

4~xpon~nt VOLUME XVL DOZE~IAN, :\fO~TANA, TUESDAY :\L\1·-5, 1925


Thoughts On An Afternoon In Montana Wilds


Weydemeyer Represents M. S. C. ANNOUNCES !Hold A l [ . Montana State College "GOAGHIN6" GOURSEI nnua xemp

In Conference Oratory,Ma jor CrH!rse in Physical Edu- Contest This week I cation Will Be in New

Held in ~ulder •. Colorado, May 8; Conference J ust Catalogue I --L.---- By C. I Cont~t Hot afternoo113 nave been in

Montana and still are. l m ,,., opy }925 I THURS DAY EVEN I N G 8 P. M. Orgaruzed ~~e'JgYedea~jemM;_~r· C. Is Full I OT'J' R Ol\JK EY DIRECTOR "C " I PRE LIIII INARIES STAGED

That wasn'i. exactly the l\ ay I e.>.predSed it, but that is good enoug h, if one must secure much­employed expressions to pat over new ideas t hought of in Ute same old way. It "las bot, so hot that Poe would have spoken of the in­cident of "hot unto deat h" and possibly he might have added ... ome comments on Da nte"s con­ception of the Inferno to make the picturP. more realistic. But I guess you have gotten the facl it was warm. And besides a good-sized pack wasn't the most enjoyable thing to be P.,ck· ing that afternoon. Under p1c­nicing condition.~ in a \\hole herd CJf fafr damsels, that pack sack wcuJd have been a thing ne\'er once thought of.

oO---Oo The time was two o'clock. I know,

becau'O I had just looked at the El· f!"in•and made a mental calculation as to the number of hours l would ha\'"..: ~ plod on before I came to night ·.:mp. Ahead of me a pine squirrel darted out from the thick foliage of • balgam fir, and stood for just an I in~t:rnt unti1 he saw that it was ~'Jrnething that possessed powers 1Jf naviJ?'ntion coming down the trail. Then he was gone. Below me. the ' '.l"'Dar of the N 01ih Fork came as a ~r:'.l1Jenge to me. It was bad enough ·f) ha\'e to eat snO\\'l to satisfy n thirst "on top," but here I W3S, out on a ridge without any •now and six r: ]e~ to the net:. rest watering place. I

oO---Oo You will agree with me, t hat I

hot afternoons ha\·e been in :\Ion-tana.

I Winton Weydemeyer leaves fol· jaccepted th . t t" . Four-Yea rs Study Will P repare Young• , 1 ---

!, Colorado, this we~k to com-,in the Conf: 1'.;::e~ 1~::~n~::mf~:r~~:~ I Man ' for Po~itions Open in Being a R evie w of .a B ook of I W or t h w hile Cash Prizes Offer ed

I pete m the Rocky i\Iountam Ora1ori- purpose to the amount of $100 has I ~lany High Schools R eal M eri t : Winners ~f F irst Thr ee

cal Conk•t there on May 8. This been allowed from the general fund . -.-- . , , ~es Conference contest has been orga of th t d t Because there is a growmg deman d '·WJ t . . I -nized just this year and l\Ic.ntan~ \Ve: u e~ . treasury. from high ::;chools for faculty mem-, ia arc you ':·ailing for? ~o. The annual cxtt.?m.porancous speak-

State i~ enrolled as 3

full fledg d t· e~h.crne.;ei_, M. S. C. reprcsen~- bcr~ who can coach athletic teams ~';1 .,want a machine-gun? LET~ ·ing contest is scheduled for next Fri-

mcmbt!r of the organizatioh. e 51ve_ 15 ; eai, .. has chosen f~r hts and direct physical education work, I · lday morning during the assembly

M b f th 0

t C f I ubJes_t that of The Ccnservation of Montana State College ha:! started I A memory of the late war, and so hour. The affair is an unusual

;: curs-~ .te rfa ~-ryh oBn ~renf'e th~ National Resources in the Moun- the Cc.urse in Physical Education Yivid in its brevity that on stops and event and has evoked much intere~;t are c m,. erst y o u ta , rig-ham tam States " I h ' ·mutters 11 th f · h Young Univer~itv, Universit. of 'V _ ·. . . . . w ich is often misnamed the ''coach- 1 .

11 ' e war c1·y o the l\Ia- tn t c past. Three prizes, totalin~

. C 1 d • S J. :I Wcydemc;:er is a st,tor m agr1cul- I ing course.i • l n this new course .it rmes. Yet t he remark referred to $25, will be pres; nted. ommg, o ora o • tate Agnculturol ture and this vca h b · i th I · · h I College, Denver University Univer- nc t . f , .• r . ~~ cen prom1. IM .. S. C. are taught the subject::> ls. e c os1~g scene ~n a s art story Professor Barger emphasizes the.

lsity of Cd rndo a d M t' t t n m orens1c act1V1t1Cs. He wa' v:h1ch would qualify the graduate to with a Chinese settmg. fact that registration of the event

C ti c ~9h , n ·.on ana _s all~ ja ~nembcr of the dt!bnting tcalJ1S 'coach athletics and teach genc:r::il I This strange mixture of Ame1ic:Hn ' must be before 4·30 Thursday after·

I o eg . ese .comprise p~ractica v '~h1ch defca:cd Intermountain Union, !physical education accord,ing to pres- ·missionaries, ~rokcn dc,vn soldiel's, noon and that th~ reliminaries will

all the: schools m the Rocky Moun- Kansas Agricultural College, and the lent day •tandards. rr land yellow devils is the material from be held at S·OO p n; Thursday Th~ .tam onference. I State Uni ·e •t · d b t th' I ·h· h F · · N · · · · ·

~. . • • . • . v rsi Y_ tn ~ a e is year. G. Ott Romney, famous athletk," .1c . rancis ' OJ es Hart weav('s a six speakers chosen to take part in

t} ~ ~in~ on~ the t ecommcndat1on cf He ts also prominent m other activi. coach and director of physical educn - gripping story of the after effects of the fina ls will d1·aw their topics at

bIC tur ont ,enate, the couch of de- ties, heing president of the Ag Club, tion at Montana State Colle.,.e is in the World War. From the start of 7:00 o'clock Friday morning and will ate J. Wheeler Barger and the a membo · ' Al h z t d · . . . n ' h t · t'l t h I · •

U ' . . . . . .. · ' 1· . "1 o.1. P a e a, an associ· 1 direct superv1s1011 of the new college er. 5 ory un 1 e c osmg flash o! have until 10 :00 o'clock to prcparc-

omn11sswne1 cf Fm ens1cs, Ed Bell, ate editor of the Exponent. j course and will have in his depart- ac t10n, the- reader is interested in the their speeches.

I fate of "Red Allen" and his Chincso I Ed B II · k d d

I r· A TIT dive that has beer. invadCl' b. h € , premier spea er an e-r lne rt t't' Or ks ~lissionaries tr •in to he!,' th~ ta~ bator, won the contest last year. Th. ·

I lti,·e Chinese. > g 1 n year before Thelma Shaw, a fresh-

Wi/l Be Shown I But this glimpse into the lives of Iman, won. the 0'·ent.

a few in a far corner of the earth 1 The11 ~r1zcs ar~ _donated by Judge

I --- is but one of the sketches colltded i' H .. J . •• l!lle1· of L1vhmgston. The three

' Will Be Exh ibited by Arc h itec- 1 in "Copy ID2fi," a book of poems, es- pnzes given to t ': wmne~s of t he

I tural Department, May 22 to . says and short stories containin.o: first three .~laces will be $la, ~6, and

' 30, In Their Displa~· Rooms I works of students in special writing . $4, 'respecti,ely. --- i ~ ~ cc;urs(•s at Columbia Unh-crsity. 'Ihc j Prof. Barger says tha~ he wants

1 • • • • • j other e,.treme is "Impcrator Afri- a great number of entnes for the 1 An art exhibit cons1stmg of canus" b\· Eri· D w 1 d h. 1 speaking contest this year Under-

k t h 1 . I I ~ . c • a ran , w 1c 1 • • 's e c es cone_ bJ-·. three arch1te:ctui:a ~hows the effects of ,~arious Xe""'TO ckssmen will ha,·e as good a chance

/Studcn~s working independently un~e:r I !'leaders upon the regro peoples of ~he to win a place as upperclassmen.

I Mr. Hirons for the Beaux Arts pr1zJ I ,earth. Debaters will have no particular ad-

w1ll. bl' ~hown by the Archite:-ch.u.i.1 [ I ·'A Sohn Eclipse- from the Sacred vantage in a contest of this kind. Ed

~~1gmeermg<') d_eparb~1en: from May 'Ganges," is a sketch from the pen 01 Bell is not eligible to compete t h1<:>

;- to )1ay .• o m their display roo1~b. Josephine Helen Shcrt a traveler !'f ye~r, having won first place before.

I fhe~c. sketches ha~·e aU bee_n dis- !note and ?~ frequenter' of India and Winton \Veydemcyer, \vho is also con-

quaMiecl for the. prize due to 1rregu- · I Indo-China. Her picture of the re- I ceded to be one of the best speakers

1a n.t1.e~ in :ollowm~ the rules of com-1 lig-ious activities of the Indian rath·es . in col_lege, will b~ in Coli rado takin,;

oO---Oo lpHn..1011 f01 the pr ize. during an eclip~e is an interesting bit 'part m an oratorical meet.

From the canyon bl"low me tho ! Un~~;ually fine means for the jof tlavel lore. Contestantg wj!J choose their to..,.

sound of a packer, get.ting his j ::.;tud~:rng c~ the- development of the f G. 0. Romney, head of the new Then the conwrly enters 11 the es-1 ics from a large list of from 25 to

'tring into the trail was fai ntlr I dr"''"ngs \\'Ill l/e afforded by. this col .. course in physical education at M. ,say,. "Cooks I Ha,·e Loved-And 5~ subjects. These subjects will dcJl

audible abcve thundering waters ~trt10n. . O:ie of thQ d~·awmgs ha' I S. C. Lo't' by Carnline Yoss. Her sketch I with a large rnr1ety_ of mater~al. In-

below. And then the d rumming j 200 prelumnary sketchmgs accom- ·'Our Hind Man'' is ancther bit c,f eluded m the lu;t will be- subJlct~ of

of a grouse as it retired past n-.y panying it showing the v_arious st~ges I ment a r.umb~r of assistants specializ- comedy. ; campus, state, natio.nnl, internatiqn_al

head shut oat all other noises. of dm·elopment of the fmal drawmg. ing upon c:crtain pa"rts of physicnl All of the sketches included in the 1 pnblems and quest.ions of economic.

The trail took a sharp t urn a nd WI:\TON WEYDEMEYER None of these.pic~u res were origina!ly !education work. ~"" Romno; wi!l do book. are from the pens of writers !social, educ~tiona l ,_ &nd politica l in-

the North Fork lay belo" ' me, a Represents Montana State In Con- done. for exh1b1t10n purposes. most of the teaching in football and , who have done something that pub- I :crest. Sub;erts will be Yery general

cascade of rushing torrents , ference Oratorical Contest May 8 1 This collection of pictures h as been basketball, as well as in g-f nerat pluyc ! l1..;~e1 s hu,·e Ivun<l good e.nou~h to 1 m character and of all types.

tumbling CYer boulders, and !traveling throughout the Un ited land g-amc~ 3nd gymnastic.:~. Ti1erc print. Thl' majority of the articles )!atcrial for eVCQ' question will be

tJ1rowing a ~bite mist oYer t he ! • S~ta.tes, _ha\•ing sta1ted at Princeton /will be assi~tant pr. fessor:-; in i:hargt? lcvntaincd _the the b~ok have ~lready Ja\·aiinble in the li_braq;. The speak-

course of the strea m. White 'Seniors Wear /Umvcl's1ty .on Febniary u. Fl'om of the work in mass athletics, tJ'ack, 1anpearerl m the leadmg magazmes of J~rs who ~re chosen_ to c~mpete in t he•aks df foam, showing the hid- there, the pictu res were sent througn baseball, correcth·e gymnnstits, bo.,- the countiy-a tn1e md1cator of the :finals Fnday mornmg will be excused

den obst ructions below the wa- Caps and G w 'the South, and back up th rnugh Ohio ing and wrestling and 'tlch subjects. fact tha·t· "Copy 1925'' is a book of 1from classes from 8 to 10 o'clock.

ter's su rface crossed and re- 0 ns and Ka nsas. The:; come tQ Montana Tho high school f!l'a<luate wilh 9. i:;ood wr1tmg. I Speeches mu.i. be between 5 and

cros~ed t he stream, a nd the iu- State college from Denver, ' '"·her a bent in the direction of phy~ical edu- I 8 minutes in length . No notes can

cc.;sant pounding, thu nderi ng of In As"embl. Fr.d I A . . _ they w~re displayed in the Denver cation work may now do his mnjol' Slfi ALPHS WIN 'be used by the •peakers while t hey

the waters was 1>erpetual. ! c ail ·e ,V~th OlldayT, nd't· CCOl ,Art ~fuseum. From here these pict- work in that subject at M. s. C. Wit:! I are on the platform. Judges for both

0 0 I I ' J r a I !Oil 'II h' • . I . . . ' th . 1· . d f' 1 t ts o --- o [:'.\I t S tat uTes w1 be s 1pped to Wash1ngto~ /tie tra1mng m fundamental; of fuc:- j e pr• 1mmary an ma con es

I went on, and as the afternoon ° - on ana e State College, and then t.o the Uni- ball, basketball and ,imila1· spo1 ts a.nd I rRArK AND FIEI D will be chosen from facu lty members

(•r:gthened, and the deep, cool sha-1 Th Cl f ~ h . versity of Washington. physical activities, he will take a gen- I lJ and professional downtown busines5

ow!' multiplied, my craving for water e ass 0 - put on t eir ca~s ·eral educational course which contr1b-

1 ' jmen.

f'~sened. I had struck the first ''"~ater iand gowns, and _came to assembly. m ute:; to his work. Thi:-; course includes I ---a body last Fnday, acknowledgmg MUSIC RECITAL , p

olc, and the taste_ of water had o~h· /their ~uperiority and dignity. The such subject• as English, zoology, S core 5 1 oints fo r F irst P la ce; I

~c~easecl my desir~s for the fluid. rest of the student body acknowledg- physiology, physics, military scienco, I 0 . B's. S~conrl W ith Seniors Banquet u. now I was nearmg tamp, and the cd it also as they stood while the TOMORROW EVENING co,lcge educat1011, Eurcpea n history,: ·17

1 z Poin t s !iought' of a good supper around the I Senior, n•arched . d bl 1 t f public speaking, economics, sociolop;y, I -- 'T B 1 T • !'re w1t~1 the night w1_nds and water then· seats. ll1 a OU e me

0 • --- d_epartmen_tnl organization and prac- I Sign; a Alpha. Epsilon ·l1 aten1ity .l 0 e v nique

~r m~~1c made me qmcken 1iy p~ce 1 . . , , . . . tree. teach mg~ bact~riolo~y, personal . \~On the :urnual intramural t ack ~nd ! 1,·e "clock founJ me at the campmg 1 If lheic 1' an; body out of a JOO Celebrates National Music \ reek. 'hygiene and 111dustrrnl history. jf1eld meet last week, Thur•Juy an.I . . .

ilLe<-the tent ready and the grub ~.lus ~ummer. it won't be becaus• 1 Attractive P r ogram Offered 'I The strong State College teams in Friday, sctring fi4 points. Omega Geo1ge Fmley fa m ~harge of

Kk~r! away in a sack slung from the I Jobs , wnen t ~xpl~rnecl folly n'. as-, M usic L over s foctball , b_asketba ll , track and ba~e- IBe_ta was a clos< second with 471-2 E\enmgs E~tet~amment ;dgopok .:lly repast was an easy sembl; ' las.t Fr'.da; but iathe1 as I ball will give the s~udcnt opportumty j pomts. Thu1sda}

ne to prepare, and when the moon Dean Norns said because thLTc are: 'for labol'atory work in physical edn- The vents were as follow!-::

howcd in the early evenint?, my cares lso many wealthy members among- ns The ~lusic Department of the Col- cation, either b~? playing on one of th!? I Shot put-Olsen, Sandberg, \\"al- The Senior llanquet to be held

'.' the day had been forgotten in the as the attendance. seemed to :;how. lege will giv_c a. student recital t~- fteams or in observation of fundu ~ : lace, Y~rian; distance 37 ft. 10 in. Thur5:iiay ni:.::-ht is to Le 3 real af-

houghts of the dcy head. I "'ell anyway we found out that morrow c\·enmg in the Assembly m lrnental::: in these sports. In th!.! g-ym-1 Javehn throw-Joubert, Chamb r- fair, judging from the reports nrounil

Yest.erady my ... 0 mpanion was ob_ ,Teddy Cogswe~I ~ikes the Park anU Main~ Hall at 81 o'clo~k . This a~f~i1 r.asiu~n at M_. S. C. he wi~I put into Lewis, Ario; distance l:.m ft., the campus. Committees n'r(> workin!!

cting to tht> warm weather and t he that alJ men w1shmg to try for rang- se1 vc.:; the doub.e purpose of cxh1b1t- I practice the ideas on physical educa- 9.5 m. hard to put acros~ an evening•s cn-

•O<>r time for study. And instinc- :er jobs should apply to 1''lop Belshaw. ing tho attainments of the music stu- ltion 'tudied through the hundreds ,,f 440 yawl dash-Yandell, JI. Pch'l'. tertainment that wi!1 be remembered

'.vely , l thought of that hot afte"-11 But Laura ,\sbury must 'have had .d;nts periodkally. and of .celebrating ;studen_ts who take rep;ular physical jHurd, Po:v<'rs. Ti~1e, 57 seconds. for a long time.

oon with the waters below, and miles ,a lot of work to do in th("' Park .anrl ~at111rn1l. ~Jwrn: Week, whu:h 1s May I education work each fluarter. A~ :he I, T\~·o.mile_ run-~umi1, Bade, Dotie1·, Gecrgc Finley, the King of Cumpu~ ; trail ahead Jeadin'•-leading off she spoke the truth when sh<• said a ., to May •1• end or four years of college trammg 'Ihayc1. Time, 10.46. . . Cqmics, is in charge o( the enter-

.. .o the distance. '""' savaJ?e was one who worked frorn si>. The. progTam consists ot piano sclos !ho wiH be equipped to. go into hi_gh


.. 220-ynrd d~sh-H~tfield, . \Vyll<.>, tainment for the €vening. He h< nr-

A. 111. t· ten P. JI!. for his \'acation. iby the following pupils of Prof.1schools to teach. physical eclucat10n '\andell, :11orr1son. Time 24:.l. ranging several •pccial features that

Dean ·ol'tis think• any job will ,,\dam, lllarielouise Leipheimer, Elsi~ ~nd health bmldmg for the entire Half mile - Thayer, Hubbard. will be characteristit of his ~bilitv

HE:\IISTR Y STUDE T S help an engineer and sugge"t that the 1 .~tkin,on, Clare lllihahk, Dorothy slude~t body, as well as to coach the Kump. Daughters. Time 2:18. . to ente.rtain.. .

VISIT MINI:NG TOWNS engineers who want to work this Steffen, and Helen Crozier, the lat- athl~tic teams of t he _sc.hool. . . 1 ·Htgh ~urdles-Enms, Yerian, Lo .. ' Detnils o1 the cntertamment are

_ __ summer to come to his office and rm f ter !'laying the complete Moonlight \\·.1t~ only ~he trammg gamed m Tim~ 18.:~. • . . being kept a close secret. About a.II t r . bl I A d D Scnah by Beethoven pert1c1pat1on Ill college athletics, a High )Ump-\ Crla!l, Neil and SlcW· that can be lea1·nc<l of the program IC

Tun chl!mlcal enS""ineerin~ students 0

8u . apl P ica

1tiun an \S. b n etan

1 ' E L C . : . t t .1 number of 1\I. S. C'. graduates arc now a r t Avery tied fer s~cond nnd third, that se,·eral mu~i<'U} numbC'rs. wi11 be

<l t t. • · • wing e to d us that a out twe:n v- l rs. . . urrier, ms rue or n I . . . . . . . . " er "e supervision of Profe sor If' d . 1 · d I . r t M F d M 11 : I hold mg important positions as d1rec- and Don Weydemeyer and Loy h• 'I put on and that Uean Hamilton 1s tu illiam Cobleigh will sta r t tomor- . ive stu cnts of science are emp oye " 10 m

1•. pre

1sen sd ,

1r. Ere

1. ' as 0.n


tors of physical clueation or coachos for fou'rth. Height, 5 ft. 7 in. speak on "Last ~!inute Advice from . . . . m \VOt'k every sumr.ier I a \'JO m so o an n iss mor wmg e · · . 11 dl S 11 . C

w on an mspcctrnn trip to Butte a nd · · . 1 of athletic teams. Promment among- Low ur es - u t\•an, an non, the J?acu1tv to the Senkr:- 1

' or some

nc.conda. These studen ts plan t o Im a cello so.o. . these Montana State graduates who J ohnson, Hatfield. Time ::o sec. such timeiv subject. It has al">

" gone for tlie rem ai nder of the l Li vingston will have to get a big-! '.\frs. E~ith Grimes Waddell, mstruc- are doing conch ing work are: Brue41 Broad jump-Wylie, Schwartz, Ack- been divul~er! that the place cards

oek, returning Saturday or Sunday. ger d iamond next tim e t hey play the I tor m voice, will add three solo~ . Hollister, di recter of physical educa · ennan, Hubba rd. Distance 20 ft., are distinctive in pattern.

'hey "; ll visit the mines at Butte Bobca ts. Glynn proved t he need for ! Prof. Adam and the part1c1pants tion, Montana Norma l College, Dil- 10.5. in. .. . Ver! McCoy, president of the Senior

rd tbe smelter at Anaconda. t his when h e clou ted two homers over I in the program hope that the coll~ge Ion; E . J. Bush, h.1gh school athletic • Discus throw-. \\ ilson, Cummmg-•. class, warns seniors that he must

t he t rees at the back of the field. as well as the Bozeman community coach, Thermopohs, Wy~.; Homer 11.crl_ee, Olsen. Distance 103 ft., !I in. k now by Wednesday night at the very

Dom to :\!'r. and Mni. John c. P augh _ __ fwill avail themselves of tbe oppor- Tay lor , athletic coach, h igh school, Mile run-Thayer , Kump, Bade', la test th e names of every one who

Fort .Benton, Montana, a son. Mr. Coach Romney expressed him•elf tun~ty of hearing this attractive a nd Pendleton, Ore.; .J ohn Mashin, foot-IR i oh~r~s. Time, 5.:04. I plans on i:oing to the banquet, since

Jgh 1s cou nty &"ent of Choteau as hei ll f f'ed 'ti th va'l'ied program. bell conch, high school Deer 100-~ a i d <lash-Wyhe, H atfield, Ack- place cards haYo to be prepar ed. Tt>.

unty and Mrs . p 8 ,;'gh was former!" i'n tramng vleryt wke sa 1~ 1

TWhl 1t. e I 'dmi'ssi'on i's free and the whole Lodge; Ray E . Cameron, basket- lcrman, Sullicnn. Time, 1 0~-5 min. I affa ir is to be at the Banquet Ha:I

. , ura rac m ee ... e imc '' . h l B. S • I p J I H d d C t ' d . . ·11 I . i.s Dorothy Reed. Botfi are gradu· was as good a s could be expect ed on program will not last more than an 1 ball coach, high sc oo , 1p; anuy; o e va1:.t- ur an annon, 1e Im t he i:aks and w1 cost en y s ix

of :li!ontana State college. I such a poor track. ,hour end 8 qiiarter. (Continced on Page F our) (C'on mu ed on page F our) 1bita per person.



Published every Tuesday of the College year by the staff chosen from the students of Mont.ana State College

of the Unh·ersity of .Montana, Bozeman, Montana

The material presen'ted in this column is taken from the college newspapers that maintain an exchange service with the Exponent. Dear Edit.or-

Acceptance for mailing at special rate of post.."tge provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917,

authorized February 17, HH9. EXCHANGE OF FOOTBALL COACHES

It's a wonder these darned guys din' t lay off their jokes about the fell ow and his girl. I tried Ior three weeks to beat the other fellow cut of a date, and by the law of probability and not impossibility I got the chance. Well , the nigl\t after the great event ha1>pened, I was V.'Titin' and one of the fellows wanted to know what I was doing. I told him writing a joke .. and the dum· bell cnme back with the wise one, ~1 th01J·ght you had her out last night."

An exchange of coaches for spring training has been

Subscriber to the New Student Intercollegiate News effected bet·wcen Princeton and the University of Mich­

Servi<·e covering the happenings of all American colleges I igan. Fielding Yost, the .:\Iichigan,. is nO'\V. in

and universities. I Princeton instructing the men in the 1.hch1~an tactic_s. After Yost's visit is o\?er, Coach Roper of Princeton will

EDITQR .. JN .. CHIEF ...................... GLENN C. BOYER, '25 go to Ann Arbor and give the Michigan men a taste of

l\iEWS STAFF eastern coaching. The e-"<change has been made to in-

Associate Editor ................ .,. ........... Winton WeydemeyerJ '25 troduce new ideas into the work of both teams.

Managing Edi tor ............................................ Dick Ross, '26 There is no great diference between football training

Assistant Mnnag-ing Editor . . ............... Eloise Wright, '28 in the east and west, accordip.g to Yost.

Sport• Editor .......... ······················-·-········· .... Bab Tootell, '27 Society Editor ................................... _ .... Mary Carey, '25

Exchange Edjtor .................... ···-··-······Mildred Bigelow, '26 Morgue Editor ...... • ............... Octav"ia .Murquis, '25 Alumni Editor ............. Helen Patterson, '26

Feature Editor. . ............................................. Jo O"t:onnor REPORTERS

Donald Weydemeyer Donald Grandy Lillian Barry Mary Jo Stockton Ltllian Marshall Virginia Haley Claudine Opdyke

Ruth Hopkins. Helen White Dorothy Ryan

Frances Wylie Margaret Gallagher Keturah Tibbles Lillian Kind.sehy Eloise Wright Leona Jepson Martha Maxey Thelma McNall Fred Roseneau

BUSINESS STAFF BUSINESS i\IA .. "-~GER ............ JACK L: CARTTER, '25 Assistant Business .l\'Ianager ...... . .... Ralph \Vagnei-, '27 Advertising Manager .......................... Hardy Tharp,Jr., ,28 Asst. Adv. Mgr. ................... . ........... Harry Kligora, '26 Circulation Manager .................. Andy Briscoe, '25

Assistar>t Circulation .Manager ................... .Bill Graham, '26

Back of the motors humming, back of the bells that ring , •

Back of the hammer's drumming, back of the cranes that swing,

There is t he Eve which scans them, watching through stress and strain,

There is the Mind which plans them-back of the brawn. the Brain.

-Benton Braley.



State College of Washington-A tennis tournament in which no one is eliminated is the plan for the co·eds of the college. The new system includes a ranking tourna­ment in each class before the interclass series is played. Any number m3y enter, names wi ll be drawn and placed on a ranking list (one for each class). The object of each player will be to climb up to the list, to finish as near the first as possible. This is done by challenging one of the three players whose names are just above. If the

challenger wins, the two change places.


University of Arizona.-Oliver Wright, radio operator

for the University of Arizona, has succeeded in establish* ing communication with the Iwatsuki station, located in Tokio, Japan.

But just between you, Eli, and myself, this weather is terrible. Gosh, bull my hands sweat some... thing terrible. And iG it isn"t the bobbed hajr that gets in your eyes, t hey poke a. hole n your ear with a hairpin.. I'm jost waiting for next. Sunday night., cause I'm going lo lake out another Sally.

Tommy. P. S.-That date was worth

w8iting three weeks to get.

The latest c.-irr.pus song ltit is, •"Where did you get that hat? "

They had the lnlerfral Dance pun.Ii I spiked wilh witch Hazel, but none of the fellows got tangled up. They aH bad girls with easy names like :Uary

UNIVERSITY OF UTAH and Kate, etc. j

· I Th s· c;;-h ., I Salt Lake.-A group of University students who went e igma 1 s ave a new one

to the station to see Dean Beal off to Europe and the-re .!Or their collt!ction. Frank Richards

they met the famous two-gun man of the movies, William went cl ar to Belgrade to buy his

S. Hart. The students had a pleasant chat with him Ford, and he didn't walk home either.

and he complimented them on Salt Lake City a~ a Uni­

versity site.


To a stranger o-n the campus, the variety of headgear offered to bis. view, would tempt him to see b ow many nhnrd hat'' he could count.

Pullman,-Cougar's Paw, comic magazine. of State Col· But the only difference between a

lege of Washington, was recently admitted to Western Freshman and a Senior is that the ,

Association of College Comics, which has headquarters Frosh don't look quite so fierce. I at Boulder, Colorado. The basis on which comics are admitted is the amount and quality of work put out. Only d.:icneck~ng is now in order, and

major comics of the West belong to the association . There 1.'t

1 yofit~

1ear theksta"ry about "Fbour

h h · · E A. • • f 1 t e re ess coo ers, and how l ey are tvrn ot er sue orgamzat1ons, astern • ssocrnhon o k t h . ff?" Tb . · t d d

College Comic and Mid.Western Association of College f ep ~ e ram 0 d. D d at ~fs m en ~ Comics. or .. 'aunne an o e, ~ argaret a

and Hattie.

Roundups for the spring quarter have been finished, and the final stretch of the year lies ahead. Seniors are appearing in their conven .. tional caps and gowns at assemblies, and the derbies, canes. and parasols are now with us. Vacation lies just around the corner. UNn'.ERSITY OF UTAH . . . Even Rachel Gallagher has fallen

Many find themselves with much work ahead· Salt Lake.-The distmgmshed _Russian piamst, Boris fol" the lure of Spring, or Tom Condy,

in order to finish the year with a clean slate, Davidoff who rec~~tly came to th'.s 00 '.mtry rorn Europe, and went out in the wilds and got all

while others are just completing many of the was. a campus v1s1tor at the Umver~1ty of Utah. M:· sun-burned last Sunday.

"bug.bear" jobs that every course has waiting Dandoff intends to make an e.xlensl\•e concert tour m

for those who take it. the United States next season. He likes Salt Lake .. s.;- Frankie made the remark the other j

dny that she and Jack got the beo\ Benton and HaTold Wylie. Oh, to be

harmony on that "Cuddle Up a Lit· invited to officiate Rt g · tie Closer." Yeh, Jack has 3 fine .Meet ! a· wimmm~ ~ voice ..

Dick is going away this week, bnt !low dutiful a ~on-in-law he will

Esther says that it will be all right, make! You should have seen Jake

because there nren"t any good E-hows i de.livering groceries a t the B. E~

until Sunday nigh t anyway, I h?tlSe th e other day. He"s getting

Darn these Ford c·ar <loLrs that get stuck shut. Some night someone is going to get an awful shock when s:cm~ gil'l starts to climb out.

For informaticn about various swimming :1nd dlvi11g forms see Jnle:s

his practice a little previous,

The Pi Phi's and Sigma Chi's bad· ~pring h c. usecl eaning the same day.

That was wrong. You should have g0tten together and arranged for I different dates so the brothers cou:d ; help the sisters beat the rugs.

Mothers Day Comes May 10 RE.MEMBER YOUR MOTHER-SEND BER 4..


If she lives. in a distant city we can arrange to have flowers delivered to her by fast mail or telegraph

M. Lang.ohr, Florist Phone 95

We Telegraph Flowel'S 19 E. Main St.

We Will Keep Open House During Music Week


9:00 P. M.

Come in and hear your favorite selections




and many other items to please your mother

\Vhile it will simply mean vacation for fresh- much that he is going to spend the summer there and

men, sophomores and juniors, it will be a true will probably teach a master class for advanced piano

commencement for the members of the Senior students. Mr. Davidoff has con~ented to give a lecture

class. Four years of intensive technical training lo the students of the music department of the Uni,·ersity.

have practically been completed, and the seniors who go out this i'>pring will be called upon to demonstrate just what that training has done for them.

Marcell 75c I-


This week starts the pilgrimages of students from the College of Engineering to the various


Grand Forks.-Thc students of the University of N01-th I Dakota will observe Engineer Day on Ma~{ 7. Arrange.

ments have been made for o. Yery interesting and unique;

progra"lll. They will also gi"e the Engineers Ball in the e\·cning.

Water Wave Soft Water Shampoo Other Beauty Work


Over Rtdd's Electrical Store Phone 750-W manufacturing and industrial centers of ::\lontana. A rush on the Registrar·s office yesterday

Instructors accompany the students on these trips morning indicated-that there is lots of optomism and all of the Yarious phases of the industrial, among the students yet. !'-;_;_;_;_;_;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: processes am carefully gone over.

These trips stimulate an interest in the actual operation of indu~tries and give the Students a better conception of what is done in certain in ..

They say a college senior is a person with lots of nerTe, a habit of getting to class late, and an outlandish taste for dress.

dustrial fields. l\1ining, smelting, power trans· ===================="" mission, railway. work. power generation-all these fields will be gone over by chemical engin­eering, electrical engineering and mechanical en­gineering students.

It will be a ",eeing :\Iontana" trip, a pilgrimage that those who participate will not forget.


An opportunity for l\Iontana State college I students to see some of the best in architectual drawings will be afforded wh~n a special exhibit of drawings will be displayed in Bozeman during the last week in May. Many of the students availed themselves of the opportunity to see the exhibit that was shown at the College during the' winter, and more should become acquainted with j the work in this collection. ·


Sunny days. perfect nights, long lesso11s and a handful of days left in which to get the work done. That is the general predicament of most of the students. Still they play tennis, go hiking, sleep under the trees on the campus and just enjoy themselves little worrying about tomorrow or the finals just around the corner.




Entrance Specialty Boot Shop





I 100/o Discount 1

I To All Students I . I

I ~, , , ' '" '""".' ' " .... "'"" ' "'"" ' '" " '• ; •.·~ I

Style Is ~ Priceless

Yet it co ts nothing-here. For you pay only for fine materials and gifted craftsman hip - while the exclusiYe styling is merely added, for a heaping good measure.


0 . ARD Walk Over Oxfords •


$7.50 t.o $10.00

Let us show you the new toes and colors

THE HUB Walk Over Shoes

Ed and Lou Howard

Stet son Hats Nobby Caps · Even college editors and writers have been af ..

fected by the breezes that bring the summer atmc •p'1cre back. College papers are playing to springtime fanci(ls, and even the flulterings to .. ward the light fantastic mood is rather poor a.t times. It is somewhat as the backwoodsman stated in his little description of summer-a time when you had to work instead of go fishing.


l Collars to match go along with Jots of these shirts . They're an important part of the new style. We've actually got thousands to choose from-

;;; -, ! i YES! WE HAVE IT ~ ,;__ _______ -_- _----------------Ii

!1 CHARLIES CHOCOLATE ii The other day a student remarked that we were

getting our one day of summer with a vengance. E •neeiallv when vcngancc will be done by irrate J'l"Ofe~sors and instructor.; when work does not show up on time. But even instruclors should be thought of a bit, for they have the spring fever. too.

The fellow who thought he could adually w01·k in this kind of weather is about in the class with the fellow who didn't know t.he gun was loaded.

$2.50, $3, $3.50, $4

Holloway'~ Where Quality is Higher Than Price

II PIES ~ , ; Snooker Table Soon to j I : Arrh·e ~ I

l o i l i I Largest Malted .Milk in , [ i J~ PARK CIGAR STORE ~ t: Ii

i1111 I J1 l ! I HI Ul ll l ll l .J l 1l 111u1111 .t11111 11 1,1 1u1u111 1 t11 111u11111;


That we carry the best made Flies in Montana-Every Fly guaranteed. That Phillip 's Lady Gray is a killer. That we carry everything in Tackle adapted to t his country ..

Phillips Book Store Home of the Gottschalk Cahill Fly



BALL GAli\•ES THIS WEEK - lat the Za Dale house on Wednesda- IL. f" Id M d ' I ' Al ha E ·1 . evening. ' ".' ie ' r. an .llrs. R. E. Brown, Henry Bolles, "2J from Lewisto . --- W P psi on Theta will meet I Miss Blanche Lee, and Mr and .\11'!'. is visitin at the The . ....., J ~foet :Merchants Wednesday, St. hednesday, ;\lay 6, 7:30 p. m. Those Ted K

11 f-.-. - George ~r. Lewis of Manhattan. g ta l\u house.

I Charles Friday and St. Charles w ~ were not prepared to read a ' e ey o Lmngston was a din-1 D" --. Glimpses Into the Lives of lechon at th I se-1 ner guest at the s· Al h E . mnu guests at the Alpha Gam-Some \Vho Graduate and Livingston Saturday pared at thi e astt" meeting be rue- silon house on Tbur~~1':; P a P· Miss Gladys Branegan, ~liss Fil- ma Delta house Wdn••day evenmg ___ Ka s mee mg. ·

1rence Fallgatter, )ltss Pen-rl Swan- were Dr. and Mrs W "d · D and

Baseball fans will ha'e plenty lf ppa Delta House. I R . J h --- son, :Uiss Agnes Hutchin•on and Mrs Holm Mrs ,~. dde111e, ndr. ~ · h B b t 'f . a\ o ns ... n and Andre\ M~D ·u· ·id d . . " · , • n a e , a ..ul That'... what she is, all iight! Is j opportunity to see t e o ca s m ac- .) . B1gt:low, Pres aid of )lonta v on- .ui_ss ~1 re r\em1c:k entertained at a


Freda Bull. \\hat., Ob don't. you know '> She'c; tion here this week when Romney's I - e na State !'iformal college 1bridge luncheon at the Home- )lunage-1 • ' • 1 • Umve ·1 w re t,.'1.1e~ts at the Beta Ep:i·l h ---a misogamist and she sw-ears up and ! men meet the Samt Charles rs1 Y of Idaho defeated Whit I for d" :\ d i on ouse lment house on :::, urday ~ fternoc..11 :\Ir C naty was a Uinne g • t dow~ that n; wedding bells will ever 'team in a two game series, and hav.a man collc-ge 109-26 tn a dual North= I nd Emtnhcr ..,;,102 f~Y· Dean Herricl= Thirty-six guests \\<.:re present. th~ Pt Phi h~u!'ie \Vednesdar u .. • . h B western f a s er ,, a ..:e 1eld were guests on I Y ~vening. ho pealed for her. But taking all her 1 a game with each t e ozetr.dn Mer- con erence meet last Satur- S d . virtues into consideration, we don't <:hants and Livingston Railway teams. day. un B) •

•Cc how it is possible for her to es- Saint. Charles will be. here Friday J Ambrose Rva-;;-:;;;- Herbert Hoa • I cape, without ta~in_g the veil .. G<>od· !fort thehir hfir~_t11 gbam~ w_i;h thteh Bob

1- SQ~TY I land visited a: the Beta Epsilon hou!e lookmg, a big smile ear1y m the t ca s, w 1c w1 e P ayni on e co .. Jast k

morning and a gocd wo-rker. What I ege field. According to reports the I wee . <> 1 1 more cduld any man demand of a ... ·isitors have a good te;:r.m and the 11.r B -d M k I n · ·11 b · · ~ .. .. .u r. rown an r. Bee from the ti/ wife? But she also bas a determma- I game w1 e an mterestmg one. I • Montan St t " I C II i · d d 'd IS tu day aftern th B b · a a e .,orma o ege were I tion not to get marrie ' an we a r oon e o cats will gues ts at th A . h I k

1eally hate to sec her give in. hav~ a double .header at the city - e migo ouse ast wee · Everybody knows her and every· j stadium.. The farst game will be an- l\lrs. S. F. Attix of Lewistown vis-

body likes her, in fact, she's " darn other ";th Samt Charles, and the The annual formal sprin party of ited her daughter Zelda at the Chi fine girl. This y_ear she has filled sec_ond is a return game with the Alpha Omicron Pi fraternit; was held Ome!?a house last wek-ena.

The Kappa Delta annual May Day tea was held at the chapter house on Sunday, Mny the third.

the office of !'resident of the Home Railroaders. . at Electric hall Saturday evening, Ee. club, and is one of the members Tom~rrow evening the Blue and about fifty couples being in attenc!­of the Cap and Gown. She must be G?ld will play another twilight ga me ancc, including active members, alum­honest, too, because she was elected ",th the. Bozeman Merchants at the na<>, Miss Gladys Matthews and Miss treasurer of Tormentors. She plays city ~tad1um. Student activity tick-1 Gwendolyn Gow of HelenA, Miss Imo-a big part in the Y. W. C. A. work, ets will admit all college students and gene Blakeslee of Livingston and two A formal dinner was served at the I and she surely shook a mean ankle ~ Jarge c~llege crowd !'hould be on

1 Bozeman guests, Miss Bernice Crane Home Management house \Vednei-

in the churuses of the last Loot sh:;; eek to witness the games. :and Miss Aileen Smith. The chape- day evening with the following guesh: I , I~ yo~ want to get a glimpse of g . ------ -- rones were the patronesses. The deco- !Dean and MJ.s. Xorris, Dean F. B. , .... pitching, go ov-er to the Gym some Mr. and :\lrs. E. F .• \ttaway w~o rations were black and white and

nighl wh~n the f~med Asb_ury battery !ia\ c be_cn making their home in lla!-,1 punch was sen•ed during the ev;nin~. i• ; :===============I is working. Shes done Just lots of bca Heights, Canal Zone, Panamn. __ _ things, but the_ very fines~ was to be have. left for the United State•, ~x- Delmo and Waller LaBonte were BOBOLINK AND G-42 I a warded . the Highest Attainment Cup l''.'ct1ng to spend four months here. idinner guests at the Sig Alph house T\VO last spring. She certainly deserved I~"'." Attaway who was formerly :\ Sunday. • to have he" the first name engraved Etta Norcott, will spend one 1i-onth I ___ GUARANTEED I on t?at permanent monument to m :\lontana. The engagement of John Q. Adame; s~per1or womanhood. Her successors to Miss Thelma Gregory of Toledc, s1· 1k I will have to go some to m1.:asure up Ray Coulter, '23, is working for Ohio, was announced Jast week. to her standards. Goodall Brothers, commercial chem- \ ---

Even right here at the end of this ists, at Helena, Montana. David Willson was a dinner guest I article, Laura, for that is her namt, I still insists that she's a man-hater. , H But just a little phophesy of the fu- I ose lished in a bright little bungalow, tur~n't you see her firmly estab-


1 on her, hand and foot? l\laybe we're $1.25 and $2.00 with an able-bodied he-man waiting I wrong, and maybe she"ll be peeved at I this, but there isn't any maybe about Pure Thread Silk in black the fact that we'll feel like bribing- I white and 20 popular spring a few profs to flunk her, so that the colors-a new pair if the wear name, Laura Asbury, will appear on is not satisfactory in c\·ery I g the list of registered students next way. year.


Dick Ross and Geo1 ge Redpath, majors in horticulture, and Jack Car­tter left this morning with Prof .. Harrington for a week's trip to the llitter Root Valley. This trip is an annual event fo'r hort. majors and 1·

:.;ives the st~dents a chance to ob .. ~£l'rve conditions in tht: big orcharding regions of the state. They will re­turn probabjy Sunday.

On their trip they will visit or­chards throughout the Bittn Root Valley, and perhaps in the Flathead district also. Their rhief studies will I be in the packing plants, the various system" of cultivation used by the orchardislc;, and the va' horti-1 ultural practices incidental to fru!l

owing-. The~· will have an especi­ally i.:oo<l opportunity to study winter hardiness of varieties and the causes


for winter injury. since winter injuq· haR been wideJy prevalent thi!-> year.

A striking tho' perfectly authentic and delightful combination. A Biscuit or Azure shade of Hart Schaf­fner & Marx suit of modest hue with a tie so brilliant and unusual that it recalls the sash of the old Spanish Toreadors.

The Suits ·-········--·---···-·-···--·---····-$25 to $40 The Neckwear in Tie Sets ··--·····----·$1.75 The Advice -··-········--·····-·-···· ... ···-·········Free

Farrell's Clothes Shop Frank Farrel! 29 East Main J. H. Dickson

\\"hen you think you have "put

f;" mrthin7

O\'er'' on tl·e other fellow, I ~~ii~;;~~~~;;;;;~~iii~~~iii~~~~~;;~~:i r.:>memher th:-.t the ~hark also thouj?ht ~ ----e had turned a neat trick when hp

swa\\owerl the swor<lfi•h.-Ex. I

YOU MAY WI::'l' Sl.500 -1

Hollingsworth' s SILK HOSE AND


Remembrances Sunday, May 10th, is :lfother's Day when sons and daughters express their love for their parents.

Mother has counseled so often with us about gifts for you, you will do well to counsel with us now about a gift for her. S.o many things dear to her heart are her~ewelry, Silverware, the dainty,

fmely wrought costume accessories all women loYe. And she will know when you buy the gift of us that vou feel "only the best is good enough for Mother." ·


The Hallmark Store

lf you are able to make the most worcis out of the letter~ c'mtained in he word• "TOILF.T TCESSITIES."

A total of .. :J,000 in cash prizes will j be awarded to competitor. in thi• I

Nunrl =-·Biish clfn/Je-Fasllion<?d

The Stadium

And he has lived to see it Great \Yord-Buildin!( Contest

Send f;tamp for circular and rules. ~ddroos Sheffield Lahoratories, Dept.

12, Aur lra, Illinois.


i\1 JEWELRY In Cuff Links, Stick Pins, Broaches and Pins, also the 1\1 and Year Fobs in the Blue and Gold.

---::---LESLIE E. GAGE

.JEWELER and MFG. OPTICIAN Broken lenses replaced same day.

20 S. Black Phone 425-W


for the


1ailored to the Feet WHEN vou tty on a pair of the famous

Niifln·BUShankle-fashioned oxfords, you ··ill be impressed with that "tailored-to-the­

r'" effect every well-dressed man seeks.

• In 1881 Edison shipped to the Paris Exposition his " Jumbo" dynamo-eighth wonder of the world. It could light 1000 lamps. Now there arc G-E generators large enough to sup­ply current for over a million lamps, each with four times the candle-power of the lamp of 1881. The.General Electric Company produces other electrical appa­ratus which makes it pos~iblc to trnnsmit power over great distan.ccs. It has put etect1 i:dty in seven-league boots. In its laboratories, scientists are now czperimenting with volt~gcs ten times as great as the high· est now in use.

If you are interested in learning more about what electricity is doing, write for Reprint No. AR391 containing a complete set of these advertisements.

Back in 1885, Thomas A. Edison succeeded in transmitting electricity at 220 volts for one mile -an achievement and a promise.

The promise was fulfilled a few months ago, when electricity at 220,000 volts was transmitted two hundred and forty miles to supply Los Angeles with light and power.

Now five billion dollars are invested in electric power plants. A stupendous figure that testifies to the alertness of thousands of college-trained men who have been leaders in the production and use of electric power.

The electrical era has only dawned. Each year some new machine or discovery makes it possible to apply electricity in unexpected ways. The graduate of today will find electricity directly or indirectly a means for even greater accom­plishments, no matter what his calling in life may be.







r BOBCATS WALLOP 1· TRArK PROSPErrs are also good quarter mile prospects. Height, 10 ft. 7 in. Jlcoaeh, high school, Cody, Wyo. Som\

ST ATE TRA lJK MEET lJ lJ ;:~e~f:c 1!~,1! :~~~~t B:;,~~;nd:;~ :Y~:; se!~~~ ~~1~;S. t~ird~· ~ii;1~a O. c~i ~~.;~e , ~:;~ ~~~l:;e ac~~~~·:r:fg:~ f'

POSTPONED MAY 12 RAILROAD CLUB/ LOOKINfi BETTER fo~:~t~,,~~OaJ!~:tt~~On~:,:do;v:::· years fo~~l~\he .organirntions finished with I;~~~ i:i~.h school coaching position;

j . --- ago '"·ho holds the stnte intcrscholas- thc,_followmg pomts.: Stud:?nts interested in this colleg IJ

___ Beat Livingston Railroad Team tic record for the high hurdles. ;s Srgms Alpha Epsilon . .. .... n.t jccurse in physical education shouh ;

lntermountain Bringing f:ltrong Decisively; G?od Batting Intramural !\1eet and Varsity ?oing better t ha n e\'er this year and I a.mega B~ta -· ..17.5 wl'ite at once to the Registrar lllon ' Squad., Normal Reports Good I Featured m Game Try-outs Show Some G1>od is considered. a sure winner of that Srgma Chr .... ................. .25 'tana State College B ' • t

I ' "e''' l\'ate1·1·a1 t H I f t ti Amigo 5 • I . • ozeman, or_ '

1\len; l\fines and St. Charles '1 ~ even - e is a so a as man m lC . L bd .. ···:··················· ..... ! -~ G. 0. Romney, Di-rector of Phys1ca

Not Con1ing The Bobcat baseball team got on a . 1 1~': hurdle~, and has strong compi;:;- l am a Phi -- .15.5 !Education, !\I. S. C., Bozeman. --- batting spree Saturday at Livrng- I Bobcal track prospects look omen I ti hon in Livers, Salo.~ and Sul!ivn!t. I lndepend:nts ...... l •J.5 i

. . tston and stepped on the Railtoaders brighter since the mtrnrnural m~Pt Yedlicka and Olson are the i~rinci- Beta E psilon-·· .. 3 ' Peters is laid up with a sprainet.

Th.e state track meet w~1ch \\3S I tn the tt111e of 21-5 in gan1e that land varsity byouts held last week, m pal weight men th1s year. T:·.ey are I I kl II h d I d f th s t , ., , Ian· e and will possihly not be able t or1gu;ii y sc e u e o ~r ISi ; :<;:= was featured by the heavy stick work lwh1ch some very JJrom1s1ng materrnl acquiring better fcrm and are mak- COACHI~G COURSE OFFERED 1do any more track work this year .

• o bee." post ,P 'ed uu'. l bu -a of Val Glynn. was brought to hght. I ing .more distance every day. Livers, AT )10, - 'TJIX.'_ STATE COLLEGE I t- .... J, s.JJ..•~Y 12 .. The i~cet will e I ~ . Digtanc:e men seem to be showing IYenan and Neil are mak ing 5 feet, r tr1ang~lar afia1r at S~mt Charles and 1he .Railro~de1s started_ s t:ong an~ !up better every day.

1 Kump, BaJ~, 8 inches rn the high jump Jn prac- --- ! The Bobcats have four games her.1

the l\Irnes arc not gomg to enter. J the first ummg gave p1 cn11se toc1

d and Dobl er· been doing well n tice, while Benton, Livers and \Vylic (Continued from Psge One) 1 this week. Let's give the team som~ 1

b t ti · have Otto Roberts, football and basketb'l:I s pport t tb The meet was postponed because c ose game, u 10 o_pposmg pt c u•L' •the Jong runs for some time bu~ ' ast a1e b1oad jumpmg ove-r 21 feet. · u a esc games.

Int crmountain Union college, which /wcakenef and the Bobcats ?egan to :week a ne'v num came to t':!e fn•n1 I Coach Romney expects to have a =-========================="-=::::::::=:=! is sending a t eam to th~ Seatple Re jconnect _almost at will. Liv~ng:ton :This wa!=:. Thayer who won both the 'good trark team whippe<;l iott1 shape )av carnival so she \\ill be unable J was obliged to use four pitc ers...'. half and .. the mile


events m the mtrn by the tune of the state t~.1ck meet, I. :.- I er t;am here before Tuesday.

1" hile Ott Romnt?y used .:11l of th e- 11 mural contests. Thayer has a pcwer and the college shou ld have littl!;: d1f-


'The fact that the Panthers are senc.-1men on hts nnsity squad 10 the gam~i J!ul stJule and fight t.hat l-lhould make ficu lty in \\'inning tl: .... n1eet handily!

in-: a team to the coa~t meet should ,an~ all seemed to be Ill the baseba jhim one of the best distance men rn next Tuesday.

be evidence of the fact that they will l'lllO-d. school. --------furnish plenty of competition for th~ Gl~'llll did the prize wot~ of tbe I Hodgson, a. 1ctter man of last yea!', SlG .A LPHS \VIN

eo11ege team. Rein ig· seems to be [day when he boost£d two into thr jhas the best time in the half mile to I TRACK AND FJELO one of their. safest bets for a f~rst c'ouds for_ that man: home runs, an~l ldate. Thompson, a. 440 yard man ~f tContinued frorn Pai;e O~e) place, as h t' is reputed to be rnakmg mad~ a smgle_ and a double 0_f ea~n last year, is crowding Hodgson 10 I ---

Glassic Barber Shop Basement Commercial Bank Five Barbers

CLASSIC BEAUTY PARLOR IN CONNECTION Marcelling, Shampooing, Facial Work, Dying, Bleaching

and Manicuring


six foot jumps -~onsisten tly. Blakes- of lus ot~er .times t,o ~at. His pa•:: jthe half, an<t is n~aking good tim: in for first; :vcydemc~·~r, Anderson anrl l.:e, a long distance runner who lof homers "e1e decla1cd to b: .th .. 1the 440. Vi7 ood, "Yandell and Hatfield Powers, tied fc1· thu·d and fourt~1. showed up good at Belgrade last longest ones ever seen on the Livmg--


· Spring-, will be here again for t he ston diamond Stone and Pitt who up ~------------------------------: one nncl two mile events. The rest to date had been doing only mediocr;? ::=========================~~§§3 of the team is well balanc ~ and tho. batting, landed out some nice hits. c II • Fl I p t ,-Helrna coach feels that they 'Yill Th: whole team seemed to be gettin; I 0 eg1an anne an s make a c'reditable showh1g. their batmg eye,, and shewed marked :

Bruce Hollister's Teachers also limprcvcmcnt over their last game. I

claim to have som.e good material. I Hartwig, who pitched the first six j Mi.:rray has been throwing the discus innings, displayed 1·ema1·kable speed I .about 130 feet and is getting a an<\ control and struck out h\•clve I healthy boost on the shot. They al - men. Scovil took the mound for tM so claim to have a very fas 1·e1ay last three inning-s and was equally


team and are l'Ol~fident of winning successful in that position. "that event. Coach Romney expressed himsel£

Tryouts for the shol' t ctistances and as being very will satisfied with th~ hurdles ,,;11 be held at 10 o'clock wc.:rk cf the team. They are putting Tues<lay morning, and the meet will their signals in use to good advan-be held at 1 :!JO in the aftt-rnoon. tage and .in every way are develop­The stenni roller :l~d s.:;,n·ink ler were ing into a substantial ball team.

nsed on the track last week, making it in much better condition than dur- 4

in:; the intramural tl'ack meet. I

San Francisco Olympic Cl~b won the annual Pacific coast association meet SatUl·day with a score cf 8 ! against 61 for Stanford, her closest


competitor. i

Gonza~a took -=-straight games I f!' r~1 .he Stah·- Unh·er~ity 12st week. ] The score of the last game was 11-5. I

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