
First Presbyterian Church

Cody, Wyoming


Congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA)

Pastor: Rev. Dr. Pat Montgomery 2025 23rd Street (307) 587-2647 Cody, WY 82414


First Presbyterian Church of Cody Annual Congregational Meeting

March 4, 2018

Moderator: Rev. Pat Montgomery Clerk: Cathy Aardema Adopt Agenda Approve minutes of the 2017/2018 Congregational Meetings Receive/Approve Reports: Pastor – Receive Christian Education Director – Receive

Clerk - Receive Treasurer - Receive Trustees – Receive Committees of the Session: Building & Grounds - Receive Christian Education - Receive Congregational Life - Receive Evangelism & Mission - Receive Stewardship, Budget, & Personnel – Receive Worship - Receive Other Committees 2017 year long Nominating Committee - Receive Organizations Board of Deacons – Receive Presbyterian Women - Receive Continued Business New Business Receive 2018 Budget Approve Pastor’s terms of call Adjourn and Closing Prayer

First Presbyterian Church of Cody Annual Meeting of the Congregation

February 12, 2017

The Annual meeting of the congregation was held in the sanctuary on February 12, 2017.  After 

determining a quorum was present the meeting was called to order at 10:22am by Moderator, Rev. Pat 

Montgomery.  The preceding worship service served as an opening prayer. 

The congregation VOTED to adopt the meeting Agenda. 

The congregation VOTED to approve as stated the minutes of the February 21, 2016 annual meeting of 

the congregation.  The congregation VOTED to approve the minutes of the June 19, 2016 congregational 

meeting.  The congregation VOTED to approve as stated the minutes of the October 23, 2016 fall 

congregational meeting. 

The congregation VOTED To receive the Pastor’s written report, the Christian Education Director’s 

report and the Clerk’s 2016 statistical report. 

The congregation VOTED to receive the 2016 Treasurer’s report. 

The congregation VOTED to receive the written reports of the standing committees of the session:  Building and Grounds, after some clarification on how Veritas Academy impacts expenditures   Christian Education  Congregational Life  Evangelism and Mission  Stewardship, Budget & Personnel  Worship 

 The congregation VOTED to receive the 2016 written report of the Trustees. The congregation VOTED to receive the written report of the 2016 Year Long Nominating Committee. The congregation VOTED to receive the 2016 written report of the Board of Deacons. The congregation VOTED to receive the 2016 written report of the Presbyterian Women.  NEW BUSINESS: The congregation VOTED to receive the 2017 budget. The congregation VOTED to approve the Pastor’s terms of call for 2017 as proposed by the Stewardship, Budget, and Personnel Committee and the Session. 

Salary        $41,043.15 Housing      $32,027.94 Pension       $26,670.95 Long Term Care Insurance       $450.24 Total Compensation              $100,192.28  (6 weeks of paid vacation granted)  

The meeting was adjourned at 10:57 am and closed in prayer by by Rev. Montgomery.  Respectfully submitted:    Cathy Aardema, Clerk 


First Presbyterian Church Congregation Meeting 

October 22, 2017 


The meeting was called to order at 10:24am.  The preceding worship service served as the opening 


Rev. Montgomery noted that a Quorum was present 

A report was received for the 2017 Nominating Committee (Jack Atkins, Patty Brus, Tracy Wormald, Jack 

Eckley, & Joy Hall) 

The following individuals were nominated for 3 year terms as Elders:  Connie Fisher, Mary 

Phillips, and Dale Ruskowski.  No nominations were received from the floor.  The congregation 

voted to accept the nominees for 3 year terms. 

The following individuals were nominated for 3 year terms as Deacons :  Chris Beers, Jan 

Bensink, and Karen Snyder.  No nominations were received from the floor.  The congregation 

voted to accept the nominees for 3 year terms.  Judy Bates was nominated to fill a 2 year term 

as Deacon replacing Deb Clow.  No nominations were received from the floor.  The congregation 

voted to accept Judy for the 2 year term. 

The following individuals were nominated for a 1 year term on the 2018 nominating committee:  

Elders Jack Atkins and Patty Brus and at large members Rod Soluk and Allison Leach.  At this 

time a Deacon representative has not been identified.  No nominations were received from the 

floor.  The congregation voted to accept the nominations. 

Rev. Montgomery led the congregation in a discussion on the changing dynamics of the congregation.  

Some of the current challenges include:  the aging demographic of our members as it relates to 

volunteerism, the ebb and flow of Sunday school and Wednesday night attendance, teacher 

recruitment, and evaluation of which outreach efforts are working as well as new areas to target. 

Ideas presented by the congregation: 

Focus outreach efforts on elder care, aging, and health issues 

Compiling a list of individuals willing to help with health care needs 

We need to do a better job of communicating within the congregation of what support services 

are already available 

Each person should be challenged to bring a guest to a service 

Encourage more people to attend Wednesday nights for fellowship 

Organizing more social activities 

Establishing a task force to coordinate these efforts. 

Having a prayer group to pray for guidance on our future direction 

Making people more aware of our current financial situation 


Making sure we are more welcoming to visitors and that we are following up 

Collaborating with other congregations on youth activities 

Sharing our Sunday bulletin with others 

Church t shirts (Session would need to give thought to a unified image that we want to put forth 

in the community) 


Rev. Montgomery asked the congregation to give this topic ongoing thought, to talk amongst each 

other, to bring ideas to session members, and to use the suggestion box.  We want to put our efforts 

into something people want and not things that were not needed. 


The meeting closed in prayer at 11:20am 


Respectfully submitted by:  Cathy Aardema, Clerk 






First Presbyterian Church Special Congregational Meeting 

February 4, 2018  

 Rev. Montgomery called the meeting to order at 10:40am with a quorum present.  The proceeding worship service served as the opening prayer.  The meeting was held to act on recommendations from the 2018 Nominating Committee.  The Committee placed into nomination Jonene Geile for a 3 year term on the session and Vieune Revolinski for a 1 year term on the session to fill the remainder of Luke Montgomery’s term.  The congregation voted to accept the nominations after no other nominations were received from the floor.  The meeting was closed in prayer at 10:43am.  Respectfully submitted by:   Cathy Aardema – Clerk of Session 


Pastor’s Annual Report 2018 

“Maturing in Christ.  Come grow with us.”  Among all of the ongoing works of the Church including the Deacons, 

Session Committees, PW, staff, and volunteers, each of us has witnessed countless acts of kindness, generosity, 

faithfulness and discipleship. 

No doubt individuals have experienced all of the ongoing joys and sorrows of life, but we have done so from within the context of being a vibrant and supportive community of faith, that also gives rise to spiritual growth and personal maturity.  In worship, classes, committee meetings, conversations over coffee and hallway encounters, I see people exploring the inexplicable vastness of God, the ever present fellowship of the Holy Spirit, and the depth of grace that is only found in Jesus Christ.  I see people overcoming miss‐understandings and people encouraging one another in the faith.   

I see older folks with a genuine concern for not only their peers, but also for the well‐being of the youth in our midst.  I see younger folks with an active interest in the experiences and the history and the wisdom of the oldest among us.  In other words, I am seeing more than ever before, people move from being a gathering of individual believers, to becoming a maturing family of faith.  It seems to me that many of you are taking the invitation to “Maturing in Christ” seriously, and that is a beautiful thing. 

This past summer saw the end of an annual Camp Wapiti for teens.  We started camp Wapiti four or five years ago, to fill a gap when Presbytery camps were suddenly cancelled.  Many of us have had a great time doing camp, but it appears that the Presbytery camp program is now back on its feet and in a healthy place.  So we are eager to see our kids be a part of the programing that the Presbytery camp program can offer.  But you never know…we may have to do a Camp Wapiti weekend camp, or a men’s day camp, or a Camp Wapiti family camp…or some other such thing; just because we can, and it would be rewarding to do.  As we continue to grow and change as a congregation, who knows what opportunities will develop in the future? 

2017 saw the start of something I have longed to see in our congregation for many years; an active men’s group.  This fall such a group has begun, and I am excited to see what it might lead to.  We just have too much potential, and experience, and diversity, and testosterone, and fun, to be anything less.  As I look ahead, I expect good things from these guys. 

A notable change for 2018, coming out of our 2018 Session retreat, will be the effort to put all administrative work on Wednesdays and to position Wednesday evening programs to increase the sense of community and communication across the board.  This will require a lot of adjustment from a great many people.  So please be patient as this effort feels its way forward.   

I cannot let the opportunity pass to complement our staff members.  Jonene Geile, Wendy Corr and Tim Schoessler are outstanding musicians who give their very best to our worship each week.  I defy you to find more skilled and highly committed people to care for our building (and the people who meet in it) than Roy and Darla Bruce.  Rae Eckley continues very ably in the front office as both Administrative Assistant and Financial Secretary.  And I look forward to working with Debbie Kousoulos, as she assumes the Treasurer duties moving into the new year.  Like every member here, these folks each have a “ministry”.  And our staff does theirs exceptionally well.  

Although Tammy Scott is still in her Ministry Director position, her time as paid staff is drawing to an end.  Tammy has decided to make a change from being on staff, to employment outside the Church before May.  All I can say is that Tammy has proven to be an extraordinary talent who is a rare combination of passionate, organized, flexible, knowledgeable and directive.  Tammy is a good friend and colleague, we have been blessed to have her on staff, and the rest of us, (lay and staff alike) are going to have to significantly up our game in her absence.  Thanks Tammy for all of your good work.   

I look forward to the new year, and all that God will reveal within it. 


Pat Montgomery 


2017 Annual Report Tammy Scott 2017 was a pretty steady year as Ministries Director. My title changed in 2016 from Christian Education director to reflect more accurately my staff role in the Christian Education committee, Congregational Life committee, Mission and Evangelism Committee, Deacons and Nursery Supervisor. To help keep things simple, I would direct you to the annual reports of the above stated committees to see what has been happening in them. If you have any questions about a class, event, etc., please feel free to contact either myself, the elders on that committee or Amy Eckert who is moderator of Deacons; we are happy to answer any questions you may have. At the end of every year, I am always amazed at, not only how fast the year went by, but how well things worked out. That is due, in no small part, by the faithful work and dedication of every elder, committee member and Deacon. These wonderful people gladly own the duties and responsibilities of each task given to them by their committees or session and I am humbled and honored to be a part of such joyful service. During the year, the committees really took a good look at the programs, classes and resources they offered to our congregation and community to see if they were still viable, healthy, helpful and sustainable programs. I believe in 2018, the congregation will start to see the positive changes and transitions that are the result of very thoughtful and prayerful decisions. One change that did not come out of any committee but from long discussions with my husband and family is that I will be stepping down as Ministries Director no later than May 1, 2018. Over the last few years, through no one’s fault, the dynamic of our church has changed. We have fewer members, fewer children in our programs and we need to change the way we ‘conduct the business of our church’ for lack of better words. It no longer makes sense to pay another member of staff to do work that can be done by each elder, deacon, committee member AND member of this congregation when we are experiencing financial anxiety. If we make a commitment to conscience communication with one another, we can do the faithful work of our church with the same integrity we always have but hopefully with a new vision.


Our family has deep roots in this congregation, we have no plans of changing where we choose to worship and fellowship, it’s just time for my staff position at the church to come to an end. It is my sincere hope that each of you, as a professed person of faith, steps up this year to seek to serve your church and community by getting involved. I pray that some of you push away the business of life to hear and answer the call to serve as elder or deacon. I know what I’m asking of you, you may not get to just go home from work and put your feet up every Wednesday night like you’d like. You may have to cook a meal, visit a shut in, help out during a funeral luncheon, take minutes, make the hard decisions, teach a class. Yes my friends, you may not get to do everything you want to do in your schedule if you take up the cross but I promise you, you will not regret serving. If you don’t seek to serve in office this coming year, I challenge you to serve by your participation and your presence. When you hear about a class or church event like game night or the 5th Sunday service our church offers at the Brookside assisted living please think about the big picture. The Big picture is that the game night, the class, the out reach program may not be of great benefit to you BUT your presence and participation just may mean the world to someone else. Someone who is feeling lonely and isolated and longs for a reason to get out of their house for a little while so they don’t have to eat alone again, a chance to eat with you. Someone who can’t get out anymore and still loves to see people from their old home church, even if they’ve never met you before. Someone who may need a mentor through a class so they can better understand the material and the blessings that new information holds for them. Please, please think about that before you decide any program our church offers is not for you. Because you are missing the point if you do, sometimes, more often then you think, you are served by serving. Please prayerfully consider being part of the joyous work of our church family. In His service, Tammy Scott


Clerk’s 2017 Statistical Report

Membership, Attendance Financial Beginning active membership 257 Potential giving units 130 Membership gains Budgeted income 300,000 17 and younger 3 Budgeted expense 337,023 18 and older 0 Certificate gain 2 Receipts: Total gains 5 Regular contributions 307,651 Membership loss Investment income 1,100 Death 10 Other 143 Certificate loss 0 Capital building funds 0 Other 14 Bequests 32,816 Total loss 24 Subsidy/Aid 0 Total active ending membership 238 Baptized members 13 Other participants 44 Total adherents 295 Expenditures Local program 268,213 Baptisms Capital 0 Child 1 Per capita 9,675 Adult 0 Theological fund 0 Local Mission 17,179 Active officers Investment expense 0 Session: women 5 men 7 Validated mission 3,000 Deacons women 8 men 1 Other mission 0 Racial Ethnic: Members 238 white Elders 77

Women 151 white Deacons 67 Men 87 white Session 12 white Deacons 9 white Age Distribution: women men total Session Disabilities Under 25 12 9 21 0 Hearing 22 26-45 12 11 23 2 Sight 10 46-55 17 11 28 3 Mobility 28 56-65 29 16 45 3 Other 27 Over 65 81 40 121 4 Average attendance: 120 Christian Education Birth - 3 0 Grade 7 1 Age 4 0 Grade 8 1 K 2 Grade 9 3 Grade 1 2 Grade 10 3 Grade 2 2 Grade 11 0 Grade 3 3 Grade 12 1 Grade 4 3 <25 0 Grade 5 0 >25 42 Grade 6 1 teacher 14


Congregation Budget2018

2016 2017 2017 2018Acct # Committee/Category YTD Actual Budget YTD Actual Budget

as of 12/31/16 as of 12/31/174000 Income

4100 Pledged Income 239,982.00 200,000.00 213,158.52 199,852.00

4210 Unpledged Income-Per Capita - - - -

4220 Unpledged Wednesday Night Inc 585.82 - - -

4200 Unpledged Income-Other 57,618.86 90,000.00 82,657.42 90,000.00

4300 Loose Offering 10,143.95 10,000.00 10,734.52 10,000.00

4400 Sunday School Offering 41.00 - - -

4915 First Fruits Gen'l-Dividends 141.66 - 404.76 -

4920 Vanguard-EDJ-Dividends 31.34 - 155.38 -

4921 Vanguard-Memorial-Dividends 18.55 - 91.94 -

4922 Vanguard-McNeill-Dividends 91.95 - 0.85 -

4900 Checking Account Interest 430.18 - 447.31 -

TOTAL INCOME 309,085.31$ 300,000.00$ 307,650.70$ 299,852.00$

5100 Administration

5110 Advertising-Classifieds - 100.00 - 100.00

5111 Stewardship 430.88 400.00 106.62 400.00

5112 Computer Network 380.00 400.00 348.00 400.00

5113 Computer & Software Upgrades 897.10 1,400.00 519.95 1,000.00

5114 Computer Maintenance 759.21 300.00 - 150.00

5120 Copier Expense 2,721.29 3,000.00 2,703.53 3,000.00

5135 Miscellaneous 166.27 300.00 134.00 200.00

5136 Late Fees, Penalties, Interest - - (23.25) -

5137 Waiting on Receipts - - - -

5145 Nursery Supplies 10.38 50.00 45.47 50.00

5155 Memberships/Subscriptions 124.95 125.00 100.00 125.00

5160 Office Supplies 1,451.97 1,500.00 1,453.50 1,500.00

5166 Pastoral Allowance-Travel 533.17 500.00 561.14 500.00

5167 Pastoral Allowance-Book 479.18 500.00 815.47 500.00

5168 Pastoral Allow.-Study Leave - 500.00 - 500.00

5165 Pastoral Expenses-Other 610.00 500.00 500.00 500.00

5170 Postage 601.00 600.00 441.34 700.00

5175 Misc Staff Expenses 44.83 - - -

5177 Staff Seasonal Expenses 93.12 50.00 150.84 50.00

5180 Telephone Exp-Land Line & Cell 3,389.62 3,100.00 2,615.85 2,700.00

5190 Internet 1,039.80 1,030.00 1,092.25 1,030.00

Category Total 13,732.77$ 14,355.00$ 11,564.71$ 13,405.00$

5200 Benevolences - Deacons (200.00)

5231 Deacons' Communion - 100.00 131.87 100.00

5232 Deacons' Funerals (75.60) 1,000.00 218.13 2,000.00

5233 Deacons' Card Ministry - 300.00 269.29 500.00

5234 Deacons' Assistance 12,063.45 12,000.00 4,568.34 10,000.00

5235 Deacons' Thanksgiving 14.90 200.00 - 250.00

2018 Church Budget.xlsm Page 1 of 4


Congregation Budget2018

2016 2017 2017 2018Acct # Committee/Category YTD Actual Budget YTD Actual Budget

as of 12/31/16 as of 12/31/175237 Deacons' Cell Phone - 160.00 71.35 100.00

5238 Deacons' New Mission Project - - 2,000.00

5230 Deacons' Work-Miscellaneous (468.56) - (140.65) -

Category Total 11,534.19$ 13,760.00$ 4,918.33$ 14,950.00$

5300 Christian Education (110.10)

5301 Adult Education 243.08 400.00 19.90 200.00

5303 Children's Education 590.67 500.00 732.84 800.00

5309 CE Supplies & Equipment 222.55 100.00 63.81 100.00

5313 Middle School 6th-8th 88.89 100.00 - 100.00

5315 Sr. High Program 281.18 400.00 372.25 500.00

5319 Youth Camp Children 1,227.83 1,200.00 351.78 200.00

5323 Sr. High Trip (15.00) 200.00 51.25 -

5325 Gifts 204.00 100.00 - 300.00

5333 Library Books & Equipment 229.25 100.00 86.16 300.00

5337 VBS (18.48) - - -

5340 New Projects/Misc. (326.94) 400.00 278.71 100.00

Category Total 2,940.02$ 3,500.00$ 1,846.60$ 2,600.00$

5400 Congregational Life

5415 Kitchen Supplies 1,327.48 1,914.00 1,533.43 1,914.00

5417 Wednesday Night Food 3,369.58 3,016.00 969.75 1,500.00

5420 Misc/Foods/Gifts 928.34 870.00 373.10 870.00

5400 Congregational Life - Other 47.99 - - -

Category Total 5,673.39$ 5,800.00$ 2,876.28$ 4,284.00$

5500 Evangelism/Mission

5510 Alpha Supplies 115.85 200.00 - 200.00

5522 MOPS 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00

5525 Mission Education 1,120.21 - - -

5540 Alpha Advertising 426.00 1,000.00 - 200.00

5545 C. E Ads 84.00 - - -

5550 Special Events Advertising 585.00 1,000.00 135.00 800.00

5560 New Member Receptions 131.95 100.00 - 100.00

5580 Regular Church Ads 635.50 750.00 450.22 750.00

5590 Miscellaneous Projects 300.00 300.00 449.00 500.00

5591 Special Event Revenue, Expense - - - -

5592 Youth Mission Trips - 5,000.00 5,110.86 -

5593 Food 4 Kids 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00

5595 Locally Directed Projects 1,500.00 2,000.00 751.75 2,000.00

Category Total 11,898.51$ 17,350.00$ 13,896.83$ 11,550.00$

5600 Building & Grounds

5615 City Utilities 12,590.27 13,000.00 11,891.27 13,000.00

5620 Cleaning Supplies 1,422.43 2,000.00 1,514.08 2,000.00

5625 Gas Utilities 3,497.05 6,000.00 4,453.39 6,000.00

5630 General Repairs/Replacement 1,549.77 1,400.00 1,188.41 1,400.00

2018 Church Budget.xlsm Page 2 of 4


Congregation Budget2018

2016 2017 2017 2018Acct # Committee/Category YTD Actual Budget YTD Actual Budget

as of 12/31/16 as of 12/31/175635 General Replacement 3,334.26 1,000.00 2,595.69 1,200.00

5640 Grounds Maintenance 2,452.92 3,000.00 3,748.61 3,500.00

5643 Tree Pruning/Parking Lot Sealing - - - -

5645 Maintenance Agreement Furnace - 1,300.00 - 1,000.00

5647 Insurance Package 7,975.00 7,600.00 8,172.00 8,200.00

5655 Major Repairs/Improvements 11,384.79 1,200.00 3,900.52 6,200.00

5660 Miscellaneous Expenditures 492.95 200.00 - 200.00

5665 Painting - - - -

5670 Sanctuary Equipment/Overhead Bulbs 135.23 - - -

5675 Van 409.28 500.00 143.16 500.00

5680 Future Improvements/Needs - - - -

5690 Sprinkler System Upgrade - 500.00 - -

5695 Building Expense Reimbursement - Veritas (2,576.11) - (5,904.27) (5,248.24)

5600 Building & Grouds - Other 215.50 - - -

Category Total 42,883.34$ 37,700.00$ 31,702.86$ 37,951.76$

5700 Session

5710 Book of Order - - - 165.00

5720 Clerk's Discretion 303.31 350.00 368.58 350.00

5730 Per Capita Assessment 11,710.29 13,000.00 9,675.18 11,063.85

5735 General Mission Giving 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 4,020.00

5740 Presbytery Delegate - 200.00 - 200.00

5760 Roll Books - 185.00 - 185.00

5775 Buswell Scholarship 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00

Category Total 15,513.60$ 17,235.00$ 13,543.76$ 16,483.85$

5900 Trustees

5910 Financial Review 1,250.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 1,250.00

5912 Incorporation/Other Fees 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00

Category Total 1,275.00$ 1,275.00$ 1,275.00$ 1,275.00$

5950 Worship

5953 Candles 47.00 75.00 - 150.00

5954 Children's Time - 30.00 - -

5956 Flowers - - (290.00) -

5957 Honoraria 125.00 400.00 440.68 400.00

5958 Miscellaneous 194.72 50.00 291.00 600.00

5959 Music/Supplies 1,040.92 700.00 (474.68) 700.00

5960 Organ Maintenance - - - 200.00

5961 Piano Maintenance - - - 200.00

5963 Sanctuary Decorations - 50.00 51.97 200.00

5965 Technology Supplies - 50.00 (358.34) 500.00

Category Total 1,407.64$ 1,355.00$ (339.37)$ 2,950.00$

6000 Payroll Expenses

6100 Benefits

2018 Church Budget.xlsm Page 3 of 4


Congregation Budget2018

2016 2017 2017 2018Acct # Committee/Category YTD Actual Budget YTD Actual Budget

as of 12/31/16 as of 12/31/176113 Pastor Pension - PM 26,670.96 26,670.95 26,670.96 27,036.33

6116 Benefits - Other - 1,500.00 - 1,500.00

Category Total 26,670.96$ 28,170.95$ 26,670.96$ 28,536.33$

6120 Medical

6122 Pastor Medical-Long Term 443.74 365.00 357.36 514.56

Category Total 443.74$ 365.00$ 357.36$ 514.56$

6200 Gross Wages (8.31)

6220 Music Director Salary 6,527.23 6,365.00 6,527.22 6,528.00

6221 Worship Leader 6,527.23 6,365.00 6,527.22 6,528.00

6230 Church Admin Asst/Fin Sec'y 18,995.31 19,000.00 19,363.68 19,000.00

6235 Treasurer 4,201.02 4,100.00 4,144.36 4,150.00

6240 Grounds/Bldg Maint. Custodian 9,874.23 9,471.00 11,270.59 9,471.00

6245 Indoor Custodian 21,174.17 22,722.00 20,961.22 22,722.00

6255 Christian Education Director 38,996.49 38,780.00 38,996.49 12,926.67

6260 Organist/Pianist Salary 5,460.35 6,075.00 5,185.36 6,075.00

6270 Pastor Salary - P.M. 41,043.12 41,043.15 41,043.12 41,043.15

6275 Housing - P.M. 32,028.00 32,027.94 32,028.00 32,028.00

Category Total 184,827.15$ 185,949.09$ 186,038.95$ 160,471.82$

6300 Payroll Taxes 14.35

6322 FICA-Social Security 6,951.32 6,998.44 6,979.99 5,418.84

6324 Medicare 1,625.70 1,636.73 1,632.41 1,267.31

6330 Wyoming Workers' Comp 1,561.27 1,573.74 1,263.23 1,005.30

Category Total 10,138.29$ 10,208.91$ 9,889.98$ 7,691.45$

Total Expenses 328,938.60$ 337,023.95$ 304,242.25$ 302,663.76$

Operating Income/Loss (19,853.29)$ (37,023.95)$ 3,408.45$ (2,811.76)$

Other Income/Expense7000 Other Income 875.08 - (6,689.24) -

7100 Pass Thru Income 740.24 - - -

7200 Memorial Funds Investment Income 2,664.44 - 3,555.84 -

Net Other Income 4,339.76$ 3,435.00$ (3,133.40)$ 3,435.00$

Net Income (15,513.53)$ (33,588.95)$ 275.05$ 623.24$

2018 Church Budget.xlsm Page 4 of 4


Dec 31, 17 Dec 31, 16

ASSETSCurrent Assets

Checking/Savings1100 · Checking (4601)

1100-6 · Pearson Memorial Funds 32,816.36 0.001100-8 · Roof Maintenance Fund 2,987.50 5,000.001100-9 · New Copier Fund 1,050.00 0.001100 · Checking (4601) - Other 105,380.94 88,196.04

Total 1100 · Checking (4601) 142,234.80 93,196.04

1108 · Excess Funds $ Market (7963)1108-1 · Excess Funds - LT Planning 24,000.94 23,994.931108-2 · Excess Funds 0.00 202,667.271108 · Excess Funds $ Market (7963) - Other 203,093.58 0.00

Total 1108 · Excess Funds $ Market (7963) 227,094.52 226,662.20

1146 · First Fruits General Fund 3,258.97 2,854.211151 · Food 4 Kids Checking (3530) 23,684.13 15,491.791170 · RW Allen Memorial Fund (8920) 1,898.81 1,898.441180 · Youth Savings (6220)

1181 - Youth Savings HS 4,079.67 7,600.951182 - Youth Savings MS 500.00 500.001183 · McNeil Memorial Fund 2,855.65 0.001180 · Youth Savings (6220) - Other 0.00 0.40

Total 1180 · Youth Savings (6220) 7,435.32 8,101.35

1185 · Vanguard MM (7623) 15,574.27 15,418.891186 · Vanguard Memorial MM (9841) 9,218.03 9,126.091187 · McNeil - Vanguard ST Bond Fund 0.00 3,754.80

Total Checking/Savings 430,398.85 376,503.81

Accounts Receivable1200 · Accounts Receivable 0.00 328.02

Total Accounts Receivable 0.00 328.02

Total Current Assets 430,398.85 376,831.83

Other Assets1104 · Petty Cash 100.00 100.001109 · Prepaid Medical 221.56 0.00

Total Other Assets 321.56 100.00

TOTAL ASSETS 430,720.41 376,931.83


Current LiabilitiesCredit Cards

2003 · Albertsons CC (0980, 0981) 0.00 260.172004 · Pat's Cabela's card (8497) 0.00 (1,209.98)2005 · Tammy's Cabela's card (4188) 0.00 1,637.472006 · USBank CC (7526)

2006-1 · Ole CC (7534) 18.00 0.002006-4 · Rae CC (7567) 22.34 0.00

Total 2006 · USBank CC (7526) 40.34 0.00

Total Credit Cards 40.34 687.66

Other Current Liabilities2010 · Food 4 Kids 23,684.13 15,491.792060 · Prepaid Pledged Income 15,326.15 5,491.862100 · Payroll Liabilities

2102 · Worker's Compensation 358.50 412.52

10:28 PM First Presbyterian Church of Cody

01/17/18 Balance SheetAccrual Basis As of December 31, 2017

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Dec 31, 17 Dec 31, 16

2110 · Federal Withholding 677.00 768.00

Total 2100 · Payroll Liabilities 1,035.50 1,180.52

2120 · FICA2122 · Company 699.38 730.352124 · Employee 699.38 730.35

Total 2120 · FICA 1,398.76 1,460.70

2200 · Accrued Pastor Trip Expenses 52.00 3,000.002201 · Accrued Roof Repairs 2,987.50 5,000.002203 · Accrued Copier Savings 1,050.00 0.002204 · Accrued Youth Savings 7,435.32 0.002205 · Accrued Pearson Memorial 32,816.36 0.00

Total Other Current Liabilities 85,785.72 31,624.87

Total Current Liabilities 85,826.06 32,312.53

Total Liabilities 85,826.06 32,312.53

Equity3000 · Opening Bal Equity 128,890.38 128,890.383900 · Retained Earnings 215,728.92 231,242.45Net Income 275.05 (15,513.53)

Total Equity 344,894.35 344,619.30

TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 430,720.41 376,931.83

10:28 PM First Presbyterian Church of Cody

01/17/18 Balance SheetAccrual Basis As of December 31, 2017

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The Session served as the Board of Trustee’s during 2017. Officers appointed by the Session were: President: Joan Quick; Vice President: Sandy Klomparens; Secretary: Ole Sondeno; Treasurer: Wade Brown. Rae Eckley serves as an employed Financial Secretary in addition to her duties as Administrative Assistant. The annual fee was paid to the Wyoming Secretary of State to maintain the Wyoming non-profit corporation, First Presbyterian Church of Cody. The corporation was originally filed on March 2, 1906. The Trustees maintain a safety deposit box at the First Bank of Wyoming. James Reilly, CPA, PC, was retained and performed “Financial Agreed upon Procedures” for the corporation for the year ended December 31, 2016. Elders completing terms in 2017 are: Chris Bingley, Sandy Klomparens, Cathy Aardema, Brett Reed and Joan Quick. Deacons completing terms in 2017 are: Kathy Wormald, Joy Hall and Janalyn Schultz. Respectfully submitted, Joan E. Quick    


Building and Grounds Committee  

2017 Report 


Members:  Roy Bruce, Tom Klomparents, Tracy Wormald, Curt Scott and Luke Montgomery 

Building and grounds had a busy and good year.  The year began with us saying goodbye to Doug 

Williams and welcoming Curt Scott to the committee.   

Room 6 in the education wing was re‐carpeted 

Ventilation fans in the education wing were installed 

Roof repair was finalized 

o Dusty from Everlast Roofing will inspect annually to ensure a lasting and quality product 

o Preventive maintenance (removing pine needles from roof) will need to take place once 

or twice a year) 

 Concrete work on the east side of the building 

B&G hosted two tree pruning work days which both had very good turn outs and we got a pretty 

good handle on a lot of the properties overgrowth 

Our relationship with the Veritas organization continues 

o This year they brought our playground area up to code for their use 

Old lock by the kitchen door was gradually failing throughout the year.  Please thank the 

Presbyterian Women for graciously donating a new lock.   

Some concerns moving forward: 

Carpeting/flooring throughout the building 

o Kitchen tiles are coming up 

o Buswell Hall hallway carpeting  

o Buswell Hall restrooms need new tile 

o Sanctuary carpet is beginning to show some significant wear in areas 

Parking lot surface is an ongoing concern 

Tree Pruning will need to happen annually  

These lists are an overview of the larger items completed by the committee and its members this 

past year.  The list of small, every‐day tasks completed by the committee’s members, the congregation 

at large and church employees is so vast that I won’t attempt to list them or even claim knowledge of 

them all.  The selfless donation of time, effort and monies by these individuals to the church is truly 

humbling to witness.  The session and church are truly blessed to have such individuals working for our 

betterment and I cannot say enough to thank them. 

Respectfully submitted, 



Luke Montgomery   


First Presbyterian Church Cody Wyoming Christian Education Committee 2017 Annual Report

The Christian Education committee was comprised of Christian Education Director Tammy Scott, active elders Bret Reed and Jack Atkins and congregation members Kathy Reed, Sean Murray, Tracy Wormald, Annette Phillips and Paula Dimler. We generally met monthly on the 1st Monday of the month. We didn’t meet in June. Our 2017 budget was $3500. We were under that by more than $1500, due to some generous contributions to Camp Wapiti. Our budget for 2018 is $2600. Winter/Spring 2017 classes were:

Wednesday Nights: Adult Book Study – Christian Caregiving – Taught by Paula Dimler & Mary Bingley,

8-12 Attended 8th-12th Grades – Taught by Tammy Scott, 4-8 attended Elementary School – Taught by Kathy Reed & Annette Phillips, 3-5 attended

Sunday: Scotland Adult Study – Taught by Pastor Montgomery, 8-16 attended High School Sermon Discussion – Taught by Tammy Scott, 3-4 attended Confirmation – Taught by Luke Montgomery & Quincy Sondeno, 3 attended Elementary School – Taught by Sarah Thomas & Patti Smith, 3-5 attended Faith Weaver Curriculum was used for the elementary and middle school classes

• Senior High Mission Trip to the Bahamas in early April with 2 adults & 4 youth. • Teacher were recognized on Sunday April 16th and May 14th. • NIV Adventure Bibles were presented to Grace Good-Jensen, Emily Eckert & Jolene

Anderson, Abigail Leach, Sunday Schuh and Niko Skoric. • NIV Life Application Bibles were presented to confirmation students, Sarah Murray,

Henry Thomas & David Reed. • Graduating Seniors, Jackson Corr & Elise Seuferer, were honored with a reception on

May 28th. • Camp Wapiti was held in early June with 8 boys and 1 girl attending, not all from our

church, and a lot of volunteers at Pastor Montgomery’s on the North Fork.

Fall 2017 classes were: Wednesday Nights:

Adult Book Study – Christian Caregiving – Taught by Paula Dimler & Mary Bingley, 6-12 Attended

High School – Taught by Tammy Scott, 3-6 attended Elementary School – Taught by Kathy Reed, 3-5 attended

Sunday: Adult Book Study “A Long Obedience in the Same Direction” – Taught by Pastor

Montgomery, 8-14 attended High School Sermon Discussion – Taught by Tammy Scott, 3-5 attended 4th – 6th Grades – Taught by Tyler Henry with Marilyn Faber as backup, 2 attended 2nd – 3rd Grades – Taught by Sarah Thomas & Patti Smith, 4-8 attended Preschool – 1st Grades – Taught by Mary Phillips & Nancy Horn, 5-10 attended Faith Weaver Curriculum was used for the youth classes except sermon discussion.


ANNUAL REPORT Congregational life Committee The Congregational life committee is the primary social organization in the church. We prepare, the Wednesday night dinners and usually present at least one activity per month. The committee consist of two members from the session and other members of the church. At the present the Session members are Patty Brus and Chris Bingley. Members of the committee are, Gayle Cory, Susan Cory, Tammy Scott, Janet Zundel, Mary Bingley, Patty Brus and Chris Bingley. Servers are Jim & Brenda McNeill Clean up kitchen crew are Roy & Mina Holm, Dennis Spargur. Special occasion Cook assistants are Donna Holder, Jim McNeill, Kay Soulek and Nancy Horn. We have served between 30 and 40 for Wednesday night dinners, averaging 35, prepared 4-to 6 meals for the Chuck Wagon program. Some of the activities were: Movie night at the church Jan 28th, Soup at 6 PM, movie following. Cosmic Bowling 25th Feb 8 PM soup 7 PM, bowling later. Movie Night "Hacksaw Ridge" March 25. 7 PM Game night April 22 carry in/potluck Meal 6 PM Bunco Game Night 7 PM. Church Picnic on Sept 10th a 11 AM. Open House at Pat’s October 29th Movie night November 18th. Pizza and salad at 6 PM, movie at 7 PM. Table games and carols after dinner, December 20th 6:00 PM We have been able to perform our duties within the budget.



Evangelism and Mission Annual Report, 2017  Committee Members: Tammy Scott – staff Sarah Thomas, Elder/Moderator Roy Holm, Elder/Co‐Moderator Otto and Mary Phillips Connie Fisher Coletta Kewitt   The E&M committee is responsible for the development and promotion of local and worldwide mission programs.  The committee is also responsible for evangelism efforts to the community.  We work closely with the Board of Deacons to provide for the needs of the poor in our community.    The committee contributes financially to a number of organizations and individuals.  This year we have donated funds to the following local programs:  Food 4 Kids, Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS), Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Spirit Mountain Hospice, and the Brookdale project to fund Alzheimer Research.   Internationally, we supported David Cole from the Gillette Presbyterian Church in his mission work in Africa and helped fund the youth group with their mission work in the Bahamas.          The E&M committee also offers opportunities for our church members to assist others in the congregation and the community through several hands‐on missions.  The Handy Man mission and Move In mission support people with some of the everyday chores that they may require help to complete.  This year we added Snow Buddies to help with snow removal in the community.  We continue to support the Jubilee Mission with their building and ground improvements.  Food 4 Kids involves many members of our congregation and it is only with everyone’s help that we have been able to expand and provide food over the weekend for approximately one hundred seventy children in Cody.  The E&M committee also garners monies from our budget to pay for advertisements via newspaper and radio to get the word out about community outreach programs that take place throughout the year.    Our total budget for 2017 was $17,350.  We consider the work of our committee a vital part of the greater church and thank the committee and the congregation for all of their support.    Respectfully submitted,  Sarah Thomas Roy Holm 



2017 Annual Report

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Committee Members:

Pat Montgomery, Pastor and Head of Staff

Elder, Sandy Klomparens Peggy Farman

Elder, Ole Sondeno Craig Barsness (Partial Year)

Konnie Haman Dave Shultz

Church Staff:

Pat Montgomery, Pastor and Head of Staff

Rae Eckley, Administrative Assistant and Financial Secretary

Tammy Scott, CE Director and Nursery Supervisor

Vacant, Treasurer

Roy Bruce, Custodian

Darla Bruce, Custodian

Jonene Geile, Music Director

Wendy Corr, Worship Leader

Tim Schoessler, Pianist and Organist

The committee handles all personnel matters for the church. In this respect, Wade Brown resigned as our Treasurer in December of 2017. Debbie Kousoulos was hired as the new Treasurer and will begin in January of 2018. No other staff changes have occurred in 2017. Our congregation is very fortunate to have such a dedicated and talented staff! Thank you to all of the staff for the extraordinary work each of you do.

The committee also reviews and approves the monthly financial reports. Bills are paid on a weekly basis as the Treasurer’s schedule allows. The committee heads the stewardship drive, which has become a more continual, year-around process starting this year and we hope the congregation has found benefit therein. We also propose the annual budget to Session, which then goes to the Congregation for acceptance.

The 2017 budget, projected income of $300,000.00 and expenses of $337,023.95, thus predicting that we would use $33,588.95 of reserves. For the year ended December 31, 2017, our income was $304,396.33 and our expenses were $304,316.51, leaving a final net income of $79.82. Our total assets as of December 31, 2017, were $430,599.44. Our reserve account of $227,094.52 was not touched. Our committees have continued to be excellent stewards of the money entrusted to them, especially during these continued challenging financial times.


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2017 Annual Report

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The 2018 budget predicts income from pledges of $199,852 and our best estimate of unpledged amounts and interest and dividends making up the remainder of our budgeted 2018 income of $303,287. We rejoice, thanking God and every member of our fantastic congregation, who have made the commitment and pledged to the church for 2018.

The total budgeted expenses for 2018 are predicted to be $302,663.76. For 2018, the Committee is able to present a balanced budget to the congregation! We show a final net income of $623.24 for 2018.

God continues to take care of our congregation and for that and so much more, we give Him thanks and praise. We also encourage each and every one of you to seek out God’s guidance as we move forward, together, as one family with Jesus as our leader. If you have not made a pledge for 2018, it is not too late! Please fill-out a pledge card and simply return it to the church office.

Thank you to the committees and staff for their continued hard work.

In His Name,

Ole Sondeno, Elder

Sandy Klomparens, Elder


2017 Worship Committee Annual Report

The 2017 Worship Committee was led by Elder Moderator Joan Quick. Other committee members included Elder Cathy Aardema, Kay Soulek, Vieune Revolinski, and Jack Eckley.

The goal of this committee in 2017 was to provide inspiring worship services that included traditional hymns, contemporary song, prayer, and powerful relevant messages. The committee was supported in this goal by the talents of Pastor Pat Montgomery along with creativity of worship leaders Jonene Geile and Wendy Corr. Special thanks go out to Jack Atkins and Tammy Scott who filled the pulpit when Pastor Pat was taking his well-deserved vacations.

Worship Committee organized weekly children’s time to a growing number of children attending worship. In October a Children’s Time workshop was conducted to further enhance the learning experience of our youth and to recruit new volunteers to join Deb Clow, Marilyn Faber, Judith Spargur, Roy Holm, Roger Kearns, and Jim McNeil who were faithful facilitators of Children’s Time throughout the year.

The Easter season was celebrated throughout the forty days of Lent and included an Ash Wednesday service, Holy Week services, and an Easter morning sunrise service.

The celebration of our Lord’s birth began on December 3rd, the first Sunday of Advent, and commenced with a candle light service on December 24th. Each week of Advent, a family was selected to read a message during the lighting of the Advent Candles and each service was designed to reflect on the journey that cumulated with the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

It has a pleasure of this committee to serve the needs of the congregation throughout 2017.

Respectfully submitted:

Cathy Aardema - Elder





The 2017 Nominating Committee members are: Patty Brus, Jack Eckley, Joy Hall, Tracy Wormald and Jack Atkins

The committee members worked long and hard to finish the work assigned to them.

Meetings were held almost weekly from June through November

There were 4 Elders rotating off the Session at the end of 2017.

To fill these vacancies and others, the following persons agreed to nomination and installation as Elder for 3 year terms:

Connie Fisher Mary Phillips Jonene Geile

To replace active Elders who have had a change in circumstances the following persons have agreed to nomination and installation as Elder for the terms indicated:

Peggy Farman – a two year term

Vieune Revolinski – a 1 year term

There were 3 Deacons rotating off the deacon Board at the end of 2017The following persons have agreed to nomination and installation as Deacon for 3 year term:

Chris Beers

Karen Snyder

Jan Bensink


To replace an active Deacon who has had a change in circumstances, the following person has agreed to nomination and installation as Deacon for the term indicated:

Judy Bates – a 2 year term

The following persons have agreed to nomination and installation as members of the 2018 Nominating Committee:

Rod Soulek – at large member

Allison Leach – at large member

Patty Brus – Elder member

Jack Atkins – Elder member

Hugh Currah – Deacon member

The work of the Committee will continue into 2018 to seek out and place dedicated persons in positions of service in First Presbyterian Church of Cody

Respectfully submitted:

Jack Atkins


BOARD OF DEACONS – ANNUAL REPORT TO THE CONGREGATI0N -2017 Members: Deb Clow, (moved from Cody) Hugh Currah, Virginia Donnelly, Amy Eckert, Joy Hall*, Mary McDonald, Janalyn Shultz*Quincy Sondeno & Kathy Wormald* Welcoming for 2018 - Karen Snyder, Judy Bates, Chris Beers, & Jan Bensink * indicates outgoing In 2017 the Deacons provided the following services to the congregation and community: We arranged for servers, prepared the elements, and coordinated monthly church communion. We assisted Pat with Outreach Communion once a month at Brookside Assisted Living and WPH Long Term Care Center by providing servers and gatherers. We reported the information to the clerk. Special services – We coordinated several funeral luncheons, & celebrations of life by preparing, & serving lunch, coffee & cookies. We assisted the families when needed with planning and preparation for those fellowship times. We served for the families of Betty Mollet, Johnavieve Hamilton, Ken Wood, Rod Kolar, Martha Kinkade, Jerry Allen, Allen & Annette Phillips & Margaret Nelson. They were all part of our church family and are missed very much! We offered & provided rides to church for those who were unable to drive themselves. In April we provided meals for the Volunteer Medical Clinic Staff (8-10 adults) we prepared & delivered the meal each Thursday for the month. We prayed with the staff as they began their weekly work with patients. The Card Ministry sent out anywhere from 40 - 50 cards a month - birthday, get well, sympathy & encouragement for a total of about 500. Assistant requests - we had around 25 financial assistance requests which were reviewed, and voted upon - we screened those applicants and investigated to determine whether we could help - we have limited our help to only rent & utilities rather than $ for cell phones or hospital expenses etc. We have also limited the amount we provide to any one applicant to $400. The money never went to the


applicant but to the utility company or a rental agency or landlord. The total allocated for financial assistance was $12,000 and of this we used about $4000. We think the decline in number of applicants is due in part to our limiting the number of total times we grant assistance. We had formerly had people who came to us once a year for assistance. We have now told them that we are unwilling to continue to grant funds when their situation has not been resolved in several years. (We encourage them to have a plan of action that requires a change from them) We worked closely with Christ Episcopal Church & St. Anthony’s Catholic Church to help where we could. We collected and delivered food monthly to the Cody Cupboard – 200-300 lbs. In November we organized food for complete Thanksgiving Dinners for 20 needy Cody families and delivered them to the DFS office. The Cody Lions Club ordered and donated the 20 turkeys for this project. Our congregation provided the rest We delivered chuck wagon meals for those who requested meals after and illness or surgery and some on a regular basis for those in need. Incoming Deacons attended the December 11, 2017 meeting to learn about their responsibilities and to share a meal with the other Deacons. Joy Hall, Janalyn Shultz & Kathy Wormald prepared the meal which was served before the regular meeting. We want to thank our generous congregation for the financial contributions as well as their willingness to support the projects of the Board of Deacons. Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Wormald – Moderator 12/17


2017 Report of Presbyterian Women Cody, WY

The purpose of Presbyterian Women (P.W.) is to nurture our faith through prayer, Bible study

and the support of missions both locally and world wide. We work for justice and peace, and

endeavor to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens our church and

witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom.

Our twenty two members met monthly September through May for Bible study and fellowship.

We also had social meetings throughout the year and invited other members of our congregation

to join us. We enjoyed our February Love Feast, a Birthday brunch in May, summer picnic, our

October Welcome Back luncheon and a Christmas party.

During 2017 we provided four meals for the Wednesday evening program, hosted a birthday

party in February for residents at the Long Term Care facility, hosted the World Day of Prayer

and the Fall Meeting of the Presbyterian Women of Wyoming District IV. Additionally

members participated in the Heritage Museum’s “Celebrating Cody’s Heritage” event and

organized meals for the May meeting of the Presbytery of Wyoming.

Our annual Fall Festival is held on the first Saturday in November. We offer for sale numerous

craft items, Christmas decorations, plus bakery items, pies and frozen home made soup. We

encourage those attending to enjoy a complimentary beverage and cookies while they shop and

visit with friends and family. The profits from this event, in addition to the offerings donated at

our meetings are used to fund our scholarships and support both local and world wide missions.

In 2017 the Presbyterian Women provided a Cody High School graduating senior with a $750.

scholarship. This year’s local missions donation of $2200 included the Cody Cupboard, Cody

School district, the Council on Aging, Crisis Intervention Services, Food 4 Kids, Jubilee Inner

Town Ministries, the Park County Library’s Summer Reading Program and the Long Term Care

Center. We donated infant care items to the Serenity House for distribution to expectant mothers;

and provided snack food items to the participants of the April mission trip. We also supported

our church by providing 50 copies each quarter of “These Days” devotional booklets, and we

donated funds to provide a new keyless entry lock for the kitchen area door.

Our non-local missions giving totaled $1665. which included support of the Presbytery World

Wide Mission, the Healthy Women, Healthy Families Program of the PC(USA) which funds

fistula surgeries for women in impoverished areas, and World Vision, a Christian organization

providing world wide humanitarian relief programs.

Presbyterian Women are an important and dynamic component of the First Presbyterian Church

Cody. New members are welcome at any time.

2017 Elected Officers:

Moderator: Laura Briesmeister Vice-Moderator & Programs: Joan Wright

Secretary: Nancy Horn Treasurer: Ginny Donnelly/ Sandy Klomparens

Historian: Kathe Williams Circle Moderator: Joyce Skoric


Mission Statement

of the First Presbyterian Church

Cody, Wyoming February, 2013

Jesus said, (Matthew 28:18-20) “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. Remember, I am with you always, even to the very end of the age.” In response to this charge, and aware that all that we have, all that we are, all that is good comes from God, we, the Family of First Presbyterian Church of Cody, Wyoming commit to do the following… We will live in grateful response to God’s goodness. We will live to serve God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. We will respect, honor, and be good stewards of God’s creation. We will tell the story of Jesus, because he saves us. We will seek and teach God’s truth in Scripture, for it is God’s Word. We will share grace, because in Him, we receive grace. We will seek the Spirit’s guidance, because our own ways lead to destruction. We will be humble, for we are not perfect, but God is. We will pray and care for one another, for by ourselves we are lost. We will strive to see the image of God when we look at ourselves and others. We will recall Jesus’ special love for the lost, the weary, the hungry, the homeless, the prisoner, and the outcast, and We will take every opportunity to share that love.

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