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Surya-Chandra FoundationEmpowering Women to eclipse poverty and inequality

Los Angeles based not-for-profit corporation (EIN#: 45-4708552) under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue

Service Code

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Who We Are

• Incorporated in 2013.• To promote gender equality and women empowerment. • Not-for-profit under 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code.

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My mother and my sisters were instrumental in shaping my views on women starting at an early age of 6, subsequent to my father's untimely demise. My mother got married at 16, became a widow by 40, and raised us on her own with no marketable skills. I witnessed the ordeal of suffering and numerous sacrifices made by them for the sake of my welfare. None of my sisters were able to complete high school given the pressures of the family and the need to work at odd jobs singing and dancing at weddings and other social events of friends and neighbors. They worked very hard and long hours to earn much needed money to sustain the family in the absence of the traditional father figure. I believe that millions encounter similar tragic situation as a result of complete dependence on the male head of family. My wife, Sue and I felt that educating and empowering young girls is the only way to make a difference in the lives of many unfortunate, disadvantaged and underprivileged segments of society.

We started by helping six female students pursue higher education in India. We created Surya- Chandra Foundation in the names of two of my sisters in April 2013 as a Platform to empower girls and women to rise above poverty and inequality.

Our Story

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Our Vision is Simple, Bold, and Perfect

Change the lives of 20,000 girls for the better in 20 years

We can do this by helping

• the girls stay in school, complete secondary education,

• pursue vocational training to acquire job related skills

Our Vision

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Mission Statement:To stop violence against women, and empower underprivileged women to rise above poverty and inequality through encouragement, basic education and vocational skills.

Our Current Focus:We have partnered with:

• ANEW (Association for Non-traditional Employment for Women)

• Sarva Vidya

We educate and empower girls from very low income families and distraught segments of society.

What We Do

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Why empower women?

❖Poverty & Illiteracy

❖70% of Work Hours & 10% of Income

❖Lack of access to:

➢medical care

➢property ownership

➢training, employment and credit

❖Domestic Violence

❖Educational Opportunity

When women are empowered, whole families benefit, and these benefits often have ripple effects to future generations.

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Lifetime Cost of Girls not

completing School

10 Billion Dollars in IndiaSource: The World Bank Human

Development NetworkChildren & Youth Unit 2011 Report

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T h e c a s e f o r e d u c a t i n g yo u n g g i r l s

❖ Girls who complete primary school earn 27% more over lifetime. An extra year of secondary school increases a girl’s potential income by 15-25%.

❖ The literacy rate for women is 54% compared to 76% for men in India

❖ An additional year of schooling for adolescent girls reduces infant mortality by 5% to 10%.

❖ Girls with secondary schooling are up to six times less likely to be child brides than those with little or no education.

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Ending Child Marriage

50% of India’s girls are married before they turn 18 and 20% are married before 15 years of age.

If trends continue, 28 million girls born between 2005 and 2010 will become child brides by 2030

22% of Indian girls have already given birth by age 18.

Girls under 15 are five times more likely to die during childbirth than women in their early 20s.

Infants of adolescent mothers are 50% more likely to die during birth or as newborns.

Child brides are twice as likely to report being beaten and thrice as likely to report being subjected to forced sex. They lack support due to loss of peer networks and discontinued education.

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Nourishment for Girls

50% of India’s adolescent girls are malnourished, putting them at risk of poor physical and cognitive growth, suboptimal education outcomes, low economic productivity, complicated pregnancies and undernourished babies.

Even a moderate iodine deficiency can lead to a loss of 10-13 IQ points. Such deficiency directly impacts girls’ concentration, cognition and learning abilities. Combined with the onset of menstruation, poor school performance contributes to a higher dropout rate among adolescent girls.

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W h a t d o G i r l s s a y ?

❖ I want to be able to stand on my own two feet. Please don't marry me off to a stranger!

❖ I want to become a police woman, so I can protect others from criminals!

❖ I want to stop violence against women!

❖ I want to teach men to behave well and respect women!

❖ My In-Laws should treat me as their own daughter!

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1 of 3 Projects for 2016An NGO committed to creating life lasting impact on the women from underprivileged groups of society, through its philosophy "Educate a woman, You Empower a Family“

ANEW offers eight different tracks for vocational skills training for girls who dropped out of secondary school.I'm We have helped 49 young women at ANEW to receive vocational training as Home Nursing Assistants over the last three years. After six months of intensive class room and internship work, they have secured gainful employment providing care for elderly patients in their homes. We have also supported 5 girls to receive basic IT education at ANEW.

(100 Dollars = One Girl for Six Months)

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2 of 3 Projects for 2016

Sarva Vidya Nursing Institute

Sarva Vidya is an educational trust started with an aim to empower and enable children and young women achieve their best potential.

We have funded scholarships for 69 young women in 2-year Nursing Certificate program at Sarva Vidya Nursing Institute. Upon graduation, they will be employed by local hospitals to provide patient care.

(400 Dollars = Two Years for a Girl)

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3 of 3 Projects for 2016

Sarva Vidya NCLB

We have provided nutritional meals for 85 girls in secondary schools for one year.

No Child Left Behind (NCLB) program:

• To provide a Nutritious Meal and Tuition • To achieve consistent improved performance • To create a Student Database of Information • To conduct Medical Check-up • To help the students in Personality Development

(250 Dollars = One Year for a Child)

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–Mother Theresa

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”

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Surya-Chandra Foundation is a Platform for empowering women to eclipse poverty and inequality

We need your generous tax-deductible contributions for us to move forward and expand the scope of creating educational opportunities for

hundreds of poor deserving girls

Please visit our Web Site

and Facebook Page at

Please make a generous contribution by mailing your check to 29932 Quail Run Drive, Agoura Hills, CA 91301

Los Angeles based not-for-profit corporation (EIN#: 45-4708552) under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue

Service Code

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