
Folder 1. MR 210 International Security OrganlzaUon, 24 March-8 Aprll1945.


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-~ 1111 IUUta&-7 Attaobe Lolldon ~

Yo 1 v.,. Dop.,.taoont


10ft 1 .. r. .. - - l~nurud ln -· AOIIOih 0-~

DlrO I 00 A/1

~ (5 ..... 115) -- Nl


,.,.., Tftl PJ(L,.,l.DDf

TO I ~Sf~

10 I 2l.e, )l. .wiDl 194}


l u.AnO\. con-cMl. !ram JUU t.h.e oane.rn w1UI •b.lch l '1'1•• t..he deft!~

.-t. of eYtnU of •t.uJ. inhre_..t, since OW' fruh.t\al ... at. ftJ.ta. o •

• • • • • 1 ~lh t oould conve1 t.o you how iaportAn\. 1\. h for tbt wocetttul

41tftl.op.tnt,.. or our P!"'ira.:a or collaboro•\.lon t.N.t. t.hh Polhh

quettlon b• •• ta.lrl:t .ad ept;.&J.y . tr 1a nQ1. done aU or~~ dit­

t1C<.&lt.t.•• and ~C"U \.o llli.ed unit)' 'tlhlch n b&d M alcb in alncl 1.n t'hcbin'

our d.chion •'- Crl.M.e 1dl.l f•~ u.s 1n an n.o _.,., 1tute tor-. You are,

1 • ..,.., aw.,.. tb• ~~ po;War 1111:pp0rt. !n \he Unit.~ Sbt .. b ~\

\.0 OUf'7 Mi\. flttr/ ~ pol1q fo.""'81p OT 4Deat.1Co The J.atrloa.n ~

a.M.e - Wlr Olll'l altld Uld no Ootr.,..._ul ~OD c.n Cbllft.l:• it.. 1 amUcn

&hh t&rt 'hcau.N UM l&.Jt. ~·nc. or ,our .,...,. u.t 'lr. llol.otO"J'•

nt.enc~At~c. at. b.n Pr.nciaco -~ • ~•r tlbether 701' 11"- t'\&ll ~ to

t.hh ra.ctor.

Jt.leutcl 010021.%.

TOP..UCIET - 1 -

f'lll:lil - nro;. U:O'T

10 1 1HI Pl1.d ll.Jfl~n:a

JO t 7~, )l. tuaQI 19t.S

• • •• • 1 hav. juet. recelvflly(Air 929, tnd u 1 concW" in fO\,&J" pr-~ed

••n•a• 1 h•v• unt. ain• t.o St.alin • •

..... til PUD miiiDII


10 I 92ft 3J. IIABal 191.5

Poll..,na b t.ut ot ....... I propooo to Mftd to Stal111. Pleue let

M llllaor at. 71111 \11111k. I wUl not 1111d 1t ott t.W I hN.r t~ 7"" 1

"PriM to Maribel et..un. 'feN wUl bJ llaor I bopll ..... Noeiftd t.IM -Nil tr<a t.IM President.

ot tile ~·• *lob be - pod IDfNIIa t.o ....,. to • betore he e111t lt.

It. 18 - _, ¥7 • bobalt ot lb IIAJM\7' e Oclr--t. to ... .,... 7"" t.h&

tile k c:.biDet. dMS.N • to ...... to 71111 CNI" wboleh-...ted endor.-t ot

Ulll _..... ot PrHid•'•• lllll U.t. •• -Lot.• oareelYee with it in ita

.ur.t.T· • • • • • "'ffie I'Naid.- bao olio 1'-l • ••eace• *icb have paoaed bet-n

Ida lad 71111 a'IIINt. 11a1111...- llol.GtoY' • inabUiQ> to be preoent ot the canteNnce

a,_ PNDalloo . .. bed bapl4 pre-• t.bero of t.hl t.hrM FCI'eil" 111n1.­

t..w llitll' llaft 1M t.o a olMfDII of aAJ ot tbl d1tf1Ciilti11 *iob 1\aYI

ll1urllrd ..- w ill a ._ .S.. ov lllipp7 lllll llopotlal ..W.. at. Jalta. le

liD lilt lws&UW ~ ill _, 1111' tile lllliCb' ot plbllc ..--. *icb llt.i<•

"' ....... .,. ,_ Ida t.o ,_sa ill .....

llf.tiDt • I'Nd ..... I Wo - al'allk wit.h t.lle -•11""'•• of

.,.. •• 11 t.o Ida. ._ be 111P .. tile MI.U. people a1o0· eppl111 t.o

1 h<ollovo lt •ould he doairoblt to onnounco for th• benefit of t~e ~articlpatln• sovornotnt. ond l ''" 1nlorulod publlo tho opp<>1nl.monu •h1oh thlo GovornMnl 11 obhrod lo ulto ill conntotion wlt.h tho prtlia1nary arr&DbiUIJ\-Y for the conference,

AI you know it. is cua\.Ot::&ry for \..~t Che of l it Dolo&tlloa of t he hon country to lMo dtt~oted 'itaporary Prttidtnt. of a.n Utt..ern.aUonll conftrtcct &Dd I ..,, ... t.bere!or• lhal yo1.1 eill •1ab u to ••r•• Ia lhU co;>acHy.

It. 11 l1U•U• inca.beot u CD t.bu Covernatnt. to dooinalo U.. Soerot.&ry Goctrol of l'lo eonforooco • ho will bt ill eh&r't of t.h4 oreaolta'ion an.1 oJa1nlo­t.ratiOA of l" .. eorrl't.rtnCe MCHtAir 1Al. J rK~nd lhat .... Alctr Hlu , Diroclor, Off.oe of Speolol PoliUcol Affolro, of Sloto1 lMo to fill lhh

r.:1Uoo. 11lh yo-Jr approval, 1 obould lMo clod \o ljplott lho otbor off1coro of lh<o Soerolor !at up<>n

tho rooo-ndollon of lho Socret.ary Gonarol.

Jo'IU\. repn .. l\•U at 0. Wt& Ccd'al"'_. indJ.U'*'

thei:r eNt ire \o ra.i.a• at. u. !&:1 J'r&DI;;!.I:eo Coctanae• ot \.he tl\1\.ed.


\be q'\:IIIU.Oft o! npr .. •ntation fer t.M: ~nian Mrtat. Jtapubllc.

&tid \.M 1'1\1\4 1\UUL&tl !OYL..t. R*pu.bUc in t.hl AtHIIb~ Of the Jli'Opolecl

UniWd tltUorA Of'1jlfi1Ut.1on.

fht .... riun and Npnllt!iU.\.i'IU At. thl 'i'al"'- COnf~rtnc•

,..,.. "Cl'JIItWCI. by \.he $a'f'Ut npreeent.oat.iv.a \0 •~o~pp«\o \.hit FOJ)O .. l

whln tuWt.Wd t.o U. Ccm!lt'tDCt ot the Unltod Naticu a\. &u 1r&no1aco.

thl7 •crt-. \o do eo but. U. A.mer1c:&:l "F•"nw.u.v .. 1\ol~, 1f t.hl

tbi\N •non~ C)rc&a.llat.i.oo apoMd. to J..t. the SO.Ut Jttpc.bl1ca b&n u.-e.


\be tal~ $t&\4t ~ ut !orr t.hree Yot41 &lao.

11:1t •lU..h -' acrl•\. r~t.a\.1.,.. '""Wid t.Mt. U.7 ..W

..,.,. 1110 objacUoa t.o \till t7aitad r .. ue ud tu pouteaJ.GM »•llle u.r-.e

""' l.rL the .taHIIIbl1 11 it. U eo ~. !be,. COQW'InatiliJU at nlt.a ul.a\ed to U. l'l&'babtion or a

... tUOft t.o the Slln Fr&nolaoo Coat.noc. w!lerl t.hl vl\.~W dul.alon rill

.. -.

Ya:W• 'nil ~UJDlf

10 I 1tCI 1'114 GbTD

I() I 7Z71 29 ~ 1~,


n.. r~, ln:t.e:rdl.u1,;• or ~•&a&e• t..t-•.- iianl'ltl n..lln and

JV*elt h Q\IICI'l.ecS tor 10V' lrlto.natioa~

WO'[l. Pr.aldent. to Karahal St.altft, 2i. lU..r-cb 19,;,.5.

Mbu••r ~~o has ju.rt infoi"CCId t.he St..a' • ~tnt ot t.he ~

potition of Ute Sovht. d.alegAllOI'I to U11 San Pra.nchoo Conttrtn¢t. QUe we

have V\1 h.1Jheet. f't&&rd tor knban4dor O~o' • eh.llnocl.u and etplbil1Uu

a.nd lenow Lhat. he would abl1 rtpr.•tnt hh oowt.-t.tT, I uMot. help bt:tna deepl1 t.Nt. atr. Wolot.ov ap.,arentl.-7 does not. plan to st.hn4. Rtcal.Urc

UM trl~ r.nct !N1U\&l ooopen.t.ion •t Tlolt.a Mtr.<Hn •r. Molotov, ill'. 14M,

and Mf', S\.t\UDt_.., I «nnOII' t.b• S.eret..:.r7 or SL lt 'vi• ~ l.ookin1 torn.rd

\.o oontl~Ninc \.be joint. wortt b u- -- tplrit. n !Ml Yruchoo tor

ewaw&l n&l.hat.lon o! Olir st.-! pl., UM enllbll._,t ot .n .... o~ .. uan. t.o l:ml.. .... a Mo.aN and .,...ut\al l'l.toa~ !or U.


11\.hout. \ht p~e" o! Kr. llol.ot.o. the CaU'tf't.IWie tdll b1 Uprl ¥Wd or

a nt7 cr•t. uaet.. It h.b Pl' .. .tnc &nd "rtt.'7 r .. pon,LbWtJ.e• 11'1 tAe &orl1t.

Un.tCift Mice h. lapofslble tor h.La t.o at.o.,- !or t..hl eut.lrt Conttrence, l vu7

~Mach Mpt' tn.t. 7W 1d.U t1nd it po .. 1bb t.o ltt. hb 00111 a\ ltut. Col'" Lht o~o~e::rnlJ\1: .. ulont. 51nce ill spcneortn, powtr• ancJ \ohe uJorhr or at.her

countri•• •t.t.ndinJ wUl t. Npnuc~ b)' t h1r IU.n1nen ot foNtcn ltt-.lrt1

I • a.r,.id W\ Itt• llolot4•' • ab•~ee w.1ll be eoun•t..~ •U ov•r tt.• •orl4

- 1 -



... act or 1A1...,-.~\. 2l the ;.rt of t.IM &ovl~ Co<w•nult.\. 1n

\.he pot&\ oCJK\1'f .. ot ~ Ccn!e:rtnt":e. ta.PO!L

~L t&Artbal lt.al1n t.o P.,..dl!~, 47 Jbrch.

We U11"C:M1.7 ~\le and •ttacb IJ"''lt. Uport:.nce to \.he !ortheaa.l.ftc

(.;cnftt«\U u. ~ }tafldKO, call to t«:Dd \.he lnt.•rr.a.t.ional orpn.l .. Uoro Q!

peace Mid MCIU.rS.t.r tor peoJU-• but. dr~t.ancea n.v. <'•'~'•lo • ..:1 11'1 INdl a _,.

t.hat. Ur. V. M. !lolotov, rca.llt, h aot. able tQ ~Udi-4t.t Ln the c:onr..,..,u.

t a.nd Mr • .,ol.ot.o'l re,l"e'L it. u:t.~lJ' brt. t.he c«wtnill&, on ,..,ueot. or the

dep\IUt• or the ~P"M Soviet., 1n April , or a aeaalotla of t.l'lt tl\lpruae :»ovil-1.

of th• Ub.til ..... ,.. \.he t:-r .. ence or • .wolot.ov h AbiiOlutel)' ntCt'IIUI")', ..

.xelu.~ t.he poul~Ut.7 of l'd.a pa.rt.ids-Ucm "~ 1A t.he tlnt .. et.1nl;a o!

the t;ont.nn ee.

You al10 :cnow \bat. .hbt.aa.4or 0~1l.o t.u Qldte wceeur.ll7 ace~

i~.lht:e4 bh UW 1ft~ C)I.Jts a.d • a.N C-qlfUtr.t ... wUl td\0

cr-t ~• t...,. Ule ~- cS.leg:&Ucm to ~a:n PNnctno.

u n...,..U 'foU"lOia w~~u.or.•, )"C* ~ret#.l'ld, t.hh ...aDO\.

dt'Lt...S.M UM ded.atcc- •bid:! ..:. \0 he ~. ~.

-2 -


nota ~ J. '. Sf.t.1.IJ

fO I P'ml&llltt r. IL II)(W.l.I>L!

btl!'ll a? ~ 1945

•• •xt...-.J..r nlue .cd •ttAocb Jr"t.• \o t.b• rort.hcolaln&

Canltr"lftC• 1A $.n P...ncl•eo, e.U..CS to fou.nd tlM lAt•rnnional Ol'"CMLiW.UM

or pMU tnd ••Nrlt.)' for peoplu but d.rcuaat.~neu h•n d•vtlo.,.cl in

w eb • wq t.hl\. .llr. V. "· l&oloto•, ~ut, it not abl• \.0 particlpt.t.t 1n

\h COf\fe .... nce, J lAd ltr. lilol.oi.-OY re,gret 1t. ut.r...:J.¥ 'IN\. th• C.OI1Vl'llinlo

on nqvelf\.. or \..he de~e• ot SUpreroe Soriet., in AprU, of a ••u1cn•

of the ~· Sorle\. or the: ossa ,..,,.. pr .. tJnce of .wr. Woloto• 1•

ab~l.7 nee._,_.,., h the poedb111t7 ot 1\h ....,.Udpuloa ~

1n ttnt. ... u.Qp ot $he eoar.,..,ee.

To. U.O Jcn• U..t. ~•ador Gt"'Oqko hd cpdt.e e\10-oee•r.ll.t .e..­

pl.iaiM4 hh t.e.11t 1.a o..but.oo Ou• aM. " are contlct.ll. Vu .. tdU tdt.b

v-t wcc••• be&d \be Soor-l et. o.lqatlott 1tt S..O hmd.ICIO·

Ae rtllrd• •U'tou.• 1J:ot.~t1ou., you Wlde:ret.Md, u.t• ~

de\•.nd.Ae t.h• dMid.on• liMdl ..,.. t.o b. .act..

- 1-


m I till PIISIIllft

10 I 9251 27 Ilardi l9j,S

• • • • • 7• lbat .J.eo do :rca Mile ot llolot.oY1 a withdrawal troa San

hwloiHO! It. l•vee e bed SapreNion on ... Doe• 1t. _,. that the

........ ve FiDe t.o 111111 aut or an the7 t.I'Jin& t.o blacllaaU ua? AI

w llave botll __.etood t.Ma. o..bart.oD OM•, Cich will !ora

tiM llule ot dle-dan at Ball, are baMCI on t.he cca>cepUCft ot

........... -~. U DO aala -~ al8t.a an Pot.d, 11111cb 1a att.r all a -.lor pro­

lila ot tiM poA ar Mt.u-t.-t.o eq DOtldA& ot the ot.ber utters juat

.-tiaad •t., it. wU1 les!U•ntel7 be ulcK, are the proapecta or aucce ..

ot tiM - wrld or.,.U.t.l•t Alld U 1t. IIOL 1llcleecl nill.,t thet, 1n the

~-. w llllall be wu.ttna the *ole etNct.ure ot tut.ure world

,.. ... ,. ·u .. ot_.

1. l ¥•-. tllent_, t.llat. 1t Ule aaooeea ot San r ...... iceo 1a not

to be pat'elf' lq .,, ... , w ..t. botll ot • - ..a eti'OD&eet poedble

...-1 to a.Ua -..t. Poluld ...S 1t •••••&17 abooat. .-:, ot.b..- dei'Oiaucna troa

tiM Ilia 3 ot tiM ert.a. aaq • allall ........ .., N.J. ....... ot &et.tln&

tiM -u ~ .aablllbed - u... 11111all w1l1 c d t.b~ .... t.o

.... ftlllllt.lve ,.aatlo aplllillle.

!n'ne. l • 11ft ..,.. tlla\ w lllolald not. -uan t.o st.alln - the

, ...... ----~·· ...... INa .. Fnac1- w1l1 -e . .a.


J'tO'r 1Ki ~T

N r tiAI.:itAL STAUJ

., ' Zl4. ;,t,. .u.JCI l" s

Allbu6Mor c~ 11u Jut lA!~NM ~· s-..u c.ptr1.Mft,t or ~ .......

po•l\.1oft or the &ovht.. ddeptlon to t.he s.D PnAdaco eon.terene•. a:b.U• - th• h1&J'I••'- ftll•nl tor ~udor- Cr'CIIII;Jto'• c:hlrac\.n Md ~pe.MUUea

and knOW thAt h• IIWlA abl,t a-.preeent. h1a country • 1 ca.MOt htip d.etpl.T

clha,ppo1n1.4<1 thft llr-. Molotov appareot.lJ do .. cot plan to a1.t.end. R.e.utns

tht fr1en41-t and tna1Uul coopen.t1on at !&lt• ~twnrt Yr. Wolot.ov, ltr. Um,

a.nd .Cr. St.K\.lnlua, l lmo- tbe SaC!,.._Ul'Y or St.&t..t hu bMn !oMtt.rd to

contia\ \.be Joint -.ortt 1n t.I:M nae epirit. at ;.').AJ) rr.anetuo for the ••a'lt.ual

... uut1Cft ot ow- • ,oat, t.b• ••w.bllr..t~t. of M •ffK\.iva lfttema\.lCIMl

~tutJ.oa to in_,.. • Neve a:wS pet.«M Mure for Ul• -orld.

• 1\AOI& \.be .....-e• of -.r. Kolot.oY t.he Conf.,..Dot wUl k .,rhed. ot a

'"'7 VMt NH\o If Me pnaiftc atld DM'WJ" ,....pclftaibl.UUM 14 t.M aorht.

OD.ion ....:• 1t. U1po .. lbl.a for h1a \o aiq tor cUre Coftt.....c:•, J qT7

a.cb bops Ul&t. rou wUl &d lt. p04riblt to let fda CCIIM at lMat. for \be

opclJ'l& Hnione. Sine• ill tporuorftl..& P'<""" md the •Jorl\.r of O'.l'l•r- ewntriu

atuDCSi"' w1.U bt r.pne.,ted bf t.ha1r MJ.n.1nau or Forallfl Alfaira, I .. atra.l¢

\J\a\. itt'. lllolot.ov• a tb .. net ldll btl e«1at.rued ...U over tl'l• ti'Orld •• a lau;: or

Coapt.Nbh illt.tree\. on t.he put of Sovht Covtm.HI\t 11\ t.h• II"M\. objac.t.J.vea

o·r tbh Oonfe.r.noa.

- 1 -

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