
Fire Service Dictionary

AccelerantFlammable fuel (often liquid) used by some arsonists to increase size or intensity of fire. May also be accidentally introduced when HAZMAT becomes involved in fire.

AccountabilityThe process of emergency responders (fire, police, SAR, emergency medical, etc...) checking into and making themselves announced as being on-scene during an incident to an incident commander or accountability officer. Through the accountability system, each person is tracked throughout the incident until released from the scene by the incident commander or accountability officer. This is becoming a standard in the emergency services arena primarily for the safety of emergency personnel. This system may implement a name tag system or personal locator device (tracking device used by each individual that is linked to a computer).Willoughbyccfd5 23:52, 3 December 2006 (UTC)

Adapterplumbing accessories for connecting hoses and pipes of incompatible diameter, thread, or gender. See also reducer, increaser, double male, double female, water thief. May contain combinations, such as a double-female reducer. Adapters between multiple hoses are called wye, Siamese, or distributor, which see below.

Aerial ApparatusFire truck having an attached extension ladder, nozzle, man-lift-bucket, or similar device raised using power from the truck. May also carry other portable ladders and tools.

Air monitoring MeterElectronic device for measuring the presence of one or more chemicals in air, such as oxygen, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide or volatile organic compounds; may have preset danger threshold alarms.

Airbags (1) inflatable device used for lifting or spreading; (2) vehicle safety device with potential explosion hazard during vehicle extrication if not already blown.

Air-packJargon for self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA).

Alarm (Automatic Fire Alarm AFA)(1) system for detecting and reporting unusual conditions, such as smoke, fire, flood, loss of air, HAZMAT release, etc; (2) a specific assignment of multiple fire companies and/or units to a particular incident, usually of fire in nature; (3) centralized dispatch center for interpreting alarms and dispatching resources. See fire alarm control panel.

ApparatusA term usually used by firefighters describing a piece of equipment, usually a company vehicle. Fire engines, trucks, tankers, and combinations; can also refer to other equipment such as the SCBA.

APW or (PW or Can) Air-pressurized water fire extinguisher, partially filled with water and then pressurized with an air pump; popular in the US in the 2 1/2-gallon size, rated 2A.

Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF) (Foam)(pronounced "A-Triple-F", also called "Class A") bubbles that act as surfactant to coat and penetrate ordinary fuels (e.g., wood, paper) to prevent them from burning at normal temperatures; also used on Class B" (oil/gasoline) fires to spread a non-volatile film over the

surface of the fuel. Applied using eductor or Compressed air foam system (CAFS) and pumped through fire hose to a foam nozzle (or sometimes a less-effective fog nozzle).

ArsonThe crime of maliciously (or perhaps recklessly) setting fire to property. Punishable in various degrees, depending upon the circumstances.

Attack (Brush Truck) Small fire truck outfitted for wildland fire. Also called a Type 6 Engine.

Attack Hose (Attack Line) a use classification of a fire fighting hose connected to output of a pump or other pressure source (e.g., gravity). Fire hose used to apply water or other fire fighting agent directly to a fire or burning substance. Typically of 2 1/2 inches (65 mm) diameter or less.

Attic LadderNarrow, collapsible ladder used to access an attic space via a scuttle hole, which are often found in closets and other narrow passages. Also known as a closet ladder.

Authority Having Jurisdiction (or AHJ)Organization or agency with legal authority over a given type of incident (e.g, fire, EMS, SAR, arson, HAZMAT); may change or overlap as incident changes, as where fire becomes arson investigation once danger is over, or Motor Vehicle Accident becomes police business after vehicle extrication, fire, and HAZMAT issues are complete.

Autoextended FireStructure fire that has gone out a window or other opening on one floor and ignited materials above, on another floor or other space (attic, cockloft).

Automatic SprinklerSystem of valves and pipes for automatically directing water to a fire when it is detected. May be normally pressurized with water (wet") or with air ("dry") depending upon the application. When a sprinkler-head (or sensor) detects fire/heat the valve opens releasing the water (hopefully onto the fire).

Available FlowTotal amount of water that can be put on a fire, depending upon water supply, pump size, hoses, and distance to the fire. IC must assess available flow to determine whether additional apparatus or streams are required. See Fire flow requirement.

BackdraftA fire phenomenon caused when heat and heavy smoke (unburned fuel particles) accumulate inside a compartment, depleting the available air, and then oxygen/air is re-introduced, completing the fire triangle and causing rapid combustion.

Bank DownWhat the smoke does as it fills a room, banks down to the floor, creating several layers of heat and smoke at different temperatures -- the coolest at the bottom.

Basement Fire (Cellar fire) Basement fires are difficult to attack directly because firefighters have to pass through the hot gasses and smoke accumulated on the basements ceiling to gain access to the fire. Basements typically do not have good emergency egress points, adding to the danger.

Bed LadderThe non-extending section of an extension ladder.

Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion (BLEVE) Explosion of a pressure tank containing an overheated material when the vapor expansion rate exceeds the pressure relief capacity (e.g., steam boiler or LPG tank). If the contents are flammable, the rapidly released vapor may react in a secondary fuel-air explosion.

Booster HoseSmall-diameter fire hose (3/4-1 inch), often carried on booster reel, preconnected to pump of an engine (and the booster tank) for putting out small fires near the truck without having to connect to a fire hydrant; easily recovered with a motorized reel. Booster hose is also used for High Pressure Fog (HPF) applications.

Box (Alarm) Originally, a mailslot containing a notecard with a pre-planned response to an incident type. For example, a reported structure fire on Some Road would be tagged with Box 6; the notecard in Box 6 would contain the list of apparatus from various fire stations that should be dispatched to that incident. Assigning Boxes to areas (or even specific structures) significantly facilitated the process of getting the right tools to the right place on the initial dispatch, and helped eliminate the guesswork of which department has what on the fire scene. Boxes later evolved to contain escalation procedures - on the "2nd alarm", the Box would contain the next group of apparatus from various fire stations etc. Modern CAD systems now abstract the Box Alarm concept and allow box definitions to be triggered based on arbitrary geographic area, time of day, incident type, weather and any other pre-planned situation. For a given hydranted area the "Summer" box will contain the usual response of Engine Truck and Rescue companies. In the winter, however, the box may be modified (automatically or manually) to include Water Tankers on the initial dispatch to handle the case of frozen hydrants.

Brush Truck (Attack) Small fire truck outfitted for wildland fire. Also called a Type 6 Engine.

Bunker Gear (Turnout Gear)Colloquial term for protective pants and boots kept near a firefighters bunk (cot) for rapid deployment; more modernly includes firefighting jacket. Basis for command to Bunker up!" in preparation for hazardous duties. May also refer to entire protective clothing ensemble.

Charged LineFire hose under pressure from the pump at the engine.

Chimney FireFast and intense fire in a chimney flue in which accumulated creosote and other combustion byproducts ignite.

Class A, B, C, D, KClasses of fire extinguisher and corresponding type of fire they extinguish.

Class A – Ordinary combustibles such as but not limited to paper, wood, and plastics. Class B – Flammable liquids such as but not limited to gasoline, motor oil, and diesel

fuel. Class C – Energized electrical equipment. Class D – Flammable metals. Class K – Cooking oils.

Closet HookPike pole under 5 ft long.

CO2 ExtinguisherFire extinguisher that releases carbon dioxide gas to smother and cool a fire, such as a flammable liquid.

CockloftStructural space above ceiling and below rafters, often connecting adjacent occupancies and permitting fire to spread laterally, often unseen.Collapse zoneThe area around a structure that would contain debris if the building were to collapse.

Combination NozzleA low pressure Fog Nozzle (usually 120 to 150 lbf/in² or 820 to 1030 [[kilopascal|kPa)) that can be adjusted to produce a near straight stream. Also commonly referred to as a Taskforce Tip (TFT).

CompanyTwo or more firefighters organized as a team, led by a fire officer, and equipped to perform certain operational functions. Compare with platoon and unit.

Compartment FireAn Isolated" fire or a fire which is "boxed in" or "closed off" from the rest of the structure. An example of this is a fire in a room where all the windows and doors are closed preventing the fire from spreading to other rooms.

ComplexTwo or more individual incidents located in the same general area which are assigned to a single incident commander or unified command.

Cross LayArrangement of hose on a pumper such that it can be quickly unloaded from either side of the apparatus; often pre-connected to a pump outlet and equipped with a suitable nozzle.

County (911)See dispatch

Dead LayA load of hose on a pumper, but not connected to a pump outlet. Often used for larger supply lines.

Deck GunA master stream device mounted to top deck of pumper.

Deluge GunA master stream device that can be positioned on the ground based on the need of the incident commander.

Deluge SystemType of sprinkler system in which sprinkler heads do not have individual valves, and the water (or other extinguishing agent) is disbursed from all sprinkler heads simultaneously when a central (or zoned) valve is triggered by a sensor (or manually). Typically reserved for industrial areas where rapid fire spread must be prevented at the cost of damaging non-burning materials.

Direct AttackPutting the wet stuff on the red stuff." A form of fire attack in which hoses are advanced to the fire inside a structure and hose streams directed at the burning materials.

DischargeAn outlet or outlets on fire pumps that allows water to flow out of the pump to the fire.

Dispatch (911 0r County)Refers to person or place designated for handling a call for help by alerting the specific resources necessary.

Double FemaleFirehose adapter for connecting two male" couplings together; may also adapt different sizes on either side.

Double MaleHose coupling adapter with two male-threaded connectors back-to-back; used for connecting two female couplings together.

DraftingUsing a suction pump to lift water from below the pump such as lakes or ponds. Using a semi-rigid suction hose, typically to fill a portable reservoir that has other suction pumps (to relay) or siphon hoses running downhill to their nozzles.

DrillsTraining during which an emergency is simulated and the trainees go through the steps of responding as if it were a real emergency.

Dry ChemicalA fire extinguishing agent. It works by breaking the chemical chain reaction in the fire tetrahedron".

Dry HydrantA fire hydrant with a valve located at the bottom of the barrel, near the water main. The barrel of the hydrant remains dry until used. The prevents the hydrant from freezing in sub-zero temperatures. A dry hydrant is also an unpressurized pipe that can be used to draft water from a pond or lake.

Dry SprinklerA sprinkler system having pressurized air (rather than water) in the distribution pipes until a heat-activated sprinkler head opens and releases the pressure, which opens a water valve (and possibly an accelerator valve) to flow water to the open head; used where the protected premises are not heated during freezing temperatures or where pressurized water in overhead sprinkler pipes could create another hazard.

EductorSuction device operated by hose pressure to pull fluid from a reservoir and mix it with the hose stream; often used to add foaming or other materials to water streams.

Electrical FireA fire in which the primary source of heat is electricity, resulting in combustion of adjacent insulation and other materials; may be hazardous to attempt to extinguish using water.

Elevator KeyControl panel override key to take elevator car to desired floor. May also refer to special tool used to open elevator shaft-protection doors from outside.

EMSEmergency medical service(s).

Encapsulated SuitHAZMAT protective clothing used with SCBA inside the suit to protect a firefighter (HAZMAT technician) from gaseous contaminants. Also known as a Gas Suit.

EngineA truck outfitted for firefighting, specifically one outfitted to pump water. Generally, vehicles outfitted to pump water are called engines, while those which do not pump water (ladder trucks, tankers, rescues, for example) are not. Many rural fire engines carry a reservoir of

water to pump, and use drafting and tankers to obtain further supply. Historically, an engine" was a machine that only pumped water.

Engine CompanyA group of firefighters assigned to an apparatus with a water pump and equipped with firehouse and other tools related to fire extinguishment.

Engine House [archaic] A firehouse housing an engine company.

Engine PressureThe pressure in a fire hose measured at the outlet of the pump.

Enhanced 9-1-1Electronic system for automatic correlation of physical telephone lines with information about the location of the caller -- a useful tool for dispatchers when the caller has an emergency but cannot speak.

EvacuationRemoval of personnel from a dangerous area, in particular, a HAZMAT incident, burning building, or other emergency. Also refers to act of removing firefighters from a structure in danger of collapsing.

EvolutionUniform sequence of practiced steps by squad carrying out common tasks such as selection and placement of ladders, stowing hoses in hose bed, putting hoses and tools into service in particular patterns; intended to result in predictability during emergencies.

ExposureProperty near fire that may become involved by transfer of heat or burning material from main fire, typically by convection or radiation. May range from 40 feet to several miles, depending on size and type of fire or explosion.

Extension LadderA 20-60 foot ladder with one or more movable sections that extend beyond a base section, typically using a halyard rope and pulley mechanism for lifting and locking cams to latch the moving sections at a selected height.

ExtinguisherDevice containing fire suppressant, often pressurized to expel suppressant when triggered by operator or an automatic release mechanism. Important to properly select type of extinguisher appropriate to type of material burning (wood, grease, electrical, etc). May be portable or permanently installed for special suppression purposes, such as fires in aircraft engines, restaurant exhaust hoods, or computer rooms.

ExtricationRemoval of a trapped victim such as a vehicle extrication, confined space rescue, or trench rescue; sometimes using hydraulic spreader, Jaws of Life, or other technical equipment.

FAST (or F.A.S.T. RIT)Firefighter Assist and Search Team (also called Rapid Entry Team or Rapid Intervention Team) firefighters assigned to stand by for rescue of other firefighters inside a structure; an implementation to support the Two-in, two-out rule; may have specialized training, experience and tools.

Fire Department Connection (FDC)Location in which pumping apparatus hooks to a buildings standpipe and or sprinkler system. Usually a 3 female connection.

Fire Alarm Control PanelSystem for receiving and announcing location of fire based upon input from smoke, flame or heat detectors, or manual call points or pull stations.

Fire Department KeysSpecial keys provided to firefighters to access a lockbox, located on some commercial buildings, containing additional keys required for entry or other safety features.

Fire EscapeA building structure arranged outside to assist in safe evacuation of occupants during an emergency; may connect horizontally beyond a fire wall or vertically to a roof or (preferably) to the ground, perhaps with a counter-weighted span to deny access to intruders.

Fire ExtinguisherSee Extinguisher above.

Fire FlowThe amount of water being pumped onto a fire, or required to extinguish a hypothetical fire. A critical calculation in light of the axiom that an ordinary fire will not be extinguished unless there is sufficient water to remove the heat of the fire.

Fire HazardMaterials, structures or processes that may result in creating a fire, permitting a fire to grow undetected, or preventing people from escaping a fire.

Fire HydrantSee hydrant.

Fire HydraulicsThe study of pumps, hoses, pipes, accessories and tools for moving water or other extinguishing agents from a water supply to a fire.

Fire Load (Btu/sq ft) An estimate of the amount of heat that will be given off during ordinary combustion of all the fuel in a given space; e.g., a bedroom or a lumberyard.

Fire MarshalAdministrative and investigative office for fire prevention and arson investigation.

Fire PreventionFire safety; standards for minimizing fire hazards.

Fire Station Alert SystemFire department dispatching system using radio controls to activate remote signals at designated fire stations and to transmit emergency information via audio or digital channels.

Fire StreamsWater (possibly mixed with foam) emitted at nozzle and directed at burning materials.

Fire TetrahedronThe fire tetrahedron is based on the components of igniting or extinguishing a fire. Each component represents a property necessary to sustain fire: fuel, oxygen, heat, and chemical chain reaction. Extinguishment is based upon removing or hindering any one of these properties.

Fire WallBuilding structure designed to delay horizontal spread of a fire from one area of a building to another; often regulated by fire code and required to have self-closing doors, and fireproof construction.

Fire WatchFixed or mobile patrols that watch for signs of fire or fire hazards so that any necessary alarm can be quickly raised or preventive steps taken.FirefighterPeople who respond to fire alarms and other emergencies for fire suppression, rescue, and related duties.

FiregroundThe operational area at the scene of a fire; area in which incident commander is in control. Also used as name of radio frequency to be used by units operating in the fireground, as in Responding units switch to fireground.

FirehouseAnother term for Fire station. Where fire apparatus and equipment is stored.

Fit TestPeriodic test of how well the facepiece of an SCBA fits a particular firefighter.

Flammable Range, LimitsThe percentage mixture of fumes with air that will sustain fire; outside the limits the mixture is either too lean or too rich to burn.

Flash PointLowest temperature at which a material will emit vapor combustible in air mixture. Lower than fire point of same material.

FlashoverSimultaneous ignition of combustible materials in a closed space, as when materials simultaneously reach their fire point; may also result in rollover.

Fly SectionThe moving portions of an extension ladder.

FoamThe aerated solution created by forcing air into, or entraining air in water containing a foam concentrate by means of suitably designed equipment or by cascading it through the air at a high velocity. Foam reduces combustion by cooling, moistening and excluding oxygen.

Fog NozzleA nozzle that discharges water in small droplets. Oftentimes, the nozzles are adjustable, permitting the pattern to range from a straight stream to a narrow fog to a wide fog stream. Can also be designed to automatically adjust pressure depending upon selected pattern.

Fog StreamA fire stream characterized by small droplets of water. The droplets are unable to travel very far, but absorb heat very quickly because of the high surface area they present.

Forcible EntryGaining entry to an area using force to disable or bypass security devices, typically using force tools, sometimes using tools specialized for entry (e.g., Halligan, K-tool, Sledge hammer).

Forward LayProcedure of stringing water supply hose from a water source toward a fire scene; compare with reverse lay.

FreelancingDangerous situation at an incident where an individual carries out tasks alone or without being assigned; violation of personnel accountability procedures.

Friction LossReduction of flow in a firehose caused by friction between the water and the lining of the hose. Depends primarily upon diameter, type and length of hose, and amount of water (GPM) flowing through.

Fuel LoadThe mass of combustible materials available for a fire usually expressed as weight of fuel per unit area (e.g., 20 tons per acre).

Fully InvolvedTerm of size-up meaning fire, heat and smoke in a structure are so widespread that internal access must wait until fire streams can be applied.

GamewellBrand of wind-up, fire alarm telegraph system for sending coded pulses to alert central alarm station of fire alarm activation; often still found in red boxes on street corners.

Gate ValveSee also Hydrant Gate". Valve in which the shutoff device slides across the flow of liquid to obscure the orifice usually activated by a screw mechanism. Compare "ball valve.

Glass-Master ToolBrand of specialized vehicle extrication tool, most notably including a glass cutting saw for removal of automobile windshields.

GPMGallons Per Minute or how many gallons are being pumped out of a piece of equipment every minute.

Grease FireA fire involving any manner of cooking oil or other flammable cooking or lubricating materials.

Ground LadderA portable ladder designed to rest on the ground. Compare aerial ladder and roof ladder.

Halligan Tool Forcible entry tool with a pointed pick and a wedge at right angles on one end of a shaft and a fork or cat's paw at the opposite end. Used in combination with maul or flat-headed axe for forcing padlocks, doors and windows. Based upon original design by Hugh Halligan of FDNY. Forms the irons" when nested with a flathead axe. Various shaft lengths provide mechanical advantage. Derived from the claw tool (fork and hook).

HalonChemical gas fire extinguishing or liquid agent for diminishing the combustion reaction rate by acting as a thermal ballast; used mainly in closed computer rooms, aircraft, and other high-value installations where corrosive chemicals or water extinguishers are judged inappropriate. Effective at low concentrations (5%) as compared with CO2 (34%). Being phased out with suitable replacements in most applications, with very restricted exemptions, due to international environmental concerns with this and other CFCs.

HalyardUtility rope for raising or lowering moving parts of extension ladder.

HazardA source of danger of personal injury or property damage; fire hazard refers to conditions that may result in fire or explosion, or may increase spread of an accidental fire, or prevent escape from fire. Under worker safety and health regulations, employers have a general duty to provide a workplace free of hazards. See also fire prevention, and HAZMAT.

HAZMATHazardous materials, including solids, liquids, or gasses that may cause injury, death, or damage if released or triggered.

Higbee Cut (Higby cut'A tapered thread termination in a firehose coupling for avoiding cross-threading, the location of which is indicated by a notch cut into a single lug on a hose coupling. If the notches are aligned on mating couplings, the Higbee cuts are aligned and the threads will immediately engage when the swivel fitting is turned.

High-rise BuildingAny building taller than three or four stories, depending upon local usage, requiring firefighters to climb stairs or aerial ladders for access to upper floors.

High-rise PackHose bundle prepared for carrying to a standpipe in a high-rise building, usually consisting of 50 or more feet of 1 3/4-inch hose and a combination nozzle.

HookForged steel hook at end of insulated pole of varying lengths; used for piercing and pulling building materials away from walls and ceilings. Similar to nautical gaff hook. Short hook with a pointed tip is a pike pole; longer hook on a San Francisco hook; two offset hooks on either side of tip is a universal hook; long p-shaped hook is a Boston rake for pulling plaster and lath; short hook with claw on opposite side of tip is either a gypsum hook or the narrower ceiling hook; pike pole with a short handle is a somewhat useless closet hook.

HoseFlexible conduit for moving liquids under pressure; made of various materials including cotton, rubber or plastic (such as PVC); construction may be braided, woven, wrapped or extruded, often in layers (liner and jacket); hose construction and size differs according to its intended use (e.g., hard suction, attack, forestry, booster); typically stocked in standard lengths and coupled together with standardized fittings. See hose coupling.

HosebedPart of fire engine (or hose wagon) where hose is stored for transport and easy access; stocked in layers or rows for quick selection of the desired length, diameter and type of hose; may include hoses pre-connected" to pump outlets on the engine.

Hose CouplingRigid interlocking end-pieces on fire hose; used for connecting hose to hydrants or fire engine pumps and other hose appliances (nozzles, wyes, manifolds, strainers, etc); standardized sizes and threads or other (non-threaded) pressure-sustaining interlocks (e.g., Storz" or other "quarter-turn" connectors); lugs cams or pins are used to tighten and loosen couplings by hand or with a hose wrench.

Hose RollerRigid frame with rollers designed to fit over windowsill or roof parapet to prevent chafing as hose is pulled across it. Can also refer to a machine designed for rolling hoses in preparation for storage.

Hose TowerStructure for hoisting hoses to permit them to drain and dry.

Hot SpotIndividual small pockets of fire generally left after the bulk of a larger fire has been extinguished.

Hot ZoneContaminated area of HAZMAT incident that must be isolated; requires suitable protective equipment to enter and decontamination upon exit; minimum hot zone distance from unknown material with unknown release is 330 feet (United Nations Emergency Response Guidebook); surrounded by warm zone" where decontamination takes place.

Hydrant Assist ValveA valve connected to the hydrant by the first due engine allowing the second due engine to boost the pressure in the intake line. Used for hydrants with low pressure, attaching multiple engines to one hydrant, or boosting pressure in the intake line to accommodate for friction loss.

Hydrant WrenchTool for opening valve of fire hydrant; may be simple spanner, box wrench, or adjustable wrench, or a specialized tool for use on anti-vandalism" valves. For example some valves require a magnet to activate a cam in order for the valve to be turned on.

Hydraulic Spreader, (Jaws of Life or Amkus Tool)Mechanical levering device with hydraulic cylinders powered by a pump; used for forcible entry or spreading vehicle or structure parts to permit extrication of a victim. Also called Hurst Tool which is a type that includes cutter and ram/jacking features.

IAFFAcronym, International Association Of Fire Fighters".

IDLHAny situation deemed Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health. More narrowly defined by OSHA. See main IDLH article. An area of maximum danger to firefighters.

IFSTAAcronym, International Fire Service Training Association". A major publisher of firefighter training materials.

Incident Command System (ICS) System first developed to provide a command structure to manage large wildfires in the United States, now widely used by many emergency management agencies.

Incident CommanderThe officer in charge of all activities at an incident. See Incident Command System.

Incident Safety OfficerThe officer in charge of scene safety at an incident. See Incident Command System.

Indirect AttackA method of suppression in which the control line is located some considerable distance away from the fire's active edge. Generally done in the case of a fast-spreading or high-intensity fire and to utilize natural or constructed firebreaks fuel breaks and favorable breaks in the topography. The intervening fuel is usually backfired; but occasionally the main fire is allowed to burn to the line, depending on conditions.

Infrared (IR) DetectorA heat detection system used for fire detection, mapping, and hotspot identification.

Initial AttackFirst point of attack on a fire where hose lines or fuel separation are used to prevent further extension of the fire.

IntakePart of pump where water enters when pump forms partial vacuum.

Irons or Set of ironsPairing of a flat-head axe and a Halligan tool. A common combination used in forcible entry operations to gain access for search and rescue as well as interior fire attack.

ISO Rating (Insurance Services Office Fire Insurance Rating) This is a rating published by the Insurance Services Office. Insurance companies use this number to determine homeowner insurance premiums.

J-ToolA stiff, j-shaped tool for reaching an inside door handle.

Jaws of LifeA Hurst tool. See hydraulic spreader.

Jet SiphonA venturing appliance used for moving large amounts of water from one reservoir tank to another by pumping a small amount of pressurized water into the jet to create a vacuum to move larger amounts of water.

K-ToolA forcible entry tool for disabling cylinder locks; used with a Halligan.

Kelly ToolA prying tool much like a Halligan tool without the right-angle pointed tip.

Knock DownTo reduce the flame or heat on the more vigorously burning parts of a fire edge.

Ladder CompanyA group of fire fighters, officers and engineers that staff a ladder truck.

Ladder PipeNozzle attached to aerial ladder and used to direct heavy stream from advantageous height.

Ladder/Tower TruckA truck outfitted for fire with an aerial device which is operated by a ladder company and in most cases is not outfitted to pump water. Not to be confused with engine.

Large Diameter Hose (LDH) Fire hose with a diameter of 4 inches or greater. LDH is typically used to supply water from a fire hydrant to fire apparatus such as an engine or tanker.

Level A, B protective clothingDifferent levels of encapsulation of firefighters used during HAZMAT incidents to minimize contamination.

Level I, II, III Incident

A HAZMAT term denoting the severity of the incident and the type of response that may be necessary, where Level III is the largest or most dangerous.

Life lineA trademark for a wireless emergency call unit that triggers a telephone call to an emergency dispatcher when a button is pressed.

Life Safety LineA rope used where its failure could result in serious injury; a rope used for connecting a firefighter/rescuer to a fixed anchor point or to another person.

Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) Any incident that produces a large number of injured persons requiring emergency medical treatment and transportation to a medical facility. The exact number of patients that makes an incident mass casualty" is defined by departmental procedures and may vary from area to area.

Master BoxAn alarm system in which a local fire-alarm system triggers a fire alarm box (the master box) to signal the fire condition to a central monitor.

Master StreamA large nozzle, either portable or fixed to a pumper, capable of throwing large amounts of water relatively long distances.

Mattydale Lay (Mattydale Load) The concept of storing preconnected Attack Lines on an engine, as well as storing them such that they are presented at the sides of the apparatus instead of the rear. Commonly called a Cross Lay, the technique allows for rapid deployment of attack lines from either side of the apparatus.

Means of EgressThe way out of a building during an emergency; may be by door, window, hallway, or exterior fire escape; local fire codes will often dictate the size. location and type according to the number of occupants and the type of occupancy.

Mop-up (Overhaul)Extinguishing or removing burning material near, felling snags, and trenching logs to prevent rolling after an area has burned, to make a fire safe, or to reduce residual smoke.

Multigas DetectorMeasuring device designed to indicate concentrations of four selected gases, such as oxygen, carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds, hydrogen cyanide, etc.

Multiple AlarmsA request by an incident commander for additional personnel and apparatus. Each department will vary on the number of apparatus and personnel on each additional alarm.

Mutual AidAn agreement between nearby fire companies to assist each other during emergencies by responding with available manpower and apparatus.

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Fire and safety standards organization; issues various wildfire-oriented standards related to clothing, tactics, equipment, etc.

NFPAThe National Fire Protection Association, a research group which sets a number of standards

and best practices for *firefighting, equipment, and fire protection in the United States, and also adopted in many other countries. Also, slang for No Free Publications Available"; used to reference any "must-have" documents that are prohibitively expensive.

National Hose (NH) National Standard Thread (NST) design of threaded couplings used on fire hose in various diameters.

NIOSHNational Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. A U.S. agency responsible for investigation of workplace deaths, including firefighters.

Nomex®Brand of approved, fire retardant, synthetic, aramid cloth and thread used in personal protective equipment for wildland firefighting, and jumpsuits.

NozzleA device attached to the end of a fire hose that directs shapes and regulates the flow of the water or fire fighting agent pumped into the hose. May have a control valve.

Nozzle PressurePressure in a fire hose measured at the nozzle.

Nozzle ReachThe distance a fire stream will travel from the nozzle tip before breaking up or evaporating due to air friction or heat.

Nozzle ReactionThe force felt when water is pumped through a nozzle, e.g., 350 US gallons per minute (22 L/s) would produce a force of 40 pounds force (180 N) against the firefighter holding the nozzle.

Nozzle TipPortion of firehose that forms the fire stream as it leaves the hose. Can be solid, fog, or other specialty nozzle (e.g., piercing, Bresnan cellar nozzle, wand tip, etc).

OccupancyZoning and safety code term used to determine how a structure is permitted to be used and occupied, which in turn dictates the necessary safety structures and procedures.

Occupancy ClassGeneral categories of structures for purpose of safety planning, such as for hospital, assembly, industrial, single-family dwelling, apartment building, commercial, etc. Further broken down by types of hazards associated with particular occupancies, such as gas stations.

Offensive AttackMethod of firefighting in which water or other extinguisher is taken directly to the seat of the fire, as opposed to being pumped in that general direction from a safe distance.

On-callPersonnel who can be summoned (and paid) when necessary to respond to an incident; a type of volunteer" fire department.

OSHAU.S. government agency concerned with regulating employee safety, particularly in hazardous occupations such as firefighting.

Outside FireUrban fire not inside a building or vehicle, often found to be burning trash which could extend to nearby structures or vehicles if not dealt with properly. A suburban, interface, or rural

outside fire could also be a wildland fire.

Outside Stem and Yoke Valve (OS&Y) Type of gate valve actuator arranged such that the valve stem moves in and out of the handle, thus externally indicating whether the valve is open or shut, unlike the more common gate valve wherein the stem rotates and only the gate moves up and down inside the fixture.

OverhaulingLate stage in fire-suppression process during which the burned area is carefully examined for remaining sources of heat that may re-kindle the fire. Often coincides with salvage operations to prevent further loss to structure or its contents, as well as fire-cause determination and preservation of evidence.

OxidizerA hazardous material containing oxygen that can combine with adjacent fuel to start or feed a fire.

Panic Doors, Panic HardwareFire safety appliance permitting locked doors (typically self-closing) to be opened from the inside when pressed with sufficient force, thus permitting a person to open the door without having to turn a knob or lever.

PASS Device, Personal Alert Safety SystemAn alarm device which signals that a firefighter is in trouble. It can be activated manually by the firefighter, or activates automatically if the firefighter stops moving. May be integral to SCBA or separately activated.

Passport (accountability) System in which each firefighter has an identification document that is collected by the person in charge of accounting for the current location of the respective individuals, and returned to the firefighter when he or she leaves the dangerous area.

Personnel Accountability SystemTag, 'passport', or other system for identification and tracking of personnel at an incident, especially those entering and leaving an IDLH area; intended to permit rapid determination of who may be at risk or lost during sudden changes at the scene.

Pickheaded AxeStandard fire axe having a 6 or 8 pound (2.7 to 3.6 kg) steel head with a cutting blade on one edge and a square, pointed pick on the opposite side. Come in various handle lengths.

Pike PoleSee Hook.

PlatoonA subdivision of a fire company, led a fire officer of either the rank captain or lieutenant, such that one of several platoons is assigned to duty for a specified period. Also called a watch".

Plec-TronJargon, brand-name of early radio-frequency paging system for summoning firefighters.

Point of OriginAn element of fire behavior, indicating where a fire began, supporting further analysis of where the fire went or will go; evidence of specific origin is often obscured or destroyed by suppression tactics.

Pompier LadderA style of ladder that is also known as a Scaling Ladder". It is used to climb from one window to another. It differs from other ladders in that it does not rest on the ground it instead uses a large hook at the top to attach to a window sill. The word "Pompier" is French for fireman.

Portable Water TankCollapsible reservoir used for storing water transported to fireground by tanker. May be inflatable or supported by a frame.

Positive PressurePressure at higher than atmospheric; used in SCBA facepieces and in smoke-proof stairwells to reduce entry of smoke or fumes through small openings.

Positive Pressure Ventilation (PPV)Ventilation of an area by the use of a fan to push clean air into that space and controlled use of openings for the escape of smoke and gasses.

Post Indicator Valve (PIV)A type of valve used for underground sprinkler shutoff, having a lockable actuator atop a post with a window indicating open" or "shut" status of the valve.

Pre-Fire, Pre-Incident PlanningInformation collected by fire prevention officers to assist in identifying hazards and the equipment, supplies, personnel, skills, and procedures needed to deal with a potential incident.

Pre-PlanningFire protection strategy involving visits to potentially hazardous occupancies for inspection, follow up analysis and recommendations for actions to be taken in case of specific incidents.

PreconnectFirehose on a fire engine which has one end connected to a pump outlet, and usually a nozzle attached to the other end. May also be a preconnected inlet hose (e.g., soft suction). Reduces steps at scene of fire.

Probie(also rookie) new firefighter on employment probation (a period of time during which his or her skills are improved, honed, tested, and evaluated).

Pump Operator Person responsible for operating the pumps on a pumper and typically for driving the pumper to an incident.

PumperVehicle apparatus for pumping water and other fire suppressants. See fire engine.

QuintType of firefighting apparatus with five defining attributes. The Quint Truck is both a Pumper and a Ladder Truck. A Quint" has: 1. a pump, 2. hose, 3. a water tank, 4. ground ladders, and 5. an aerial ladder.

Rabbit ToolA hand powered portable hydraulic ram, specially designed for insertion between a door and its frame for rapid forcible entry.

Radiant ExtensionFire that has transferred ignition heat to adjacent materials across open space. One reason some city fire codes prohibit windows facing each other in adjacent warehouses.

Rapid Intervention Team (RIT) See FAST.

RecoveryLocation and removal of deceased victims. Also, the time needed for a firefighter to spend in rehab before being considered ready to continue working the incident.

ReducerPlumbing adapter for connecting hoses of two different diameters; may also be double male or double female connections of different sizes.

Rehab, Rehabilitation SectorAn area for physical and mental recuperation at a fire scene, usually equipped with beverages, and chairs, isolated from environmental extremes (cold, heat, noise, smoke). This rest area enables firefighters to relax, cool off (or warm up) and regain hydration by way of preventing injury. An EMT may be assigned to monitor firefighter vitals when they enter and leave rehab. See

Relief ValveA valve set to open at a specified pressure so as to not exceed safe operating pressure in hoses or pumps.

RescuePhysical removal of a live person or animal from danger to a place of comfort.

Rescue CompanySquad of firefighters trained and equipped to enter adverse conditions and rescue victims of an incident. Often delegated to a truck company.

Rescue EngineA single piece of fire apparatus that can operate as either a rescue or an engine. This apparatus normally is outfitted with heavy rescue equipment, hoselines, pump, water tank, etc.

Residential Sprinkler SystemA sprinkler system arranged for fire suppression in a dwelling.

Residual PressureThe amount of pressure in a hydrant system when a hydrant is fully open, such as during a fire; should be engineered to provide domestic supply of water to homes and businesses during a large fire in the district.

Reverse LayThe process of stringing hose from a fire toward a source of water, i.e., a fire hydrant.

Roof ladderA single-section ladder with hooks on one end. The hooks are put over the ridge or peak of a roof to hold the ladder in place. Compare with aerial ladder and ground ladder.

Rope Hose ToolShort strap or rope with hooks at both ends for wrapping around a charged hose to secure it in position or to assist in moving it.

Run Card SystemA system of pre-planning for fire protection in which information about specific detectors, hazards, or other emergency response plans is indexed by location, for rapid reference during an alarm.

Salvage, salvage coverHeavy-duty tarpaulins folded or rolled for quick deployment to cover personal property subjected to possible water or other damage during firefighting.

SCBASelf Contained Breathing Apparatus, or air-pack, worn by firefighters to protect against breathing toxic fumes and smoke, or where the air has insufficient oxygen. Often incorrectly called oxygen mask" by laypersons. Typically of open circuit style with a supply of compressed air where expired air is exhausted, rather than closed circuit where it is filtered, re-oxygenated from compressed oxygen, and inhaled again which is used where an air supply is needed for an extended period (up to four hours).

Scene SafetySteps taken at or near an emergency scene to reduce hazards and prevent further injuries to workers, victims or bystanders.

Scuttle HatchReady-made opening in roof that can be opened for vertical ventilation.

Search and Rescue (or SAR) Entering a fire building or collapse zone for an orderly search for victims and removal of live victims. Becomes recovery" if victims are not likely to be found alive.

Secondary lineAny fireline constructed at a distance from the fire perimeter concurrently with or after a line already constructed on or near to the perimeter of the fire. Generally constructed as an insurance measure in case the fire escapes control by the primary line.

SectorA physical or operational division of an incident; an area supervised as a branch in the Incident Command System. A typical system for structure fires names the front" of the building "sector "A" and continues clockwise around the building (B, C, D) with interior sectors denoted by the floor number (1, 2, 3, etc.). A "rehab" sector is one example of an operational division at an incident where personnel are assigned after strenuous work in another sector.

Shoulder LoadThe amount of hose a single firefighter can pull off a hose wagon or pumper truck and carry toward the fire.

Shove knifeSemi-rigid metallic blade of various shapes and sizes used for forcing spring latches during forcible entry.

SiameseHose coupling for merging two streams into one, i.e., two female coupling inlets and one male coupling outlet.

Sides A, B, C, and DTerms used by firefighters labeling the multiple sides of a building starting with side A or Alpha being the front of the structure and working its way around the outside of the structure in a clockwise direction. This labels the front side A or Alpha, the left side B or Bravo, the rear side C or Charlie, and the right side D or Delta.

Size-UpInitial evaluation of an incident, in particular a determination of immediate hazards to responders, other lives and property, and what additional resources may be needed. Example: Two-story brick taxpayer with heavy smoke showing from rear wooden porches and children reported trapped.

Skidder UnitPre-configured tank, pump, hose for attachment to a logging skidder (large 4-wheel-drive tractor with a dozer blade, winch or grapple) to be carried to a fireline.

Smoke Detector(1) part of a fire alarm system that detects and signals presence of smoke; (2) self-contained household device for same purpose as (1) but with its own noisemaking device.

Smoke EjectorPowerful fan for moving large amounts of air and smoke as part of ventilation task while fighting fire in a burning structure. May be operated by electricity or gas motor for positive or negative pressure ventilation.

Smoke ExplosionSee Backdraft

SmolderingA fire burning without flame and barely spreading.

Soft Suction Hose, Soft SleeveA short piece of fire hose, usually 10 to 20 feet long, of large diameter, greater than 2.5 inches (65 mm) and as large as 6 inches, used to move water from a fire hydrant to the fire engine, when the fire apparatus is parked close to the hydrant.

Solid StreamA fire stream emitted from a smooth-bore nozzle. This fire stream has the greatest reach and largest drops of water.

SpannerRigid tool for tightening or loosening firehose couplings.

Sprinkler SystemFire suppression system in a building, typically activated by individual heat-sensitive valves, or remotely controlled by other types of sensors, releasing water onto the fire. May be wet" (water-filled) or "dry" (air-pressurized).

StagingSector of incident command where responding resources arrive for assignment to another sector. Often an essential element in personnel accountability program.

Standard Operating Procedure, Guideline (SOP or SOG)Rules for the operation of a fire department, such as how to respond to various types of emergencies, training requirements, use of protective equipment, radio procedures; often

include local interpretations of regulations and standards. In general, procedures" are specific, whereas "guidelines" are less detailed.

StandpipeSystem of pipes inside a building for conducting water for firehose attachments; may be pressurized with water (wet") or remain "dry" until activated in an emergency; supplied either from a fire hydrant attachment or from a fire engine's pump. Permits firefighters to reach higher levels of tall buildings without having to run hoses up the stairs.

Static PressureThe pressure in a water system when the water is not flowing.

Steamer ConnectionA Siamese inlet to a standpipe or sprinkler system. Named for early application of steam engines for pumps.

Steamer OutletLarge outlet of fire hydrant.

Storz CouplingA type of coupling used on fire hose. The coupling is sexless, and secures with a 1/4 turn of the coupling. The coupling may or may not have some sort of locking device.

Straight StreamA fire stream generated by a combination nozzle, characterized by a long reach and large water drops. It is essentially the narrowest of fog patterns that can be produced.

Strainer1) A large metal device attached to the end of a suction hose that prevents debris from entering the hose or the pump. 2) A stationary accumulation of debris in a moving body of water.

StretchCommand to lay out a hoseline. To stretch a line.

Structure Fire (or structural fire") A fire in a residential or commercial building. Urban fire departments are primarily geared toward structural firefighting. The term is often used to distinguish them from wildland fire or other outside fire, and may also refer to the type of training and equipment (e.g., structure PPE").

Suction HoseA large, semi-flexible and non collapsible hose used to move water from a static source such as a pond, pool or storage tank to a fire pump by means of suction. The whole process is often known as drafting". Should not be used to connect pressurized hydrants to pumps.

Supply Line, Supply Hose, Large-Diameter HoseFire hose, usually larger than 2.5 inches in diameter, used to transport water from one source to another, such as from a hydrant to a fire engine or from one engine to another. Short pieces of this hose used to attach to a hydrant are often called Soft Suction" (see above).

SuppressionAll the work of extinguishing or confining a fire beginning with its discovery.

Suppression CrewTwo or more firefighters stationed at a strategic location for initial action on fires. Duties are essentially the same as those of individual firefighters.

T-BonerA car crash situation, where one car has hit the side of another which is traveling at an angle horizontal to the car which has struck the other car, generally these crashes are quite severe and much fuel is spilled.

Tag AccountabilitySystem in which each firefighter is issued two identification tags, one of which is then collected by a safety officer and held while the firefighter is in a hazardous area. To reclaim the tag, the firefighter must present the matching tag upon exit from the hazard. Any unclaimed tags after an event" (such as a collapse or explosion) means the corresponding firefighters are missing. May be implemented as passport system in which first tag is presented to staging officer upon arrival (for tracking) and second tag is held by IDLH safety officer

TailboardPortion at rear of fire engine where firefighters could stand and ride (now considered overly dangerous), or step up to access hoses in the hose bed.

Tanker, TenderLarge, mobile tank of water or other firefighting agent; may be airborne, as used in wildland firefighting, or truck-mounted. Essential in rural areas lacking hydrants.

Task ForceAny combination or single resources assembled for a particular tactical need, with common communications and a leader. A Task Force may be pre-established and sent to an incident, or formed at an incident.

Taskforce Tip (TFT) a popular brand of adjustable fog stream Combination Nozzle, now a ubiquitous term for that type of nozzle.

Taxpayer1 to 2 story store, or place of business, auto repair, supermarket etc.

Thermal Imaging Camera (TIC) Ruggedized infrared equipment used by some firefighters to detect hidden people, animals, heat sources (i.e., fire) and structural compromise.

Tower ladderSee aerial ladder.

Trash LineA preconnected attack line that is typically 1 3/4 diameter and stored either on the front bumper of the apparatus or in an exterior (exposed) side well. Trash Lines are typically shorter length than Cross Lays and are intended for use against dumpster fires, etc. where a longer length of hose (and consequent rebedding after the suppression is complete) is not desired.

Truck CompanyA group of firefighters assigned to an apparatus that carries ladders, forcible entry tools, possibly extrication tools and salvage covers, and who are otherwise equipped to perform rescue, ventilation, overhaul and other specific functions at fires; also called ladder company".

TruckieA firefighter typically responsible for tactical aerial operations, ventilation, search, and overhaul.

Turnout GearThe protective clothing worn by firefighters, made of a fire-resistant material such as Nomex or Aramid, and designed to shield against extreme heat. Sometimes called bunker gear. See PPE.

Includes helmet, jacket and boots, and some departments include fire-resistant pants.

TurntableRotating base of an aerial ladder that permits the ladder to be elevated and extended in any direction from a fixed location.

Two-in, two-out (or two in/two outRefers to the standard safety tactic of having one team of two firefighters enter a hazardous zone (IDLH), while at least two others stand by outside in case the first two need rescue thus requiring a minimum of four firefighters on scene prior to starting interior attack. Also refers to the buddy system" in which firefighters never enter or leave a burning structure alone.

Type I, II, III, IV, V BuildingU.S. classification system for fire resistance of building construction types, including definitions for: "resistive" Type I, "limited combustible" Type II, "ordinary" Type III, heavy timber Type IV and "wood frame construction" Type V (i.e. made entirely of wood).

Urban InterfaceThe Interface zone where man-made structures inter-mingle with wildlands, creating risk of structural involvement in a wildland fire incident.

Utility RopeA rope not designed or maintained for life safety purposes.

ValveMechanical means for stopping and starting flow in a conduit; many types used in firefighting, including gate, foot, clapper (backflow preventers), sprinkler-heads, etc.

Vapor SuppressionProcess of reducing the amount of flammable or other hazardous vapors, from a flammable liquid, mixing with air, typically by careful application of a foam blanket on top of a pool of material.

Vehicle fireType of fire involving motor vehicles themselves, their fuel or cargo; has peculiar issues of rescue, explosion sources, toxic smoke and runoff, and scene safety.

VentilationImportant procedure in firefighting in which the hot smoke and gases are removed from inside a structure, either by natural convection or forced, and either through existing openings or new ones provided by firefighters at appropriate locations (e.g., on the roof). Proper ventilation can save lives and improper ventilation can cause Backdraft or other hazards.

Ventilation sawA high-powered saw with metal-cutting teeth or disc for quickly making large openings in roofing materials.

Venturi EffectCreating a partial vacuum using a constricted fluid flow, used in fire equipment for mixing chemicals into water streams, or for measuring flow velocity.

Vertical VentilationVentilation technique making use of the principle of convection in which heated gases naturally rise.

Voids (building) Enclosed portions of a building where fire can spread undetected.

VollieA volunteer firefighter.

Volunteer Fire DepartmentA group of part-time firefighters who are not paid when on-call, during incidents, or drills. Often professionally trained and equipped with state-of-the-art equipment

Wall-Indicator ValveType of control valve for sprinkler systems which is mounted to an outside wall and indicates open" or "shut" in an indicator window on the valve body.

Water Curtain NozzleA nozzle designed to throw a fan of water droplets to form a curtain" in an attempt to reduce radiated heat from igniting a nearby exposure.

Water Flow AlarmAn audible alarm indicating that one or more sprinkler heads have been activated.

Water HammerLarge, damaging shock wave in a water supply system caused by shutting a valve quickly or by permitting a vehicle to drive across an unprotected fire hose.

Water Thief (valve) Type of gated wye having one or more outlets smaller than the largest outlet.

WedgesWooden blocks for temporary shut-off of activated sprinkler heads or holding doors open during firefighting or rescue operations.

Wet Pipe Sprinkler SystemSprinkler system containing pressurized water rather than air, such that water will flow immediately upon release of a heat-sensitive head.

Working FireA fire that is in the process of being suppressed; often a cue for dispatch of additional resources.

WyeHose coupling for splitting one line into two or more outlets, often a larger line split into two smaller ones; often a gated wye having separate valves for each outlet. Not to be confused with Siamese, which is used to bring two smaller lines together into one.

Y-ConnectSee wye.

YieldWhat other drivers are supposed to do when they see or hear emergency vehicles approaching with lights and/or sirens activated.

ZoneSection of structure indicated on fire alarm control panel where sensor was activated.

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