
Field Level 5 - The Internet of things

BriefCreate a bridge between the physical and digital domains through the use of augmented reality or the internet of things. The outcome should be either interactive artwork and artefacts, or the design of interconnected products and devices.

What is IoT and Augmented reality?

Internet of places

IoT or the Internet of Things is the concept of allowing any object or device to connect with each other and the internet by providing them with an IPS address. This in theory should provide use with more free time and a wider range of beneficial technology.

Augmented reality is similar to virtual reality, however, with virtual reality the viewer experiences a different form reality to their own. Augmented reality on the other hand allows the audience to experience multiple layers of virtual reality over their own reality. Pokermon go app that swept over the world during 2016 is a great example of current augmented reality.

What devices & apps currently exist?

Internet of places

IoT devices are getting more and more common, during my level 4 trip to London the talk provided by Dare studio discussed the new Amazon dash button. A simple device that when pressed will order the product and deliver it to your house by the next day.

More creative forms of IoT is the smart sofa, which you can change the shape of it via an app or if the sofa has not change for a long period of time it will move itself to encourage you to get active.

One of my favourite object is the smart weight which will track you reps, increase or decrease the weight and also helps you to improve your control and lifting techniques. However, this device is incredible expensive meaning that it will not be in local gyms any time soon.

How can this help?

Internet of places

During my research it seem as if almost every device that could be though of has already been connected to the internet.

In my group we brain storm a variety of areas to help use to produce an new innovative idea or device that we could work with. Being students we discussed common student problems exploring devices that could help use or future student when these problem arise.

My group did not agree with my brain storming and mind mapping session, they told me that it seemed pointless and we should just start working on something. As a graphic designer, I feel that most of my job is producing mind maps and research, I also believe this is how you produce the best ideas while keeping multiple doors open.

Internet of places

Mind maps

Internet of places

IoT concepts and ideas

Internet of places

My group wanted to create a device that could help to reduce the feelings of being homesick caused by missing the family pet, or also to allow the pet owner to know that their pet is not suffering from anxiety while they are gone.

Our concept was to create a pet mat that when the pet in on top of the matt a sensor would trigger a reaction in a teddy bear that is connect to the device in the mat causing the teddy to light up or heat up.

As I was working with an architect and product design we split each job for the presentation and final outcome using our own skills. As a graphic design, I was in charge of producing the presentation and illustrated visuals. Also a copy writer due to my experience as a content writer before uni.

The other one planned on creating a prototype while the last team member would produce the circuits and provide me with the technical details to go on the presentation.

Creating visuals for selling idea

Internet of places

Within the graphic design community we have a strong emphasis on selling ourself and our ideas while communicating our ideas clearly with the audience. I knew to create a visual striking, informative and well consider narrative within the presentation to help sell our IoT device to the audience.

I felt that as I have no experience with producing products or electronics that this was my strongest area to work on. However, after countless amounts of emails and my colleagues not arrive to group meetings I was left a few missing sections within my presentation and a lack of confidence in presenting an unfinished piece of work.

The half finished presentation

Internet of places

The missing pieces

Internet of places

After not presenting my design concept to the class and my tutor due to having a lack of information about our product. I decided to research into how to create the devices.

I discovered that for use to produce the product that I will need to get a range of basic electronic materials to connect to my Arduino and place within the mat or teddy bear.

For the mat part of the project I would need to a switch, Arduino board, ESP8266 WiFi module and a switch. For the Teddy bear, I would need a heat pad, Arduino board, ESP8266 WiFi module and a switch.

I then used my graphic design skills to produce a range of symbols to create a circuit board illustration to show the blueprints of the final concept.

The device plan and concept

Internet of places





After discovering the missing elements for the design and learning about electronic circuit boards. I used my knowledge of Adobe illustrator software and my new found knowledge of circuits to create two drafts.

The first draft which can be seen on the left would be placed within the animals mat. The Force sensing resistor when triggers will provide additional electricity to travel through the WiFi Module.

When the extra jolt of electricity travels through the WiFi module and by using carefully created J Query code this in theory should send a signal to the device that will be location with in the teddy bear or animal toy.

I have also incorporated a switch in the design as a safety mechanism and to save energy to give the product a longer shelf life.

Internet of places





The second circuit board will be placed with a teddy bear or similar stuff animal toy. This circuit is very similar in design to the previous one, however the location of the ESP8266 WiFi module in a different location.

In theory when the WiFI module is triggered from the previous device it will cause a reaction within the Aurdino board causing the heat pad to start generating heat.

The only problems with this circuit or device is the danger of over heating the toy. I have incorporated a switch to turn the device off. However I am curios if there is a way to incorporate a thermometer that will turn the heat pad of when it reaches a certain temperature.

The final conclusion

Internet of places

My brief was to create either interactive artwork, artefact or the design of an interconnected devices or products. I feel that I have managed to produce a design concept for an interconnected product. I have managed to produce a visual illustration to show the concept while going one step further by creating blueprints providing information of how the device can be created.

I believe that to go further into producing the product, I would first need to get clarification from an electrician to prevent the circuit board from malfunctioning or the product from over heating.

I would also need to improved my knowledge in JavaScript or J Query to allow the two products to triggers reactions via the an internet connect or hire a computer programmer to help assist. I would need to apply for funding or creating my own funding to afford to the equipment to make the first functioning prototype.

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