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Racial Segregation


Elizabeth ChavezPeriod 3

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A routine, to walk directly to the back of the bus, a daily exercise for a negro. After a while it became normal to them. Hate came to an extent where blacks knew where there place was at.

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Even entertainment marked African Americans down as a lesser value of people. Whites could not bear to watch a movie next to a negro.

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Skill didn’t determine where you played, it all depended on the race. Baseball, a very famous sport during this time also deprived African Americans of making it to the big


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Restaurants too gave way to segregation. Although the courts said separate but equal the African Americans were always put in the back with the worst conditions possible.

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African Americans were in fact the most triggered by segregation. There was however, segregation of other races at the same time. States such as Texas had a strong hate

towards Mexicans.

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Factors such as not having equal facilities caused African Americans to fight for their rights. They demanded not to be treated as second rate citizens.

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Through protests much violence was caused. Although the African Americans wanted to protest peacefully, tragedy struck and they had to suffer horrible consequences.

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Through protests, African Americans did everything possible to convince the people of the city that segregation was wrong. Many knew, but did nothing to help what was right.

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There were whites who saw segregation as a barrier to certain things. Whites fought for blacks to be in big league baseball. In this they knew baseball in the United States had a

greater opportunity of succeeding.

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There were those who believed in segregation. They too protested but for different rights. The right to maintain blacks separated from whites.

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Segregation hit the country hard, even after it was outlawed there was still racial hate towards different races. Hazel Bryant was on her way to her high school when she was

encountered with whites who did not want her to pass by their neighborhood.

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Even though many suffered from segregation, the minds of the innocent never fully understood the hate behind segregation. They were the only ones who

saw people for what they really were: equal.

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Works Cited

Ahmad, Ayesha. "The Human Trafficking Project." The Human Trafficking Project. 13 June 2008. 01 June 2009 <>. Bright, Susie. "June 2007." Susie Bright's Journal. 29 June 2007. Susie bright. 01 June 2009 <>. Carey, Bill. "5 History 7 -." Tennessee History for Kids. 01 June 2009 <>. Flint, Matt. "Baseball and The Multi Cultural Experience Jackie Robinson." Project VIEW. 01 June 2009 <>. Guy, Pin. "Images That Changed The World ? (Pin Guy's Website)." Welcome To Pinguy's Website (PinGUY's Website). 01 June 2009 <>. Hartin, Eric. "Background Information." East Buchanan Community Schools. 01 June 2009 <>. Lee, Russell. "The Study of the Spanish Speaking People of Texas - Lesson Plans - Lesson 4." Center for American History. 01 June 2009 <>. Mantagald, Susan. "2-28-08.AEE-mailblast.BlackHistoryMt4thWk." Http:// 21 Feb. 2009. 01 June 2009 <>. Rourke, Catherine J. The Sedona Observer: Truth and Integrity in Journalism. 10 Jan. 2009. 01 June 2009 <>. Thompson, Edgar. "Industrial Ball in Pittsburgh." North By South/Great Migrations Page.

01 June 2009 <>. Wheeler, Heather. "Black Peoples of America - Segregation." History on the Net Main Page. Oct. 2003. 01 June 2009 <>.

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