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    4. GUARAT

    5. HISTORY


    7. MUSEUMS

    8. BEACHES












    17. TOURISM POLICY (2003-2010)

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    20. WHY GUJARAT???




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    Tourism is the largest serviceindustry in India , with a

    contribution of 6.23% to

    the national GDP and 8.78% of

    the total employment in India.

    India witnesss more than 5

    million annual foreign tourist

    arrivals and 562 million

    domestic tourism visits. The

    tourism industry in India

    generated about US$100 billion in 2008 and that is expected to increase

    to US$275.5 billion by 2018 at a 9.4% annual growth rate. In the year

    2009, 5.11 million foreign tourists visited India. Majority of foreign

    tourists come from USA and UK to Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Delhi

    and Uttar Pradesh were the top four states to receive inbound tourists.

    Domestic tourism in the same year was massive at 650 million. Andhra

    Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu received the big share of these

    visitors. Ministry of Tourism is the nodal agency to formulate nationalpolicies and programmes for the development and promotion of

    tourism. In the process, the Ministry consults and collaborates with

    other stakeholders in the sector including various Central

    Ministries/agencies, the State Governments/ union Territories and the

    representatives of the private sector. Concerted efforts are being made

    to promote new forms of tourism such as rural, cruise, medical and eco-

    tourism.The Ministry of Tourism is the nodal agency for the

    development and promotion of tourism in India and maintains

    the Incredible Indiacampaign.

    Tourism in India need to be understood in the global context o

    competing destinations. It may be thought of as multiple Indias with a

    multitude of competing destinations Goa, Rajasthan, Kerela, Assam,

    Kashmir under the India umbrella. India's 5000 years of history, its

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    length, breadth and the variety of geographic features make its tourism

    basket large and varied. It presents heritage and cultural tourism along

    with medical, business and sports tourism. India has a growing medical

    tourism sector.

    India has the right tourism potential and attractions to captivate all typesof tourists whether it is adventurous tour, cultural exploration,

    pilgrimages, visit to the beautiful beaches or to the scenic mountainresorts, Tourism of India has it all for you.

    Travel through Indian states and cities brings to light, the cultural andthe geographical richness of India. It provide a glimpse to the richness

    of tourism in India with information on all the major tourist destinationsof India and tourism services of India that will take care of all the

    problems while you are in India.

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    In the past decade, tourism has becomeone of India's fastest growing markets,contributing to millions of serviceindustryjobs. The Ministry of Tourismlaunched the Incredible India campaign

    in 2002, promoting India as a premiervacation spot. The campaign wassuccessful, and now India is one of thetop destinations for travelers from theU.S. and Canada. In August 2009outbreaks of swine flu threatened India's late summer tourist season.Many travelers canceled trips rather than risk infection. Still, fears havenow subsided and tourism seems to be growing steadily.

    Incredible India Campaign

    o The Indian Ministry of Tourism launched the Incredible Indiacampaign in 2002 to encourage visitors from around the world toexperience India. The concerted marketing effort included print,radio and television ads. The campaign also included road shows,which were planned for the UK, Canada, Singapore, Malaysia,Russia, Australia and New Zealand. The successful campaignreceived attention and praise from travel professionals and iscredited with increasing the number of tourists to the nationwithin just a few years.

    More Lodging Available

    o While the Incredible India campaign succeeded in bringingtourists to India, a lack of available lodging had to be addressed

    before the nation could handle a large increase in visitors. As onesolution to the problem, the Ministry of Tourism has encouraged
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    Indian entrepreneurs to start hosting tourists in bed and breakfaststyle guest lodging. These B&Bs offer visitors an authenticexperience with Indian cuisine, culture and people, as well as anincrease in the number of guest rooms available in metropolitan


    Transportation and Accessibility

    o India's crumbling infrastructure is another hurdle to thesuccessful growth of the tourism sector. The Indian governmentis allocating funds to improve the infrastructure of the nation,improving access to rural areas so they become attractive tovisitors. One such improvement has been the installation oheliports, where visitors can easily travel from a major

    metropolitan area to a rural area by helicopter.

    Heritage & Ecotourism

    o Many visit India seeking signs of the ancient culture foundedthere. A popular heritage sight is the Taj Mahal, which attractsmillions of visitors each year. India's Ministry of Tourismattempts to implement sustainable practices, promoting the ideals

    of ecotourism to its partner sites and tour guides. The Ministryalso is integrating the ideals of conservation and preservation ofthe local ecology and culture to the greatest extent possible. TheMinistry is working to create unique tourist experiences in ruralIndia that promote local culture and have a low impact on theenvironment.

    Health and Wellness Tourismo As the birthplace of yoga and Ayurveda, India has a particular

    appeal to visitors who are searching for spiritual and physicalhealing. Since the Beatles visited an Indian ashram in the late1960s, the popularity of visiting these spiritual yoga centers hasgrown among Westerners. The Ministry uses that popularity to

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    highlight these traditions in their campaigns.



    Indian tourismindustry from the lastcouple of years hasemerged as a majorfactor in the growth of

    Indian economy with substantial foreign exchange earnings. Astourism constitutes various other related sectors including hotels,hospitals, aviation, and shipping, it has a significant contribution to the

    over all revenue.

    If we throw a glance at the statistical data, we will be pleasantlysurprised to know that tourism as an industry has recorded a 12 percent growth as far as foreign exchange earnings is concerned withthe increasing number of inbound travelers. Though foreign touristsare the prime source of growth but complimentary sectors also makea good contribution to Indias GDP.As per the latest research by an organization, the inbound touristflow has been increasing and is expected to increase at a rate of morethan 12 percent in the coming four to five years. Again the healthcare sector that attracts foreigners on a large scale especially fromdeveloping countries can boost Indian contribution to global tourism,which is now less than 1%.In fact it is now the medical tourism that is gaining momentum in

    India with inexpensive and probably some of the best medicalfacilities in the world. According to the latest report of tourism

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    industry, Indias medical tourism has registered an annual growth

    rate of 25 per cent and is expected to touch the $2 billion mark by2012.

    Various private healthcare-centres are providing world-class healthcare services at a very affordable

    price and primarily attractingpatients from the South Asiancountries along with Britain,United States, Gulf region andAfrica. Realizing the potential oftourism industry the UnionGovernment has been allowing

    more and more patients byproviding a special medicaltourism visa, which can againfacilitate the process of tourist


    The popularity of India as one of the most favoured touristdestinations is also a result of extensive advertising and marketingstrategy of the government, which it has started under the banner of

    Incredible India and a great success so far. Again as tourism is anindividual state-affair, states also realize the importance of naturalheritage as prime source of income and started promoting domestictourism by diversifying tourism products. Improved facilities inluxury hotels, beach resorts, with winter sports, adventure sports andothers are to expand foreign tourist inflow to India.

    The recent growth can also be seen on the web, as a huge number oftravel and tourism websites have been made so far with the

    participation of private sector whose profit is based on the amount ofqueries (both inbound and outbound) they generate. As a result tourand travel companies along with hotel industry, car rental andaviation have registered some strongest influence in the growth chart.

    No doubt by 2020 tourism will contribute a lot to Indias GDP.

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    4. GUJARAT

    Located in the

    western India. It has an area

    of 75,686 sq mi

    (196,077 km) with a coast

    line of 1,600 km, and a

    population in excess of 50

    million. The state is bordered

    by Rajasthan to the north,

    Maharashtra to thesouth, Madhya Pradesh to the east and the Arabian Sea as well as the

    Pakistaniprovince of Sindh on the west. Its capital is Gandhinagar,

    while its largest city is Ahmedabad. Gujarat is home to the Gujarati-

    speaking people of India.

    The state encompasses major sites of the ancient Indus Valley

    Civilization, such as Lothal and Dholavira. Lothal is believed to be one

    of the world's first ports. Gujarat's coastal cities, chiefly Bharuch,

    served as ports and trading centers in the Maurya and Gupta empires.Mohandas Gandhi, considered India's "father of the nation", was

    a Gujarati who led the Indian Independence Movement against

    the British colonial rule.

    Gujarat played an important role in the economic history o

    India throughout the history of India. The state has the fastest growing

    economy in India. It is also, one of the most industrialized states within

    the nation. Thus, making it the richest state with a GDP per capita

    income twice that of the country as a whole.
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    5. HISTORY

    Ancient history

    Historically, the

    state of Gujarat

    has been one of

    the main centers

    of the Indus


    Civilization. Itcontains major



    cities from the

    Indus Valley

    such as Lothal, Dholavira, and Gola Dhoro. The ancient city of Lothal

    was where India's first port was established. Also Dholavira, the ancient

    city, is one of the largest and most prominent archaeological sites in

    India, belonging to the Indus Valley Civilization. The most recentdiscovery was Gola Dhoro. All together, about 50 Indus Valley

    settlement ruins have been discovered in Gujarat.

    The ancient history of Gujarat was enriched by their commercial

    activities. There is a clear historical evidence of trade and commerce

    ties with Sumerin the Persian Gulfduring the time period of 1000 to

    750 BC. There was a succession ofHindu Buddhist states such as

    the Gupta Empire, Rashtrakuta Empire, Pala Empire and Gurjara-

    Pratihara Empire as well as local dynasties such as the Maitrakas andthen theSolankis. The 11th century history of Gujarat saw the

    emergence of the Muslims in the political arena of the state. The first

    Muslim conqueror was Mahmud of Ghazni whose conquest

    ofSomnath effectively ended the rule of the Solankis.
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    (1297 CE1614 CE)

    From 1297 to 1300, Allauddin Khilji, Sultan of Delhi,

    destroyed Anhilwara and incorporated Gujarat into the Delhi Sultanate.AfterTimur's sacking of Delhi at the end of the fourteenth century

    weakened the Sultanate, Gujarat's Muslim Rajput governor Zafar Khan

    Muzaffar asserted his independence, and his son, Sultan Ahmed

    Shah (ruled 1411 to 1442), restructured Ahmedabad as the

    capital. Cambay eclipsed Bharuchas Gujarat's most important trade

    port. The Sultanate of Gujarat remained independent until 1576, when

    the Mughal emperorAkbar the Great conquered it and annexed it to

    the Mughal Empire. The port of Surat become the prominent and main

    port of India during Mughal rule. Gujarat remained a province of the

    Mughal empire until the Marathas occupied eastern and central Gujarat

    in the eighteenth century; Western Gujarat (Kathiawarand Kutch) were

    divided among numerous local rulers.

    (1614 CE 1947 CE)

    Portugal was the first European power to arrive in Gujarat, acquiring

    several enclaves along the Gujarati coast, including Daman and Diu as

    well as Dadra and Nagar Haveli. The British East India

    Company established a factory in Surat in 1614, which formed their

    first base in India, but it was eclipsed by Bombay after the English

    acquired it from Portugal in 1668. In late 17th century Chatrapati

    Shivaji the great Maratha leader attacked Surat between 1664 to 1679

    and looted the city 3 times. This is marked as entry of Marathas in


    Later in 18th century, Gujarat came under control of the Maratha

    Empire who dominated the politics of India. Pilaji Gaekwad, first ruler

    ofGaekwad dynasty, established the control over Baroda and much o

    Gujarat. AfterBattle of Panipat 1761, all Maratha general established

    them self as autonomous government while keeping nominal authority
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    ofPeshwas of Pune and Chatrapati from Satara. The British East India

    Company wrested control of much of Gujarat from the Marathas during

    the Second Anglo-Maratha War. Many local rulers, notably the

    MarathaGaekwads of Baroda (Vadodara), made a separate peace with

    the British and acknowledged British sovereignty in return for retaining

    local self-rule. Gujarat was placed under the political authority o

    the Bombay Presidency, with the exception ofBaroda state, which had

    a direct relationship with the Governor-General of India. From 1818 to

    1947, most of present-day Gujarat, including Kathiawar, Kutch, and

    northern and eastern Gujarat were divided into hundreds ofprincely

    states, but several districts in central and southern Gujarat,

    namely Ahmedabad, Broach (Bharuch), Kaira (Kheda), Panchmahal,

    and Surat, were ruled directly by British officials.

    Indian Independence Movement

    Leaders like Mohandas KaramchandGandhi, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel,Morarji Desai, K.M. Munshi, NarhariParikh, Mahadev Desai, MohanlalPandya, Bhulabhai Desai and RaviShankar Vyas all hailed from Gujarat.Also, Gujarati-speaking Mohammed AliJinnah's (Pakistan's first Governor-General) father was from an area whichlater became Gujarat. Gujarat was alsothe site of some of the most popular revolts, including the Satyagrahasin Kheda, Bardoli, Borsad and the Salt Satyagraha.
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    AhmedabadAhmedabad, the largest city in the

    state ofGujarat located on the left

    bank of the river Sabarmati is

    named after Sultan Ahmed Shah

    who built the city in 1411 AD.

    Also known as Amdavad and

    Karnavati, it was the former capital

    and a prominent centre of India'sfreedom struggle. With a vibrant past and an equally interesting present,

    Ahmedabad is one of those few cities which can boast about its well

    preserved ancient heritage along with being a highly industrialised

    centre and it is also home to one of the best known management

    institutes of the world- Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad

    (IIM-A). The city has grown into a great textile and commercial centre

    rightly called the 'Manchester of the East'. The city offers a lot to

    visitors in terms of aesthetic experience- there are many beautifulmonuments of historical and archaeological importance, places o

    religious significance, picnic spots, excursion sites etc.


    Bharuch alias Bhroach, an ancient

    town, one of the oldest in Gujarat

    with a 2000 year history, is situated

    at the mouth of the holy river

    armada. It was an important

    Buddhist center in the 7th century

    and considered to be sacred among
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    sages. Located between Vadodara and Surat, the city derived its name

    from 'Bhrigukachba', the temple of the great saint Bhrigu Rishi, which

    was later abridged to Bharuch. As it is a major seaport and the

    administrative headquarter of the district Bharuch, a number of trade

    activities have flourished here. This heavily industrialised city is

    renowned for its textile mills, chemical plants, long staple cotton, dairy

    products and much more. Gujarat's biggest liquid cargo terminal is

    situated here. It also houses many reputed multinational companies like

    Videocon, BASF, Reliance, Welspun Stahl etc. Bharuch is a shopping

    center well known for its salty peanuts. Because of the distinctive

    colour of the soil here that is ideal for cotton cultivation, Bharuch is

    sometimes referred to as 'Kanam Pradesh' (black soil land).


    Godhra is the capital town andthe administrative headquartersof Panchmahal district inGujarat. It was an important

    centre during the Mughal andMaratha periods. Godhra whichderived its name from the twowords 'Gou' means cow and

    'Dhara' means flow, is a developing town with the establishment oseveral industrial units and educational institutions for higher educationcoming up. As the nearby towns of Devgadhbaria and Dohad, locatednorth of Godhra forms a tribal and forest belt, it is also a market placeand a small trade center for forest products. Dahod, the birthplace ofMughal emperor Aurangazeb, and Godhra are the twin cities in the stateof Gujarat. Godhra is widely known for the riots in 2002 which beganwith the train burning

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    Rajkot is located on the

    banks of the Aji river in thewest Indian state of Gujarat.Founded by VibhojiAjojiJadeja in 1612, it wasonce the capital of the

    princely state of Saurashtraand the seat of the erstwhileJadeja clan. The city has a rich cultural history and is also associatedwith India's freedom struggle. It is the place where Mahatma Gandhispent the early years of his life. The city was a former Britishgovernment headquarters and still has a number of massive structuresand educational institutions which remind one of the city's colonial

    past. It is famous for silver, textiles and furniture, Bandhani sarees,bead work,patch work, silk embroidery, jewellery and a Nationalweaving institute which promotes traditional weaves. The city is also areligious centre and is a must visit for those interested in colonialhistory and architecture.


    The second largest city inGujarat and the ninth largestcity in India, Surat is knownfor its textile and diamond

    business. This administrative

    headquarters of Surat districtis located on the banks ofTapti river. The city narratesthe history of thousands of years, from the period of Mahabharatha tothe period even after the independence of the country. It was one owestern India's major ports and trading towns in the 17th and 18thcenturies and the first European settlement in India. Surat is renowned

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    for its silk weaves like the Tanchoi and Gajee sarees and Kinkhabbrocades sometimes woven with gold and silver threads. The firstwarehouses was established in Surat by the East India Company in theear 1612. It is famous for its jewellery market and diamond cutting as

    well as ivory and wood inlay work. 92% of world's diamonds are cutand polished from this city. Surat is also known for its culture andcuisines.


    The eighteenth largest and one ofthe cosmopolitan cities of India,Vadodara alias Baroda is locatedon the banks of Vishwamitri River.This garden city is the industrialcapital and the third most

    populated town of Gujarat and alsothe administrative headquarters ofVadodara District. Due to its richcultural traditions, the district is

    referred to as Sanskari Nagari. With many museums and art galleries,this upcoming hub of industries and IT is a favorite spot of tourists.Vadodara was once called Chandravati, after its ruler Raja Chandan,then Virakshetra or Viravati, the abode of the brave and then Vadpatra

    because of the abundance of banyan trees on the banks of theVishwamitri. From Vadpatra it derived its present name.

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    7.MUSEUMSGujarat's museums are run by the state's Department of Museums

    located at the principal state museum, Baroda Museum & Picture

    Gallery. Other famous museums include:

    "The Gandhi Smarak Sangrahalaya"

    The Gandhi Smarak


    in Ahmedabad is run by apublic trust established in

    1951. The museum's new

    premises were built in 1963.

    The museum's main objective

    was to house the personal

    memorabilia of Mahatma Gandhi. Consequently, the exhibits on

    view depict the vivid and historic events of Gandhiji's life. There are

    books, manuscripts, and photostat copies of his correspondence,

    photographs of Gandhiji with his wife Kasturba and other ashram

    associates, life size oil paintings, and actual relics like his writing

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    "Calico Museum of Textiles"

    The Calico Museum of Textiles atAhmedabad, India, is the premier textile

    museum of the country, and one of the most

    celebrated institutions of its kind in the world for its distinguished

    and comprehensive collection of textiles and artifacts. Ahmedabad


    "The Vadodara Museum"

    The Vadodara Museum

    in Vadodara, located in

    the popular Sayaji Bagh,

    the museum houses a

    collection which belonged

    to the former maharaja

    Sayaji Rao Gaekwad.

    Indian rulers during the Raj often collected all kinds of European artand other knick knacks. Largely being the personal collection of the

    maharaja, the exhibits span across centuries and continents, as well

    as diverse art forms. There are Greek and Roman sculpture with

    European paintings of earlier periods. The Asian section has items

    from Burma, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, China, and Japan made of wood,

    ivory, bronze and pottery.
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    "Maharaja Fatehsingh Museum"

    The impressive LaxmiVilas Palace, in the Indo

    Saracenic style o

    architecture, was once

    the residence o

    the Gaekwad family.

    Maharaja Fatehsingh

    Museum in Vadodara,

    located in the sprawling

    grounds of the palace complex, is a multi purpose museum and

    houses the Gaekwad family's rich collection of an treasures.

    "The Gandhi Museum"

    The Gandhi Museum

    in Bhavnagar showcases arare collection o

    photographs relating to the

    life of Mahatma Gandhi

    are on view at the Gandhi

    Museum. These recreate

    the significant events o

    Gandhiji's life. Also

    displayed are documents,letters, and his personal relics. The collection of audio-visual material

    includes microfilms, a voice library, prayers, and lecture records.
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    "The Watson Museum"

    The 'Watson Museum' in Rajkot,

    is a museum of human history and

    culture. Its collections precious

    objects of colonial period of India

    and History of Rajkot. It is

    amongst the largest and most

    comprehensive museum in State

    of Gujarat. Watson Museum is

    considered to be the finest amongst 7 such museums locatedacross Saurashtra (region) and run by the State Government because

    it holds invaluable articles and state-of-the-art facilities like

    photography, guide service, reference library and sales counter of the

    museum's publication.

    "The Lakhota museum"

    The 'Lakhota Museum'

    in Jamnagar, is a museum o

    history and royalty of jamnagar. It

    was built in center of Lakhota

    Lake. It was built by Jam


    Other museums include:

    Kite Museum in Ahmedabad,

    The Lady Wilson MuseumsDharampur, Valsad.

    Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Museum,Surat.
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    Gujarat has the longest coastline of all

    the states in India. As a result, the stateand its neighboring Union Territoriesoffer a plethora of beaches. These

    beaches are the finest in the country andattract a huge number of tourists everyear. The pristine waters, soft sands and

    rich flora and fauna are their mainattractions. You can relax and unwindamidst the natural serene surroundings. It's a promise that your trip tothese exotic beaches of Gujarat will provide you with an unforgettable

    experience. Apart from this, the towns located near the beaches haveimmense possibilities for sightseeing. They house a number ofhistorical forts, palaces, churches and museums worth seeing.

    Ahmedpur Mandvi BeachAhmedpur Mandvi Beach is situated on the coastline of the state ofGujarat and is one of the finest beaches in India. It is located inAhemdpur Mandvi, which is the historic port town of Maharao ofKutch.

    Chorwad BeachChorwad Beach of Gujarat is another splendid beach situated on thewest coast of India. It is situated at a distance of 66 km from Junagadh.Chorwad has a high potential of attracting both domestic as well asinternational tourists. The beach constitutes of rocky hills and presentsopportunity for thrilling boat rides.

    Diu BeachDiu beach is situated off the Saurashtra coast and is connected to thestate of Gujarat via a causeway. Diu is a secluded island and does nothave much population. This makes it the place ideal for a serenevacation, away from the worries of daily life.
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    Gopnath BeachGopnath Beach is situated in the Bhavnagar district of Gujarat. It islocated on the coast of the Gulf of Kambhat, at a distance of 75 kmfrom the city of Bhavnagar. Gopnath is a pristine beach known for itsnatural beauty.

    Kutch Mandvi BeachKutch Mandvi is an important beach in Gujarat, situated at Mandvi.Mandvi is the historic port town of Maharao of Kutch, located at a

    distance of 75 km from Bhuj. Kutch Mandvi was once inhabited by theMaharao of Kutch and was an important seaport.
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    As per the India State O

    Forest Report 2009, Gujarathas 7.46 % of its total

    geographical area under

    forest cover. As per the

    districts, The Dangs has the

    largest area under forest

    cover. Gujarat has 4 National

    parks and 21 sanctuaries.

    Gujarat is the only home ofAsiatic Lions. Outside Africa, Gujarat is theonly present natural habitat of lions. Gir Forest National Parkin the

    south-west part of the state covers only part of the lions' habitat.

    Besides lions, the other big cat that can be found in the state is the

    leopard. Leopards are spread across large plains of Saurashtra and

    mountains of South Gujarat.

    Other National parks include Vansda

    ational Park, Blackbuck National Park,

    Velavadarand Marine National Park,

    Gulf of Kutch. Wildlife sanctuaries

    include: Wild Ass Wildlife Sanctuary,

    al Sarovar Bird Sanctuary, Porbandar

    Bird Sanctuary, Kutch Desert Wildlife

    Sanctuary, Kutch Bustard

    Sanctuary, Narayan Sarovar Sanctuary, Jessore Sloth Bear Sanctuary,

    Anjal, Balaram-Ambaji, Barda, Jambughoda, Khavda, Paniya, Purna,

    Rampura, Ratanmahal, and Surpaneshwar.

    Gujarat is one unique state where you can find major mountain-ranges

    of India. Aravalli, Sahyadri,Vindhya and Satpura are having their

    presence in Gujarat. Apart from this Gir hills, Barda,

    Jessore, Chotila etc. are situated in different parts of the

    Gujarat. Girnaris famous and tallest hill of Gujarat. Saputara is the only

    hill-station of the state.,_Velavadar,_Velavadar,_Gulf_of_Kutch,_Gulf_of_Kutch,_Gulf_of_Kutch,_Gulf_of_Kutch,_Velavadar,_Velavadar
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    Dwarakadheesh temple in Dwarka is one of the important temples

    dedicated to Krishna. On the tip of the Arabian Sea, it was hometo Krishna. The Rann of Kutchch covers a large portion of western

    Gujarat, and is world-famous for its rare ecosystem, fossils, wildlife and


    Palitana Temples are a complex ofJain temples situated 51 km south

    west ofBhavnagar. There are 863 temples from the base to the peak o

    the Shatrunjaya hill, where the Palitana temples are located.
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    Somnath Temple located in the Prabhas Kshetra nearVeraval in

    Saurashtra, on the western coast of Gujarat, India, is one of the twelve

    Jyotirlings (golden lingas) or symbols of the God Shiva. It is mentioned

    in the Rig Veda. Somnath means "The Protector of Moon God". The

    Somnath Temple is known as 'the Shrine Eternal', as the temple hasbeen destroyed six times, but was rebuilt on each occasion.

    Modhera Sun Temple is famous for its rare position as specifically and

    uniquely designed for the worship of the Sun, Lord Surya. While the

    main temple is beautifully and intricately designed with complex

    architecture, painting, and sculptures, there is a central pond.

    Surrounding it stand 108 small temples for each of the Sun God's 108

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    ShankheshwarJain Temples are dedicated to the 23rd Tirthankar,

    Lord Parshvanath. It is believed that this idol was revealed by Lord

    Krishna himself, by the teachings ofNeminaththe 22nd Tirthankar. It is

    near Ahmedabad.

    Patan houses 84 magnificent Jain Templesbuilt by Samrat Kumarpal,who was a staunch disciple ofAcharya Hemachandra, a Jain monkand


    Girnaris an epitome of communal harmony & amicable relations

    among Jains and Hindus. This high-rising steep hill houses shrines o

    both major religions. One dedicated to Neminathor Arisht Nemi, the

    22nd tirthankara, where he is believed to attain nirvana, and another

    dedicated to Guru Dattatreya, a Hindu deity.

    Ambaji: This temple is dedicated to goddess Ambaji. It is situated on

    the Arasur Hill and can be approached by road from Abu Road in

    Rajasthan, as well as from all other important places in Gujarat. A folk

    drama called 'Bhavai' is performed in the courtyards of the temple.,_Gujarat,_Gujarat
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    Dakor: This temple town dedicated to Lord Krishna is situated about

    90 km from Ahmedabad. The temple of Ranchodrai has the idol of Lord

    Krishna, which is believed to have been brought from Dwarka by a

    devotee named Bodana.

    Becharaji Temple: This temple is another important seat of Mother

    Goddess at Becharaji in Mehsana district. This temple is thronged by

    Hindu devotees, especially childless women.

    Chotila : This place is in Surendranagar district where there is a famous

    temple of Goddess Chamunda situated.

    Sidi Saiyyed Mosque: The Sidi Sayed Mosque in Ahmedabad is a

    famous and ancient mosque of the city. The mosque was built in the
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    ear 1411. The elegant mosque was built by Sidi Sayed, a slave of

    Sultan Ahmed Shah. The mosque is famous all over the country

    because of its fantastic architecture and exquisite jali work (perforated

    stone lattices).

    Rani Rupmati's Mosque: Rani Rupmati was the Hindu wife of Sultan

    Mehmed Beghara. Rani Rupmati mosque was built between 1430 to

    1440, having three domes supported by pillars, with the central dome

    slightly elevated. It is located at Ahmedabad. The mosque has richly

    carved minarets, balcony windows, and jali. Its three domes are linked

    together by a flat roof. Muuk-Khana is a special attraction of this


    Kutbi Mazar: A colossal monument raised in the memory ofSyedna

    Qutubuddin Shaheed, the high priest of the Dawoodi Bohra community.
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    FAIRSAround more than 1000 festivals are celebrated in Gujaratthe state is known asthe land of fairs and festivals. Some of these fairs and festivals are as follows:

    Bhavnath Mahadev Mela (February)

    The Bhavnath MahadevTemple, situated at the footof Mount Girnar in the cityof Junagadh, is the site of theBhavnath Mahadev fair heldfor five days in February,during the festival ofMahashivratri. TheMahapuja of Lord Shiva

    takes place at midnight in this temple on the 14th day of the dark half of the monthof Magh. When the puja (prayer ceremony) starts, Naga Bavas (naked sages) livingnearby move towards the fair seated on elephants, holding flags and blowing conch

    shells. It is firmly believed that Lord Shiva himself visits the shrine on thisoccasion. Visitors are served free meals by the organizers. Special stalls sell idols,rosaries, or holy beads (brought by vendors from Ayodhya and Mathura), utensilsof brass and copper, sweets and fruits. The Bhavnath Mahadev Temple issurrounded by many equally ancient and holy places.

    Dangs Darbar (March)

    Dangs Darbar is the name of theannual fair held every year in Ahwa,the most important town in the Dangsa few days before Holi. The Dangs isone of the most delightful districts ofGujarat and is located high in the

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    Saputara hills, the original home of the adivasis, the tribal population of Gujarat.The name "Darbar" dates back to the time of the British, when a darbar of Rajasand Naiks of neighbouring area used to assemble there. Today it is calledJamabandi Darbar, and the District Collector officiates at it. Thousands of tribal

    people flock to Ahwa from all over the district, dressed in bright colours, soundingthe Shehnai, and beating their drums. Folk dances, dramas, and songs enliven theair during the festival.

    ChitraVichitra Mela (Mar)

    This fair, one of the largest purelyAdivasi (tribal) fairs, is attended by

    around 60,000 to 70,000 tribal people. Ittakes place every year in the village ofGunbhakhari in Sabarkantha district,very near the borders of Rajasthan. It isheld a fortnight after Holi, the festival ofcolours. The site of the fair is attractiveas the temple overlooks the riversSabarmati, Akul, and Vyakul. The nameof the fair is derived from Chitravirya

    and Vichitraviraya, the sons of King Shantanu, who are believed to have livedthere and been cured of diseases which afflicted them. The fair attracts largenumbers of Bhils (tribals) who come from all the surrounding districts using everyimaginable form of transport. The Garasis and Bhil tribals dress in their customarycolourful costumes. The costume of the men generally consists of a blue shirt,dhoti, and a red or saffron turban. Women don ghaghras (embroidered skirts),which have a circumference of as much as 20 yards (18 m), and are covered fromhead to foot with ornate and heavy silver jewellery. They use liquid kumkum(vermilion) to colour their cheeks and lips a brilliant red, while their eyes areoutlined with kajal (kohl). Every group that comes to the fair carries its own drum

    making the atmosphere come alive with the incessant beat of numerous drums. Thewomen sing folk songs, and everyone dances. The dancing and drumming continuefor hours until everyone is exhausted. Over a hundred stalls hold food and drinkand sweets of various kinds. Silver ornaments can be bought, and householdarticles, as well. Here, as in other fairs, there is a giant wheel and a merry-go-roundwhich never ceases to spin.

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    Sanskruti kunj Fair

    The Sanskruti kunj Festival shows the different cultures of the states of India. It isorganised in the winter sesion in the capital city, Gandhinagar. All the competitors

    of India come during this fair and show their state's culture & dance.

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    Makar Sankranti and Kite Flying Festival

    The Kite Flying Festival takes place inmid January and marks the time whenthe Suns direct rays reach the Tropic of

    Capricorn after the winter solstice. It iscelebrated with lots of folk music anddance as well as kite flying. People ofGujarat gather on terraces to fly kites ofvarious colours to celebrate MakarSankranti or Uttrayana, the welcome to

    the sun after the cold winter months. Glass strengthened threads of the Indianfighter kites are matched against each other in the airthe kite fighter who cutsthe other thread is the victor. At night, kites with Chinese lanterns are flown andheld aloft. Food such as Undhiya, sugar cane juice and local sweets is typicallyserved to celebrate the day.

    Dance FestivalModhera (January):-

    Resting on a knoll in the village ofModhera are the ruins of the 11thcentury Sun Temple. The outer walls ofthe temple are covered with sculptures inwhich the figures of Surva, the sun god,are prominent. The Sun Temple is thesite of an annual festival of Indianclassical dances organized by theTourism Corporation of Gujarat. Theidea is to present classical dance forms in

    an atmosphere they were originally presented in.
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    The Kutch Mahotsav (FebruaryMarch)

    The Kutch Festival or the Rann festival

    is celebrated at the time of the Shiv Ratri in

    February/ March. The centre of the festivalis Bhuj in Kutch. It has crafts, fairs and folkdances and music and cultural shows, allorganized by the Gujarat Tourism. Tours arealso conducted out to the ruins of DholaVera, a city that was once a part of the IndusValley civilization.

    Bhadra Purnima (September)

    The full moon of Bhadrapad is one of the fourmost important festival days of the year whenfarmers and agriculturists come to Ambaji, a placethat derives its name from Goddess Ambaji,whose shrine is located there. On this occasion, alarge fair is organized on full moon days. In theevening, performances of Bhavai, the folk drama

    of the state, is held and Garba programmes areorganized. The devout attend readings of the Saptashati, the seven hundred versesin praise of the goddess, and visit the temple for a darshan (worship) of her. TheAmbaji shrine is the principal shrine of the goddess in Gujarat, and its origins arestill unknown. The Temple of Ambaji is recognized as one of the original ShaktiPithas (religious texts) where, according to the ancient Scriptures, the heart of thegoddess Ambaji fell to earth when her body was dismembered. A triangularVishwa Yantra, inscribed with figures and the syllable 'Shree' in the centre,represents the deity. There is no idol, which testifies the temple's antiquity. Idolworship became popular much later.

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    Gujarati cuisine is unlike any other Indian cuisine. Almoststrictly vegetarian, it is traditionally served on silver platters tothe accompaniment of rice and a variety of wheat breads. eZeeTechnosys is the developer of food ordering software calledeZeeFoodie.Even though the state of Gujarat has absorbed many foreigninfluences over the years, the basic tastes in food haveremained the same. There are few people who do not relish

    Gujarati savouries - crisp spicy fried farsans, which can be bought in wayside

    stalls. The famous Gujarati thali served at weddings consists of farsans,sweetmeats and a variety of sweet and sour chutneys and pickles. This harmony isderived from the mixing of the sweet with the salty is what makes the cooking ofthis state different from the rest. Geographically Gujarat can be divided into fourregions and because of the climactic differences; there are slight variations ineating habits and modes of preparation.

    North Gujarat

    This region is popular for its traditional Gujarati thaliconsisting of rice, dal, curry, vegetables, sprouted

    beans, farsan, pickles, chutney and raita. Food isusually non spicy and oil is used sparingly.Farsans areof various varieties such as Pathara,KhamanDhokla,andKhandvi.


    It is surprising to know that Saurashtra with its vaststretches of dry earth has sugarcane, wheat, millet,

    peanuts, and sesame native to this region. Hencepulses dominate Kathiawari food and sweetmeatsmade ofgur (jaggery). This region has a delicious
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    variety of pickles.

    Kathiawari favourites include debras made withwheat flour mixed with spinach, green chillies, a

    dollop of yogurt and a pinch of salt and sugar, theseare eaten with Chhundo (a hot and sweet shreddedmango pickle) Yet another specialty of this region isMethia Masala, a dry powder made from fenugreekseeds, chilly powder and salt. This is liberallysprinkled over raw vegetables and salads and givesthe food an especially piquant flavour.

    Phafda, an omum flavoured assorted flourpuri isanother Kathiawari favourite.


    Kutchi cuisine is relatively simple. It consists of

    Khichdi, the main dish eaten with Kadhi - a savoury

    curry made of yoghurt. Some common dishes include

    Khaman Dhokla, a salty steamed cake, Doodhpak, a

    sweet, thickened milk confectionery and Shrikhand,dessert made of yoghurt, flavoured with saffron,

    cardamom, nuts and candied fruit which is eaten with

    hot, fluffy pooris.
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    South Gujarat

    In comparison to the dry region of Saurashtra,

    Southern Gujarat is blessed with plenty of rainfall.Green vegetables and plenty of fruit therefore

    dominate Surati food.

    There are no elaborate preparations made, no

    expensive ingredients used and yet the food in its

    utter simplicity, tastes exotically different.

    Popular items include a delicious vegetableconcoction called Undhyoo and Paunk, a tangy


    Surat is also famous for its bakery items like the

    nankhatais, gharis and the saglu baglu mithai, which

    are easily available in the city's bakeries and

    confectionery shops.

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    Gujarat has ten airports, the most of any Indian state as per the list of airports in

    India. All are domestic airports except Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International

    Airport in Ahmedabad, which also offers international flights.

    International airport

    Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International Airport(Ahmedabad) Many domestic as well asinternational flights operate from here.

    Domestic airports

    Bhavnagar AirportBhavnagar Airport, 9 km from the city of Bhavnagar. Bhuj Airport In the Bhuj city of Gujarat. This airport has been recently

    been named Shyamji Krishna Verma, Bhuj Airport. Jamnagar Airport10 km from the City of Jamnagar. Kandla Airport (Gandhidham) situated at Kandla, near Gandhidham, in

    Kutch district. Keshod Airport (Junagadh)Keshod Airport is found 3 km from Keshod

    city in Junagadh District. Porbandar Airportis situated 5 km from the city of Porbandar. Rajkot Airport4 km from the city of Rajkot. Surat AirportRecently inaugurated on Magdalla Road. Vadodara Airport Integrated Terminal Building will be completed by

    2010, enabling international fights to Vadodara. Mehsana AirportMeshana Airport is about 2 km from Meshsana city Amreli Airport
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    Future Airports

    Zalawad AirportFuture airport for Surendranagar area. Fedara (Ahmedabad)Proposed International Airport near Fedara village

    ofBhl region.


    Gujarat comes under the Western Railways zone of the Indian Railways. Vadodara

    Railway Station is the busiest railway station in Gujarat and the fourth busiest

    railway station in India.It is situated on the Mumbai Delhi Western Railway

    Mainline. Other important railway stations are Surat Railway Station, Ahmedabad

    Railway Station and Rajkot Railway Station. Indian Railways is planning Delhi

    Mumbai dedicated rail freight route passing through the state.

    Work on Rs 1,100 crore (Rs 11 billion) first phase of the metro rail project in

    Ahmedabad-Gandhinagar will start by 2011 and the line is expected to be

    operational within 23 years. The first phase of the metro rail project will cover a

    distance of 32.65 kilometre in the north-south direction between Gandhinagar andAhmedabad and 10.90 kilometre east-west corridor between Kalupur and Thaltej.


    Kandla Port is one of the largest portsserving Western India. Other importantports in Gujarat are the Port ofNavlakhi, Port of Magdalla,Port ofPipavav, Port of Porbandar and theprivately owned Mundra Port.
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    Local transportation

    Gujarat State Road TransportCorporation (GSRTC) is the primary

    body responsible for providing the busservices within the state of Gujarat andalso with the neighboring states. It is a

    public transport corporation providingbus services and public transit withinGujarat and to the other states in India.Apart from this, there are a number of

    services provided by GSRTC.

    Mofussil Services It connects major cities, smaller towns and villageswithin Gujarat.

    Intercity Bus Services It also connects major cities Ahmedabad,Vadodara (Baroda) and Rajkot.

    Interstate Bus Services It connects various cities of Gujarat with theneighboring states of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Rajasthan.

    City ServicesGSRTC also provides city bus services at Surat, Baroda,Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad, within the state of Gujarat.

    Parcel ServicesThis service is used for transporting goods.

    Apart from this, the GSRTC provides special bus services for festivals, industrial

    zones, schools, colleges and pilgrim places

    Auto rickshaw is an important and frequently used mode of transport in Gujarat.

    The Government of Gujarat is promoting Bicycles to reduce pollution.
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    Gujarat, the state government has sent 34 proposals including those aimingtowards development of integrated Mahatma Gandhi and Buddhist tourism circuitshere, to the Centre.

    These proposals were sent in last three years seeking a combined grant of Rs785.13 crore, for projects including Gandhi and Buddhist tourism circuits, besidesa Tourism Development Institute, Gujarat Tourism Minister Jaynarayan Vyas said.

    "The Centre has so far supported our projects for tourism promotion on DandiHeritage Route, Integrated Gandhi circuit, Dwarika, Tourism DevelopmentInstitute and Kabir Vad in Bharuch, along the banks of river Narmada," Vyas said.

    The state tourism department has proposed to develop Devni Mori in Sabarkantha,Taranga and Vadnagar in Mehsana as an integrated Buddhist circuit and asked theCentre for Rs 10.11 crore aid for it.

    The state government has sought grant of Rs 50 crore for development ofIntegrated Gandhi circuit spread across Porbandar, Rajkot and Ahmedabad.

    "As part of proposal for Gandhi Mega circuit, the Kirti Mandir birth place ofMahatma Gandhi in Porbandar's connecting link to Kasturba Memorial shall be re-developed," a state tourism department official said.

    "A heritage walk route is also proposed to be developed in Porbandar as part of themega circuit plan," the official said. Basic facilities for tourism promotion shall bedeveloped near Mahamta Gandhi Vidyalaya in Rajkot where the Father of the

    Nation had taken informal education, and beautification of Gandhi Ashram inAhmedabad shall be undertaken, he added.

    The Centre so far has allocated grant of Rs 21.19 crore for developing basic touristfacilities in Dwarka, town of Lord Krishna, Ambaji, a temple town, besides

    buidling infrastructure facilities in Tarnetar, Pavagadh, Devni Mori and Patan, anofficial said.

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