
FIS ISS – International Ski Federation Injury Surveillance System

FIS Injury Surveillance SystemWHY? We are concerned

about the risk of injury among elite athletes

We want to protect the health of our athletes

Objectives – FIS ISS Overall aim

to reduce injury rates – through suggested changes in rules and regulations, equipment or coaching techniques

Specific objectives to monitor injury risk & patterns in all FIS

disciplines over time across disciplines

to provide background data for in-depth studies of the causes of injury for specific injury types in specific disciplines, such as serious knee and head injuries in alpine skiing and snowboarding

Injury surveillance





2006-2007 season

Covers all FIS races,but main focus:

World Cup competitions

Injury Surveillance System

Injury definition:

“All injuries that occur during official training or competition and require

attention by medical personnel”

Roles and responsibilities- Who needs to do what?

We are asking TDs to:1. collect the Injury Reports for all injuries

occurring during competition or official training at their event To obtain the technical medical information:

enlist the help of a medically trained individual (e.g. race doctor), whenever available

2. check whether tapes or videos were taken of the injury by team coaching staff or others Provide contact information, if possible


Please complete the Injury Report – even if you do not have any medical information!

If possible, ask the race doctor to complete the injury reports – prior to the start of the event!

Event and athlete information as on the TD form

Injury information: To be completed by/with medical personell, if possible. If not, check ”information not available”

If possible, provide contact information so that we can obtain missing medical information

Technical informatio

n about the race!

Multiple choices for course & weather


Please indicate if a video is available of the injury & contact information

How? Presentations available

electronically (

Injury forms are available from the FIS web site – same as other TD forms

World Cup: Please fax or e-mail within 3 days

Other events can be sent by regular mail

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