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Standard Cost SystemsStandard Cost Systems

Chapter 24

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Benchmarks formeasuring performance.

The expected levelof performance.

Based on carefullypredetermined amounts.

Used for planning labor, materialand overhead requirements.Standard

Costs are

Standard Cost SystemsStandard Cost Systems


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Type of Product Cost






Standard cost

A standard cost varianceis the amount by which

an actual cost differs fromthe standard cost.

A standard cost varianceis the amount by which

an actual cost differs fromthe standard cost.

Standard Cost SystemsStandard Cost Systems


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This variance is unfavorable because the actual cost

exceeds the standard cost.

This variance isfavorable because

the actual costis less than thestandard cost.

Standard Cost SystemsStandard Cost Systems


Type of Product Cost







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Use product design specifications.

Use competitivebids for the quality

and quantity desired.


Direct Materials Standards Direct Materials Standards



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Direct Labor Standards Direct Labor Standards

Use time and motion studies for

each labor operation.

Use wage surveys and

labor contracts.


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Manufacturing Overhead Manufacturing Overhead Standards Standards

The activity is the cost driver used to

calculate the overhead rate.

The rate is basedon an estimate of totaloverhead at the normal

level of activity.


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Actual Quantity Actual Quantity Standard Quantity × × × Actual Price Standard Price Standard Price

Price Variance Quantity Variance

A General Model for A General Model for Variance Analysis Variance Analysis

Standard price is the amount that should have been paid for the resources acquired.

Standard quantity is the quantity that should have been used for the actual good output.


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Actual Quantity Actual Quantity Standard Quantity × × × Actual Price Standard Price Standard Price

Price Variance Quantity Variance

AQ(AP - SP) SP(AQ - SQ) AQ = Actual Quantity SP = Standard Price AP = Actual Price SQ = Standard Quantity

A General Model for A General Model for Variance Analysis Variance Analysis


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Budgeted Applied Actual Overhead at Overhead at Overhead Actual Activity Standard Hours

Spending Variance


Manufacturing Overhead Manufacturing Overhead VariancesVariances

Shows how economically overheadServices were purchased and howefficiently overhead services were

used. Contains both fixed andvariable costs.

A controllable variance.

Caused by producing ata level other than that

used for computing thestandard overhead rate.

Contains only fixedcosts.


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$15,450 $9,000 fixed 3,200 hrs. + × $6,400 variable $5.00 per hr.

Manufacturing OverheadManufacturing OverheadVariances ExampleVariances Example


Budgeted Applied Actual Overhead at Overhead at Overhead Actual Activity Standard Hours

Spending variance$50 unfavorable

Volume variance$600 favorable

$2.00 per hr. × 3,200 hrs.$2.00 per hr. × 3,200 hrs.


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Standard Cost VariancesStandard Cost Variances

Close toCost of Goods Sold

Work in ProcessFinished GoodsCost of Goods Sold

Close byapportioning to:

Disposing of VariancesDisposing of Variances


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Summary of Variance Summary of Variance Computations and Manager Computations and Manager ResponsibilitiesResponsibilities

Variance Computation Manager ResponsibleMaterials

Price variance AQ × (SP – AP) Purchasing agentQuantity variance SP × (SQ – AQ) Production manager

LaborRate Variance AH × (SR – AR) Production managerEfficiency variance SR × (SH – AH) Production manager

OverheadSpending variance Budgeted OH at Actual Production Production manager for

Level – Actual OH the controllable costs.

Volume variance Actual OH at Standard Rate – None – A result of producing Budgeted OH at Actual Production Level at a level other than normal.


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Ethics, Fraud, andEthics, Fraud, andCorporate GovernanceCorporate Governance

For a company using standard costing systems, the accuracy of the inventory and cost of goods sold figures reported in the company’s financial statements is dependent on the reliability of the

standard cost numbers.

For a company using standard costing systems, the accuracy of the inventory and cost of goods sold figures reported in the company’s financial statements is dependent on the reliability of the

standard cost numbers.

A company’s financial statements can be materially misstated when standard costs are

not representative of manufacturing costs incurred.

A company’s financial statements can be materially misstated when standard costs are

not representative of manufacturing costs incurred.


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End of Chapter 24End of Chapter 24


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