  • 8/8/2019 Five Reasons Evolution Should Be Taught in Schools


    Five Reasons Evolution Should Be Taught in Schools

    By Chris A. Sosa

    1. Evolution is scientific. But isn't intelligent design just as scientific? No! A small group of scientists with

    ulterior motives have deceptively begun propagating "creation science" as a viable alternative to

    evolution. Lurking under this mask is the ever-present "creationism" doctrine of conservative

    Christianity. Evolution is a given in scientific circles with overwhelming evidence to support the concept.

    Even if evolution turns out to be entirely false, intelligent design's (read: "creationism's") comparable

    probability is ridiculously low and contradicts many observable scientific facts, such as the age of the

    earth, the development of human conscience, the presence of certain species at the same time as

    human beings, etc.

    2. Evolution promotes respect for life. Unlike the disaster scenario painted by opponents, the teaching

    of evolution helps to provide a moral foundation for children. By teaching our kids that they are a

    product of development, it becomes apparent that all l ife, not just human life, is valuable and should be

    protected. This also helps to instill a respect for life as the wonder that it is.

    3. Evolution is nonreligious. In a multi-cultural society, school systems must adhere to a secular code of

    conduct. Not to say that individuals are not free to practice their own beliefs, quite on the contrary; to

    be free to practice their beliefs, children cannot be forced to accept a religious answer that may conflict

    with their own.

    4. Evolution combats prejudice. In an age that still feels the sting of prejudice; teaching children

    evolution could do much to combat this bigotry. Rather than subjective morality, children are taught to

    decide right and wrong based on common good, as natural selection deems that "good behaviour" is

    that which promotes a species and "bad behaviour" is that which destroys it. In an evolved society, weare all related; black or white, Western or Eastern, male or female, Christian or Pagan, straight or gay, it

    doesn't matter, we all work to ensure our continued peace and survival.

    5. Evolution instils responsibility. With global climate change, poverty, and the like, human beings still

    seem to find a way to remain complacent. This is due to the worldview that we are not truly responsible

    for the world, rather God is. When we teach our children that they are responsible for their own

    behaviour and that this behaviour truly affects the world around them, we ensure a better life for future

    generations. If natural selection has any merit, then human beings are responsible for their own well-



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