  • 1. Forgotten Classic Cocktails With Rum

2. Philip Duff 3. Philip Duff Consultant, freelance brand ambassador 4. Philip Duff Consultant, freelance brand ambassador Globetrotting trainer, presenter, drinker. 5. Philip Duff Consultant, freelance brand ambassador Globetrotting trainer, presenter, drinker. Owner: Liquid Solutions Limited 6. Philip Duff Consultant, freelance brand ambassador Globetrotting trainer, presenter, drinker. Owner: Liquid Solutions Limited Founder:door 74 (Amsterdam)* * Nominated Worlds Best Cocktail Bar, Tales of the Cocktail Spirit Awards, 2009 7. Important Rum Dates 8. Important Rum Dates 1492 Columbus discovers Hispaniola 9. Important Rum Dates 1492 Columbus discovers Hispaniola 1500 Sugarcane introduced to Hispaniola 10. Important Rum Dates 1492 Columbus discovers Hispaniola 1500 Sugarcane introduced to Hispaniola 1630 Dutch WIC muscles into Brazil 11. Important Rum Dates 1630 Dutch WIC muscles into Brazil 12. Important Rum Dates 1492 Columbus discovers Hispaniola 1500 Sugarcane introduced to Hispaniola 1630 Dutch WIC muscles into Brazil 1637 - Pietr Blower teaches molasses distillation to the Bajans 13. Important Rum Dates 1492 Columbus discovers Hispaniola 1500 Sugarcane introduced to Hispaniola 1630 Dutch WIC muscles into Brazil 1637 - Pietr Blower teaches molasses distillation to the Bajans 1790s -Slave revolutions on Hispaniola, mass emigrations to Cuba 14. Important Rum Dates 1492 Columbus discovers Hispaniola 1500 Sugarcane introduced to Hispaniola 1630 Dutch WIC muscles into Brazil 1637 - Pietr Blower teaches molasses distillation to the Bajans 1790s -Slave revolutions on Hispaniola, mass emigrations to Cuba 1860 1,365 distilleries in Cuba 15. Rum Technology 16. Rum Technology Pre 1850s: Pot-still. 17. Rum Technology Pre 1850s: Pot-still. 1831: Invention of continuous still. 18. Rum Technology Pre 1850s: Pot-still. 1831: Invention of continuous still. 1850: Continuous stills in Caribbean . 19. Rum Technology Pre 1850s: Pot-still. 1831: Invention of continuous still. 1850: Continuous stills in Caribbean . 1952: Aging introduced commercially by Brugal. 20. General Styles 21. General Styles - Cuban: complex, smooth. 22. General Styles - Cuban: complex, smooth. - Jamaican: strong, oily. 23. General Styles - Cuban: complex, smooth. - Jamaican: strong, oily. - Agricole & cachaa: vegetal. 24. Rum Cocktail History Late 1500s:El Draque 25. Rum Cocktail History Late 1500s:El Draque 1896: Daiquiri 26. Rum Cocktail History Late 1500s:El Draque 1896: Daiquiri 1910: Mojito 27. Rum Cocktail History Late 1500s:El Draque 1896: Daiquiri 1910: Mojito 1933: Tiki bars are born! 28. Rum Cocktail History Late 1500s:El Draque 1896: Daiquiri 1910: Mojito 1933: Tiki bars are born! 1944: Mai Tai 29. Rum Cocktail History Late 1500s:El Draque 1896: Daiquiri 1910: Mojito 1933: Tiki bars are born! 1944: Mai Tai 1954: Pia Colada 30. Forgotten Classics Doctor Cocktail Trader Vic Bergeron, 1930s 2 shots rum 1 shot Swedish Punch 1 shot freshly-squeezed lime juice Shake with ice & strain Stemmed cocktail glass Twist of lime 31. Forgotten Classics Knickerbocker a la Monsieur Cooling Cups & Dainty Drinks, 1869 2 shots rum shot orange curacao shot raspberry syrup 1 shot freshly-squeezed lemon juice 1 slice orange 1 slice pineapple Churn in a crushed-ice-filled glass. 32. Forgotten Classics Fogcutter (Early Version) Trader Vic Bergeron, 1940s 2 shots rum 1 shot pisco shot Plymouth gin 1 shot freshly-squeezed orange juice 2 shots freshly-squeezed lemon juice shot cream sherry Shake all except sherry with ice Strain into an ice-filled longdrink glass Float sherry 33. Thank you! [email protected] This presentation:

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