  • 8/8/2019 Final Campaigns Project



    Our overall aim is to create along-lasting, informedrelationship between the UNC

    undergraduate studentpopulation and Wilson Library.

    Executive SummaryWe at Fresh! PR focused our campaign on creating a memorable and long-

    lasting relationship between the UNC undergraduate population, UNC professors and

    Wilson Library. To create our campaign, we had to understand the library usage of

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    undergraduate and graduate students. We designed research that focused on

    students typical library routines, students general images or ideas regarding Wilson

    Library, and students preferences for receiving information about campus activities.

    Our research helped us determine the direction of our campaign. Because of

    the overwhelming lack of recognition among undergraduate students, we decided toput the majority of our focus on reaching this large public. To reach them, we

    designed four objectives that we believe will change campus perception and use of

    Wilson Library. Our four objectives are:

    Increase student attendance of library use, special events and general

    knowledge of the Wilson collections by 50 percent within the first year.

    Encourage more students who are members of student organizations

    to take advantage of the materials Wilson Library has to offer them.

    Try to have at least six new student-run organizations increase theirusage of the librarys materials by April 2010.

    Increase knowledge and use of Wilson Library among professors. In the

    next two year, we would like to increase the number of professors

    assigning projects and papers that require the use of Wilson Library by

    25 percent.

    Encourage students to use Wilson Library during finals week as an

    alternative to the House and Davis Libraries.

    We have developed fresh new strategies to help us achieve our objectives.

    They aim to reach out to our target publics and provide them with the information

    necessary to create a relationship with Wilson Library. To accomplish our strategies

    we have come up with a litany of tactics that can be easily implemented. Our hope is

    that Wilson Library will execute our campaign plan during the 2009-2010 Academic

    School Year. After the school year, we hope to evaluate our efforts and reassess the

    tactics that we have crafted in order to continue to work towards our overall goal in

    the subsequent school years.

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    Fresh Objective One Through our research, we found that undergraduate students view Wilson

    Library as an intriguing place, but they express doubt as to how the library applied to

    their college experience. As a result, our campaign will focus on widening the

    knowledge base, use and number of patrons faithful to Wilson. Our first objective is

    to increase student attendance of the library and special events, and to increase the

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    general knowledge of the Wilson collections by 50 percent within the first year of the


    Target Publics

    The primary public for this objective is the undergraduate population at UNC. Thereare currently 17,628 undergraduates enrolled at Carolina. This is a very large group,

    so it can be broken down into more targeted publics, such as freshman, transfer

    students and underclassman. The primary target of the undergraduate population

    will be incoming freshman and transfer students and sophomores. These

    underclassmen, ages 18-20, are the primary target because they are in the early

    years of their experience at Carolina, and Wilson Library can create a lasting

    relationship with these students. We also want to target prospective students and

    recently accepted high school seniors. These seniors, ages 17-18, are eager to learn

    about their potential college campus and are a key population to making a strong

    connection with Wilson Library. By tailoring our objective to these publics, students

    will form a relationship with Wilson Library that will last through their entire college


    Key Messages

    1. Wilson Library is a functional library available to all UNC students

    We want to emphasize that Wilson Library is a resource

    for undergraduates as well as graduate students.2. Wilson Library welcomes undergraduates to find and use its unparalleled


    We want students to understand that Wilson Library offers similar

    amenities as the Davis and House libraries.

    3. Wilson Library holds a variety of events and programs that appeal to theundergraduate population and the community

    We want students and the community to be aware of

    ongoing events and programs offered by Wilson Library.

    Strategy One

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    We want to use Carolinas pre-existing programs to expand the publics knowledge of

    Wilson Library. These include the Week of Welcome (WOW) and campus tours for

    prospective students. By targeting these programs, we aim to create a relationship

    with Wilson Library from the start of the students experience at Carolina.


    Wilson Library volunteers will set up a table at Fall Fest with information,

    brochures and a sign-up sheet to be a part of Wilson Librarys special listserv,

    which will inform and remind recipients of events, programs and news

    regarding the library. We will provide refreshments at the table in order to

    give students incentive to stop by.

    Wilson Library staff will give campus tour guides a brochure about Wilson

    Library and all of its extensive collections. This will give them knowledge to

    inform prospective students about Wilson Library rather than dismissing it on

    campus tours.

    Strategy Two

    In our research, undergraduate students mentioned the lack of information they

    received about the library. In order to change this, we want to expand the methods

    Wilson Library uses to reach the public regarding the resources and events it hosts.

    We will develop a series of fliers promoting the librarys collections, study spaces,

    programs and events. We also want to use the student informational listserv and

    social networking sites.


    Wilson Library staff and volunteers will disperse fliers promoting the librarys

    programs and resources around campus, especially during midterms and


    Volunteers will send out e-mails over the student informational listserv for

    every special program and event held at the library.

    Wilson Staff will create a Facebook page and friend all incoming Carolina

    undergraduates, which will inform the public of upcoming exhibits and events.

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    Strategy Three

    We want to address our research findings about the negative views undergraduates

    hold about Wilson Librarys staff. Changing the presence and placement of staff will

    make the library more accessible and welcoming. We plan to update wording on thelibrarys signs, provide a welcome desk volunteer and encourage the library staff to

    be more interactive with students. Once students are comfortable inside, we believe

    they will be more likely to explore the collections and exhibits.


    Wilson Library staff will change the buildings signs to express a more

    welcoming and positive tone.

    Student volunteers or librarians will be at the welcome desk at all times toengage newcomers which will provide students with a sense of inclusion.

    Wilson Library staff members are readily available and prepared to help guide

    unsure students through the library will encourage a positive and lasting

    relationship with undergraduates.

    Budget for Objective One

    Academic School year 2009-2010Expenses CostFood for Students at Fall Fest $100Printing Brochures $100Changing Wording on Signs $200

    Total $400

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    Timeline for Objective One

    Academic School Year 2009-2010

    August Fall Fest PromotionInformational Student ListservLaunch Facebook PageDistribute Brochures for Start of SemesterChange Wording on Signs


    Emails for Wilson ListservInformational Student ListservUpdate Facebook PageProvide Brochures to Tour Guides

    October Emails for Wilson ListservInformational Student ListservUpdate Facebook PageDistribute Brochures for Midterms


    Emails for Wilson ListservInformational Student ListservUpdate Facebook Page


    Emails for Wilson ListservInformational Student ListservUpdate Facebook PageDistribute Brochures for Exams

    January Emails for Wilson ListservInformational Student ListservUpdate Facebook PageDistribute Brochures for Start of SemesterProvide Brochures to Tour Guides

    February Emails for Wilson ListservInformational Student ListservUpdate Facebook Page

    March Emails for Wilson ListservInformational Student ListservUpdate Facebook PageDistribute Brochures for Midterms

    April Emails for Wilson ListservInformational Student ListservUpdate Facebook PageDistribute Brochures for Exams

    Fresh Objective Two

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    Many students who attend UNC are extensively involved in student organizations. We

    want to encourage club members to take advantage of the materials Wilson Library

    has to offer. In its collections, Wilson Library has resources that a number of clubs

    find interesting and useful for their activities. The library currently has relationships

    with four campus organizations: the Daily Tar Heel , Campus Y, Order of the Bell Tower and the Yackety Yack. Our objective is to have at least six new student-run

    organizations increase their usage of the librarys materials by April 2010. Wilson

    Library will also formally acknowledge the student groups by including them in a new

    association called Clubs of the Library, which will be similar to its Friends of the


    Target Publics

    For this objective, we are focusing on full-time undergraduate and graduate

    students who are actively involved in their student organizations. These students are

    typically between the ages of 18-25. We want to target students of different races

    and religious backgrounds. These students should be social in campus life, but they

    should also be studious and diligent in their work. They should be outgoing and

    willing to strike a conversation with a student they just met. The top organizations we

    are targeting will have more than seven active members, hold meetings on campus

    or relatively near, and host events occasionally to frequently. Our top organizations

    will most likely collaborate with Wilson Library on a project. We have picked several

    organizations that we feel have members who possess these qualities. We contacted

    the following organizations, and they expressed interest in forming a relationship

    with Wilson Library: Student Television (STV), Public Relations Student Society of

    America (PRSSA) and Carolina Photography Association (CPA).

    Key Messages

    1. We can support and assist your student organization

    To draw in student-run organizations, Wilson Library must actively display its

    interest in reaching out to their members.

    2. We want to enrich your club experience with our resources, so please use them

    Wilson Librarys staff is proud of its collections. Staff members seek students

    who are interested in learning more about the librarys resources. By targeting

    specific clubs, the staff can offer them enjoyable experiences.

    3. Your ideas and opinions are important to us, so share them!

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    Wilson Library can not only provide resources to student clubs, it must also

    take a proactive approach to keep the students coming back. The staff should

    be open to students discussing their views and thoughts on the collections.

    Strategy One

    The library must make the initial contact to not only inform students of its

    resources, but also to let students know they are welcome to enter the doors and

    explore. Wilson Library will enlist the Friends of the Library to contact different

    organizations and educate them on the librarys different collections at the beginning

    of Fall 2009 and continue to reach to them throughout the year. These volunteers will

    encourage the clubs to visit Wilson Library and use its resources through

    advertisements, informational e-mails, workshops and word-of-mouth. Clubs that

    already have a relationship with the library will be asked to learn even more about

    the different collections and interact more with the library staff.


    Wilson Library staff will hold workshops to targeted clubs explaining how to

    use the librarys resources at the beginning of each semester.

    The staff will purchase a two-column by eight inches, black and white

    advertisement in the Daily Tar Heel about interest in student organizations

    because most undergraduates receive their information from the newspaper.

    The advertisement will run once a month, every other month of the school

    year. The DTH charges $10 per column inch for UNC departments and Non

    profits, so running the ad from August to April will cost $640.

    Wilson Library volunteers will get in touch with clubs faculty members and

    leaders to express interest in working with the organization through

    informational e-mails. They will follow up with messages containing specific

    information that will help form relationships. If faculty members get their

    organizations involved, volunteers will send out a formal letter inviting themto be a Club of the Library.

    Wilson Library staff and volunteers will put informational handouts about

    forming relationships in the lobby of the library.

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    Library staff will mention this information to faculty and students who visit the

    library and encourage them to spread the information to their peers and


    Strategy Two

    We want the library and student organizations to combine their event

    planning skills to co-sponsor events that the library plans to host throughout the

    year. Co-sponsoring events will benefit the library in two ways: student organizations

    will be more familiar and frequent in their use of the librarys historical documents,

    and if the clubs host and publicize an event, the library will gain more students

    interested in its collections. Wilson Librarys student workers and Friends of the

    Library will contact different student clubs that would have a high interest in co-

    sponsoring an event. Clubs that would have a high interest would be ones that focus

    on subjects that are directly related to the librarys event. For example, the

    Association of Graduate English Student would be interested in the John Keats

    exhibit. Angela Schebell, the president of Carolina Photography Association, said she

    would be interested in co-sponsoring an event using some of Wilson Librarys

    photographs. Student Televisions Eric Ellington also expressed interest in continuing

    to work with Wilson Library.


    Library volunteers will send informational e-mails to faculty members and club

    leaders about events the library is hosting that they would want to get

    involved in. If a formal agreement about participation is made, the library and

    student organization will discuss commitments and responsibilities of the


    The staff will put a two-column by eight inches, black and white advertisement

    in the Daily Tar Heel about interest in sponsoring events with student

    organizations. With regards to the budget, the advertisement will run once a

    month, every other month of school year. The DTH charges $10 per column

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    inch for UNC departments and Non profits, so running the ad once ever from

    August to April will cost $640.

    Library staff will mention information to faculty and students who visit the

    library to spread the information by word-of-mouth.

    Wilson Library will provide organizations with locations to hold their events atno charge to foster a successful relationship.

    Wilson staff will seek events that student organizations are already planning

    that could benefit from the librarys resources. It will suggest advice and

    collections that the organization could use to enhance their event. If a student

    organization agrees, the library and the organization will discuss the

    responsibilities and commitments of using the resources.

    Budget for Objective Two

    Academic School Year 2009-2010

    Expenses CostWorkshop Food $100Advertisement $640Print Material $30

    Total $770

    Timeline for Objective TwoAcademic School Year 2009-2010

    August Library prepares advertisements, information e-mails and handouts todistribute



    Library hosts its first workshop during the second week of the month.A Daily Tar Heel advertisement will run during the first week of the

    month. Friends of the Library and library staff will send out information e-mails once.Provide information handouts in lobby to be restocked throughout theyear.

    October Friends of the Library and library staff will send out information e-mailsonce.



    A Daily Tar Heel advertisement will run during the first week of themonth. Friends of the Library and library staff will send out information e-mails once.



    Friends of the Library and library staff will send out information e-mailsonce.

    January Library host its second work shop during the third week of the month. ADaily Tar Heel advertisement will run during the first week of the month.Friends of the Library and library staff will send out information e-mails

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    February Friends of the Library and library staff will send out information e-mailsonce.

    March A Daily Tar Heel advertisement will run during the first week of themonth.Friends of the Library and library staff will send out information e-mails

    April Library will evaluate the success of its efforts in increasing club usage.

    The library will asses the results of its publicity efforts and will decidewhat elements to keep and enrich for next year.Friends of the Library and library staff will send out information e-mails

    Fresh Objective Three

    We have found that in an academic environment like UNC, professors and

    instructors have great influence over students habits and the campus resources they

    use on a regular basis. As a result, one of the objectives of our Wilson Library

    campaign will be to increase the knowledge and use of Wilson Library among

    professors and teaching assistants. In the next two years, we would like to increase

    the number of professors setting assignments that require use of Wilson Library by

    25 percent.

    Target Publics

    The primary public for our objective is the professors and faculty of UNC. This

    is a large population, so our main focus will be on Humanities and Social Science

    Departments, especially fields of History and Literature. Our research indicated that

    one of the reasons undergraduate students do not use the library is that they do not

    have a reason; our hope is to provide them with one. Our research also found thataround 25 percent of classes at Carolina are taught by teaching assistants. We

    believe this is a significant percentage of classes, and thus teaching assistants will be

    just as important a target as professors and faculty to achieve our ultimate goal.

    Key Messages

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    1. Wilson Library can help you enrich your students academic experience

    We believe by letting professors know how students can use the library, they

    will encourage students to increase their usage. This will help them give their

    students a richer academic experience at Carolina. We hope that professors

    will encourage students to use primary sources for their research instead of just the internet.

    2. Wilson Library is not just for honors and graduate students

    The majority of undergraduates do not believe Wilson Library is for them. We

    will communicate this to professors with the hope that they will relay a similar

    message to their undergraduate students.

    3. We want to build a relationship with you

    As part of our campaign, we hope the library will be able to build a two-way

    relationship between professors and the library staff. We think this will make it

    easier for the staff to stay up to date with the needs of students and

    professors on campus.

    Strategy One

    Our first campaign strategy will be to create a formalized and simple process to

    communicate with professors from specific departments in order to better publicize

    the collections and events. When we met with Linda Jacobson in Wilson Library, one

    of the things we inquired about was how the library communicates with professors.

    Currently there is no systematic process in place. Any communication is usually done

    individually by each collection or targeted to a specific professor. We want to create

    one centralized method of communication. We plan to use electronic systems, using

    e-mails and Web sites in order to better reach professors and teaching assistants.

    Tactics Library staff will create customized listservs for both individual collections and

    the library as a whole that will have professors e-mails and contact


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    Library staff will launch the new Web site, which will include a calendar of all

    upcoming events and library functions for professors to access information


    Strategy TwoWilson Library will provide an informational workshop for professors and teaching

    assistants once a year to learn more about the special collections and resources

    offered at the library. We believe that if professors and teaching assistants attend

    these workshops, they will be more inclined to include Wilson Library in their



    Wilson Library staff will host a workshop once a year where professors andteaching assistants can learn what resources are offered at the library and

    how to access them. The workshop would also focus on how the librarys

    resources will benefit them and their students. A representative will be chosen

    from each collection to talk to participants. Our goal is to have at least 25

    participants in the first year.

    The library staff and volunteers would create new informational handouts for

    how Wilsons collections can be applied in the classroom and used for

    projects. These handouts will be available at the workshop and e-mailed out

    on the listserv at the start of each semester.

    After the first semester of this new program, Wilson Library staff will send a

    survey to professors over the new listserv. The survey will gather ideas for

    how to encourage more student use.

    Budget for Objective Three

    Academic School Year 2009-2010

    Expenses CostFood for Workshop Participants $100Printed Materials $50

    Total $150

    Timeline for Objective Three

    Academic School Year 2009-2010

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    Create centralized calendar that can be included on the website redesignthat is expected to launch this summer

    May-June Pull contact information and create listservs for professors and gradstudents in English and History departments.

    July Start preparations for workshop; create an invitation to be sent out onlistservs for professors. Design literature to be given out at the

    workshop.Beginningof August

    Host workshop


    Review workshop, make plans for ways to improve on it the next year.


    Emailing out calendars and reminders to professors and teachingassistants


    Update contact list, expand to other departments besides History andEnglish to include American Studies, Anthropology, and ReligiousStudies.



    Email a feedback survey to professors to evaluate Wilsons efforts in

    creating more formalized communication. We can use this to find outhow many professors are assigning students to use the library. January-May 2010

    Emailing out calendars and reminder to professors and teachingassistants, continuing two way communication between the library andinstructors.

    July 2010 Begin preparations for workshop for professors. Invitations sent out overlistserv


    Workshop is held


    Preparations for workshop for the second semester


    Workshop is held

    Fresh Objective FourOne of our missions is to encourage students to utilize Wilson Library during

    finals week as an alternative to the House and Davis Libraries. Through our research,

    we have found that the majority of undergraduates want a quiet place to study that

    allows them to spread out their materials and not be distracted. We believe that an

    enjoyable experience during finals week will be remembered by students. Ultimately,

    we hope that by promoting finals week, students study habits will evolve over time

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    so that they use Wilson Library year-round as a study destination. We plan to

    implement this campaign in Fall 2009. Our objective is to increase the number of 3 rd

    and 4 th year undergraduate students who frequent Wilson Library by at least 30

    percent during finals.

    Target Publics

    Ultimately, our goal is to create a lasting relationship between Wilson Library

    and the entire undergraduate student population at UNC. As a starting point, to meet

    this specific objective, we have chosen to focus on upperclassman. We plan to target

    this campaign towards students majoring in Humanities and Social Science. A

    secondary public we will focus on is the Journalism students because we are most

    familiar with this demographic and able to reach out within the School of Journalism.

    Our research has shown that in 2008, Social Science (defined as Anthropology,

    Archaeology, Economics, Geography, Political Science and Sociology) and

    Communications/Journalism were the two most popular majors at UNC, making up a

    combined 28 percent. In 2008, UNC had a total of 17,628 enrolled undergraduate

    students. Our goal in choosing our target public was not only to narrow down this

    large number, but also to focus our objective on students to whom it will be

    applicable and desirable. Our research shows that most of these students live off

    campus and thus often study off campus, except during exam time. By encouraging

    upperclassmen Humanities/Social Science students to study at Wilson Library, we

    plan to change the perception of the library and ultimately bring these students

    through the doors during all times when they are on campus, not just exam time.

    Key Messages

    1. Wilson Library is the quiet study place for you!

    We will show students that Wilson Library is friendly and welcoming to

    the undergraduate student population. Our belief is that once students

    are inside, they will eventually have a chance to explore the

    collections. By heavily promoting studying at Wilson Library during

    exam time, we will build a bridge between studying during finals andregular year-round studying.

    2. Its the perfect place to write a paper

    Our hope is that we will build study habits within undergraduate

    students, so that even after the crunch time of exams, they will want

    to go to Wilson Library.

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    In the week leading up to exams, we will paint a cube with the slogan and

    detailed information about studying in Wilson Library, including hours and

    what you can and cannot bring. We will focus on the fact that students can

    bring their laptops.

    In the months leading up to this campaign, we will create a general Facebookevent for Wilson Library. This will inform students not only of collections and

    the pre-existing pages for them, but it will also provide a calendar of events

    and activities. In the month leading up to finals, we will begin to post about

    the B.Y.O.L. campaign on the librarys Facebook page.

    Budget for Objective Four

    Academic School Year 2009-2010

    Expenses CostCube $20Union activiTV $200Big Fliers $20Small Fliers $60

    Total $550

    Timeline for Objective Four

    Fall 2009

    October Library prepares flyers, contacts Union activiTV aboutreservation, continues to update and maintain Wilson LibraryFacebook page

    November 1-15 Library arranges for volunteer(s) to cube-sit and paint cubeLibrary begins to advertise B.Y.O.L. on Facebook page

    November 16-20 Library arranges for volunteers to begin posting flyers incampus buildingsLibrary continues to advertise on Facebook page

    November 25-29 THANKSGIVING BREAK for studentsLibrary secures two week spot on activiTV

    November 30-December 4

    Student volunteers pass out flyers in the pit on Friday of thisweek

    December 7/8 Student volunteers cube-sit and paint a cube with theB.Y.O.L. information

    December 6-December 18

    Union activiTV ads run, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

    December 11-December 18

    STUDENT EXAM TIME-- Wilson staff prepares for influx of students.Wilson Staff maintains headcount of student library usage

    December 18 Wilson Library staff evaluates campaign and overall studentactivity in library

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    Total Campaign Budget

    Total Campaign Budget For First YearObjective 1 Cost FrequencyExpensesFood for Fall Fest $100 1 X per yearPrinting Brochures $100 4 X per year

    Changing Signs $200 1 X per yearObjective 2ExpensesWorkshop Food $100 2 X per yearPrint Materials $30 2 X per yearAdvertisements $640 4 X per yearObjective 3

    ExpensesWorkshop Food $100 1 X per yearPrint Materials $50 1 X per yearObjective 4ExpensesCube advertisement $20 2 X per yearUnion activiTV $200 2 X per yearBig Flyers $20 2 X per yearSmall Flyers $60 2 X per year

    Total $1,620

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    Evaluation of Success

    In order to evaluate the first year of our campaign, we will consider a numberof factors for each of our objectives:

    To measure the success of our first objective, the Wilson Library staff must

    take note of the approximate increase of student use of the library for both studying

    and special events. If there is a 50 percent increase within the first year, the

    objective will be considered a success. The attendant at the welcome desk should

    keep a tally of the number of students entering Wilson on a daily basis. This way

    there will be a precise record of library users, and it will be an easy way to track any

    changes. Another way to measure the success of this objective is to look at the

    number of Facebook friends Wilson Library has and examine any changes. Wilson

    staff should also monitor the number of people on the Wilson Library listserv.

    For our objective encouraging club members to engage with Wilson Librarys

    resources, staff members will record the number of clubs that express their interest

    in the library, participate in library functions and co-sponsor events. The staff will also

    record how many clubs decide to be Clubs of the Library. If the total number of

    clubs recorded is greater than six, the library will have increased its relationships by

    40 percent, which is the goal. We want to continue to increase club usage for

    subsequent years. After a number of semesters of implementing this plan, we would

    like to see the student organizations actively run a number of Wilson Librarys

    events, and some of its workshops explaining the different collections.

    To evaluate the success for our objective encouraging professors and teaching

    assistants to use library resources, we will take note of the number of people who

    attend the workshops. The library already has relationships with a number of

    professors, but if the number of attendees is greater than the librarys initial

    relationships by 25 percent, the objective is successful. The survey that will be given

    at the end of each semester regarding how professors and teaching assistants use

    the library will also help us measure success. Ideally, in the next year, we would liketo host a workshop at the start of each a semester.

    For our B.Y.O.L. objective, we will need to know the specific number of

    students that visit the library currently during exam times. The staff will maintain a

    headcount of students for the upcoming exam period (April 28-May 7, 2009). After

    implementation of the B.Y.O.L campaign, staff will do another headcount during the

    Fall 2009 exam period (Dec 11-Dec 18, 2009). If there is a 30 percent increase

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    between the two headcounts, the campaign is successful. We encourage library staff

    members to implement the campaign for the Spring 2010 semester, the Fall 2010

    semester, and subsequent academic semesters as the brand continues to grow and

    gain recognition with the ever-changing undergraduate population.

    Appendix AMaterials for

    Objective One

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    Appendix BMaterials for

    Objective Two

    Wilson Library Clubs of the Library Invitation

    Dear Carolina Photography Association,

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    Wilson Library is pleased to extend an offer to your club to be one of Wilson

    Librarys highly appreciated Clubs of the Library. This connection is one of the most

    important and valued relationships that we have founded on campus. The Library

    system at Carolina is at the heart of our passion to spread knowledge, assimilate

    students into the UNC spirit and keep ourselves abreast of the interests of undergraduates.

    As a Club of the Library, you will be our top priority in organizing relevant

    events to your organization, enjoying benefits that celebrate our shared interests as

    well as setting up public programs and exhibits that will shed light on both our

    associations. Your contributions of time and effort for these events would be greatly

    appreciated and our relationship would be long-lasting and with consideration to your

    wants and desires.

    Thank you so much for your interest in Wilson Library and the betterment of

    the programs, exhibits and benefits that Carolina provides for the community. We are

    so excited to extend this invitation to your club, and we celebrate the hope that one

    day soon we will be united with this special and revered relationship.

    Thank you,

    Wilson Library Staff


    [email protected]

    Event Plan for Wilson Library and Carolina Photography Associations

    Photo Night: Photos of North Carolina

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    Carolina Photography Association agreed to sponsor a Wilson Library event

    that involved photography. The event will showcase the librarys collection of

    photographs that depict life in North Carolina. These photographs will range in year

    taken and subject. Five members from CPA have volunteered to help organize theevent. Linda Jacobson along with Friends of the Library will be organizing the event

    as well.

    Elements of Event

    Date and Time

    o The event will take place Friday April 16, 2010. The event will last from 6 p.m.

    to 8 p.m.


    o Wilson Library will host the event. Speakers start the event with speeches in

    the Pleasants Family Assembly Room. After speeches are completed, guests

    will be invited to the librarys lobby for refreshments. Event volunteers will

    escort guests to the North Carolina Collection Gallery where photographs

    depicting North Carolina life are displayed.


    o The CPA president Angela Schebell will give a speech expressing her

    excitement for the event and an overview of what will take place. She will

    then introduce Linda Jacobson, who will discuss the photography exhibit in


    Food and Drinks

    o Finger food and drinks will be provided for guests before viewing the exhibit.

    Food will not be allowed in the exhibit room, so guests must finish eating in

    the lobby.


    o Club and staff members who work the event will be equipped with enough

    information to answer any questions guests might have about the different


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    o During the time allotted for refreshments, volunteers will tell guests how they

    can contribute funds to Wilson Library or to the CPA. Guests who make

    contributions to the library will become Friends of the Library.

    End of the Night.

    o CPA members will help library staff clean up the venue.

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    Appendix CMaterials for

    Objective Three

    Wilson Library Professors and Faculty Workshop


    A workshop that will invite professors and teaching assistants from the History and

    English Departments to come explore Wilson Library, so that they have a feel for

    what resources are available and how they can use and encourage students to utilize



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    The workshop will be held at the beginning of August when professors are starting to

    plan their classes for the next semester. The workshop will happen once in the first

    year, August 2009. Then if things go well and attendance is good, it will be expanded

    for the 2010-2011 academic school year to two workshops, one in August and one in



    The workshop will take place in Wilson Library. It will start in the Pleasants Family

    Assemble Room, and then it will move to the individual collections to see how to

    access the resources. This way the professors can get a feel for what is in the library.


    Start with a one hour intro where a representative from each collection will come and

    give a short summary about the resources that are in their collection. This will befollowed by a brief question and answer session. After the question and answer

    session, participants will be allowed to visit the collections and explore the library to

    see what it has to offer. Refreshments such as coffee and small snacks will be served

    for the two our event.

    Items needed for set up

    Chairs need to be set up for participants

    Tables for refreshments

    Table for Wilson Library Literature (brochures, guides for how to use Wilson

    Library in your classes.)

    Staff Needed

    One representative from each collection will give a short 10-minute

    presentation about what is in their collection and how the resources can be

    used by students, and one host.

    Sample Survey for Professors

    1. Which collections at Wilson Library are relevant to your class curriculums?

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    2. Which of these collections did you include in your curriculum in any way this


    3. Do you use any of the resources at Wilson Library for your own benefit or for

    any of your classes?4. If so, which ones? If not, why not?

    5. Was there any improvement in the quality of the sources used and cited by

    your students if you included Wilson Library as a resource?

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    Appendix DMaterials for

    Objective Four

    Letter to the Editor for the Daily Tar heel


    Dear Editor,

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    Wilson Library wants undergraduate students to use it in whatever way they find convenient. We

    all know how the last few weeks of the semester are. You get your coffee, head to the UL and then end up

    searching desperately only to find yourself sharing a table with the girl who spreads her stuff on every

    surface. Or you FINALLY find a room in Davis to do a group study, but you are so distracted by the

    ridiculous graffiti that you end up not getting anything accomplished and find yourself searching for an

    empty desk on the 6 th floor, only because you heard its the least popular. Procrastinating and studying at

    obscure hours of the morning seem like a collegiate right of passage, but lets be honestsome of us study

    during the day. However, even during the day it is likely that during those cram weeks both of these

    libraries will be filled with students.

    Did you know that until Davis Library was opened in 1984, Wilson Library served as the

    undergraduate library on campus? Wilson Library is not just a historic landmark; its a full-service library

    teeming with resources for both graduate and undergraduate students. Additionally, despite Wilsons

    seemingly strict policies regarding food and drinks, students are welcome and encouraged to bring their

    laptops into every collection of Wilson. So if you need primary resources for a paper, Wilson is absolutelythe place for you. Or, if youre just looking for a quiet serene place away from the bustling Undergraduate

    Library, Wilson is also the perfect option. Despite its reputation for being a monument and not a library, if

    students take the time to explore the inside of Wilson Library, they will find amazing resources and the

    peace and quiet that everyone needs during the stressful weeks of finals.

    As the semester comes to a close, we at Wilson Library would like to encourage undergraduate

    students to utilize our resources and space for a peaceful close to your semester. Bring your own laptop and

    settle into one of our many collections for a study experience you wont soon forget.

    We look forward to seeing you here during finals week and anytime you need a serene spot to



    The Wilson Library Staff


    [email protected]

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