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    Advanced Applications in Excel Office 2007 3/25/2011 UWI Open Campus (Cayman) Robert Geofroy

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    Contents Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 5

    Referencing ................................................................................................................................. 6

    Relative referencing ................................................................................................................. 6

    Absolute ................................................................................................................................... 6

    Lookup Tables .............................................................................................................................. 7

    Pivot Tables .............................................................................................................................. 8

    Educational Applications ................................................................................................................. 9

    Grade Book ................................................................................................................................ 10

    Transcript template ................................................................................................................... 11

    Financial Applications ................................................................................................................... 12

    Annuities ................................................................................................................................... 13

  • 3

    Loan Computations ................................................................................................................... 14

    Compute the Payment ........................................................................................................... 14

    Protecting the Worksheet ..................................................................................................... 15

    More Loan Functions ............................................................................................................. 17

    Final Exercise ......................................................................................................................... 18

    Amortized Loan Schedule.......................................................................................................... 19

    Cash Flow .................................................................................................................................. 22

    Forecasting ................................................................................................................................ 23

    Three Month Moving Average .............................................................................................. 23

    Statistical Analyses ........................................................................................................................ 24

    Grade Analysis ....................................................................................................................... 24

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    Add-ins....................................................................................................................................... 25

    Descriptive Statistics .............................................................................................................. 27

    Correlation ............................................................................................................................. 28

    Regression.............................................................................................................................. 30

    VBA in Excel ................................................................................................................................... 31

    References .................................................................................................................................... 32

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    Introduction This workshop will introduce participants to the design of advanced applications in Excel. We shall look at

    Educational applications, financial applications and engineering applications. In the financial applications, we

    shall look at Loan Payments, Amortized loan schedules, cash flow, forecasting and much more.

    Educational applications

    Financial Applications

    Statistical Analyses

    Before you embark on this course, you may like to review some key concepts that will be in use in these



    Lookup Tables

    It may help to look at: This exercise will help as well:

  • 6


    It is important to understand the difference between relative and absolute cell referencing in Excel.

    Relative referencing

    In Relative referencing, cell addresses change in accordance with relative positions. Thus, if we have say a

    formula in cell C1 [=A1+B1], then when the formula is copied into cell C2, the new formula becomes [=A2+B2]

    to maintain the same relative positioning of the cells.


    In Absolute Referencing, we fix or anchor either the row or the column or both. Thus if as in the previous

    example we had anchored both then copying the formula down will show [=$A$1+$B$1] and the value in c2

    will be the sum of the values in A1 and B1.

    A $ sign in front of the row or column indicates that it is fixed or anchored. Remember we can use the

    function key F4 to change the absolute referencing.

  • 7

    Lookup Tables

    In college, there is a grade scale

    which maps scores to grades as in

    the illustration shown.

    Many a time you wish to lookup the

    value of a score. For instance, a

    score 0f 57 falls in the range 55-60

    and would result in a grade of C-.

    Set up the table as shown.

    In this we would name the range

    A1:B9 Grade_table.

    Use the VLOOKUP function as

    shown to return the result of the

    input score in cell B13. Observe that the scores in the grade table are in ascending value.

  • 8

    Pivot Tables

    A Pivot table is a way to extract data from a long list of

    information and present it in readable form. Consider the table

    al left. Now with the help of Excel, we can produce the


    Now we know for instance that Elisa scored 89 in Art in January.

    Have a look at the original data in the table to confirm this.

    You can follow the logic to produce this Pivot table by using this


  • 9

    Educational Applications

    As one of the most used applications in the Office suite, Excel has a host of applications for education. In this

    session, we shall look at some simple educational applications of which the Grade Book and Transcript stand

    out. Both of these applications use the lookup table, range naming and absolute and relative referencing.

    No doubt, teachers will find other applications as well as games that may be useful in teaching of various

    concepts in the classroom.

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    Grade Book

    In this exercise, you are required to set up a

    grade book.

    The same workbook must serve to record

    attendances and absences.

    During the course of the semester, students

    are given assignments. There are ten

    assignments in all and the scores from these

    are used to determine the coursework mark

    which is out of 30. There is a mid-semester

    examination which contributes 20% of the

    overall mark and a final which counts for


    The grade book must automatically find the

    final coursework mark and final grade.

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    Transcript template

    This template can be used to

    produce a student transcript

    including computation of the

    Cumulative GPA. Students

    need a CGPA of 2 in order to

    graduate from college.

    Typically, an Associate Degree is

    awarded after 22 courses each

    with either 3 or 4 credits.

    You will need to use a lookup

    table in order to convert the

    grades into GPs which are

    used in the CumGPA


  • 12

    Financial Applications Let us now turn our attention to some common financial related spreadsheets such as loan management,

    amortized loan schedules and cash flows.


    Loan Payment

    Amortized Loan

    Cash Flows


    Trend Analysis


    You will need to familiarize yourself with the methods used by financial institutions for loans and loan


    You would also need to look at what features Excel has in terms of the Financial functions which can help in

    this regard.

  • 13


    This example is taken from:

    Suppose you are offered an annuity which will

    pay you $1000 /annum for 10 years. If you can

    earn 9% per year on a similar investment, how

    much should you be willing to pay for this

    annuity? How do you decide what is the Present

    Value of this annuity?

    Set up the spreadsheet as shown. If you want to

    show the value in B5 as a positive number then

    put a negative sign in front of the PV function.

    Thus, you would have for B5 [=-PV(B3,B2,B1).

    Use the URL shown above to explore other calculation options.

  • 14

    Loan Computations

    Suppose that we want to borrow a sum of money at a fixed interest rate over a period of time. Lets take it

    that we are borrowing $100, 000 over 3 years and at an interest rate of 10%. Excel can tell us exactly what the

    monthly payment on this loan is.

    Set up the following spreadsheet:

    Clearly the principal is the amount being borrowed, the interest is 10% and

    we want to repay over 3 year so that the number of payments is 36.

    Compute the Payment

    Now to compute the monthly payment we can use the PMT function.

    Examine the description of the PMT function.

    The rate is the value in cell B4/12 as normally the rate is quoted as an

    annual rate of interest. The number of payments NPER is the value in

    B5 and the Present value of the loan which is the total amount that a

    series of future payments is worth now, is the value in B3.

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    If you wanted to arrange that there could be a number of payments

    different from 12 per year as some people get paid bimonthly, then

    you could have done the following:

    In this case, the formula in B6 would be =PMT(B3/B4,B5,-B2).

    Note that the bank uses the phrase Cost of Loan. If you work out

    how much money you actually give the bank, it is $116,161.87. The

    bank has imposed the sum of $ 16, 161.87 as the cost of

    this loan. Of course, the bank has its own administrative

    costs and so their own profit may be a fraction of this but

    certainly you have paid a large sum over and above what

    you wanted for the facility of having the loan and the use

    of the goods at the present time.

    Protecting the Worksheet

    In this exercise, we shall protect the worksheet so that

  • 16

    data can only be entered in the cells B3, B4 and B5. In this way, you can prepare templates for which only the

    cells that require data entry can be modified. The cells that contain formulae are safe.

    To do this:

    1. Select the range B3:B5.

    2. Go to the Home ribbon and open the Font dialog box

    as shown in the illustration above.

    3. In the Protection tab, uncheck the Locked option.

    4. Go to Review > protect Sheet and ensure that only the

    Select Unlocked cells option is checked.

    5. Click OK

    By default, all cells in an Excel worksheet are locked. This

    makes it easy to protect all the data in a single worksheet or

    workbook by applying the Protect Sheet or Protect Workbook


  • 17

    To arrange for only specific cells to be used for data entry, we need to unlock these cells before applying the

    Protect Worksheet command. It is a matter of taste but you could have highlighted the input cells before

    protecting the sheet to help the user understand that this is where input is expected.

    More Loan Functions

    Apart from PMT, there are other Excel functions that can be used to look at different aspects of the loan: The

    payment can be calculated for a given principal, interest rate and payback period, or given the other

    parameters the number of periods may be returned. We can also compute the rate or the Present value based

    on the other data. In short, Excel makes it easy to manage loans.

    Function Description

    PMT Calculates the payment for a loan based on constant payments and a constant interest rate. PPMT Returns the payment on the principal based on periodic constant payments and a constant interest

    rate. NPER Returns the number of periods for an investment based on periodic constant payments, and a

    constant interest rate. PV Returns the Present value of an investment: the total amount that a series of future investments is

    worth now. IPMT Returns the interest payment for a given period of investment, based on periodic constant

    payments and a constant interest rate.

  • 18

    Final Exercise

    Try putting it all together in the following manner:

    The return values are shaded.

  • 19

    Amortized Loan Schedule

    In the last exercise, we saw how to manage a loan. Amortized loans are common in finance circles. In this type

    of loan payments are made which reduce the principal so that the interest is reduced and at the end of the

    loan schedule when the final payment is made the principal is reduced to zero incurring no further payments.

    Normally there are 12 payments per year but we can arrange our spreadsheet so as to deal with amortized

    loans with other payment options such as say 4 payments per year.

    In the last exercise, we had to compute the cost of the loan apart. In this case, we want to report on the total

    interest paid which will be the cost of the loan. We also want the specific return dates for payments as well as

    the interest and the principal at that date. An amortization schedule then is simply a listing of each payment,

    a breakdown of interest, principal and remaining balance. Lets see how we can arrange this. Use the previous

    worksheet to start. In this exercise, you will need to be able to use the absolute referencing which has been

    described above. The following exercise is taken from

    Set up the following:

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    The first principal for Month 0 is $ 100, 000 which is the value in cell B2 so set cell D9 as =B2.

    Use the Data Fill to list the months 0..30 in

    the Month column as shown:

  • 21

    Follow the suggestions on the page

    to make your work look a bit more fancy.

  • 22

    Cash Flow

    A Cash Flow shows money in and money out. This can have a marked effect on the success of the business.

    You have to make sure that you never go broke!!! Read the article Manage Your cash Flow at:


    Browse to the URL;

    Download the Small Business Cash flow template. This will save you the trouble of creating one and is really

    helping with the efficiency of the operation as well.

    Populate the cash flow template with sample data and examine the cash flow as well as the chart.

  • 23


    Create the spreadsheet as shown in the illustration. Use the Auto Fill handle to

    compete the months. Input the demand figures:

    Three Month Moving Average

    Format the averages in column C so

    that they appear with zero decimal

    places as shown.

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    Statistical Analyses

    Grade Analysis

    Load the file CXC04 which contains the

    grades obtained for the 2004 CXC

    examinations. Create the pivot table as

    shown in the illustration.

    Looking at the table, which subject has the

    best results?

    Which subject has the poorest results?

    What proportion of the students have

    achieved a passing grade 1, 2 or 3?

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    In many statistical analyses, you will

    find that you will need the Analysis

    Toolpak. This is not installed by


    Load the file entrance-exam.xls from

    the files folder. This file contains

    scores in the entrance examination

    from the University College. Scores

    are reported for each case in two

    areas: English and Mathematics. We

    may be interested in doing some

    analyses of these results.

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    From the Office button, launch Excel options> Go to Excel Add-ins.

    Highlight the Analysis Toolpak and press GO. In the Add-ins dialog box,

    check at least Analysis Tookpak. If you like you can check the others as

    well as in the illustration shown. Press OK. Microsoft Office will install the

    additional files necessary for the analyses.

    Now you are ready to go!!

    Set up a correlation between the two sets of data to

    see whether it follows that a student who did well in

    English would also do well in mathematics.

  • 27

    Descriptive Statistics

    Load the file and select the English scores.

    From the data tab, ask for the Descriptive


    The Descriptive statistics provides you with

    the measures of central tendency, standard

    deviation and sample variance for the data.

    Do the same for the Mathematics scores and

    compare the results.

    Finally, try filtering the data by district and

    doing the same.

    Comment on your results.

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    Load the file entrance-exam which contains data on

    the Entrance Examination for students in the

    University College.

    We want to see if there is any correlation

    between the English and Mathematics scores for

    this Entrance examination.

    Select Data Analysis from the Data Ribbon and

    then Correlation from the Tools.

    As the input range select $B2:$C$223. Notice that

    this range includes rows for which there is missing

    data. Use $E$1 as the output range.

    Compute the correlation based on this data. The

    correlation for these data is 0.623548.

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    If the data file is cleaned by removing all the rows which

    contain missing values then the correlation is 0.623574.

    Now we are left wondering whether there is any

    relationship. Clearly there is but it is not as strong as we

    would have liked.

    Use this page

    to compute the probability of the computed coefficient and comment on the result.

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    Use the cleaned data and

    perform a regression.

    Use mathematics as the Y

    or dependent variable

    and the English scores as

    the independent or X


    Observe that the Multiple

    R at 62% compares well

    with the correlation. R-

    squared itself which

    measures the amount of explained variation is very low at 38% and it appears that there is a significant

    dependence. Still we are left wondering.

    Try this for each district separately.

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    VBA in Excel We can program macros in Excel using VBA.

    Browse to the URL:

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    Analyses, 5, 24 Cash Flow, 3, 22 CXC, 9, 24 examinations, 9, 24

    GPA, 2, 9, 11 interest, 14, 17, 19 Moving Average, 23 template, 11, 22

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