



-Complete the text using: which, who, that and where. Which of these words are used to replace: people, things and animals, places?


-Which of the words highlighted in bold type in the text means:

the story?

a person in the story played by an actor?

where (and when) the story happens?

the words the actors learn?

to play the leading role in a film?

the good guy?

the bad guy?


-You are going to describe your favorite films. First of all, use the description Back to the Future as a model and make notes about:

the name of your favorite film

the stars.

the kind of film.

where/when it is set.

the characters(e.g. the hero/heroine/villain)

the plot.

the script.

anything special about the film. e.g special effects.

One of my favorite films is Back to the Future, (1) . stars Michael Fox. Its a kind of comedy adventure and science fiction film, (2) .. is set in a small town in the US. It opens in a house in the suburbs, (3) the hero, Marty MacFly, lives with his family. Martys father, George, is a silly man (4) .. laughs at old TV comedies, his mother, whose name is Lorraine, is dull and unattractive and a terrible housewife. The villain of the films is Georges boss Biff, (5) .. is used to pushing him around. The other main character is Dr Emmet Brown, (6) . has invented a time machine (7) is made from a n old spots car. Dr Brown has a dog (8) . Is called Einstein. Marty gets into the car and, by accident, is transported back to 1955, the year when his parents fell in love. He meets his father George, (9) . Even then is being bullied by Biff. He also meets his mother, (11) . Used to be slim and beautiful. George is madly in love with her and would like to take her to the collage dance, but he is such an idiot that no girl will take him seriously.

Marty finds a photograph he has brought from the future and notices that his brother and sister are starting to disappear. This is why he has to make sure that his parents really get together; otherwise he wont be born!

The rest of the film revolves around how he can bring them together at the dance (12) . They are supposed to fall in love. I wont say anything else because I dont want to spoil it for you if you havent seen it. All I will say is that the plot is clever, the script is funny and the acting and special effects brilliant. I highly recommend it to you.

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