Page 1: Film trailer structure

Film trailer structure Group of students decide to go camping for their Duke Of Edinburgh challenge They are filming their experiences, having a good time with each other They sit around a circle, to have a rest in preparation for the next morning. They prepare to sleep in an area of the woods, to carry on their

DOE challenge the next day. One of the group members hear rustling sounds in the background whilst they were sleeping. Wakes up the rest of the group to understand what the noise is. One goes of to explore what the noise is, doesn’t return. Other group members shout his name, call his mobile to realize they have no signal. Another members goes to see what was up, notices blood everywhere The group freak out, are worried for their friend and themselves Spooky music start to play, along side typography of ‘they thought they were alone’ Female says “we have to go home, this isn’t safe for anybody”

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Male says ‘ the only person with the map was him, now we are lost!!” They have arguments to which way to go, and why there are here in the first place “leave this to me, you don’t know where you have lead us” They estimate which way they came from, and only find themselves deeper in the woods, they become more During their exploration to find a way home, another person notices a weird figure in the distance. They try figure out what

it could be. One male gets really annoyed and says “screw this, ill find my own way out of this mess” An echoed scream is heard to the rest of the group From here, we see mass amounts of death. The characters are seen running away More panic, screaming going on through the characters Many fast paced shots of characters being scared, worried, shouting running, A few shots of typography explaining story e.g. ‘what they didn’t know’ Closing credits of the trailer, information on release dates

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