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A presentation by Seminar D
3. Volunteer Fairfax
Mission: Mobilize people and resources to meet regional community needs
Connect volunteers to non-profit organizations for service and donations
4. Partnering with Volunteer Fairfax
Research Questions
What do area non-profit organizations need from a volunteer center?
Are these organizations aware of Volunteer Fairfax and what it does?
Our Purpose
Raise awareness of Volunteer Fairfax and volunteerism altogether
Find ways to improve the effectiveness of Volunteer Fairfax
Receive feedback from users and potential users of Volunteer Fairfax
5. Literature Review
Non-profit Organizations
Volunteer Centers
6. Volunteer Fairfaxs Non-Profit Members Research
7. Our Research Questions
What services offered by Volunteer Fairfax are most useful for nonprofit organizations?
How can Volunteer Fairfax meet the volunteering needs of nonprofit organizations?
8. Review method: Online Survey
13 questions
over 60 recorded responses
over 70 received responses.
9. 3 major findings...
10. First Major Finding
Question: What types of volunteers are you aiming to recruit through Volunteer Fairfax?
Majority answers:
Ongoing Volunteers
One time Volunteers
Bilingual Volunteer
Corporate groups
11. Second Major Finding
What size groups can your volunteer needs accommodate?
12. Third Major Finding
How frequently have you used the following Volunteer Fairfax services in the past year?
Most are either unaware or never/rarely use the services
13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Recommendations
Develop and improve the services that most nonprofits use.
Raise awareness of services and their benefits using effective means of communication.
many nonprofit members do not even use the recruiting services but mostly use networking.
On the Volunteer Fairfax website, it may be useful to include a section with posts of recent additions and updates to the services
18. Research of Organizations not Affiliated with Volunteer Fairfax
19. Our Method
Surveying non-affiliated Volunteer Fairfax organizations
Used a selective sampling for choosing organizations
Used a list from Volunteer Fairfax that had all of the organizations that either Volunteer Fairfaxhad contacted or organizations that had started signing up with them and never finished
20. The Survey Questions
Worked with Volunteer Fairfax to develop questions that would be relevant for them
Questions went through numerous editing stages so that they provided the most information and were easy to organize
Gather information such as annual budget, volunteer size, organizations needs, etc.
21. The Findings
Three major points:
Organizations annual budget compared to their volunteer size
Have organizations heard of Volunteer Fairfax and how
What types of volunteers are organizations looking for
22. Annual Budget Compared to Volunteer Size
23. Annual Budget Compared toVolunteer Size
Might be helpful for Volunteer Fairfax to look at an organizations budget and see how it effects their volunteer intake
Useful to see what types of organizations are dominate in the area, thus cater to them more
24. Have Organizations Heard of VF?
25. How Have Organizations Heard of VF?
26. Have Organizations Heard of VF, and through what means?
Help determine if there is an awareness of Volunteer Fairfax in the community
What types of advertisement are working and which ones are not?
Determine what types of advertisement they need to improve
27. Types of Volunteers Organizations Need
28. Types of VolunteersOrganizations Need
Determine which types of volunteers are needed most in the community
Help Volunteer Fairfax cater towards other organizations needs
Which programs are working for Volunteer Fairfax and which are not?
29. Focus Groups
30. Focus Group: Qualitative ResearchGoing Beyond the Numbers
Qualitative Research: a personal approach of collecting data, receiving the why instead of the what from our subjects
Turnout: more than anticipated; eagerness to volunteer
Quality over quantity
31. Categories of Discussion
Volunteering as a Lifestyle
Volunteer Usage
What the people need
What Volunteer Fairfax provides
What Volunteer Fairfax does not provide
Group work. (2010). [Web]. Retrieved from
32. 33. Future Action

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