

A splendid property on Asbury Avenue, second block from ocean. A decided bargain for some-

. body. Call and get -particulars.

• Oft* •

D. C., COVERT208 Bond Street,

Asbury Park, N. J .

A H B U R Y P A R K and O C K A H Q R O V BI H o te l B runsw ick ,

OimcJW ■< Railroad Depot and j 1314 Bangn Avenue.

Principal O f f i c e .800 M A IN S T R E E TUooda iteted at reasonable, rate*,

TolepMono oonnOctlon.P . O . BOX M % - - . - ABBTOY P A M ,

YOU For otherwl8o‘I (>coiil'd not bfilp ypqr falling eyesight with spee­

dy T? .. tkclflfl or eyegUUwe& ^ut tlie pa- tlent,helpful ndseIs batbaroualy

x t *r r^T^Tytreatoii, and-the French name forL U L K . I <

TOeyt5KlaHfleft,’pIrjco-nex (plncli-noso) waa well selected.' ■Let me show you a new thjng In

HAVE ...EYEGLASSES..."which was contrived for nose comfort. When you wear a pairNOSE of m y o y o R lA s s e e your n o s o w il lbe os lucky aa your eyee.

CLAUDE J. WISEMAN.Je w e le r an d O ptician

645 C ookm an A ve.OlafwoR, watches and jew e lry repaired

w ith proinptnoas and ekllL


B o n d a n d/ x 1

MortgageIn sums ranging from


Asbury Park.

M A R K ' S D I L E M M AMnry,'M ary,1 tiulto contrary, HulTering'aulios and pains; '! A ll tlio troublo tliat yo ii lmvo' Is ’cauM) y.onr eyes youiHtm ln. dot a fa ir nf Olaases,F itted good and triio,Y o n novor w |ll bo lm ppy , Mary, t i l l yon do. * . . . _ .

A largo proportion of lietulncho, norvous>- ness, hysteria and Insomnia la eausod by oyo strain. T lio removal ot t lio : causo ef­fects a perm anent euro. I

W illard C . Wiseman.O R A D U A T B O P T IC IA N "

Asbury Pa rk Optical Parlor,6 0 3 C o o k m a n A v e n u e .

CoE'fiiho ry B tr jb tT “ *“ r * 'T "

— f i i p i i a i S 5 0 . 8 i i • - r a . : 0

Asbury Park ana Ocean GroveB A N K

— — C o r n e r J H a t t b o n A v e . a n d M a i n S t r ,

A S B U R Y P A R K . N . J . ’,

, C o rn e r M a id A V in u e a n d P i l g r im P a th w a y O C E A N P R O V E . .

~ m d U lY -0 .-W IN 8 0 1 « i-P re s li1 e n tr -irinouit. aimiuDiibiQEO . W . EVANS . Vice-President.

ED M O ND E . DA YTON , Cashier .JESSE MINOT, Assistant Cashier.

—'■ DiBBcrons:». n&wr srMlfBY" ' ‘ no. j. s . * . nrnuax,H, K. OUCUANON ' JOHN OOBBABDWC.OLAVTON WWIB RAIN1A*

-aKOrW.'*VA!f«------------ -------- OeO.’WrTnEATI . 0 . r u n u u s o N • a m c w t i l t o k


A c c o u n t * R e s p e c t f u l l y S o l lo t to d . _ 3 afe .D e p o s it B o x e s to R e n t . ,W e I s s u e F o r e i g n D r a f t s a n d L ow ­

e r s o f C r e d i t . . > ,

W ire s Dr. Les l ie D. W ard to the Press T h is Morning.

W IL L B E A S KED TO DO SOD r. AVnrrt DenleB Stories Pulil.IslietL.Jn. . M orn ing Papers to the KfTec.t T lm t n©

H ad A rranged Monster Cam paign Open­in g Celebration In Asbury. Park—Coun-

■ oilm an Appleby. W i l l Urge H im to Do SoA lm ost a ll tho X ew York nnd.Philadel-

plila papers tills m orning contained g lo w ­in g accounts o f ft biff 'Republican gather- Ing to bn held In Asbury P iivk : One of the leaders, after narrating the . Dventsi •went 011 to Bay how the “ plans have gnul- u ally been* completed wherulJy. the demon- st ration .will cqiinl, if not exCeod, any pre-

“ Tho only polnfc in doubt," it said, “ is tlie exact date w hich w ill be arranged ‘Inter by .Dr. Leslie I). W ard of Newark, w ho was ft (lolcgato to the N ut ional Re­publican convention, and w ho lias the m at­ter iii charge.”

Then it w en t on tb say th at the m eeting w oqld mark th e formal oponing of the. Republican cam paign In th is .section of tlm country. The chief, attractions were to be president nml a ll th e notables of the R epublican party.• C lubs from Now York, N ew Jersey and

P enn sylvan ia were to take pari iri tiie m onster parade and in th e evening a dis­play of fireworks wad to be given, the celo bration ondiqg wit.h a baiujuufc. ■■.... • y •

To mako sure of the truth o f the report, th e P ress com m unicated w ith Dr. Ward and also Preside ut of th e City Council A ppleby, w ho is closely a llied w ith him .

Dr. W ard's discouraging telegram in reply Is as follows: . . '

“A bsolutely no foundation w hatever for statem ents In Newark Sunday Call of yes­terday that. I am organizing .a political dem onstration for Asbury Park or else] where." L kslik D. W a rd .

George C. RIioavIcs, .Connected W ith tho Government Postal Korvloe, Starts

for'Taku, Clilua.Yesterday George W . SUowlcs w as a v is­

itor in th is c ity , where ho is w ell known. H is errand w as to say farew ell "to -h is father, indthor and sister, w ho are guests at the Brighton, Third avenue, prior to liis departure for T aku, China. A *'

Mr. Showlos liafGfor sonic years boon connected w ith UncTe Sam ’s postal sorvlce, having been in the railw ay departm ent re­cen tly between N ew York and W nshlng- t d i m i o ; :Spent;a"year and ahalf-in -poncer P otto Rico, straightening out postal affairs fcherp after the Spanish-Am erlcan war closed, and did h is work so w ell th a t he has been chosen o.ut of about 1,(HK) appli­cants to go to Qhina and establish a m ail sorvlce betweon ■our vessels nfothnt point and Yiqinlty. ,

Mr. Showlos loft th is city la st nigldTfor' W ashington. Today ho w ill depart from tho nation’s capital with' hlg instructions, travoling via Mexico, CaliforhiajH onolulu a n d .I lo ilo K ong to reach China. l i e . i s a you n g m ail w hqlm s shown marked ability rtt4 ii(H > 0 6 ty ^ o i^ is evidently w ell deserved..

The Mun>Eator Follow ed ErnoHt Kupfer In to Shallow W ater at W est End / and W as Easily Captured; J

E rnest Kupfer, a scaiimn, ran afoul a m an d atin g shark Whilo^bathin-g a t West* End Saturday evening. Kupfer was sw im ­m in g off; shore w hen his a tten tio n , w as at-, trnctcd to the Shark. ] le prom ptly turned about nnd put for shore as fast a s be could, kicking nnd sp lashing the w ater nt a great rate, in order to frighten off the fish. The latter kept up.yjhe chase, howoyor, u n til

^ vithin i). fow,yards of the Ix aclF, w hen two big -WrtVtfK carried both 'the bather- rind shark in to shallow water.

The seconded w ave landed the s h a r k in less than a foot'of water, and then Kupfer, w ith th e assistance o f another m an, hauled tlio holploss m onster 011 the beach. The shark m easured seven feet three lnchpsK and w eighed over 100 pounds. I t lias been placed on exhibition.

W h e n ! shown the above m essage My. Appleby said lie hoped the.newspaper re­port was truo. “A t any rate,” he said, “It has ereatwl such enthusiasm that I w ill attem pt'to impress tlnv iipcosslty of a moot­ing upon the leaders from* the fact of tho report. I expect to see Mr, W an l. tom or­row and hope to havo som ething dellnlto tliep reganlfng the m eeting." —

L IC E N S E CA S ES H EA R DJudgm ent., W Ittm lorod This M omluff

AgnJinKt Five naekm en—Cases Im m e­diately* Appealofl by Lnwyor Cook.

The cases o f th e city against th e hack* m en for nonpaym ent of th e ; license fees camo up before Justice B on len this m orn­ing. C ity A ttorney H aw kins appeared for the m u nicipality and Lawyer Cook for the iinckm on. /No defense w as offered and judginehtTTvvas rehclcrcHl against E lw ood ^ Jlooney, John D elantosh, Michael O’Rior. dan, George N ewbury and .Sidney Coombs. Mr. Cook im m ediatoly gave notice of ap­peal to the court of com m on pleas accord­ing to the statute. To a,JPKKSS reporter th is inorning he announced th is disposi­tion would l)e made of the remainder oftho eases“soimTT)rwlilcliTire to be heardmorrAw. •


Mian Alurlon W ilson to Give Costuiued Re­cita l ut I*lu74t H otel WedheHday.

Miss Marlon W ilson, . the w ell known and charm ing impersonator, w ill appear lit a costum ed recital 011 W ednesday even-

at, Ho'elofik nt the Piuziv hotel for thg.h l iUixinellt of the N ew York'H em Ul ico fum lr^

Miss ^Vjilson is a dm m at 1st m u l mono- loguo ar tist of note nnd 1ms pleased wheru- ever she has iwrformed. H er sk ill in tniiiHformation is renjarkable am i her voice so powerful aud flexible that she can im personate m ale , o r fem ale characters w ith equal facility. ■ *

Music ut-Klicit Pavilion.A t the F ifth avenuo pavilion and a t As-

jniry avenue there w as a brass band last nigh t and on every Sunday iiigh t ithrough­o u t A u gu st each* pavilion Will be supplied With musio, Tho innovation was h igh ly appreciated by th e ljoardwal k promeiqul- ers. More persons had the pleasure o f lis­ten ing to the m usic and the usual jinn of j>eoplo about the pavilion contain ing tlio liaiul w as relieved.- - The now hand is Han­ford’s and com posed of city m usicians and {ill t)in exiioitst> of ] 11 ring, tlui ex tra ’ m uslo makers Is b on & b y M ^Bratlloy^ -

Ii\|uritiL In Full Friiin Cm’rlngo.Mrs. Henry Cv Moore, #w ife of the

dent of the Trenton Street Railwlty pany, a sum m er rosidonfc .at Bepnar. injured by being throw irfrom her car] by runaway horses neai’ .Sm'IpgLLakc Tmlay evening Hor daiigT throw n but,, but— vns guninjurod.Moore lmd hoi* head out nnd w as sevi lirnlsod.


F o u r IClHed In a MlHHortrl F en d . Fafmingto.u, M o.,'A ug. IU—Four were

killed nud one'fatnily wounded iuTUFifoot- ing affair betw eeir W illiam Dooley AndJ d ir ^ n fh‘ nsron-,-0 ui8‘uitM. «.m» ta t ^ iuHarris brothers oh the other as n result of a feud at Deo Run, one of the,m ining town rto f~ S tr-Frnn cniK-co unty;— Vf\ 11 innr Dooley, W ess H a rr is ,,Janies Harris and Jobu Dooley arc the nam es o f those kill­ed, and Fraiik H arris was fatally wound- ed. ’ -v?-'. •’ • V ■

. Need Xftrgor Flatform . ; .The Ocean Grove auditorium jilatform

w ill lmvo to bo enlarged to acfom m odato tho Dainrosoh orchestra for tho “ M essiah” oVntorlo F rh lnyn lg lit. »nH ul,p .thp.!quell;.torium nrchustru for tho children's concert Thursdny nlRht.

Rcnnet-lno cures ladlgeattou.

LEAVES TODAY FOR C H IN AUnited States R epresentative n£ Seville h

Gueflt Jn Thlrt Ulty—He 'W ill ‘Soon R eturn to Spain,

, Sam uel B . Caldwell, U n ited States con­sul agent a t Seville; Spain, is in' this city ns q. g u est o f the H olly Terrace, on Sixth avenue. • Mr. C aldwell *ls a native of New Y ork and th is is h is first’ v is it hom e since 1885. For 1(5*years Mr. Caldwell has held the position o f U nited States consul agent a t Seville under U nited States M inister WQodr.uff_qtJMmIHd, and returned to this country on tho outbreak o f hostilities'be­tween th e tw o c o u n t r i e s . . ■'

Mr. Caldw ell, when seen by a PRESS re­porter today, gave, a very interesting ac­count of h is stay in the land'of the Dons.

|I w ent to Spain 111 years a go ,’.’ said Mr. Caldwell, “and m ust say tliat it is a fine country i n , \vrhich to live. I have had nothing bu t the m ost pleasant relations w ith the people of Spain. - 1 found them very kind and courteous; and alw ays hos*. pitable.” , ; „ • !'.' W hen th e war was declKred ligainst Spa in . Mr. Ca jtl\vg»‘.Kays” lie i l l ibost lost'


LA R G E POSTAL R E C E IP T SRevenues for M onth o f Ju ly fur In.Advance

o f th e CorreKponrihig Months., o fth e Past Two Y ea rs ., >

The only reliable indicator of a good or. poor sum m er season is the postofflco re­ceipts or those of som e s Un i lar bust ness in w hich tlioro is. no com petition from year to year. ‘ •

Ju d g in gfrom - thirJlrHtemcntioncd'tnuln- thormomotor A sbury Park is enjdying a m ost successful sum m er, despite the croaks of thcr croak ers.. TJio‘ receipts for tho m onth of J u ly of. th is.year were ^5,281.55. F or th e corresponding m o n th -la st year thoy/w oro $5,059.77. FoV Ju ly , 1S98, they wore b u t $4,210,52, T his shows an increase over - lu s t year of $221.78 and an I ncrease ovor Ju ly , 181)8, of $1,071.03.

. Saturday n ig h t a very Interesting lec­ture on “W ireless Telegraphy” -w as given at tlio Ocean Grove auditorium 'before an audience of several thousand people.

Prof. W . J . Clark, the lecturer and dem ­onstrator, Is a pleasing speaker, nnjl gave, w ith the aid of camera am i canvas, dia­gram s of tho technical machinery em ploy­ed in his work. l i e lmd few facilities on tho platform to dem onstrate th is latesF ‘womlcr o f thb world, but succeeded in sending niossagcs, ringing alarm Jjellst firing a -g u n —ru n n in gya-m b tori-ligh tin g a lam p an d starting a m iniature looomor tivo by a transm itter removed from the ob-

-.ject^vdtiioufi-oavdCQiinectiiin wire. P rof.

A G R A T IF Y IN G S U C C E S SMg Catlinlle SiilmeripMim VaudevIllo Nets , „ A lm o st. Jft‘J ,000 . Tor tho Church of

‘ the H oly Spirit or Thh» City.The big Catholic subscription vaudeville

held a t tlio Park Opera house Friday even­in g w as not only an artistic success, but w as a deqidctlly gm tify ih g linanoial-suo-

tailff a s yot un settled it is announced that about $ 1,1120...was.^realized. ’ The splendid 'result iA most gn^tlfying to the inannge- inent and a ll those, who took part and re­flects great credit upon a ll concerned In the entertainm ent.


Drury Company W ill ProHinit “Carmen'1 lu- l S n g l lB l i - i i t - F a r k - O i i o r a - l I o u n e ; -

. Theatre goers w ill have the un usu al pleasuro ton ight of hearing “Carmen" su n g In E nglish by tho only grand opera .company lu tho world|com posed o f negroes. .Tlio opera w ill _bo presented a t the Park Opera house, cbrnor Em ory street and B angs avejuie,. by the D riify cpinpany, w hich recently made such a brilliant suc­cess in N ew York. Every m em ber in tho cast is a singer of niiore than ordinary ab il­ity and especially so is Mr. Drury. H is notes possess all the liquid m olting tones of the trud tenor am i h is lower register is o f power and resonance. There is a n ndil- ed charni iirth o perfect enunciation of Mr* Drury' _______ ____. _


:' Tohlglit—.Anbury Avomi©.1 “Star S]wingIod B an n er" . . . — . — .. Key March—1“The Montnmoniq Prizo”,.], HwhI. Xnti-odtimTimTinil^Wan^^ tim ig fo r/Bor I to mi—^Fo HPheo-A-lo r ierOvCrtupb of A merican S on gs. . . . Meyrolles M edleySolection—“A N ig lit IiiN ow York." X yloph one So los.. . . . . * . . . .Charles AgtioD vdrturo—“P oet and Peasant"..........SuppbConcert W altzes—“La tfurotm'tot” . .Jaxono Tw o Step—“Tho Happy 11abo". RosS-Lyors O verture—“Jjustspeil" . . . . . . . . . K elar Bola.‘U luneh of B lackberries” . .Abe j lu lzinan

L%yiro ^

A Foolhardy Excursion 1st, ,

cam e near ondlhg both Ids and his w ife's outing* Saturday by a dangerous- accident. Ho leaiHHl on Jlio last c iiro f one of thosiwcial tralns.*as it moved out o f the, sta-11 U n Vila, wif<>. lw f.lwi I111 iwl Jmfcsho,\ya9 imablo to m ou nt the stop and w as dragged to tlio B angs ii veil no crossing. There;thp husband leaped from ’,the train nnd hlS w ifosnnk exhausted to the ground,

Frank I lids Piazza Ho jv - Tho guosts o f tlm Franklin participated Iii a,full* dross htop on th e largo piazza- last Eafcurilay-ov.euiiig.__Tho.Yirgiijiarebl.and ofcliqr -Uancou .word1 Included in tho pi*o- granj. AR«r tiie danco. a cakowalk took p la ^ in Which Mr. and Mrs. Locke were tho_5nuc~u’a lk lster“-------------T— “ :

Em pire Pool., Doya’ till) rncn in pool tonlglitJJvW. H.

Slm ller, auporluteiideut. " 180


Ills life,in fldcin'g fi'oniilds home in Seville. “ I w as i*csting bi iny room about- 10 o’clock,” said Mi*. Caldwell,’ “ when the Spanish governor came to m y consulate and told nip n o t to show m yself even at. the w indow s of the house. Later he re­turned and inform ed im /th a t a mol) w as coining for liio. I w/is taken-out o f. fclje b u jld in g b y a rear w ay and conveyed from tlie British consulate in fi closed carriage, to. tho depot where I took a train for Gibraltar.” Mr, Caldwell w ill go back to Seville in a few- weeks. W lien asked w hat he thought of th is] c ity he spoke in terms of the greatest praise. .

/ I N T E R E S T I N G L E C T U R E‘ W ireless Telegraphy ” Explained and

I>eir|anstrated a t Oeean Grove hy W . J . Clark.

Clark expressod his opinion that tho dis­covery w ould not com e into practical .ifse un til the in vention received further im ­provem ent, and Startled his niulionoo w ith the prophecy th a t w ith in 25 years ships w ould cross the poeanavlfchout engines aiid boilers, being dispatched ih their/journey by the .wireless telpgrophy m ethod perfect­ed. Ho also sa id .railroad engines would bo operated the snino Way.

Ono o f P rof. Clark’s m ost interesting ex­perim ents w as tho firing of a gu n by thew ireless nTetliod?


A W A R M D IS C U S S IO NHtiKbnnd, W ife anil Friend. Indulge In a

■ Triangular F am ily . H ow and Pay «f> Each for Disturbing Pcaeo',

There w as a w arm discussion on Spring- wood avenue Saturday n igh t when Cieocge Linm nh’m et his w ife Rose in the company of Saiiiuol lloberfca of W est Park. Thecouple h a v e , not been liyjng/fcogether for

flit w a s ithree years and last n igh t \yu s the first tim e they have m et in some tim e. The m eeting was celebrated tiy a rehefirsnl of a ll the dom estic quarrels the couple had ever had together, * w ith innovations by R oberts’ F inally .w hend>ho-trio lmd-be-- ebine so boisterous as to d isturb the peivce of the neighborhood Officer Steelmaii~es- corted them to .th e tow nship jail to te ll their troubles to Justice Dodd this m orning. ,

The magi.strate, w ith >n nilnd to fair­ness, treated them a ll a lik e to a flue of $5. each. Mrs. L inm an and Rol>erts had the rocks, but-Linm an had n o t and so is w a it­in g the result o f . a subseriptioii; paper be­in g circulated in his behalte ’

.LOCAL H A P P E N IN G STul) races in tln/E m pire pqohtonight.“ Iii the Shadow of the Cross" Is s till on

exhibition a t Fourth avenue and K ingsley street.

N o more baseball. M anager A l. L aw ­son found the sport had no attraction l’or sum m er revelers. .

Rev. H ugo Hoffman of N ew 'Y ork occu­pied the pulpit of the Lutheran church yesterday m orning.

Mr. B lanchard has fin extensive' coll'ec- Uon of hniul painted tapestries on exh ib i­tion a t the W est End hotel.

A . H ..Treat anfaJHarry Hnrsin were the only tw o wlio took^lie civil service exam ­ination a t th e postqm ce W eilnesday.

The . liid I e s o f t ii e G r a n d A v c n u e Re^ formed church will" hold-un ice cream and cake sale on tlie church lawn*tomorrow.

A charm ing iiml vivacious visitor from the m etropoliss is M iss A dele M attfeld, a guest of the Misses vail G illuw e, Ocean Grove. •

The W oinon’s association of thn Bradley.Beach M. E. church Will J io ld a H arvest

* ‘ road s<lioiue festival in railroad square a t thut place on Wednesday." -

W illiam Sagurton of tills city w ill ride In AYednesday’s race meet. A lth ough he. has not been on th e track for some tim e he shows splendid speed.

Mrs. Mary W hillock of Georgias Road, near- N ew B runswick, is v isitin g . her nephew, Robert E. Mayo, McCabo and Be;ich avenues, Bradley Beach,

•*' W ednesday’s Race Meet.Manager W . Halsey Sm ith of the A s­

bury Park W heelm en's race m e e t a t the a th letic grbunds-W eduesday, on Saturdayi a t M anhatten Beach com pleted tiie ar­rangem ents for a pursuit race bofcwebn W . F. W ahranborg, N ew Y ork’s fastest aina-tmir who, w ith AV. A . La D u o of Gold Springs, X . Y ., w ill ride against John K in g o f Newark, tho hero of tw o Irving- ton-M ilburn contests, audrfamuel AVheelor of. Danbury, Oonn. I ii th is race the riders w ill start from opposite sides of the track, and equal distances apart w ill ride n il til one team overhauls the other. A ll four m en Tiro; noted for thoir speed, pluck atid endurance. La Due, w ho rides in th is race, on J u ly 1, In a sim ilar contest, rode over 14 m iles aftor liis partner lmd bi*eii

SIngiHtrafc© Bordon Gives Hhn ®10 «r Ton Days'and tlio Hackman H eld Out .*1 II lH_lIand for tlio-Fer.nieriT

Mike Reardon’s defense to the charge of ,fft4B(jadilunk,TOtrtiis6,rimfT.v,iitst ntei(W ?ts*hwird before Ju stice Borden this morning. Mike was in* fu ll possession of Ids native w it even if h is oxcuso w as som ewhat lame. AVhon a ll Mike had to say had been heard the m agistrate told him he could have Ids choice betweon $10 and ten days in jail,

Even in such a serious position M ike’s hum or rose param ount a n d . extending Ids hand aiid . “ F aith , a n ’ if i t ’s a ll tlie sametoyezy-j tulgOpITL ta k e -th e -$ 1 0 now.”—It! w as som e tim e Iwforc thu m agistrate could olitain silence enough to inform Mike that he w ould be a llow ed u n til AVednesday noon to pay the lin e. Mike wanted to pay $1.50 on-iicoount-bnt-WiiB-adYi^ed to get the\yliole am ount together a s soon as possible.

A N E W SUB-STATIONStamps AVill Do Sold and M oney Orders

__ Issued a t ■ C renelle's Drug Store,*. . 1.S14' Main Styect. *

In addition to the additional mail delivcries m enjjoncd elsewhere in today’s Pit KSS fttul~tho uxtensiolr o f th e-serv ice-on theAVost ..Hide, sub-station No. 2 of the A s­bury Park postofflco w il l ‘bo 'opened., at. Grenelle's drug storo, Main street, on A ug. ;J5; T his station w ill sell imstego Stamps, issue m oney ortlors and .transactregistry Inislncss. The statUm w ill be kept oiHsn a ll fcKo year; a n ^ Xviliprovii iugrejvtcon von ion eeto 'tliq p u lu io , osijucially due- -I lug tljc even ing after th e m a in postofflco is closed. ’ *

^ p b ju u te d to tlio Sldjgli ltells.L yndhurst guests num bering about 50,

enjoyed a pleasant Rtrawrido to t^hark •we^itiDRhty^wonhrg^-^TIiiq;

C am pbell’s land ing wileru they wei*e served w ith ft clam bake. They also took a deligh tfu l sa il on the.river aiid spoilt sobie ' m r-entehRig-enibsr—On~thoir—tt4nrn-n-

policem an n t Gooknuin avenue ordered them to rem ove tho sleigh bells .from their horses. Th’oy obqyod bnt pufc tluv W lls on again 'on ly to be held up by aiidther vig'

“A ftm* ruu iiiiig tiie1 “g an n tiot-a second tim e they made more racket in Cho^yiigoiG-than^wouldJiayfe^opquxrodAL the bulls had romalnpd on the. horses.

1 ■ Festival Chorus RehuarHiilM.The Ocean Grove festival fellorus (adu 1 ts )

w ill m eet for i*oliearsfi.i.’toiilghfc, tomorrow iiudAVednosilay n igh ts a t 8 o ’clock In A s­socia tion -hail, qyei? tho postoilico/toj pi*e- iw p “Sfcabat A laterl" *Tho orchestra w ill rehearse dally jjxqopfc'posslb 1 y Friday.

' A l le n h u r i t Lo t* . ;_ ,S lx -lo ts-fo r-sa 1 o -a t AUciihnrst. Grwit bargain. M ust bo sold a t once. Address P. O. B ox 903, A sb u ry Park, N .J . 170etf

overtukon, and fairly carried tho audience off their fitfet by h is w onderful display of pluck and enduranco. l i e w as only huaten after ho had dropped from his w heel from exhaustion. A bout SU Individual entries have l)ecii received and w itli the post en ­tries -wil 1 ii umbor- oyer 1(H) riders. - -Reserv­ed and box seats arc n o w on w ilcat D iirtis’ linislf! stnra nn Mjdn,.,.af,n>i,t, wluua.


The A ll ies Lose 1200 Kil led and W ounded at Pent Sang.

T H E F O R E IG N E R S V IC T O R IO U SAlmost~EiitIr©rTorcg- Kiigttged —Russians ■ and Jajmueso I.oNt H eavily—Reported^

Thut TIireutM ©f Murdering IVJUnluters i f Advance Ih Continued lluv Tem porarily Stopped A llies. < . . . .AYushington.—The navy departm ent re-,

ceivell tlie follow ing despatch:A“ Uheefoo, the British Fanie i*t;ports.iinqfficlally an on gagem en tat P ch tS a n g on Sundaym ornlng which lasted from 3 to 10.30 o’clock: The allied loss, killed and won tided, is given at 1,2(W, chiefly am ong the Russian and Japanese forces. The Chinese are* retreat- In g r Signcd Tauslng."

“The follow ing was also .posted:"‘‘Cite??foo, an' unofficial report .b u t onebelfevcd to Im) reliable states tliat a b o u t-10',OOo a l­lies Jteavily engaged the Chinese a t Pent- Sang* a t daylight on the. ilfth , rfigned R einev.” ‘ . ./

Slow 'Adviuicc J)uc to JenloiiHy. . .LondVm.—A D alziel despatch from

Shanghai reports th at the slow advance of the a llies is due to jealousies amotig the com m anders. The despatch further says th at P rince Tum i has Issued a fresh proc­lam ation ordering the im perial troops and boxers to coiite'st.every. lneh qf.;the_wiiyitb: Pekin.. A il of the Chinese troops* were re­cently paid iu fulb ■ : V

N o More Food to Deseigeil Legations. Shanghai.— The Japanest) consul here

has received a despatch from Pekin saying that General T u n g Full Slang, one of the rebel leaders, has stopped the sending of the bfeselgcd legations.1 Allien Halted Iiy Throats pCM urder. ' Paris.—It is reported that tho allies have

halted because o f fhe^threatsof tho Chinese to murder the m inisters, the foreigners w ish in g 'to learn more of the m in isters’ ■•ability to defend them selves. I t is also staled that the allies w ish to si>e if LI H ung Chang and other cannot su ccm l in ‘restrainiiig Li-Ping-1 long, the anti-foreign leader, in Pekin.

,1 ,1 .Still A live. '

KxecatCB a l l truRtM know n to ttic* law . ,L o iu n rnouey on bond shd m o rtg a g e . ~rt-' r.’

• K t w l . t i dcpoa lt. .u b je c t to check and a l lo w , interest on d a ily balances. ' * :

Acts as Trustee, Reg istrar and Tranafar A g ca t. e Pays coupons. * . ... . ./Makes demand and t im e loans o n approved co lla tera l. • - •Bale deposit vau lta . s

^ S lu in g h d i^ T h e report that Li H ung Chang com m itted suicide, is?without foun­dation.


Fainted Yesterday In 1‘a la c e r n T k —Wus - Said He. Hud Dcon F.olsoneil.

Constantinople, Monday.—The. su ltan’s 111 health is m o re apparent, l ie fainted, yesterday w hile w alk ing in t|be palace park /b ut w as revived In a few m inutes by theatteiid*iiits.T]H ).inchlentcaiLsedinaii3’ rum ors to .the effect that he had been pois­oned iiy anarch ists.. Thfe su ltan has or­dered that a ll Ita lians em ployed about the palail(rT)\rdis<Jbarge(l7“ ' ln n s ”SOT<rto nn'bTconstant dread o f an attack by tlie anar­chists.


prizes \vere placed on-, exldIfftion this inorning. .

. Two E xcellent Tenor Slngern. •The.AVestEnd hotel istjn tertaiiilng two

splendid singers a t present, H. B. Breitl­ing, a .New York vocal instructor, and Charles H . Sm ith, soloist o f the Church of tlie Ascension, Fifth' avenue and Tenth street, same city;"'. Mr. S m ith sang twonutnhers Ht-the-SiVmlay-eoneert-lasfc-night lib the }Vest End . and showed tlmfc.he pos­sesses a strong and brilliant* voice. H is solos afcbtfhetcd passers by. M r. B reitling also'has a clear voice of unusual sweetness nnd clcaiLtbnes— Duresque and Air. Breitl­in g studied under t the Anno school. Mi*.B rein ing sang during the cotillion [Satur­day n igh t and w as repeatedly encored.

fjt r lick— for ■—E ight—II ©ii rs*—Labor—a—Day . am i TYeifi Out 'Six Moiitiis, .

AYnshington," Tuesday., — It was a n ­nounced today a t the Iieadqunrters of the Aiuerieati Federation of: labor that the granite cutters after a .six -m on th s/str lk e !for e ig h t hours’ labor q day had won out and th a t the strike w as over.

\yIek cmFW alter W alloped.W hatever Cha'rles Ross does is done

vrell.’* Saturday n igh t AYilliain Baiischer, iTwaitnr‘I n his um ploy'of th ello ss-F en ton farm , inbibod a little too freely, w ith the result tliat lie became too hilarious for the general w elfare o f the pliice^. Mr. Ross ordered Mul away, atul w hen the man showed som e hesitancy about going the proprietor . landed him -a r ight liaiul sw ing on the jaw w hich took the. w aiter off h is foot.' L ite r a town'ship otljcor avrested th (?, nlUmdanfcT A t tho luiariiig biffort7j®ttee

)odd th is m orning n o 7 tered. ’ ^

Mrs, Snrgeuut Ujiulile to Secure Roiidsinnn.Airs. E nuna K . Sargeant o f . (JOti Asbury

a veil no, who w as arrested la st niglit, w as taken to Freehold th is noon, _bqlng.umtble.

her bail. J u stice Borilen a llow ed dier .un­til noon to secure bail and*the w om aiJs husband scoured the town th is 'morninghut falleirtq llml a bondsman. The charge agftinst Mrs, Sargeant is for passing w orthless checks for w hich she is ■ said to be under Indiotuioht in N ew Yorji.v..‘Sho w ill lie taken to' that state as sbou ps re- qTTiSfnoirpapers"ean iHrteejireu.—/i; 7

AVqvo Uhou. Itutlxor R ou gh ly ., . .* Dr. V ictor A . Norgaai*(FoF W asiniigton, D. C,,'a guest of the. Gramerey hotel; m et

w fth a painful though not serjous accident Whilo bathing in tluwshrf a t Seven tli ih’e- imo yesterday in orrtin ^ ^ W ’hile d iving from the shoulders of* a fellow !>ather a •heavy ro! lor throw him jVgai hs to n e /o f theiron posts'supporting tho lifo linos nml he rcceivod a teVom c‘>Ptn’slon over ills right nytnmilTJthinrpjrtiiftrt'tnTtlRCST

'R enno t- lnn o u re n in d h tu s t lo n . ^ I

Read T h e D aily* P r e s 3.

GovernOieufc o f Flowery Kingdom Wants -AH IIh-Mtm-at Home.

\AYashington, Monday.— The Japanes<‘Jflg,*)J.lnnJuisl.,lrei‘uivnll.lalnaffUiiaiUdntftiirt<,‘hfrom 'the hom e olllco siiying that a ll em i­gration to the /U n ited States w ill he pro­hibited in the future. This action is taken, it is believed; on. acemint of the Japanese governm ent needing a ll the ahlebodled men by reason of the present trouble ip China. • -. •


“ F am e” Is the Driifsh;Crnlser.AYnshington.—T he Fanie spoken of in

the report o f Sunday’s battle Is t he British cruiser. AVIiafc Am eriean - forces was .en­gaged in the batLle of P e n t Sang is un­known here.

Funeral o f King Humbert Aug. !>.VW ashington, • Tuesdayt—W ord^was re

ceived th is m orning that, the funend of King'Hiimberb of Italy-w ili takor place on A ug. P in Rome. ' > x ....--A\rashington, .Aronday^—-G enerally fair

LonighUind Tuesday; ligh t to fresh west, erly winds.

To DiKband M ilitia Oompunle'rt,Ifcjs likely th a t two- more Companies of

the Second regim ent, N, G. N. J ., which h a m fai lgjr Hoi n w thoAwiu lW((Hd.a >ntiird"af efficiency, v \yi 11 bo disbanded. The eom- iwmihs in “ -question are Company K o f M ontclair, and Company L of Newton,

inent a t Seit Girt w ith fewer m en than tlu* law requii*es, um l Colonel GUI more has de­cided th at it w ill be to the best interest o f the i’eglmtmb-fco have the qllieers of

HtM’ijil nt’l.huii’ciiniiniinilc' .stood tlm t Governor Yoorheefj Will issur an oidot* declaring the tw o com panies to

Tarmrlrmgerdtu th trsteti^ervieef^ W iej) few- com panies to take their places w ill prob ably bo organized in P la in tlu Id and Princeton. . 4 » .

F a i n t e d lu .D q a c H A u d i t o r i u m ,JALns. Mqrchant'. of Saratoga ,-N w Y .,-a

g u e st-a t Dr. Sterks hoter, Ocean Grove, failifed iii iho AsbUry Park auilitnrhiin at the m orn in g scrvlco ycstortiay. Dr. J . HBryan w as sum m oned and removed the sufferer *to her home ill a carriage; The gates of / tlur resTirt worVrA>jkm.iiyl by Major John C. Patterson to a llow tllelr passuge.

Real Estate ! I■

Insurance . . m i

M o r t g a g e sm

i ' *1'


A N D -

Safe Deposit CompaojBonmouth Building, A sburj Park, R. Jt. JCAPITAL, .........$100,000. -iiS U R P L U S........ V 25,006.: ,

A.‘ C . T W IN IN G , F re rtd en t,O . B. M . H A R V E Y , V ice P r e i ld e n k

R . A . T U 8 T IN G , S ec re ta ry . -D . C . C O R N R L In T r t t n n

R . \ . Tu it lng r,H e n ry M itc h e ll, Af, D ,

DIRECTORS:O. H. Brown,J. I I . Bnchanon ,D. C. C ornell,W . J . H a rr ison , I Col. G . B. M . Harvey ,George p . K ro e h l . . .Bruce S. Keetor . K . D „ H . H , V re e lio d ,

,. G, D. W . Vrooni,

John P . O ’B r ien , Perry R . Sm ith , B. A . Patterson, A . O. T w in in g ,


r ;


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OPF1CEH8! GKOROK F. KKOBHL, Prenldent-O. H. IiHOWN, 1st Vice President M. L. 1IAMMAN, 2ud Vice Preeldent

U. H. 8COTTr Cashler.-

P a t r o n s ' v a lu a b le s r e c s l v a d r o r s s T ^ k e e p in g f r e e o f c h a r g e ^ -

F o r e lg n e x c h a n g e b o u g h t a n d so li^ C o l le o t lo n s p r o m p t ly a o k r



A S B U R Y P A R K D A I L Y P R E S S , M O N D A Y , A U G U S T 6 , 1900.

The Daily Press: ft B0J.D ROBBER BAND.J . L. KINMONTH,


PUBLICATION,OFFICE :607 Mattlson Avenue, Asbury Bark, N .J .

TEI.B PIIO N E C A L L S:E d ito r ia l R oom s B usiness Office:

GO a GOb


O n e y ^ a r ( s t r i c t l y In a d v a n c e ) i $ 3 .00O n e w e e k . . . . , , . , . ................ \ .00S i n g l e c o p l e a ..................01

M orning Edition (June to Septem ber).T e n w e e k s .............. $ 1.00O n e w e e k ................... .12Single copies ........... * .02

Advertising Rates on Application.

E V E N IN G E D IT IO NMONIIAY- - A U G U S T -C , 11100,

T H E S U M M E R ^ S C H O O Ll)r. Purvoa R eceives Ovation for Fine

Lectures — *• Rest Kooks o f th e Year Treated by Or. C. F. Sltterly.

From tho opening day the attendance nnd popular in terest in the Ocvan Grove Sum m er School o f Theology has steadily increased. 'I)his w as m ost notable in the eourse-of lectures assigtnnl fo the eloquent Dri Purvis, meiiibeT of th e: faculty of Princeton-tHiiversity. A t tlieclose^ bf-h is’

—foilr-tlwiectuve—on.-1he....KplsUe-LtO-ldie llu*. brews on Saturday lie received quite an ’ ovation from m inisters and people.

Dr. C. F . S ltterly of the Drew sem inary, w ith adm irable dtoritnination, gave a run­n ing criticism of one hundred of th e be fc

. books of tlie year.. These were fyom every departm ent of m odem 1 i tera tuTv, 1110111U-, ing the novels as w ell as th e scientific and- •biblical. . J Iv- ■ i.. -

T h is m orning a t 10.15 Dr. I. J . Peritz w as scheduled.jtb speak- on - “ Hebrew • H is­tory—The A w akening of the National Consciousness—Moses.’/ ' A t Dr. C. W . M illard spoke on*‘”rheSpU*itual-Man7L*-

A t 4.80 Prof. Morgan gave the first of six lectures on “M usical-Theory aiul S ight Sin g in g” in tho auditorium , this Ijelfighis fourth lecture, bn this, topic, th e llrst three being free. For tho .others, a, sm all fee is charged. T hese-w ill continue every day th is w eek a t -1.30 in tiie auditorium for one hour.

T onight Dr. H. 11. Lowry w ill lecture in th e auditorium on the “ Chinese and the J3oxors.” Dr. Lowry lived in Pekin Tunny years and is .a b le to talk in telligen tly 011his topic. ._____ -

LoeuNtN G ood to; E a t,A ll native-. A frican races ea t locusts.

W ith .-m any it tak es, n,nd 1ms to tak e th e p lace, o f th e B ritish w orkm an’s b e e f pud m utton . In a good m an y ■vil­la g es su n dried locu sts a r c ail artic le o f

: co inm crcX ~T he~S U ‘dalleSe“flTirimTtiuu~ i lnrl.v fond o f them . -i

B efore th ey are o a ten th ey are to?.st- — edr—U:11 e-Avli i gs-a-rul—1 e jjfs—1 h i Ylng— t-

^beon torn"off, th e king, s o ft body and .the crisp bead form tlm d elicacy .

I determ ined not to 'le t m.v Euyoponn p rejud ices lull nonce * me, . but to* g iv e - tlie d ish o f gr illed locu sts a fa ir trial.I th ou gh t how Jolm th e B a p tis t had enjoyed th em p h is w ild honey.

T he one T w a V f eating- w a s , rath er .....jnlctL Y a g r m l w ith m y A rab serv a y t

th a t; should th e iFoutmipply^‘falTshOrt*; a d ish o f lo cu sts w ould 1>l» a very good

- auhsttt-utei—-— v—

HoldscUp a Union Pacific Pas- ' ; seriger T rain ;

ONE MAN WHO BESISTED KILLED,B n n d t t n B o n r d T r n l n h t M l d n t j j l i t

n n d C o m p e l O o c u i i a n t i i o f B e r t h * t o G i v e l ']» T h e i r ’ J e w e l r y u n d M o n e y . A l l I i n e u p e , '

Snlina, K'nu., Aug: 0.—-V Union P acific east hound ' train .-w as held up several miles- w est o f H ugo, Colo., 00 miles this side o f Den ver. The passengers, in the Pullm an sleepers.-w ere rufibed o f thoir m o n ey uuul . valuables. ' An old man named Fjiy, u resident o f California, who hail' been visiting in Denver and w as ou his wuy to St. Loins, refused to surren­der liis valuables and tired a shot nt oiie of the- robbers, hut'm issed . Thereupon: the robbers tired, oiie shot entering Fay’s mouth and.coining out at tiie back of Ids heiiiTrkilling' him almost -instantly. .T he robbers stopped tlit* train, jviuiped off and escaped. , . . ■ „ ,

Charles V, Fyke, 'a K ansas, City law­yer, wits among those robbed. Mr. F-yke gives a graphic description o f the murdero f M r. Fay. l i e said: ;

“ r Linum .two men were discovered on the platform o f the rear ‘ Pulluufm -L'he, Pullnum- conductor,. I>. B. .Smith; mistook them fm* tramps uml ordered thefn to tlie siniilm ^gajM ind ut the next stiff* to leayc the- U,a n m ^ \

*■ T heyt entered t l i c \ n r nml at- once 'drew, .reyolvcrs. - Both flushed- weapons TiT'ilie ci iii i 1 ii ct 11V ”s7 fiuci •r/O ’Iiir If a ft ill c( I lii ui aUioiitilxnok. Alidd it with both hands,’

B y t h e t l .m c I w a s f a t i n g t h e s e c ­o n d ' l o c u s t i t s e e m e d t o m e a b s u r d •w h y oTie s h o u l d h a v e a s o r t o f l u r k i n g p i t y f o r J o h n t l i o B a p t i s t ’s ' d a i l y m e n u u n l e s s , i t h e f o r i t s - m o n o to n y ] , a n d I

... f e l t . d p n v l . i i c u i L . t lm t . I j s h o u h l . .g t» t . t i r e d o f h o n e y s o o n e r t i m n I s h o u l d o f lo ­c u s t s . — C u r r e n t L i t e r a t u r e .

T h e S o n g : o f t l i e Y u k o n R i v e r .“ T h e r e i s s o m e t h i n g p e c u l i a r n h o u t

t h e -Y u lio i i r i v e r t h a t 1 h a v e n e v e r ^ h e a r d o f In c o n n e c t i o n w i t h a n y o t h e r

s t r e a m . ’* s a id * C a p t a i n C r a y , w h o h a s b e e n m i m i n g b u m s i in t h e b i g A l a s k a l i t t e r y . “ K rn f ii t h e m o u t h o f t h e Y u k o n l ip a s f a r a s t h e r e i s ' a n y n n v i g a j d e

.w a t e r - t h e s t r e a m * I s c o n s t a n t l y s in g -attu .^w.here_,v.uu_uri*^Uu.>rcL i n g . - . . :

• i s a s o u n d l ik e , t h a t m a d e b y e s c a p l n , s t e a m ; A t f i r s t 1 u s v h t o t l d n k t h a t m a y b e j t c a m e I 'u u n t h e . b o i l e r o r e n ­g i n e s . B u t w h e n w e w e r e t i e d l ip a t n i g h t . w l t h - n y e f y r i i i n g - c n ) d . t l i o s o u n d ' w a s t h e s a m e . , i h a v e p u z z l e d m y b r a i n ’ t o H m l a ti .. e x p l / m a t h m o f tin? ] > h e i io n ie i io i i . h u t w i t h o u t a v a i l . T h e s i n g i n g g o e s o n d a y a n d n j g l i t .

••When yon get up stream som e dis* tarn-e. you eau a lso hear th e-‘reeks' ro lling over, the bed o f the river, and tills produces a iiio'si"peeTil lag Sound.” — I ’orllaud T elegram . ; ..... . .._ ...

I ’P l 'llk N Ol’ II A' |l 1 UN IoIIN ,G unpow der exp losion s have nnd re­

m arkable feature. T he bodies <*f. per­s o n s ‘ killed ill S'ldl till ’ are a lw a y s found w ithout rlm hlng. but .fre<|m*11 tJjV m ie, f•»d wiM lua ve tjie sla<e. o t i . t i l l s js true o f Tmrses also, f fo m * o f tlu* f e e t i s in t h e a i r a n d a n

. o t h e r o i l t h e 'g r o u n d . I In* 's h o o ’ w i l l b e f o u n d t o r n f r o m t l i e f o o t t h a t w a s o n tlie g r o u n d a n d im t f r o i n t l i o o t h e r .

W h e n m e t t a r e k i l l e d iu p o w d e r o x - p l o s l o l i e . t h e f o n t t h a t h a p p e n s to h e jn - t l i o . a i r —w .h e ii .. tIm -s h iM tk —o a ii i i i—w il l

“b e fu l l i n f u r r r r t n g th e s l m i v ^ ^ h i l u t h e ’.‘o t h e r f o o t .w i l l b e h a r e .

B ilk I n a l i ( ‘len rA n e w l y a p p o i n t e d F r e n c h m a y o r

I n a u g u r a t e d h is r e g i m e b y a JiotiUe to th e f o l l o w i n g - e t f q c t :

“ O ti tin* f e a s t o f - o i i r p a t r o n s A in t t l i e f i r e b r l g m l e w i l l -In*, r e v i e w e d In

a n d in - t l i e m b r u i n g a f to r n o i> i i . ,?

i f it r a i n s in the,

n o tw SiM itliing,

l i e — L o o k l ie jv . ' .V l-ntilde, I ’m < |n t te s u c h a t r i d io t a s [ l o o k ! /

S h e ( s o o t h i n g l y ) - X o , d e a n I ’u r s u r e • y o u ’r e u o t l ^ ^ ___________ ______ _

A g e n t l e m a n r e c e n t ly c u r e d o r d y s p e p s ia g a v e th o f o l lo w in g a p p r o p r i a t e r e n d e r in g

, o f B u r n s 1 f a m o u s , b le s s in g : “ S o m e h a v e — m p a t r p m l-e a n u o P e a f r H m F H o m e - h n v d - r to n e -

' t h u t w a n t i t ; h u t .w e h a v e m o a t a n d w e c a n e n t .— K o d o l D y s p e i is ia C u m b e th a n k e d ,” T h i s p r e p a r a t i o n w il l d i g e s t .w h a t y o u oafcf

’ I t i u s t u i t l y relio v o R a n d r a d i c a l ly c u r e s In ­d ig e s t io n a n d n i l t t to m a c h U ls p rd e rs . VV. K. H a m , 1«7 M a in s t r e e t . •

sa id ; he. "*mid wake up the passengers/ Then they began a system of tie* car.

“ It w as iii* semidnrkness.'.and all the passengers had' retired‘hours before. Out* •rubber, guarded the conductor, whijo the ait her .extorti'd money and valuables from the dazed passengers at the. point of tin? revolver. All the passengers in the reiu*. Fnltman w ere.soon' plunderx'd, aiul tht*ii tlu* bandits entered tlu* forward Pullmau, where I was. An aged m nn,;A . ..Tk^fty, discovered wlmt wad taking' p lace before iiny one .e lse -in the car. l i e .partially emerged fmni_his_beutliALmLptesented. a

T he haifdits’saw the revolver, and one of theln opened fire., A t the sunie.tim e F ay fired, and .it. is heliejrud tile bullet struck oue of .them en. Fay . fell liUe'ui log. T he bullet had entered his month and passed through his head, .caiTfeing instant death. H is blodd atid brains were scattered .over 4he bed coverings.

S h o t n t t h e P o r t e r .“At the moment of the shooting the

train porter entered the car, and at once •the men covered, him w itli their revolvers and commanded him to throw up 'his hands. H e turned and ran toward the chair- car. The robbers ’ followed him, and as the portot^ entered ,the chair ear one of them deliberately raised his pistol and rsent a bullet after liim. The .bullet failed in its mission; and the men turned to the Fullman conductor and ordered him to stop the train. H e pulled ..the

-rom*. but tlie train did not, slow . down. ‘Full harder,’ one o f them eoiiiimuixliuL and the condiietor again struggled with tlu* rope and so hard that it parted. ‘U ie

tlu.y t|ien ordered, lint lie explained to. them it wits a task lie .could not perforin. For a dozen miles or more the train proceeded until it.pu lled into Hugo. ' Then the robbers compelled tlie conductor to alight first, and with a mutteredVUoiidby’ they walked south at

-irbrisk.'.pace. • ‘ ••-“A s near as I can judge they boarded

the- train at,.*1 :-0 a. in. They were on board nearly'an hpUr, but after''the shnot*

JTig^ircy” Yvef i»™ bTa Ijsb lut eT*Trtfi itifl loF“ Tin** male* passengers could do nothing; and

.1 In* woimui acted admirably .*1_________

R e v , R . II. R ent nnd P a rty T ra v e led y ICO M iles lu ’nrtN.

S u n F r a n c i s c o . A u g . (>.— T h c l tc x b I t .I I .—B e n t o f F l i i l a d c l p h ia , a P r e s b y t e r i a n m is s io n a r y w h o ' l ia d to t lc e f ro m C h in g - c h o w , in S h im g tn n g p r o v in c e , is a m o n g t h e a r r i v u l s o n ' t h e . s t e a m e r C i ty o f P e* - k i n g f ro m . S h a n g h a i . M r . B e n t e s c a p e d w i th , : b i s w i f e a n d t w o c h i l d r e n . H e s u id : "

C h in g - e h o w is t h e lo c a t io n Of o n e o f t h e n e w e s t o f. t h e P r e s b y t e r i a n i id s s io u s in C h i n a a n d is 5 0 0 -m ile s n o r th w e s t o f S h a n g h u i , o n t h e G r a n d e a m U . A V a \n e d b y t h e m a s s u e r e s o f l i i i s s io n n r ie s a n d . n a ­t i v e C h r i s t i a n s n o t m l i n y M i l e s f r o m o u r s t a t i o n ; w e e s c a p e d o n 'J u n e . 1 0 , p a c k in g a f e w b e lo n g in g s i n a c a r t a n d n m k ii fg a n o v e r l a n d j p u r i t e y o f 1 5 0 . im l(fe ‘ t o t h e n e a r e s t i n la n d .p o r t , f r o m .w h i c h w e r e a c h e d ' t h e c o a s t in b o a t s . N e a r ly a l l o u r p e r s o n a l e f f e c ts h a d t o b e l o f t . b e ­h in d , i n c lu d in g m y l i b r a r y , , a n d I s u p ­p o s e t h e y a r e d e s t r o y e d b y t h i s t im e . F o r t u n a t e l y .w e w e r e n o t a s s a i l e d b y t h e C h in e s e ; b u t w e w v v o In c o n s t a n t t e r r o r o f b e in g m a s s a c r e d 'a n d w e r e ^ g h jd to e s ­c a p e w i t h o u r Jives.* W i t h u s o n o u r t r i p w a s M is s M a r s h a l l , w h o w a s c o n n e c te d

‘w i t h a n o t h e r m is s io n . ; v'“-T h e c o u n t r y a b o u t C h in g - c h o w Is n o t

i n f c s ie d w i t h B o x e rs * b u t b y m a r a u d in g .m e m b e r s o f a s im i l a r o r g a n i z a t i o n c a l le d t h e G r e a t K n i f e s o c ie ty . I t w a s o r ig i ­n a l ly f o rm e d t o « r e p r e s s t h e b r ig a n d s , b u t i t s o o n b e g a n to U se i t s p o w e r f o r o t h e r p u r p o s e s , a m i In S L w in te iL iv e .b e g a n to s e e s o m e o f t h e r e s u l t s o f i t s b lo o d ­

t h i r s t y p r a c t i c e s . O u r n a t i v e C h in e s e c o n v e r t s w e r e p e r s e c u te d , n m l w e w e r e f o r c e d t o a s k ' t h e - g o v e r n m e n t . fo r p rn -

J .ec? ip ii. T |) e 'e o m H t iq n s ;g re w ^ i t w a s ’ i io t i in l i 1 re<*eii t l y , t tu i t w o ' b e g itn to f e a r f o r d u r o-wii l iv e s .” ’]

!)cittN chlun il In P ort.New York. Aug. P.—The new Hum

hurg-AmerieJin line steam er I letitsehhiud, ihe t'oiiiplelimi uf whose voyage has been ii wail ei 1 with much interest, anchored off ihe Sandy Ilook lightship ai 1H:*I7 o’clock lust . n igh t-after a voyage uf 15 days, ,S Ii<.itrs and B-minutes. The ii-conl of tin K aiser W ilhelm del* Grusse. fm m tin. TOT iu ii X.ivrinlii'i'. 1 S’UI jri .days,. IT buurs and M7 ininules. The I leiilsehluud is tlierefo^e helin'id tile ye.c- oril of the ernek North* German Lloyd 14 hours atiL minutes. .

MurrtUKc o f Kltitc o f Servln ,Belgrtnie. Aug. B. King Alexander

v./>u iday wedded Mine. Draga Masehin, the eeremdiiy being performed with gjvat |M>uip. In lienor of the evei)t the king 71 :iltr»-d~rm—irttttie ■{>'. -tMgothcr .a-.Lih—Laii. .jiolifieal pti'vdnus—--iiieludiiig--tlnrJurmer Jbuljral I'reinier Taiisehauovicli.

De’niaiiilN I'io*** T iirk ln li G overiu n en l.( ’iin>liiiitiiM*l'le, Aug. i i . M r . “ Klnyd

!JriM*"m. F ailed States ejiarge d'affaires,, \ e» tv ni a.v renewed his demands upon the ittleinaii giivernfiieiit for competisatjuii fid- Uu* losses, o f : Ainerieau citizens tim­ing the Arineiiian inassnere. Jie insisted upon a prompt decision.

3 R IE F N E W S 'N ’O ljE S .'^'l’he sla te encampment of the national

„'Mard i.l"I’etnisylvania at Mount Gretna iias Peea-* forma Il.v ■■opened. -The enl:n* livDioii o f the s la te militia, nnmheiing tii.oiio* men. is in camp, which has- been named < amp. Alexander L. Jiawkint? in U«diiii* of ihe late colonel o f tbe-T enth regiment, who died while Ins command wa> serving in the Fliilippines,-~r;.* -FrA^ay-'or-Yiuilieisr N /Y ;; ,;hls ?oft -ittrl—IrVjiuukaiiLS.-accompanied by 'Mr. I ie la Km-, an Hnglislimmi. climbed tin* ' *iiiia«lim>«i. in .Switzerlnml. willionl a :nid*‘. Wlnm near the summit, Mr. W ay -lipped on a stone and fell'over a preei pire.. T h e .rope' attaching liim to his* sou broke, and thi*srtw«» were killed, Mr. De

.iiL_.JI»ie . retinji.e<I _\yit|» _gnmt . 1 lidh'Uliy. l'he In ii I ii -s were recovered.

C e l l u l o i d C o l la r s - l > r iu g ; e r o n i * .Milwankei*. Aug. 0. Superintendent

Begg.- will j--iie an onler that niohtrmenoil tin* electric lilies shull-liot Weal* eellu loh t eidlai jj. * fVeiiusi*-his eoMnr was cel luloid Chillies Sanders was injured so M-rioii>*ly that Ids ■ recovery .is douhtfuir Siiudej-'i is a iiioti>rmim niivtlie Waukesha. Iitie. Near North < ireenfiehl the m otor

wrrrrImnual out. \ \ tnle lie 'was imudnli w ith -it Ihe rout roller came in contact wit li ld> collar ... TJicri?-—aiida ,ring4 o f fire encircled his neck in 4U1 iiKiaiit. Tlm mot or mn n is su fieri tig ter* rilily liotp liis injitVies. .* . , •

G en era l /.c h illo n York I)cn«l«New OiMcuns. Aug. <».—General Zebitlon

York,-one bT the. dashing figures o f ihe. C.onfetleniey. has died nt his home in Natchez, Miss. He was eohpiel of the Fonrte«*nth Lunisiniui 4,«*giment ilnring the war. whii'lc In* led in the buttles of Mechanicsville, Gaines Mill, Cold llar - llbr^atuD.Vlalverii 7Ilill and was umuidcd’ several tim es... l ie piirtieipated iu the battle o f the W ilderness mui was made a brjg.udier general June 2 . 18lH.


THE BOER WAR.G en era l Dc W et R ep o rted to Re In

" ' .A '*’**«!»•• •Ffetoria , Aug. rij.—Gem'rJtl Christian

De W ot is , com pletely surrounded near Heitzhcrg; and it impossible for his forces to cseupe through the? strong .British cor­don. The Boers say they will make a stand at- Mneltndodorp. They are sliftrt of nmiuuuitloji mpl food. General Ham ­ilton by tb e-’ir«iph{ity movements

•pre.Veuis re-enforcements reaching Com-' inandaut General Botha. It appenrs that alter the tra.iir carrying United; States Consul Stowe and Hying tlie stars and stripes! wns derailed a t TIoiiigspruit, south of Kroonstadt, concealed Boers lired, killing four. Many residents of Pretoria have been'- sent ‘into ex ile for Having behaved cruelly or. sham efully to British subjects before or during the w an The terms oflex ile vary, in oue in­stance reaching *25 years. '

A train running between Johannesburg and Krugersdorp has been fired on by the B oers,. although both, towns •are .strongly held hy the British.

Consul General S tow e wns slightly wounded in the engagem ent which result­ed hi tlie capture of the train on which lie was traveling. - I l ls escort gallantly de­fended the train, but they were overpow­ered. Mounted inf tui try arrived ju st too lute to be o f any. service in capturing the Boers. They pursued them , however,

-inuLkilled-six.of them . ________ J_Transvaal nd vices declare that General

Raden-Powell was wounded.-during a re- Lint engagem ent in Itustenburg, when tlie ~Boers, according— to—theit^-owii-Ticeountt-toolc some prisoners nnd captured 324 wagons. - . . . . •••

F o r e s t F i r oh I n N e w Y o r k S t a t e ,Scheiiectndy, , N . Y., Aug. ,0 .—Severe

forest tires are raging along tho line of the W est Shore westward* of this city, and tin* farmers qf the vicinity have been'’fighting the llmpcs nil the.afternoon.

•A messenger froni_Jlie scoao says that the lire is beyoniT. ci in trol a ml tliat It .will have to burn itself out. The principal

-su (T iw j u t l i iul-L lv—are-fn an cr-.Congresaman' Simon J . Schermcrltoni nnd James Van Epps. T lie exact origin'of the fires is not known, but are believed to have been started hy a fire built hy railroad men.

N o T i m e t o W n n t e .“ I'm n business, n m n ” lie suUl

brusquely, "nml I've no tim e to w aste . J—m u iL tn nm tr.v vonr daughter. CanI have liei'V’

T he m erchant gushed."You seem to b e .in a good dea l o f a

hurry,” lie suggested ."I nm," replied th e suitor. “A s I told

you, I am a b u sin ess m an, . J m ade up m y mind -that I w anted a w ife , and I started blit to g e t one. I’ve secured the refusal nf tw o g ir ls th is m orning, IrtTyurrr-ofP-ten-cy-pi-eos .jit-dL ho urs, nndI fT c a n ’f ITiive y o u rd a u g h ter I w ant~to (dose one o f them before it’s too iute. Ho I get her?"• "No." _ '

"(hied. T here's noth ing like hav in g a clear understanding. Oue o f tho o th ­ers lives In the n ex t block, and the other Is lullf a m ile a w a y . I ’ll tak e tlip nearest, save u good ten m in utes of valuable tim e and get back to m y'd esk In tim e to look over th e lu te mall. There's no use le ttin g tlm 'inluor a lfa lfa o f life encroach on nuo's business, flood day, sir."—C hicago I ’ost.

Y iicntnn IltiiiiN.“Apropos o f the w onderfu l nucient

ruins Id Yucatan,” sa id a N ew Orleans college professor, “ there Is one very fortu nate elreu instance w hich has pro­tected them alm ost entirely fi’om,.spp-.'Uiirh'iii“lJ>Hlit“ l'ml1iiKsr~4 i'l«"curVcafijrbelieved, by the n atives a ll th roughth at part'of Ihe country tlm t'th e ruins are fm unted and t lm td e v ils w ill carry a w a y anybody w ho attem p ts to m olest them . T his superstition bus been en­couraged by explorers aud Is a better safeguard than .11 picket o f .sold iers.”

FILIPINOS VERY ftCTIVE.Many Americans Ambushed and

Captured, . ,. [-■


On T h at D n te^ th c T a ft Com inI*»lon C om ei In to PoTver-^Generul M ncAr- thnt* to R e m a in Executive^/ H ead o f th e Is la n d s .

M anila, Aug. 0.—Tlioro linn boon nn increase of insurgent activ ity during'the' last three-w eeks, especially 'in the way of ambushes aiid attucks upon small par­ties. F irst L ieutenant A lstnetter j if the engineer, corps, w ith nn escort o f 15 men, w as •taken in ambush in the pr.oviuce of. Nuevo. Ecija, Luzon, by a large fbree. The Amerieuns fought un^ir their ammu­nition was gone, and, as they wore sur­rounded, there w*as nothing to do but surrender. w as killed and three w ete wounded. ,

General Lacuna, w ho w as in eommnnd Pf the iinsurgents, returned the wounded with; a letter, promising to treat the pris­oners well.

Lieutenant Booton H iilesherg (?) was ambushed and killed near Santa Cruz, province; o f Laguna.

. F ive men of tjie .Twenty-fourth iiifnhr try. were captured in Nuevn E cija, but Sergeant Schm idt of th e’ T w elfth infan­try, w ith seven men, trailed ih e captors and killed live. . V1- “ . ; ,

Captain Lara of-thc Mapiln native po­lice was dangerously shot by. an unknown

‘ass.'TilrmuSaturdny 'whilb^on^thc'sttTcL* IIe 1 md'l)ce.n effectively enforcing regttla-

Jions-aiid-hntl-m ade-ent*tnies~am ohg-th^FUipiuos, som e o f whom have long threatened vengeance. Lara hml been generally accused .of gross corruption in ollice, and specific charges w ere filed ngninst him by nil Atncricnii officer;

On Sept. 1 th e commission headed by .|udgc T aft w ill become th e legislative body o f the Philippines, w ith power to take and appropriate insular m oneys, to establish judicial mid educational sys­tem s nml to make and.pass nil-linvs,.-

N o money w ill bo permitted to be drawn from the insular ftinds'"exccpt hy authorization o f the commission. Judge T aft and his, colleagues will also exer- ’clso. certain executive.functions. For in­stance, they, w ill appoint judges, Officials in the educntionnl ,depai‘triieilt\ and ‘ offi- cors of m unicipalities, which m is­sion will establish' pending elections.

General M neArthur w ill fie tho exeeu-. tive head to enforce the law s o f the com­mission, mid he con d u ctjh o govern­ment in accordance w ith the same until the cotnmission recommends to President M cK inley the appointm ent o f li civil govr ernor. - . • .....

lU ryan’a T rip , to IndlnnapoliH .Lincoln, Neb., Aug. fi.—Colonel John

I . M artin,sorgeant-at-arm s of the-D em ­ocratic nutionui committee, arrived here yesterday for the purpose o f’ escorting Mr. Bryan to Indianapolis. The two went over tlie ‘detiiils of tlie proposed trip, but no important changes were made in tjie Jtrogrhmine. T he party will leave- Lincoln a t 0 o’eloek this evening


C o n d e n s e d L is t o f C o m in g ' E v e n t s f o r Q u lo k R e f e r e n c e .

Tueaday, A ugust 7.—IUufctrated lecture ou Obor-Ammergau Passion Play by Rov. George Hubbard Pay bod.

Thursday, August 9—W ill -Lyre’s . oome dians In beach auditorium. .

Thursday, August’ 10—Stato Flold day, JrO. U. A. M., this olty.

Wednesday^ A ugust 29—State Fiold day, - KnlghtaTemplars.! Parade and review.



A U G U ST H igh T ide^ L ow .T ldd. |S u n 1 Bun a .m . | p .m la .m Jp .roa . ni. | p .m !

1 W e d . . . . . . 11 10 1100 450 ,515 4 51 7 202 T h u ra . t . . 11 50 11.45 630 000 4 52 7 188 F r i . . . . .. 12 M 12 00 0 05. (0 50 4 5 i 7104 S a t . . . . . . . 1 00 1 !10 0 50 '7 50 4 51 7 175 S u n .......... 1.515 ' 2 !10 7 50 0 00 4 55 7 15

■ 0 -M on........... 2 50 3 80 0 00 1005 4 67 7.147 T u e s . . . . . . 4 00 '4 30 10ftri 11 05 4 58 7 138 W ed . . . . . . 5 10 530 1105- 12 00 •160 7 120 T h u rs . . . . 0 00 0 20 12 00 12 10 5 00 710

10 Fri.-............ «f)0 7 10 12 50* 1 00 5 01 TOO11 S a t ............ 7.40 800 1 80 150. 502 70812 S u n . . . . . . . .«,'«) . 850 220 2 40 6 03 7 0013 M o n . , . ’. . . 0 15 0 30 3 05 • 3 !K) 6 01 7 0514 ,T u e s ......... 10 00 10 20 .3 80 420 6 05 7 0375 W e d . ; . . . . 1100 1115 4 40 5 15 5 00 7 0210 T h u ra . . . . 11 50 12 00 530 0 15 507 70017 F r i , . . . . . . 12 05 12 50 0 30 7 15 5 08 0 5018 S a t 1 20 150 •7510 8 25 6 01) (15710 S u n ............ .225 3 00 8 35 • 0 30 5 10 (1 5020 M o n . .* , / 3 35 •100 0 40 10 80 611 0 5121 T u e a * ....... 4 30 4 f5 10 40 1120 513 0 5322 W e d .......... 580 5 45 into 12 00 5 14 0 5121 T h u r a . . 1 . 0 20 0 30 12 10 12 20 6 15 0 5024 F r i . / . . . . , 7 00 7 15 12 50 1 10 5 10 0 4825 S a t ........... 7 40 7 80 130 150 517 0 472(1 S u n . . . . . 8 15 820 2 05 2 25 518 6 1527 Mon 8 50 ‘0 00 2 40 300 5 10 6 4328 T uea . . . . . 020 0 r>o 3 15 3 80 5 20 0 4220 W e d .......... '0 50 1 0 0 0 3 4 5 400 5 21 0 4030 ’’ h u r a . . . . 10 30 1035 A 15 4 40 5 22 0 3!)3LFrl....... 11 05 11 15 4 45 525 5 23 0 37

L O S T .Diamond pin; shape of butterfly; liberal re­

ward to finder. Young, 01U Aslmry avenue, Anbury Park. JH0*e

; M A S S A G E .F o r m nssngo n n d S w ed ish m o v em e n ts M rs .

W ilso n , P a r k V ie w h o te l , A s b u ry P a r k ; G r a d ­u a te S to c k h o lm a n d D r. W e ir M itc h e ll , P h ila ­d e lp h ia . B e s t re c o m m e n d a t io n s ; w ill t r e a t p a t ie n ts a t t h e i r h o m e . 180-W’ e

on the regular train on the Burlhigton road. There w ill he no special train. No arrangement has1 fioeri 1 mude for

^pi»oclu!tuoiOilto-\vhy^-huteit Is i»nnsidor<»<lnot improbubie th a t Mr. Bryan may be called out nt;different places*'*-The par­t y , will consist of. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan and their son, Colonel Martin, Governor and Miss. C h arles-S . Thom as o f Colo­rado, Mr. Bryan’s secretaVy and u few newspaper meu. /

TuiiKliH J>el*e n T u i v n .SI. Paul, Aug. G.-rTho Duluth miiitih*

'coinptuTii'tF a'rc ' tlndew ordors ’ to^qjo - to Cuss Luke, Minn., where rioters are re-

-porteiL-to, im vcA akcn-D Ossession of the town. A circus'exhibited there. A sher­iff unddeputy'from Hubbard "county had warrants for tlie arrest o f crooks who w ere following the show for alleged dep­redations at Park Rapids. W hile trying to serve the warrants ono of the deputies w as beaten and papers und arms taken from him.. Later’ citizens'tried to have th e train held so ns to get warrants fqr the arrest o f the gang. W hile so doing

ivtuitlfil _hy tin-gang and . Sheriff A lexander brutally beutcu and le ft for dead. They were fol- h ^ e d to Grand Ilupids, where one of them wus captured, hilt .while court here w as being held the courthouse was bro­ken open and the ' prisoner released by force of arms. Governor'Llml was asked for aid to quell the.distui’bnnoe.

Kin)? A le x a n d e r D e n o u n ce d . •—B ml :rp c st p-Angr-L—ThojuwulK-o f-eopH of i f pliiiiidilet'Jffiutmljrr^Teincsvar,MLitf" gary, ami entitled “Servia's Kuin,” have been confiscated on the] Serviair frontier. The author is supposed to bo’ u confidant of form er K ing Milan. l i e dcmtffida that patriots league themselves, in opposition to the course of K ing Alexander, which is calculated^, he says; to prove the ruin of Servia. T lie pamphlet, concludes witli the incendiary sentiment that God favors the work o f the.regicides and liol(ls them guiltless, . . . .

l-l» In tlie Air.T ills cyelotic* story In- vouched for by

th e MlnncniHilis B etter W a y .w It Is th at a cow which, w a n p ick eted on arnjie w a s picked u p .by th e-eyclono jutd carried up .the lengtli o f her rope, about GO feet, w here sh e rem ained until the storm had passet], ;Wheii she q u ietly clim bed dow n th e ’rope nnd resum ed Jtia-erjizing^-,.... ' .

... • S cen e P a l n t l n f ? . ^ ,A ’ good scei t e ' paln fer- tiiay get' any-

w hei’e .fro itl .$400' to $1,000 tor a scene. T h e average price paid to the best half, dozen scen e p a in ters for a scen e is $500, B u t t here im* a great nm tty m ore See lies painted lor $f(J0 than $500. ..

A s soon , a s a married m an g e ts , a com fortab le hom e; bu ilt .I n / begins, to ■wiiriy Ids w ife ’ by tJilklug jimmtnsulK Ing it,'—Jiid ianapolls Journal.

There are no bettor^ pills niade tb an ;De W itt’s Littlo Early Riaers. A lways prompt and’coftaln. W , R. Ham, 107 Main street*

S n lc ld c l.n Ilii>)?Ii(tiiiton% —Bingham ton, ‘N / Y;., Aug. 0!^ - Mrs7

Beatrice 15. Finn, who shot herself just below.'tho heart Friday, is dead. .When the doctor told her she m ust die if the bullet had severed ah artery;; She said she hoped she had cut the artery* She w as In years old. Her husband coin- mifted suicide by shooting last month. Ho wtis IS- - , , 1 . _____ -

llrcHcFH B r o th e r - in - la w T lirah lied , — B 1 ie nqs- A yr u g -O^ G in h e pp e._C u atagni, a brothcM ii-law o f Bresci, hus .se­cured [Sassage for Montevideo after fail­ing to secure the return o f passage money, td N ew.Y drk which he. paid three weeks ago. H e boiists tliat' Bresoi comtnitted a •highly commc-nduirio deed and asserts that Queen Victoria will be the next vie-; ttm. _Some clerks in a British sliippinoffice here gave him a horsewhipping for his remarks regarding the queen. I t is

tcvideo or NeW'York.

« C n ili” S lo a n W in s A n o th er R aec.Puris, Aug. G. — At Vichy yesterday

“Cash” Sloan won the prize o f the So­ciety For tho Encouragem ent o f Sport,

r-oin-m* of 2.5A0 me-ters on the D ue de Gramont’s Esmeralda TI.

. W e a th e r .F o r ec a s t .F a ir and warmer; light to fresh south­

w est orly winds.

IraprenMlon C orrect. “D in gu ss, d id n’t I loud yo u $10 n

inoqtli or tw o a g o / ’ - - “ Sliucftiolt, you did. I f you had a

-BQOii-liusluoHa-iieaiLon-your-sIiouIdorB,-j ’ou w ould bo ablo to I'ouieinber a loan ILl;o 'tlia t With' absolu te cer ta in ty -a n d w ouldn’t h a v e to ask an yb od y about I t ” ; - . y - - ■

F row n s aud p a sse s on.—E xeb ange.

H A R V E S T HOR1E.Uy (h o IV o m o n ’fl Afw oeiution o f tlio M . II

o llu rc ll , in l ln i lro n d Himiiro, B rn d ley Bench. W e d n esd iiy , A iu 'u ;-t.8 . Muniii liy BiquiH t Hoys* Brigade himd. ' 180-S7o

• ■ N U R S E .An experienced' Kwi'tlinli uurke wiintR posf

ition as maid to invulid or taking care of eliij. clay or week. Addreaa Hox M, Pci'kr ofilee. istk JbTm4-

F O R S A L E .T w o lo ts a t A l l e n lm r s t ; w il l se ll o n e o r b o th .

A d d re s s B ox 744, A s b u ry P a r k , N . J l , lS5tf

T O L O A N ,.$2,300, $3,000, $1,500, $1,000, $750,1(W0,. $500 a t 5

p e r c en t, on f irst bond an d m o rtg ag e^ G eorge w . P itte n g e r, R oom 1-1, A ppleby build ing; A abury P a rk , N . J .

T H E C R O W N ,— Viir^Iain-aventieT~Ocean-J3rovo.— G fie n - f tlH h e y e a r . T h e m o st bo m eb k e h o a rd in g house iu O c e in G rove, B team h e a t , b a th s and all Im ­p ro v em e n ts T e rm s reaso n ab le . IKOtC

i D A N C I N G .Mra; W estcoYt’s d a n c in g classes; .Hofei -B ru n s

w ick , M ondays, T h u rsd ay s , 10.30 a . m .;’ ev en in g c la ss ; p r iv a te In s tru c tio n s b y ap p o in tm e n t; m em - be r o f A m erican N a tio n a l A ssociation: m u s te r o f dan c in g . ItW-PJO*

G L O V E C L E A N E R .Ladiee. c lean y o u r k id g loves w ith L a Belle

G love C leaner. I t is n o t a liquid L eav es no odor an d can be u sed w hile th e glove I s . on th e han d . F o r sa le o n ly a t C hadw ick’s p h a rm a c y , 014 Cookm an avenuo.

F O B . S A X ® O B E X C H A N G E .N ino b u ild in g lo ts , 50x200 fee t, ad jo in in g

O cean G rove H e ig h ts . P r ic e seventy-five do lla rs each ; a lso p ro p e r ty M ain s tr e e t , B rad ley B each Apply to 508 F if th a v e n u e , A abury P a rk . 14(f


T U E S D A Y E V ’G, A U G ,r3 O ’C L O C K

Brilliant Illustrated Lecture

D . k e i = l m r d s :x g a M . .

Passion PlayH is to r ic , S c r ip tu r a l , D ra m a tic

Rev. George Hubbard Payson

1 M l i nKeeping up the Shirt standard. Best ma­terial, best fashioning, best making.’ 1 If we sold nothing but shirts we wouldn’t do it' better, because nothing but the best can find

'room on our shelves—-that's the'reason we do it so well.

The soft ' body shirt in Cheviot and Madras, -which is so very popular, is meeting with unusual success. We have them in all colors. OX BLOOD is the real thing in color this summer. Purple, Blue, White and Pink also. SOc and upwards, •

Bargs Variety of SM sSome with i White P. K. coliars and others

■ iwith collars to match the tie. Price, SOc.

T ie erusn HatWhich is -the only thing for knock about and general wear, can be found here in all the popular shades. ' 50c to $^.00.

- Exciusive-Hatter.vand Men’a Furnishers'

0 0 8 M a t t i & o n A v o n u o

Next to Postofflce

$ S P E C I A L S A L E. . . O F ' . . .

S U M M E R C L O T H I N G | ------- ; A T H A Iv F ' l^ R I C E r


* + * •

B lank Cartridges,Cannons, Pistols,

RevolversAmmunition, Etc.,

Window Flag Holders

-M a m m 9 e k s ^ t -4 9 c -a a d -u p - tc

Ice Cream Freezers, 4 qt. $2.00And all ot.Uer sizes at* lock

bottom prices.

Ice Cream Coolers $1,00 and up

C e n t sTiokota for aali! at Tastiug’n, Grfm'lli/H. A])-

pluby h , Mutti.son Avenuo Pharmucy i i n d I t a k htoils’, fiorlstH. - ■


No business can possibly be ' [ suc^Asjul that is not ' advsr- tisea. , ’ ' '. • i ' J

This is a sweeping,statement, but if is true. There are some

imerchants., in this comfaunity ? w h os e experience. apparently 11 contradicts thg. statement. *

The contradiction, however, <(» .is only..apparent_H .they haveJi attained any .degree of success i i they have advertised. -They have , , let people know what they had to , , sell, what they were here for and ( , what they'proposed fo do. Just (

in proportion to the thorough-' ’ ness with which they have done ‘“this-and-met-the-eonditions-of-*

1 * their competitors they have sue- *ceededs—------------- :--------------1

If they have used the newspa- < pers they have worked with the » best tools-so far Ss getting' pub- <

4 licity s concerned. If they have «A.wrirfi-prl m itLntit th e nRWRpaperS i >

they have been handicapped and -have.:not_attained the highest ( possible measure of success.A fertile seed planted in fertile ground, carefully watered, will thrive ’• and bear fruit,A p ro p erly o rg an ized business).in any inhabited-place,- well advertised—will succeed. The law 6£ "prowth is gg certain and inexorablo in -ono cose as the other.



a a t - c u t —m iiC E s..

Fourlh of Ju ly Lanterns, Itod, w h ite and Blue.

Hotel Seales, ot all descriptions, a t city prices.

Screen Doors and Window Screens.*- A full. Hue of Table Cutlery and I’ocket

Cutlery, ltnzors, Scissors, e tc , a t reduced prices.

Tlie Iscst Bioy/jla Tiro nt (1.50 In town.A full line o f Paints, Enamels, Stains, etc.

, 7 . I > . J V B W / y i J V1 7 3 Mam Street


5 0 8 M A IN S TR EE T ,"Bells the

STANDARD OIL STOVEA t Red'u6e(f hates.

also, Flue Sootd Bmeitcan Halt maifisssD l ^ n p r \ ’5rjSTl«S;-i£t_V6iy7i5WTlf1.

Goods bought a t half prlcaLargc-Une-oE.Refrlgerators-on hand

Cash paid for goods a t any time.

M . M . CROSBIE,MUnroe A venue

Responsible Auctioneer.

B R A D L E Y B EA C H. B ra n ch S ta t io n o l th e A sbu ry P a rk


" F o r the conven ience of o u r patrons a branoh ■‘atlon has boon established a t tho B R A D L E Y B E A C H NO T IO N ST ftfeB a ia liL a tre eV be tw flen . McCabe and Cook avenues. 1

Papers regu la r ly on sale and supp lied to news boys at office rate.

Prkss Special Adverflsemoijts b'rinil !m- medlato results. . 1

T . F . O ’B m i E N .A G E N t ' F O R K E L S E Y F U R N A C E S

Best and Most Econom ica l Furnaces Made ’

6 4 2 M ATTISO N AVEN U EA S B U S T P A R K , J .

i^ w e n q l a n B b r e a dOur New England Bread

Is acknowledged to be ' . th e n earest to the old

fashioned home made —r"; bfead -• y o u “ always-—

praised s o highlyX ? X X X

T. J. W IN C K LE R7/7 A f A m S O N A V J J .


Fjeral Director bih! Emtialmer159 Maiu Strict, Asbury Park.

The flnest and heat oqulpiied funeral par- . . . lore in the state.

Branch Offices—Belmar, Spring Lake

ELECTRIC t lG H r W IR ING E l e n t r f a - Q a s X l s i i t ln « r .

B le o t r lo B e l ls a n d A n n u n c la t o r a . B u r g la r A la r m s , E t c ,

WALLACE N, BURR' B 3 2 C O O K M A N A V E N U E . :

New .«ator B look .

A S B U R Y P A R K D A I L Y P R E S S , M O N D A Y , A U G U S T 6, 1900.

o l t e s t F r o m t l i ePRESIDENT REED

He P leads for Gospe l Message Devoid of Apology.

W O R L D W A N T S T H A T - K IN DEvening: Preacher, Dr. n a m lll o f Illinois,

Says. W ar Js au Instrum ent To, Advance .G od’s Kingdom anil Cites China as In ­stance—Plan to lia ise Money for Cal­cutta, • **•

■ Tho great crowds w hich coine in'on Sat iirdoy swollod fcho rollglous gathoHngs in Ocean Orovo to,immoiiRo proportions.. It

.waB an Ideal Babliath. Tho sun's hot rays * were*tom pored b y . a splendid sea breczo,

which made tlio day ono of bodily comfort, oven though buildings fqr worship woro crowded.

Tem ple Service.The m ost Interesting service of tho day

was fcho youngjioople’s m ooting ntl) o’clock In tho tem ple. Leader Y atm an gave a di-

.,;y.eMlty.otiioiiKf:Mlanhd^iddre§S'tWt* Avas- m ost refreshing. Iio spoko of tho necessi­ty o f being honest and sincere in tlio christ|n,n life.

Mrs. R . II. Carr sang a beautiful solo, “Q Fairest L and,” No. 50 in Ocean Groyc Hongs.

Mr. Yatman announced- th a t when ho w as in Calcutta a year ago; ho had sub-;

^ scribed 1,(XX) rupees to help tho- religious work am on g fcho youn g mon of that city, though hq did not havo an^ m oney nfc. tho tiino w ith’w hich to pay 1 $ ) I Hjo therefore bethought him of h is youn g people hero, feeling certain th at they'w ould help him

. out, and at fcho. m eeting ,yostorduy m orn­ing tho opportunity w ns given.

.A s a forethought Mr. Yatmnm secured In India (100 plos, sm all copper coins worth in our m oney about ono-tbird of a cont. Tho 1,000 rupees which, Mr. Yatm an silb-

, scribed are in value $333,513. Tlio (500 plos woro thon distributed w ith tho uhdor- Btnmilng that each person, w ho accepted ono should return a dollar for It. _T hey wero all taken aiid ninny dolllirs turned in.

T he tem ple Was overcrowded and again tho necessity of a largor building was shown.

_10.30_Auditorium Servlco,_A n nudionco of 0,000 was In tho auditor­

ium at tho 10.30 preaching service. When this great audience sang Iti made a vo l­ume that could be hoard blocks away.

B esides the congregational s in g in g which preceded, tho serm on, Revi Dr.

“Thompson o fD u en o s Ayro.s, South A m eri­ca, led In prayer. Miss .Maud Reese Davis, for tw o years Sousa’s soprano soloist, sang

-ft—solo;— OdcruBnlcriiT” frmn the~^MlTil3r C ity.” Tho Bradford trio played “ Oft In tho S tilly Nlghfc,” a splendid selection. ’’

The .sernfon w as delivered by Rev. Georgo E. Reed, DJJ., president of D ick­inson college, Carlisle* Pa. Dr. Rccd did good munpulgn service for present Gov­ernor W . A . Stone of Pennsylvania, and w as recently rownrded by an appolnfcmont

-to-tlie.olllcc-otstato-llbrarlnn.— —-

goefch a sharp sword tlia t w ith ifc he shall sm ite the nations.’ ”

I t w as a strong sermon and clearly

Dr. Heedtoqfc for his toxt Sfc.'.Mark x i i , , 37: “A nd tho uommori people heard him gladly .” Tho trend o f the sormoii w hich w as bu ilt up on this toxt w as that Christ w as a com m on m an nm ong,com m on hion

.ami that therefore his hum ble attitude, his cordial disposition and his entire laok

7of debelt attracted common people to him everywhere. : "

H e showed how Christ w as thp A lpha and fcn. the Son of GotlOinefoa

ed not H im self but becamo tlio Son of n ian .

-Tho speaker scouted tho w ritings o f tlie thousand and one theologians w h o have, w ritten “plies of hooks on God In which they toll a ll thoy know and ten thousand tim es.m ore thn,n they kn ow .” H e rather advised tho reading of the slm plo words of Christ as.fouud Jn*' tlio B ib le , which tho

—ednrntoiy ixjoplg Ucnr and-road~ gladly~mnt’ also undorst(injl,

“ I am sick and , tired of - an apologetic gospel.” wild tlidj sjieakor. / “D w ight L. M oodyxquliLget a hoaring \vhilo learned men speak to ompty benches/ W hy?, Bo- causo Moody talked the slmplo direct truth of God and m ad e no apology for it. W hat the world w ants today is a positive gospel. T he business of tho preacher is hot to nr-

/ gu e about God but to assort God. I“T lio com m on peoplo also hoanl lilm

gladly bcicftusfr o f tho ex ten t of his.,sympa^tlilos. Ho belongs to all pooples and na­tions. In 1,800 years the brotherhood of all men has .boon/*established. Christ tau ght by porsonal contact w ith men- nnd h is sym pathetic nature made the common

~ people hear h im .g lad ly .”‘■ ■In closIng,'Di% Reed asked: / ‘Do, the IM iop lo^oftho "worhp'to^lay^ hear ~ OhrlMt gladly? Y es, w hen thoy get a chance,”

,_-anBwere<LthP-spenkoPr—H o-snld-thtit-the churchos~koep only partly In touch w ith the com 1110n peoplo. Tho Y.> M.“t l . A. started to help1 the- unfortunate young lim n, b u t today has lost its force In trying to-eator onlj' to tho socially correct young m an. So It is w ith tho church. Tho Vupper ton” turn from tho com m on poonlo. Dr. Reed-pleaded oloquontly for the recogni­tion of tho common pooplo.^Pho-cliolr—and—orchestra— dlrccfcod-by

Prof. M organ, then rondorad that beauti­fu l anthem “ Radlpnt Morn,” and the ser-' vice closed. ' . .. / ■

w ’ The Sunday School. . >■ T lio line woathor had tho effect.o f caus

-Tilthree departm ents th ev Sunday school ata.UO.' \ ;y " J - .

M rs..Sklrm anilhor asslstants .had ovor JIQO'boys and girls In tho primayy dotmrt-

, menfc. a • ; .In tho interm ediate departm ent, under

Superintendent George W , Evaiis, tho 450 boys and g irls Imd a fine tim e. Prof.Morgan and an orchestra of- e lg l i f pieces - , ------------ j — - ........ - . % , , / *. j - ■ who sells you a dangerous counterfeit of

—_ ^ o ( U b o ^ ln g ln g y ^ ^ ^ rJiGEgatt-^v^MVw^.peyHfct,a-Wltoh“Hazel-Bftlve;rl8k^fyo^r^life•- *fcllo*JeH8on of tho day.

Dr. O’Hnnlonte B lblo class had an a t­tendance. of 1,457. Previous to tho lesson Mrs. C. H . Parsons of Ocean Grove’ and Prof. W , J . Elrkpatrioft of Phlladplphla

sang solos. A zither sqlo was. given by Miss CyomUdo Pplnney of Now York/

:c5rid of ih o questions sent uip' w as in ro gard to whether It would be proper to place a bronzo statue of thc late Dr. E. H. Stokes on Ocean Pathw ay, the same fco be paid for by popular subscription. ■ The class voted to start tho project and. Sena­tor Charles P . McClelland and John Day wero appointed a com m ittee to confer with fche association In regard to It.

The holiness m eeting a t 3.45 In the tab­ernacle w as characterized a “ help m eet­in g .” B ishop Fitzgerald led and thp build­in g wnB'packed. / •■■’ . .

, The bench m eeting at tho foot of Ocean P athw ay a t (5 o ’clock attracted a great crowd. Dr. O’H anlon wns in charge.

A n Immense audience gathered in tho auditorium for the ovoning service. -As special m usical selections* M iss Maud Reese Davies sang a solo, “Jerusalem ,’ (she Park sisters played a duob, and the choir rendered4ap anthem .“ I ’m a P il­grim .” Preceding . the m eeting Prof. Morgan led a bright song service.

Tho oven Ing sermon w as preached by Rev. JI. M. H am lll, D .D /, of Jacksonville, 111., field scorefcary ^bf fche International Sunday-School association. H e took ns his text Hobrovvs ix ,-22: “ W ithout shed­ding o f blood thoro is no rem ission.” Ho applied’ tho tex t to fche expiation of an ev.U/Ufain blood .orjts ecfcuivnlcnfcto ;the, necessity of martyrdom, of Meath or life; and lastly .to the w iping ou t of ’ national sins In blood/ In this final application of his toxt tho speaker w ild:

“W ar, righteous or unrighteous, hns bcon and w ill contlm ip to -b o fcho chief instrum ent of God in tho ndvancomonb.of fche Kingdom, o f H is Son. God w orks In history liy .revo lu tion s rather than by reform ations. The individual who roponts and turns from his sins ifH-nceopted and* cpnvertqtl; the .nation that, after long w aiting, rojects "the ligh t of tho Gospel aiid bwllds about Itself a w a ll of pagan seclusion Is cut in tw ain by fcho sw on l of God nnd thrown aside.

“ This was so of the anciottfc world, N ine- veh,. Babylon, Tyre; Egypt, Greece, R om e, and b u t reconfcly Spain, too, lms boon brought to count tho cost o f rem ission in the blood of her sons and tho loss of her empire.

“OhInn is rushing sw ift to her doom. Entronohed for centuries behind her pagan w alls ,, c lin g in g '•to ile r superstitions and vlcesan d hating th e m ere lig h t of truth, it needs*no prophet to foretell how the keen edge of tho sword of provldonco shall romit hor lon g record of sin lii blood.

"“ Wftr nm ybF rlght orwrbhgTIn cause or motive; from th e hum an side; hut God turns it to good account. Christ Is pic­tured as a sheep and a lam b, and John saw; him Coming ‘not-to bring pence but a-sword;’* John also saw . Christ com ing on a w h ite horfie. ‘a nd out o f h 1 s^mouth

rlor W , T . H un t covered tho* territory known as Bradley P ark , W est G rove and W est P ark to M attison avenue on the north. Charles Im lay handled fcho b a l­ance o f tho territory from Mnttispn avo­nuo north to Doal lake. ^

The territory was' so large th at those tw o mon wore unable to hamllo It. I t also became nccossary to s ligh t Loch A r­bour nnd Interlaken, tho N orth Asbury carrlor bolng unable to m ake,three trips a day and goTIn on tim e. . Under the new arrangem ent this difficulty w ill be over­come.

Carrier H un t will, now deliver thc m all on South Main street, Bradley Park wbsfc to Rklgo nvonue and north toSprlngwood.

Carrlor Sam uel T . Marrow w ill take Spring wood avonuo Jwesfc tolRUlgo avenue a n d north to A sbury avenue. >

Ciirrler Im lay w ill m ake tw o deliveries to Loch Arbour and Interlnkon and W est A sbury Park from Asbury avonuo to D o il lako. He has a horse.and w agon and can cover the territory nam ed. '

Tho North Asbury Park carrlor w ill m ake an even ing delivery to Lodh Arbour, m ak in g three dollvcrlos-cach-tlayr

proved Liod's hartd In the" wars ofTtho na- tlons. The “Ibillo lu jah Chorus” was sung in closing.


Walltbil on ‘ FOrtloii o f . Ocean Grove's licacli Woarlnfir Suits—EocorteiJ to

lismrdliisf Houho by .O nicer.'Mrs. "John .Scotb Amlerson, n sum m er

guest nt,No. 26 Bath nventio. Ocean Grovo, w as forcibly remlmleil yestenlny th a t a liathlug su it worn on the Ocean Grove liuaeh on Sunday wns im enorm ity to be classed way up a long w ith tho unforglv-hh lesliis . _ ' ' ... . |

Sirs. Anderson, aecom piinieil l>y a friend, le ft her boarding place in ten d in g to w alk over into A sbury P ark and in*■tto^rtTnrv!mmTtogTitri"ii8 8r ,™W imfrinnrw ay liotween Ocean Pathw ay apd tlio Boss pavilion tho ladies stopped down from tho boardwalk and dropped tlielr overskirts, thus dlsuloslng tw o very pretty bathing su its th at caused Oilleer B eeves .to open his eyes, ,

"You m u st go back to your hom es," snld tho officer.

.‘‘W hat for?" asked Mrs. Anderson“Xevor m ind iv liat for;’’ said tlie oillcar,

grasping her arm / “Come along or PH place you under arrost.”

Jlrs. Anderson's husband jumped over the board will k-i'iiUSngiimlwhwi-l-ht—situation w as oxplainod to him ho, threatened to knoek the officer’s' head off.

"W ell, if you attem pt that I ’ll black jack yon," retorted tho officer. "

A fter a hot discussion .Mrs, Anderson and hor friend wero escorted hack to thoir hoarding house by tho policem an a n d . tho crowd th at gathered to w itn ess the 'en­counter dw indled aw ay,

This w as the story told by Mr. Andor- son .last n ight. Ho w as very Indignant and said ho would com plain to the Ocunu Grove association... • .

Officor Beeves denies th a t ho grasped Mrs. Anderson's arm , w hile tho lady m ost Htremiaujrty-linilstuhodid. . - .k . . . —


Two Tours -to' Canada V ia . Foinetylvanln Railroad.* * !'

For the sainm er of 1000 the Pa im sylvanla Railroad compatiy has arranged to run two personally-eonduotea tours to Canada and northern Now York. These tours w ill leave J u ly 31 and A ugust t l . Inc lu d ing vJiigsraYffii.VThousahaTslniidi/KnpIafloc the S t Uvvvrcirce, • Quebic Tho Sagv.enny, Montreal,AuSable Chasm,Lakes Cham plain jinU-|Go<jEe<!,,.-aucl-Sar».iogaT-axkiiipylug-15 days; round-trip raw , t l® .

Each tour w ill bo ln nhargo of anei of the company’s tourlet. ngente, assisted * by an experienced lady os chaperon, whose special charge w ill be unescorted ladles.

.The ra te covers ra ilw ay and boat fare for ■the'entire round trip, parlor-car Boats,... -jjjjjig-far charge-., and carriage hire

For detailed itinerary, tickets, of A n y ad­d itional information, address tourist pgent, Pennsylvania Ra ilroad company, USX! Broadway, New Y ork ; 8® Fu lton street, Brooklyn; 780 Broad street,_New«rk, N . J,; or George W . Boyd, assistant general pas­senger at it, Broad Btreet statioo,^ Ph ila ­delphia __ T h a lawhoidgtiQth.-makiraadkiirai'Iator- ot a counterfeit equally gu ilty . i i

to pmke a littlo larcar prollt, Y oaoannot trust h im . DoW ltt's Is jth e ou ly gaauloo and orig inal W itch H e :v ! Salve, a well* known curo for piles and a ll skin diseases. Sea tdtlt your deals, gives you DeW ltt's Halve. W . R . Ham , 107 M a la street.

New Carrier and Extended Route on W es t S ide.

M O R E D E L IV E R IE S li N C ITYA dditional Man to Work A ll Year—Mnke- ' up Qf th e New Routes—Rouses Should

He Numbered—Loch Arboilr Profits by Cbango—Business Men W ill A ppreci­ate Im proved Service.

T hrough tho efforts of Postm aster John Hubbard additional territory on fcho W est Sldo is to bo included in tho froo m all do- llyory, his application fqr an additional carrier tho yoar round having boon grant­ed. • . . ' •••■ . .

The now man w ill bogln w ork th is m orn­ing in the territory w est of tho railroad Included in tho service.

Lester M iller, at prosont first substitute, w ill l)o ladvanced to a regular carrlor. Jam es Y. Leech Ijiis boon appointed a sub­stitu te fo r su iiin i^ fien ic e . t o f l l l . , ,tho... ya-r wm cy caiised by M iller’s prom otion/

Undqr fcho old condition of Ejffalrs Car*

Under tho old schedule cortaln portions of fcho territory designated above woro con­sidered outside of th e delivery d istrict nnd m all w as not delivered. Thc territory hns now boon|oxfc&ndcd and It is, tho aim of Postm aster Hubbard to dollvor a ll m all topersons who reside w ith in fcho llm lts nbovo montloncd. R esidents of tho W ost Sldo can assist In this work by seeing that their houKcsurepraporljr-nuTiTlJuredr-

In m ak ing up the now schedule fcho Idea hns been to give the business section tho preference. South Main strcot, Spring- wood and Corllos. avenues, w ill b e ‘greatly bon cf I ted by tho chVnfte. Peoplo who have lieen gettin g oqe delivery a day w ill now get two; nnd thoso who have been /re­ceiv ing their m all tw ice a day in’th e busl- h o ssp o tio n .wjll Tecoivo -three - dol 1 verlos.- B usiness m en 011 Springwood, instead, of gottlng their m orning m ail a t noon, w ill rocelvd it early In th e. morn ing,,as w ill plso the residents of Loch A rbour anil In- torlnkon.

The IncrwisLHl service w ill doubtloss bo welcom ed b y , tho peoplo and especially those who Iiqvo nover had thoir m ail deliv­ered before. ” '

to Largo AudionceR,■Rev. Dr. L ym an J . A bbott addressed

large audiences a t the beach auditorium yesterday. So great J s tho fam e of this gif toil preacher th at clerics and _ laym en cam e b y trolloy from Red Bunk, Long -B ranoh-nnd-tho-onvironlng—to w n s-a n d wero prosonfc in largo numbers nt both servicos.»

“C hristianity a Life Through Christ” w as. Dr. A b b ott’s njornlng subject, his text bolng taken from the tenth chapter bf John, tenth verso: “I am come that th ey lh 1 ghfc“ H aW l If o^ijdtK a fc~ thbyTm 1 gh fc'havo ifc moro abundantly.”

Dr. Abbofct’s exposition of tho tdxfc was -masterlyT—H o-show ed—ho>v-chrl8blanity


Mrs. Em m a K. Sargeant A lleged to Havo Pasueri W orthless Cheeks—New York

Indictm ent Against Her.Mrs. Em m a I C . Sargeant, w ho resides

w ith hor husband nt 150(5 A sbury avonuo, w as arrested w hile on her way from the beach last night, bv Glfcv D etective Haru-ham -and—Doteofclvo—Arfchur-Cary-of tho Now York eonfcnil office, oii a charge of grand hvrcony for which an indictm ent wns found against her in Now York. Mrs, Sargeant, accompanied by, hor liusbam h wqs taken Ixjforo Jusfcleo B onlen and' held in $503 ball, which up to a kite hour sho had failed to secure..-!

Before tho arrest wtfTmndo tho w om an wtis positively identified by u party from Orango w ho w as brought here by D etec­tive Cary for that purpose. -It is claimedthat Mrs. Sargeant passed worth lesschecks. T h a specific am ount involved in fche charge against her w as $35.

U nless ball Is secured sho w ill bo hold for requisition by the N ow Y ork authori­ties; ■ •• -.....

I ’arluqd Banjo Recital.A lfrod A . FaHtind t rthq ban joist,

g ives a* rec it iiF ln tjro Colem an House ctislno tom orrow evening. This is quothorof those jnusical-fcatH^vhich^MrrConover priviilos for the patrons of tho Coleman IIouso and tho m any others .who find their am usem ent thoro. Mr, Favlund porhap^ m ore,than any ofchor artist of his fclmo has taught fcho public that tho banjo la eapablo of splendid rcsuits. H o. makos tho banjo olk /h oji in thb/bld fnshlonod w ay that the"

m instrel tloos, bufc In rondering olasslcal, popular and .tuneful m u sic w ith dqualcase. This w ill bo his only rocItal here this soason. T lokets aro on sa lo -a t the Coloinan Houso office. >

Penim ore Card Party Benefit Tho progress!vo ouehro party glyon at

t h o

oflfcFoujmoro FrItlny o v e U in g f0 r tlio bon- of tho Now Jm/soy Homo for Homoless

children .cloaraI_$13.U0,„whlch=has -been sent to the homo

A fter many Intricate experiments, scien­tists have discovered methods for obtaining all the natural dlgestarits. These have been combined in tho proportion found Ip -tho-hum au -hody—ancl united with -BUb-, stances that build up the digestive organs, m aking a compdund .called Kodol Dyspepsia -eurK--It*dtgestff-whatryoir-eatrnnd-allowff all dyspeptics to eat plenty of nourishing food while the stomach troubles are being radically oured by the medicinal agents It contains. I t Is pleasant to toko and w ill give qulok relief. W. ft. Ham, 107 Main street. »


Tires Oqt. u .Jnstlee nml Two Officers mill Park Hail's N ight Wntehnutu Han

to H elp Lock Him Up.Miko Boardon—Coachman Mlkorrwhose

ex p lo its 'w ith a ane-horse carriage have m ade him a . fam iliar figure In Asbury Park, Is resting Ills weary bones In a Park H all coll lifter a battle royal w ith Police Justice B on len and a' fu ll platoon o f po­lice th a t w ill go d ow n ' In history along w ith Spioil Kop.

Reardon's jag first assum ed alarm ing proportions a t the H otel Lafayette last night, w here he wns called by tw o ladles w ho desired tha services o f a hackm an. R eardon's Boisterous hum or rather alarm ed tho ladles, who refused positively to ride w ith him .

Mlko'a w rath w as terrible and sw ift. I t ongulfw l tho bell boy who delivered the ultim atum , descended on the head of a rival hnoknlan and threatened to tear up the w hole block in one grand cyclonic swebp. ' Messengers were despatched for a policem an and OiTicpr H ullek responded w ith a degree of alacrity th at proved Ills devotion to duty. Mike and the carriage wore brought before Justice Borden at the Fourth avonue pavilion.

“Y ou m u st appear before m e a t llo ’eloek tom orrow m orning, Mik’o," saUl the jus­tice sternly. . j /

“Faith , an' n o t ,'t il 10 o ’clock, Judge,” said Mike.

“A bird in hand is worth tw o in tho bush: W c'ff go-iiow*, Mike," the judge re-, plldd. . .

T hus it was-tha!. Rean!ou lirst dlsclosed his w onderful fighting powers. Ho fought Officer H ulick and he fought Justice'Bor- (lon. The journoy dow n. Ocoaii avenue wns a lurid ono, w ith Mlko ns the central figure. On L ake avenue Officer P ittengcr wns called to tho carriage, not a w hit too soon, os Officor H u llek w as dead tired w ith the heat of battle. -ArHved at Park hall M ike inade a last desperate charge. I t required tho efforts o f both officers and the n ig h t w atehnvan. .to bring h im Into subjection. A t inst nceounts-Henrdonhnd calm ed down and w as Bleeping peacefully in h is coll.. ''


Dr. Lyman Abbott D elivers Two Masterly Discourses In Reach Auilitorluln

w as som ething that fduqil a resting place in tho heart of m a n ; how It/was often tram m el­ed by dry croods and argum ents—sholled In,.as4fc,.and made to seem like noth­ing for a time', and yet tho littlo germ once planted w ould .grow and fructify 'un­til finally th o1 sh ell w ould t burst and lifo w ould spring from tlie doml com ringS . So._ifc—-w a s-., w hen— Cath­olic Ikhi in the»m iddle ages hid tho precious life in bonds o f rigid dogm a and supcrstl-. tion. The Christ lifo- w as there'burning for freedom and froeilom came w ith tho Reform ation. Thon the form alism of the E nglish church formed another f^hell that sOemeil to convof tho Christ lifo, hut C rom w ell host^hurst the bonds and set the liv in g , waters bubbling once more. Thus P u rl tan Ism, oven in the hour of its trium ph, took on fche shell of pride M uUIjlgotry. y Fo UTTi’TSt l tte "SOShlTO stilled ugaln, bufc ^rofchodism raised its head nnd burst the cockol shell of Puri­tan Ism. T ru ly th e Christ life is peronnhd —It starts through the dead th ings In na­ture and hu nts w ith civilization ou tho broad plains of progress.

In fcho evening Dr. A bbott preached be­fore an innnonso audience 6n “Tho Buttle nf tho A ges,” th e greatm oyer.ending co»-flict between sin and-vlrtuo;— M any visit- Ing clorgyimm wero on tho platform.

O B ITU A R Y R E C O R DW illiam D. Gardner.,#

W illiam D. Gardner died ufc his sum m er homo in Ocean Grovo on Saturday....H e w as a prom inent PhUodelphUin, having boon president pro tom and treasuref of tlte Board of Charities and Corrections, and ^ w as also prosldenfc of th o - S ix th N ational bank of P h iladelphia.___

Hot .Curling Iron Causes Fire. , /T h e Uro alarm rang out yesterday inorn-

in g about 11 o’clock.' Thoro w as a quick rosponso, biit'tho recall tops followed Im­m ediately and stilled the general excite­m ent.. .Ifc appears that a hot curling iron ignited.’a blnzo in H cnnan L icbenthal’s residence-, Dond sfcreot and Second avqnuo;- I t w as put out by .Uio’ inm ates of tho house lioforo any dmnngo^viis dontt—

For Motions Before Judge Fort.Judge J. Franklin Fort, the new presid­

ing judge of tho M onmouth circuit, w ill be afc his chambers^ 772 Broad Street, New­ark, on Monday, A u g . B, 13 and 20, Satur­day, Sopfc/ 8,’ am i a ll subsequent.Saturdays, u n til further notice, for m otions. In case of need upon any ofchor day In A ugust than tho abovo dates ho can probably Newark up to A ug. 20./

(,Chinose and the Hoxera.*Tho above Is the tit le of I)r/ Lowrio’s

lecture tonight In tho Ocean Grove and: ltorhip}Ai_Ho has spent m any years in Chin re,-1 vr»T 1university afc P ok lii. Ho 'roturnod to America spvoral.inpnths ugo to attend the dbiiortirconferbnco/in Chicago.

Military Euchre is tlie Now Game.I*'. Dextor Swanoy of Brooklyn, who lm

troiUiccd Ida now gam o of" m ilitary ojichro afc the Coleman Houso last Thursday and afc-B elm ar-on-Friday witli-suohsuoooBa;- Yvill give »ifc for C. H . Rlvors, jr. a t thc

lug to join aro’ invited to do so boforo Tuesday noon. ' 1 v . .. j

One’Mlnute Cough Cure is tho.only harm/ .................................... Maless remedy that produces immediate rffT ",

Bults. Try It. W . R. Ham, 167 Main street:





He had Six Three-Burner Blue Flame Oil Stoves, Worth Ten Dollars

and Fifty Cents Each.

Tuttle bought them. If you will come to Tuttle’s-today or tonight Tuttle

will sell them to you for .Fiye Dollars apiece.

W e w on’t^ sell them to dealers-—they’re for you. Remember they.

are Three Burners.


Held-Under—$ fcOOO-byM agist rate at Ocean City.

EASILY S E C U R E D B O N D S M E N'JJUnlHterH Declaro Tlielr R elief in fils In-

nocenco — Miss Somers Is Grief Stricken Over the; Clergyman’s Fall, B ut W ill ProHecuto tho Cuhc—E xpresses Sympa­thy for l i i rt F am ily / <

. The arrest af Occ^an City on Saturday of Rev. Honry M. W hnrton, D.D.-, the noted evangelist,, for alleged cnibezzlom cnt and obtaining property under false pretences, caused no little nxclfcemenfc in Ocoan Grove and Asbury Park, whore tlio ac­cused clergym an is w ell known. ”

Constable H nm m ell, who served the warrant, returned homo yesterday; Ifc is said the m inisters in -Ocean City Hocked around Dr. W harton and asserted /th e!r belief in his innocence. They helped him to secure bail and expressed their sym pa­thy and d o v o t io h in ovory possible way. Tlmt Dr. W harton should l>o held in only $17000Jktirby/fcliS^Occan City “inagistriitocaused some criticism from tho parties di- rocfcly interested. _ .

M iss Clara M. Somors, from whom Dr. W harton obtained tho proi)erfcy” in W est Grovo a s ‘a homo for orphan children, and on which he raised $13.000. is grief strickenover the c lergym an’s fall, although sho is fu lly determined to curry on th c ; prosecu­tion. . . . ■»

W hen scon a t hei* house yestertlay M iss Somers wild: “ 1 trusted Dr. W harton Im­plicitly and over a year ago 1 wrote and told him that it w as his duty as a man and a m inister of the gospel to rectify fcho wrong1 ho did mo. He paid 110 attention to m y letters. 1 havo tho greatest sym pa­thy for h is fam ily, but the nmt'ter has nbw gone beyond my control. The notoriety of the ease ls"also source o f great trbuidc to me. I hesitated a long tim e on th is .ac­count hefore putting the.casc iu the hands ■of a law yer.”

Ifc was ascertained last n igh t that Mr. and Mrs. Andreas, who. were engaged by Dr. W hnrton to take charge of the W est Grove homo, had received little or noth­ing for their services, although they* had been promised a salary.

Lawyor Carton bolleves Dr. W harton's ■lyull hhouhUiiLYo b s m fl.xir), n t i ia im

TImrn" i■; nnnsltlomblH sniictllntionT h e r c J i s c n n s l i lo m b lu s i i r e u l n t lo n i ts to h o w D r . W lm r to n o x p e n tle ii t l iu m o n e y h o Is a l lo g w l t o liiLVOObtiUnoil o i l th o p r o p o r ty . I i o I s n m an * o f s im p le h a b i t s a m i li is m o r a l l i f e h a s i ie v o r b e e n q u e s t io n o i l .

A fter his release 011 Saturday Dr. W har­ton w as taken In charge by liis clorlcal friends In Ocean City Ho w as billed to speaic in tlio Ocean City auditorium yes- turday. *

I t has been demonstrated by experience that consumption aau be prevented by the early use of One Minute Cough Cure. Th ig Is the favorite remedy rot' coughs, colds, croup, asthma, grippe arid a il throat and lung troubles.. Cures quickly. W . R. Ham , 11)7 Malu street.

The manager of one of the most successful furniture houses in ,; Greater New York was asked to what one thing, in. his opinion, the success of the'concern was most due. He replied:

p 4‘The foumler of rthe’ firnr^vaa a gTeaU believer in advertising, and to this fact

■- may-be- ascribed- thezenornipus/business I we are handling.”

... There is no business, however * smailrthat cannot be increased by judicious, systeniatic, per-

* sistent advertising. The giant ak-does not gain/ts* strength in a day.- Magnificent buildings

rare-not-reared-all-at-once,-nor-, : can their strength and beauty be I appreciated until ' the finishing touches are.puton.

Is your Business satisfactory?‘ A ro ur,4i-malrincr..lripaViwQ\.y... A rp

you using to the best advantage ■ the greatest of, all .business lev­ers—-advertising? » If you are satisfied that you are, well and good; if riot, drop in and talk « ft over with us.Wehav«AdvtxtHngBp»ce'

"to sell,* asdsdv«tising-i*jupartofcom-bU8i!iei Ferhapa we can hdp you.

I h • %»t f

Sellable Furniture.

For the next few days we will offer you special • bargains in - ' /• : - ...... - MATTINGS ‘ ~—Chinese and Japanese. Fine selections of patterns and colorings. .

, ODD CHAIRSScattered all over the first floor and marked with

• I^ED TICKETS so you can spot them at once.

SIDEBOARDS. One or two, beautiful in design and finish.


All kinds—marked way down to close out.AND / / / ... ' 'V : /

Our usual choice stock of China,Cut Glass, Bric-a-brac, Statuary,, etc.


Grand and Cookman Avenues, A sbnrj Park, K .J .

? N O T I C E . . . . ., New Shuffleboard, Billiard and Pool Parlor now open]

■H -H -H -H -I-i-I-l-M-I-M-H -H -I-H -t-H -H -H -H -l-M-I-H -l-M -H -M-M-i-M'f*

' ' : COOPER HALL, Cor. Asbuty and Cookman Aves.6 Shuffleboards, 17 Pool and Billiard Tables and 2 ■ • Cue Bowling Alleys.' Something new M R., LA- 9 VEIGENE will give special attention to teaching ladies how to play Billiards and Shuffleboard. Tables teserved \ 1 for ladies. Without exception this is the finest amuse- \; ment hall along the. coast. Open day and evenings.

l a v e i g e n e . ?

tim e u t ) c $PENNSYLVANIA MILROADT h e S t a n d a r d R a ilr o a d o f A m e r ic a

On and after June 30.1900. TRAINS L'EjIV K ASDURY PAItK— WlCEK DAVS,

’2rJ?e2'r.,y?.rJl (Mondays only),7 20,7 48,820, 920 ft m, 120,2 35, 3 35, 5 35 anti » 20pm. •

For Elizabeth, 7 43, 9 20 am , 120, 2 35; 3 35 5 35 . and 9 ■For Rahway, 9 20 a m, 1 20. 5 35 and 9 20 p m.For Matawan, 9 20 a m, 120,2 35, 535 and 9 20 pFor Long Branch, 030. 0 85 (Mondays only), 7 20.

n 7 43. *8 20, 0 2Q. 10 23, 10 55. fl l 45 (al ra, 120, 1 20,2 35, 3 35, 4 07. 5 21, 5 35; 5 42, 0 10, 0 23, 7 10,8 Oi (Saturdays onlv) and 9 20 p m.

For Red Bank, 7 20,7 43, 9 20 a m, 1 20, 2 35, 335, 6 35 and 9 20 p m. - > • •'For P}ilIadelpblo, Broad Bfc. ana Trenton, 6 25, ' 7 25, 7 52,9 07 a m, 12 48,3 57 and 5 22 p m.For Camden, via Trenton and Borden town, 725,

9 07 a m. 12 48 nnd 3 57 p BilFor Camden and-Philadelphia, via Toma River, 6 52 and 11 13 a m, 2 25,5 15 p^n.

For Toms River, Island Heights and intermediate statlonB.U52 and 11 13 a m.2255 15 and 6 02 pra.

For Polrt : Pleasant and Intermediate etations. 0 00, 0 52, 10 56,11 13 a m. 2 25, 2 58 (Saturdays onlyl, 4 22. 4 50. 5 10, 5 15, 0 02, 6 45 and 0 00 p ni.

For New Brunswick, via Monmouth Junction, 6 25,7 52 and-9 07 a m, 12 48,3 57-and 5 22 p nuTRAINS LEAVE NEW.YORK FOR A8PURY PARK.

rom West Twenty-third Street Station, 8 55,a m, '-•"1210;nO (Hatu rdayBnSlfly). 2 25/2 55, 3 25/ 4 10,

4 55 nnd 6 55 p m. Sundays, 7 5o and 9-25 a m, and 4 55 p m. __ 1 _ ■____

Trom Deshrosies-StreerSfcatlon at3110t OWarn, 1220, 1 10 (Saturdays only). 2 30, 8 10, 3 40, 4 20.5 10 and 700 p m. Sundays, 8 15, 9 45 a m and 615 p tn. '

From Cortlandt Street 8tatIon, at 3 30. 9 00 a -m, 12 20,120 (Saturdays only), 2 30. 3 10, 3 40,4.20, 5 10 and 7 tO p nu Sundays 8 15, 9 45 a m, and 5 15 p m. On Sunday will stop at Interlaken nnd Avon In plac * of North Asbury Park and Asbury Park to let off passengers,Tn aims LEAvg-T-BiLAOgLPHiA-(Broad Bt>-gon——

ASBURY PARK,At 4 05, 0 50,8 22 U 44 a m. 2 42,3 30 and 4 08 p m,

week-dgys, 5 00 p m (SaturdayH^mlg)—sum. . days, stop at Interlaken for Asbury Park, 4 05

and 8 30 a in. Market Street Wharf, via Cam­den and Trenton, 6 IO4 7 10,10 30 a m, 2 30 and

^,3 30 p m woek-days. 4 30 (Saturdays only). Leave Market Street Wharf, via Jamesburg, 7 10 a m/ 4 00 p ra week-daya.


(*or liaitimore and Washington,10 20, 11 23,11.3:4 a m. 1230 limited (Dining Car), 1.13 (Dining Car), 3 13.4 41 (525 Congressional Umlted.(Dlnjng Cat),605. 6 20.6 55_(Dfolng Car), 7 31 (Dining Car) n m, and 12 20 night week­days. Sundays, 3 50.7 20. 9 12.1123,1133 a ni. 113 (Dining Car), 8 13,-4 41(5 20 Congressional Limited, Dining Car), 0 05 0 55 (Dining Car),'

* 7 31 (Dining Car) p m, and 12 20 night.Time tables of*all other trains of the aystem

may be obtained at the ticket ofilcea or stations, J. R. WOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt. '

Jt.PcHUTCHINBON,-Qen^Mjmager. ’ .....

J o h n N . B u r t i sUNDERTAKER

70S Mattison Avonue: CoS'..-? aud Burial Caatat* on band or tnriiUiiad to order.

One ta le sCENTRAL R. R, OF NEW JERSEYAnthracite Coal Used >ExciasiTClj, In su r­

ing; Cleanliness and Comfort /-TlmetaW0-tirbffeotn2.C-noon June 30,1000.

For New York via Sandy Hook route, 6 47,7 0 .7 60, 9 30; 10 te a m , 1202, 152, 262, 514 pmSundays from Interlaken Station, 955 a m 108,512,7 55 pm.

TRAINS LEAVE ABBURY PARS.For New York , Newark and E lizabe th v ia a l l r a iluiA, iionoiA nuu cjiwuolu vioau mil __

route, (0 10 Mondays only), 6 17, 700, (7 28 New .York only), (7 33 except N«w York) 8 00, 10 60 •'v. i-a m , 12 02, 2 1 0 , 4 0 0 ^ 0 5 p m . S u n d a y s f ro m Interlaken station, 7 37 a m, 4 18,8 05 p m. J

For Philadelphia and Trenton via Elizabethport, -------- 1, 12 02,617, (7 00 except Trenton) 8 00,10 50 a m , ,2 10, 4 00' pm . Sun day h from Interlaken sta­tion, 737 a m, 418 p m.

Por Baltimore and Washington, 7 00, 6 00. 10 60 a m, 12 02,4 00 p m. 8undays from Interlak a station, 7 37 a m, 4 16 pjm. _

For Eaaton, Bethlehem, ‘AlIentow«* naU Mahnh- - Chunk, 6 17, 8 00, (10 60 to Boston), a ra, 12 02,2 10, (4 00 to Easton), p m. Sundays from In­terlaken station, 418 pm . 1 •

For Wilkes barre and Scranton^ 00 a m, 12 02 p rh. ForBuffalo and Chicago-via ft W. U. tt..8 00,10 50 am, 400 p m.

J.H . OLHAUSEN, QenM Hupfc.H. T Baldwin, Gen. pasa Agt



UtianllG Giasl ElBGtrlo B. i i iVia P L E A S U R E BAY

TIME TABLE, JULY 5(Subject to chaugej. •

• LEAVE PLEASURE BAY"'** , _ ‘ MWcsb itaya,. . . j a r # , m , 9.1ft 4.tft 8.10 p.m .


Foot W est 18th at. 8,00, 9.00,'*11.00 a . w .t . •';».9.40 p. m. . : ....-•

Battery Park 8.40,9.80, * ll,3aa , a , , 8.10p.m .•On Saturdays only 11,00 o'clock l» a t

leava# W eat 18th at, 12.45 and Battery P a r i 'IJS p; m . ttstead o f 11.80 a. m . . ,-m

S U N D A Y B .Leave PleaaarcL Bay, 4.80. 4 45, 5.00 i>. m . ip F ■ ■ *— n .- y . , - r o o t /w . i 8th at., aao, 8.40, - i me n n m in # m , .■ ,v’,‘Sr3.0010 40 ts, 23.Les«» Battery Park; 8.60, 9,10, 9.89, 11.16

••• f-1'3

Take car which leaven AsbnryPark not late* : than 6.80 a. m. for7.2d a. ra. boat. For afternoon » '.m boats, take carnot later than 1.10 for 2.10 boat; ’8.10 fo r 4.10 boat; 4.10 for 5.10 boat, -B u nd ay i vV?| 8.80,3.40,4 00 p m . • ’

BAggasaoarrlad frea w ith p a n a ng o n .

I •

' A S B U R Y P A R K - D A I L Y U R E S S , M O N D A Y , A U G U S T G, 1900. u :-- -■________ __;_u____________ a___ :• __i_____ i i . _- - -- •______ . -..__1__ ’ :•

- I t i t h e R u s h : ; . ;-:O f M i d - S u m m e r T r a f f i c i t i s d i f f i c u l t t o s p e a k t h r o u g h

a d v e r t i s e m e n t s o f a l l t h e g o o d t h i n g s o u r v a r i o u s d e p a r t ­

m e n t s o f f e r . M a n y t h i n g s n o w m u s t o f n e c e s s i t y b e c l o s e d

o u t q u i c k l y . .

“ S h i r t W a i s t sF o r , i n s t a n c e w i l l f r o m n o w ' o n - h a v e a “ C L O S I N G

O U T ” p r i c e o n e a c h w h i c h w i l l b e o f i n t e r e s t t o a l l .

M u s t g o t o m a k e r o o m f o r e a r l y a u t u m n p u r c h a s e s ,

a n d p r i c e s a r e p r u n e d t o c o s t , . —

Bathing1 Y o u w i l l i in d o n s e c o n d i i o o r t o l i t a ll, s i z e s a n d s u i t

a l l i h i n d s , . T h i s i s o n e o f o u r s p e c i a l t i e s , a n d w e ' a l l o w n o

o n e t o u n d e r s e l l u s . T h e r e . a r e S P E C I A L V A L U E S t o

b e h a d f r o m n o w o n . ' 1 • ,

S u p p o s e y o u l o o k t h r o u g h o u r

A n d s e e h o w , c h e a p l y a n d c o m p l e t e l y y o u c a n b e

f i t t e d o u t ; •

H a s i ' t l s j b ^ e n . p l a c e d in s t o c k , a n t i c i p a t i n g o u r h e a v y

s a l e s f o r t h e s e i n d i s p e n s a b l e s . N o t h i n g f o r t h e t r a v e l e r in

t h e w a y o f T r u n k ; B a g , G r i p o r S t r a p s b u t w e h a v e n ' t .

B o u g h t r i g h t a n d s e l i n g ,to i n t e r e s t y o u . .

D e la y e d l?y DHUeuUli*« u f D ln cm - b n r k n tlo n , G en e r a l Clin He*? D id Not S turt AVitU th e D ost—G en era l Yarnu- e liu e h l In C om m and. : -

.. London^, Aug. 0.—The American! and British force's began the advance to P e ­king on . lnst Thursday, according to n dispatch da ted on Aug. 2 from Tien-tsin to The D aily Express. .

T he correspondent says: *'“T he other foreign troops arc now half

w ay to jLufa.: The force.' Includes 20,(100 Japanese under (.U’iicral Yniiuiehiiehi and 10,000 Rtissimis. Tin* Britisit force totals 0 ,0 0 0 , aiul the other foreigu troops tire 7,000. W e are weak in artillery ..

“Oil Aug. 1 n strong* force of ChincBC froin tlie native city attacked Tien-tsiu.. B y n series o f brilliant charges*onr. tm ops drove the enemy from their positions. T h e native c ity ' i s 1 still defiant, and the allies’ are nn willing ’ to • march troops through the streets; a s t^im .would liienn an irimionse slaughter. W hen the Chi­nese saw so; large a body of-.troops m arch­ing westw ard, they apparently believed they would have an easy victory over those who were left." ' '

A m essage to the sam e paper fiom a. correspondent in 1‘ekiug, dated-July 22, says:. . . .

The women have bqrao nll the horrors -W-i t U-inar.v.el uuaTfo.i'.titi^e:-.andIeA*(ni with., cheerfulness. T he Chinese wanted peace AvUeirthcntrsc mrlsm tr^Ti emt sin-w ere-ca p— tu m l, and the negotiations bade fair to be successfu l. U nfortunately Id Plug I leu s , and Ivang Yu (?) sirrivcil here- at th e critical moment and overthrew the peace party,. * ’ *

“Foud bus beeu short, but not terribly so, though w e have had tp be very cure-ful." ' • ’f • • V • *

A Shanghai special, dated Aug. 4, says: "The first overt attack npou foreigners

occurred this morning. Three Chinese, supposed to he soldiers in disguise, .fired ut a well known English resident while he w as lying asleep ou the veranda of his house. l i e had a narrow escape. ..

“From various sources- come state- m eats tlm;; a lafge body o f Boxers, eoini* cAtiniatiug, Ahem nfr, Jl.iMlM, is . gathering south of Tien-tsin,.uml tluvr.fem ing com- niuuieutions.” A

A Tien-tsin dispatch, dated Aug. 1, to Berlin gives a report of an imperial edict issued J uly 27 ordering ihe reeapti\ry .of Taku had Tien-tsin hy troops from Shangtung and the south;

Detailed accounts of ihe roeonnois-' sance of July ill) say that the enem y’s guns that were attacked near Pejtsnng were? only the advjahml post, aiid. Peit- sang, it is believed, can only be-captum l Iffler a lmr’d “struggle." General Gaseleo and ’ his staff accompanied .the recon- nqissanee, but no British troops were engijfeed. .■ / S e y in o u rV V is it to N a n k in ,

The. D aily M ail publishes this dispatch, dated Sunday, ; from its special corre-

"spnndenPat Shanghai:“Admiral Seymour lias returned from

Nankin, where he bus had nn important, interview with tho viceroy. T lie nd-

D a i l y P r e s s

S p e c i a l :.r:; u''V:-: A d v e r t i s e m e n t s

B ring- Q u i c k R e s o r t s

If Y ou nre N o t A lr e a d y U sin g Our

Java- and f fe s -

Spcc ia l B lend r io cha:

Por Hotels, Restaurants ’and Hoarding Houses you should try somo.

Only 25 Cents per Pound.A C o o d J a v a a n d M a r lc a b o fo r HOc

p e r lb . A G ood C o f f e e fo r 1 5 c .

40 years’ oxpoiieneo enables us to offer to our customers an article tlm t will give sa t­isfaction. . . '


THE EXCELSIOR L l i l i‘ ( S N O W F L A K E .)— H aR -m ovod-ttM nalM lto-fm m su! Look

man nvomie to 021 Mattison uvenuit—Koatnr Block. . '______ ,______

T * i i t T o n n g o S o l i c i t e d .


S t e i n b a c h C o m p a n y l i a t u r

a l l y i n s u r e s w i t h a l l t h e in s n r -

r in c n m e n In A s b u r y I ’rtrfr.

T h e y h a d a f ir e F r i d a y , J u n e

S . A s k t h e m w h o p a i d t h e i r

l o s s f i r s t . T h e y w i l l t e l l y o u

G I F F A R D . ' W e w r i t e i n s u r ­

a n c e - b e s t c o m p a n i e s , l o w e s t

r a t e s , a n d s e t t l e l o s s e s a t o n c e .

W H A M GIFFARD2 2 2 M a in S tr e e t


[Tolophonp 8fitb


c u r e p i l e s ’Ami Hit re c ta l d iso rd e rs o r m o n ey refu n d ed .1‘l .iw u n t. N o t o pbyarri. A rad ica l c u re . ■ Mk: u t Cllim. J . B la c k ,T . t t . S te w a rt , I .. O, OruneUe. o r o f K lt’a I ln u r 0 0 ., r i i l la . I ’a. r ie a s e t r y II.

D ayton . Yale

OrientS p a ld in g

Cleveland Wbltr

cues -Sag!; -GrownTribune Quaker Sterling



TkPSBNWBomo df tliowvL-peTsI om ftolllnp tills year.


Sir. iriind.-Vundnrvoer Is In charge of my wp/dr-sliom—Thin iiifmres.jirompt-faniltr eq­uable repairing.i- g » « o n « .a iv e q ,n d .W iie r l, ta r t f r n t ln g j___

M . L , J F JB R JR JSC e n tr a l I la l l 714 M a t t l ia n A yana r

ALLIES BEGIN ADVANCE.T w e n t y - s i x T h o u s a n d T r o o p s

on th e M a rc h . * '


miraTs ; arrival in . Nuukin onused great excitem ent. Thousands gathered to see the admiral, an it w as currently reported that he had come to Nankin |o study the strategic points w ith rt view to m ilitary occupation. It required great cilre nnd tact on’ tho part of tho authorities to m aintain order.

vAdm iral Seymour dined with the vice^ royitw icc. Their conversation ’was most pleasant. ' Liu Ktiii Yi stated that the present troubles wejre wholly due to the Boxers and lmd caused the greatest re­gret' to the Chinese goverujnenb "The admiral answered thht he knew-, the ori­gin o f th e trouble, w as due to the B ox­er rising and that the occupation o f the Taku forts was meant to . suppress the Boxers and • was. not an net of war against the Chinese government. l i e had no intention of proceeding up the Yaug-tsp a m i. would return immcdintely

4o Shanghai.—1 Thc^TfrpiiTTr T'-.qmtmi’i Li s Inrrr taken 1 umbrage, at Admiral Seymour’s visit to Nankin. T hey express every .desire to afet in perfect accord with the. British and .are hot n little chagrined a t'• Sey­mour’s sudden dcpartnr.e and hisl failure to inform them o f his v isit and its ob­ject.”

A disp.nteh to The. Morning Post from Cliefu, dated July 30, says: •

“Tlio Kurisiuus. at Tien-tsin refuse to Tfllo w /the A ineficah?Tlo ..Tnit ut> - telei)lro'iKr wires' on the railroad poles, and they claim the railroad, which Knglish engi­neers are ready to work. The situation is critical. The rlvgr is.', full o f rail­road. slciepers. . Hundreds o f dead bodies of Chinese, som e decapitated, are Hunt­ing in the stream." V

. WORD FROM CONGER, .B ela ted MoKHnge llrlns'H Cliecrlnjr. News.

■ W ashington, Aug. 0 .—A belated mos- sa ge_from-M i nisi o r-Ch) n go r—wus_recelvciL yesterday at the state department. It came through 'Consul‘General Goodhow, at Shanghai, who transmitted m essages received /b y A Ir,.nagsdale , United States consul nt Tien-tsin, from Mr, Conger and Mr. Squicrs, secretary o f the. .United States legation at Peking. In ofTeet the advices-are ..tlie same as those receivedla. day or^tTvo"ag7TT)y*Tl7e/ItaTi' Tfepai*t^ment-fj’om Consul Fowler, at Chefu. Air. _GamlnMVjJiiessago was transmitted, to. President.M cK inley n.t Canton, and Mr. Adee, acting secretary of state, later in the. day issued the following • statem ent concerning i t ^ ". •“Consul General Gdndnow, in a cable­gram dated Shanghai, Aug. 5, wliieh was received a t tin* department o f sta te nt 4 o’e lu c lttb is < Sunday) morning, reportsthe reee?f)t by Consul Uagsdale at TTon- tsin o f m essages from Mj ni si tq; Conger -tvhd— t-y- of t in7Jegiu h u y-M i.Squiers, dated July 21, to the following effect: ■

‘l 4AIl well. No fighting^ since tlic BUh by agreement. Knougl^ provisions. IIopP* for speedy relief.’ ># ..* ■7 wMr. Goodnbw adds timt the director of poB.ts, S)H‘ng. had -on' tlio Hth conimtmi-dated to liiin jm iinptwlsil" 7d ic l, dateiij July JO, ordering Jung -Lu to provide, an escort for "the ministers t o T ie n -1 sin, wjien the m inisters fix the date. The edict suys the m in ivers can receive m essages not in cipher, hut nniwithstauding this plain m essages were returned to some .consuls on A Off* 4.": . '

.W hile the m essages from Minister C’on- .gdr-npd-^eereta.ry— St pliers • bear date of July 21 tlie belief fouudeil cot only upon

— ^ i ( t t r - p ) ( » t —p e o p le —Yvant e i s - e o m e t l d u g m ild a n d g e n t l e , w h e n in .l in e d o f a p h y s ic C h a m b Q rlu ln ’a H to n m o lin n d - J j I V o r T u h io tH fill th o b ill t o a dot.. T h e y a r o nhr.y to * t a k e a iid p l e a s a n t In ClToofc. F o r s a lo b y T l io m a s M . H fo v v a r t, c o r n e r C’oolcm i n a v e n u o a n d B o n d s t i e o t . * «r

the iii, but a}*o upon .collateral and latei iufoijnnl.ion, is that the legationers are yet. safe frpiii at feast immediate harm. •At present th ere .is no menus of knowing whether, the m in isters'w ill accept the of*

j te r ‘jot th e ' Chinese imperial government to provide u n , escort for them *'to T ien­tsin, bu t-it is surmised they will, prefer to remain w ithin the British legation at Peking, until, th e arrival o f 1 the allied forces. Should they leave for Tien-tsin in all prdiiaDility it.w ould he because they regarded it the safer course to pursue. It is thought to be hot unlikely tlm t the Chinese, governm ent may lie very insist­ent upon tlie departure o f tin* ministers in the tippe if .they can be got to Tien­tsin in sa fety ih e storniing o f Peking may be averted. , / .

C h i n a ' s ConoeiotlouN.

Paris, -Aug. (t.—Sheng, director general o f. railw ays and telegraphs, has ju st coin- mu nun led to the consuls at Shanghai, according to n* dispatch to tin* T em ps, dated A ug. 5, an imperial decree, dated Aug.; 2, I t authorizes tlie„ foreign min­isters in Peking to conpnutncate without restriction w ith their governments and orders their departure for '{.Men-tsi.n un­der a strong escort.. Tlie Shanghai cor­respondent o f . the T em ps/telegrap hing , yesterday, says: “ T he mimher of allies leaving Tien.rtsin is no belt er known here Ui a ii m e the f n e t a a s to the march it­self, liu t i t ia\ nnnoi’ed tliat the ad* vance giuird_ has been ,repulsed."........

iJellevoH t l ie l ie p ort.C ap e/M ay , N . J .; Aug. (i.—AIinistei

AVu U’ing F an g last night said that the dispatch, to the P aris Tem ps stating an imperial decree, w as issued under date ol jVug. 2 allow ing the'm inisters to Peking frec/coiriinAnicutioii with their- hoine

“ miUTiMFO^ay'prohiTbl.v-t rue ;m nH thc-rc- - su it'o f the^ J isters m ali.cou nfries asking through Li IImfg.;Ghang apd other viceroys for this’ privilege. l i e , however, had no oilieial news confirming the issuance o f the edict.

UR sales this Summer have been larger than ever before, but we still have a large stock • of Hot Weather Essentials in' stock, which we must .'get rid Of immediately, ih o^dfeF

to have room to properly display the new Fall Goods, which will begin to arrive in a week or, two. In order to move the Summer Goods rapidly, we Have ’ knifed the

Lp L!] alrhady low prices prevailing in every department, and will give our patrdns a : fortnight o£ sPec=ial selling such as they have never before witnessed. This phenomenal Mid- Summer Salh will begin today and continue until tire entire stock of Summer Goods is

■cl&med otit. - . '-■■ - .• •' ■.M id-Sum m er Sale o f S h ir t W aists

First on the list of good things selected fori the price slajighter are Ladies’ Shirt Waists. These garments are of modish -build, and range in pric^ 'from 19 cents to' $3.98

| At the following cut prices it will be advisable to buy now ftfr next Summer: '•3 SO dozen Colored and White Shirt Waists, was 69 cents, now 34II SO dozen White Pique.Shirt Waists, was $1.25, now 48 iU SO dozen Colored Dimities and Percales (Derby Brand), was $1 .0 0 , now 48. SO dozetTSample Waists, Fancy Dotted and Embroidered, rS0 cents on the $1.00U • ■ - : • ' ;■ 1 - ■ .| M id-S n ium er Sale o f B a th in g S u itss , Nearly three months of the bathing season remain; but we find ourselves overstocked jj. on Bathing Robes and other requisites for the bath, so we have buried the- knife to the hilt in a—iSYising.prices-ULlhis 'department. ” E v«y gyment Is pe?fect as ,to material^hd manufacture; 11—the^prices alohedDeing^tb-uS-^the-ohly defect,—We-fjuote revised pricing"bn1th'ese-garments

. A i g n n T a k e n Iiy RtiNHlnitfl, .

Pctcrwburg, Aug. B.—T |io Russian war* ollice has rcceirud n dispatch from. General Grodekotf, dated Aug; 5, announcing that Aigun had liccn taken by tlie R ussians after a stuhbnrn fight and th at the Chinese w ere*being pursued in the direction o f Tsitsifcar.

Men’s 2 piece Jersey Suits, $1.50, no\y .98 ,“ 2.25, “ $1.69

1.00, “ .751.69, “ 1.25 ’2,50, “ 1 . 9 8 *4.98, ’* 3.98

2Boys* 2 “ *

2 11 11Ladies* Mohair Suits,

it‘it*, jLI llnrifF'CIinH(5Not n Snlcltle.

Bliangliai, Aug. t5.-f»-Tho rcpor.t that TJ Hiqjg ( ’hnnq had eominijtMV suicide is without foundation. l i e is merely ih-n despondent ktate.


.74 id-Sum m er Sale o f la d ie s ’ S tii^sThe balance of our line of Ladies’ Ready-tailored Suite can be had'for~less than the

cost of the making at this remarkable sale. r All-the modish materials are represented-in the garments selected for hurried selling. Here are the new prices on the leaders:

Ladies’ .Blue and White.Polka Dot Skirts, $1.98, now $1.12 | “ “ - ' - r << '• 2.25, “ 1.39

SuA'crlnK F rom N ervou s E x h a u s t io n a t HI« Stttn n ier 11 o m e.

Lake Suuaiieo. N . II.. Aug. 0.—Colonel John Hay,, secretary, of state in Presi­dent M cK inley’s cabinet, is a very, sick man. H e i s ‘.at his count ry house, The Fells.- W ith* him are Mrs, I lay , the M isses IIe len *aml Alice Huy nnd Master' Clarence Hay-,

The secrotnjy arrived Saturday, hav­ing loft W ashington Friday afternoon. H e reached T h e F oils in tim e'for lunch­eon t uml passed the afternoon w ith tiie members o f h is fam ily, whom ho had not seen sincff they cam e liere, Junc-^lo. Feeling pommvimt-— indisposed,—Colonel- I la y retiredVrfrly. In the night he arous­ed Mrs. H n y;-say in g lie w as ill. She did w hat s h e 1 could, ami as he became nmrtr"dfstrC5S $ l she ducitied" a physician. : ‘

A t 7 o’clock .yesterday inorning a serv­ant loft' for AVest Springfield, IS miles awaj*, w’here Jhe. faniily physician. Dr. S; S. A dam s‘o f W ashington, is spending the summer; . ’• A

T he h ji^ cJ^ arvivod a,t 12 o’clock and rcniained-|j^|pfhTs: diatiuguished patient three ho\irs^“ i t ;.at)pears that- the secre­tary has bebn/w drkihg on ' h i»" surplus nerve energy fdr.several w eeks,past, and on arriving here the change to absolute relaxation.:.\Vn$ great thnt lie gave w ay. H e also’ contracted a bad cold on the way from W ashington, but pneumo­nia is not anticipated unless unforeseen complications arise. l i i s malady is un­doubtedly nervous exhaustion, brought on by his arduous labors in the Chinese crisis. A month’s rest is expected to effoct a complete cure. ' , ‘

:—— •G o l d J k r r r x t c i l .

Crash Skirts, White, P K Skirts, Black Lawn Suits,



a- M id-Sum m er Sale o f M en’s C lo th in gU •• Prices on -Ready-to-don Clothing for Men have been fixed fidiciously low for this sale.!t~There will be no reserve in this department, so bargain hunters are sure'to find what they | want, at prices low enough to induce them to buy for the future. Ponder over these 3 quotations: 1 ' .| Men’s Nobby Striped Flannel Suits, $8.98, now $6.98a , " “ ’ ’ 9.98, “ 7.48 'jj --------------- «< . “ « 8.48, 6.75----- —

Crash Suits,Fancy Wash Vests,



Boys’ Wash Suits,3.48,1 .0 0 ,1.50,2 . 0 0 ,

1 .0 0

i I

P r i c e K e d n c t i o i i n i n E v e r y D e p a r t m e n t f o r t h e M u l - S i u r f n i e r S p e c i a l S a lei^NO FAKE STOCK, BUT EVERY ARTICLE OFFERED AT SPECIAL j



M alone/.N . X-» Aug* U.— A gold brick swhidlqr who ,1ms been' operating uqder the immes o f Smith, Ogclunj ■-Pratt and. FJower is under arrest in the Franklin county jail u is place. About a month ago he .sw indled,a Musisn’ehusetts fai'hVPr nut o f 94,000 l)?v means of the bid game, l i e brbnght dn accomplices who, government assuyfu’s to te s t th e gold brick t.o, the apparent satisfaction of the victim y---^V-hett-Hn*~x-rTtntr-AV;is tirst,- letmv

/ THE PATERSON PLOT.T h e I ta lia n E m liariia'dor Say* l i e D e-

ItCVUH .IU It.W ashington, Aug., O.— Iluron F avn f th e

..Iinlinrt embassador. Ira s ' coriiim inlejiieilciij Si)i4ngfioid;'detecfivesj follbw‘ed_S!iIitlr to ^iontreal. l i e could extradited for this offense, but he in is soon* arrested there for dn attem pt made in,Canada for n sim ilar crime. H e w as allowed hail in tho sum o f 9 t»,0Q0 , hut a s no one would sign his: bond ho-deposited the money and disappeared. T h e ’ detectives followed him to Iloganijburg, where J ie w as ar­rested. * . .

F r lc n il of* B re se i Cnnprht.London. ; Aug. 0.—A di9pnteh to the

Central N ews from Rome says that Guis- -su nir-editor-of-the a narchistrpaper-Com^ battimno, hn^ been arrested a t ‘Genoa;: Several letters * froth- r a te r son, N. J., wore found in liis office, A man named D efuseo lias been arrested at Caserta, where he had ju st arrivid from A iugiiqu. I Ie has: conressed t hat: he w as .a ware o f B resci’s intention to kill Iving Ilumlm rt.

ex imcteiljtha t<L revolution Would follow #the assussnm- tion., H e possessed nu Am erican revolver nnil-impojdant-dqciiinenta—BresePa-hrotli- er has resigned his' commission in the army. Queem, Margl'“rita wil 1 eonvert the palace at MonV.a into a hospital.

Tl»e W in d w a r d O p in g N orth ,.St. J o lm / , N , l'\, Aug. T he Labra­

dor m a il steam er A'irginia Lake, which has arrived hero/reports tlm t t.he Peary

to—the—sta te—department— irtformntloh show ing that, he believes a lmnd of an­archists in Fntqrsoii, N., JJ conspired to iissassiqatq all the crowned lioads of Bu* rojie.,». j, . 1'„.v',7i>.. .,.

According to the governor of N ew Jer­sey, every effort is beiiig im ide by . the stqte police authorities to assist the*'de­tectives employed by the Italian officials to ascertain if such a band ex ists nnd ita memiiershrp'. The departm ent has conic to the conclusion that (when tlie investi- gjttimi is rouciuded it can do no more than urge' upon the state authorities thnt the-eonspiruldrs-be punished. - The fed- erril' gaveniiiicut has iiu authority to in­terfere with tlie state, and “ he governor must be ^ependod upon to see that the persons involved in the plot to kill King Humbert urc hedd to strict accountabil-

The iiKsnssinntion of K ing HumbertjlillLlillL J(tlitIUIiI.J.ltLtiliLl!f0-..Qj,. llU* S ‘»l>of I ’ej-shi in* Ihiris liave cffmed*Tm* lifnfii-

explormg .. steam er W indward passed through the strait o f Belle Isle'iflKt'Snn-_ dnv. hound north. - Site also-reports-that

Glion o f officials and diplomats here to thi*' n (l v i su b i 1 i t* — > f— m 1 o p t i ng“ ii n t gr not io n a 1- nieans for. ihe. suppression o f nnarclilsts. A fter the deatli of Pie.shjeitt Uarnot an internal ional eonferenee, fqr this purpose- w as called, but the XTniteil S tates w as not invited to partieipnte. • T he fill lure to. tender the invitation arose out o f tlu* belief ol' Europe that Aiueriedu iustitu-

4 iom L -juu l^A ,nw ‘i>if.-;ui. In w k -w u u U V h irohiliU-

innnense- fioes still block the northern coast of Labrador.' T his w ill seriously iiiipedo ^Yhiulwavii’a progress.; T he . mail steam er w as uhifhlo. to get beyond p q u h lo ’island, the line there befng im- passahle. Hundreds o f fishing schoon­ers were Riinllarly blocked. ;

this governm ent from ,subscribing to .the results o f s.ueh a eon ferenee. v.

in n , n fh e iu f ' HltM v rH te rday ’there w as nqthhfj? in our eonKiitu- tion which prevented the federal govern- mean or the sta tes from ’ suppressing crime. W hile the United S tates statutes do not’ mention under the head o f , con­spiracy a edmblnntioii of persons wlio

’ B a d F ir.** I n R n r lH ,J B an s, A ug. (>■—A fiie ut tlic^liemlnuar^ Jbis of UyT’UiVnYnie Cab eoinnany at St. Ouen destroyed all the cabs '"and ■ 15 liorseH. Ten- persons who, were us slat­ing the firemen jto imt' out the flames iv ere injured. Iltmdreds o f the * lioises are at large; Xt is not. believed thnt tlifi* lir e . w as of_ineL*iidiavy—origin-iui^ini-niijL way .connected w itu Hie m b str i’ie .

For burns, injuries, piles and skin dis eases uso DeW hPs Witch)* Hazel Kaivo. It Is tho original. Conn forfeits m ay lio offered.. Uso o uly Do Watt's. W. R . Ham, 107 Main street.^

congress has certainly the r ights he said, t o ’ emiet law s speeiljeally declaring _n combiibitiqii“ for~the- phrpuse jiidleiited:« conspiracy and pint 1.siiable to such extent as it m a y deem dqsiruljl^^ /rbe president could, according to tjus' ofiieial, seiid,;a

Irepresontative to participate In lin antl- •bnari’hwt -eonfercuiee . anil eoidd suhniU' the recommendations o f tbe conference To"?oiw:,cs5r t ffi,Ti|i|irornl; ~ -

11 is nppmrintcd in oilifinl rlnirR. how­ever, tlm t. the. neiitiiiH’iU|Q United

Hoad T he D aily U hess,

■States “ irinir(r~nfltirK<nilBtic—to- I’niwnod* iicnds. tlie- president would prolmlil.v not (leeirrit.expL'dlent to accept' an invitation to pnrfteipntc.'tu n oonrorenee or recom ticn d Its report to congress tor iacor porutluu into law . . . . _ . ,

BASEBALL SCORES.R e s u l t s o f Y e s t e r d a y ' s c m n c s I n t l i e

R i lT e r e u t I .e a t t u e s ,NATIONAL LEAOLTL

•At f'liirneo— ri?‘ ‘If. o.J1 0=-l_;3 2o o-s-. o b'Chi ca go..firookl) ii.. . . . -0 1 -li- (1- 0~-2_. 0

JlattiTk’S—Taylor autl Llianco; McGlimity anti jftGoire. •

At St. I.ouis— ti. II. E.St. Louis.... 2 • 1 .0 I 0 .0 ,0 0 " rio IS 1New York... 0 0 <> 0 0 1 0 0 0— 1 . 10 \

At Cincinnati— , r *. a. n. n.Cim’innati... 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 *— 0 0 0I’lttWnirg.,.. 0 1 , 0 0 ~U- 0 0 0 0— 1 fl 1

Butteries—Halm nnd Pcitz; I.ccvcrsmU Hcliriver. {jTAN'DIXG Oi’ THE CLUBS. ’

W. L. P.O. W. r.. P.C.BroDldyn... S9 29. JMfl • Host on -10 42 .4R.SPhiludt'l’a.. 45 07 .Si9 l-'iiifinnuti.. 09 40 .452l»itl!iIiurj5;r.“ 14,“ '4W“ fi2l~St~LouKTr30T*l* ' .450 ChicJRQ.., 41. 12. . 194 New Yurk'.. fti 43 ■ -.092: Aj!KitlCAN I.KACUi:• At. SHhi’.papolU'r.Mimirapolls, »; Cleveland, II.

At Xfil\va:iket-T-jnhv;uikc.v 5; Indianapolis, 1.At Kansas. City—Kuiimis City, :i- BiitTalo, 2.

, At Detroit—Detroit, 2; Chicago, 0,' BAStEUN LKAG UE.

At Roeliefiter—Itpoliest r, 4; Hartford, 7.. ^“-At* f^qieiwe—Hy rn oiisa, * 0 j~\Vor dv st er1.14‘,-nAB-J=s Jai, /At Montreal—Montreal, (h. Droyideiice, S.

A i in r c b t s t B l o t I n C lt lc a e r o ,Chicago, Aug. (>.—-Ail anurehist riot

occurred yesterduy afternoon a t the cor­ner o f T w elfth mid ilq lstead -streets, ip which 25 peopio were bruised in a strug­gle witli 45 policemen summoned to quell the disturbance. F ive porsdns wore ar- restcd, among them being Mrs.^/LueyILVULUi ' Ulllllll), L11V1M uv n,Pni’Kons, willow 111’ AIIkmI f it . 1’nraonn/ who wim cxc’cntcfi N o v .H , TH.S7, In Chl- cngo for ulding nml nliottlng llifi liumli tlirowin;^-;iu—th eH tiyn in rk f't-rio t,— Sho r> wim chnrgid w ith dl.Hordc'fly conduct, ob­structing the street nnd resisting ,iuv ofll- ccr. H er bn 11 w as fixed nt $1,100. Pm il Vnndree w as nlso nrrested, ehnrged .wlth dlstrihutlng ineendiury literature. Bull wus fixed nt, $2 ,0 0 0 . /

F i r e I n S e h e n c e f n i ly ./ Scheneetndy,. N . . ™ A u g . . G.—F ive hou ses'in K ruesl nveuue hhyo hecn de­stroyed by fire,, th e total. Iobb being about $15,000. T he-fire w-uk stnrtoil by spnrbs froijj-n piisfting locomotive, which set fire to n.hurn in'thb rent o f Anthony Bogns- ki’s snioon. Through the cfTorts of the flccuien-the llnmes were ennlineii to_tip; ldoekrln question .: D uring the fire nn imm ense gnn thnk exploded, but' fortu

slouf* John Schultz o f Mount Plcnsant, vvldlo ruunlng to the fife, wns sti uek. Iiy n lueomotive hear tip;' Mount I ’lensnfit bridge and received injuries from w lild; he died. ,

THE ALASKA BOUNDARY, jC o m m is s io n e r T t t m a n T a lk s A b o u t I t k e W o r k H e l i f t s D o n e .

Senttlc, Aug. 6 .—C, II. Tltmnn, United Stntea commissioner in tlie matter of in- teioHttioitftl-—twuiKlni-y—-hetwooa—-Aluskn,JiTUltQaiunlar^lnnrorriTod-from-thctuon^i— l ie ! aiul P y W . King, the British eoni: missioner, lmvo. been placing inomnnents in accordnnce witli th e 'agreem ent Touch­ed in tlio inndus vlvendi.

Titmnn..|Btatcs tlm t Glacier, Bowlder In n n l-o th cr creeks wliieli thu miners

eluini constituted n porton o f tlie Porcu­pine district arc now in British territory.

“ Porcupine river nnd nil o f its nfifhr- ents," said Mr. Titmnn, “are defined by the modus yivendil GIncler and Bowlder Itodit croeks-arS- on th e Canadian Bidn and w ilLbe so long as th em p d u s vivcndl line is ic'eognized, ’ ' .

“ It Is dilllcuit to tell; w hat constitutes . the Porcupine district. T he miners think it includes n grent m any creeks and riv­ers uot tributary to tlie Porcupine. I understand they claim Glacier, Bowlder Bock nnd othur stream s aro included ;in tlio so cnlled Porcupine section. I f tbut Is, a fact, tben much of tlm Porcupine eniftp' ltPa'on tlie B rltisli Bidei 'Certainly- ■ Glacier nnd Bowlder Book do. Glacier

Tuns nortKund south nnd pfncticnlly: par­allel with Porcupine.

“N o nm tter whore tlm line runs all claims staked in the disputed Porcupine territory prior ,to tlie tim e the modus vl- vendi took effect—Oct. 2U, 1809—will re­main intact In neeordnueew ith the teruis of the. modus vlvendi.” ., * : ! •

Bal»y E a t s 9 5 m i l s . .Cldbngo, Aug. (1,—Charles Kclinnkei ;)s

lii.e^ lsn h i. Q:ynh..n|,l lihy: h tfnswallowed two ?5 bills. Schtmkel ‘ had laid tho tw o hills on n bed w hile ho wns . making his toilet. T he KSIiy“ wBirplny- Ing bn the bed nnd seemed to. think the honey wns there for his personal use.

11b w a r e of, ointinoiitB for fJHtrtrrli 'riiat'

C o ntain Morcnryn s' nioroury w ill surely destroy thn aonsn'or" smell and eoniplotoly dernnge tho whole system when entering i); through tho mu- cou's surfneps. Suoli articles slmuld nover bb used except on prescrlptluns from repu­table ptiysIclanB, hr the dam age they do is ten fold to thp good you pan possibly d e­rive from thqm., Hpll's Catarrh lu ir / manufacf tired - h y -F .-J ,- ,C)|enoy;- ffe Co., - Toledo, O , cnntaliiB no meroury, and is taken internally, noting directly upon tlio blood and niuoaue surtnces of tho syatom. prhnyiilgT lftira_C(ltarrlrCurnh{rHnnrymr- got tho gonuhie. I t Is taken Internally and inado In:Toledo, .Ohio, by P. J. Chenoy & Co. .Testimonials froe. ,

Kohl .by DmgBlHts, prlen 7fio per bott’o.Hull's Family l'llls ore tho.Lest.

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