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Film postersBy Billie Wilson

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Romantic film posters

• Most romantic (rom-com/chick-flick) film posters show a big image of either one person or two, either looking adoring at each other in dreamingly into the distance. The two characters will show the relationship they have in the film, be the love or love/hate. The image will be the main selling point of the film as through the colors you will be able to see what genre the film is straight away. The main character in the image, the predominant figure will usually be the woman, which will attract the target audience. Warm colors like red and pink will signify passion and love.

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Main image, splits the two parts in half, to show the main characters in the film, The soft tone to the image and the holding of hands shows this film is going to be romantic.

The color scheme is warm and soft, like summer and holidays, which emphases the setting for the film. The colors also bring out the woman's eyes.

The image in front of the woman is an envelope, this shows she is going to tell us a story, a love story. This also links to the title of the film.

The tag line is a rhetorical questions to intrigue the audience and make them think.

Due to the romantic style and beautiful imagery the genre would be targeted at woman who want to hear a love story.

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Comedy film posters

• Comedy film posters include funny pictures like main characters pulling faces or posing with props to grab the audience attention and prove the genre straight away. The use of bright colors also attracts the audience. The setting is often unusual which makes the poster even more amusing and a talking point for people.

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The color scheme of black and gold connotes wealth, this links to money which is what the whole film is about, going to Vegas and spending/winning/loosing money.

The word hangover means drink was involved, so with the rough look in all of their faces, and the sunglasses connote a hangover as people with hangovers don’t like light. The unusual props like a baby and loss of teeth shows drunken antics on a night out.

‘Feel it June 5’ is a play on words as if the target audience can relate to a hangover and will feel it when watching this film.

The baby indicates a twist to the plot of the film as babies aren't part of nights out.

A relationship could have occurred between both people wearing sunglasses.

Another comical aspect to this film poster is the men in it, they are typical young lads that go to Vegas and get drunk, they are older, parental people which adds to the mystery of the film.

The hangover title is in flashing lights, this could represent the flashing lights of Vegas.

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Horror/thriller film posters

• The film posters of the horror or thriller genre usually present abnormally horrifying and disturbing imagery.

• Red or dark colors are usually used to connote danger or tension.

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Director of another famous film which will attract the target audience of the horror movie as they could have been fans of the previous film so will go and see it.

The face of the main image is a scared, haunting picture of a woman screaming, as if she is being tortured.

The image is not clear, because of the darkness of the image. This adds to mystery and tension, as well as a hint of red to signify smears of blood.

The backwards of R in the title which is a play on words with the title mirrors making the effect the title is mirrored.

Eyes show fear.

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Action film posters

• The common colors for action films are blues and greens and blacks. These could illustrate the earth or adventure. The film posters of this genre are usually packed with complex pictures to show the film will be packed with action. The props and costume in the poster symbolize what kind of action the film will be about.

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The colors of black, white and navy signify simplicity and class. The main character also blends in with the background which shows, as a spy he can disguise himself.

The prop of a gun used emphases his role as a spy

The position of the image is that the character is going to be the centre of the whole film just like he is on the film poster.

The scene of the film is set as you can see London in the background

The gold title, 007 is something that is familiar in all the series of films. This is the important thing, along with the coming soon, as they are the things the target audience want to see. They can relate to the 007 and they will then want to know when they can see it.

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