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 An Internship Reportas

Programmer Analyst Intern

Submitted in fulllment of the requirements for the award of the





Christopher Reminjuse -700622910

!nder the Esteemed guidan&e of 

“Dr. Xiaodong Yue”

Department of Mathemati&s ' Computer S&ien&e%

!ni(ersit$ of &entral Missouri%

)arrensburg% Missouri* +,-./



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In this report I do&umented all the wor1% whi&h I done during m$CS2-3- &ourse at Te&hnumen In&4% is&atawa$% "5 under theesteemed guidan&e of Dr4 6iaodong 7ue 8!CM94

:irst% this report will gi(e a summar$ of the wor1 I done during m$CT and later the results and :uture Enhan&ements will bedis&ussed4

I ha(e tried to present this report in an easiest wa$ and alsote&hni&all$ &orre&t4 I hope I was su&&eeded4

Christopher Reminjuse.


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:irst of all% I would li1e to than1 Dr4 6iaodong 7ue for guiding me and

allowing me to do the internship4

I e(en li1e to forward m$ than1s to m$ Team lead% m$ team andsuper(isor for moti(ating me4 )ithout their help I &ouldn;t ha(edone this4

#! ," C,+!+(


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0 I"TROD!CTIO"<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<4442

  040 =o&ation Of M$ )or14444444444444444444444444444444444444444


3 Roles and Responsibilities<<<<<<<<<<<42

/ Te&hnologies =earned<<<<<<<<<<<<<<44>

, Summar$ of m$ &ontribution<<<<<<<<<<44>

2 A"A=7SIS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<0/

+ CO"C=!SIO"<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<44



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1. &+R,D$C&,+

I am Christopher Remin?use4 I ha(e done m$ internship with Te&hnumen In&4 During m$ initial da$s of internship I started wor1ingon 5A@A platform to &reate a web appli&ation4 I ha(e shared all m$eperien&es and the 1nowledge that I gained in this do&ument4

1.1 oation ,' %3 or4 

I wor1ed as a rogrammer Anal$st Intern in Te&hnumen In&%is&atawa$% :lorida4 ehnumen is a leading IT ser(i&es &ompan$4 ItoBers a large arra$ of solutions tailored for an area of 1e$ (erti&alsand horiontals4 It has mar(elous domain &apabilities su&h as

Automoti(e% Media% #an1ing ' :inan&ial Ser(i&es% Manufa&turing%Insuran&e ' ealth&are% Tele&om% =ogisti&s% Infrastru&ture andEntertainment4

Super(isor "itinhone F22>,-++2-Email "itinGTe&hnumen4&om

Start Date FH0>H3-02

End Date 03H00H3-02

2.R,!( #+D R!(,+(&&&&!(

   The rm I ?oined is presentl$ wor1ing for :edEShipment tra&1ing s$stem4 I etensi(el$ parti&ipated in Designingand de(eloping a web appli&ation% whi&h helps the business users inpro&essing agent information and (arious produ&t armations4 This

appli&ation will denitel$ help them in pro&essing and tra&1ing theirsales gures b$ agen&$ and geographi&al area et&4

Responsi5iities "ued8

• De(eloped the !I  s&reens using  :$!RY to generate TM=d$nami&all$ and displa$ the information on the &lient side4

• Etensi(el$ used 5S tag libraries4

• !sed (pring (eurit3  te&hnique for the Authoriation andAuthenti&ation purposes4

• De(eloped Appli&ation using M@C design pattern based on

(pring %;C :ramewor14


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• !sed <i5ernate  :ramewor1 for &ommuni&ating with thedatabase4

• )ritten the A"T S&ripts for building the appli&ation4

• !sed $nit for unit testing4

• !sed the 5D#C for doing transa&tions with database4

• In(ol(ed in )eblogi& migration4

• erformed puri&ation of the appli&ation database entries

using Ora&le 00g4

• !sed (;+ as sour&e &ontrol4

• Jenerated Entit$ &lasses and s&hema using them4

• In(ol(ed in de(elopment on KAgile De(elopment Methodolog$;and also parti&ipated the appli&ation in ea&h iteration4

• )rote &omple Sql and ql queries to retrie(e data from the

Ora&le database4

In(ol(ed in End to end De(elopment b$ integrating :ront Endand #a&1end through Debugging4

  The ro?e&t I wor1ed on follows the t$pi&al M@C Ar&hite&ture4It goes li1e this<


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=.!C<+,,/&!( !#R+!D

:ront end 6M=% TM=% CSS% 5a(a S&ript and A5A6#a&1 end &ore ?a(a% 5S% 5D#C% Spring M@C% Struts% ibernate4)eb ser(ers )eb logi&% Apa&he Tom&atDatabase Ora&le 00g% M$SL=@ersion &ontrol Tools JIT% S@"IDE E&lipse


>. ($%%#RY ," %Y C,+R&$&,+

  I wor1ed here for more than / months and inthese / months% I earned a lot of 1nowledge4 )or1ing here helped


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me to gain more pra&ti&al 1nowledge than theoreti&al 1nowledge4 Ilearned how to tal1 with &lients %what a&tuall$ the$ want %what weha(e to pro(ide to ma1e them happ$4

I am (er$ e&ited to see what a&tuall$ &orporate

&ulture is and how people will start de(eloping appli&ations froms&rat&h to full app4 :inall$ I got su&h a da$ to enter into IT andparti&ipate in the pro&ess of de(elopment4 :irst da$ when I enterinto &ompan$ %I was gi(en 1nowledge transfer on pro?e&t and itsdetails4 After I was pro(ided with a requirement do&ument to stud$and pro(ide m$ &omments on what I understood4 =ater being&laried b$ m$ doubts and suggestions the$ as1ed me to startdesign of &lass diagrams for some of the use &ases4 M$ ma&hine hasgot set up with Intelli5 software% where I started designing m$ &lassdiagrams4 At rst I started designing some test diagrams for m$pra&ti&e %few da$s later I started a&tual &lass diagram4 I startedidentif$ing ob?e&ts and &lasses from it and &ompleted m$ &lassdiagram4 After so man$ re(iews and modi&ations% design has beennalied and appro(ed b$ &lient4

Mean while% I started designing stati& web pages for m$pro?e&t whi&h are the end &omponents for an$ web appli&ation4 )eha(e downloaded a stati& design template from Joogle and&ustomied it a&&ording to our &lient requirement4 This is the following template whi&h we a&tuall$ used in pro?e&t4

:or this design we ha(e used following te&hnologies• TM=2

• Css/

•  5a(as&ript

•  ?Luer$

•  Twitter bootstrap Though I am familiar with TM=2%Css/ '5a(as&ript % I started

learning ?Luer$ and twitter bootstrap from

8httpHHwww4w/s&hools4&omH9 whi&h helped me (er$ well to gi(e 1i&1

start on all the abo(e te&hnologies4 On&e m$ design has been

nalied we &reated a master 5S% whi&h has to be in&luded in all


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other 5S;s using ?spin&ludeN tag% whi&h ma1es m$ design a

reusable &omponent4 "et we started &reating &lasses %basi&all$ we

stated &reating O5O &lasses8also &alled as entites9 whi&h will mo(e

from one la$er to other4 =ater I was gi(en a &han&e to wor1 on

spring M@C &ontroller% where I ha(e used some new te&hnologiesli1e dependen&$ in?e&tion and Aspe&t Oriented programming4 !sing

dependen&$ in?e&tion %I in?e&ted ob?e&ts into m$ &lasses at run time4

ere I understood the real beaut$ of Interfa&e and spring

framewor14 =ater % to wor1 with database% I had also used nati(e

 5D#C &ode for faster and random a&&ess% &ompared to other


I also designed a ser(let% whi&h is to for email operations4


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Coming to the ba&1end% I wor1ed on struts framewor1and a&tion based M@C4 Struts pro(ide a great granular &ontrol andalso help the na(igation4 I wor1ed on singleton% faade% M@C% DAO

design patterns4 I wor1ed mainl$ wor1ed with singleton and faadepattern% whi&h are used to de(elop main business ser(i&es4 I need&ontent ser(er &onne&tion all the time so% to in&rease its usage Iused singleton pattern4 After wor1ing on all this things% I used to gettas1s on hibernate and spring4 I learned to integrate spring andhibernate in the ba&1end4


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I also learned to use doer framewor1 instead of setters and getters4Coming mainl$ to the ba&1end I re&ei(ed a tas1 in whi&h I need tode(elop a part of a nan&ial module4 In that module% I need to wor1on updating re&ords4 Through L=% we &an shoot queries of hibernate4 The Pow of the module goes li1e this%

09 =ogin into the s$stem b$ passing &orre&t &redentials%39 If the &redentials were right and then it will let user to a&&ess

the home page4 So% I need to pro&ess all that relatedinformation from the =DA ser(er4


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As the abo(e diagram% we follow the same &riteria4 A&tuall$%great amount of data will be pro&essed through the =DAser(er4 So% for e(er$ su&&essful login transa&tion% we need tobring the details of that parti&ular details on the wel&omepage4 

/9 If the transa&tion was su&&essful then it must be updated inthe database and if failed it must roll ba&14 E(er$ su&&essfultransa&tion will gi(e user a &onrmation message on the netpage4I de(eloped all this Pow4 And all that &ode was alread$ passedto DE@ and !AT results was also positi(e4 I used most of the time to de(elop this module4 I learned a lot of newte&hnologies li1e spring M@C% L= in hibernate% struts4

After su&&essful &ompletion of this assignment% m$super(isor assigned another module to me4 That module will bepassed as a part of a produ&tion release after &ompletion4 ThePow is li1e this%

09 The appli&ation will be in remote and we need to fet&h datafrom that appli&ation4

39 The data what I get will be in the en&r$pted format4/9 I need to perform a de&r$ption operation on that data4,9 After this% I need to pro&ess it and en&r$pt it and send ba&1 to

that appli&ation429 If su&&ess% need to store this transa&tion in database4


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  As that appli&ation is embedded with a wrapper&lass% whi&h uses spring framewor1 to perform en&r$ption andde&r$ption% I e(en need to use the same &lass to performthose operations4 I wor1ed (er$ hard to do that4 It was a (er$good eperien&e for me4 I got to 1now (arious en&r$pting and

de&r$pting me&hanisms4 I also got some hands*on eperien&ewor1ing with ti&1ets4 I used web so&1ets and A?a to impro(ethe performan&e and qualit$ of front end4 I understood thatwhen &ompared to TT headers we &ould minimie thememor$ footprint and laten&$ using the web so&1ets4 #utTT headers ha(e its importan&e4 In the pro?e&t I wor1ed on%we need to rel$ on real time data to the gadgets of !I4 So% thenew gadgets we designed are b$ default designed as it but weneed to &hange &ode in the old gadgets too4 I made anin(entor$ of gadgets% whi&h are needed to &hange based on&ompleit$4

=astl$% I also wor1ed with SOA web ser(i&es andE5#;s4 arti&ularl$% in E5#;s I wor1ed with Stateless sessionbeans and message dri(en beans4 I used to wor1 with 5MS andmessage dri(en beans4 I &ongured Message dri(en bean insu&h a wa$ that it ta1es messages from e(en eternal things4 

I &reated a Message dri(en bean 8MD#9% whi&h is &alled b$ E5#

&ontainer when it gets a message from the Message Lueue4


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  This &ourse has greatl$ enhan&ed m$ 1nowledge in SoftwareDe(elopment4 I learned man$ new things about &orporate &ulturetoo4 I am (er$ e&ited and (er$ &ondent now4 In the softwareindustr$% Te&hnolog$ is eperien&ing an etra ordinar$transformation da$ b$ da$4 To en&ounter those &hanges% QeenInfote1 In&4 will alwa$s &reate and wel&ome Inno(ati(e ideas4 As astarter% I am feeling lu&1$ to wor1 for Qeen info te14

In this Internship term% I found some pros and &ons of me4

M$ rosE

• I maintained do&ilit$ in the fa&e of &ontinuall$ &hanging


• I had shown lot of  eagerness to learn the


• I &ome up with &reati(e ideas to &ope up with the business

needs and requirements4

• I maintained &onden&e and dis&ipline at all the times4

 Things what I need to impro(e


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• I want to be well organied with time management whilewor1ing with short*term tas1s4


  I would li1e to forward m$ gratitude to Qeen Infote1 In&4 and m$rofessor Dr4 6iaodong 7ue for this wonderful opportunit$4 Duringthis term% I ha(e learned man$ new te&hnologies and strengthenedm$ s1ills4

#eside the eperien&e as a programmer anal$st intern% I also got a&han&e to learn the &orporate world4 O(erall% it was a goodeperien&e for me and it was more interesting and &hallenging too4



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