1 resdts. If the lecetvins bemis nobile, lor instdce on @ altonoltleor such, this deficiacy c@ be nade u!fo! by tal<lng a nMber of readines froDilifferent locations, ad thus "zeloin€

tn on the trasnitter,Art@ras, sucb as hddy-talkie nhips,

rhtch de locateil in daces rhlch de ioa laAe extenl enclosed tn a neta-1 shelfoi contah4, such as d autonoule, cdnoi he exlecte.I to pedoa as {e11 asthey r.r,1d if placed outside the enclos-


,'o\ .hi?:**a*T;-d*




Page 13: ffiffiffi ELCH TALES ffiWffi · 2018. 5. 27. · a nachine on l,agua---@d then bmled it a6ain in favor ol seltine d autopatch bachine !p. Iinally theJ acied. The Technical Comittee

re. It lE itu6 ibat a .dte1E tD!t1on,l4ge o! 6Dr.11, FIll 6ca!e ih&ugh the*hitox oleDlngs, bui 1i 16 il1ff1cu1t toIEeiI1ct hor nuch radlailon EL11 get, ouior hoa nucb the odgllal alidna Edlat-lon lEtidn rt11 !e affecled !y ibe en-closre. the laii,m noiltflcailo! rtLLdepend ln a cd!11cat€d raa on the slzeof ihe veh1c1€ ail 1ts opdlng6 as reUa6 the locailon of +he atsE 1n61d€.In gd6ra1, one lhould tr} to select &-t@as rhlch *I11 op€.aie at, flequencleslblch de alove th€ I'cut, off frequ€ncynof th6 randon opqrlnga. A! olslng b abei?,l conalld rhlcb Is less t!& 0,JBvelength ln the alinengor ler?endlcddto ibe flde of rDlatlailoD sefl be 6+v€e1y aitetNated or cul off a6 Lt trar-dses ihe op4lns (l:eue J). {av€ oflorei fr€qu*cy s111 sdfd dd sreate

ttonolol€ ater@ tyles Dakhe uE€ ofa flai sloud !1a!e (Fiere 5) 6hon1d !eavoldod, Such die4d car b€ ercpect€dto ladiate noEt of !heI! deigy 6dr6l-1y at lsefes6 elelailon delar ofta-ilDeF a6 hlgh ad l0' alove the bodron.If a cdudclal v€61on of Euch d d-tffa ls aralla}le antt the gloual p]d6ls dad6 of rlre spok€6, lDIEov€d !sf@-lEce ce ofid !€ bad !y ladlne theqDf,4 donrald $ that they B1o!e aiar a!s1e letrs4 30 ard r}5 ileslees t€1ostne holizontsl flee (er6. 5-c). re-fobsce .f lonolDl€ d s14e alllbl€

Your chance to

HELP ! sThe California Division ofForeslrv has asked SANDRAto assidt in a new programcal led the

A Datro l of o l t l r€ lB c. t th two-lrrei rratoe to spot stlal rspott! l r6 i , sst€ty v to l&t tons, r rdhasaraaoEa oordl t lore dur lngblgh-r tak ooadt t loDs. Thoe€wbo oarr b€lp are utged tooonteot Ar t gmi tb, WOMI, s ts?g-1tso or oD tb6 sr t .




1 t

@ I 8


Page 14: ffiffiffi ELCH TALES ffiWffi · 2018. 5. 27. · a nachine on l,agua---@d then bmled it a6ain in favor ol seltine d autopatch bachine !p. Iinally theJ acied. The Technical Comittee

nn r-'F f nn r:-D



soLDltn coIlNTri]tPoJsl:TO BN ID

stro l ) l .D t :xTEND

U P ' f O I ' D R EtD llERl.j


l ( L t t I l



< /

3 oli 4 'fuuN coll,

diemas cd usually he tnlroved by 1o-olins ihe coax into a 6na1] tbee orfou trm coil at o! led ihe base ofthe di{na as lllnstrated in liAue6-1. Ihis coil i@ds to "chok€ off"c@ents induceil into ihe tr@snt661online shield by the 1o{d half of the d-tenna, Such cments l1o*ins z-1on€ theoutside of ihe cod cd sdiously detr-act fron the radiation of the dtdnaplolei ty generatlne sevelal !ul}s lnthe v€ttca1 !1de I)atim lelon ihe

Fleue 6-c tUusbates one of the 6in-p1e5i loslble diennas fo! use 1n theVHF dd ],HF ran6e. fi cd be nade o-t!!e1y flon coqial cable. Its ledon-dce i6 excelleni ov{ a b€niitidth of at1€sl lcz ol the cebie! flequency. Theealn of ihis dtma i6 alrout 2 d! ovelsotropic. {hen bug v*lica.11y, thedtelfu ladtate6 ln a pedecily o@ldlr-ectional lEiien .r.lth the ldintu rad-iaiion ilirecied ai o! ned tbe hofizon.



( I I l l t )

l ! . r

7 2

Page 15: ffiffiffi ELCH TALES ffiWffi · 2018. 5. 27. · a nachine on l,agua---@d then bmled it a6ain in favor ol seltine d autopatch bachine !p. Iinally theJ acied. The Technical Comittee


P.O. BOX 790r415 tNDta sT. 92tol c/14) 239-0361



Introducingthe new

AILAS Auxiliary VFOTbe Mod.l 206 Auili.ry wO ir d6iBd tor dmDLplug-in iftrrftrim yfth .[ ArL, T..*;i,- p-,idj"eucE.d vmtuty, aFrier tuq*nq ovdrc. inctud-ina tuil6Kr.s€ ol rh. t0 mdd brnd. ud E; ndibte

DlCrDD{I DIAL NEAIIOUTAll LE.D Marnr 6 digir dsptar r€ads wnhrn tOOHz(jtrn I/10 ldz) of your acri,al orrahn! [email protected], BRiv€ andTralrsiA DICIIAL HOLD fe*ure pem[, retenlon oI a frEqknq, edjnE while tuninq ro orh€r l@uenci€s.sEpA.n {TE TR Nsnffr-ItFaE}T FItEbt ENcrCONTNOLThe 206 provdd lor tralM'nins on ore frcq@ncywhil€ rNivinson anoth€r freqency. Tmtuejv,oe;ation on the ehe freq@ncy nav b€ wnh €nh€r lle io6

EXP NDFD FTEQUENCY CO!'ENAGEcomplet€ cov€rase iiom l�3 to 3 MHz (with Modet 2 | 5xody) ,a lso3 tos ,6 to8 ,3 to 10 , 14 to t6 .20 ro 22 . andvithrhe2l0xfrcm2sto30 MHz. This perhits MAXSu?.ration asw€ll a5 Eceprion o"ertarg. s€menrsoi rhe

FnIQUENCY COUNTB CAPTIILITYIn addition to b€ins a VFO Digitat Dial, rhe 206 wiUdr$iurtion asa s€nsrive freq@ncy counterlrom IOOH2lo a0 MHz lor gmsal e around rh€ ham sh,ct

ThG Model2m b hou*rl in d in rdiv. clbi&r m.tch_

with the .ddftim oI thc 206 ro your Ad., n"tim. vouhrv. t[. uldm.t. in r high Frrlnre, DUniMv.*ti|n).mp.ct.mrtu!.diodrlion. $299,For cobplste dataili eo ylur A as d€ator,

Page 16: ffiffiffi ELCH TALES ffiWffi · 2018. 5. 27. · a nachine on l,agua---@d then bmled it a6ain in favor ol seltine d autopatch bachine !p. Iinally theJ acied. The Technical Comittee

Thls didna 1s designed io natch iheEtddard 50-ohn trdsission 1ine. Ifthe lorer lods blg the irdsnission ltnedil sullorling hast no& c1osely, thefeed loint in?edance is aboui 70 ohes.If they de tdt out to foh an dele ofanout 120 de$ees {lth tne vertical el-endt as sbom, the tn?edatrce 1s a!o!t

The nuber of radial lees used ln aeioud p14e otenna of eith* i}1)e has@ inloltant effect on ihe feed lointinled@ce dd on ihe radiatlon chaac-terigtles of th€ dtenna sysid. D<-p€rindt bas shoE ilEi ibr€e adia16de the nlnlnu nmtd iha! should !eused, dd that irdeasins the nhb* ofm.Lials arrove 5 aiids suhstdtiallJ notb-ins io ihe eifectivaess of the diemadit has no effec! on the feedloint in-ledoce. l'lesE4di shore, bo{ever,ihat the xadial€ shonfit be s1i€htly 1on-ge! lhd one qudtei Evelength for nestresuli6. A fenet! of 0.26 meelensihhas leen foud to be lhe olthu value.The table !e1or the lisue indicates th€!!o!er lenSths to cut ile elsats forresondce at the ln.Licate.t frcquencies.

The lddddih of this dteMa can beln.rease.tconsidelauy !y slbstltutlng

sever4l space ialeled rcils for the Bin-gle la.dlaiins nonopole elment so thaiihe ladlato! dd ihe 6kid se slnlld.lf a s!.filci*i n@!e! of rods are usedfo! €ch cone ed the egle of revolut-lon dd the eldent 1a€th de oplonlzeda lor Sm cd ne otdalned over a freq-udcy ldse of at least t{o octaves.Such a arareaent !s lllusibted lnFieae 7, To obtain this orda of tand-niilib, the elment l@gth (U slou1d bealplo>dMiely 0,2 Bvelengths at theloRest flequscy dil ol th€ !6!aI ad thedsle ot rdoltrtion olt@ized (alout. 30deeraeBl for the 1oHe6t na:dru $nwitbin the fr€qu@cy rdge to tre coveedtAgr€ater 1nplovaent ln the in!€dacevs. flequency chectdi6tic cd !e ach-ieved by aditlne elaents lathd tla ty1nceslng tbe ilieeter of the elddt.tllth only 4 elments !e! core dd a nuchsaue! dele of levolution, a 1o{ Svlcd he olrtained ovs a frequenct rdgeof aplloxlnately 1.3 to 1 rhe. the e1e-nent lengths de optorized, See ihetd}1e h the flgue fo! the dindslons,

Anotbd vdtically lolslzed omidi+ectlonal ladlato! t6 krom as ihe itls-cone d!@a. Thls disna has versr

Heathkit' eam Protect v@ur ---:- shack as wellll as equflP flt!

t ltrasonicAlarm s'rycran.e Thsn'Tha Inromef (ai actr_

6 k ' q q e r u d l ' n m q o n h b a t r | | o d b m p s '

o u | k l E l q g d d ' & i , w | n g i n d o d d o d




8363 eenter Drflve,La Dflesa,ea"46n-onn0KVL$D14

Page 17: ffiffiffi ELCH TALES ffiWffi · 2018. 5. 27. · a nachine on l,agua---@d then bmled it a6ain in favor ol seltine d autopatch bachine !p. Iinally theJ acied. The Technical Comittee


troadldd chaacteristics ud is config-ued to lemii blildins a sinfle rugeedsinctwe. Ihis antenna presenis a su!_stdtially Difotu feedloint inped4cesxitable for a direct connection to acodtal line over a rdge of several oc-taves. The galn vades only slighilyover a very side lrequebcy ruee.

A discone @tema sullab1e for nulti-band co@uicatlons ln the vlF/uHI r@geis shom schenaticallJ in rigue 8" thedlstece (n) sbould be nade alFoa-inaiely eqlaf to a free space qwtermael4eth ai the lotest oleratlng freqrencJ. The atenna iha Fi11 l)erfon{efl over a frequaey rdge of at leasi8 10 1, At cedain fr€quencles *itninthis r@6e, the feiical ])atten tlDtend io dse slishtfy causins a €1ightreduction in eain at zelo elevatio! d-g1es, bll the reduction ts vdy slight.

Belots the frequency at {htch the sldibeighi of the conlcal skirt ls equa-1 toa free slace qEter xave 1a€th, ilrestddrn€ tave Ftio stdls to clint dit!€1or a frequency alproxlmle1y 20 1o{-e! ihd this, i,he siddine {ave tatloclints very !a!ldl1y. This is teme.I thecut-off frequacy of the dlenna' BY

na&lne tbe sldt heidi (D) aplro*inate-ly equl io a free slace quaxter tavelength at the fosest freqldcy enpfoyed,a siddinB tave latio of less thd 1,5rill be obtained througnolt ihe ole4t-ing r@Ae of tbe @tenna.

A to! disc in the coEicaf skid nay lefatdcated either tuon sheet netal' Eirescreen o! 12 0r nore ladia1 nds. Ifscleen is !6ed the snPlodins franewo*of tbe rod or tubinB ril1 lre necessarylor nechanlcal strenCth ercelt at thehiehe! flequencies" If ladtals ae usedtheJ ghonld be tehinated on a stiffline for nechei€-1 stren€:Lh excelt atthe highe! tuequencies"

A top disc 1s suploded ty nees oftblee insulatine pillds la€teneit to theskirii elth{ lolystFene or 1on losscd4ic is suitatle fo! l,hls Pulose.The alex of the conical skld is 8!oud-ed io the sulportine nast anil to theouter conducio! ol the coaxial iln€.tle lile is tu dom tbrough the sup-

loriing nasi. An altenative masnenent, one suliable for certah nobilea!1)licatlons, is 1,o fastd the ba6e ofthe skirt dllectfy io the ell€ctllve

emud !1ses such as the io! ol d

\ 5

Page 18: ffiffiffi ELCH TALES ffiWffi · 2018. 5. 27. · a nachine on l,agua---@d then bmled it a6ain in favor ol seltine d autopatch bachine !p. Iinally theJ acied. The Technical Comittee




l. c. E[OPEN E

BankAme. ca .d - UP!

Hou.s 9 to g Mon -F.

V6n Nuy6, Cccccalro.nia 914O8 167'

oEnge, califo.nia 9e667 619 w

s6n Dlego, tralfo.nie 92111 48f61

Open S

otr suRcHnRG TltrtErtrcAD

"oIcK cuRoE BlrftnESascmlgrttc 'Ai" slrl l.zs v*1.p,+1:"ep



t l l75E 10.0e

EAKERS DOZENAtL A0o mi l l t urcr t t .

3,6v3.9v4. t v

l l lT5OA 4.7 vrr,t?slA 5.1 vIt l752A 5'5vtN753A 62,t1N754 6.Bvtll?55 A T.5v[f7564 8.2,rII75?A 9.t v

tN759A 12.0vONLY

t t gron rirr tt Ft^voRs.,

PL 259UHF COIINECTORsor *r 3/2$

l rs lM l .c. AuDlo A$P




.lll5I Eut ouRPC BOARO 5ET FOq:

s6 9s-- ;tcE! ur! sry .!q_!.9!r'

Page 19: ffiffiffi ELCH TALES ffiWffi · 2018. 5. 27. · a nachine on l,agua---@d then bmled it a6ain in favor ol seltine d autopatch bachine !p. Iinally theJ acied. The Technical Comittee


tsvoLr RCeufiEDctzuT

$ , ,*i1'^"'

rn c9J

B f lttr.n-2*n$zk - 2&




$16.95 2r0,t30.00

ITRONIC SUPPI.YS-Mas te . Cha .qe

, .9ro 6 sei ,& sun.rroscoe B vd, a2'13, e94-A171

Karela Ave., a7'l4l 997-5343codvoy s1j., a7'l4t P'9?!-5444

sOLOER TAILI c soc(Els6l.|a

t a I



{ e9.9s


",o, tlu

| 501c Il rs t II I'tEtER Ils4r! IURG 5E

Page 20: ffiffiffi ELCH TALES ffiWffi · 2018. 5. 27. · a nachine on l,agua---@d then bmled it a6ain in favor ol seltine d autopatch bachine !p. Iinally theJ acied. The Technical Comittee




---.IAND ourEn coNE


l---- 0.25r- l



RANGE (I'Iltz)100-200 200-400 400-800

0. I?5r{cml 53 26

0.251(cn) 16 37 19

Page 21: ffiffiffi ELCH TALES ffiWffi · 2018. 5. 27. · a nachine on l,agua---@d then bmled it a6ain in favor ol seltine d autopatch bachine !p. Iinally theJ acied. The Technical Comittee

In a.11 :mays of slnple dte'es, ibetroBi d-1ffIcdt task 1n achlevin6 succ€6-6fu1 ordatlon 16 coob!.lng the s1np1€dtems togeths so that theY have theploler phase relationshlP netFe€n cd lse as h1s baslc €lment i, iheaday dy of the s1n!1e oMldireetionaletannas dGcrllred, These ale tbd st-ack€d one alove ihe othe! to fom a veFtical lined a@y, If each e14at 1sfed i! !ha6e f,lib 4ch of the oih*s,ine resulting omtdilectional ndiaiion

?attd *111 te ndlnu or the Sroad(zdo elevatlo! dsle). Atienna salncd ne estinaied roughty ty ad4lEg 3 dtof €ain 4ery tine the nubd oi e1€-nats i6 iloubled. For ad?le, d .raYof t{o diloles ronld bave a galn of 3itbover a single di1)o1ei dd one of fordiroles {ou1d be 3 ilb bettd tha onlytro diloles, oi 6 db better tnd a sin-gle one, etc. lut 1t shodd be recos-nize.I thai, as nore elenents ae added,ihe bandridth, over nhich ihe dtsnanay be used, is reduced.

one ol the stn!)le neiho.I6 of insutnethe plopd lhastne of a collind arayrhlch elinlnaies the ptoltens of nu1i1-

de feedlng is that shom in Flgue 9,Vhen a conductine n4ber of m aienna16 nole tlH a half nave ladh ln1seth, the cllnot ol ihe stddlng taveor lortion of ihe conducto! in qcess ofthe half rav€ ri11 !e out of Pnase edtbN cdcel partially the ladlailon ofthe rest of the conduciorr Fo! e:a?le,if a stnlshi conductor rere ebctlyore mve 1o!9, no railiatlon tolld occDin a direcilor lerpadicdd io ihe con-ducto! because Ediation frcn the lorerla1f of lt rould e&cily cdcel thatfron the u!!er haf,f of ihe conducio!.$e neihod shoM in ibe fieue for clFcuveniir8 this p!ob14 i6 to fold at-tqnale ball rave secilons of the con-ituctor lnio qudte! {ave .stuts", thus

Fev@iins the "oui-of-lhase lo!'tlons

of the conducior fron detedolaitng thelatien. As 6hom, suttlng sholiin€c1d!s shoulit lre Povided 60 that tt,e.dtma cd €slly t€ I)ea,ked up io tbedeshed operatlng flequdcy. an alpro-

lrtate itesign table is rDesented 1l tbe

It should be noieit that thi6 dtennarequhes a laldced J00 ohh feed. Thus,a lald 1111 be requhed, It a ttusrii_

__*\ 4r-_5 I



Now lt'sGrystal Glear

ICOMrc - 226

&uz/Aeazed Yer'eiono[ ttre lamous lC'224- 23 TreVrojrc!!!ae!z:,y9rCRYSTAEs

i[AvAlLA9Lr 'N

*0 $289'

@****fu8199 C o i . emo . r Me ro 3 l vd .

Sdn D i€go , Co i l o rn i o 92 l l l

Page 22: ffiffiffi ELCH TALES ffiWffi · 2018. 5. 27. · a nachine on l,agua---@d then bmled it a6ain in favor ol seltine d autopatch bachine !p. Iinally theJ acied. The Technical Comittee


300 olrMsOPEN WIRE



uir cr,.luINc pr-eru


Page 23: ffiffiffi ELCH TALES ffiWffi · 2018. 5. 27. · a nachine on l,agua---@d then bmled it a6ain in favor ol seltine d autopatch bachine !p. Iinally theJ acied. The Technical Comittee





150 200 2s0 300 ,100

FnnQUINCY (\llrz)


"9 -


- : : : :u : :

\ " ,N


Page 24: ffiffiffi ELCH TALES ffiWffi · 2018. 5. 27. · a nachine on l,agua---@d then bmled it a6ain in favor ol seltine d autopatch bachine !p. Iinally theJ acied. The Technical Comittee

--*\ 4*-ITF'DIO




BOXEA X'OR Touch -


te eu



e-k-mg l99 C lo i r emon l Me rd S l vd

S o n D i e 9 o , C o l i l o ' n i d 9 2 1 1 1


.*, *l:.ilr.:;;,,::$!i1li; .::! ll{tt' r.t !l.illtl

ier r{ih a coa*1a1 d ubaldced ouilDt1s to !e used. Frrthd, cde shoulal b€tekd to ro the trdsnlsslon 11!e hor-lzontally a€y fr@ th€ dtdb fd ai1€€i a ha1f Bve leglb b€fole r.mlneIt vdtically doE to ihe trdditid.

IhE cond leflecio! dl,e@a is a gooddirectlonal Eniaio! lor the VHF dil UgFregion. the dtenna nay be $ed shdth€ iadiaiing e144i i3 1n the vertlcalloslilon, in Fhich ca€e ihe dilecilvliy!s in the holtzonial o! azltruihal e€,or the sysim nay h€ used {ith ihe ditv-€n elendi horizoniauy oddteit, 1lrhich ca6e ihe radlailo! ls hollzont3Uy?o1alzed dd no6t ol ihe dilectivitr i6in the veltlcal p1de. !ut, the diq@flhq used as a horizontally poldizedhdiatlng syst4, ls a v*y good 1otogle lem dienna, altholgh the no6e ofthe bodzontal ]Etiem ls sil1l qulie

{hd the radlaio! ls odsied ve!-ticEl1y, ihe cone! leflecior ol)daiesfatrly re1l as a dbection finding €n-isE, alihoueh sti11 aff€ct€il !y loleleslonses and othei problss.

Design ilata for the cond reflectoris glven tn Flgue 10. The I)ldes rhtchnal<e q) ihe leflectlng cond Dy hehade of solld sh€ets of copl'€r o! atrm-inM fo! the VIF banils, alihough stBced*1!€s rith th€ dd 6o1de6d tog€th€r attop dd botton Gy be Be.l as tbe lefl-ector at the loser freguscles. CoIEe!scleen mt allso he use.I for the reflect-

The Blues of 6!ac1!g gtven ln thecond leflecior cbdt have bed cbosen6uch tlEt, the center tll)€dance of iheddven e16st soulil be alDlodDatel.y?0 oles, The ant@a sholld be feil rlthtwln 14d, o! siih cod theugh a te1u.Thts dtdna rL11 lrcvid€ a getn ofaplfoximiely 12 dh.

. E X P E R T ' O P I N I O N


D.. Ne! 1,iitne, lsychiatrisi on th6faculty of ihe Chtcaso Instiiute fo!Psychoaalysi6, attributes the ?opdd-ity of C! Edlo to ",.,.8*s de ailaidof a oneto-one rclailohsb.1l). ,. . ed 1[efe! tbe @ontalty,.!,.of ladlo,.,ihey dorot have to fea !ej€ct1on...." n€lly?


Page 25: ffiffiffi ELCH TALES ffiWffi · 2018. 5. 27. · a nachine on l,agua---@d then bmled it a6ain in favor ol seltine d autopatch bachine !p. Iinally theJ acied. The Technical Comittee







RANGE _r._


118-136 148-174 225-372 312-400 450-470

109 86 51 39 30

s(cm) l t5 91 4\ 32

MN n(cn) t3a 109 66 50 38

MIN L(cd) 288 221 t3? 103 80

MAx c(cn) l 4 11 7 5 4

Page 26: ffiffiffi ELCH TALES ffiWffi · 2018. 5. 27. · a nachine on l,agua---@d then bmled it a6ain in favor ol seltine d autopatch bachine !p. Iinally theJ acied. The Technical Comittee


- Tu!63 -!Pz!

_- $19.

2w6 $4,lrn5oc $18.,rn!,oa $! $24,4\250F $22,Dr415 &25,5728/Tl.60L $?2,811A $7.813 $19.931A $9.4452/aa/r, $6.5894 $)2,6146a $4.6r468/8298a $5.6)60 $5.666r $1.5680 $r.66a! $1,6e39 $5,?944 $3,w?z $32,8106 $1,895a $5,6ia6 $3

V289l2cl9A 10 ror $12,






VHF Prescaler Chiqs

DCo1rc HlAh Speed DraL5-4 Inlut 0n/N0!

$1t tlo11C05XC 1-qHz Couie!,

Dlvide bY 4 $74.3511c05!nl 1-CHz Comie!,

tlvld€ bY 4 $110.5011C05$ oHF Pre6caler,

?5o rlldz D-Twe F/F' $12.50

11C24!C tud! I'rl VCM$2.60

1lclltE Phase/rYaq, !etr.$2 '60

11C588 !C1, VCn $4.5311c?0m 600-IHz flt1!-

FIo! rlih lesei$12.30Hm*

,,: lfr arEiltort�Rcl 4Oe90 U.5 V., at t500 HHz, 2 {atis dtn.P 1n 0.5 rait.

?.N285?aj.3,75N3866?n'/r�n?22i14t+n2N5I79?ll�5589?!55902)t559t2\56)?ar50802N608I2lJ�6042N6A8J2X60&?ll.6:.66unP ll4!4ct918wEz857














.00,60' 9,50


-Elg{eelectroiUGC25]|:| N. 32NO SIREEI

PHOE'{D( rRlzofiA a5dl

Plr. @2.957{tA5

w . -

Page 27: ffiffiffi ELCH TALES ffiWffi · 2018. 5. 27. · a nachine on l,agua---@d then bmled it a6ain in favor ol seltine d autopatch bachine !p. Iinally theJ acied. The Technical Comittee

Minutesl4inutes of the aoard of D1lectors, S.AI-IAA, Inc., Selienber 2, 1976. Batd[enbeis Fe6ent' I{5CIC; rIA6]lC(i lrA6drrui'!6LXC ' {!6yIQi 1,{A6A11| VA6(AQ; l,{6P!Ar

1. Ihe neetlns *a6 ca11ed to orde! ai7'45 lX hy lres, {6CIC.2. t!61,XC leloried a baldce in l,berledry of $1277.43.l. {!6\tIQ leloded that $250 €6 laidto ihe eeneral fud out of the Squelch

4. 1,II6ENU reait a letter fron Stra.Ijilospital e4)res6in6 thdks to saNllAtor ou conidbution"5, NA6HC( Public nelations @d hosasleloried on a lec€ni cleo u! i, .! tootay noutair, He is trtins to get theSmt to lreseri a llosrm fo! the Se!t.neetins. Th€ october neetie r.111 beheld at Sbaa? Hoslita1, the Ho6!ita1 pr-@ldlng the I)IoeTd da rcfre6bnenis.lad also reported that a reqlest for220 coor.Linatlon for otay bas bea filed

6. !36VIQ Education dd Sqletch Tales!relorted that lsry Hdvey K6PY hed ae-seed to Elte a 4 {e€k no14ce edlcatlon

?. {A6A11 l'ldlrershi!' lelorte.I thatne{ EneEl cards are nor beins sent outto those nenbeE rhose dues Flll soon

8. xA6xAQ l4eetings: reporreit ibattlckets ae no{ available fo! the IC22S.9. e6!DA Es alDointed Chalmd of theTecbnica-l Comtttee" He relorted thatthe Sharp releate! has a ne{ driver the noise PIo}1d on lagua ts90F cueil aD.I one nole triD to hsia11€Iowd !adta16 shoxld sto! the lrobls.The k50 trdsnitter dd duplexer io belnstal1ed on oiay Sept. 4!h, r4otion tryxl6lxC sec }r]r rMQ thai luds ne nadeavailahle f.on the Aene4l fud to payfot the 450 trdsntiter on otay.10. l,ll6C1B rel)oded lbat the poltat:Leleleatd bod.Is are o])eraiio.a.l sonesheetheta-1 so* to !e done dd f1na1 as-sd!1y. {A6!CX is tryine to get a co1-1alsalrle na€t for dtenna. Sepalatelicerse to !e oltained. x36CW aploint,eit cbaihd of the "Portable ReleaterSulewiso.y Comittee".

'rnn r'rosT cos! IIFFUCTM !lICl?O-COl1!!iEr SYSIE)1.. .

830 Ei rs t Streel 81Encin i tas ' cA 9202q7 1 4 r l 3 6 - 3 5 1 2

t,Q ne xnr,'e

6800 SoFTI I IFE. I ]AS IC.asseFb ler



fiim :i"8{$i::.ri:;isl^":I,:";:':::":;"SPECTAL CLOSD-oUTS: t lenory and I /O fo ! A l la i ! /T l l s ' \ l 9080 sys teFs

can be round.. CCIMPUTEFIVI 'AFIE

q Basic systen Features:

+ 2( + oi Lo{ Fowe! It]\|lI Aov opelat inq systen| 6800 MPIJ* ConPlete ' l lo the! Board"

+ Ser ia l I , /O (Rs 232 or 20 I ' iL)* Dxtensive Documentationt Ful ,1 capaci ty Powe! suPPlY

IT lS f l tE s i ' rTPC 6800 Cohpute! systeF ( i t . . . 'OnIy $395

l , re a lso stock many Ploducts for a l l n icro-cohputer systeFs

Dual casset te Inte l face $?9.50

Page 28: ffiffiffi ELCH TALES ffiWffi · 2018. 5. 27. · a nachine on l,agua---@d then bmled it a6ain in favor ol seltine d autopatch bachine !p. Iinally theJ acied. The Technical Comittee

11. ike t4ored j,JA60TJ qas alpointedalterate iteleeate to the SlaR Coucil'

12, llA6l{AQ r€lorted the autopaich 1s

ftnished @d 6hox1d be insiatrleit s+t 4,

He ;lated that thde *i1]. rre Prollensbecause of the o1d radio. The repeaid

has a net call sign, IR6ASH'13. A felter @s r@d flon the SCIA

c;ncenlns the rtdgecrest re!@ter. tlle

sc reouested {R6AilZ to reituce lts i*

celver c;veraee to the 6o!th, dd S'qNma

is lequesied to noilfv it€ sers in ra,

and ordge couty of a leleaie on the

sme channel dd ihai theto us€ dIlectional antennas dd/or nin-

tnu !o{e! 1o access the otav rep€ie!.

14. ilotion !y tbllA sec b' ll,6xtQ ihal"The 3(Ed of Dircciols alDleciaies the

efforts of the SCIA in this mlie' dd

@ee6 to the l r &q!es t . !e fee l . hoH-

io, tn t ttt" chdges leqle6ted to theRl.Iaeclest Eystm are insuffictdl uilthal {e asain recomend the SCM !eco-ordiEte {n6}'XZ io dothei flequencv'rr15. !r!6aIL repolted th€t a lr1ll to Y1M1; Dldned on Oct. 9th to be held at Sir

Ceoiee's at 1.lO Pl'l. Uoilon lv {A6HC(

sec. hv !36VIQ that Ftzes taken to Yuahot to exceed $60. otion canied'

i6, la6Biu relolted the results of lh-e

tallotlns tor the Lagr$ 6!5td Folo6a161 f;vo!, l8 lgl t' favor' l'lotion

ti!_ rlA6rci(. sec bv lA6AIL thai due to the

ii". r"tril of baLlots (1ess th4 5c6)

ihe Board of D1rector6 recoMend - Lhat

the lorllsed tag]fa svstm De €D!eo'

noner donale.I io ihe lepeatq rud De

!etrE€.I, dd set a!!rova,1 groE.-ihe

nenldshI! to sPend u addldond ir))u

for a tota.1 or $2550 tat 4 nen re!€ier

for sha4) Hos!ltz-1. I'lotlon cerr1ed'

1?. U6CIC relolted that tlordd sh€IDn

ls eorkins oh reirco4)oratlo'.18. I.tes de Eolicited fo! d equlIF

n€nt fud ilrive. Sone id€6 lEesdtedde recycltns aluinu cds {d P!9':-19 . The n€et lne Eas ad iomed a ! u :z ) '

R€6lectfld1J su[tr:ltted3ob lutesh VA6B{U

SecletefY, ShNXAA' hc'

FoR sAl l r one ry l lA J! , , A.c. . loweS-upprv, ana one "J" IDle i}?e cuy, [36!Eq, at 224-5029,

wnfr,tv'sPHOI{ E477'2119


"We re hord lo f ind, but worlh

l h e e f f o r t - f o r d l l Y o u re l e o r o n i c n e e d s

E L E C T R O N I C P A R T S A N D T O O I . 5


1636 'D'AVE.


Page 29: ffiffiffi ELCH TALES ffiWffi · 2018. 5. 27. · a nachine on l,agua---@d then bmled it a6ain in favor ol seltine d autopatch bachine !p. Iinally theJ acied. The Technical Comittee


lhe seneral nmbercbt! neetiDg na6held as usul at ihe Elkrs C1!b o. Ker-ney Mesa on ihe 19ih of August to a eoodtun out. First on the lrogrd ms alles@tation ly John Uehtdn6, Presldentof tbe so Dieeo Couty uoutain RescueTem on the tedrs calaltlities ddllactlces, follo{ed by a tou thro€bthei! vd, showine lheir equllneht anafacilities. For those of you rbo maJnot knor, Sr,}lnnA is aJflliated rdth theMoutain ReEcue lea, dd ou facilftiesale freqratly uced by thd u their

tennis Scane11, Ua6I-1c, ths present-ed a shod filn tlat he put tosetherdocmerting the cdden rescue, fron theneginning of ihe nlssior io the cnlntn-ation in Robertrs delivery !o the Ve!-elanrs Hospltal hde in Sd Diego. Thefiln ms very {e11 done, d{t is strone-1y recomen.Ied to aU clubs ed lnteres-1ed erolls for vieEing. lemis also badlootage covering ihe laeua fire of afe* years aeo, rhich ras equ11y inter-

The wido{ .f Jaclr Jackso!, K60(C, msFesent, dd {as presented the conlletedl'lsoria1 nesohlion, as plinted in theA!!i1 issre of SQUECH TAIES, ad msinfohed of the nenortal itonation toShar?'s ]lospital in Jacks ntue bJ S/INTRA

Sybil, ri6qc, hestdent of SANIfiA,Fesented to ihe ndlersh1! a recoMend_

!l atton ly tbe loard tbat, since the ne{' leleater planed for Shdpts ras nolonge! available, a ne{ uicor rerearer

r b e o r " r a s - d & d v o r ' 6 a d o - t e ! e q d ! _: n . l oFd, so : , " ' " - . q* ,o . r -

1ne could be insraued on I,aeua, ddthe llesent La€ua nachine be nov€d toSha4'si thls rould !em1t, the addltionof satelltte recetven io tbe Laguasysren ro inllove oE covelase both tnSan Die6o !rope!, dd east, ia the yMaleglon. The fotua-ny !ro-losed lry a notior fron the floor, dddlly seconded. The prolosal has led6et forth ir a letter to all nenbe$ hthe roste!, along rdth a naltut to voreon the natle. Ite !ropo6a1 has re u_dhous all)roval dd recomendation ofthe loalil ol Direclors.


'Ihe last actlon of the evalns ras anotlotr fron the floor, seconded ad !as_sed !y a majo!1ty, that a "!€e!e", ortone busi llodslon be added to thelaBua nachire of the natEe of rhosesohetines foud on other Eleaters. rhe!!o!osed sIsten roxld IEovide a tone onih6.epeat€r oxtlut after ibe uEerlsce5ier hait drop])ed rhich {ould tell vouif yor irequency {as h16h, 1or, o!Eltbin the alFopriate lass rrand. Sucba llovlsion ras luilt inio the lasuacontrol systen bI [B51,IQ {hen ir k6first tnstalled, ed woDld only lequirethat the c1lcllt cad be Illxgged in, thedjscdntnator of the r€leater recelverte connected, dd r.h€ aldto ourlrr. oflbe cad be connected to ihe trasnilteraudlo irlut. The neasEefx.tly olloseil ty l,ralde, '/i6prA, rho1aleUed it "a !oy", and indicated thathe corstdered it do be a raste of rheTechnical Comiiteers tlne !o nake sucha lrovision. He further stated thatsxch decisions 8hou1d be left u! r.o theTecbnlcal comittee or trustee 4th€rthd to the nenbeGhi!.

The ne/t gener.l nemlrership heetinqki11 lre held at +he sde fo.a+ion on th;tTtb of Seltenler, ahd all inrerest.edpartie., nenbers o! not, are i.vited to


"Donri lut that in the ninxtes, !o!1"

Page 30: ffiffiffi ELCH TALES ffiWffi · 2018. 5. 27. · a nachine on l,agua---@d then bmled it a6ain in favor ol seltine d autopatch bachine !p. Iinally theJ acied. The Technical Comittee

TNEASUN[NS RT'PORTTleasuer,s Fepolt to! Ale]rst 1976


$4O8, oo7 0 . 0 0

. 5 0

.25t , 5 a

IC 22s tla{ing Fuid 81.00carden Fescu€ Idnd--SAN!AaC -liqg

Total 54a,22

geelMins baldce, Aug" 1

Dues & lnitlatio!

hill llis

nk's l,odge-_xentotay--site rcnta1lleleaier !dts--450

autolaich loclioutPacif ic TelePhone--autopaichEner€ency repeater Parts'lenlo II'IH door lrize?o lox renial--12 nonthsTo11 caE, {ashineton' Pcs.Fide for K6Q(G rl a4!eSlrdp I{os!ita.l-(6Qxc Fmd

7A.2643,9915,00)5,406 5 . 2 2r+9.00

190.8327,).46 . 3 1

\94.75J0"009 , 2 6


q . s rAll Licanscd Hams

Y e -of Saxforis & Pho.-^"v .@rtary! o,.r.r

' I O'l" DiscoJnt

On PncscflPlan3 toi

YOUSexto.'s? ?h."m"'.1.

tl.ql La glvo ' La l"14sa ''l(*-St'lt

SaNlARC-Cdden le6cue Aril

Tota'lEndine la1dce ' Aug. 31



Ioie: Endins Ba]Mce inclldes 981 00

for 1C-22S dnnns. uncditted 6r-


sesinnin€ !a1dce' A!s' 1 1119r'?:Endhs Aaldce, 4ug. 11 l]!u)'rl)



Others MaY Be Listening

As m&y of You may lre alarP, the. SCRA

has asEimed another rePeat { to ine u+

64 frequency lair in Soltlren caral@aa

i^ recen+ nonths . S ince tha t body nao

alardteed ihat frcquencY as a cred

ahdnel for the otay nachne, or Per-nission las asked io do so' dd !e z€re-

ed. oDly tf no iniedeience ms to oc-

'5it.oer. tr." ner tuchi'e. 1o'ated- on

the Naval tlealons Station at Unlna rde'

is at a suhstdtial ilistdce' the omi-

directional dtenna ad g€ter than

orictm]lv slecified height lEs resurtea

in sone interference betv€en the t{o

srs tens .l lo l t no ta t l v ' rsers o f the o t ' y macn-

ine xho de located in cedain Paris ol

+he deater los Aneeles dea

rv trine up the Chlna lale nachine too'

11 t i s knom as " lad lo lYee rnvoKem / 'it e ou nenlas, and oihe! users' ao_

cated in ihat al{a}s more

+han telcome to lse our ractiine rhey

de asked ro te nirilflL of thls possao-

i1itv, dd if theY are ustne -dlect-i.nal dtennaE, to nake everv erlori ro

oiient their a.tenha in slchto nininize lntelference

-AN. r f r_A 's Boud o f D j_e . '016 s her 'np

evell effolt to solve tbe PIoDt4'thlolgh neeotlatlons Fith the om€s dd

aplea1s io the SCAA.

Page 31: ffiffiffi ELCH TALES ffiWffi · 2018. 5. 27. · a nachine on l,agua---@d then bmled it a6ain in favor ol seltine d autopatch bachine !p. Iinally theJ acied. The Technical Comittee

FROM sc s . . .

FEATUFES F ugsed conslruct io.. qLa r'ly componanrs dnd gord a.odized aluminJn radrators e.sura peal

Eidled djpol€ design requires no sround plane, and thus readily adapts to lhe most srrinsent insralarionr6quiremenrs, while maintainins peak operational efi iciency.Univeret mounrins block includes standard X 24rhreaded hole for mobile or base mouni, t0-32 rhread€dholes tor sids hounting. Side holes also usable for H-T mo!n1insT.noa coar matchins strrio4 provrdes sLpe'ior me1.r(st bo.d ald ootimur matchrno across theop.raling band Typ VSWF 1.5:1 or les ove' rhe enrre brnd Powe' hardhnq capdbtriv eraeeds ?5OW

Woisht s a mere a olnces, for true ponabiliry. cottapsibte modd tor two meters packs inlo an ov€rnire

All;od€ls complete wirh 15' coax and connectors Special OX 'J' connectors are inexpensiv€JCM series

Additionrl nodsls due in 1976 include: 50,75 and 20O wrtt HF Broadband mobile units t 200,300,600end 1XW HF Broadband base lnits. Additional FCC rvDe acceDr€d modets to. HF or thru UHF . AmareL.bdnd transcaiver nod!16.

k..1e Po8Hndtn,

ffii;rE h|id rl*r.r 6 [.bih)

l|ldlln l*u(rru$ $flEt, *.

(srd uob .t 55.3 r 3.t

1711 )27 r 631o


Page 32: ffiffiffi ELCH TALES ffiWffi · 2018. 5. 27. · a nachine on l,agua---@d then bmled it a6ain in favor ol seltine d autopatch bachine !p. Iinally theJ acied. The Technical Comittee


OPPORTUNITY{ashinston IC -- s?ace Shlti1e asilonauicandidaies are still letne solghi bvNASA, Aldications tiU be accelded a_

ii1 J!!e lO, f9??, anit all alllicanls{if1 be inromed or seleclion bv lecen_- -n i

r . " . t rL r , l lo t cand iJa te . and f5nission slecialist cddidaie. ti11 teselected to relort to the l,vndon B.Johnso! S lace Center , Houston , TX ' onJnly 1, 1978, ror tto yeds oI trainingand evafuation. Final seleciion as aastronaut ti1l delend on .atisfacioryconlletion of the evalution Period.

?1lot arllicdis nDSi have a bach_elor's degree in engineerine, lhJsic.fsclence o! nathenalics frcn d accreilit-ed instiiutlon, or conllete all require-nents for a ileexee by Decenber 31, 1977.An advanced deeree or eqxlvaleEt ex?e!_ience is ileslred, dxs at least 1000hous fllst !i1ot tine, {ith 2000 ornore prefened. Hieh-ledohance jet

ailcraft and llight test experi€n.e isdesiralrle. Allticant: mst lass a IiASAClass I space flighL l,hysica1, ad thelrheishl must. be bet{een 64 and 76 inches.

Alplicanls lor nission speciallst cadi.Iate position6 de noi required to bepilots, Educatlola1 qraliiications dethe sane as ror rilot aldicanis, excepithai lriological science deFrees are in-cluded. I,ltssion steciatist ap!1lcdtsnust pass a NASA class 1I slace faisht

lhysica1. leiebt lelreen 60 and 76 in-

Pay tor civilian cadidaies lirl bebased on the ledelal Covennent's cen-eral Schedule lgy scale fton erades cs-

? throueh CS-15, ulth aplroxinate sal-d ies f ron $11,000 to 914,000 le r [email protected] xlrl be conpensated tased onindivi.hal acadenic achievenent. and ex-

lerience. Other ben€fieis inclxde va-;ation and sick 1€ve. and tariicilationin ihe ledeial CovemnenL retirenent,

eloup heallh and lite insuance p1ans.Civilian apllicants nay ottaln a !ack-

et of a! icailon naierlal tuon iheJohnson Slace Cerier. Requesis should


be @i1ed to eiiher AEtloErt (Ulsslonslecizlisi) cddldate ltuerm, o! astro-;!t (Pi1ot) cddidaie !roea4, code alxNASA Joruson Stace center, Houstor Tx

7?058,Mllitdy Personnel should apply lrl[-

outh theil reslectlve dlitdv depaft-nenls, usine Pocedres to !e Pxonulgai-ed later thls yed bY ibe Deri. of !e-

fense. l411itdy cddldates {111 he de_iailed io JSC, brt *iU r4ain 1! actlvenilitdy status fot pal� lenefits, l€veed othe nilltdy naiters.


'1 . . . . And I ' l l s t i l l supPortthe party to the fu l lest l "

".,..,Anit Fontse to ilrive onlv a Plnto'

dd to eat noihlns but linea! e uill


Page 33: ffiffiffi ELCH TALES ffiWffi · 2018. 5. 27. · a nachine on l,agua---@d then bmled it a6ain in favor ol seltine d autopatch bachine !p. Iinally theJ acied. The Technical Comittee

nical Comittee te11s us, ed that re're"gentlend1y" atout it ard donri liEthen dom. T!at, dd {e have loud itconlenient and Festegious to have allthe authorit,r r€ c& gather doud !s.

Shou16't re lre ab:]. t. t4st ou om

tholgh? Iie shonldi lerhal)s {e evencou1d, if {e line! {ho tnea nere, So fdas I be ! , 4 rgn tetme (P!,{) Es on ii, dd nayn€ lavid,

((Aa) ras on it. !FiE!', seldon shonedD! at a neeiing iholgh, so Nayne {ai theore aplarentlv n.liirg the Cecisions @dFesenLations. I,lo{, Lhar: i., the q!!

ihe Lnst.ees ad controf orerators deon it. Irve o.r1! nisse.L one n.eting,ed so fd ds I |Ior, that fact has

! 1 t r r i , 1 3 f n etrnsiee of oiay, dC a lretie! exy, loihlersonallJ ard ie.Lnicauy ycur11 never

davs. lJave (aJ,l is 'ehe irlsiee oi theSharls nachine, hi asain, doe 't seento lie verx active, either. That leav-es lalne ed l]1iigh L.

te1l, in Alril the Bodd lassed a notioacalLing f.r l-he nanes of Lhe corirol oIJ-era!!o!s rlo lje lrblished ln SqU[CIl TIIESso everxone xoxld kno{ lho tney {ere.Afler all, nhy the secreca? 9xL I co-r ldnr l - ge t thm. In Maa, Lhe Bodr1 ,

!1e, changed thal- notion to the eifectthat onlJ..the rodd of Direciors nas io

That,'s a fair con!!oht.e, I suplose.

that xould srield the control oldaLorsfron al1 kinds of ahsive .afls. ilithe nses Nere!'t xor, Se!-

has only the nees oi those for otal.

NaJne xas at the neetiig, hi didn'iFovide the nmes lor ihe LaLua nachlne.

The ain trlth is ihat re doart kno{{ho od control stations are; {e donrt

staiion .ricenses (ihere se4s ro be sonedoultlr {e therefore donrt ]{now who tb€Teclsical. comittee is, the leolle '!hat

de lstng tr! ihe erttre i.cone ol thecl.r!, Fith the ninor exceltlons of siLcrenta-1, siatlonery, etc.IT DOESN'T HAVE TO

B E T H A T W A Y ! IIf lox, a naber, are saLislied rath

this eangenert, 0j(. lnt iI y.ltre roithen its tine fo! the BIBmSIII to acl,ed to a . i dec is ive l . ) ' . I t ' s o tv jousthat's the onlr {aJ it {i11 get io.rc,

1. Anend the b1a,s, qq fb! ltglqneetinlj, renovinE the axth-ority of ihe lcanl ol rs to na j re dJ ex le .d i i fe ,on ey Foje.r,, not jxsL ro!a sinEl€ iten, ir ercess oi

$100. The mutine .osts ofEodDciion or 3QUElrlH lAlEs(it pays for itself dFar)

ard s!ch, rolld have tc 1,esleciiicallr evenrl,ed. /,nyetrenditue in elce.. of +-ha+-aout ro!14 have io l,e axtho4zed lrl ihe n.Dlershi!. Irradditional, lager fi6u€,shonld be set, any exllendiilDein excess of {hi!h rould hate

rot just those rho can cone tothe neet inss , A1so, sonelxovision shoDld Le hade to

clude qll l!9I! or a lroject,and a li4 qultation oi co.i.

2. Thsteeshil of aLl SlliLrnA tereaters, con'urol linl., andothex ir@sDiLtcrs shoxld teheld by the IRESIIENT, tqlrovlsion of ihe l!la{s.

3. !9 palnenis should r. tadefor itens rhich a!]]Io!!jate

4, By !!la{ ctrange, iion th.nenlefshi!, ihe l]oxer to mend the lylaqs should !e re-noled f?on the lodd of Di-

Page 34: ffiffiffi ELCH TALES ffiWffi · 2018. 5. 27. · a nachine on l,agua---@d then bmled it a6ain in favor ol seltine d autopatch bachine !p. Iinally theJ acied. The Technical Comittee

ieciols. lt is the duiv of

the Sodit toaes to the nmrrershi! for

iheir a?Ilrova1" The or€diz-aiion belonss to the nfloes!the !eo!1e nho laY the dues,

I t ' s !p to Jou, the leo? le lho- foo t

the ti11s and lse ihe FaLhine-' rt vou

de satisJied *ith the st.tus quo'-tane'

Sui tf tou'il like to have conird ower

vou oradizaiion, do sonething aboni

tt" ao it no", dd do it in lastins toh'

There's sonethine else ihat you nav

wish to consider, ud mav require Jora t ten t io . soon, E i .ce I ' ve " to1 i l ia les

oui ot school": Tbe Board has the po{-

er, lry ihe preseni ttlars, io r4ove dv

Boed nenler for dv rason---the peopre

!o!, not the loaxd, €1ected. 1 believe

iiEI uri. !o".r. too shoutd lesi sorerv

wiih the nenlrershtP.alaiiin€ yor !1ea6ue.



'Way to gol

New ClassA conc@traieil couse 1n ladio Code

Licenslng 1.t11 leeln Tlesdav' Se!1. the Nomal Heiah+s llethodiet chEch'

{-650 Manstield stThe coEse, oPen to eY Psson lntd-

ested in An;ter aadio olerailon, rill

cove all infonation neede.I to obtaln

Iovice. Techniciar, Cen*a-1 dd Advdcedclass licenses, according to Lvnd Ellts{ !6 !Lz . the tns+ l rc to t .

Smnsoled bY the last San Dieso con-

^*itu CoI.e" AilLlt center. the classL{11 be held ftesdavs dd ThusdaF froF

9 d to noon dEing the Fal1 seneste!,

rhich etds on JdrExY 22.In coljuciton trlth the corse, one-

h.u radio lroadca6is in I'lorse code de

schedd€d io lrovlite Factice It recelv-ine code, !a1iE added.

ihe troailcasts wi1l be atled on Han

freq!-"ncies 1,8?5 dd 147.42 l'lHz eve4l4ondav tiEouah Fndav lYon seltenber r)

io Jdrdy 22 at 5!15 pn' linonthlv ne-

eiires leltalnirA +o Morse code ?lacticede a16o lrldned, dd dates Fi.r-L be d-n.uc€d o! the laaio troadcasts'

Inlereeted I)erson6 hay lEe-reglster at

the Eas+ sd Dieeo coMuitv Colleee Ad-

dr cdter, 4395 r] caion Blvd. ' o! atthe cdi€rr6 office at Crarford High

School. 4191 Colts {av. Altiicatlons

{i11 a1€o te ta.ken alr the chuch Se!t.

It 's up to you ! iYou caus to the lYeemy Pallol - to i

assisi hotorists - 4e not belnc cledit- |ed to AI4A15U! $!I0: r'{a1t r@clonard, Ithe @v vho flits doud ovd the d4 |dulc tnffrc hou6' 4d rus the lTee IMv !;trol dd C! Help Club lh€n on ihe Id;ud, 6a1d he lEd onlY t{o ca116 rYom I:Mter raitlo o!{aio!s 1a6t nontni we I,do! bettet dd xe sre .Ion't r6t You Ito 6top naline caus--chich Jpu ought io I@l{e la6ts ed nore accuaterY t@ 4Y IcBpr - but {e rcu1d tike to 1ei then ln Ion {ho !s calling' Neat tire' {nelhd Ivdu de nakina the call throxgh d auio- |;tch (rhat's that?) or rela}'1ns li fo! |ioneoae erse, 1et the Fetiv 6ir1 on the Iothe! end of 295-5a7? kno{ Yo! 4e d IArMt€d Radlo o!eato!: (It "*'i llE:il I'*::,t

Page 35: ffiffiffi ELCH TALES ffiWffi · 2018. 5. 27. · a nachine on l,agua---@d then bmled it a6ain in favor ol seltine d autopatch bachine !p. Iinally theJ acied. The Technical Comittee

orrtc rr.sP r e 3 i d e n l W 6 G I C - S y b i l A l l b r i g h r

27A 42a4Vice Pres. wA6HGK- Poul Mcclore

262-770rT r e o s . w B 6 L X G - J o c k w i l l i o m s

4 4 4 - 6 5 4 4E d i l o r w B 6 v l o - J o h n H e n d r i c k s

4 6 O _ 5 3 8 2wA6AlL- Lo ry Cox

2 7 7 - 6 3 5 2WA6KAO Dove Olson

2 1 3 - 9 4 3 3X E 2 l O . A l e r H o d o y o n

3 9 6 4 2 3 3W 6 P D A - W o Y n e B o m f o r d' 2 7 7 - A 3 Z O

wA6ENU-Bob Rubesh4 7 7 - 6 8 6 l

Squelrh Toles

$*rTffi*?*g$ ooo* PRrzE tcKEr

E##.#"Ksu.lay Ev€nins at 8'00 r on 04/64Iednesday Eve. ar 1t30 P$ an ?5/15



1 4 6 . 0 4 0115.250

| 1 6 . 6 1 0449.500

1 1 7 . 1 5 0

1 4 7 . 8 4 5

7sow P 6 a r r J s o n o i . e o 1 4 2 . 2 8 5

lShorp l io rp i ro I


F U l l , l @ { B m . . . . , . . . , , . , . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . $ r 0 I n i t i a t i o r ( o n e - t i n e J$10-Ezo'ot"t

l , I l t l I T l D M n , t 8 F f i , . . , . , , , . . . . . , . . . . . , . . , . , . $ L 2 ! e ! y e a r(O!ly fo! those *bo live oxislde ol the San Dieeo area.Votlne !!1vl1eees de Dot incluited,)




!a1t to SANIF , I!c., lost, Offlc6 lox 82958, Su Dleeo, Ca,, 92138.

Page 36: ffiffiffi ELCH TALES ffiWffi · 2018. 5. 27. · a nachine on l,agua---@d then bmled it a6ain in favor ol seltine d autopatch bachine !p. Iinally theJ acied. The Technical Comittee

> 1 0 I >

: . . , ( , ; o; : @ €- \ o o :

z z> ;O Q ,


P R R R R R S E S g g. t - i ; ' : ; ; i t r t r - - -d . ; . s , 5 E F 3 . 3 . : - F r ' ' 9 ' g ' - P ' - 5 " ' ̂3 4 " i F ; E ? ' ; F B 8 i , 9 9 ? ; Y ; ? F T " Y 9i q S B g ; e t E 6 E - ; g ; ; f t s g P 9 q 9 3 F f Fi F q r 3 6 P : . . F b ' � = : q P F B : q - : S : F E { Zf . - 3 = 8 " : r s F E = H , 9 8 = f r f , F ' r oi 8 , . . S - : ? q 3 * B E S . E P B B J S; H : 6 : F s i A x E i . 6 T E - s l T * T ; T E i a i€ 6 . € ' 6 ff ' & d E = * . 6 = . 5 " 8 . E -' E . e E3 - : = i F . B . . 3 3 E J F g . i 3 E 3 g t s . . 5 ! uE 3 ; , 3 P g ; & " E g P E - g ! ! . E ' 8 " 5 ' � F " 1

. E - - . 8 ' " - - E N 4 N g F E g g o5 F 5 & ; E E t C , : t s 3 F ; - - . r 5F ; - - - f ; i o r r F , p t s 6 E F F -! o


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