Page 1: Film Poster and Album Cover Analysis

1.) What has the photograph been taken for? Film advertising 2.) What type of photography is it and how do you know? The photo is a studio full body portrait of the main character of the film.3.) Discuss the framing and what type of shot and angle has been used and why? The shot is full body and from behind as the joke of the advertisement is a joke about the character’s butt. It’s to do with the humour of the film. 4.) Discuss the composition. The composition is just the character as Deadpool is very self-absorbed and thinks very highly of himself so there’s only him in the picture so he gets all the attention. He’s a humourous characters so that’s why he’s grabbing his butt.5.) Discuss the focus. The focus is sharp focus on the character

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6.) How has the mise-en-scene been used? Deadpool is covered head to toe in a spandex suit with weapons, showing that he is either a hero, villain or anti-hero. 7.) How does the photograph “anchor” the text or written material? The text is somewhat wedged into Deadpool’s side where the text is easily visible on the white background.8.) How does it promote or market the event/product? It promotes the product because it shows the humour of the film which is primarily toilet humour. People are mainly drawn to the humour. 9.) How does it appeal to it’s target audience? Teenagers and young adults are the most immature people and will laugh at the text and the picture as he’s grabbing his butt and there’s a joke about that.10.) What story does the photograph tell? The photographs will show anybody who doesn’t know Deadpool that he’s comedic, somewhat of an asshole and that he is very immature.11.) How does it increase sales? Teenagers and young adults would flood to the cinema and stores to buy the film because of the humour and that Deadpool is a very popular anti-hero.

Page 3: Film Poster and Album Cover Analysis

1.) What has the photograph been taken for? This photo has been taken for an album cover for “The Devil And God Are Raging Inside Me” by Brand New.2.) What type of photography is it and how do you know? This photo is a long shot photograph, because everything in the photo is seen.

3.) Discuss the framing and what type of shot and angle has been used and why? The framing of the shot shows three people outside a house and straight on, the adults are wearing skeleton masks because it could represent that the little girl is going to die, or the girl represents the singer who suffers from depression and the two adults could represent his depression.4.) Discuss the composition. The composition is rule of thirds, the little girl on the left and the two adults in skull masks and black cloaks on the other.5.) Discuss the focus. The focus is on the three people in the shot.6.) How was the mise-en-scene been used? The two adults are dressed in all black with skeleton masks which could represent death on your back door. The little girl could represent innocence.

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7.) How does the photograph “anchor” the text or written material? The text is at the bottom of the picture rather than on it, this is to separate the image from the text and make it more noticable rather than blending it with the photograph.8.) How does it promote or market the event/product? It promotes the album by having the band name on the cover as well as the album name itself. People know what band and album it is right off the bat.9.) How does it appeal to it’s target audience? It appeals to it’s target audience as Brand New’s music tends to be calmer and about deeper topics than most other music lyrics. People will be drawn to it because it shows symbols to do with inner demons and such, something a lot of alternative people tend to deal with and like to relate to.10.) What story does the photograph tell? The photograph could tell the story of the little girl having inner demons who are the two adult skeletons, or they could represent the little girl’s parents, maybe they’re not the best parents, alcoholics maybe? Drug users? Or something else?11.) How does it increase sales? It increases sales by drawing people in to look and speculate the image, as it’s something that could have many meanings instead of just one. It’s up the the listener to decide what the intention of the image is.

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