
Republic of the PhilippinesSUPREME COURTManilaEN BANCDECISIONNovember 1! 1"1"#$R$ No$ 1%&'ENCARNACION FLORENTINO, ET AL.! plaintiffs(appellants!vs$MERCEDES FLORENTINO, ET AL.! )efen)ants(appellees$Ramon Querubin, Simeon Ramos and Orense and Vera for appellants. Vicente Foz, Jose Singsong Tongson and Angel Encarnacion for appellees.TORRES, J.:On *anuar+ 1,! 1"1&! counsel for Encarnacion -to.ether /ith her husban) Simeon Serrano0! #abriel! Ma.)alena! Ramon! Mi.uel! 1ictorino! an) Antonino of the surname 2lorentino3 for Mi.uel 2lorentino! .uar)ian a) litem of the minor Rosario 2lorentino3 for Eu.enio Sin.son! the father an) .uar)ian a) litem of Emilia! *esus! 4our)es! Cari)a)! an) Dolores of the surname Sin.son + 2lorentino3 an) for Eu.enio Sin.son! .uar)ian of the minors *ose an) Asuncion 2lorentino! file) a complaint in the Court of 2irst Instance of Ilocos Sur! a.ainst Merce)es 2lorentino an) her husban)! as follo/s56hat Apolonio Isabelo 2lorentino II marrie) the first time Antonia 2a7 )e 4eon3 that )urin. the marria.e he be.ot nine chil)ren calle)! *ose! *uan! Maria! Encarnacion! Isabel! Espirita! #abriel! Pe)ro! an) Ma.)alena of the surname 2lorentino + )e 4eon3 that on becomin. a /i)o/er he marrie) the secon) time Severina 2a7 )e 4eon /ith /hom he ha) t/o chil)ren! Merce)es an) Apolonio III of the surname 2lorentino + )e4eon3 that Apolonio Isabelo 2lorentino II )ie) on 2ebruar+ 18! 1&"93 that he /as survive) b+ his secon) /ife Severina 2a7 )e 4eon an) the ten chil)ren first above mentione)3 that his eleventh son! Apolonio III! /as born on the follo/in. %th of March 1&"9$6hat of the )ecease) Apolonio Isabelo:s aforementione) eleven chil)ren! *uan! Maria an) Isabel )ie) sin.le! /ithout leavin. an+ ascen)ants or )escen)ants3 that Ramon! Mi.uel! 1ictorino! Antonio! an) Rosario are the le.itimate chil)ren of the )ecease) *ose 2lorentino /ho /as one of the chil)ren of the )ecease) Apolonio Isabelo3 that Emilia! *esus! 4our)es! Cari)a)! an) Dolores are the le.itimate chil)ren of Espirita 2lorentino! no/ )ecease)! an) her husban) Eu.enio Sin.son3 that *ose an) Asuncion are the chil)ren of Pe)ro 2lorentino! another son of the )ecease) Apolonio Isabelo 2lorentino$6hat on *anuar+ 1, an) 2ebruar+ 18! 1&"9! Apolonio Isabelo 2lorentino e;ecute) a /ill before the notar+ public of Ilocos Sur! institutin. as his universal heirs his aforementione) ten chil)ren! the posthumos Apolonio III an) his /i)o/ Severina 2a7 )e 4eon3 that he )eclare)! in one of the para.raphs of sai) /ill! all his propert+ shoul)be )ivi)e) amon. all of his chil)ren of both$6hat! in the partition of the sai) testator:s estate! there /as .iven to Apolonio 2lorentino III! his posthumos son! the propert+ mar

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