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The main point is to listen. Like in the questions leading up to the presentation, you want to hear what the person is looking for, what their concerns might be, and tailor the different Arbonne advantages to what they need. Listen to what the person is telling you. Look at their body language.

They many be a little nervous, so - sit back in a relaxed manner, and know for yourself that this person joining your business is not going or make or break you. Whoever is meant to be in your business is coming to you. You don’t NEED anybody. They’re going to find you. You’re going to find them. It’ll just happen. It doesn’t matter if this particular person joins you or not. Make it about them.

So, start with...

“Thank you so much for meeting for this follow up. I would like to ask a few questions based on what you heard in the DA and/or read in the curiosity folder. What did you like best about the business presentation?”

PAUSE and wait for their answer

I really like the productsI really like the $ money partI really like working part time and building a full time income

No matter what they say, say you answer “GREAT! Excellent. Thank you.”

Second Question:“On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being I never want to hear about Arbonne again or I see no value in this for me, and 10 being I am in and how do I start, where do you see yourself?

How you continue will depend on their response.

1 - 4 – I absolutely see no value in this, or I am not interested in the business THEN you say – Fair Enough, let’s talk about the products. Tell me what you love. (Have your ORDER FORM, PREFERRED CLIENT BENEFITS SHEET, UVP sheet, laptop, etc. ready.)

“I highly recommend that you become a preferred client. I can show you how to get a 20 – 80% discount, and a free gift. Let’s place your order!”

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5 or 6 – I just don’t understand how this works?

Your objective here is to help them decide yes or no. So help them get to under a 5 or over a 6. Some questions that will help....

• Sounds like you need some more information. What is unclear?• Do you have any concerns? (Listen for common objections/concerns, and address

them. Use Feel, Felt, and memorize “Handling Objections Document”) • How much money per month would make this worth your while? • If by the end of one year if you were making $2000 per month would that be good

for you?

If they say yes – then you say – well that sounds like you are a bit higher on the scale. And then go through the steps based on Sarah’s HOW WE GET PAID AND PROMOTE, and follow through what you would have done had they answered with an 8!

7 - I am interested or 8 – I am very interested

THEN you say fantastic. You’re pretty close to getting going on this, so can I ask you a couple of questions?

How much money would you need to make per month to make it worth your while?

If they say $500-$1,000 – you say great – that is DM money and I can show you how to do that 5 months max if you follow the system.

If they say $1,200-3,000 - you say great - that is Area Manager money and I can show you how to do that in under a year if you follow the system.

If they say $5,000 you say great - that is an RVP.... etc.

***We have a system for people to follow to get where THEY decide they want to go. Now as you can see, we get paid to teach people how to build a business.

If I can show you how - would you be ready to start now?

If they would like more information, or aren’t quite ready to jump right in then...

“Can I show you a little more about how we get paid and promote in Arbonne? This is an overview”.

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***GO TO: HOW WE GET PAID AND PROMOTE DOCUMENT. Now write out and explain the details found in Sarah Morrison’s How We Get Paid and Promote (until you have the paid and promote memorized, bring a copy of it with you and refer to it)


***Based on everything I’ve shown you, what are the next steps for you?

Pause and let them answer.

What I recommend for you is to get products because this is a results business. I will show you the business order options that our team uses for our system for success.

Ask what their goals are. Again, if you don’t already know....find out what they want to be making by when.


Recommend an option based on their goals and budget.

If they don’t like the idea of starting their business for that price:

Ask them: Is it the money at issue for you OR the fear of the unknown?

Let me tell you that is exactly where I was. I am recommending a leap of faith. When I was with my sponsor I was afraid that I wouldn’t make my money back because I didn’t know how to do this business. I was afraid to fail. People go and buy a flat screen tv and spend that kind of money because they KNOW where they will put that TV in their room, on which wall, on which table – they can see it, they can see themselves sitting at home watching their favorite movies, shows, games.

Right now, you are at square one – you need to look at this like you’re going to school – you are taking a three month class and you will learn what you need to know in three months. So if you were signing up for a hairdressing, cooking, acting, a new language class you know that at the end of the three months you will have learned what you signed up for.

In Arbonne, you sign up, you get your business tools, you go into qualification and you learn in three months what you need to learn to become an Independent Consultant. In a year if you follow the system, you can easily be earning $1,200-

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$1,500 a month which is the bottom end of Area Manager. The average time to become an AM is 12 months, although it is absolutely possible to do it in less.

SO if you have 10 hours/week that is dedicated to Arbonne and you do that for a year, you will be making $1,200-$1,500 per month – knowing you had spend...( $1500) to get started, is that a good return on your investment?

Where are you on the scale now?

If I can show you that would you be willing to get started today?

If yes – great.

If no – may I ask you why? I would love to hear your feedback.

If they decide to join your business..

GREAT! Congratulations! I’m thrilled to have you on our team!

PLACE THEIR BUSINESS ORDER.****Then IMMEDIATELY follow with the trust language and commitments below, give their homework, and schedule their launches.


"The most important thing you need to do is be coachable.  The skills needed to build a successful are learnable and teachable."  

Ask - "So, Do you trust me?" - actually ask this question and wait for their response.  When they respond with their yes...then tell them "I am not going to ask you to do anything I was not asked to do myself, or that I am not willing to do for my own business.  Do you promise to do what I ask you to do?"

Get their commitment and go on by saying "It is in my best interest that your business becomes a success and I am committed to teach you what I was taught in order to build my here is your homework...the first thing you want to do is make a list of 100 people you know - don't over think it - just write down their names...this is your connector list"

If you want your consultants to succeed . . YOU must get into their warm market and Sponsor people for them. So make sure you cover the steps below.

The 3 Commitments

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1. You need to promise me that for the first few weeks you wont speak to ANYBODY at all about Arbonne unless I am with you or on the phone with you. In the beginning you don’t know how to present this, and you could lose seem really great prospects that I could sponsor for you. If I talk to them, you have a much higher chance of bringing them into the business. This is very important. If they say “Oh, that’s ok I know what I’m doing “. . With all the love in my heart, no you don’t. You will soon, but not yet.”

2. Please put stars next to the top 10 or 15 people you would most like to work with, have fun with, and get rich with. These are the people we will approach first, together.

3. We need to make some three way calls and you’ll introduce me. Let’s schedule a time to make them.

Before you leave tell them "When I get home I am going to send you a Welcome Email, welcoming you and also introducing you to our community, and also a Getting Started Email, which will contain everything you need to know to get your business off the ground. There are 5 calls you will need to listen to in the next couple of days...when you have listened to all of them call me and let me know."

Make sure to collect the ID# and PIN for each consultant.

Set-up a meeting to immediately follow the receipt of their order.  Go to their home and helps them set-up their Bags, and begin making calls with them!.  

This system empowers you as a network marketing professional. Follow this and you won’t hesitate or fumble around. YOU will LEAD the meeting and get FABULOUS results because all parties are CLEAR about what is being communicated. No matter the outcome, YOU will be honing your skills and be effective and professional.

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