  • 5/25/2018 Forgiveness Class Assembly Doc



    [PowerPoint Slide 1]What's the point of forgiving someone? I know forgiveness is all very nice, and when you've

    done something wrong, it's nice to hear someone tell you that everything is going to be all right.But when I'm the one who has been wronged, why should I forgive? What's in it for me?

    [PowerPoint Slide 2]

    If that sounds flippant, it isn't meant to. Forgiveness is something that is easy to talk about -

    'oh, just forgive and forget, move on - it isn't worth bearing a grudge' - but it can be a lotharder to actually put into practice. Sometimes you just don't want anything to do withsomeone who has hurt you. Of course, it depends what it is that needs forgiving, of course. It'seasier to forgive someone for forgetting to tell you some piece of news than it is to forgivesomeone who sets out to hurt you or to cause you serious harm.

    There are plenty of instances of people who have had a loved one murdered, and who come out

    with remarkable statements of forgiveness. There are also just as many instances of people whohave suffered the same agonising experience and who find it absolutely impossible to forgive,who long for the guilty to suffer as much for what they did as possible. [If you used OpeningActivity: Forgive Me, Forgive Me Not, refer to it here.] None of us can say that either

    response is wrong, and none of us can know quite how we would react in the same situation. Ihope that we never find out. But for all of us, whether on big issues or small, the question of

    whether or not to forgive is one that we will be faced with in our lives, maybe even on a daily


    We're going to watch a film clip now where someone is struggling with the challenge of

    forgiving. The film is Invictus, and the scene we are about to see takes place in the very earlydays of Nelson Mandela's reign as President. In this clip, the head of his security detail is givena painful lesson in the importance of forgiveness.

    [Play the following clip from the film Invictus

    Start time: 0.11.40 (in chapter 4 of the DVD)End time: 0.14.11Clip length: Two minutes and 31 seconds

    The clip starts with Jason Tsabalala (Tony Kgoroge) walking into his team of security guards and

    saying, 'We need more men'. It ends with him leaving President Mandela's (Morgan Freeman)office saying, 'Sorry to disturb you, sir.'

    If you are unable to play the clip as part of the assembly, say, 'Security chief Jason Tsabalala ishorrified when his request for additional men prompts President Mandela to assign several

    former special branch operatives - the men behind the previous regime's worst attacks against

    anti-apartheid protestors - to work alongside him. Tsabalala confronts the President to ask whyhe has to work alongside his former enemies. Mandela explains that working alongside theirformer enemies, showing them compassion and grace rather than hostility and recrimination, isthe only way that South Africa can be truly united. Mandela explains that forgiveness is apowerful weapon for them to use in the cause of peace.']

    [PowerPoint Slide 3]Mandela isn't asking Jason to forgive his former enemies because it will be good for them, orbecause it will be a kind thing to do. Rather, he focuses on the benefit that Jason will get from

    exercising forgiveness.

    [click]'Forgiveness liberates the soul, it removes fear. That is why it is such a powerful


    Elsewhere in the film, Mandela calls on black South Africans to surprise their white counterparts

    with 'compassion, restraint and generosity.' That has echoes of some advice that the Bible offerson the subject of how to deal with enemies:

    [PowerPoint Slide 4]Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. If it is

    possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.

    Romans 12:17-18

    Today's New International Version

  • 5/25/2018 Forgiveness Class Assembly Doc



    The Bible writer and Nelson Mandela had both realised something important. It's great toreceive forgiveness, but the act of forgiving is far more important for the forgiver. When we are

    able to forgive, we are able to live in peace. As long as we withhold forgiveness, we have to livewith our own anger and hatred. When we don't forgive, we allow the person who harmed us tokeep on harming. When we forgive, we set ourselves free.

    The Bible goes further:

    [PowerPoint Slide 5]If your enemy is hungry, feed him;if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.

    Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

    Romans 12:20-21Today's New International Version

    [PowerPoint Slide 6]Forgiveness turns the tables. [click] When this passage talks about heaping burning coals on

    our enemies' heads, it doesn't mean that we want to hurt them with our forgiveness. It isn't a

    passive-aggressive charter for getting your own back with niceness. But when we receiveunexpected forgiveness, particularly when we know we wouldn't have offered it ourselves, it cansting us. It makes us sit up and think. [click]It makes us change. As the Bible puts it, it allows

    evil to be overcome with good. As Nelson Mandela recognised, forgiveness is a powerfulweapon. It can be the catalyst for real change, real reconciliation and a real hope for making theworld better.

    [PowerPoint Slide 7]

    Why should you forgive? [click]Because it's good for you. [click]Because it's good for yourenemies. [click]And because it's the best weapon we have for overcoming evil with goodness.

    Forgiveness Assembly

    _____: Welcome to P6Bs assembly on Forgiveness.

    Forgiveness is the Personality Trait for March in our CAPS


    _____:We have done a number of different activities about

    forgiveness this week. One of the activities was to describe

    what Forgiveness means to me.

  • 5/25/2018 Forgiveness Class Assembly Doc



    _____:Forgiveness is to admit you have made a mistake and to

    say that you are sorry

    _____:Forgiveness is to accept an apology from someone and

    forget about it

    _____:Forgiveness is a warm and happy feeling and makes you

    a better person

    _____:Forgiveness is to trust your friends again and make

    your friendship stronger

    _____:Always remember, we become forgiving people by

    always forgiving others. Now we have a short drama of the

    story of The Prodigal Son.

    Narr 1 (_______)

    Now this is the story of a man and his lads

    One was good and one was bad

    The man was a farmer and he had two boysOne was quiet and the other liked noise

    The older one whose name was Joe

    Worked all day to make the crops grow

    He never grumbled, he never moaned

    He worked away on the land they owned


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    Narr 1 (______)

    The other one whose name was Paul

    He didnt fancy work at all

    He thought that living down on the farmWas spoiling his life and doing him harm.

    Paul (______)

    Living on a farm is really boring!

    Narr 2 (______)

    He didnt want to settle witha wife

    He wanted to travel and see some life

    Paul (______)

    Now how can I get away from here?

    Narr 2 (______)

    So Paul went up to his dad one day

    And said,

    Paul (______)

    Now listen, Dad, Ive got something to say

    Now dont get mad and dont see red

    But half of this farm will be mine when youre dead!


    Paul (______)

    Well I really cant wait all that long

    Give me share while Im young and strong.

    I want to go and live in the city

    Where life is great and the girls are pretty.

    Narr 3(______)

    His dad thought long, his dad thought deep

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    He loved young Paul but didnt want to keep

    Him down on the farm against his will

    So he said these words

    Father (______)

    If you still want to go two months from now Ill give you your

    money and allow you to go

    Paul (______)

    You will? Thats great!

    I can live in the city. I just cant wait!

    Narr 3 (______)

    His dad must be mad!

    Big brother Joe thought it all absurd,

    But he just kept working, didnt say a word


    Two months later, Paul packed his bag,

    Took all his money and saddled his nag.

    He could hardly wait to leave his dad

    The broken old man looked really sad


    As his son rode off, his poor heart bled,

    Big brother Joe just shook his head

    Narr 4 (______)

    It was quite a day when Paul hit town

    He found a hotel and settled down

    Paul (______)

    The drinks are on me!

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    Narr 4 (______)

    He shouted with a grin

    The pub doors opened and the people rushed in

    They gave him a cheer, they gave him a clapAnd everyone said


    They spent his money and they drank his wine

    He told them all

    Paul (______)Have a good time

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    Narr 5 (______)

    Paul began to feel like a king

    He bought new clothes and a diamond ring


    He bought a carriage and a fine white horse

    And he bought many more for his friends of course

    Paul had friends wherever he went

    The friends poured in when his money he spent

    He bought them clothes, he bought them horses

    He treated them to meals with eight or nine courses


    He ought them wine night after night

    They sat there drinking till broad daylight


    As the crowds got bigger, the cost was worse

    There was less and less money inside Pauls purse

    Then came the day when the money ran out!


    But Paul wasnt worried he had no doubtNow he was broke his friends would say

    Friend (______)

    You treated us now its our turn to pay

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    Narr 6(______)

    But oh what a shock.Oh what a blow.


    When he told his friends, they didnt want to know!

    When his money ran out he wanted to cry

    Cos his fair weather friends just said goodbye

    This is the sad bit coming up so dont cry

    Paul got hungry as the weeks went past

    There was food in the shops but he had to fastHis clothes grew ragged, his clothes got torn

    He wandered about all sad and forlorn.

    He looked a right mess, a real old tramp

    Sleeping in doorways, cold and damp.

    He tried to get work, asked all he met


    Gizza job, mate!

    Narr 7(______)

    But they turned him down they couldnt forget

    What he used to be like when he was rich

    So he left the town.slept in a ditch

    He came to a farm not far from the cityThe farmer saw him and felt some pity.

    Farmer (______)

    I do need some help with the pigs

    But I cant afford to pay you or give you a bed.

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    Narr 7 (______)

    You can sleep in the barn and share the pigs feed


    Paul had no choice, he had to eat,

    The pig food was filing if not too sweet!


    He lived on the farm for a week or two

    Paul (______)

    I could really kill for a big bowl of stew!

    Narr 7 (______)

    Or fresh baked bread like dad used to make.

    He thought of home, and his heart began to ache.

    If only hed stayed home on the farm

    Hed be fed, well-clothed and out of harm.

    Narr 7 (______)

    That very moment he made up his mind

    To go to the place where people were kind.

    He made up his mind no more to roam.



    I know what Ill do Ill go back home.

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    Narr 8(______)

    Ill ask my dad if hell let me stay

    Not as a son but as a servant for pay

    That very day he started backAfter all, he had nothing left to pack.

    He travelled on, mile after mile


    His feet grew weary ..but he managed to smile.

    Because he knew he was homeward bound

    His heart was light as he covered the ground.After hed travelled all day and night

    His fathers farm came into sight.


    When his old dad looked upand saw the lad,

    He started dancinghe was so glad.

    He smiled, he laughed, he jumped for joy.


    Youre home ..youre back, my boy.

    Lets have a party, kill the fatted calf.


    But dad.. said Paul. Ive spent my half..

    Narr 9(______)

    But before he could say the words hed planned

    Dad interrupted

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    Here we stand,

    Lets go inside, have a laugh and play

    In all my life, its the happiest day!

    Narr 9(______)

    Once inside, the party began

    They laughed and danced and joked and sang


    The noise of the party grew more and more.Then suddenly stopped.for there at the door

    Was big brother Joe, dads elder son


    And what may I ask is going on

    Am I the only one who works around here?

    You dont get rich just drinking beer.


    Were having a party with food and wine

    Pauls home again, so come in and dine

    Hes going to get aaaanngggry!

    Narr 9(______)Joe breathed hard.he began to shout


    I seehe thatswhat its all about

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    Narr 10(______)

    He stamped his feet, he tore his hair,

    He stuck his lip out



    Narr 10(______)

    He wasnt any different from you or me

    Hed gone all mardy as you can see

    Joe(Ciara)Dad..he said ..itsjust not funny

    This young fools spent all your money


    Narr 10(______)

    Poor old Joe, you can see why he was mad,

    Hed stayed at home to help his dad.

    While Paul had wasted his money and time,

    Living it up and drinking wine

    Narr 11(______)

    Now Pauls home not a penny to his name

    And Dads giving him a party all the same



    Now Joesaid DadLet me explain

    How happy I am now Pauls home again

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    Narr 11(______)

    Youve always been good and done no wrong

    You and I have always got along

    We could always talk and always playBut your brother chose to leave us, to go away

    Hes done bad things, let us all down

    Hes wasted his life living in town


    I thought he might even be dead!

    Narr 11(______)

    But hes alive today and here instead

    Lets all learn to for forgive and live together

    You cant go on being mardy for ever.

    So the party carried on and on and on

    And they welcomed back the Prodigal Son

    ______: We hope you have enjoyed our assembly on Forgiving.

    Please try to remember some of the important messages about

    how to be a forgiving person.

    ______: We are going to sing a song by Tracey Chapman about

    saying sorry. Baby, Can I Hold You . The reason we have

    chosen this song it that saying sorry and admitting that you

    have done wrong is always difficult but you will always feel

    better when you do.

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