Page 1: FOR K~~ELLY'S L~aMPAlso. F€¦ · P

vom sali: & to let.




OR SALE.THE HOMESTEADfit marly owMd nni occupied hv M» or Beeoe, Hin«.

_more recency l.y 0 P. Clark, Eso iasaaVfaBf atwsvI«! ai the head of Mtia-ti, in the village of Neur,Coon.Tb« dwelling bouse is of brick, and both dwelling

fcou»» and bare are large, row atodloua aud In good repair.Th» 'a/rc couielna Ifi) five and a half acre* of Ian i of the)teat oaaiiiy. wall fenced, inoatly with subsoil.*, stooeavails aad In a high slate of cultivation, aid r>npri*«* a

feim orchard of yuan? apple trees in fall bearing A woodtot of eleven acree. about a oaiie duiant from i.i; Houie-Srtead. will be ao.S with It Payment* arranged u> arc no-

snodale taw purcowser i about one half of the purchasemoney can reman, on mortgage fo( a eerie* of year* I d«*>

attredFoateetion given Ut of April next- Tbl* property, dl»-

lant f:oro Kew YorBaei.JUi four tours by rai.roML and

t>om Bridgeport about one hour and a half. Is deeiaej wor.

thy of the attention of gentlemen who desire trials a

aery p'eaaant residenceIn a quiet, moral and aeaita.u. Mew

Englandvillage uasin»iiar» »..

Application cat. be made to 0. C SANDFJRJ, Esq.,.ear the .sremUaa. NewM^)£^a.&t

fj;0, 4J Wbliam iv. New-Fork

FOR SALE.On most liberal terms, thebe>w three story and basement brick Hmee, known as

g ferry-et Every wey deairahle for a genteel family.{Saving ei tha modern improvements, hot and eold water

tatva/hnvt, gas. naih room, etc. Can be seen from3 to < oeloeh. daily. Inquire of CHARLES B HUNT-IHaVTOH, 29 Wal'-et._Uf iw

OR SALE.The HOUSE and LOT51 Eaat T wentieth-at, between Broadway and Fourth-

tvr May be seen between II and 1 o'clotk. Forterms,.pply to ]12f3t*| E. WH1TTLK3EY, tj BoulA-sL

F~OR SALE..The neur four-storybrown BTONE HOUSE, 74 Foortstentli-st third h'Kise

east of Fourth Avenue Auso tlx- t-.r,.r. * id able hou-

f*-e No*. Ig saei M Rond-st They have all roe modern con¬

venience*, and will be sold low. and oa accoinmiKlaiingterms Fo* furfiwr particular*spi><\ at 11 Waj-et from of-aVe, eeeossd story, between i i mid 4 P. M 12f w

FOR SALE.The two *u>ry Hii-kHoose 52 Frankfort st Lot 25 feet front and rear. Also

the tw o story Frame House 3 Vandewater-st LM £J feetJror! and Zt feet rear.KTbe lota Joining on the ba-k a-.dforml.ig an L. Very desirable property for leather deavers.The property will be sold separate or together. 1 nqul-e ofat. H. HA&DlNO, 3 Vandewater sL \VtmT

I~~jK)R SALE..Two Urge, substantialmodern-built foar-story Dwellings, fronting on Union-

plaee Tbey have ail the moat recent Improvements andIxmiree desirable for genteel femlllee Also a iur-e-at<»ryBous» in Si Marks-place, near Third-av Also a large andwety valuable threw-atory house and hit on Broadway. '>e-

Iween Kourtb-et and Aalor-place. Apply toR/.RA LUD-LOW, (Architect, Boilder and Real Eatete Agent,| New-York In) versify, room No I, basement *tory, on W-Isling¬ton place Any persona wishing to buy or sell real estate?would do well to call anal leave their liisiructiuus. as noCiharge will he made or- esa *ales are perfected. A nego¬tiation* managed with strict fidelity. Appy a* above. It*

OR SALE .A Heautitul Krass Can-¦' Don, of I,Ofnib*, weight. moun*«vl on adou'dc carriage,

Bo as to tarn in anv direction. It was mvle with greatCtre, and is suitable for a California or Canloa vessel. Itcan be seen at the store of Gaunt A Di rricksou 1 Vi 8 .:itb-s>.Mftf GAUNT A DERRICKSON

FOR SALE.First Ward Property..Two 2story and attic brick HOUSES, 28 and 30 Trin¬

ity place. Lois on lease having 4«' year* to run.Alto. HOUSE and LOT In fee, 121 Cedar st Apply to1*Tlw_J. H. A J. BULL, m Broadway.

FOR SALE..A small FARM (aboutThirty Acres) situated In the County of Orange, two

Und a hair miles from the Chester Dlpot of the N Y. andjEiie Railroad, and one and a half from the NewhurghBreach, and at a of about five miles from the Vil¬lage ofGosben, the county aest. It is considered one of jthe fineat locations in this part ofthe country, and would befe very desirable place for a city gentleman'* country seat.DFor further particulars, enquire of WM. H. GALE, Esq.80 Nassau st. N Y. or of the subscriber on tke premises..Adores* DANIEL C MOFFAT. Chester.

Iff Sar* Orange County, N Y.

OR SALE.A desirable COUNTRYRESIDENCE, situated In the. pleastnt village of

llugt-onvuie, Dutches* Co. N Y. one mile from NewHamburgh Depot on the Hudson RWer RR. Smtab e for aarent'eman doing business in the Cltj. OouMs iwu.u,^Eouee. eontalnir g nine rooms. Good water by the dour.Bare, carriage house, etc. all In complete repair. Twelve»eres of beautiful land, we'l stocked with all Binds of fruit,grape vines. Be Ac. Inquire of F. D NAHE. IM Mur¬ray st or of B POLLOCK, on the premises. lOf Im*

FOR SALE.The good and substantialbuilt two-story brick HOUSE and LOT, 8 Morrls-st,

leas than a hundred feet from Broadway. Lot 4? feet by27 House fialsbed with front and rear Baseuieul*. withCroton Water, Kitchen. Ac , hot, cold and aNserei Bathe.The whole In good order, and is rented at $'»s> per annum,and w 111 l>e sold a bargain, at the owner is going to resideBn Europe Apply as above, or at

^ IBf.ltr*_PETER PARKS'. 17 Wall st

FOR SALE.The three story house, 'J57Greene-st near Clinton place, on lease from Sailors'

Mnug Harbor, being ore of the h >u»e« built by the UnionTheological Seminary for the Professors. App'y to A..dERWIN^lViNassau-st. let U

FOR SALE.The Mansion House onWarren or Main st in the Cily of Hudson, with the

atables and out-bou*ea, occupying together aViut twelvelota of ground. P<Nt*e**loii ran lie had on the 1*1 of May.If not sold by the 1st of March next. It u ill be given on alease of five years on accommodating lei me For further

rticularsapplv lo EDWARD JENKINS 1 Nassau-sL orII Slxth-av. between Thirtieth and Thirty-Bret st* luf 2w«

FOR SALE.The modern three-atorybrick HOU8E ard LOT In fee. 52 West Twelfth-tt

lot 2*<by 113 feet, house 26 ny 4" feet BS Vxj of the pur-ebase money can remain on bond and mortgage For fur-Bher partlcultrs inquire of A BLEECKER, 7 Broad-st. orof LAPAUCH A DOWNING. 54 Wall st 4th floor. Ifaot disposed ol at private sale be ore the BMh inst It will*>e eobi on that day at auction by A. J BLEECKER, Auc¬

tioneer_7f iw*

FOR SALE..A valuable building lot,25 by 100 feet <>n the north side of President st, dis¬

tant 47 feet from the N W corner of Haiuilton-av and./resident.*! South Brooklyn. Thl* lot is lu Ute immediateWlciSMljt of Hamilton Ferry, and la a dealiab'e location foratlore Apply to HENRY AUSTiN HRADY,7fran* 37 Wall-at It. York, or Bt Poplar-si Brooklya.

I^OÄ SALE..Five Houses on NorthJtv side ofTwenty ntnth-at. two between Broaiway andBlxih avei' te. and three west ol Sixth avenue Very neat

three-story brick bouses, with hot and cold water bathingtab, w aier closet, Ac. Price R3.2UO to $3,7111. A large partOt the purchase money can lay for five years at six per centstoatraaa the premises, or at Nc 51. one of ifaa two Brat

^ bouses), t>«iwean Broadway an 1 Sutt-avenua, of


fTvOR SAL E..Two new three-storyJF heowra saossa Bront Hoaaee. now Inlahed.25 by V fern,tsitnatexl on the northerly aide of Firat-place, betweea Clin.Bon and Court sis , Soudi-Brooklyn. Tliey are built with allSnoslern improvemenia. having w«u»r ihrougboul, bathingawparatua. aas pipes, fin iu-«*. Ac Ail the houses on Uns»ia. e hsve brow ,u.,e fronu. and court vards in front 3itW .'. iocliee aaaa. la addition to the usual lot of 100 feeL.VF'J'o EDWARD KELLOGG. 47 Sume-BL (up tlatrs.)JN^e-Yorh, or Cituteiu-st corner of Preaident, UrtMklyn.

iif n«_I«X)R SALE.The HOUSE 14 Waver-

ley-place, with 4 rooms on each floor. Lot 33 feetfrom by M feet deep. Apply to

3f tX THOS RICtlARDSON. 41 Exchange place.

OR SALE.At Rye, Westchester Co.N T. a fine new two-story house and lot w ut garden,

f containing choice fruit tree*. \c I barn, and other outbuild.leg*, embracing nearlv an acre of land, wllbin five minute*

walk of Use D*!<öi at Rveof the N Y A N H Railroad.

Arjlv to ALEXANDER ENN1S, at the Dlpdi at Rye.

FOR SALE OR TO LET..The l*r«;emodern hunt cointry residence, with about 6 acres of

land, situated near Mc-Corab a Dam. between the HarlemHiver and the 8lh Avenue.Upon the premises, are a (1 >w-

er garden taatafktlly arranged, au extensive variety of choiceBrail trees, grape vines, berries elt. and a ÜBS lawn. 1 beout hontet consist of a Carriage M >use. Stable*. Wash-IJ'tise, sn Ice House filled Ac. The High Bridge. HarlemElver, and a beautnul surrounding country are sv.ihin view.The premise** are w ithin 20 minutes ride of either the Hud-Bon River or Harlem Railroad DepAit. For further parti-ru ars eaqulre adjoining the premise*, or at No. -¦' B><ek-pan sweat, of_fli'frifl NATH1. JARVIS. Jr.

FOR SALE..Adeairable RESIDENCEla N- Orange, N J. thiee mirare* walk to dlpOt,

atoret, entireties, Ac. and one hour to Jersey City; suitablefor a gentleman doing uustne** In the city Two story,attic and basement bouse with iwo-atory addition, contain¬ing eleven rooms, cellar and closet*, good water, barn,¦table, carl age, chicken atid pig house, about two aud a

BaUf acress of land beautifully located and all tn or-

tier fruit, shrubbery and aha le tree*, cow*, fowl*. Ac In-Cut re of P KINUTEY. N Orange, or of^ J M HOWE, 227 Oraudst N Y.Alses.Tea Lo*e In one plot and about six tn another near

Bedford, L I Nii th W ard, forealeeheep. or for exchange.Apply at 2*7 Grand-*! N V._Jit 1st

rOR SALE OR TO LET.At amlle from theDftpo^ a COLN-

TRY BEAT, conta'ttcg about ten ec-eeof caob-e LAND,.tall slocked with Fruit, ard good Building«. Inquire of

D. HARRISON, Jr. Attorney at Law.J29MAFtf 344 Bro.):nest.

I^OR SALE OR EXCHANGE.Elevenacre* of excellent LAND ia the pleasant v.llage of

Durham. Conn between New-Haven and M dd.ot.iwQ. 17

BBlUstrofti the former and 5 mlios fr»>m the latter cty. OoIt ant a large two tiory bvuee.barn, Ac , but a fear .od* fromChurch, Academy and Poet OrTiee, at which are receivedIw o dairy avaUs. FrtceBl.lon. Also 6" rods from the aboveBO a-res of good laud.diversified surface.two fine streamsaaaily converted into Lake*.and waterfalls passing throughIt, abundance of Wood errangt J in the moat piclumaijueintimer, cat an emlnenc* to the center a beautiful buildingBite, to the top of which pure spring water may b» broughtThe whole celc-lated for a retired and beautiful Uadavapefarm. Price Si..-*«. From SB ouo u> tjo.i««1 caeh wiilbeAdded to the above. Bar a good houae |sj Uita e'.tv. A Jdresaa nose or call between 31 and 41 P M. ou BEN J H. COX,Ar--tt.l ir.rstrl.h.r. New-T- rk UiiN»i.iv i,v»r.vr.f

FOR SALE OR TO LET..House ,'bOGrecm*>at. betwe»-n Waverly Place and Clinton P.ace,

four rooms on a floor The bouse ia now arranged and fur-luW>«d for a Feeuale Semmarv of the first class. Ifout sold,lias whole or a part of the house would be let to a aemlo-toau or lasiv desirous of couüuumg ib.«School. .it r.<*pon*i-lik». Baad susstSISil of the) r*H)ut*Ue quaUiicationa, Apply on

U , ,14/3t*



OR SALE.. A fir.c Wheat and GrataFARM rorlalmng 2i« acres, to f nr.-* William Cj.

V» Mul lying witbtn 22 miles of A <-iiti1ni and 2* mileeof Waahiiigt'ie City.r-swate tna-tete For pa-lc j-

tsrs aroy pe.-cally. »' »»y letter. ip"" pei/it to

Sf 'w- WILLIAM DAY 144 l.'fcVly-st. N. Y

FOR SALE..The molern baiit, three-uvorj b.-tefc boas*. No. 42 Sixth ot wittt folding door*.

nirbK mantels, basement ud ander ceLer. Cr .-tun water,sain room, Ac. In fcrst-rate order. Inquire at 273 Or.n-arlcb-at of_|;lBlm*|_A A. WILDEY

OR SALE OR TO LET..A HOUSEeoniaitdng seven finished Rooms, with about one

acre of Ground attached, pleasantly situated in the V .

Inge of Milton. Town of Rje Waateaeetaw C 'u-jtv. wtih-In two rr>l*e*of tbe Now-York and New-Hav-n Rai r .»1Station at R>e and about l ratio from Rye Beach On >n-

premtaee la a barn, cot,»euren l for keeping a bora- Icarriage. Also, near the above premise* and within la rod*of tbe Landing, from wbich a packet ruoa week y. a Lot ofGround suitable for erectBfl nuHdinga for any inanu'act'irir.e pu'jvoee. For further particular* tnqu're of JOHNOEDNEV, near the premlaea ISf tm*

f^oR SALE OR TO LET.The Co'-onade House, in Fleet-**, near Fulton. Brooklyn, with

a handsome garden attaeiiad. Poa*e**nn can be had im¬mediately. Apply t e the premtae*. or to13fl4f OEQ. BALCHEN, IBB Wa"-«t.


alaee. cobialrilnf altout 2bn acre*, atmete ou tbe South Bay,near the village of Bayvllle, Long Island, formerly ike real,lance of Capt. Marcena Mudsub About half toe- lar,d i*under a high elate of cultlvatioa. and the whole liea elopingt>eaui:rul.y toward the beach, and la capable of gmat pr<>-loctloa.The mansion ta surrounded by ax. extensive and beeutji il

lawo, well abaded wilt trees and shrubbery.coutaluaabout 30 rooms, is in good condition, and baa beer, recentlypatnted, coach bona * »uabling for 12 borsee. aal of Ibalargest bams on fie houses for Ice, miik. coal,smoking, tools, Ac. cattle shod*, pig pens, com bouse, AcAll on the main tra.o^i r^ad, ab »ui a quarter of a m .e

Srom the water, with a ktndaome avenue leading to tbebeach. Tula la aodanlribl} a very desirable residence!from Its peculiarity of soil, lbs purity andabuudance ot at.jet, (there are three wells of soft waler. beside eeveraltpringa on tbe premise*.) modified aea air.the balmytreezea from tbe l>eeutiful bay rendering It dellcloualv cooltn Summer, and djuite temperate ta ertcie. These ad van¬

tage* render it one of the most health" location* to be found.There t* on ihe»tpiece a young orchard of about 150 trees

en" *e:ected grafted trait, and an extensive garden filledwith a great variety of small fruits, plants, grapes. Ac.trame abounds Is übe Tlcinliy, and the most euihiuiasucllsrlple of Isaac Walton can be gratlf.ed to hi* haart'* de-rtre with the hah, and uyttcra from the Bay, and trout Inshoals on his own and the nelghr-"*4"! steams. Manureof the beat quality la constantly depositing on ilie beach Intarge quantities, asd theroforo cost* only the labor of carting.Krem every pan of the place 1* an extensive view of the

Ba\- and Ocean beyond.The distance fr| n New-York 1* about 50 mile* Time 3

hour* by Railroad.If not sold entire by Ute tat ot February It will be divided

and aoid in coitaie lots Ten; is mode täte, and moal of ihepirchasemttnevlaa remain on bond and mortgage If de¬sired. Inquire of D. D. HOWARD Irvlug-nouae,

«4 tfNew-York.

F"OR SALE.A HOUSE and LOTIn PORT CHESTER, near the New-Haven Rail¬

road Depot, on lv« post road. Lot 1 id by to feet, Lara atUi'Jframe house; otriiae 25 >>v'tu feet Price f.l,8nii. Inquire at86 Bieecker, or KB BiQoasaM NY JM Im*

F~l>^ÄLrFÄT EAST-CHESTER..The subscriber offers for sale her undivided one sixth

part of the valuable KARM in the town of Fsstrhoaler. nowoccupied and owned by Peter Bates Said farm issituated directly upon tbe line of the Har.em Raiiroai.four mile* south of White Plains. (lying upon both ride* ofthe pott-road lea :ing from Eaxtchesiet to the Plains. andcontains about 211 acres of excellent laud. The surface Isrolling and well watered, and 1* divided into arah «.

meadow and wood land In suitable proportion* Upon thepremises are a-targe and comforiablo farm-house, twosmall tenant bouses, bam and convenient ouibu.l-Ingo, choice fruit trees, and a number of eligible bulldiugepot*. Eor particular* Inquire of

JANE VALENTINE. 137 Henry atIf 2w* or at 165 r r ,; New-York.

IfOR SALE AT EAST CHESTER..-1- A valuab'eFARM, situated directly upon the line ofthe Ha/lem Railroad, 4 tube* south of White Piain* (lyingupou botb aide* of the post road leading from East Owaetefto Ibe Plaid*) and contain* a>htat 241 acre* of very excel¬lent land. Tbe Farm i* In a high state of improvement, thesurface is rolling and weil watered, ana divided into ara-*>W, hmmhJuw ana, d, in aullal.lej propo-aom forfarming purposes. Upon the premises Is a large and sub¬stantial uwelllng house, four racstuly built tenant houses,two large barn*, (one recently built) and eat.a«iv« shed*,spacloua carriage-house, warehouse, mill-bouse, gTaiary,and other convenient and necessary out-bubdings About50 acres of apple orchard and other choice fruit trees. Forparticulars Inquire of PETER BATES, on the premises,or at 10 Cedar-al New-York 4f 2w*

4COUNTRY SEAT AT PRIVATESALE .A Country Seat of about twenty four acre*,

under a high state of cultivation, situated on the PaaaalcRiver, about two minntea' waJB from the Paaaalc Bridge,Patcracn Railroad Depot, and eleven mil?* from Now.York. There are on tbe premise* on abundance of Fruitand Ornamental Tree*, ene large Dwelling 11 ...<-. GreenHouse. Ice House, Reservoir, supplied by a force pumpfrom tbe liser; one Fountain lu the garden, one tn thegreer house, and two In tbe front of said Houae, and a goodWeii of water j one large Barn, Coach House and Granary,and all nrceaeary out nou*ea. Alao, two smaller Houae*and a clock In hoct of laid premises.The Bt>ove described property wa* formerly owned and

occupied by Richard Morrill, Eaq.For further particular* inquire of PETER S. BOG ART,

on the premises, or to A. J. BLEECKMA. 7 Broad-stl'I'lw New-York.


hOR SALE . ConslsiDg of a two atorv house. With base¬ment and Jattlc-fronting fifty-four feel. Including wings,marb'e mantels, and grate*,' throughout Iba home. Aslot on which It itABd*. comltt* of two acres, though morecan be added If dettred. Tbe ground Is handsomely laidout, with fruit trees, shrubbery Ac There sre also all thentcessary out building*, rich as Coach-house, Ice-boutr-,Ac. His within twenty aiinutea walk of eiiher the II idsonR ver. or Harlem Bail Roads For furtboT paructt'ara In¬quire of ROBERT CARTER A BROTH ER'S, 28i Broad¬

way^_AFARM FOR SALE, in the town of

Fa*lcbe»ter. about 1J mile* from Brouivil'e Dbpo-,about li'iacrea. w4ih good butlduig«, and iu a high «tat« ofrulilvatioii. with a choice »eleciion of fruit, still farm ad-ioias the land ofLorlng Andre«*, late of John Townaend,on the north and weal, and the new village of Pelhainvtl eon '.he south. In view (if ami about 1 of a ml e from theNew.Haven Railroad, and may be divided in tour parts,with good building siie*. and will be *old In part* or to-. sr. It i* well for ced with stone Into 21 lot* of from Sto lu acres Ha'f the purchase money mav remain on thef*rm. Inquire of JOHN TAYLOR. Ii Wal! at ; ISAACWARD, at the Howeiy Saving's Bbxik, or on the premisesof CALEB MORGAN. Kflmeod'Said Farm,will be sold for ita fair intrinsic valve.


Office, 13 Chamber* »t- New- York-Confuting of Farm*.Building Siie«, Hudson River View*. W ater Powers, Mills,Hojses, Village Lots, Ac. now offered for sale, and de¬scribed and sketched in this Register j tbus affording facili¬ties for tn'ornBawBBj to persona wishing to purchase or hireSummer Residence* Without the expenses ordinär;.y In¬curred M. K. COL'ZENS, Ageut. Dobbs'iFerrv.

JS7 ?ro* Weatchester Co. K. Y.

A"T PRIVATE SALE..A valuable lotof Qround. w lib the buildings thereon, sliuated on the

north aide of D. v-tt near QreeawVrJj ei For terms, A*capply to ANTHONY J, BLEECKERppre

13f lw Auctloueer. 7 Broad SL

AT PRIVATE SALE.A CottageHouae and ten Building Lot*, at Kiatbutb. L I. The

boose is in complete order. Camage houae and atahle,with »ervanta' room* above. Tbe garden ia wall Blockedwitn fruti uees, Ac. Ac. For terms, Ac apo y to

ANTHONY J BLEECKER.ISf I w Auctioneer, 7 Broad at

A~T PRIVATE SALET.The 4 storyBRICK HOUSE aad LOT, » North Mtv»re-*t timah-

id in l>e*l *t>le. House 27x42 feet, lot 27x7^ feet deep.Fcr term*, kc apply to ANTHONY J BLEECKER,Auctioneer.7 Bread *L UM w

AT PRIVATE SALE .The 3-stcrybrick noute and Six Lots of Ground, situated oa ttie

north-w est corner of MadUon-av. and Tweutjr-ae.-euth-suFor further partlcalars applv to

I'l lw A J. BLEECKER. Auctioneer. 7 Broal »t.

VT PRIVATE SALE..Two lots ofground or the South side of Twenty ninth st 1(H> feet

We*t of Seventh av each let 25 by «- feet 8 tnche*. Forlern* Ac. apply lo ANTHON"V J BLEECKER,

lOf lw Aactloneer. 7 Broad si

AT PRIVATE SALE..A PLOT ofGROUND on the North side of Twelfth at. between

Fifth ai d Sixth avs. Siz* 44 left, 1M feel deep. On thepteavee* i* a large Double Frame Houae. F Jr term*. Acapplyto ANTHONY J. BLEECKER. AucUoneer.

l'fiw_7 Broad at

AT PRIVATE SALE.BriKiklyn.£ Ja Tbe three atorv brick house and lot. north-west corner

of Sidney-place and State-*i. Brooklyn Theb3u»e t* re¬

plete with all the modem .mprovemeni*. and in completeorder. House 40 feet deep. Lot 2=> by fees ^ icebestX,t<\* can remain on bond and mortgagw, tf de*i-»d. Ap¬ply to [kflw| COLE A CHILTON. .4 Wall >l

pLAlMS FORBOUNTY LAN D. PEN-v>* BIORI PAY. Ac. prcseeu'ed promptly, anl LandWarrants and Lant Paiecis pu'chased, by GBORGEWOODMAN, 4'.' Wilris-n-st near W&:.. fj BTntrlirf at Lawand Commissioner for Wtscctisln, l.linols. Indiana. Ken¬tucky. Ac. Mr. W. WfJJ SMad t j locating ^aci Warraoa'..|<in c«'ei. ,i selected public lards. 13f 2m*

COTTAGE HOUSE FOR SALE .The 2 story Cottage House and Lotof Groind w

as Brooklyn, between Cumberland-si. and Carli>>n-a'. TieMouse I* cr tbe south side of Park av and rontsiusb ->hi.h»

and cellar i Is 82 by 2* ; Lot 25 by 104 feet. #7 »' . an reasalstm t>ond and niongexe. For parUcular* anotv to J kM BSCOLE. tSFnltor-st Bitoklyn. or to FETER J DE AR¬BORN, en the premise* llfH-

DESIRABLE BROOKLYN PROP-ERTf .For sale, at a very crest barga'n. the Ban s

valuable 3-alory and basement brick h.meee. toget tor withthe lot* stmeied In Pmldeni at disiani 4t> frei we*, ara. <i jfront Van Brunt-ai beute In the Immediate vtci'dty of tbeHamllionav. Fern- arid of aj lie great habPtayfaaBaaisartHind ihe At'antic DtH-k The k -j.s an w ell ballt andneauy nnisbed i they wUi he sol I cheap, and buyer* of realestate will find this a rare Oppormnllj for inrestiBaat;fl.750 Biay remalB oo each house or b ind a-.i mjcigagefor ütree yeare For full par.tcalar* tiqutre ofSfxw STONE A BOTUEB. 31 Faltoa a; B-j^yn

DESIRABLE RESIDENCE for«ALF-Tb' r ..<.';.¦ an! troaisatlal modem S

a-oryand basement HOl-SE S7 Marion at. tnimtWmof HtrfMtrti bout la Ih" most workmaaitse a*a*jn»". of

I'e beet mau-ria .a. atd repieie with every deairab e e"l*a'

11 iaai rr atn in r- nil tf-~ modern additions of water to >i

story, g**. bath, wate' eloeet, airi.e*i range, laundry. dumbwaiter. *-c. kr .very large yard. » >-ked withgraivfiuit treea ai d flowering tfinbt.brown atons aoi ".rickwalk*.boose .i- by 47 Int 2S ny 1?'feet ('an be exm-oedby any respectable person aeertrous t > purcnase from 1" to

f o'clock.Al»o, >be2 sto y end atti- brick HOl'eF US Berrow-st.

d Irret It to the rear of BSBttSS

L^A h M FOR SALE at Weit ßl eim-aV f.eid. Ettex Co N J . A vertäte* FARM eov-aloingabout 42 acre*, being tti a high s'ate ad improvement ani

heauUfuUy lecated. The laud la well watered by niouat*.-.iiretma. and springs on the premise*. On a!) Mil 6 acre* 1*a fine growirt of wood Tbebotiaet* nealy new and verycommodious, containing nine room* a wagon h iuse. grein-ery and bam er.a bei to the premise*. al, substantial a*dIn good eandiUon. Near the door i* a never failing weil.the be*i of water. Al*o, if wanted, about 2 acre* ofpasture land, situated about 1 mile from the estate.

F. 8 .Al»o the stock and u'enslls for sale For farther in¬

formation apply to JAMF.I W WHEELER JW Wefr-st N. Y,orA-'A T CRANE. Bui.dera.41 Bruad-st.New¬ark, or WM. CRANE, Jr.. on the premises. lif .'w*

FARM FOR SALE. OPPOSITE THEVi'sge of Port Chester. W«t'cheater C> N V Bl

Flvrsrn River and wtthtn JU m'ntuu-s wait of the New-Yorkand New-Haven DBpOt at Port Chewier, one hour * ridef om New-York, containing about j»i acres of Land. On thepremises are a Farm H.wise, Bam. and other out buildings,and a good orc hard of grafted Emit and a variety of Pear,Cherry and Plum Treea, Currants. Go> .sebery, Orspe-vir es, ic. From In r'oseproximity to the Vi läge, and thelarge portion of the Farm bordering oa the River (whichIs aarsua le fat large ves*el*) it 1* a mirably rVeule>ed tohe divided Into Building Lota Tw o of the nekis contain¬

ing (.boot 1 5 acre* rofllBIBIIlll a mag- iScent v'ew of Longl«iar>d Sounl, from Eaton'* Neck to Throggt Point, and ofthe surrounding country. Also, a splendid Bunding sitewl'bin s short distance of the Sound, containing about iSarres.on which is a fine grove of Forrest Treea. Thew hole will be sold very low to clote a concern For terms,apply to JAMES E BEERS C unsellor at Law, PortChester, N. Y r.rat 117 Beekmaa-st New-Fork.JJO ImMWV K-


Houseandlot..Wanted to par-chsse.a good TENEMENT PROPERTY, fir which

a ptir of Black Horses w ould be exchanged m part pay¬ment. They are well matched, fine action, good size),yo«ng, sound, kmd and fast. or they-will be exchanged foriiaimiroTid propeitv. Address BROKER, box 1,219, PostOffice. 8flW

Improvements for 1« 1.-800BUILDING LOTS for sale at tire new village of Col¬

lege Point, Queers Co N Y s.lusted on the east side ofFlushing l!av opposite Ha lem, being only 8 rmies fromi)h> Cat) Hail, and acceseil-1" by steamboats hourly, 'rosaFake** Market aUa AaWtaaw opportunity like the presentprobably wid never again offer, w here the mechanic, themanufacturer, the merchant, tne rfurned Celifufiiiaa aadcapitalist cat have an ooportur ity of parUiaaliigahatatrafleafSB by IBB Bret at tue low price of *7> Tu« utie.jiiaieaaad hc.'ntiflil tocaf 'on of these lor* \,t)\,{ a superior induce-turn l fat tl eir rnpid «sie The grotin 1 rises giatJaaD] tr >ti

'be liny, and is of an even surece. and prawn s to view

Ihe Cfij or pTea York and isjatsrtst, wlm the bay v.! !:irbors tin! lieu shipping 1 he gentle slope and ev.-n surlac»Hömit of no stagraiit wat-rs. fJsarefi*redeliecafJoBit one

of the tritt Ceiightful and healthy places in A'ti-'rlea,and tarsi iierior in imin! of J'rice to eriy'hiDg within rea-

SOaabtt distance from New-York The" beaiiUfnl Bay in

AvtBof tliose L atasTbrdsdattghtfaJaaxabisjandsaiBttf:aadii,e ail'acs-nl waters ¦fwaaapBed wi'h ovsters ard clamsHsuaa win ariabfo avail then-sehes of tins oppurtaaityshould make immer i*re application at the office of JO H SIA. Fl AMMER »1 Wooeter-st, fr mi I to 7 P M Thei"rat '.<« fubsciibers have paiei enly S7.5. and the 2fsl thataie StillatS a»*1 art ? OB and tue re naili ng lots will besold for fl^5 each Tue kxaB n of taid htt is to be de¬cided hv dlBWtnf, ihe.eby jiv ng SUbttfBjBII who applyfrst and pay seven y-five dollars l>e »stiif opportum'v a.«

those who pay more All subM:rili-'rs paxitig the wholeaB i unl oi Mi«, day of »ui>scribing will be all «weil a<tlt>etMBtef l"I>« r cm'. All persons buying, b nluingor ro-

ttdtBs;OB tba above property will !>. ptot-cte l frm alli,uisai.res wiuch will be rb"rimental lo the growth andprosjM iiiy of thid viUa^e and every prr-ctunon used iomate ii one of the healthiest and mos^H-auttfu! villatvet inthe (Jailed S'a.< s 1 be »nbscription b Kik is ottea from 4to 6 PM, at LOMGLEY A FLAMMERS otbee, 227\V< osler-st.. oue door fr-m Amity»L Th we who wi*hli, *.... n,.. pl»ri age I.. .¦ - .bscnlie. can do so

hv < along at JOHN A. th aJUf ER S ollice W Woos er-st Tie- stages are ready every morning betöre 9 o'clock,at the so., place. 131 3i*

UTS IN MORK1SAM A f.»r sale low.fx t;r very eligible and vtliiibje LOTS, one of them

on a ruiniT, each 50 feet by Ijo.increasing la value inper cent, a mortb.a good opportunity for a purchaser.Apply e«.iy to ROLLINS A L> I'NDEKDA LE, 3.S Wt'I itor MORO sN L CO xsl Pearl st. 13f 3t*

f ots in brooklyn for SALE..1 iKoor lots of ground, situated on ( lasaon-av betweenMyrl'e-av. and the Wttilabout Bridge Road, Broiiklyn..For terms, spply at lf,u Tenth-*t. New-York )2f 1 w*

mIan dfactu ri n< i propert y..1» ¦ FOR SALE or t. RENT in BROOKLYN*..The twofour-story Stores corner of Dock and YVa'er sts aboutf«.ei east of Fulton Ferry Said stores are substantiallyI uilt and weil colcultttd for heatv work. The corner UB9 byM feet; the next IB by 44"feeL Y'aro in rear onDork st is 3e by So feet, in wb ch a steam engine with shaftsconueenng tiircugb a door could be put These storeswould be sohl or leased on easv terms, and altered to suitP lanta. Apblv ta

Ii f lw* PAYPJ W WETMCtJJE. 2IR WtJiB at

Private sale.. wall s p..Avery prominent Comer on Wall St. For full Particu¬

lars irimire of ANTHONY J BLEECKER,12f lw Auctioneer, 7 Brosd-st.

1 MUVATE SALE.. desirable LOTSon ihe comer of Third-avenue ani SeVrntv-eighih-st

north side each lot 2.S by lOti fret deep Inquire of12f lw A. J BLEECKER. Aucüoneer,7 Brotd-sr_


CY-Mr A SHEPARD hu opened an office at Sar¬atoga Springs for buying, selling and renting Houses,Stores,Lota, Parana; paying Taxes, Ac. He hat far aalesuit e of the most dtsirab.e Building Lots lrt Saratoga; alsoone of lb" best Karma, of about |M acres, with good noun-Inge thereon, about one mile from the village. This farmpossesses pern er advantages Also, a number of ellgl'deMouses for sale or lo rent. Office opposite U.S. Hotel.R. Sadat re head of BroadwayRti rstNcrt.Walter Rn'therfortl, E-q 7b Nassau it,

Nea-York; Chat. P. Klrkland, Esq., Jtuncey-pltce, New-Yorr. mit'

RETrESTÄTE AHENCV.-N. MIl7LKK A CO Agent* for letting biorea Houses and

Lota, collecting Rent* and other debts,- buying and sellingProperty on Commission; Houses and Lou taken on Leasefor a term of years. Taxe*. Water-rent* and Assess nattended to ifdesired, Deeds Bot ds and Mortgagee. Leases,Ac csiefully drawn, Life and Fire Insurance effected;Money procured and loaned on Bond and Mortgage. Com¬missions moderate. Ottice ~> Well-it.

ttrr.BEMiKSMessrs. Harper A Brothers. 82 CltfT-st.

A S an Santvoord A Co 16 Soulb-etB. Loder. Etq. 4"i Wall-ttJ W. Mitchell, Esq. 5 Wall-et.B. B Mmturn. Esq 7ü South-stIsaac Newton. Esq. 144 Oreenwlrh-eiD F. Msiilce. Esq W Ptne-stT. B BUilman. Eto Novelty Works. J231m*

IX) MICHIGAN LANDOWNERS.WM B DRIOG8, Detroit, Mich Agent for the pur¬

chase and sale of land, payment of taxes, kc .The Inn ofMACY A DRIOGS having been dissolved, and Mr Mscvhavlne sold al! bis lateresi In the establishment to me andretired, I shall continue the busineee aad devote to it mycareful personal attention. Any ordert left with DELOaW. BEADLE, Raq my authorised Agent at 74 BroadwayNew-York willr*. promptly attended to ttfilm*

T^O WOOLEN MANUFACTCR-ERB.For sale, a Wool Carding. Dyeing an i Cloth

Dressing Establishment, «ttuated In tne town of Somers,Westrbeater Co , N Y. Toe bui.dlng Is in good repair andthe mrchinery In perfect runtlog order. The location ofthe eeiabliehment adords the best facilities for country man¬ufacturing Kur her .information may be obtained by ad¬dressing the subscriber at Peeksklii, N. Y , or personal ap¬plication made to hlui on the premises,

ftlw* R. C. VERNOL

VALUABLE PROPERTY/ for SALE? :n tbe town of EAST CHESTER. We*tche*ter Co.N Y.. The Farn late of Mose* Clark, deceased, situated inthe town of E ut Ch-wier. Westchetter Co. is offered fortale. It It simtaed shout 1J miles from the Tuckahoe DApot of the Har em Railroad, containing in] ace*, b Mindednortherly by a highway leading from East Cheater to New-Rochelie. easterly by the easterly highway of EastCbeeiar,southerly by land late of Judge Soiaerrtlle, westerly bylands late of Ktin A Morgan, and lands of Jamee Morgan.Esq. On the Farm is a substantial mansion-house, a largebam, and extensive sbeds. mil. house carriage-house, andother necerSWT ctit-buildiNgs. all in rood condition: also,a good tetuEi-bouse. The Farm Is in a high state of Im¬provement lind ts well calculated for farming, or to be di¬vided in lots, as it is bounded by highways about 230 rode.From thlt place there it a very extensive view of Longisland Soun A BS.1**- of tie purchase ni ney may remainon mortgage on the farm. For farther particulars incilr*Of SAMUEL CLAJAK, lit E irebeth at. New-York. AL¬PHALB CLARK, on the preousea, or of the aa lcraignedatNew-Rocbe^e. JOHN 801'LICE.J175w * Executor of Moses C'.ark. dee d.

VALUABLE PROPERTY for SALE.. In the city of Brooklyn, wl'hin two minute*' walk of

tl e Pulton ferrv. known as S Yine-st. and SH Dough e el.

irtiLOtLg through fn m siree: to street \ The lot t*33 featttatj aa Vsaa and 5t fw-t fronting on D<Migtry-stand W

km otr.with twodwei'ings thereon Sold lo settle aaestate I'tvrfi'i ,DO leas ) $l.v<0ran remain onbond ard mortgage P. r particular* 1"<; lire on the prera-lses.S vine-it of WILLIAM KÖSTER.NR p,*»tF*iofl '- «1st of Mtv. l^'l. I'.'lw*

c (UUI acres of land on the»MUH 'uHmai\ER-kgreat.p.r,p.u..r -

in Ibe tale aad purrhase of alra-l of L ANI>. o a >outacres, Mng In li e County of Jachton and Blata of Vir¬ginia, near the Ohio River Ttts tract ta distant 30 mile*frvm Paiheiaburgh. the itteoded term nus of the Bsdm-)"*and C>1 io Rai'road at the Dim River, and about I m'r**frosa aUaetiswetjd,a Iowa aa tfae rrtw arhscft bat uiaim-pled tit population wttatt ihe last two year*, aad 1« des¬tined wx>b to be the County Seal of J vkson County TheCount) U being filled up with firmere fron New Yorkandoil St eastern SSM r.« nhern Blair*. ¦ htsfe is niLnlng up thepuce ol lard aa'apiuiy a* :u Bay othsarstactlöa of countryoast or « ret. I*ata tract is deaataty covatwd srkh the nuewii;ua,iiv of timber, wh.ok alo-e «ill pay for the land teaBBSS ver. rear v sale for the tame being aj way* bad ai ire*

» xtenwv e *tw mn . now in operati.m *, Kt»^ isw,k>1, lastbelow the land. Btoee Coal e>i Iron Ore are beiie«e,| uexist to »c-n.e extent on ihe land. No better *t>*vu tooncan be h*J tb*n I* here offeresl to per*>>t:a or a com aany ofmto Further ioformation w ill I«. famished on app!ic«ti,,nby letter adtlreaa-d to X T.St, IbtaaiBr.svi^ Hotel,or apersocall» rvleWBisy be had mere Isatween the hour*of Sand Sand 7 mm <* P M uaul .be I7«h iaet ufit*

IV TERN LANDS WANTED. .» ? Those disposed to fell Weitere Lard* very Ijw,

(jt all each down. mar find ¦ purchaser fir one to ..?»n

u*>u**nd eeree, bv addressing, poet-pa: 1. Poet Utf.ce boa157, CieeelaBd, Ol.o, giving deacriouen and prices.pi 2sw 3m*_

To BE LET OR LEASED..The twolarge fee *nrv STOBEB. 50 and 51 Pttte-a». near

||MilJ Apply to (oflw] NRSM1TH A C- >

ToXET.A Three Story and Base¬ment House, embracing three Lots on Henry aid run

rtnr IN freien C< ngresi-st. a foe well of wr«r -a

tlte premises, being irtrodnred In the house, fruit tree*

e rape vine* sod shrubbery In vadety. II is wlibin three

n iLUiea walk of the South Ferrr. end wel su.'-t to theusieof an ema'eur Imjuire of W B. MIDDLE TON. fc.rbamt^rs-st New York, or at the Boutn Wea-icorne-ofHicks and Atlantlr-tt Brooklyn._Hftiteod-TO LET..The three-tory House 194

Sevesth-at nearAverne B. wtth marble mantle*, ma-

baaany doors. 1c Crob>n Water throutbouL Rent, In¬

cluding water, «400. Inquire of R. GLENN. ItM Poliou-et.jay a?_

fjpo LET.The store and basement -toreJa (together or separate) 3 Murrav st n«er Broadway.A[ r.v between I2and 2 o'clock to FERNANDO WOOD.4»FroTJt-et. up etalrt._ Ms Bstoa*

E|H) LET OR LEASE FOB A TERMJ OF YEARS.That capacious two-story Brick Fac¬

tory, known as the Chelsea Dyeing Work*. No. Ill 2lib-at.t etween (th and 7th avenue*, having on the premise* a

Cooble boiler Steam Engine, of 14 horsepower, with «hafteicyt attached; als« a powerful Hydraulic Press, 3

.¦.er». 2 brosh mills, cutting nachtue, Ac. complete.hmteMe for any manufacturing purpoaee. For further par-t.cntar. apply to M.WILSON,Bl i w 83 William *i comer Malden-.ane.

»T<0 LET.Three New Brick Guthic Cot-M tage», on Fortieth-*!., between Lexington and Fottrth

av» These are pleasantly sttua.ed. an) genteel: rent

#2t0. Fifteeo new three story house* on Hamiltoo-av..»<>oth t f Brooklyn, 12 room*, rent to single families$225; wllh privilege of one other family #250. .fwossaswaide and basement brick houae In Jersey $22>.Several cottage* and garden* at York?; >. rent $130. Otherhouse* and room* In tin* city and Brooklyn, to renL Inquireof T. TOWN8END. 82 Nasaau at. I2f lm'

Mj LET.STEAM POWER and goodBoom* at 16 Spruee-.-t. and 21 Beekman. Inquire of

fiast* S. W. BENEDICT.

TO LET..STEAM POWER, withmom* well lighted, heated by .learn, ventilated, aad

.uppiied with Croion water; oee corner room, 9<> feel, 70feet and 50 feet, one 56 feet. 70 feet and V feet, with ose

of roof; also a ground floor and basement room, at ihe cor-

r er of W ashiagton and Jane *ts. For *ale. a vinegar man¬

ufactory and fixture*, in working order, and a Fit/geraldgrinding mill. _6f lm*

ty<) LETOR LEASE..A Conane, withJa eight room*, beeide kitchen and servant*' rooms, partly

f::rai»hed, In Rhtneherk. about one mlie from steamboatlanding. A delightful Summer reeidence. Apply to

EDWARD L LYNCH,25 N***au-*t-

rMyi» LET..Three or four large and wellJa ig! ted ROOMS, with Steens Power, in Factory Nos.

67 snc 6-1 Forcyth »L N. Y Inquire of GEORGE JA¬COBS, on the premtsea 6f lm*

rpOLET .The House U2 Sallivan-st.,R in comp ete order; cold and hot water baths: Siita-

r a genteel family. Can be seen from 2 to 4 P M. In-rt.ireof E. P. WILLIAMS.

fj23n.'od* 73 Bowery.OFFICE TO LET.Also, Fur-

lied Room*, at '*>*. Broadway, corner Erankun sLj. a

4 BAKERV FOR SALE..One ot theXlleil Baking establlthmenta In Philadelphia 1* offeredfir «sie Tbe p ace ai d location apeak for ihemeelvea.App.icatlon mu*t be made before ihe lat of March. 13M.Inquire or addreu BAKER. M Chestnut-*'. Pl.ila.lej-phia 13f bt



FARM TO LET AT BULL'S FER¬RY, New Jersey, al*o. a COTTAGE on Fifty-Fourth

H , New it rk i the Farm contains about forty acre* ofLanti, tieantifu'Iy situated on the banks of the Hudson Riv¬er laere i* a Dwelling Hou«e and Barn on ibe premises,with a choice aelection of Fruit Treee : ihe Farm ta auitablefor a Gardener. Apply to JAMES 11. BRUSH, No. 79N*t*au *t, or No 2i7 Henry *t. feblO lw*

FACTORIES with WATER POWERTU LET.In the town of Haverstraw, Bockland

Coutity, about half a mile from tbe North River, and only36 nulea from New-York, large enough to employ 300 men.wit two overshot water-wheel* 22 feet In diameter by 13feet breast. In separate buildings. The water-power Isworthy the attention of any person wishing to en gage Inmanufacturing from its healthy location and close proximi¬ty to ihe citv. It ha* been occupied the put five year* byMeasra BAAL Higgln* a* a carpet factory, and la wellcalculated for cotton or woolen machinery Tn- building*will be let aeparate. Inquire of E. PECK A SON, 27Cliffs', before 11 o'clock A. M. jfj lm

I"~jj*OR SALE.The Lease of a Houseand Lot 8 Park place, having twenty-one year* to run,

and aubject to two renewal*. If not applied for noon, ahve-story store wli be erected on the lot, corresponding tothe one to be built upon the adjoining lot. Inquire of

12fSteed* W. WARD, 15a Broadway.L-URN1TURE TO LET..Any family-1 or lLdividual wlahlng to hire the furniture to fumlafa a

Boarding or Private House for the ensuing year, may beacci mmodaled on reasonable terms, at 4< Beekman nearWU in st- Also, at Ibe präsent Urne, with Immediate pos¬sess I a deairab'e furnished or unfurnished Boardingbouse. In a good location. Inquire of D. 8. H. Iff lw*

[0TJ8E TO LET OR LEASE..TheI sir a threestory and basemen brick house 54 Bond-

st row i reupled by Dr. Cock.hatb room, Ac A good* tntuon for a small re»pectable family To be seen fromIS Bill o'clock Irqutre at 1)3 *t. before in A. M.snd after 3 o'clock P M. ' 14f2t*

nOUSEirTO LET..A number o'" verydeelrab.e House* to Let In the upper part of the city,

from aWaajajSasnb to T wenn -eighth *u remaining Bath",Rai e*. s.c Rem* from i-Kti to Apply to E B.KINSH1MKR. 319 Founb-av 3 to 9 A M and after 2 F.

M. _7f lm*

1 fOUSE TO LET OR LEASE.No.1 0 |n Greenwich St. near the 32 feetfror l bv M feet ueep, lot 'si feet deep Inquire of

f6lm* 1.1 V LIVINGSTON, J3 Johns'.

llolSE AGREEMENTS..The sub-JB B aaraser has on hand a variety of kind* of Land¬lord*' and' Agreement*, including one formvery much approved, and prepared with great cere, con¬

taining a clause that the tenant pay tbe charge for the Cr u

ton water Also the tame form without the Croion waterclause A great va/iely of BILLS, to let House*. Siorea,Office*, pari*of Houses, Ac. GEO H BELL,

5f if Stationer and Printer. 1 * Nassau-it

LODGE ROOMS TO LET, in FOUN-TAIN HALL. No. 149 Bowerv.for Moodav, Wednes¬

day, F. iday and Saturday evenings; also Tuesday, Wednes¬day. Tburaday and Friday aflerroon*. For particular* ap-plyto [SHfj W. P. MOODY, 141 Bowery.TEAM POWER TO LET..Threerooms DO by 25 feet, with Staam Power Inquire of

J31tf_C M SIMONSOy. 181 Lewts-sU

& .(Writ, I TO LOAN ON BONDv^vFa^-'v/ AND MORTGAGE, for a term ofyean, on Real Estate in this City and Brooklyn, In turne tosuit borrowers Apply to

ANTHONY J. BLEECKEB. Auctioneer,ft lw_No 7 Broad st

ATLANTIC DOCK MILLS.-IndianCora Floor and Indian Corn Banna dried and manu,

fkctured by " Stafford'* Patent Processes, "may be obtainedof respectable Grocer* generally tn this City and Brooklyn.

" I Lilian Corn Flour" is designed for making Bread, Pud-Sin* * and Cake*, and for mixing with Wheat, Rye or Buck¬wheat Flour, and will be found on trial a very superior ar¬ticle It I* put up In double papered packages of 7 ,ba andIn boxes of one dozen each.

¦ Indian Corn Fanna." an entirely new and moat dell-Cloua article for making PuJ ling*. Muah, Ac.and will provean admirable subautute for Rice. Samp and Hoamooy. Asan arucie for the composiuon of Puddinge Oils Farina hasno rrruJ. Ill* put up In lib papers In Beautiful atyle. andIn boxes of 4 dozen each, at lb*, extremely low price of6i rents per »inglepackage.Ti e above manufacture* of Indian Com are peculiarlyaesi ted to the ueeot the Invalid ; and experience has de-

tirated that DrirriTK* *u paraae ot th:* kind ofeiet with impunity, to the exclusion of almost every otherform Lf food. It* daily use will improve the digestion,correct the bowels, and give tone and energy to ibe whole

(I SOB article* are sold at wholesale by Meeera Allen kWtnüeeey. 21 South-aL. J M. Hoyi A Son*. 17b Wasotng-kgavat and of A O Benson, 39 8outn-*t or at the Ml.Is.Consumer* can obtain of the Grocer* a pamphlet of IS

page*, entitled. " Remark* on Indian Corn its Preserva¬tion and Manufacture, with Recipe* for Cooking," togetherwi;h 'esumonaa of the bigheet re*pec'abtU:y.Orders addressed to E BBONSON. Agent, At'enCe

Dock Mill* Company, Noa. 17. 18.19 aad B< Atlantic Dock,Brooklyn, New-York, wul reeatve prompt attention and dis¬

patch. J6 Smeod

("JHAIN CABLES.A large assortment' of English proved, from 3-3 to 17-3 Inches, for sale bymOt GAUNT A DEBR1CKSON. 1*> South at.

sf^UT NAILS.An assortment ofBOÖN-V^TON CUT NAILS roeetanily on hand and for sale by

DUDLEY B. FL LLEB k CO..Vraeod« 1» Ureeowicn-et


FAMILIES wishing to obtain a (rood and,P would do well to call at my

cauufartory and exazulte the Pale YeUow Sicam Soap .lit* made Cf the brit rcatertals, being eacrely free toolSah oil. and other tajunous Ingredient* ao much used taSoap It Is clear of that stlckey property ao com con Inpjer Soap and wili not become dark by age; A so. Pa-tert CANDLES. wMeh will retrain bard In eny climate,a.-d bum longer than Sperm. Fancy Soap* of every Bind,n si iiet *. t Mth am tat aaTajf sat FaM B'«tn *,,wrliknowB a* a remedy for chapped handa The aboveare for *a.e tn any quaauty for trial. Goods dellverej freeofcharga W Ht LL'S SONJ> ltc*_1"S. 110 and 112 Cuffsl north end.raNk mILLer's LeATliER~Pll£

cn*f.jVA.T,Vri f N.D « ATER PROOF OIL BLACK-1NG.Tbe best arüc^e to use. a! way* on band and for sa-a

bT,i5 laxDAti:^ANNli 4 "¦WHB *M^i^"ermAN sIiiJeTukers' asso-i,r'^TiiU'S .8Tul1' ^ . iam alzeat, aex: door to

rraiatori. new tort Keen* eonatati.y oa band a largeID. we te.ected aaaortmect of BuoU. Sboa* Galiar. Ac


DfUllfl TEAS'..The Canton Tea¦w Comper-: hereby apprise the poblle thai th«y are bow

prr-ered to ratal every variety of TEA u tower pricesthai toy ttl Bt ewutoliahmaru can uaifarmiy do. Tc-ir et-

tei lire wii.'f#a.'e trade eJwaye rrqatrit.g them to keep oe

hai d a »ei v *. fe ateurtttoct, the parca**er at reieii d*-»

*arilv latWBl maoy advantage* of trading ¦f* tb**rvwtieh be wil. fall to obtain el*ewb*»re City and eonntryfam'o'e* woe'd gtssatly eoaeuii their tntereets bv J'j.t re-

rtrdlif lata adventee-rcem. This tithe ©1 Jer. T-* Com¬pany in ihf ettr. Tbeir only e»mb!1*»ftr-e»*.t i* at 12". Cbat-bam et M«m P-ar! and Roosevelt, aad they bar- nowno brarrb ato-eaGrocers tuppued la email ejuenuue* ea ow aa t»y us*

fne,._JU SmD- k j2e iiwwt"

G1 LASS-WARE cheap for eMh at tha."Manuftrnirer'* De;«: 23 Cedar-at op ttalrt I tell at

ret price*, bv the package oclv.pi.; no ahave on Bad taketo discoo'its of AARON SI TTON ii Cedar at

P B .O a*a of a;! ktcde aaade to order Ferrum-rs « well to rail and see_|2" mmf

HKELLY'S GRATE ar.d FENDER.MANUFACTORY, 346 Broomeet I doore weat of

|A# flowery. ad)otnit)i Or Cone's Churrn.N Y Bui der»and others who are al>oul purrhaeiog would do well to

rail, as he feels confident that b.e patterns, for variety and

cheapoees. are ucsurpaaaed jil lm*


N Y.Rook sud Magazine work. Port/aiu. Map*. Hit*Hesds Circulars. Diplomas. Cards, Patent Medicine La¬bel*. Also. Yankee Card Press,Ac_Ltf lm*

L~aMP WICKS, cheap for cash, at theorEce of the manufacturer, ii Ceder-et New-York af

Blairs i Ii**' Sen 1_AARON BITTON.



1.J pearl st. bare or hand and are cotttanfty t

a large and rarled assortment of Plumber's Earthen Ware,consisting of plus: bastes of all sizes and patterns, waier

eloeet bestes, sinks. Ac. Ac. ehirüy of the manufacture ofJostali Wedgewoed A Sons, whose ware baa been ac¬

knowledged, for ruanv years, superior to aay made. Th*;rmarbled ar.d fancv trOt plug batirs ex-eed In Satsh aadrlcbneat any ever offered to the traie. and are peculiarlyadapted to the many fine houtet now bui-iinf in the city.I2f2w* _

New-YORK PATENT MERCHAN-DISE CO 24" Broadway, opposite the Pa'fc. New-

York ALBERT L SMITH. AgentThis Company has established a Depot for the exhibition

and sale of a11 new article* of taste and ornament, particu¬larly such as are patented: fir this purp, we, the lor allon(Btoedwev.oppoatie the Park.) U uiiaarpaseed Consign¬ment* *ol;<>u-,l aad Uhatal ad vancee made. 4f2weod*

1PREMIUM KILN dried" Dmrs on handtod made to order, ofanreize or quality-also. Sashes,

giszed or tot t laze-*, of the 2 iiatt an 1 beat style*, tua'de andnu side biicds aad stutters, for sale b* the subscriber, 17Beekman-st [I If 2weod*| N. F. KIA1BALL.

RODGER'S PENKNIVES.The gen¬uine article of Rodger's Penknlvee can always be

f.Hind at tie slore of lite subecfiner. a good aaaortmenl atmoderate price* AI*o Rszors, De*k kntve* r»ri«»or», Acif If OEO H BELL, Btattoner. Ac. 1 S3 N**»* i St.

SHIRTS, ROSOMS, COLLARS..»3tienii«nien requiring anvthtng tn the above line, anddesirous of obtaining a good hi and neat work at moderateprice*, are re*pectfully invited to call at Mis* ARTHUR.Shut Manufactory. 6 Murray at New-York, where all or-

ders are punctually attended to and promptly exec edLadles' and children's linen made u p to order. JSOIroood*

SKATES..A full awortmen» of commonand fsncy SKATES, »trapped and unstrapped

8LEIG 4 BELLS .A full and complete asaortmeat ofloose and fancy strapped Sleigh BellsCUTLERY .Ivory and Desert Knives and Pork*, Tea

Tray* pol'*hed Shovel* and T'>rtgs Fire Stand*, ke atwholesale and retaU, by.C.B. LITTLE, S3 and S4 Fulton-atdlH 2meod______TEAS FOR FAMILY AND HOTEL

USE We are cow selling a superior article of f eshTeas, both green and black, at the low price of V> cents perlb. in I to s lb. packages, to which we beg your stientlou.

Pedd'.ets wanted to supply thecitv with IBB above.12f3ieodU* PEKIN TEA COMPANY, 75 Fultoo-sL

ri> ELEGRÄ PH W IRE..-ICH A BODA WASH BUB N A CO Manufacturers of all kinds ofIron Wire from Foreign Refined Iron. Telegraph Wire,Bright. Annealed, and Spring Wire. All kinds of Round,Flat Angular, or Oval Wire be»t adapted to Machine pur-pose*, straightened and cut to any length. Worcester,

is.. _|2t 3m»

TELEGRAPHIC.Citizens er. Strin¬ger* are invited to call and examine the operation o


177 Broadway. New-York.The Immense success attending the adaptation of Obe>

ttead't Patent Telegraph Battery to theMAGNETIC MEDICAL MACHINE,

has Induced the subscriber to accept from the Mann fee-torer*,

Messrs. T. SMITH A CO 77 Fuium-etthe appointment as sole Agent flu the sule thereof, and tbeywin hereafter be kepr constantly on sale at


The Olmstead Patent Magnetic Machine, fur MEDICAAporpoeea, is so entirely different from any other medical In¬strumenta, that no person can form a proper idea of its ad¬vantage* without witneMlng it* operations, when they willbe found so apparent as to render argument superfluous.The current of electricity Is completely under tho control ofthe operator, and can. from almo*i liapereepUMllty. lie grad-nallv Increased to ar.y strength the patient may dastra.while, Instead of feeling the painful spasmodic contractio*of the muscles produced by all other medical Instruments, S

gentle current Is flowing pleasantly through the nervous sys¬tem. Telegraph Companies are respectfully informed thaievery description of Magnetic and Chemical Telegrapkapparatus I« sept constantly on sale at


.There allorders must be addressed. oil FMAWtf


MORE and WASHINGTON New-York Office comer ofManöver ar d Beaver sis, rear of the Each -nge The Plön-ee.' Line, with four sires from Washington to New-York,having officee at Ne * Yora, Jere-y Cuy. Newark. New-Krunawlek. Princeton. Trenton Philadelphia, W,.mliigion,Havre de Grace, Baltimore arid Washin/on Cuy, andcon-necting with all the Great Morse Line*. Etat, Writ, Northand South. Tils Company having lately pSaVt extensiverepairs of the line greaiiy increased It* fa-iiiile*, and morethoroughly *'siemaiued its business in the transmissionand ii.ode of delivery of message*, are now prepared to re¬ceive, transmit and deliver any Dumber of in-ssagas re¬quired for the accommodation of the public, with an accu¬racy, prompicee* and fidelity hitherto unequsied. The tele,graphing business of the pnb'lr is, therefore, respectfullysoliclied, at the office corner of Hanover a'd Beav-r at*

J27lyeod_WM M 8WAIN, President


ERI everoflrred for sale, ai M. WILLAR I) 8 Warehouse.150 Chatham-st corner of Mull>erry-st The attention oftousekeepers and others is particularly called to Will'spatent right and left screw bedstead. O.d beds renovated;crts wboleaaleand retail. J28 Im*

»*rO DRUGGISTS.For sale, the stock1 and fixtures of one of the best conduct**! Drug Estab-

l'shmects In the Ci'y of Providence. The stock it freshand well selected the fixture* are of the first c.ass. andthe situation is the heel p Wile for doing a large bunnoss.central, aid within iione-throw of the depo» of t*ie sev¬eral Railroads leading to Boston. Worcester and New-York. To a man wiih a capital of or 17.*''"', this af-f >rds an opportnatty rarely offered to do a large and profita-h e business. For further particular* Irqulre at the (tore,31 Westminster st or of W. W UPDIKE, Providence,

E I_J27 3sr

o LUMBER'sPLANER having undergone important alterations is

. ,. thoroughly perfected and commanding mach atten¬don. They are remarkable for simplicity, strong and easilykept in order, thereby avoiding the expensive repair*. *ocommon to «taticr.ary macblr SSV They do the work In ex-cei.ect style, f.Distdnr it by one operation. The matctiugis superior. It is confidently believed they will yetcoea-matd a preference over any other machine or mode ofplaning. For all Southern lumber they are especial.y com¬mended.

Plauitxg of all kinds done at short "notice, corner of We-teratdJavst* Brooklyn.LA* I STAVE MACHINE dresses and Jotnts without

a**orung staves, of all kind*, shapea aad width, by oncepassing through. Rights or tnachmea. (.r sale e , s.

H-gib Pearl stl.f SfTuAFr_or after 1st March at 23 park Row. M Y.

"10 PRINTERS. F"o7s7le, one Secondhand HYDRAULIC PRESS, double-medium s^ze.

six inch ram and wrought iron Cylinder, in complete oMerllfSt_I HOE i. CO 2!fand JiOold st

TO PRINTERS.For sale thVfoliW.lowing lota of second*n«nd TYPE in foots to suit

purchasers, either w'.Ji or without case*, viaBmallPlca.2.2»Iba Long Primer.SSBlbe.Bourgeois. 3ne .. I Brevier.47B"The above TYPE Is tn good coodHloo and will be »m at

low rate* jgfjfj JOHN F TROW. 49Ann-at

TRUNKS fur the WORLD'STaIR.The Bubscrtt-ers have the pleasure to Inform thoee

ladle* and gentlemen that tniecd vuitlag the World's Fair,that they mtrrafacture and have now oo band the right styleof Trink for European traretlng. Being made of solidBoie Leather, tney are light and durable, aad Supporte 1with steel springs, th»y always retain their shape. Pleasecall and examine befiire purchasing12f Iw J. B A J BULL. Saddlers, Ac. 2r*3 Broadway.

UtATCHES, JEWELRY and SIl7VER WARE..Those who wish to purchase

WATCHES or JEWELRY, will fjnd It greatly to iMradvantage to call oo the suhsrrlber who is rooetantly ra>teivmg all deerr1pc<iOB of fold and silver sraichee, dfredfrom the mar.iifacturers la England. France and Swiixer-land. which ke . seUlng at wbotnaale and rwaaii at thevery lowest price*Ladle*' and Gentlemen . Gold Watch Chair* DiamondRüg* and Pins. Gold and Stiver Ipectacie*. Bi-nlng BlivarSpoons Cops. Foraa. Ac.Gold Watcbea as low aa an to fJfJSJ each; Watches aad

Jewelry exeharged Ail Watches srairanied to k~-pgood Ome, or the moaey retumesl. Waichea. Cioe-ks andJewelry repaired In the beet manner, aad warranted atBaach lea* than the osuaj prices.GEO C ALLEN. Importer of Wewaea aad Jewlry,ajp sat* Waoeaeai* and ReuiL 51 WaJ-at op ataira

\\rINDOW SHÄDE^S~A"ND TRIM-TT MINGS, by O K Eitra A Co . Importers and man-scttirert of Transparent Wlroow Shades. Enj'ish aad

'¦-'man Oil Cloth*. Bull aad Whrte Linens, ke wti iliaralesid retail, at the oidett eatabiitziraerit is the Umied Suuea,No 131 Chatham at, and defy all competition, and will ml*-y of their stork at lower prices than can be found la tatsOh AI Shades warranted not to curl or stickN B .Tre trade famished with English and America*

s Patn'.s. Ac at the lowest prices¦¦* O E RiKEI A CO




OAKUM.-500 bale* No. 1 ; 600 JNo 2.for te* at maiu.far iu rare' pi teas, by ^

»33 OAlNT 4 DEREICK.SOM, |A1 So«a>ei\%ras derft rLT_ i nv"knti()n^t-

WARREMi WBOUOHT IKON thrkah1c1MACHINE, fat Wl*ii ard a bind» of Gram, w*£Lt*to do twice as much wo-k iwuhtbe sar-.e power)machine sitait Ii rar.not b«w> o. bei naa« dtaas»»! ?'doee tu »ork thorough tu % »D'l p-a-tah.« ..* -^i Jr_twetity aear* 'o rotster* nee Largest ctia, I- -.¦..^j?Wheei. It> - «rd Ol'», l'itrtv loche* *<r*ar*. will lhre*kaabosfcets da.'y will) f ur börae* pr ¦- *- j. !buatcle. »Iii iwo butm, |« Jd slre, l*h«*e,- a |>s ?thre»b Com. Rice, Clover T'"r."br F'at, Re,.,* rand rtll »man teedt. areither ev.'nder i» ftirn).^) t. gV?tame Pasee »i »r> v»i|*i,#25and Rat mma»JSder all) Ütresh Wheat. Bte ard Oat* a» we,; a* leVE.bul not so rapid Price of la»t cylinder wltkj frame. BWa-i- a..: * - Sa* araa ri .« -n-i/ i-eaierheda^.. ¦ -\-r» cost Any power will aaaarar. if Um rrtlaäZcatr1»*l by a pulley of «f tncbe* diameter wU aoaio - iTau<>f rot leu than LSB revolution** per ¦Saale TwuewZleaer rower. SoA four horte. $90. Township Co^l t »3Suite Rlghl* for ta> brr , ***

JOSEPH O GILBERT. Bl Paart aNo >!ter» answered wiubovi postage prepaid, mum

they Contain orlert. fi\ Uwlatr


MALKD t.OoDS.S. BARKER,IHM Grand al wtll offer for sale m.» tsafa,'

lewttg goods, sltgbily dasnaged3 batet real Trench Fr to la.St puces high luster Ore de

*1 ya.'dt »rt ail al.tpad Silks,lie piece* Mab Linens.« 4 frith Diaper*.Book and Nantook Masiina1 rase Sat] Prtct*. only 4d per > ar 1Primed Lawna, Ac Ac.

rsartcr uooo*.A ip t - t latortmenl of b.aca c gri luster Oro d« Bit *a

to I S high lutter Chamelror. >...»Brocaue and Cbcne Silkt and Armut* Si.a*

Whits ar.d Colored Plain ar.d Embroidered Crap*Shaw It. cheaper than any other ttore la the cltr

Also. ii« haiea and rate* I» meetfc Good*, lata thatany other ttoraIn thlacity. S BARKER, sei ürandsl t

ASHBURTON TICKS.-50 cases ofthese superior Ticking* for aale by

J» ifNESMITH A CO. 5» and 53 Plaaat

( K »TSANDSHUKS..B. BLANCH-ABD baa remorad from SK4 Pearl at to SRA.aBay

door* above, where be has. and will receive from tue Maarefactnrert through the teaaon. the beat assortment of ttatgpegted hoot* aad Brogana tn thta city, which artTJ be a*Mto the trade a* low u can be purchateAt Eaat. sr«" PearrAk

7f 3m-_

COLORED CAMBRICS..100 camsall color* and qualttlea for aale at reduced P'Ve* *>


C B LE BARON, A5 rlaa>aa

ENGLISH BABY LINEN..EnglulEmbroidered Cloak* aud Uteaa-s. auiuot Bat»« r*ka>

tel*. ai d every article lu the above Una. Ladtea »ut.p.ylagtbair ov» n maletial* can tave ibem made up 'n tne iirataatmanner and on the most reason at. e term* at 3»e, Oreeaw,ek>at. betw eeu Reade and Duate *U. Oo*erve lb* nurubar

llf If


tFASHIONABLE HATS. . Just fin-lahed. lite moat splendid article ever offered Elagaat

FRENCH 8ILK HATS at tbe low price of #> ua-a..) to,4ai \% A l*o, an arucie at $2 10. Neat H*f^^|

j, 15sCanal-*t oc»» dia>r from Sulllsaa

I^JN E BLEACH ED CO'lTONS-KrumjT tl.e t W v I RtxUtaj>aam Mauckt*.ter, Dover. Hope. American. \N ..lama. Eiweü. Wa»than). New-Bedford, York Premium. Bhode Uland, Mae-ray.Uxbridge. Porlsuioutli.Muwry. Chelmt'ord, audothar*: 'is. for export or the trade, for aale byflBtf NESM1TH A CO Vand MlTa>aat

ÜfARCUS SPRING \ co.. No. biIyJ EXCHANOE-PLACE,offer for taJaaaeaeaaaVaasoa

BaoWM SHXKTIXtta, FaNut Caiaiaaaxa.Baowa SniaTiHGt, Black sbd CoLoar.o oe.

Baiaria« BTairaa. Baoao Cloths,Bleschbd Cortost. ShuE* Oasrt,Bi lb DtaiMt, SsTiaer* ab» Twaeat.Pabtsi.oob STurra. Plaio LiMsat»

(grtat waritty > KxanrsSilbcia* abo Cambbici, tTBtaBIBBIAraota Chxcks. Flabnbls,jeam_FRINTtNO CLOTHS_

To Country and City Merrbanu

(llOULTON A: CO. M Pine Bnd 64 Ce-IfB dar *t offer by the piece o' package one of tbe rajaextensive and varlel STOCK» OF FBENCH, OERttAN,ENGLISH AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS to be ftwaaIn thla city, at prtcea that will pieaae doee CASH SCI-EBB.



J&l P. COATS'S S'X CORD SPOOL» COTTON .Tbe vender* and co'sumer* of ou'Saota

Cotton*, are bereby Informed, that wa hate no luiaraatwhatever, either directly or Indirectly. In the laanufaiMBor tale of any other article of Spool Cotton Imported latethe United Statea. Lian the one which I.ears, on each spool,our name In full " J. A P COATS," and that of " Andre*Coata. General Agoal for the United kkaiee," and we lakeleave at the tarne Urne, to Mate, that ail our Threads aremanufactured by ourselves, wltbla our own preanlww.Having recently made extensive addition* to our Works,

which will matsria.iy Increase our production, we hopes*future to be able to keep pace with the constantly tncraafebag demand from tbe United StatesOur trades marks, having by many decisions received tat

fall protection of iha Law Courts, we ahelieouilnue i.tproaacute all tufrlngementa of them. J. A P COAT*.

ANDREW COATS General AgentJ15 SmDAWlm for the Urdked Statea

PHILADELPHIA CHECKS.A,m»,Furniture and oiher Checks of different qualitiesBr

tale by lj/7 tfj NESMITH k CO V and 52 Pine-st

PRINTER'S BLANKETS.And Up-ping Engrarera and Boiler Cloth for sale by

da C B LZ gARON. « Flnast

PRINTS..A full supply of Springsrylesjust received, suited to the trade and for etaori,

fortaJe^by [ j^tfj NESMITH A CO. .Vi and s» ptneat.

\MIET GOODSFROM THE ZURICE»v liroadcloihs D.e-akln, Ca«« mere*. bl*c«

Silks, best quality ; French Ca.icoea and G nglitraa. Car-Utn Matllok, Mu*lla Robe*, pauialoon Drll leg, Linen He aft, Ac f,.r *aie by

15f3t«_ W. MATHEvVS,60Catlisrlna*tlaftfl ( ASKS blue and WHITE u41 ä n F»WO BLUE PBINTS For BTakS ny

dt C B. LE BARON. v> Pinea

äVM |i I CASES BLEA< HED -HIRT-«wA>^"lN(18, 2», 27. ». 33 and 3b Inch soiiahls BfManufacturer* of *agt. aad the general trade For tale af

at_C B LE BAR()N.55F1aw4\

CASES ADAMS BLUE~AND..A . "oRANBE PRINTS.-8upei-lorui qualty of trtsBand variety cf style, for sale by C B LE BARON.

di_'_« Plaaat

W INTER view of* * the advanosd taste of Ui* Se-ason. we are offering B

Beduced Price* a aelecUon from what in an endeavor to re¬tain the supremacy of our Goods, wa bare no heBiartoaBlcommending aa tbe beat assortment of First UnaiRfBEADY MADE GARMENTS In the city, creapriswutparticularly new style of Burtoota- Over and Body laCBtiDress and Fraek Coats Panuloona, Vests, kc

WM V. JENNINGS, A Co 7SI Broadwayd23 if opposite ihe park t'elutBSl


T> RS A BERRY. 447 Broad way. a few doort betowGrand SL at Ute /f oiian Piano nMans of T Gii.Sl.ry*CO hare a large assortment ot aecond-hand PtsBot for.aJa cheap or to rent at pncea from |25 to $2«i. A1S0.Sgood assortment of Mine for sale at a reduced puce,I4f lm*

ILalANOS.A ( i octave Rotew«**] PHL-NO of exceiionl tone, only 3 ¦oalh* la ass, fur BlMt

Alte, two v. * ..: Rosewood PIANOS of 4)octave* rack, to t e had a bargain. Also, for sale cheap, IOoid and Sliver Waxcae* a case of Oer.u.i'* ln*trumeat*itin Iron Safe. 1'lctires, Book*. Ac Cashadvancea on Mar-

I i*e and pertonai proreny of all k ndslit If_1. F. JONES, 56 Ann-st V »>or

PIANO-F()RTES FOR SALE.Vti-ton* about purcha»lng Pianos win find It to thetr ad¬

vantage io call at BENNF.T k COMPANY'S Manifacl»»ry,1M Fulton-et (east side of Broadway ) They bare a MrfSaasortment of Rowewood Pianos corjtaclly on hand. Erarfli'ttrument warranted for two years B A Co bar* et of more l.«*' persons they wll reft r to, WBShave purchased Piano* of them, all of which bare givesUbtversal taUsfacDon, but when any doubts are expressesa* to their quality, the payment may be withheld u-iUlsatSdoabtt are removed. O.d Pianos exchanged. New sadaacood-hand Fiat oa to let- a27 sf

PlANO-FUKTEä.Persons about pur-chasing Fiaeos. w Iii aad It to thetr advantage to calB

R. Glenn Aco's Manufactory, 194 FuiUeisL. (west of Brtai-way.) A a euer», assortment of mahogany and roestratsPiano« coL*taötiy oa hand, wktcb will lea so.d low for tawor approved paptr. Dealer* suppled on liberal terw*..3" tf_R OLEftN A CO 194 Faiuat-at_

PIANOS FOR SALE an.l to hire, at fBarrisy-et cpposUe the Atter House, from a* a»f SP>

tare*, tn rotewo jd ar;d mahogany casesalASBB* JAMES THOMPSON, laue Tallman A

PIANO FOR SALE-A eood wwBtVhand PIANO, wub mahogany ease. French pojsk.J

win I* *old for f9<', if applied for immedia'-e.y. BtB>A a»L;ngton-»t. LBTav.

p!AN(>-FORTES.-. V. F. HARlS-i. S'-N 2j sl wareroora 2d atorv.J offersa spVt. «:d asaortmeat of Bosewood PIANOS of 'A ***octavet. w::l. tbt la'eat tciprovaments, Jl' "

TIVOLIAN PIANOFORTES..J.M-A would call the alien a >n t> - pabttc to tbe ls»S>.ortroent of Piano Fortes, with and without the m-C*5mired sCawaw Accompanlmeni, made by the oasstaaaea,-«ct <}|,l*rt A Co of Eotion. receetty epreti j

by WATERS A BERRY Tbe PisatS*ve beea tao long aad Too farorahly ksews¦nsssasadauoet Hundreds la ifcts«'f 99

bouse u.'T Gl44" Broadway b.T. Ü. A Co. have I-_to need any coaBSBwadatioaa _

leaurN to thetr an nerior excellenceN B -Sec,no-hand Pianos lakaa la exchange.PlaSkOSIOaal mma

.> ' astortrrect of the above trttcumeeu mat ae»»w*a: the Wareroora* a' Ltncolc A Tbompsoo, va FstwjTBrooklyn fMm

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