Page 1: First Graduating Cutting- Edge Programsboth the confidence and hands-on experience she needed to make her feel comfortable and confident in her abilities. The knowledge she gained

2010’s First GraduatingClasses from Cutting-

Edge Programs

a A l u m n i M a g a z i n escent


G 2010

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TABLE of contents


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] Centennial First, Alumni Forever [ 1

32Published by:

Centennial College Alumni Association P.O. Box 631, Station A Toronto, ON M1K 5E9

Managing Editor: Krista Newton 416-289-5218 [email protected]

Director of Marketing and Communications:Vish Amin

Editor:Carol J. Anderson Wordstyle Productions [email protected]

Advertising:Krista Newton 416-289-5218 [email protected]

Contributors:Alan Hare Alvin Guthrie Ann Buller Emma Dunk Krista Newton Malcolm Kelly Michelle Francis Vish Amin

ascent® magazine, with a circulation of 60,000, is published semi-annually by Centennial College Alumni Association. It is delivered free of charge to Centennial graduates, students and staff to encourage interaction with each other and the college, and to facilitate lifelong learning and career development. The ideas and opinions published herein do not necessarily reflect those of the Association or Centennial College. All material is ©2010 and may be reprinted with permission of the Managing Editor. Advertising rates are also available from the Managing Editor. We do not sell or rent the alumni database to third parties. Please contact the Centennial College Alumni Office at 416-289-5218 if you do not want to receive the magazine or would like to update your mailing address.

] message from

Alumni President [

] message from

Centennial College President [

7] alumni profile

Samantha Pestano [

8 –

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Bridging the Gap Between Education & Entrepreneurship

Project Management Grad Finds His Place at Buttcon

Where Are They Now?

Sports Journalism Program

Esthetician Program

Student Awards Night 2009

Alumni Benefits and Services

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2 ] Centennial First, Alumni Forever [

Alvin GuthriePresident of the Alumni Association

Welcome to the Spring 2010 edition of ascent. Since being elected as president in May 2009, it has been so exciting to work with the board of directors. Over the past 12 years, I have been involved with the Centennial College Alumni Association in a variety of roles. I have also had the opportunity to work with many amazing people, and I look forward to meeting many more in the years to come.

Spring has arrived and so has our new fiscal year. Please join us at the Annual General Meeting on June 26, 2010. We have 10 positions that we need to fill this year. Descriptions of these positions are posted on our website, If you are interested in attending or would like more information, please call us at 416-289-5218.

We are always looking for new benefits and services to offer to our members, and to serve you better. If you have any suggestions, please share them with the alumni office. Our strength is based on our active alumni membership. I encourage you to continue to stay connected with us as your life changes. Keep in touch!

Alvin Guthrie

Graduates of Centennial College are invited to the Annual General Meeting of the Centennial College Alumni Association

Saturday, June 26, 201010 am–12 pm 2nd Floor Board Room Student Centre, Progress Campus

• Free Parking• Light Refreshments

AGENDAPresident’s Report Treasurer’s Report Audited Financial Statement Adoption of 2010-2011 Budget Committee Reports Election of Directors

Check the website for more details:


For more information, contact the Alumni Office at 416-289-5218

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] Centennial First, Alumni Forever [ 3

Over the past year, Centennial College has seen its full-time enrolment expand by a remarkable 24 percent – the highest growth rate among Toronto-area colleges. This growth in enrolment was the result of the current economic downturn, the province’s Second Career initiative for unemployed adults, and unprecedented growth in international student enrolment as a result of Centennial’s growing reputation in such booming education markets as India and China.

With so many more students on campus, we are eagerly anticipating the opening of our new Library and Academic Facility in 2011. Construction of the four-storey addition to the Progress Campus remains on budget and on schedule. At the same time, the Student Association is transforming the DEL Gym into the spectacular Athletic and Wellness Centre, also slated to open next year. Centennial is finalizing its acquisition of the Scarborough Centre for Alternative Studies, also located at the Progress Campus, to help us alleviate space pressures this fall.

Centennial remains resolutely committed to responding to the constantly evolving needs of industry. We are excited about the changes taking place at the College and know that they will help us ensure that our students acquire the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. Whether it be our unique sports journalism program, our international student projects, or external accreditation for our programs, Centennial College continues to be a leader in post-secondary education.

Learning is a lifelong endeavour and Centennial wants to help you succeed long after you graduate. Your alma mater has a lot to offer you, and I encourage you to keep in touch with your Alumni Association.

Ann Buller

ann Buller President & CEO, Centennial College


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Alumni Board Members

Alvin Guthrie President

Vish Amin Director of Marketing and Communications

Christina Gauthier Director at Large

Jason Moseley Director at Large

Carla Reid Director of Special Events

Anna Nawrocki Director at Large

SM Hasanuzzoha (Hasan) Director at Large

Marcus Haddad Director at Large

Amanda Baker Vice President

Donna Robertson Treasurer

The Centennial College Alumni Association’s Board of Directors works on behalf of the college’s 65,000-plus alumni around the world on a wide variety of initiatives. We are always looking for new projects to take on, so feel free to share your ideas with us. Call 416-289-5218 or email us at [email protected]

Make sure we’re up to date—CCAA needs your current email address and contact info so that we can keep sending you ascent. Your ideas and expertise make a difference to us.

You can also take advantage of specially priced insurance through Johnson Insurance, get a CAA Membership, buy discounted tickets to a variety of events, get diploma frames, find rewarding volunteer opportunities, gain access to computer labs and the new AWC and Library and Resource Centre, find networking opportunities, and much more.

Mary Jo Bryant Chair

Joan Healey Secretary

Page 7: First Graduating Cutting- Edge Programsboth the confidence and hands-on experience she needed to make her feel comfortable and confident in her abilities. The knowledge she gained

Have your say!

Centennial College Alumni Association is looking for your opinions. Complete the survey at by July 30, 2010, for your chance to win a gift certificate for dinner and a movie.

Go Green!

Take our survey and let us know how you’d like to receive your magazine. We’re pleased to offer you the option of receiving ascent electronically.

] Centennial First, Alumni Forever [ 5

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BECOME The Future of Learning


For more information, visit us online at or call us at 416-289-5207

Looking to advance your career, start a new career path or even learn a new hobby? Take a course at Centennial College.

We Offer:• Accelerated

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Begin your transformation today,


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] Centennial First, Alumni Forever [ 7


Samantha Pestano, a movie and music lover (all types) and a huge Beatles fan, graduated from Centennial’s Radio, Television and Film program in 2006. She is currently working in the television field and hoping to move into advertising. Her real goal, however, is to write an award-winning screenplay.

Samantha works at SunTV as their Lead Preditor (producer, writer, and editor) in the promotions department; she also works in the sales department. She has written and edited promos and commercials for a wide range of shows—Supernatural, Smallville, 60 Minutes—and for clients like Absolute Comedy, Jimmy Kimmel, and Disney.

Samantha oversees all aspects of on-air promo spots, from conception to scheduling to final delivery, and directs her co-Preditor in script writing, conceptualization, and editing. She

also creates her own promos and commercials, directs the voice-over talent, and does a few voice-overs of her own.

Her time at Centennial helped give Samantha both the confidence and hands-on experience she needed to make her feel comfortable and confident in her abilities. The knowledge she gained in her course work kept her a step ahead of the competition.

She has one piece of advice for other graduates: “Use your time wisely! If you can’t find your dream job right away, find a job that can help you get there. Take a course, do some reading, and don’t forget to network—anything that can put you a step a head of your competition. Getting the job you want is a combination of who you know, what you know, and showing what you can do.”

samantha pestano

Persistant Grad Lands a Spot at SunTV

Radio, Television and Film

by Vish Amin

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Learning with Michelle Leong Francis

Michelle Leong Francis is the CEO and Senior Consultant at TTG Consult Inc., an educational consulting firm.

These days, her passion for adult education has been channelled into an initiative called PRONET™, which supports workers in professional service sectors. She takes people on an educational journey that highlights the benefits of diversity, self-promotion, financial literacy, business management, lifelong

Bridging the Gap Between Education &

Michelle Francis





learning, and a positive corporate culture. The project is supported collaboratively by academia, government, industry, and the community. It attempts to bridge the gap between education and entrepreneurship. Achievement is realized through PRONET™ mentorship, training, scholarship opportunities, and leadership development.

After entering the financial services sector in 1999 as a financial planner, Michelle became a certified human resources professional. But the catalyst to become a teacher of adults really began with her enrolment at Centennial in 2006. Michelle then explored the world of learning and performance consultancy, in both the private and not-for-profit sectors.

“The program at Centennial gave me the added confidence needed to create a learning curriculum that drives results in sectors like financial services, marketing, and entrepreneurship,” Michelle says. “It has made an incredible difference in my practice and my sustainability in recessionary times.”

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] Centennial First, Alumni Forever [ 9

Teacher/Trainer of Adults, 2008



As a first-generation Canadian and the youngest child of well-established immigrant parents, Michelle learned the importance of professional image portrayal, accountability, and life-long education in building an excellent reputation in one’s field.

She has also experienced the challenges inherent in entrepreneurship. Now, though, Michelle understands the benefits of being able to access leaders in industry and government, and to engage and take advantage of informal and formal mentorship opportunities.

In her personal life, Michelle has been able to apply those same transferable skills to her interest in corporate citizenship, as a volunteer crew leader for Habitat for Humanity. Michelle has always been interested in building structures, ideas, and even minds.

At Habitat, her love for construction gave her a way to help support those in need of housing. She is also collaborating with Habitat for Humanity to create a Woman in Insurance build event (demonstrating the importance of disability protection and the opportunities that the trades present to women).

Michelle’s advice for others contemplating going back to school? “Embrace continued education, and love yourself enough to continue to grow in your learning. You are never too old or too ‘stuck’ to take a step that may forever change your life.”


michelle francis


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profile10 ] Centennial First, Alumni Forever [

Naishal Desai was born and raised in India, and graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering in early 2008. He came to Canada in September of that year. “It required a great deal of determination and strength to survive halfway around the world (almost 11,000 kilometres!), away from the comforts of my home and the warmth of my family.” He went from being very sheltered and pampered by his parents to a life of responsibility and individuality—now, he has to make his own decisions. “A strong desire to define my individuality and to establish myself in Canada helped me through the transition. I matured as a person and became very independent.” The move to Canada also exposed him to many different cultures and traditions.

Naishal came to this country full of hope to build a career as a professional engineer. Things did not go always as he had planned, however. For the first six months, for example, he found himself “constantly adapting to new things.” He landed in Toronto in September, and by that time, postsecondary admissions were finished for the first semester. So, for three months he worked on his public relations skills and did some research into what courses might be best for him to take. He also began working as a cashier in a convenience store, where he got to meet a lot of interesting people and gain confidence in himself.


Project Management Grad Finds His Place at Buttcon

NAISHAL DESAIProject Management,


by Krista Newton

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] Centennial First, Alumni Forever [ 11



After all this research, Naishal settled on Centennial College as the best option for him. He enrolled in a Project Management program. At first, it was difficult to handle both school and work responsibilities. Naishal recalls that he was just an average student in his first semester, but by the time he finished the second semester, he had learned to balance work and school. New friends and his professors also helped and supported him in his studies.

In his third semester as an intern student at Buttcon Limited (the general contractors for the AWC), Naishal impressed everyone with his professionalism, knowledge, and positive attitude. He was hired full-time at the company. He is now concentrating on getting professional experience in Canada and building his career.

“I believe that no one has reached the top without hard work—that is the recipe. It will not always get you to the top, but should get you pretty near your goal.”


naishal desai

Project Management


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Graduates are welcome to submit an announcement, personal news, or professional update. Please write a brief (75-word) summary. Include your full name, program, and year of graduation. Send your article to [email protected] or fax it to 416-289-5237.

Paula StampLegal Assistant, 1996

Paula is the founder of Accident Resolution Group (ARG) and a member of the Paralegal Society of Ontario, the Institute of Law Clerks, the Law Office Managers Association, and the Ontario Trial Lawyers Association. ARG ( provides services to clients involved in car accidents. She is also CJ’s mom and a fundraising volunteer for autism research. In 2009, Paula was the top fundraiser for Walk Now for Autism Ontario—Team CJ.

Shiv HarrilalBroadcasting and Film, 2006

Shiv emigrated from Trinidad in 1999 and enrolled in the Broadcasting and Film program at Centennial in 2003. He credits the experience he received through his placement in helping him get his current position as an editor for Relish Inc., where he edits music videos and commercials. His advice for others trying to make it in the field? “Stay motivated.”

Adelaida TapelLaw Clerk, 2004

Adelaida has been a Program Administrative Coordinator for 10 years at Centennial College’s Centre of Entrepreneurship. Adelaida also runs a part-time business as a paralegal and law clerk, completing legal paperwork for divorcing couples and preparing affidavits, among other things. Adelaida believes that her success has shown the benefits of hard work, perseverance, and, of course, a solid education from Centennial.

WHERE are they


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] Centennial First, Alumni Forever [ 13


Turn your diploma inTo a degreeTo learn more about how you can earn your degree in as

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Due to generous transfer credits, many graduates with a three year diploma can complete a bachelor’s degree with as few as 10 Davenport classes.

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14 ] Centennial First, Alumni Forever [

Sports Sports Sports by Malcolm Kelly


The first sports journalism class graduated this year from The Centre for Creative Communications at Centennial College. They are now taking the first steps on their new career path.

It’s been three years since the idea was first hatched to do something that has—from what we can tell—never been attempted before: turn out sports journalists with a full toolbox of skills, including print, online, photographic, television, radio, podcasting, and videocasting.

Other schools in Canada have sports broadcasting programs, but none has put together this full skill group as a way of meeting journalism’s new challenges—challenges that require new journalists to be able to do so much more than I did at the beginning of my career, 30 years ago.

This first class of 24 graduates completed three full terms comprising 12 courses and a six-week professional placement, between January and December 2009. Those placements were spent everywhere from the Miami Herald, to 24 in Vancouver, to The Fan 590 radio. CBC’s Sportsweekend, Hockey Night in Canada, the Hamilton Bulldogs, XM Satellite Radio, daily newspapers around southern Ontario, the St. John’s Telegram, and others also openedup spots for students.

The students were taught by some of the best people in the business, including Karen Sebesta, a long-time producer at CBC Sports; Scott Russell, a veteran host at the same network; and Teddy Katz, from CBC Radio Sports.

And…They’re Out! Congratulations, Sports Journalism Graduates!

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] Centennial First, Alumni Forever [ 15


Scott Morrison, now of Hockey Night in Canada and a Hockey Hall of Fame writing legend; Barb DiGiulio, of The Fan 590 radio; broadcaster Erin Paul; senior writer Tony Care; The Fan 590 journalist Sara Buchan; and Shi Davidi, senior baseball writer at Canadian Press sports, also worked as instructors in the program. Rounding out the crew were veteran television producer and director Joe Recupero; long-time sports researcher Dale Wilson; and Brad Watters, former president of the Toronto Argonauts and Toronto Rock.

The class of 2011—25 students who will come to Centennial from as far away as Phoenix, Arizona; Caracas, Venezuela; and Mexico City—have begun their studies and have already turned heads by covering every event at the Winter Olympics for the Toronto Observer website.

As the program matures, we hope to attract a growing number of international students who will take what they learn back home and inspire good sports journalism around the world. And we continue to improve our current program, to make it even better.

After all, you are only as good as your last at-bat.

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16 ] Centennial First, Alumni Forever [

Esthetician Estheticianby Alan Hare

The Centennial College esthetician program’s first class will graduate this spring. Canada is experiencing unprecedented growth in the spa and wellness industry—according to one report, spa visits are now Canadians’ fourth-largest leisure activity. Thousands of jobs are generated yearly in the industry.

What is Centennial’s esthetician program?

Centennial College’s esthetician program’s cutting-edge curriculum integrates theory and skills development in practical spa applications, skin care, and business. Courses include infection control, pharmacology, wellness, computer lab software, and many hands-on subjects, such as microdermabrasion, photo facials, and laser. Placement in both working clinics and established businesses allow students to build the confidence and skills they need to enter this challenging industry.

What are the program’s facilities like?

Our students work in commercial-level professional facilities, so that they can develop the professional skills they need for career success.

The Centennial esthetics lab was designed from the ground up by industry experts. We provide professional-quality equipment in an environment designed for effective teaching and learning, and that is architecturally and aesthetically pleasing.

What kind of treatments are available to the public?

The Censation Esthetics Student Clinic offers clients high-quality, professional treatments at excellent prices. Modern facilities, state-of-the-art equipment, and professionally trained students combine to assure our clients receive a positive, relaxing experience. All treatments are performed by students under the direction of qualified instructors.

First Graduates from Cutting-Edge Program in 2010


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] Centennial First, Alumni Forever [ 17

Esthetician Esthetician

The clinic runs during the fall and winter semesters, within designated hours (find out more at Clients must make an appointment, although we do try to accommodate those who drop in during regular clinic hours.

We offer a wide range of treatments, including:

• Censation Signature Treatment: cleansing, gentle exfoliation, soothing steam with a scalp massage, extractions, face and décolleté massage, mask, plus a hand and arm massage. For all skin types.

• Hydration Treatment: A deep hydrating boost providing a fresh feeling for the face, neck and décolleté. Special ampoule and a customized mask treatment. Head, shoulders, as well as hand and arm massage.

• Microderm Abrasion Treatment: Resurfaces the skin gradually and safely with the use of crystals to exfoliate. The outer layer of dead cells is removed, leaving the skin radiant and youthful.

Client Testimonials

I have visited the Censation Spa at Centennial College several times. The students have given me the best facials I have ever had. They are knowledgeable about the products they use and easily answered my questions. The hand and foot massages during manicures and pedicures are incredible.… I recommend the Censation Spa to everyone!!

~ Gwenda Bartley

At the beginning of the year, I decided to treat myself every week to various esthetic treatments. My experience has been wonderful! The highly trained and talented students have spoiled me with wonderful and relaxing facials, manicures, and pedicures. I have recommended the Spa to my friends and family who have also had terrific experiences. Keep up the great work—your professionalism and talents are appreciated!

~ Lorraine Gilks

You can find out more about our treatments at



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18 ] Centennial First, Alumni Forever [

For more information on how you can support today’s students at Centennial College, contact the Office of Development and Alumni Engagement at 416.289.5000 or visit our website at


Your gift will provide funding for scholarships, bursaries and awards ensuring that today’s deserving students have every opportunity to pursue studies at Centennial College and become successful leaders of tomorrow.

support the dream to succeed!

– Nicole Allong, Centennial’s Child & Youth Worker program student and Mary Anne Chambers Award recipient

“My goal is to give back to Centennial one day

so that more students can have a chance at

achieving their dreams for the future.”

as an alumnus, you can make a difference for the next generation of centennial’s students.

invest in the future of tomorrow’s

leaders – today!

4570 CC Ascent Ad V2.indd 1 4/19/10 11:42:01 AM

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Student Student]ascent[

Student Awards Night 2009

Centennial College Alumni Association (CCAA) paved the way for future alumni at Student Awards Night 2009, which was held November 17–19, 2009. CCAA President Alvin Guthrie and Chair Mary Jo Bryant presented $14,000 worth of scholarships to ten Centennial College students. The students were recognized by the CCAA for their academic achievement and contributions to their programs and the community. The scholarships will help pay for the students’ expenses while at Centennial College.

The recipients were:

• CCAA Tuition Scholarship: Michael Kocalevski

• CCAA Athletic Scholarships: Eldridge Masuka and Julieta Demilto-Calderon

• CCAA Schools Entrance Scholarships: John Currie, Nathan D’Souza, Salza Khakoo, Nadine Ouderkirk, Natalia Stanichevsky, Naran Thilaganathan, and Ruth Ventura

The annual event is held at the Centennial College Residence and Conference Centre and brings scholarship donors, students, faculty, staff, families, and friends together to celebrate their achievements. Six hundred people attended the dinner and awards ceremony over the three evenings. The dinner was catered and served by students from the School of Hospitality, Tourism and Culture. Awards worth $157,000 were presented to 210 recipients by 77 donors at this year’s event.

by Emma Dunk

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Alumni Benefits and Services


Alumni Discounts Looking for a discount when you’re out on the town? Call the Alumni Office at 416-289-5218 to get your Centennial College Alumni Member ID access code. It lets you take advantage of great savings on movie tickets, theatre productions, popular attractions, and more.

Personal Health and Dental Plan Designed with you in mind, the Johnson Personal Health Plan is an affordable health and dental benefit plan, offering you both an Optimum Plan and a Preferred Plan. The Optimum Plan provides a broad range of extended health and dental benefits, including prescription drugs. The Preferred Plan provides the most economical coverage for extended health and prescription drugs. For more information, contact Johnson Inc. at 1-800-461-4155, or visit

Residence and Conference Centres Are you planning a vacation and looking for inexpensive accommodation? Centennial alumni can stay at college residences across Ontario. For information, including a complete list of destinations, visit or call toll-free 1-877-225-8664. Be sure to mention that you are a graduate of Centennial College.

Softmoc Looking to purchase a new pair of shoes? Centennial College alumni receive up to 20% on regularly priced merchandise and 10% on sale priced merchandise. To receive your instant discount code, visit


Computer Labs Graduates who do not have access to a computer can use the PCs in the general access lab on Progress Campus. Computer access is free and is available on a three-month basis to graduates with a Centennial for Life card. To apply for access, please call 416-289-5218 or e-mail [email protected].

Diploma Framing Display your diploma or certificate in a customized Centennial College frame. The high-quality frames are all made in Canada, and the acid-free mattes are tastefully imprinted in gold. Sale proceeds support the Centennial College Alumni Association scholarship program. Contact the Alumni Association at 416-289-5218 for details.

Massage Therapy Clinics Centennial College Massage Therapy Clinics are staffed by second- and third-year students of massage therapy. The clinics offer everything from Swedish massages to hydrotherapy and wax baths. Call 416-289-5353 for more information or to book an appointment.

Student Centre at Progress Campus Save 15% on room rentals in the Student Centre at Progress Campus, courtesy of the CCSAI. The Student Centre is a great place to hold your wedding, next annual general meeting, or any event for 10 to 300 people. For availability and cost, please call 416-289-5000, ext. 2659.

For complete information on all of our benefits and services, contact the Centennial College Alumni Association at 416-289-5218 or visit

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Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Centennial College Alumni Association P.O. Box 631, Station A Toronto, ON, Canada M1K 5E9


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