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Deriving Using Product and Quotient Rules

Incorrect!Did you remember to use the Quotient Rule?

Click here to go back18Correct!True!The derivative of is indeed

5Incorrect!Think again!FalseClick here to go back

4Correct!1. Initial equation2. Separate and derive functions3. Recombine using quotient rule4. Expand5. Simplify


Incorrect!Click here to go back

This is indeed a solution to

26The End!Click on the following buttons to go back to the different sectionsProduct RuleQuotient RuleBoth RulesFirst SlideObjectiveIncorrect!Did you remember to use the Quotient Rule?

Click here to go back


This is NOT a solution to , because the bottom isnt squared.


Example 11. Initial equation2. Separate and derive functions3. Recombine using product rule4. Expand5. Simplify


Incorrect!Click here to go backThis is indeed a solution to


Example 21. Initial equation2. Separate and derive functions3. Recombine using product rule4. Expand

8Example 21. Initial equation2. Separate and derive functions3. Recombine using both rules4. Expand

24Quick Review:

True or False: the derivative of is

Hint: Click true or false



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