Page 1: Formation & Role of Internal Safety Organisation(ISO)

K.D.PrasadK.D.PrasadGeneral Manager(Mining), BCCL General Manager(Mining), BCCL

Page 2: Formation & Role of Internal Safety Organisation(ISO)


The role of the Safety Unit in Colliery Management needs

to be re-defined. In paragraph 9.1.6 of the Jeetpur Report,

I had recommended that the role of the Safety set up

should be that of internal audit, and that the set-up should

be reorganised accordingly. In particular, I had suggested

that the Safety Officer should not be under the

administrative control of the Colliery Manager, but should

be a part of a separate hierarchy, the head of which

should report to the Technical Director on the Board of

Directors, if there is such a Director, or to the Chief

Executive of the organisation.

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I would, therefore, like to reiterate that the

Management of a group of mines like B.C.C.L. should

organise an internal safety wing completely

independent of local mines management. This wing

should be headed by a Senior Safety Inspector of the

rank of a General Manager, possibly designated

General Manager (Safety), who should report direct

either to the Chief Executive, or to a Functional

Technical Director of the Board, if there is one such.

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The General Manager (Safety) should have a Sufficient

number of Inspectors under him who will supervise the

work of the Safety Officers, of whom there should be one

in every colliery, as at present. Neither the Inspectors or

the Safely Officers should be either administratively or

functionally under the Agent or the Mine Manager, or any

other officer belonging o the production hierarchy. They

will be responsible only to their superiors in their own



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The role of the Safety hierarchy would be advisory and critical, if necessary, but not executive. The Safety Officer, for instance, will point out deficiencies, if any, to the manager, but not pass orders on the Mines Management to rectify these deficiencies except under the authority of the Manager. If, however, the Safety Officer is dissatisfied with the safety conditions, it will be his duty to report this state of affairs to his superiors in his own hierarchy, on the other hand, not being subordinate to the Colliery Manager. It will not be open to the latter to allot duties to the Safety Officer or make entries in his Personal File or his Confidential Character Roll.

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        •Developing safety activities / practices and continuously reviewing, improving and updating them as and when the changed circumstances demand. •Ensuring that everyone in the organization is aware of the safe working methods and follow them in day-to-day work. •Developing the skills of employees as a skilled worker can only be a safe worker. •Evaluating the personnel protective equipment available in the market and supply them to the employees and train them in their proper usage. •Conducting safety audit of each mine with a view to know the inherent dangers of the mines and to suggest remedial measures.

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        •Investigation of accidents, identification of the causes of accidents, suggestions on prevention of similar ones in future and follow up on the suggestions. •Control to reduce the accident rates to the barest minimum and to achieve Zero accident being the ultimate aim.

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        For the health and prevention of fatigue among the employees working at the mines and departments, the following safety measures are to be developed

Pre-entry and periodical medical examination. Survey of Mine Dust Evolution and Dust Control Techniques Supply of filtered and wholesome drinking water at the mines and colonies. Provision of man-riding facility at the mines where long and arduous travel problem exists. Improving working environment at the mines. Minimizing air and water pollution in general environment.

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Activities of Corporate Safety Department

        Drawing a proper Safety Policy at Corporate level. Evolving a suitable mechanism for effectively monitoring of Safety Policy. Continuously reviewing and updating the Safety Policy. Establishing a system of regular mine inspections for assessment of safety status. Conducting independent enquiries into mine accidents and dangerous occurrences. Arranging Tripartite Safety Review Meetings twice in a year with the Management, the Directorate of Mines Safety and the Unions. Arranging inspection of all mines by Company Level Bipartite Safety Committee Members in a financial year. 

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Activities of Corporate Safety Department

        Organizing Safety Week, First-aid and Rescue Competitions at Company level. Attending at Standing Committee Meetings, National Dust Prevention Committee Meetings, Expert Committee Meetings etc., at the National level. Forwarding report to the Ministry and other Govt. bodies after duly approved by Director and CMD. Monitoring the  follow up action and preparation of compliance reports in respect of the following.

Recommendations of Safety Conferences. Recommendations of Standing Committee on Safety in Coal Mines Tripartite Safety Review Meetings at Company level.

Circulation of DGMS circulars to all the mines and departments

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Activities of Corporate Safety Department

        Preparation of video-cassettes / CDs on various safety activities. Assisting formulation of Risk Management Plans to the Mines and follow up for implementation of the Plans. Follow up action on deficiencies pointed out during Safety Audit of the mines. Follow up for procurement and supply of safety material to mines. Coordinating the DGMS officials regarding safety matters. Issuing Safety Clearance certificates after  proper scrutiny and inspection of new districts, new machinery etc., at the mines.

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K.D.Prasad GM(Mining), BCCL

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