  • 7/31/2019 Florida Obama Ballot Challenge Natural Born Citizen Brief





    Plaintiff, )

    )vs. )

    ) Case No.: 2012CA00467

    BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, et. al. ))


    Defendants. )


    ____________________________________________ )



    Plaintiff has pled that Defendant Obama fails to meet the eligibility requirements for the

    Presidency of the United States. This brief sets forth the rightful definition of "natural born

    citizen," a requirement mandated by the Constitution, for eligibility to run for and hold the Office

    of the President of the United States ("Office of the President" or "POTUS" or "President").


    In founding this country, the framers took great care in drafting and setting forth a new

    form of government. The POTUS was established to become the leader of the nation. The

    framers knew that this office, and the person elected to hold it, would command great power.

    This elected President would be the Commander in Chief of the United States armed forces, and

    would negotiate treaties on behalf of all the states within the United States. In order to prevent

    even a slight hint of foreign influence the framers set forth stringent requirements, more stringent

    than for any other official positions within the United States government. The President of the

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    United States, they demanded, must be more than just a citizen. A citizen could be naturalized

    after arriving from another country. A citizen could be born to foreign parents within the United

    States soil. In either of these scenarios, this new "citizen" would, at least to some extent, hold

    allegiances to foreign nations.

    It was with this knowledge that the framers built in a more stringent requirement for

    POTUS. The President would need to be a "natural born citizen." The term "natural born

    citizen" was one who was born to two citizen parents. This term, used only once throughout the

    entire Constitution, is the built in safeguard that the framers included to ensure that no foreign

    influence would be allowed into the highest office of the United States.


    Any discussion of eligibility must begin with the original text. Article II, Sec. 1, Cl. 5 of

    the Constitution states:

    "No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States,at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of

    President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have

    attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within

    the United States."

    As set forth below, it is clear based on the laws of statutory interpretation that there is a separate

    and distinct meaning to the term "natural born citizen." It was with the specific intent of

    distancing the President from foreign influence that the framers included this requirement. The

    Supreme Court, in previously defining this term, has recognized the differences in the

    terminology and has established that a "natural born citizen" is one who was born to two citizen

    parents. Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. 162 (1875). In this landmark case, the Supreme Court

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    ruled that, "it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its

    citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also."Id. at 167.

    I. The Intent Of The Framers Of The Constitution Establish That "Natural Born Citizens"

    Are Those Born Within The Territory Of The United States To Two Citizen Parents

    A. Under The Principles of Statutory Construction, The Term "Natural Born Citizen"

    Must Be Defined Differently And Thus Has A Different Meaning Than The Term


    It is a fundamental principle of statutory interpretation that where two different and

    distinct terms have been used, each is to be given its own meaning. "As always, "`[w]here there

    is no clear intention otherwise, a specific statute will not be controlled or nullified by a general

    one, regardless of the priority of enactment.' ... Morton v. Mancari, 417 U.S. 535, 550 -551

    (1974). . . Any argument that a federal court is empowered to exceed the limitations [of a

    statute]. . . without plain evidence of congressional intent to supersede those sections ignores our

    longstanding practice of construing statutes in pari materia. See United States v. United

    Continental Tuna Corp., 425 U.S. 164, 168 -169 (1976); Train v. Colorado Public Interest

    Research Group, 426 U.S. 1, 24(1976)." Crawford v. Gibbons, 482 U.S. 437, 445.

    The rationale behind this rule is based on the intent of the statute's drafters. When

    undertaking the important task of crafting law, the drafters of a statute certainly choose their

    words carefully. The drafters' goal is to create a statement of the law that is as clear and concise

    as possible. Thus, when an idea has been memorialized in one word or phrase, the drafter uses

    that one word or phrase, and it alone, to communicate the idea, since the use of two or more

    words or phrases would risk creating an interpretive ambiguity that would threaten to defeat

    purposes of the law being drafted. It is the application of this principle that gives rise to the

    question presently before this court.

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    No statutory drafters undertook their task with greater care than the framers of the

    Constitution of the United States. Seeking to establish a new form of government, the framers

    engaged in over four months of rigorous debate. The fact that the result of their efforts spans a

    mere four pages is a testament to the framers' commitment to concisely stating the law and proof

    of their intention that every word be given meaning. Thus, the requirement that the President be

    a "natural born Citizen," a phrase used nowhere else in the Constitution, must be given a

    meaning distinct from the term "citizen," a word employed on its own ten times within the


    The context in which the framers use the unique phrase "natural born Citizen" further

    establishes their intention that it be distinguished from the term "citizen." Under Article II of the

    Constitution, eligibility to be President is only open to those who are "a natural born Citizen, or a

    Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution". This two-pronged

    approach to satisfying the citizenship requirement for presidential eligibility clearly establishes

    the fact that the framers contemplated a future citizen class distinct from "a Citizen of the United

    States." A "natural born Citizen" must, therefore, possess qualifications that "a Citizen of the

    United States" was unable to attain "at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution." Thus, it is

    necessary to identify these qualifications in order to define "natural born Citizen".

    Firstly, naturalization must be eliminated as a means of attaining "natural born Citizen"

    status because it was through naturalization that all "Citizens of the United States, at the time of

    the Adoption of this Constitution" became citizens, having previously been citizens of England

    or their various countries of origin. Therefore, it would be unnecessary to specify the two modes

    of acquiring citizenship. By eliminating naturalization, only two qualifications for "natural born

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    Citizen" status can remain: birth within the territory of the United States and two United States

    citizen parents.

    The first qualification of a "natural born Citizen," birth within the territory of the United

    States, could not have been attained by anyone prior to the founding of our country. Since the

    United States was hardly more than a decade old at the time the Constitution was drafted, the

    only persons that would meet this qualification would have been far too young to serve as

    President, thus necessitating the provision for "Citizens of the United States, at the time of the

    Adoption of this Constitution."

    The second qualification of a "natural born Citizen," being born to two United States

    citizen parents, was similarly unattainable by anyone prior to the founding of our country. This

    additional requirement was necessary, however, since many British citizens remained within the

    territory of the United States. As explained in greater detail below, the framers were acutely

    concerned about the danger of foreign influence in POTUS. By requiring a person to be born to

    two United States citizen parents, the framers insured that hostile foreign interests would not be

    able to infiltrate the highest office of our fledgling country through a child born to foreign

    citizens on United States soil.

    B. The Framers' Goals In Restricting Eligibility For The Office Of The President Require

    That "Natural Born Citizens" Be Born Within The Territory Of The United States To

    Two Citizen Parents

    At the time of the drafting of the Constitution, the United States was hardly more than a

    decade old. With the Revolutionary War still fresh in their minds, the framers of the

    Constitution were acutely aware of the country's susceptibility to foreign influence. In this

    regard, the framers were centrally concerned with the Office of the President.

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    On July 25, 1787, in a letter to George Washington, who had been elected to preside over

    the Constitutional Convention, future Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Jay states:

    "Permit me to hint, whether it would not be wise & seasonable to provide a strong

    check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national

    Government; and to declare expressly that the Command in chief of the Americanarmy shall not be given to, nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen."1

    Similarly, in Federalist 68, written in 1788, Alexander Hamilton, who himself was born

    outside of the United States, recognized the need for the stringent requirements for the Office of

    President of the United States:

    "Nothing was more to be desired than that every practicable obstacle should beopposed to cabal, intrigue, and corruption. These most deadly adversaries of

    republican government might naturally have been expected to make theirapproaches from more than one querter, but chiefly from the desire in foreignpowers to gain an improper ascendant in our councils. How could they better

    gratify this, than by raising a creature of their own to the chief magistracy of the

    Union? But the convention have guarded against all danger of this sort, with the

    most provident and judicious attention."

    Federalist 68. The danger contemplated by Jay and Hamilton is very real. As the events of the

    past two decades have taught us, hostile foreign powers are actively seeking to infiltrate our

    society. Take the example of John Walker Lindh, the young man from California who was

    recruited by Al Qaeda and fought against American forces in Afghanistan. Or Jose Padilla, an

    American citizen, born in New York, who was arrested on suspicion of plotting to detonate a

    "dirty bomb" in Chicago. Through the use of internet chat rooms, message boards and other

    interactive websites, terrorist groups continue to spread anti-American messages and recruit new

    American adherents to their violent mission to destroy our country.

    1Available at (last

    viewed on June 5, 2012) (Emphasis in original).
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    Situations such as these demonstrate the potential conflicts that could arise as a result of

    having a President with too close of ties to another country. With the revolutionary war fresh in

    their minds, it is these scenarios that the framers of the Constitution sought to avoid by requiring

    that the President be not only born within the territory of the United States, but also that both of

    his or her parents be United States citizens. The division of a President's allegiance gives rise to

    too great a danger to permit any lesser standard.

    II. The Term "Natural Born Citizen" Has Been Historically Understood And Interpreted

    To Require Birth Within The Territory Of The United States To Two Citizen Parents

    The term that a natural born citizen was one born in the country with two citizen parents,

    was the prevalent view of the time. In his landmark treatise "A Treatise on Citizenship,"

    Alexander Peter Morse definitively stated the accepted law on "natural born citizen," "A citizen,

    in the largest sense, is any native or naturalized person who is entitled to full protection in the

    exercise and enjoyment of the so-called private rights. The natural born, or native is one who is

    born in the country, of citizen parents." Morse, Alexander Peter,A Treatise on Citizenship pp. xi

    (1881) See Exhibit 1(Attached). "Under view of the law of nations, natives, or natural born

    citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens." Id. at 7.

    III. The Supreme Court Has Interpreted The Term "Natural Born Citizen" To Require

    Birth Within The Territory Of The United States To Two Citizen Parents

    In defining the terms "citizen" and "natural born citizen," the Supreme Court similarly

    followed the historical definitions. The definition of "citizen" was declared in the Fourteenth

    Amendment as "[a]ll persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the

    jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside." U.S.

    Cons. Amend. 14. "Citizen" was subsequently defined by the Supreme Court inMinor v.

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    Happersettas "a member of the nation, and nothing more."Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. 162,

    166 (1875).

    The Fourteenth Amendment, ratified in 1868, did not alter, or in any way address the

    term "natural born citizen." The Fourteenth Amendment was enacted simply to ensure that

    African Americans and their children would be considered citizens of the United States. The

    Fourteenth Amendment did not alter, nor even address, the presidential requirement of "natural

    born citizen."

    The Supreme Court has similarly made clear that "citizen" and "natural born citizen"

    were two distinct and separate terms. Less than a decade after the passage of the Fourteenth

    Amendment, the Supreme Court clarified that" all children born in a country of parents who

    were its citizens" were in turn "natural born citizens."Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. 162, 167


    The term "natural born citizen" was a more selective classification that required more

    than just birth on the soil. Natural born citizenship required both that the child was born on the

    soil of the country, and also that the child was required to meet the rule of descent or blood.

    The only other Supreme Court case that discusses the differences in the terminology is

    United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898). In Wong Kim Ark, the definition of

    "natural born citizen" was repeated from the earlierMinordecision. The Chinese parents of

    Wong Kim Ark were working within San Francisco, CA when their son was born. The parents

    had established a "permanent domicile and residence in the United States." The Court ruled that

    since the child's parents were not working as diplomats, and had no further allegiance to China,

    that the child was a "citizen" at birth. Yet the Wong Kim ArkCourt decided only that the child

    was a "citizen" as the litigants did not argue and the Court did not consider, claims that the child

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    was a "natural born citizen." Simply put, the definition of "natural born citizen" was not before

    the Court. The case only decided that the child was born a citizen, while at the same time

    reaffirming the definition of "natural born citizen" that was previously described inMinor.

    It is clear based on the decisions of bothMinorand Wong Kim Arkthat the Supreme

    Court has recognized the differing terms and differing meanings. Moreover, the Court also

    defined "natural born citizen" as a child born to two citizen parents. No decision from that point

    on, or Constitutional amendment, has ever altered the meaning that was understood at that

    particular time. The requirements for "natural born citizen" still remain as being born in the

    United States to two citizen parents. Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. 162; Morse, Alexander Peter,

    A Treatise on Citizenship.


    Under the rules of statutory construction, the unique phrase "natural born Citizen"

    contained in Article II of the Constitution must be defined differently than the term "citizen." In

    order to define this phrase, it is necessary to examine the context in which the phrase is

    employed as well as sources outside the Constitution as the Supreme Court found in Minor, since

    the Constitution does not contain definitions of its terms. By examining the context of the phrase

    "natural born Citizen" and the goals of the framers of the Constitution, it becomes clear that a

    "natural born Citizen" is one who is both born within the territory of the United States and born

    to two United States citizen parents. This definition is reflected in the common law of England

    in effect at the time of the drafting of the Constitution and thus has been confirmed by the

    Supreme Court of the United States.

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    Based on Supreme Court precedent, and the reasoning presented above, this court must

    hold that presidential eligibility, under Article II of the United States Constitution, requires both

    birth within the territory of the United States, as well as birth to two United States citizen


    Dated: June 11, 2012

    Respectfully submitted,

    /s/ Larry Klayman

    Larry Klayman, Esq.

    F.L. Bar No. 246220

    Klayman Law Firm2020 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Suite 800

    Washington, DC 20006

    Tel: (310) 595-0800

    Email: [email protected]

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    Exhibit 1

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  • 7/31/2019 Florida Obama Ballot Challenge Natural Born Citizen Brief



    I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true copy of the foregoing has been served by email and the U.S.

    mail this 11th day of June, 2012 to the following:

    Hon. Terry P. LewisCircuit Judge

    Leon County Courthouse

    Room 301-C301 S. Monroe Street

    Tallahassee, FL 32301

    Daniel Nordy

    Ashley E. Davis

    Florida Department of State

    R.A. Gray Building

    500 South Bronough StreetTallahassee, FL 32399

    Mark Herron

    Joseph Brennan Donnelly

    Robert J. Telfer, III

    Messer, Caparello & Self, P.A.Post Office Box 15579

    Tallahassee, FL 32317

    Stephen F. Rosenthal

    Podhurst Orseck, P.A.

    25 West Flagler Street, Suite 800

    Miami, FL 33130-1720

    Richard B. Rosenthal

    The Law Offices of Richard B. Rosenthal, P.A.169 East Flagler Street, Suite 1422

    Miami FL 33131

    James A. PetersOffice of the Attorney General

    FL-01, The Capital

    Tallahassee, FL 32399-1050

    Counsel for Defendants

    Respectfully submitted,

    /s/ Larry Klayman

    Larry Klayman, Esq.F.L. Bar No. 246220

    Klayman Law Firm

    2020 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Suite 800

    Washington, DC 20006Tel: (310) 595-0800

    Email: [email protected]

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