  • 7/28/2019 Foreign Body in Eye- Dr. Murali Mohan Gurram


  • 7/28/2019 Foreign Body in Eye- Dr. Murali Mohan Gurram


    Eye Education Series-Foreign body in Eye: Dr. Murali Mohan Gurram

    Script by Dr. Murali Mohan Gurram Page 1


    Due to our polluted environment, its not uncommon for us to experience a foreign body

    in eye. This is a review to highlight what to do and what not do in such situations.

    The usual foreign bodies that may lodge in the eye are dust, sand particles, insect wings,

    plant material like dried leaf dust, debris, makeup (Kajal, Eyeliner), glass pieces etc.

    The eye surface is covered by a thin membrane called conjunctiva. In the centre of eye,

    there is a black circle called cornea. We have two eyelids which protect the eye as

    shutters. The common sites of foreign body lodgment are shown in figures.

    Upper Lid Eversion: to expose Upper

    subtarsal sulcus: The common site of

    Foreign body.

    Lower lid Eversion: To expose,

    Lower fornix and conjunctival

    sac: Other sites for foreign body.

  • 7/28/2019 Foreign Body in Eye- Dr. Murali Mohan Gurram


    Eye Education Series-Foreign body in Eye: Dr. Murali Mohan Gurram

    Script by Dr. Murali Mohan Gurram Page 2

    Rarely a projectile foreign body can pierce the eyeball and enter into the globe which is

    called intra-ocular foreign body and is a serious threat to the eye. Those are to be dealt in

    a tertiary care eye hospital. This article does not deal with such foreign bodies.

    The symptoms of foreign body:

    Usually the person experiences Foreign body sensation, Redness, Watering, photophobia

    and Irritation. Irritation may increase on blinking as the lid surface rubs onto the


    What to do immediately?

    Usually the foreign bodies get flushed away by the tears and blinking. Blink frequently for

    few minutes. If it doesnot work, go to next step which is eye wash. If the natural water

    in the eye (Tears) are not able to flush the foreign body, take the help of external water.

    There are two techniques of Self Eye-Wash: Eye-Cup technique and Bowl technique.

    Eye-cup technique: The cup should fit snugly around your eye socket. Fill the cup with

    lukewarm clean water (Cold water can shock the eye, and Hot water can burn) till the

    brim. Tilt your head down, position the cup snugly against your eye. The eye is inside the

    water. Blink several times and move the eye in a circular pattern to help get the water in

    your eye


  • 7/28/2019 Foreign Body in Eye- Dr. Murali Mohan Gurram


    Eye Education Series-Foreign body in Eye: Dr. Murali Mohan Gurram

    Script by Dr. Murali Mohan Gurram Page 3

    For the bowl method: The bowl must be large enough for your entire face to fit into it.

    Place the bowl on a towel so you don't make a mess. Partially fill the bowl with lukewarm

    water. The bowl should not be filled completely as water will spill over. Dip your whole

    head in the bowl of water. Blink several times and move the eye in a circular fashion.

    Most of the foreign bodies gets flushed away with this eye wash. Some of them may be

    lodged into the layers of conjunctiva or cornea or may be attached to the surface. These

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    Eye Education Series-Foreign body in Eye: Dr. Murali Mohan Gurram

    Script by Dr. Murali Mohan Gurram Page 4

    should be removed by an ophthalmologist. An immediate medical advice should be


    Eye specialist would examine the location and nature of foreign body. He would remove it

    with either ear-bud or a needle or a forceps after anesthetizing the eye. This is a painless

    procedure. Very rarely foreign bodies may be deep inside the layers of cornea which may

    require removal in operation theatre under a microscope.

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    Eye Education Series-Foreign body in Eye: Dr. Murali Mohan Gurram

    Script by Dr. Murali Mohan Gurram Page 5

    You should consult ophthalmologist when pain or scratching sensation persists even after

    removal of foreign body, or when your vision decreases.

    How to help a friend with foreign body in his/her eye:

    Wash hands before helping the victim. Seat the person in a lighted area. Gently examine

    the eye. Pull lower eyelid downward. Ask the person to look upward. Then hold upper

    eyelid while person looks down. If the object is floating in the tear film on the surface of

    the eye, try using a medicine dropper filled with saline solution or clean, lukewarm water

    to flush it out. If a medicine dropper isn't available, use a glass of water or hold the

    person's head under a gentle stream of water. If the above are not available, buy an

    artificial tears eye drops in a nearby medical shop and use it to flush. If the foreign body

    could not be flushed out, touch the object with wet cotton bud. Object should cling to

    the cotton bud. If object is removed, flush eyes with saline/warm water. If object cannot

    be removed, take him to a doctor. If object is embedded, do not touch. Consult doctor


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    Eye Education Series-Foreign body in Eye: Dr. Murali Mohan Gurram

    Script by Dr. Murali Mohan Gurram Page 6

    What not to do?

    Do not rub the eyes. Its a natural tendency to rub the eyes after foreign body injury, but

    rubbing would cause more damage, as the foreign body scratches most of the eye surface.

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    Eye Education Series-Foreign body in Eye: Dr. Murali Mohan Gurram

    Script by Dr. Murali Mohan Gurram Page 7

    Do not attempt to remove an embedded foreign body. The maneuvers can push the

    foreign body further inside. More over the maneuver can damage the cornea, if not done


    Do not attempt to remove a large foreign body.

    Do not leave a foreign body on the eye. Some foreign bodies when embedded in the

    superficial layers , may not cause any symptoms, but they should be removed as they may

    cause infection if left inside.

    How to prevent foreign bodies?

    Eye protection is the best prevention. Wear protective goggles when you are in dusty

    environment. Wear protective goggles during works like welding, construction, chipping

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    Eye Education Series-Foreign body in Eye: Dr. Murali Mohan Gurram

    Script by Dr. Murali Mohan Gurram Page 8

    etc. Handle your contact lenses carefully and hygienically, as contact lenses are a source

    of foreign bodies.

    (Source of images: Google images)

  • 7/28/2019 Foreign Body in Eye- Dr. Murali Mohan Gurram


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