Download - Film pitch (3)


Film PitchMarcus Bowring


Audience - This has a wide target audience of about 12+. They would pay to watch it because the action scenes will

appeal to the younger audience and the drama at plot twists will appeal to the older audience.

Produce and distribute – Warner Bro’s

What films does it relate to? – Wolverine, Man of Steel, Saving Private Ryan

The film itself

Genre – Action/Historical

Who and what is it about? - My opening sequence is about one man who cant die. For this reason he has nothing left in his life accept for the only thing he is good at, war. There will be

multiple shots of himself fighting in different wars throughout time, from swords, to old fashioned guns, to modern guns.

Where is it set? - It will be set in various time zones for example, world war 1 / 2, modern Afghanistan shootings, old England sword fights.

What are the themes? - War, loneliness, death.

What is the message? - Everyone who lives has a purpose in life, our main character was to fight in wars and how war only makes things worse.

Why would the Target audience like it? - They would pay to watch it because the action scenes will appeal to the younger audience and the drama at plot twists will appeal to the older audience.

The Opening Sequence

How does it relate to the rest of the film? - The opening sequence gives the audience a grasp of what the main character has had to go through, throughout his life. Fighting in wars, times of loneliness etc.

Does it signify the genre? - It clearly shows action through the fighting and running and it clearly shows historical through the main character flipping through the ages.

Does it introduce the character and setting? - It introduces the character through the voiceover going on in the background, explaining the situation. The setting changes throughout the opening sequence but it does explain that the

main character is in the present day at the end.

What happens? - The opening sequence shows the main character in previous wars that he has fought in throughout his life until it switches to him in the present day, living on the streets with a voiceover explaining the situation


What is the style/mood? - It is supposed to portray a sad mood because all the main character has had in is life is war and loneliness, so learning about him should be sad. The could be created with dark lighting or sad music.

Does it demonstrate skills in use of dialogue, continuity, sound and lighting? - There is no dialogue in the opening sequence as far as the storyline is concerned, but there is a lot of tricky dialogue in the voiceover because you have to make it sound as dramatic as possible which can take quite a lot of skill. The sound will contain the voiceover

and a sad backing track. The light will be quite dark to try and keep the sad element to it.

Is it an interesting/engaging idea? - Showing the sad life of the main character is quite interesting and engaging by itself and using all of the correct camera techniques and lighting effects it can be made very sad, engaging the viewers.


Actors – There is only one big character in my film with various extra’s used for things like soldiers etc.

Location – There will be various locations like fields, woods and dusty ground for the different era’s there are going to be throughout.

Mis en scene – There will be a lot of panning camera shots so its able to make a transition from one scene to another. The lighting will be low key to make the scene look quite depressing and sad.

Technical sound effects, camera, lighting and editing – There will be a filter for the lighting to try and keep it low key. There will be some special effects like fading and sliding transitions. There will also be a voice over going on throughout the opening sequence.

Titles – The titles will be simple and they will be shown during the opening sequence, not before.

Music – The music will be quite depressing and sad to try and get the dramatic effect across.

Time – The length of the opening sequence will be around 2 and a half minutes long.

Budget – All the film needs for the budget is props and costumes to try and get the scene of the film correct.

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