  • 1. Connected Learners; Creating a global classroom #flatclassroom

2. Ann S. Michaelsen Sandvika high school, Norway @annmic 3. Skjermutklipp tatt: 19.09.2012 19:18 4. 900 students 1:1 school Block scheduling all day subjects from 8:30 13:15 Teaching without textbooks PLN building with social media: Twitter, Blogging, Skype, Facebook, YouTube, Internet during exams Our school our class 5. Why change? 6. WORK WITH COMPETANCY AIMS Competence aims International English Evidence of mastery: Describe the work you have done to show how you master the different competency goals. Here you might list themes you have worked with, text you have worked with. Assessment Written test= WT, Written assignment = WA, Oral presentation/test, =OT, Presentation =P, Multiple choice test= MC, Group discussion= GD, Blog entry= B or Wiki=W. Photo Story= PS, Video=V My own assessment using this grading scale High degree of competency = H, Fair degree of competency = F, Low degree of competency = L Competence aims - Language and language learning Competency goals: Evidence of mastery Assessment method and date of completion My own assessment Teachers assessment Give an account of fundamental features of English usage and linguistic structure Give an account of fundamental principles for constructing texts in a variety of genres Analyze linguistic tools in different kinds of texts Give examples of other varieties of English than those that are used in the Anglo-American core area, and reflect on their distinctive character 7. January to April 8. The creators 9. 4 STEPS TO CONNECT SKYPE TWITTER QUAD BLOGGING BLOGG 10. SKYPE 11. Skype with class in the USA earth day 12. TWITTER 13. USEFUL POINTS WHO YOU FOLLOW HASHTAGS LISTS

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