  • 7/26/2019 FIU - Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Special Tests and Pathologies


    Thoracic and LumbarThoracic and Lumbar

    Spine Special TestsSpine Special Testsand Pathologiesand Pathologies

    Orthopedic Assessment IIIOrthopedic Assessment III Head, Spine, and Trunk Head, Spine, and Trunk

    with Labwith Lab

    PET !"#$PET !"#$,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
  • 7/26/2019 FIU - Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Special Tests and Pathologies


    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    Spring Test%Spring Test% Test Positioning:Test Positioning:

    Subject is proneSubject is prone

    Examiner stands with thumbs or hypothenarExaminer stands with thumbs or hypothenar

    eminence over the spinous process of a lumbareminence over the spinous process of a lumbarvertebraevertebrae

    Action:Action:Apply a downward springing! force through theApply a downward springing! force through the

    spinous process of each vertebrae to assess anterior"spinous process of each vertebrae to assess anterior"

    posterior motionposterior motion Positive #inding:Positive #inding:

    $ncreases or decreases in motion at one vertebrae$ncreases or decreases in motion at one vertebrae

    compared to another %hypermobility or hypomobility&compared to another %hypermobility or hypomobility&,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
  • 7/26/2019 FIU - Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Special Tests and Pathologies


    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    'erve (oot'erve (oot

    $mpingement:$mpingement: 'arrowing of'arrowing of

    intervertebralintervertebralforamen:foramen: StenosisStenosis

    #acet joint#acet joint



    intervertebral discintervertebral disc,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
  • 7/26/2019 FIU - Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Special Tests and Pathologies


    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
  • 7/26/2019 FIU - Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Special Tests and Pathologies


    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    'erve (oot $mpingement Tests:'erve (oot $mpingement Tests: &alsal'a Test%&alsal'a Test%

    Test Position:Test Position: Patient seated* examiner standing next to patientPatient seated* examiner standing next to patient

    Action:Action: Subject ta+es a deep breath and holds while bearingSubject ta+es a deep breath and holds while bearing

    down as if having a bowel movementdown as if having a bowel movement

    Positive #inding:Positive #inding: $ncreased spinal or radicular pain due to$ncreased spinal or radicular pain due to intrathecalintrathecal


    ,ay be secondary to a space"occupying lesion %i-e-,ay be secondary to a space"occupying lesion %i-e-herniated disc* tumor* osteophyte in lumbar canal&herniated disc* tumor* osteophyte in lumbar canal&

    Comments:Comments: $ncrease in intrathecal pressure may result in$ncrease in intrathecal pressure may result in pulse* .pulse* .venous return* / venous pressure %di00iness and1orvenous return* / venous pressure %di00iness and1orfainting&fainting&,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
  • 7/26/2019 FIU - Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Special Tests and Pathologies


    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    'erve (oot $mpingement Tests:'erve (oot $mpingement Tests:(ilgram Test%(ilgram Test%

    Test Position:Test Position: Patient supine* examiner at feet of the patientPatient supine* examiner at feet of the patient

    Action:Action: Patient performs a bilateral straight leg raise to thePatient performs a bilateral straight leg raise to the

    height of 2 to 3 inches and is as+ed to hold theheight of 2 to 3 inches and is as+ed to hold theposition for 45 secondsposition for 45 seconds

    Positive #inding:Positive #inding: Patient unable to hold position* cannot lift the leg*Patient unable to hold position* cannot lift the leg*

    or has pain with testor has pain with test $mplications:$mplications:

    $ntrathecal or extrathecal pressure causing an$ntrathecal or extrathecal pressure causing anintervertebral disc to place pressure on a lumbarintervertebral disc to place pressure on a lumbarnerve rootnerve root,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
  • 7/26/2019 FIU - Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Special Tests and Pathologies


    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    'erve (oot $mpingement Tests:'erve (oot $mpingement Tests:)ernig*s Test%)ernig*s Test%

    Test Position:Test Position: Patient supine* examiner at side of patientPatient supine* examiner at side of patient

    Action:Action: Patient performs a unilateral active straight legPatient performs a unilateral active straight leg

    raise with the +nee extended until pain occursraise with the +nee extended until pain occurs After pain occurs* the patient 6exes the +neeAfter pain occurs* the patient 6exes the +nee

    Positive #inding:Positive #inding: Pain in the spine and possibly radiating into lowerPain in the spine and possibly radiating into lower


    Pain relieved when patient 6exes the +neePain relieved when patient 6exes the +nee $mplications:$mplications:

    'erve root impingement secondary to bulging of'erve root impingement secondary to bulging ofthe intervertebral disc or bony entrapment7the intervertebral disc or bony entrapment7irritation of dural sheath7 irritation of meningesirritation of dural sheath7 irritation of meninges,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
  • 7/26/2019 FIU - Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Special Tests and Pathologies


    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    'erve (oot'erve (oot$mpingement Tests:$mpingement Tests:)ernig+rud-inski)ernig+rud-inski


    Patient actively 6exesPatient actively 6exesthe cervical spine %liftsthe cervical spine %liftsthe head&the head&

    )ip unilaterally 6exed)ip unilaterally 6exed%no more than 85%no more than 8555&&

    9nee than 6exed to no9nee than 6exed to no

    more than 85more than 8555 %& / pain with nec+%& / pain with nec+

    and hip 6exion7 painand hip 6exion7 painrelieved when +nee isrelieved when +nee is6exed6exed,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
  • 7/26/2019 FIU - Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Special Tests and Pathologies


    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    'erve (oot $mpingement Tests:'erve (oot $mpingement Tests: .nilateral Straight Leg /aise Test.nilateral Straight Leg /aise Test

    0Lasegue Test1%0Lasegue Test1%

    Test Position:Test Position: Patient supine* examiner standing at testedPatient supine* examiner standing at tested

    side with the distal hand around the subject;sside with the distal hand around the subject;sheel and proximal hand on subject;s distalheel and proximal hand on subject;s distalthigh %anterior& < maintains +nee extensionthigh %anterior& < maintains +nee extension

    Action:Action: Examiner slowly raises the leg untilExaminer slowly raises the leg until

    pain1tightness noted or full (=, is obtainedpain1tightness noted or full (=, is obtained Slowly lower the leg until the pain orSlowly lower the leg until the pain or

    tightness resolves* at which point dorsi6extightness resolves* at which point dorsi6exthe an+le and have subject 6ex the nec+the an+le and have subject 6ex the nec+,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
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    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    Straight Leg /aiseStraight Leg /aiseTest%Test% Positive #indings:Positive #indings:

    >eg and1or low bac+>eg and1or low bac+

    pain occurring withpain occurring with?# and or nec+?# and or nec+6exion is indicative6exion is indicativeof dural involvementof dural involvementand1or sciatic nerveand1or sciatic nerveirritationirritation

    >ac+ of pain>ac+ of painreproduction with ?#reproduction with ?#and1or nec+ 6exion isand1or nec+ 6exion isindicative ofindicative ofhamstring tightnesshamstring tightnessor S$ pathologyor S$ pathology,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
  • 7/26/2019 FIU - Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Special Tests and Pathologies


    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    'erve (oot $mpingement Tests:'erve (oot $mpingement Tests: 2ell Straight Leg /aising Test%2ell Straight Leg /aising Test%

    Can be used to di@erentiate betweenCan be used to di@erentiate between

    sciatic nerve irritation or a herniatedsciatic nerve irritation or a herniatedintervertebral disc that is irritating theintervertebral disc that is irritating the

    nerve rootnerve root

    Test Position:Test Position: Patient supine* examiner standing atPatient supine* examiner standing at

    una@ected side7 one hand grasps under theuna@ected side7 one hand grasps under the

    heel while other is placed on anterior thighheel while other is placed on anterior thigh

    to stabili0e the leg in extensionto stabili0e the leg in extension,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
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    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    2ell Straight Leg2ell Straight Leg

    /aise Test%/aise Test%Action:Action:

    Examiner raises theExaminer raises the

    leg by 6exing the hipleg by 6exing the hip

    until discomfort isuntil discomfort is

    reported %+nee +eptreported %+nee +ept

    in full extension&in full extension&

    Positive #inding:Positive #inding: Pain is experiencedPain is experienced

    on the side oppositeon the side opposite

    that being raisedthat being raised,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
  • 7/26/2019 FIU - Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Special Tests and Pathologies


    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    'erve (oot $mpingement Tests:'erve (oot $mpingement Tests: 3uadrant Test%3uadrant Test%

    Test Position:Test Position:

    Patient standing with feet shoulder widthPatient standing with feet shoulder widthapartapart

    Examiner stands behind the patient* graspingExaminer stands behind the patient* grasping

    the patient;s shouldersthe patient;s shoulders

    Action:Action: Patient extends the spine as far as possible*Patient extends the spine as far as possible*

    than sidebends and rotates to a@ected sidethan sidebends and rotates to a@ected side

    Examiner provides overpressure through theExaminer provides overpressure through the

    shoulders* supporting the patient as neededshoulders* supporting the patient as needed,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
  • 7/26/2019 FIU - Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Special Tests and Pathologies


    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    'erve (oot $mpingement Tests:'erve (oot $mpingement Tests: 3uadrant Test%3uadrant Test%

    Positive #indings:Positive #indings:

    (eproduction of patient;s symptoms(eproduction of patient;s symptoms $mplications:$mplications:

    (adicular pain indicates compression of the(adicular pain indicates compression of the

    intervertebral foramina that impinges on theintervertebral foramina that impinges on the

    lumbar nerve rootslumbar nerve roots

    >ocal pain %not radiating& indicates facet joint>ocal pain %not radiating& indicates facet joint


    Symptoms isolated to the area of the PS$S maySymptoms isolated to the area of the PS$S may

    indicate S$ joint dysfunctionindicate S$ joint dysfunction,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
  • 7/26/2019 FIU - Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Special Tests and Pathologies


    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    'erve (oot $mpingement Tests:'erve (oot $mpingement Tests: Slump Test%Slump Test%

    Test Position:Test Position: Patient sits over edge of table7 examiner is at sidePatient sits over edge of table7 examiner is at side

    of patientof patientAction:Action:

    %& Patient slumps forward along thoracolumbar%& Patient slumps forward along thoracolumbarspine* rounding the shoulders while +eepingspine* rounding the shoulders while +eepingcervical spine neutralcervical spine neutral

    %2& Patient 6exes cervical spine7 Clinician holds%2& Patient 6exes cervical spine7 Clinician holdspatient in this positionpatient in this position %4& 9nee is actively extended%4& 9nee is actively extended %B& An+le is actively dorsi6exed%B& An+le is actively dorsi6exed %& (epeat on opposite side%& (epeat on opposite side,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
  • 7/26/2019 FIU - Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Special Tests and Pathologies


    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    Slump Test%Slump Test% Positive #indings:Positive #indings:

    Sciatic pain orSciatic pain or

    reproduction ofreproduction of

    other neurologicalother neurological


    $mplications:$mplications: $mpingement of$mpingement of

    the dural lining*the dural lining*spinal cord* orspinal cord* or

    nerve rootsnerve roots

    4ote% Patient per5ormsA$TI&E knee e6tension and,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
  • 7/26/2019 FIU - Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Special Tests and Pathologies


    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    Test for PatientTest for Patient

    ,alingering:,alingering: ,alingering < medical,alingering < medical

    and psychological termsand psychological terms

    that refers to anthat refers to an



    g their level ofg their level of

    symptomssymptoms #inancial compensation#inancial compensation


    Avoiding wor+Avoiding wor+

    =btaining drugs=btaining drugs

    Attract attention orAttract attention or

  • 7/26/2019 FIU - Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Special Tests and Pathologies


    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    Test for Patient ,alingering:Test for Patient ,alingering:Hoo'er Test%Hoo'er Test%

    Test Position:Test Position: Patient supinePatient supine Examiner at feet of patient with hands cuppingExaminer at feet of patient with hands cupping

    the calcaneous of each legthe calcaneous of each leg

    Action:Action: Patient attempts to actively straight leg raise onPatient attempts to actively straight leg raise on

    the involved sidethe involved side

    Positive #indings:Positive #indings: Patient does not attempt to lift the leg andPatient does not attempt to lift the leg and

    examiner does '=T sense pressure from theexaminer does '=T sense pressure from theuninvolved leg pressing down on the handuninvolved leg pressing down on the hand

    Patient is not attempting to perform the testPatient is not attempting to perform the test,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
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    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    Test 4ote% E6aminer should be standing at 5eet o5patient with their hands cupping the heels o5 each,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
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    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation




    Sensory TestingSensory Testing

    >> $nguinal area %just below inguinal$nguinal area %just below inguinalligamentligament

    >2>2 ,id"thigh %medial&,id"thigh %medial&

    >4>4 ,edial +nee %just above superior,edial +nee %just above superiorpole of patella&pole of patella&

    >B>B ,edial aspect of lower leg* medial,edial aspect of lower leg* medialan+le* big toean+le* big toe

    >> Top of foot %an1or blow head ofTop of foot %an1or blow head of

    Lower 3uarter 4eurological ScreenLower 3uarter 4eurological Screen,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
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  • 7/26/2019 FIU - Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Special Tests and Pathologies


    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    'erve (oot'erve (oot

    >evel>evel,otor Testing,otor Testing

    >> )ip 6exion)ip 6exion

    >2>2 )ip 6exion)ip 6exion

    >4>4 9nee extension9nee extension

    >B>B ?orsi6exion?orsi6exion>> reat toe extensionreat toe extension

    SS Plantar6exionPlantar6exion

    S2S2 'A'A

    Lower 3uarter 4eurological ScreenLower 3uarter 4eurological Screen,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
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    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation





    >B>B PatellarPatellarTendonTendon

    >> PatellarPatellar


    SS AchillesAchilles


    S2S2 AchillesAchilles


    Lower 3uarter 4eurological ScreenLower 3uarter 4eurological Screen,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
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  • 7/26/2019 FIU - Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Special Tests and Pathologies


    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    abinkski*s Test%abinkski*s Test% Test Position: athlete supineTest Position: athlete supine Athletic Trainer Position: AtAthletic Trainer Position: At

    the foot of the athlete holdingthe foot of the athlete holdinga blunt tool %re6ex hammer&a blunt tool %re6ex hammer&

    Procedure: (ub the tool upProcedure: (ub the tool up

    bottom of athlete;s footbottom of athlete;s footstarting at the calcaneus andstarting at the calcaneus andending at the great toe-ending at the great toe-

    Positive test: reat toePositive test: reat toeextends while other toesextends while other toessplay-splay-

    $mplications: >esion of upper$mplications: >esion of upper

    motor neurons* may bemotor neurons* may becaused by trauma to the braincaused by trauma to the brain

    Comments: This re6ex occursComments: This re6ex occursnaturally in newborns-naturally in newborns-)owever* this re6ex should)owever* this re6ex shouldcease Guic+ly after birth-cease Guic+ly after birth-,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
  • 7/26/2019 FIU - Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Special Tests and Pathologies


    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    Erector SpinaeErector Spinae

    (uscle Strain%(uscle Strain% Common low bac+Common low bac+


    ,=$:,=$: )istory of heavy or)istory of heavy or

    repetitive liftingrepetitive lifting

    Signs1Symptoms:Signs1Symptoms: Aching bac+Aching bac+

    PainPain with passive andwith passive andactive 6exion* resistedactive 6exion* resisted


    'eurological Evaluation:'eurological Evaluation: 'egative results'egative results,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
  • 7/26/2019 FIU - Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Special Tests and Pathologies


    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    8acet 9oint :;s5unction%8acet 9oint :;s5unction% Pathology of facet joints < B5H of all chronicPathology of facet joints < B5H of all chronic

    low bac+ painlow bac+ pain Iague signs1symptoms:Iague signs1symptoms:

    =ften resemble other low bac+ pathologies %i-e-=ften resemble other low bac+ pathologies %i-e-strain1spasm of paraspinal muscles* nerve rootstrain1spasm of paraspinal muscles* nerve rootimpingement* disc degeneration&impingement* disc degeneration&

    $nvolvement:$nvolvement: ?islocation1sublocation of facet:?islocation1sublocation of facet:

    Tends to loc+! the involved spinal segmentTends to loc+! the involved spinal segment%hypomobile vertebrae&%hypomobile vertebrae&

    #acet joint syndrome: %in6ammationacet joint syndrome: %in6ammation& Causes: repetitive stress through movement or loadingCauses: repetitive stress through movement or loading

    ?egeneration: %arthritis&?egeneration: %arthritis& Causes: undeDned historyCauses: undeDned history .. intervertebral foramen si0e %nerve root impingement&intervertebral foramen si0e %nerve root impingement&,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
  • 7/26/2019 FIU - Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Special Tests and Pathologies


    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    8acet 9oint :;s5unction%8acet 9oint :;s5unction% )istory:)istory:

    =nset < insidious=nset < insidious

    Pain characteristics < locali0edPain characteristics < locali0ed

    ,=$ < extension* rotation* lateral bending of,=$ < extension* rotation* lateral bending ofvertebraevertebrae

    Predisposing conditions < repeated motions of spinalPredisposing conditions < repeated motions of spinal

    extension* rotation* lateral bendingextension* rotation* lateral bending

    $nspection:$nspection: Patient may assume posture that . pressure onPatient may assume posture that . pressure on

    a@ected facetsa@ected facets

    Palpation:Palpation: Possible local muscle spasm %paravertebral muscles&Possible local muscle spasm %paravertebral muscles&,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
  • 7/26/2019 FIU - Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Special Tests and Pathologies


    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    8acet 9oint8acet 9oint:;s5unction%:;s5unction% >igamentous Tests:>igamentous Tests:

    Spring Test < pain* .Spring Test < pain* .

    motionmotion 'eurological Tests:'eurological Tests:

    'ot applicable'ot applicableunless secondaryunless secondarynerve rootnerve rootimpingement occursimpingement occurs

    Special Tests:Special Tests: Juadrant Test %&Juadrant Test %& $ntervertebral disc$ntervertebral disc

    lesions %"&lesions %"&,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
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    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    8acet 9oint :;s5unction%8acet 9oint :;s5unction% $nitial Treatment:$nitial Treatment:


    $nstruct patient to avoid$nstruct patient to avoidpostures1movements that irritate facetspostures1movements that irritate facets

    ,odalities < moist heat* e"stim* ice to .,odalities < moist heat* e"stim* ice to .muscle spasmmuscle spasm

    Therapeutic Exercises:Therapeutic Exercises: Stretching and strengthening:Stretching and strengthening: >ow bac+>ow bac+AbdominalsAbdominals )ip 6exors* hip extensors* hamstrings)ip 6exors* hip extensors* hamstrings,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
  • 7/26/2019 FIU - Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Special Tests and Pathologies


    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    Inter'ertebral :iscInter'ertebral :iscLesions%Lesions%:isc :egeneration%:isc :egeneration%

    >oss of water from>oss of water from

    nucleus pulposusnucleus pulposus .. cushioning abilitycushioning ability

    // stress load onstress load onannulus Dbrosusannulus Dbrosus Small tears occur toSmall tears occur to

    annulus %scar tissueannulus %scar tissue

    formation < not asformation < not asstrong as normalstrong as normaltissue&tissue&

    Kulging of nucleusKulging of nucleuspulposuspulposus,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
  • 7/26/2019 FIU - Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Special Tests and Pathologies


    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    Inter'ertebral :iscInter'ertebral :isc

    Herniation%Herniation% Extrusion ofExtrusion of

    nucleus pulposusnucleus pulposus

    through annulusthrough annulusDbrosusDbrosus $mpingement1pressur$mpingement1pressur

    e on nerve root belowe on nerve root below

    a@ected disca@ected disc


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    (/I lumbar image%

    L+S< disc has su=ered a

    #mm disc e6trusion 0redarrow1 that is not contained b;the PLL

    L>+ disc has su=ered asmaller >mm disc protrusion0green arrow1 that is

    contained b; the PLL

    L?+> 0blue arrow1 iscompletel; normal and has nodisc material pro@ectingposteriorl; into the epiduralspace

    4ote% L?+> disc is white incolor, which indicates it isnondegenerated 0iBeB, 5ull o5water and health;proteogl;can1

    Herniated discs0L>+ C L+S

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    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
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    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    Lumbar :isc :egeneration%Lumbar :isc :egeneration% )istory:)istory:

    =nset < insidious or may be related to single=nset < insidious or may be related to singleepisodeepisode Krea+down of disc is related to repetitive stress7 >astKrea+down of disc is related to repetitive stress7 >ast

    episode < Dnal failure an annulus Dbrosus to containepisode < Dnal failure an annulus Dbrosus to containnucleus pulposusnucleus pulposus

    Pain characteristics < a@ected vertebrae7Pain characteristics < a@ected vertebrae7compression of spinal nerve root leads to paincompression of spinal nerve root leads to painin low bac+* buttoc+s* radiating into thigh*in low bac+* buttoc+s* radiating into thigh*

    calf* heel* footcalf* heel* foot ,=$ < repetitive loading of disc,=$ < repetitive loading of disc Predisposing condition < history of lumbarPredisposing condition < history of lumbar

    spine traumaspine trauma,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
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    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    Lumbar :isc :egeneration%Lumbar :isc :egeneration% $nspection:$nspection:

    Slow A$TSlow A$T

    #lattened lumbar spine#lattened lumbar spine Changes in body position < guarded andChanges in body position < guarded andpainfulpainful Sitting L standing 1 sitting L lyingSitting L standing 1 sitting L lying

    Changes in disc pressureChanges in disc pressure

    Standing position:Standing position: >ateral shift away from side of leg pain>ateral shift away from side of leg pain

    Palpation:Palpation: ,usculature spasm,usculature spasm,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
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    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    Lumbar :isc :egeneration%Lumbar :isc :egeneration% #unctional Tests:#unctional Tests:

    >imited (=, in all directions>imited (=, in all directions

    ,ovement in one direction may relieve or .,ovement in one direction may relieve or .

    symptomssymptoms 'eurological Tests:'eurological Tests:

    >ower Guarter screen>ower Guarter screen

    Special Tests:Special Tests:

    Straight leg raising* Mell straight leg raising*Straight leg raising* Mell straight leg raising*,ilgram* Sciatic and femoral nerve tension tests,ilgram* Sciatic and femoral nerve tension tests

    ?iagnostic Tests:?iagnostic Tests: ,($,($,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
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    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    Inter'ertebral :isc :egeneration%Inter'ertebral :isc :egeneration%Surger;Surger; Spinal 8usion%Spinal 8usion%

    Melding 2 or more vertebrae togetherMelding 2 or more vertebrae together Cause of bac+ pain %motion betweenCause of bac+ pain %motion betweenvertebral segments& spinal fusion may be avertebral segments& spinal fusion may be away to prevent motion and stop the painway to prevent motion and stop the pain TechniGue %basics&:TechniGue %basics&:

    Small pieces of extra bone Dlls space between twoSmall pieces of extra bone Dlls space between twovertebrae %pelvic bone* allograft bone&vertebrae %pelvic bone* allograft bone& ?isc removed?isc removedMires* rods* screws* metal cages or plates may beMires* rods* screws* metal cages or plates may be

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    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
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    Articial disc replacement% :isc is placed in the disc space throughArticial disc replacement% :isc is placed in the disc space through

    an abdominal incisionF the articial disc then maintains mobilit; inan abdominal incisionF the articial disc then maintains mobilit; in

    the spine and as such protects the ad@acent disc 5rom acceleratedthe spine and as such protects the ad@acent disc 5rom accelerateddegeneration and 5urther surger;degeneration and 5urther surger;

    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
  • 7/26/2019 FIU - Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Special Tests and Pathologies


    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    $auda EGuina S;ndrome%$auda EGuina S;ndrome% Anatomy: spinal cord ends at the lower edge ofAnatomy: spinal cord ends at the lower edge of

    the st lumbar vertebrathe st lumbar vertebra >umbar and sacral nerve roots form a bundle>umbar and sacral nerve roots form a bundlewithin the spinal canal below the conus medullariswithin the spinal canal below the conus medullaris

    CES < nerves within the spinal canal have beenCES < nerves within the spinal canal have beendamaged7 nerves supplying muscles of legs*damaged7 nerves supplying muscles of legs*bladder* bowel and genitals do not functionbladder* bowel and genitals do not functionproperlyproperly

    'umbness* loss of sensation %damage usually'umbness* loss of sensation %damage usuallypermanent&permanent&

    Congenital causes:Congenital causes: Spina biDda %abnormality in closure of spinal canal&Spina biDda %abnormality in closure of spinal canal& Tumors of the cauda eGuinaTumors of the cauda eGuina

    AcGuired causes of Cauda EGuina Syndrome:AcGuired causes of Cauda EGuina Syndrome: $njury %spinal fractures&$njury %spinal fractures& Secondary to medical proceduresSecondary to medical procedures,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
  • 7/26/2019 FIU - Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Special Tests and Pathologies


    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    8emoral 4er'e Stretch8emoral 4er'e Stretch

    Test%Test% Tests for nerve rootTests for nerve root

    impingement at >2* >4* >Bimpingement at >2* >4* >B

    Test position:Test position: Patient prone with a pillowPatient prone with a pillow

    under the abdomen7under the abdomen7

    examiner at side of patientexaminer at side of patient

    Action:Action: Examiner passively extendsExaminer passively extends

    hip while +eeping +neehip while +eeping +nee

    6exed to 856exed to 8555

    Positive test:Positive test: Pain in anterior and lateralPain in anterior and lateral

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    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    Sciatica%Sciatica% eneral term for anyeneral term for any

    in6ammation involvingin6ammation involvingsciatic nervesciatic nerve

    Causes:Causes: >umbar disc herniation>umbar disc herniation S$ joint dysfunctionS$ joint dysfunction Scar tissue around nerveScar tissue around nerve


    'erve root in6ammation'erve root in6ammation Spinal stenosisSpinal stenosis Synovial cystsSynovial cysts Cancerous orCancerous or

    noncancerous tumorsnoncancerous tumors,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
  • 7/26/2019 FIU - Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Special Tests and Pathologies


    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    Sciatica%Sciatica% Signs and Symptoms:Signs and Symptoms:

    (adiating pain(adiating pain

    ,uscular wea+ness,uscular wea+ness

    Special Tests:Special Tests: Straight leg raise testStraight leg raise test

    Tension signTension sign

    Treatment and (ehab:Treatment and (ehab: (esolve pathology that(esolve pathology that

    is irritating nerveis irritating nerve =ral anti"in6ammatory=ral anti"in6ammatory

    meds 1 corticosteroidsmeds 1 corticosteroids

    Exercises for strength 1Exercises for strength 1

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    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    Tension Sign%Tension Sign% Tests for sciatic nerve irritationTests for sciatic nerve irritation Test position:Test position:

    Patient supine7 examiner;s one hand grasps thePatient supine7 examiner;s one hand grasps the

    heel while other grasps the thighheel while other grasps the thighAction:Action:

    )ip and +nee 6exed to 85)ip and +nee 6exed to 8555

    9nee is then extended as far as possible with the9nee is then extended as far as possible with theexaminer palpating the tibial portion of theexaminer palpating the tibial portion of the

    sciatic nerve as it passes behind popliteal spacesciatic nerve as it passes behind popliteal space Positive Dnding:Positive Dnding:

    Tenderness and reproduction of sciaticaTenderness and reproduction of sciaticasymptomssymptoms,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
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    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
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    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    owstring Test% 0$ram Test1owstring Test% 0$ram Test1 Test position:Test position:

    Patient supinePatient supine


    Examiner performs a passive straight leg raise onExaminer performs a passive straight leg raise oninvolved sideinvolved side $f subjects reports radiating pain* examiner 6exes the$f subjects reports radiating pain* examiner 6exes the

    subject;s +nee to approximately 25subject;s +nee to approximately 2555in attempt toin attempt toreduce painreduce pain

    Pressure than applied to popliteal area to reproducePressure than applied to popliteal area to reproduce

    radicular painradicular pain Positive Dnding:Positive Dnding:

    Painful radicular reproduction with poplitealPainful radicular reproduction with poplitealcompressioncompression $ndicates sciatic nerve tension$ndicates sciatic nerve tension,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
  • 7/26/2019 FIU - Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Special Tests and Pathologies


    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    Spond;lol;sis%Spond;lol;sis% ?efect in pars interarticularis?efect in pars interarticularis

    %area between inferior and%area between inferior and

    superior articular facets&superior articular facets&

    ,=$ < repetitive stress,=$ < repetitive stress Nnilateral or bilateral defectsNnilateral or bilateral defects

    >isthesis:>isthesis: Posterior portion of thePosterior portion of the

    vertebrae* laminae* inferiorvertebrae* laminae* inferior

    articular surfaces* spinousarticular surfaces* spinous

    process separates fromprocess separates fromvertebral bodyvertebral body

    Collared Scotty dog! deformityCollared Scotty dog! deformity


    >ocali0ed mow bac+ pain %/>ocali0ed mow bac+ pain %/

    during1after activity&during1after activity&

    Pain with extensionPain with extension,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
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    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    Spond;lolisthesis%Spond;lolisthesis% Progression of spondylolysis LProgression of spondylolysis L

    separation of vertebrae %superiorseparation of vertebrae %superiorvertebrae slides anteriorly on the onevertebrae slides anteriorly on the onebelow it&below it& ?ecapitated Scotty dog! deformity:?ecapitated Scotty dog! deformity:

    )ead of the dog %anterior element of vertebrae&)ead of the dog %anterior element of vertebrae&has become detached from body %posteriorhas become detached from body %posteriorelement&element&

    Severity < amount of anterior displacementSeverity < amount of anterior displacement Epidemiology:Epidemiology:

    ,ost prevalent in women and adolescents,ost prevalent in women and adolescentsOoung gymnastsOoung gymnasts,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
  • 7/26/2019 FIU - Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Special Tests and Pathologies


    Lateral 'iew o5 thelumbar spine% ilateral

    break in the parsinterarticularis0spond;lol;sis blackarrow1L 'ertebral bod; 0redarrow1 has slipped

    5orward on the S

  • 7/26/2019 FIU - Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Special Tests and Pathologies


    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    Spond;lol;sis and Spond;lolisthesis%Spond;lol;sis and Spond;lolisthesis% )istory:)istory:

    =nset of pain:=nset of pain: $nsidious7 pain begins as an ache* / to constant$nsidious7 pain begins as an ache* / to constant

    painpain Characteristics:Characteristics:

    >umbar pain* radiating into buttoc+s and upper>umbar pain* radiating into buttoc+s and upperposterolateral thighposterolateral thigh

    ,=$:,=$: (epetitive stress %extension&(epetitive stress %extension&

    Predisposing conditions:Predisposing conditions: ,uscular imbalances,uscular imbalances (epetitive hyperextension activities(epetitive hyperextension activities

    $nspection:$nspection: // lordotic curvelordotic curveAltered A$TAltered A$T,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
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    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    Spond;lol;sis and Spond;lolisthesis%Spond;lol;sis and Spond;lolisthesis% Palpation:Palpation:

    Step"o@ deformity may be feltStep"o@ deformity may be felt Spasm of paraspinal musclesSpasm of paraspinal muscles

    #unctional Tests:#unctional Tests:A(=,:A(=,:

    #lexion < restricted* pain free#lexion < restricted* pain free Extension < painExtension < pain (otation and bending " pain(otation and bending " pain

    P(=,:P(=,: )ip 6exion < hamstring tightness)ip 6exion < hamstring tightness

    ((=,:((=,: Mea+ness of spinal erectorsMea+ness of spinal erectors,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
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    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    Spond;lol;sis and Spond;lolisthesis%Spond;lol;sis and Spond;lolisthesis% Special Tests:Special Tests:

    Pain with Spring testPain with Spring test

    S> stance test7 straight leg raises mayS> stance test7 straight leg raises mayproduce painproduce pain

    'eurological Exam:'eurological Exam: >ower Guarter screen %results typically>ower Guarter screen %results typically


    Comments:Comments: "ray* CT* ,($ %will di@erentiate between"ray* CT* ,($ %will di@erentiate between

    spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis&spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis&,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
  • 7/26/2019 FIU - Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Special Tests and Pathologies


    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    Single Leg Stance Test%Single Leg Stance Test% Test position:Test position:

    Patient standing with body weight evenlyPatient standing with body weight evenly

    distributed between the 2 feet7 examinerdistributed between the 2 feet7 examinerstands behind pt-stands behind pt-

    Action:Action: Patient lifts one leg* then places the trun+Patient lifts one leg* then places the trun+

    in hyperextension7 examiner may assistin hyperextension7 examiner may assist Positive test:Positive test:

    Pain in lumbar spine or S$ areaPain in lumbar spine or S$ area,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
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    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    Single Leg StanceSingle Leg Stance

    Test%Test% $mplication:$mplication:

    Shear forces are placedShear forces are placed

    on pars interarticularison pars interarticularisby iliopsoas pulling theby iliopsoas pulling the

    vertebrae anteriorlyvertebrae anteriorly

    Comments:Comments: Nnilateral fracture

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    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    Sacroiliac :;s5unction%Sacroiliac :;s5unction% )istory:)istory:

    =nset:=nset: Acute or insidiousAcute or insidious

    Pain characteristics:Pain characteristics: =ne or both S$ joints7=ne or both S$ joints7

    possibly radiating painpossibly radiating painin buttoc+s* groin* thighin buttoc+s* groin* thigh

    ,echanism:,echanism: Prolonged stressProlonged stress

    Predisposing conditions:Predisposing conditions: Postpartum womenPostpartum women

    %relaxin levels&%relaxin levels& )ormonal levels during)ormonal levels during

  • 7/26/2019 FIU - Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Special Tests and Pathologies


    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    Sacroiliac 9oint :;s5unction%Sacroiliac 9oint :;s5unction% $nspection:$nspection:

    >evels of iliac crests* AS$S* PS$S>evels of iliac crests* AS$S* PS$S Palpation:Palpation:

    Pain over S$ joints and PS$SPain over S$ joints and PS$S #unctional tests:#unctional tests:

    Trun+ 6exion %with +nees extended& will causeTrun+ 6exion %with +nees extended& will causemovement of the sacrum on the ilia %pain&movement of the sacrum on the ilia %pain&

    'eurological testing:'eurological testing:

    >ower Guarter screen>ower Guarter screen Special tests:Special tests:

    >ong sit7 S$ compression and distraction7>ong sit7 S$ compression and distraction7straight leg raising7 fabre7 gaenslen;s7 Guadrantstraight leg raising7 fabre7 gaenslen;s7 Guadrant,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
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    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    Sacroiliac 9oint StressSacroiliac 9oint Stress

    Test%Test% Test position:Test position:

    Subject supine7 examinerSubject supine7 examiner

    stands next to subject andstands next to subject and

    with arms crossed* placeswith arms crossed* placesheel of both hands on theheel of both hands on the

    subject;s AS$Sssubject;s AS$Ss

    Action:Action: Examiner applies outwardExaminer applies outward

    and downward pressure withand downward pressure with

    the heels of both handsthe heels of both hands Positive Dnding:Positive Dnding:

    Nnilateral pain at S$ joint orNnilateral pain at S$ joint or

    in gluteal1leg region isin gluteal1leg region is

    indicative of anterior S$indicative of anterior S$

    ligament sprainligament sprain,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
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    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    Sacroiliac 9oint StressSacroiliac 9oint Stress

    Test%Test% Test position:Test position:

    Subject side"lying7Subject side"lying7

    examiner stands next toexaminer stands next to

    patient and places bothpatient and places both

    hands %one on top of thehands %one on top of the

    other& directly over theother& directly over the

    subject;s iliac crestsubject;s iliac crest


    Apply downward pressureApply downward pressure Positive Dnding:Positive Dnding:

    $ncreased pain indicative$ncreased pain indicative

    of S$ pathology %possibleof S$ pathology %possible

    involvement of posterior S$involvement of posterior S$

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    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    Sacroiliac 9oint StressSacroiliac 9oint Stress

    Test%Test% Test position:Test position:

    Subject lying supine7Subject lying supine7

    examiner places bothexaminer places bothhands on lateral aspecthands on lateral aspect

    of subject;s iliac crestsof subject;s iliac crests

    Action:Action:Apply inward andApply inward and

    downward pressuredownward pressure

    Positive Dnding:Positive Dnding: $ncreased pain indicative$ncreased pain indicative

    of S$ pathology %possiblyof S$ pathology %possibly

    involving posterior S$involving posterior S$

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    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    Sacroiliac 9oint Stress Test%Sacroiliac 9oint Stress Test% Test position:Test position:

    Subject lying prone7 examiner placesSubject lying prone7 examiner places

    both hands %one on top of the other&both hands %one on top of the other&over subject;s sacrumover subject;s sacrum

    Action:Action:Apply downward pressure on sacrumApply downward pressure on sacrum

    Positive Dnding:Positive Dnding: $ncreased pain indicative of S$ pathology$ncreased pain indicative of S$ pathology,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
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    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    Patrick or 8AE/ Test%Patrick or 8AE/ Test% Test position:Test position:

    Subject supineSubject supine

    Action:Action: Examiner passively 6exes*Examiner passively 6exes*

    abducts* and externallyabducts* and externallyrotates the involved leg untilrotates the involved leg untilthe foot rests on the top ofthe foot rests on the top ofthe +nee of uninvolved lowerthe +nee of uninvolved lowerextremity7 examiner slowlyextremity7 examiner slowlyabducts the involved lowerabducts the involved lowerextremity towards the tableextremity towards the table

    Positive test:Positive test: $nvolved lower extremity$nvolved lower extremity

    does not abduct below leveldoes not abduct below levelof uninvolved sideof uninvolved side

    S$ pathology* iliopsoasS$ pathology* iliopsoastightnesstightness,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
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    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    aenslen*s Test%aenslen*s Test% Test position:Test position:

    Subject supine* lying closeSubject supine* lying closeto edge of table7 examinerto edge of table7 examinerstands at sidestands at side

    Action:Action: Slide patient to edge ofSlide patient to edge of

    table7 patient pulls far +neetable7 patient pulls far +neeup to the chest7 near legup to the chest7 near legallowed to hang over edgeallowed to hang over edgeof tableof table

    Examiner applies downwardExaminer applies downward

    pressure on near leg*pressure on near leg*forcing it intoforcing it intohyperextensionhyperextension

    Positive Dnding:Positive Dnding: Pain in S$ region indicatingPain in S$ region indicating

    S$ joint dysfunctionS$ joint dysfunction,HPIB:2005-17,HPIB:en
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    Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

    LongSitting Test%LongSitting Test% Test position:Test position:

    Subject supine* both hips and +nees extended7 examinerSubject supine* both hips and +nees extended7 examinerstanding with thumbs on subject;s medial malleolistanding with thumbs on subject;s medial malleoli


    Examiner passively 6exes both hips and +nees and thenExaminer passively 6exes both hips and +nees and thenfully extends and compares position of medial malleolifully extends and compares position of medial malleolirelative to eachotherrelative to eachother

    Subject slowly assumes the long"sitting position andSubject slowly assumes the long"sitting position andmalleolar position is re"assessedmalleolar position is re"assessed

    Positive Dnding:Positive Dnding: >eg appears longer in supine but shorter in long"sitting>eg appears longer in supine but shorter in long"sitting

    is indicative of an ipsilateral anteriorly rotated iliumis indicative of an ipsilateral anteriorly rotated ilium >eg appears shorter in supine but longer in long"sitting>eg appears shorter in supine but longer in long"sitting

    is indicative of an ipsilateral posteriorly rotated iliumis indicative of an ipsilateral posteriorly rotated ilium

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    =n"#ield Evaluation=n"#ield Evaluation

    )istory:)istory: >ocation of pain:>ocation of pain:

    >ocali0ed in vertebral column < disc rupture*>ocali0ed in vertebral column < disc rupture*

    sprain* facet pathologysprain* facet pathology

    (adiating pain into extremities < spinal nerve root(adiating pain into extremities < spinal nerve rootpathologypathology

    Pain parallel to vertebral column < muscle spasmPain parallel to vertebral column < muscle spasm

    Peripheral symptoms:Peripheral symptoms: 'erve root impingement'erve root impingement

    ,=$:,=$: (otational forces* hyperextension* repetitive stress(otational forces* hyperextension* repetitive stress

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    =n"#ield Evaluation=n"#ield Evaluation

    $nspection:$nspection: Position of athlete:Position of athlete:

    Supine < if spinal cord involvement suspected*Supine < if spinal cord involvement suspected*manage accordingly %spine board&manage accordingly %spine board&

    PosturePostureMillingness to moveMillingness to move 'eurological tests:'eurological tests:

    SensorySensory ,otor tests,otor tests

    Palpation:Palpation: Kony palpationKony palpation ParaspinalsParaspinals

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