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PMM4161st sem. MBA (PHARM.)

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FILE TRANSFER PROTOCOL • File Transfer Protocol is the standard mechanism provided by

TCP (TRANSMISSION CONTROL PROTOCOL) /IPNETWORK like Internet for copying a file from one host toanother .

• FTP is built on a „client - server architecture‟ .It uses separate

control and data connections between the client & the server• FTP uses the services of TCP. It needs two TCP connections.The

well-known PORT 21 is used for the control connection & thewell-known PORT 20 for the data connection.

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• A client program enables the user to interact with a serverin order to access information and services on the servercomputer.

• Files that can be transferred are stored on computerscalled FTP servers . To access these files, an FTP clientprogram is used. This is an interface that allows the userto locate the file(s) to be transferred and initiate the

transfer process.

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MODES OF TRANSFER• There are two modes of transfer in FTP: ascii and binary .• ASCII is used only for files saved in ASCII format (this

includes Postcript files)• Binary is used for files that are formatted & saved using a

wordprocessing software like . ..WordPerfect (.txt) , spreadsheets (.xls) , images (.jpg, .gif) ,and many executable programs (.exe) and videos (.avi) .

• QVT(QUERY/VIEW TRANSFORMATION) Net hasautomatic transfer mode.

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BASIC FTP COMMANDS• FTP - initiate ftp session•

open <host> - connect to an ftp server• binary - specify files to up/download; are more than flat text (up files,images, programs, etc.)

• get <filename> - download a file from the server• put <filename> - upload a file to the server• close - close connection to the server• quit/exit - end the ftp session• user - re-enter login name• pwd - display present working directory on server• lpwd - display the local present working directory (on connecting


cd - change directory• dir or ls - directory listing of files/directories on Server• lcd - change directory on Local Machine• lcd~ - home shortcut• mget *.* - multiple file downloads• mput *.* - multiple file uploads• cdup - to move backwards to the previous directory

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• Click on QVTNet • Click on FTP on Toolbar• Your login name (bird or dizzy) • Your password• ftp> lcd c:\filename (this is the file you want to download

into)• ftp> binary• ftp> hash (you want it “on”) just type hash at the prompt if

its “off” • ftp> dir c* - (yes, use an asterix)• ftp> get <filename>• The file is now in your local directory

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• At your ftp> prompt simply type in their address. e.g. :

ftp>• In Netscape, type the ftp address in the top box. e.g. : • Login as “anonymous” , but be sure to give your complete e-mail

address as the password.• Once you are at their ftp> prompt type “dir” . This will bring up their

list of files for you to select from.• When you have chosen a file, at the ftp> prompt type - “cd pub” (or

whatever) then type “dir” again. • Choose the particular file you want to download .• Set transfer mode to binary .• Make sure “hash” is “on” .• ftp> get (filename) • This will engage the transfer to your computer.

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1. After the control connection to port 21 is created, the FTPserver sends the 220 (service ready) response on the controlconnection.

2. The client sends the USER command.3. The server responds with 331 (user name is OK, password-required4. The client sends the PASS command.

5. The server responds with 230 (user login is OK)

6. The client issues a passive open on an ephemeralport for the data connection & sends the PORTcommand (over the control connection) to give thisport number to the server.

7. The server does not open the connection at this time,but

It prepares itself for issuing an active open on the data

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connection between port 20 (server side) and the ephemeralport received from the client. It sends response 150 (dataconnection will open shortly).

8. The client sends the LIST message.9. Now the server responds with 125 and opens the data


10. The server then sends the list of the files or directories (as afile) on the data connection. When the whole list (file) issent, the server responds with 226 (closing data connection)over the control connection.

11. The client now has two choices. It can use the QUIT

command to request the closing of thecontrol connection or it can send another command tostart another activity (and eventually open another dataconnection). In our example, the client sends a QUITcommand.

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TO VIEW YOUR FILE• Open Netscape • Click on “File” then “Open file in browser” • Click on Pop-up menu at the bottom to list “All files” •

Make sure you are in the C:\ directory & have chosen the“Temp” file.

• Find your filename ,double click on it and it will appear onyour screen !

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MACHINE FROM wsFTP (FTP CLIENT) • Double click on wsFTP icon • Make sure the top box contains dizzy address (found

in pop-up menu)• Enter your name and password (dizzy account) • Skip “ Account” box• Skip “ Remote Host” box• Local PC : type : c:\ftp •

This will make a directory file named ftp in your c:drive.• NOTE: You cannot login as “anonymous” to dizzy.

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• Open QVTNET •

Click on “Setup” from the top menu bar• Click on FTP • In box labeled “Default Directory” type: C:\FTP • Click OK

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• Open your e-mail files in your bird account on Pine • Open the e-mail file that contains the attachmen t.• Hit “V” - view attached.• The first line (text) is the same as it looks in your e-mail (ignore it)• Use the down arrow to choose the next file. ( text, image, etc.) •

Hit “V” - view• It won‟t display it here..but it will tell you the file type & size. • His “S” - save• Hit Return • You will see it has saved as: “usr/users/atchison /Image.jpeg” (for example) • Hit “E” - exit index• Hit “Q” - to quit Pine• You will be left at this prompt:> • At this prompt type “ls” , to list the directory• Verify that your “attached” filename is there.• Write down the filename EXACTLY as it appears in this file.•

Exit out of bird.

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• Open File Manager • Find c:\ftp • Double Click to Open the file • There are your downloaded files listed in your


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