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    In my heart I know my Savior lives

    I can hear Him calling tenderly my name

    Over sin and death He has prevailed

    In His glory, in His new life we partake


    I know He lives as He has promised

    For me He's risen that from fear I may be free

    Not even death can separate me

    From Him whose love and might remain in me[REFRAIN]


    For I have seen and touched Him risen

    To all the world will I proclaim His majesty

    With joy I sing to tell His story

    That in our hearts may live His memory[REFRAIN]


    And all the earth shall bow before Him

    His blessed name all will adore on bended knee

    His truth shall reign, so shall His justice

    In Christ, my Savior, let all glory be[REFRAIN]


    In my heart I know my Savior lives

    In His glory, in His new life we partake


    Glory to God in the highest,

    and on earth peace to people of good


    Glory to God in the highest,

    and on earth peace to people of good



    We praise you, we bless you,

    We adore you, we glorify you,

    we give you thanks for your great glory,

    Lord God, heavenly King,

    O God, almighty Father. [REFRAIN]


    Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son,

    Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the


    you take away the sins of the world,have

    mercy on us;

    you take away the sins of the

    world,receive our prayer;

    you are seated at the right hand of the

    Father,have mercy on us. [REFRAIN]


    For you alone are the Holy One,you

    alone are the Lord,

    you alone are the Most High,Jesus


    with the Holy Spirit,

    in the glory of God the Father. [REFRAIN]



    You speak of faith, alleluia!

    You speak of hope, alleluia!

    You speak of justice, alleluia!

    You speak of love, alleluia!

    We sing of faith, alleluia!

    We sing of hope, alleluia!

    We sing of justice, alleluia!

    We sing of love, alleluia!


    Come let us sing to every nation:

    "Great is our God and King!

    He is the Rock of our salvation!

    Lift up your hearts and sing!"


    So sing, for we are God's people;

    for he has shown us his ways.

    He gathers us to his table,

    to partake of his grace. [REFRAIN]


    So when the Lord's voice you hear,

    don't fear or harden your hearts.

    We know that our God is near

    by the Word he imparts.[REFRAIN]

    Great is our God and King!

  • PASTORALE I am your reed, sweet shepherd, glad to


    Now if you will, breathe out your joy in


    And make bright songs or fill me

    With the soft moan of your love

    When your delight has failed

    To call or move your flock from wrong

    Make children songs or any song to fill

    Your reed with breath of life

    But at your will

    Lay down the flute and take repose

    While music infinite

    Is silence in our heart

    And laid on it you reed is mute

  • WE GATHER TODAY Lord we gather today

    In your house,

    We kneel down and pray

    We ask for your mercy

    As we open our hearts

    To receive your forgiveness O Lord

    Lord we lift up to you

    All these gifts we offer for your glory

    We will eat this living bread

    We will drink this saving cup

    And feel your presence O Lord

    As we offer this bread and as we bring

    you this wine

    Bless them Lord Jesus

    Feed us now, give us life

    Send us your spirit,

    The source of our lives

    And together we will serve you with love

  • GOD OF SILENCE The God of silence beckons me To journey to my heart Where He awaits O Lord, I hear You calling tenderly To You I come to gaze At the beauty of Your face I cannot see

    To rest in Your embrace I cannot feel To dwell in Your love hurting but sweet To be with You; to glimpse eternity

    God of night, fount of all my delight. Show Your light, that my heart, like Yours, burn bright.

    Be still the torment of the night Will not encumber you, if you believe My child this darkness isn't emptiness For here I mold your heart Unto My image painfully you long to see

    GOD OF SILENCE The self you yearn to be, but fear to know The world from which you flee in Me find home All these I give you, if you remain in Me

    [COUNTERPOINT] I am ever here My child, you need not fear The dark will set you free And bring your heart to Me

    [CODA] The God of silence beckons me To journey to my heart Where He awaits me


    One thing I ask:

    To dwell in the house of the Lord all my


    To gaze on His goodness

    And walk in His ways.

    He will shelter me;

    He will be my strength.

    In the triumph that He brings me

    I can hold my head high.

    In His house I shall lift up my voice.

    I will sing, I will praise the Lord.


    Cry out with joy to the Lord, all the


    Serve the Lord with gladness.

    Cry out with joy to the Lord, all the


    Come before him, singing for joy.

    Know that he, the Lord, is God.

    He made us, we belong to him.

    And we are his people,

    the sheep of his flock,

    the sheep of his flock.

    Cry out with joy to the Lord, all the


    Serve the Lord with gladness.

    Cry out with joy to the Lord, all the


    Come before him, singing for joy.

    Come before him, singing for joy.

    Come before him, singing for joy.

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