  • 8/12/2019 Finding a job in Europe EURES


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  • 8/12/2019 Finding a job in Europe EURES


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  • 8/12/2019 Finding a job in Europe EURES



    F I N D I N G A J O B I N E U R O P E , A G U I D E F O R J O B S E E K E R S



    Living and working in another country is an

    exciting option for Europeans of all ages. Indeed,

    more and more people are recognising the

    benefits of gaining professional experience in

    another European country.

    Even so, still only 3 % of Europeans live and work

    in a different Member State than their country of

    origin. Yet by working abroad, even for short peri-

    ods, you can greatly increase your skill levels and

    boost your chances of finding a better job in your

    own country.

    The European Unions principle of free movement of

    workers*is considered one of the most importantrights of EU citizens. It means that you can move

    to any EU Member State, as well as Iceland,

    Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. As a result,

    there are endless opportunities for the motivated

    and mobile jobseeker. And if you need advice and

    information along the way, there are also plenty of

    experts to guide you.

    What can you gain from living and working


    , An opportunity to develop new professional

    and personal skills.Learn a new language,

    add to your professional experience, boost your

    self-confidence, and improve your ability to

    communicate with others. Living and working

    abroad really is the ideal solution for those that

    want some added value on their CV to impress

    future employers.

    , Greater understanding of other countriesand cultures.Europe is a wonderfully diverse

    continent with lots to discover. By immersing

    yourself in life in another country, you can

    experience a new culture and lifestyle. At the

    same time, others can learn more about your

    own country.

    , Valuable experience meeting new people

    and new challenges.If youre not sure thatworking abroad is right for you, look into sea-

    sonal or temporary work. You dont have to

    commit to a long-term contract, but will still

    gain valuable experience to open up future work


    Working abroad widens your horizons andgives you a taste of independent life. It also

    helps to build your self-confidence andenlarge your personal network. If you domove, be open to the new culture, as wellas ready and willing to learn new things.

    Jobseeker from Lithuania,living and working in Denmark

    OPPORTUNITY KNOCKSDo you have a specific job skill? If yourexpertise and experience lie in sectors withhard-to-fill vacancies such as the environ-ment, healthcare or ICT, you could find

    yourself in particular demand in many

    European countries.

    *Do you need a work permit?

    Some European citizens may have restricted access

    to the European labour market for a certain period,

    depending on when their country joined the EU.

    EURES can tell you which countries you can move

    to freely and which will require a work permit.

    Learning new skills and gaining internationalprofessional experience can only be beneficial.This easy-to-use guide provides you with top

    tips and useful information to help you if youhave set your sights on Europe!

  • 8/12/2019 Finding a job in Europe EURES




    If you are thinking about moving abroad, you

    need to give it some serious thought. Heresan overview of a few things you might want

    to consider before making the move.

    , Can you get a job?A good starting point when

    looking for a job abroad is to look at your

    options and apply for jobs whilst still in your

    home country. Carefully investigate in which

    countries there is a demand for workers with

    your background and experience, or in the area

    of work you are interested in. Do some research

    on the labour market in those countries. Ensure

    that your CV is clear and concise, highlighting

    what you have already learnt or achieved, and

    its relevance to the position for which you are


    , A career is just one option.Mobility can also

    mean further education, professional training

    and internships, amongst many other opportuni-

    ties. The EU has support programmes in these

    fields. They include Leonardo da Vinci (voca-tional education and training), Erasmus (student

    exchange and placements abroad) and the

    Rethinking education strategy which is focused

    on developing skills for the labour market. See more information.

    , Do you speak the language?Your employer will

    probably expect you to have some knowledge ofthe local language. Basic English, whatever coun-

    try you are in, will also be an advantage. Consider

    taking a language course before you leave even

    if it is not mandatory for every job opening, it could

    enhance your opportunities.

    , Will your professional qualifications be rec-

    ognised?If you are qualified to work in your

    home country, you can work elsewhere in

    Europe. Under the principle of free movement

    of workers, you can practise your profession

    in all EU Member States, as well as Iceland,

    Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. But

    check each job specification carefully some

    employers may require certain diplomas, certifi-

    cates or other qualifications.

    , What about educational qualifications?

    There is currently no universal recognition

    of educational qualifications across Europe,

    meaning that an employer in one country mayhesitate to hire a worker from another country if

    they do not recognise their level of qualification.

    You can find useful information in the Work and

    Retirement section of the Your Europe portal

    ( Alternatively,

    you can visit the European Commissions

    European Qualifications Framework (EQF) web-

    site (

    , Is your family moving with you?As a European

    citizen, you and your family have the same rights

    as national workers. Your family can study or

    work in your country of destination, so it is worth

    exploring options for them too before leaving.

    Contacting EURES was the best thingI could have done for my career. Last yearI sent a letter to my local EURES Adviserexplaining that I wanted to do an internshipin a wine company in Italy. Three monthslater, EURES Italy had found a positionincluding accommodation and living costs.The support continued throughout theinternship. When I arrived in the country,EURES helped me to complete all thenecessary documents.

    Dalma, jobseeker from Hungary

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    F I N D I N G A J O B I N E U R O P E , A G U I D E F O R J O B S E E K E R S


    Youve decided to make the move and now

    need more information. For help and advicethroughout the process, you can tap into the

    following resources:

    EURES, the European Jobs Networkcovers all Member States, as well as Iceland,Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.It has a network of partners, including publicemployment services, and is now beingextended to include further partners in your

    home country. Information on these can befound on the EURES portal:

    The EURES network offers a range of services tai-

    lored to your needs:

    , The EURES Job Mobility Portal:provides job

    vacancy information in 32 countries, and allows

    you to create a profile, register your CV, and access

    details on living and working conditions acrossEurope. The portal is featured on leading social

    media sites and has its own smartphone app.

    If you need assistance with creating an account,

    building a CV or searching for vacancies, the EURES

    helpdesk is available via live chat, e-mail, phone or

    Skype. Visit eures.europa.eufor details.

    , A network of EURES Advisers: EURES has

    over 900 advisers in 32 countries working withnational public employment services (PES)

    to provide mobility information to jobseekers.

    Contact them by telephone, e-mail, or via a face-

    to-face meeting or at European Job Days events

    (see next page for details).

    , EURES in cross-border regions:working and

    living in two different countries is the most com-

    mon form of labour mobility. EURES also operates

    in cross-border regions throughout Europe.

    Information for cross-border workers is available

    on the EURES Job Mobility Portal, from your local

    EURES Adviser and on page 11 of this brochure.

    You can also take advantage of the following:

    , Private recruitment agencies:in your home

    or destination country, private recruitment

    agencies provide a wide range of information

    and an efficient job-matching service. Their

    advisers can guide you through each stage ofa recruitment process.

    , Online job search engines:some job search

    engines allow you to create a CV, build a job-

    seeker profile, get notifications of interesting

    job offers, and view vacancies.

    , Social media:around half of EU Internet users

    have a social media presence. If you regularly use

    platforms such as Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn,

    you can use them to promote your job skills and

    interests, as a sort of virtual CV. Just be careful

    what you do and say online, and review settings

    to keep personal posts and photos private!

    The EURES Adviser gave me informationabout doing a greenhouse gardeners coursein Denmark and combining it with a Danishlanguage course and work on a Danish farm.I saw it as an interesting opportunity anda way to develop new skills and knowledgefor my future professional life. It broadens

    your horizons, makes you more independent,builds your self-confidence and expands

    your personal network!

    Sarunas, jobseeker from Lithuania

  • 8/12/2019 Finding a job in Europe EURES



    EURES services are comprehensive and avail-

    able to all European jobseekers before, dur-ing and after your job search.

    They address every aspect of living and working

    abroad, from providing career guidance, reviewing

    and translating CVs, analysing offers, and facilitat-

    ing video-conferencing for interviews, to providing

    information on the European labour market, giving

    legal and social security advice, organising job

    fairs, and advising on training opportunities, lan-

    guage learning and funding opportunities to

    name just a few!

    Broadly the services comprise the following:

    EURES Job Mobility Portalhosting more than

    one million job vacancies from all over Europe,

    almost as many CVs, and thousands of registered

    employers. It offers you tools to:

    , create a profile allowing you to tag interesting

    sectors or countries, and receive e-mail notifica-tions of relevant job vacancies;

    , build and maintain a CV in one or several lan-

    guage versions and post it online, so it is visible to

    the 30 000 employers registered on the portal;

    , search for information on living and working in

    your country of choice;

    , search for European Job Days and other recruit-

    ment events in your region; and

    , connect with other jobseekers and exchange tips

    on job-hunting and living and working abroad.

    EURES Advisersand other recruitment profes-

    sionals particularly in the EURES network can

    be contacted for information and advice at any

    stage of your job search and moving process. With

    specialised expertise in the practical, legal and

    administrative aspects of European labour mobil-

    ity, they can:

    , recommend interesting opportunities based on

    your profile and even seek to match your profile

    with a suitable employer in another European


    , assist you with your job application and pass onyour CV to potential employers;

    , give you information on the living and working

    conditions in your country of destination; and

    , help you get started in your new country by pro-

    viding information on accommodation, socialsecurity and taxes, and on schools and health-

    care for your family, if relevant.

    Please note that the services available may

    differ from one country or EURES partner

    organisation to another.

    You can find more information and contact details

    of your local EURES Adviser and other recruitment

    professionals on the EURES Job Mobility Portal.

    EUROPEAN JOB DAYSAND OTHER EVENTSEach year, hundreds of EURES events areheld throughout Europe all easy to accessand free of charge. The best-known areEuropean Job Days, which provide an idealenvironment for you to meet potentialemployers either on-site or online as well

    as to benefit from live Q&As and one-to-onevideo coaching with job mobility, and otherrelevant experts. EURES also hosts confer-ences, seminars and general mobility infor-mation days where EURES Advisers are onhand to provide expert advice on findinga job in Europe. Check the Events calendaron the EURES Job Mobility Portal formore information on events in your area.

  • 8/12/2019 Finding a job in Europe EURES



    EU Member States: Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech

    Republic, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Ireland,Greece, Spain, France, Croatia (from July

    2013), Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania,

    Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Netherlands,

    Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia,

    Slovakia, Finland, Sweden, United Kingdom.

    European Economic Area (EEA) = EU Member

    States + Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.


    EURES is represented in different regions

    and cross-border regions. For further details,

    visit the EURES portal.

    To find your nearest EURES Adviser,

    go to


  • 8/12/2019 Finding a job in Europe EURES




    As a jobseeker, this is where you can find

    information on working abroad, preparing for

    an interview, settling into life in a new coun-

    try, as well as information on the European

    Commissions education and training oppor-

    tunities throughout Europe.

    , 1. What can EURES do for you?Here you can

    find all the services offered by EURES members

    and partners.

    , 2. Search for a job.Explains how to search for

    a job in 32 European countries, create and man-

    age your online job search profiles and sub-

    scribe to e-mail notifications of interesting


    , 3. Create your CV online.Allows you to create

    and manage your CV in several languages, free-

    of-charge, and in the Europass format if desired.

    , 4. Contact a EURES Adviser.Helps you to find

    the contact details of a EURES Adviser close to

    you for personalised advice on job opportunities

    and living and working conditions in Europe.

    , 5. Living & Working.Contains practical, legal

    and administrative information on mobility. Lookup current trends in the European labour market by

    country, region and sector of activity.

    , 6. Skills & Careers.Broaden your career pros-

    pects by acquiring new skills that will set you on

    the right path. Find education and training

    opportunities throughout Europe.

    , 7. The Events calendar.Shows you upcoming

    events of interest in your region. Keep track of

    European Job Days and other recruitment

    events or general mobility information sessions

    with EURES Advisers.

    , 8. News.Packed with the latest articles and

    videos on European jobs and mobility, here you

    can watch inspiring success stories and pick up

    handy tips on everything from job-hunting to

    social security rights.

    , 9. EURES & YouNewsletters.These are issuedevery month and feature information on job

    mobility, current trends, upcoming EURES events

    and more. Read the newsletters online or receive

    them by e-mail.

    , 10. Job Opportunities for Graduates.Targets

    jobseekers from the university and polytechnicsectors. Certain job sectors are in demand in

    specific European countries, so highly qualified

    jobseekers have good chances of finding a job


    , 11. Help & Support.Here you can find answers

    to most of your questions. The EURES helpdesk

    is also on standby to answer your queries via

    telephone, e-mail, live chat and Skype.

    , 12. Links.Direct you to other websites dealing

    with European labour mobility, including

    national public employment services, as well as

    a range of publications that will guide you

    through your search.

    , 13. Mobile Apps.Download a free app offering

    easy access to many features of the EURES Job

    Mobility Portal. Check out jobs Europewide, find

    your nearest EURES Adviser for personalised

    assistance, or look up future EURES events.

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  • 8/12/2019 Finding a job in Europe EURES




    So youve found an interesting opportunity?

    Now you have to put together an application

    that makes you stand out from the crowd!

    EURES Advisers can help you with this or

    you can refer to the Job Mobility Portal for

    essential tips.

    Typically an application will consist of a cover letter

    and your CV, though some employers may require

    you to complete a standard application form.

    Remember this is the first impression you makeon the employer, so spend some time perfecting it.

    , The cover letter:should state why you are

    interested in the position, what in your back-

    ground makes you suitable for the job, and what

    you can bring to the company. Make sure the

    language is clear, accessible and straight to the


    ,Preparing for an interview:the interviewcould take place in person or over the phone:

    either way, thorough preparation is vital. Bring

    any necessary paperwork, such as your CV or

    identity card just in case.

    , Know the company: make sure you have

    researched the company with which you havean interview. Show that you are familiar with

    what it does and what it is looking for. Prepare

    some insightful questions about it and the posi-

    tion to prove you have done your research.

    , Know the job:the job description is the best clue

    you are given regarding what an employer will be

    looking for in the interview. Does it emphasise

    teamwork, the ability to take initiative or

    flexibility? Show that you match these require-

    ments with concrete examples and skills fromyour past experience.

    , Expect the unexpected:difficult or unexpected

    questions may be asked. Dont panic! Prove you

    can remain calm under pressure, by taking

    a moment to consider the question and answer-

    ing calmly. It doesnt matter if you dont know

    the answer. An employer will be interested to

    see how you phrase your answer and how you

    would go about finding out new information.

    THE CV

    , List your most recent experience and qualifica-

    tions first.

    , Use short sentences and positive language.

    , Highlight responsibilities applicable to the

    desired job and use active verbs.

    , Make sure your CV is factual, up-to-date, and


    , Keep your CV to a maximum of two pages.

    , Have the CV proofread by someone else, prefer-

    ably a native speaker of the language in which

    you are applying.

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    F I N D I N G A J O B I N E U R O P E , A G U I D E F O R J O B S E E K E R S


    Leaving your country and arriving in a new one

    can be a daunting experience. There are newadministrative processes to deal with, people

    to meet perhaps a language to learn. You can

    contact your local EURES Adviser for advice

    and information before you leave.

    Here are a few tips from EURES to smooth the



    , Ensure all your loose ends are tied up and can-cel any contracts with service providers.

    , Inform your local authority you are leaving,

    if this is a requirement.

    , Change your postal address and leave your for-

    warding address for any mail that may arrive

    after your departure.

    ,Remember to bring important documents withyou valid passports or identity cards for you

    and your family members.


    , Housing:it helps to research accommodation

    options before you arrive in your new country, so

    you have an idea of areas that suit your budget

    and expectations.

    , Social security:all social security benefits linked

    to an employment contract in your new country

    are equally granted to all EU Member States, as

    well as Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and

    Switzerland citizens. The same applies to posted

    workers, employed in one EU Member State buttemporarily sent to work in another Member State

    (see the Policies and activities section at Social benefits cover sick-

    ness and maternity leave, unemployment and

    family benefits, accidents at work and occupa-

    tional benefits, invalidity and retirement pensions.

    Contact your social security institution before you

    leave your home country for the necessary infor-

    mation and the required EU forms. Also check out

    the EUs Mutual Information System on Social Pro-tection (Missoc) at the website above.

    , The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC):

    is available free-of-charge to all citizens of EU/

    EEA countries plus Switzerland. It ensures that

    you will get the same access to emergency

    public-sector healthcare (such as doctors, phar-

    macies, hospitals) as nationals of these coun-tries. You should still look into obtaining national

    health insurance in your new country as soon as

    you arrive.

    , Pension: if youre receiving a State pension

    from one or more EU Member States and move

    to another country of the EU, or Iceland,

    Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland, you can

    carry on receiving the entire amount of your

    State pension there. To find out more about how

    your social security rights are protected,

    , Taxation:European countries have concluded

    bilateral tax agreements, to prevent their citi-

    zens from paying twice for the same activity or

    income in another European country. Contact

    the relevant authorities in your home country for

    personalised advice.

    EURES can give you more informationon all these topics. Visit the Job MobilityPortals Living and Working pages orcontact your local EURES Adviser.

  • 8/12/2019 Finding a job in Europe EURES



    Making up more than 99 % of Europes busi-

    ness, small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs) are the backbone of its economy, and

    an ever-growing number of European citizens

    have plans to set up their own business in

    another country.

    If youre buzzing with ideas to start a business else-

    where in Europe, here are some recommendations:

    , Create a business plan: ensure you know

    exactly what your business will be, how much it

    will cost to establish, the time that will beinvolved, and the administrative processes you

    have to go through. Dont leave your planning

    until you arrive in a new country it will be easier

    to do in your home country. Contact your local

    Chamber of Commerce, as many offer courses in

    creating a comprehensive business plan.

    , Familiarise yourself with your new country:

    plan a few trips to your country of destination

    before the final move. Get to know the bankingsystem, the legal and administrative practices,

    and the people and culture. Do you need to

    learn a language? Then enrol in a course in your

    home country, so you have a good grasp of the

    language before you move.

    , Get advice from a fellow entrepreneur:con-

    tact someone who has set up their own businessin your country of destination. No one will be able

    to give you better advice than someone who has

    already experienced what you are about to. Your

    local EURES Adviser may be able to put you

    in touch with a relevant person or organisation.

    Or go to:

    sme-weekto learn more about successful EU

    entrepreneurs in each country.

    , The Enterprise Europe Network:helps small

    businesses take advantage of the openEuropean market. As an entrepreneur, you can

    find a wide range of information from any of

    the 600 member organisations across the EU

    and beyond. Visit: portal.enterprise-europe-

    , The European Progress Microfinance Facility:

    is an EU initiat ive which makes it easier for peo-

    ple who want to start or develop their own small

    business to access credit up to EUR 25 000.Download a leaflet (

    Before moving abroad, prepare a solid busi-ness plan with a description of the productor service to be offered, the target audienceand existing competition, and a marketingstrategy. And dont forget a financial plan not just for the business, but a personal

    plan too. If you go abroad intending to retirein your own country, you must consider what

    your pension accrued in another MemberState will be worth back there.

    EURES Adviser, the Netherlands

    I was invited to a recruitment meeting withEURES at the Public Employment Officein Gothenburg, Sweden. I had an interview

    with the Seven Seas Group which was lookingfor crew for several cruise ships. After a usefulinformation meeting and subsequent inter-

    view, I was offered a job some months lateron a Caribbean line my preferred choice!

    Stefan, jobseeker from Sweden

  • 8/12/2019 Finding a job in Europe EURES



    F I N D I N G A J O B I N E U R O P E , A G U I D E F O R J O B S E E K E R S


    A cross-border labour market is an area in

    which workers living in one country can com-mute daily or weekly to work in a neighbouring

    country. This arrangement is popular through-

    out Europe: more than 600 000 people work

    in a different European country from where

    they live.


    , The labour market in the neighbouring country

    may be stronger than that of your own.

    , There is no need for your family to move with

    you, so partners can keep their jobs and children

    can stay in education in their own country.

    , Health insurance and social security in your

    home country can usually be maintained, mak-

    ing the process easier.

    Of course, cross-border commuting comes withsome challenges, such as differing national admin-

    istrative and legal practices. But there are plenty

    of services to help commuters with these issues.


    EURES IS AVAILABLE TO:, match jobseekers with suitable vacancies in

    a neighbouring country;

    , provide information on living and working in two

    different European countries and help with the

    legal, administrative and practical aspects; and

    , monitor the labour markets in both countries,

    therefore providing up-to-date vacancy informa-

    tion to jobseekers.

    EURES operates in over 20 cross-borderpartnerships across more than 13 countries.To meet the need for informationand coordination between countries,EURES cross-border partnerships bringtogether public employment and

    vocational training services, trade unions,local authorities and other institutionsdealing with employment and training.

    We support hundreds of cross-borderworkers on a daily basis with questions suchas: Where do I pay my taxes? Where canI claim child benefit? Can I use the healthservice? This helps make the transitioneasier for mobile workers moving toanother country.

    EURES Adviser, Cross Border PartnershipIreland/Northern Ireland

    I already knew some things about life inHungary, as I had studied there, but EUREShelped me with the more technical detailsof living life between two countries, such asthe differences between tax systems and socialsecurity systems. When you move somewherenew, you dont know what to expect. Eachcountry has its own uniqueness, and its

    invaluable to get this advice.Marcel, jobseeker from Germany, living in

    Hungary, commuting to work in Austria

    For more information, visit About Us at:

  • 8/12/2019 Finding a job in Europe EURES




    ALL ROUND SERVICEThere are more than 900 EURES Advisers across

    32 countries, all experts in European labour mobil-

    ity. They are available to provide personalised

    advice based on your skills, qualifications and

    desired occupation, ensuring support throughout

    the moving process. Visit the EURES Job Mobility

    Portal for the contact details of your local EURES



    These events take place across Europe several

    times a year, from Norway to Cyprus and from

    Portugal to Romania. They offer the ideal opportu-

    nity for jobseekers to meet with EURES Advisers as

    well as potential employers, either on-site or

    online. Participants can discuss their plans and

    address their questions to a range of experts in

    European job mobility via real (or virtual) seminars,

    debates, workshops and one-on-one meetings.

    These events offer something for every European

    interested in making the move to a new country.

    Check the Events calendar on the EURES portal for

    details of upcoming events near you.


    There are a number of targeted job mobility

    schemes that support jobseekers and job-chang-

    ers aged 18-30 in finding work in other European

    countries regardless of their qualifications, skills or

    experience by providing different funding opportu-

    nities. This service also provides significant bene-fits to employers as it opens up their business to

    a workforce they may be unable to find at local,

    regional or national level, and helps them to find

    suitable candidates for hard-to-fill positions (see


    A European Job Day is, for many jobseekers,an interesting first approach that allows themto come into contact with companies offering

    jobs and to hand over their CV directly.The on-site presence of different temporary

    work agencies is also useful, as well as theavailability of EURES Advisers who can

    help with job mobility applications.EURES Adviser, Luxembourg

    I attended a job fair in Basel and met a EURESAdviser from Luxembourg. He gave me prac-tical and useful advice, including informationon the labour market, the living and workingconditions in the country, and on howto apply for jobs as well as the steps to betaken before moving abroad.

    Jobseeker from Switzerland,living and working in Luxembourg

  • 8/12/2019 Finding a job in Europe EURES


    3European Commission

    Finding a job in Europe a guide for jobseekers

    Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union

    2013 12 pp. 14.8 21 cm

    ISBN 978-92-79-26900-4


    This publication is available in printed format in all EU official languages,

    as well as in Icelandic and Norwegian.

  • 8/12/2019 Finding a job in Europe EURES


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